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I need a better AoP :( and I feel like giving up


Nov 4, 2017
Anyone have any ideas for a powerful and quick AoP? Ive been using the Algiz rune for a while and I need a new AoP idea. Im getting burnt out on using algiz I guess. I have these awful thoughts about Satan and the gods, and I cant handle that anymore. I don't know if its a psychic attack, or if its just my own mind fucking with me because to tell the truth im not really happy here and im not making any progress at my own development.

I also want to know how exactly do I use the Munka working to free myself? Ive tried it before for a few days then I just gave up on it because I felt like it wasn't doing anything for me. I stay in such an unhappy state that its impossible for me to feel any type of freedom and happiness from these type working. Ive been destroyed by my natal chart. Poverty, sexual deprivation, unpopularity. I cant escape the shit I go through. I just cant bring myself out of it all and im about to give up on this shit. I know my sacral chakra is probably damaged into oblivion. Im doing everything I can to open up my upper chakras so I can get to my sacral chakra and start working on it.
To tell the truth I fucking hate these long ass meditations and sitting still for long periods of time. But I do atleast work on my third eye a little every day by doing 40 reps on thaum, and I work on my Sixth and solar chakras too. I don't want to fill my day up with more than 4 different types of meditaions.

I feel like my lower chakras are badly damaged, should I start working on them to remove the bad karma and energy attached to them and scrap the sixth chakra working? Like I said, im a hot headed person and I just cant find the focus and peace to do more than like 4 different workings everyday.
Maybe I do need to worry about trying to fix the negative karma and all the nasty shit wrong with me before I start working on my astral senses and other things.

Ive worked on my upper chakras a lot before, but ive done next to nothing with my lower chakras, other than my solar plexus. I feel like a lot of bad things that happen to me in life is because of my sacral and base chakra being damaged. Maybe I will start working on them and cleaning them and hold off on working on my sixth chakra, but I will keep doing my third eye meditation. I do have sexual hangups and a lot of issues that have to do with finding a partner and sex itself. I have pretty bad tooth decay and I have bad skin rashes that are all over my hands and fingers. Since the Sacral and Base chakras and their planets rule these things, maybe itll be best if I start working on them regardless if my upper chakras are opened or not.

You guys here are like a family to me, I cant even love my own personal family as much as I love you guys here. But the problem is that I cant really get any response from the gods when I try to talk with them. I don't know if they can hear me or not. I don't really do any ritual or anything, i'll just be sitting in my bedroom and start talking to them. I only hope that one day they will show up either with a blatant sign or show up in my dreams. The feeling of loneliness in all of this is what effects me deeply and It makes it so hard to keep going in this.

So i'll start doing working on cleaning and strengthening my lower chakras, since I feel like they are the cause of most of my problems in life and I think I just now found that out while typing all of this. Maybe it was the gods giving me an idea, or maybe it wasn't. I'll see where it goes from here after I start cleaning and working on my base and sacral chakras.

But heres another question, should I use munka, Uruz, or Ansuz for this? Should I use munka and affirm "The energy of munka is removing all negative karma, bindings and energies from my chakras" Or if I use Uruz, should I say something like "The energy of the rune Uruz is freeing my chakras from all negative karma and energies" are both of these affirmations good and valid to use? Also should I say the affirmations 8 times or 9 times for this type of thing? Im guessing 9 right?

My internet may be getting shut off in like 2 days, so i'll get back to you guys when I can.
First of all be strong and be brave brother or sister you can over come anything. Start doing the sun mantra everyday along with algiz you don't have to do it the same amount every day. Suryae keep vibrating it you don't even have to count and then affirm "I am building a powerful aura of protection around me this aura protectcs me at all times and in every way" or something similar 9 times. You can do this for an hour if you want. Well also you can use the Jupiter spiritual square and affirm your Jupiter is permanently strengthened.

Trust me your ok. Smile and lighten up a little and let those heavy thoughts go. You can start Kundalini yoga if you like. Also work on your solar chakra. Ok I get it you probably have a lot of Saturn in your chart I was born right around the time most of the planets could end up in Capricorn but you will be ok even if you have Saturn in Aquarius and 7 planets in Capricorn (lol trust me I saw a chart where this happened) you will be ok you are not fully your natal chart. Now meditate and do the rtr several times a day.

Oh and you can paint or draw the thurizaz rune on hemitite I would do this right now most places have a rock store or spiritual place you can buy this. Vibrate the rune after painting it on the hemitite visualize the fire element use a candle if you like and then affirm it protects you now carry it around always and reempower it when needed.

Alright now my suggestion find a day when you have nothing else to do. Do the rtr like as many times as you can in the way that the Jos suggests until you feel the energy of the curses lifting off of your soul and then cleanse your aura and send that filthy energy back to the kikes. It could take 5 or more times. Just keep doing it that day.

Anyways good luck and btw if you dealt with trauma get to know your real emotions face the dark and let it wash over you and cleanse it out be the phenox rising from the ashes and be strong heal yourself wunjo helps.

Good luck.
There is nothing wrong with you. You're just being hysterical.
It's very logical to feel the pain and insanity in your soul when you're meditating on it. What you are feeling is very normal. What do you expect when you're cleaning bad energies that has accumulated in your soul? You should expect the bad energy to come to the surface, and the despair to feel real. It shows that your meditation is working. You should be happy, you're cleaning out.
At this time, you should work evenly on all the chakras. Clearing the blockages and cleaning them from head down.
Trust your gut and continue with the work on your soul. If your gut says you shouldn't do much then don't. Instead start with a low rep/count you can even out on all your chakras and increase it gradually until you get to the optimal rep you desire.
Don't affirm the difficulties you're going through, instead focus on your possibilities. They symptoms you're going through are the classical examples of cleaning the soul.
Stop the claims of being hot-headed, deprived and all that. Who doesn't get mad? Just work on your self, if the negativity won't stop then you can calm the hysteria with ISA rune, it doesn't take much rep. Having women as sexual partners isn't a big deal, the fear of approaching is an illusion once you clear your mind/soul. Work on your social skills, but have it in mind that nobody has this skill 100%. It can't be perfect at this level but it can be good.

Your meditation experience is teaching you how to take the dross from your soul. Once you know how, you can have sexual intimacy with the ones you like and still take their dross of your soul.
I will know you have joined me and others in the club of real Alpha males when you're posting your series of chivalry and romantic encounters on the group and encouraging others to do the same. It may happen soon, it may happen later but just keep at it.
You should probably empower your base chakra. Apart from everything else you may be doing, start doing a substantial number of vibrations into it on Saturdays during one of the hours of Saturn. Every Saturday.

It seems you think parts of your soul are somehow defect. Maybe you need to drop this idea and empower these instead so they feel better. Your feeling may be caused by atrophy. Check out the sermon "Meditational Truth Time" by HP Mageson.

For your AOP, do the one on the JoS website. Returning Curses - part 1 and 2. Both of them, everyday, using the SURYA.

Gold advice here (to be modest), you should take it ^
Kundalini yoga, then returning curses 1 and 2, then RTR.
Regarding those bad thoughts. It is actually quite simple. You are a dedicaded Satanist, you are a family member of Satans family, you have no fear of them, you love them and you are very thankful, you are probably doing the RTRs and you are working to become stronger.
These thoughts are just thoughts, you don‘t really mean what you think. Just ignore them and you will feel improvement. As you progress these thoughts will fade away. Especially when you find your guardian.
When you get upset about these thought while meditating or doing the RTR you are not efficiently doing them because your thoughts will cause negative emotions because you are upset with your thoughts, you may jump up, hit your head, bite ur arm and think stuff like „you ungreatful bastard! How can you think sonwthing like that!“, see while you are meditating/doing RTRs you are supposed to focus.

I am in a similar situation, but since I ignore them, because it is not really what I feel, it got better and better.

Idk wheter it is the enemy or not. But these thoughts come while meditating/doing RTRs and I got fucken upset, thus getting distracted. It might be the enemy because sometimes a thought says „this RTR doesnt do anything, you are making the hebrew letters stronger“ but I was like „nope I litterly just tore one of them in my mind in Thousands of pieces, I am pretty sure its dead“
Just ignore them and your situation will automatically improve
Ignisalas said:
Anyone have any ideas for a powerful and quick AoP? Ive been using the Algiz rune for a while and I need a new AoP idea. Im getting burnt out on using algiz I guess. I have these awful thoughts about Satan and the gods, and I cant handle that anymore. I don't know if its a psychic attack, or if its just my own mind fucking with me because to tell the truth im not really happy here and im not making any progress at my own development.

I also want to know how exactly do I use the Munka working to free myself? Ive tried it before for a few days then I just gave up on it because I felt like it wasn't doing anything for me. I stay in such an unhappy state that its impossible for me to feel any type of freedom and happiness from these type working. Ive been destroyed by my natal chart. Poverty, sexual deprivation, unpopularity. I cant escape the shit I go through. I just cant bring myself out of it all and im about to give up on this shit. I know my sacral chakra is probably damaged into oblivion. Im doing everything I can to open up my upper chakras so I can get to my sacral chakra and start working on it.
To tell the truth I fucking hate these long ass meditations and sitting still for long periods of time. But I do atleast work on my third eye a little every day by doing 40 reps on thaum, and I work on my Sixth and solar chakras too. I don't want to fill my day up with more than 4 different types of meditaions.

I feel like my lower chakras are badly damaged, should I start working on them to remove the bad karma and energy attached to them and scrap the sixth chakra working? Like I said, im a hot headed person and I just cant find the focus and peace to do more than like 4 different workings everyday.
Maybe I do need to worry about trying to fix the negative karma and all the nasty shit wrong with me before I start working on my astral senses and other things.

Ive worked on my upper chakras a lot before, but ive done next to nothing with my lower chakras, other than my solar plexus. I feel like a lot of bad things that happen to me in life is because of my sacral and base chakra being damaged. Maybe I will start working on them and cleaning them and hold off on working on my sixth chakra, but I will keep doing my third eye meditation. I do have sexual hangups and a lot of issues that have to do with finding a partner and sex itself. I have pretty bad tooth decay and I have bad skin rashes that are all over my hands and fingers. Since the Sacral and Base chakras and their planets rule these things, maybe itll be best if I start working on them regardless if my upper chakras are opened or not.

You guys here are like a family to me, I cant even love my own personal family as much as I love you guys here. But the problem is that I cant really get any response from the gods when I try to talk with them. I don't know if they can hear me or not. I don't really do any ritual or anything, i'll just be sitting in my bedroom and start talking to them. I only hope that one day they will show up either with a blatant sign or show up in my dreams. The feeling of loneliness in all of this is what effects me deeply and It makes it so hard to keep going in this.

So i'll start doing working on cleaning and strengthening my lower chakras, since I feel like they are the cause of most of my problems in life and I think I just now found that out while typing all of this. Maybe it was the gods giving me an idea, or maybe it wasn't. I'll see where it goes from here after I start cleaning and working on my base and sacral chakras.

But heres another question, should I use munka, Uruz, or Ansuz for this? Should I use munka and affirm "The energy of munka is removing all negative karma, bindings and energies from my chakras" Or if I use Uruz, should I say something like "The energy of the rune Uruz is freeing my chakras from all negative karma and energies" are both of these affirmations good and valid to use? Also should I say the affirmations 8 times or 9 times for this type of thing? Im guessing 9 right?

My internet may be getting shut off in like 2 days, so i'll get back to you guys when I can.

It takes 30-45 min, dosn´t have rune side effekts + empowers all chakras. (maybe your aura dosn´t get as big as normal 106 AUM AOP but you will feel your chakras are more empowered = short but more powerfull aura [my experience] )

This is a idear for a varation of the normal Advanced 108 AUM SURYAE AOP:

Start with vibrating 1x Satanas from the Base Chakra S , a Sacral, t Sun ... s Krown Chakra ->

Then one long AUM A(Hearth Chakra) U(Sun Chakra) M(Sixth Chakra)

Then Again start with Base Chakra vibrating AUM A Base, U Sacral, M Sun chakra -> vibrate 1x SURYAE SUUU-RR-YAH-YAY into sun chakra ->

again AUM but this time start from A Sacral chakra, U Sun Chakra , M Hearth Chakra -> vibrate 1x BUDHAAYA BUU-DD-HAH-AH-YAH into hearth chakra

again AUM but this time start from A Sun Chakra , U Hearth Chakra, M Throat Chakra -> vibrate -> 1x SHUKRAYA SHH-UUU-KKK-RR-AH-YAH into throath chakra

... AUM A Hearth Chakra, U Throat Chakra , M Sixth Chakra -> vibrate 1x CHANDRAMASE CH-AH-NN-D-RR-AH-MM-AHSAY into sixth chakra ->
... AUM A Throat Chakra, U Sixth Chakra, M Seventh Chakra -> vibrate 1x GURUAVE GG-UUU-RR-UUU- AH-VAY into seveth chakra ->
... AUM A Sixth Chakra, U Seventh Chakra, M Base Chakra-> vibrate 1x SHANISWARA SH-AH-NEE-SS-VAH-RR-AH into base chakra->
... AUM A Seventh Chakra , U Base Chakra, M • Sacral Chakra-> vibrate 1x BHAUMAYA BB-AHH-UUU-MM-AH-YAH into sacral chakra->

(After each vibration AUM Starts one Chakra up the M vibration Chakra is alway the one with the planetary mantra)

Each AUM + Planetary Mantra is One round, after 108 (should end at throat chakra)

again then one long AUM A(Hearth Chakra) U(Sun Chakra) M(Sixth Chakra)

And closing with Satanas (the Base Chakra S , a Sacral, t Sun ... s Krown Chakra) ->

State 9 times Affirmation for exampel:

"I´m at all times spiritually, physically and mentaly: safe, secure, motivated, protected, powerfull, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me." ->

Breathe 9 times White /Gold energie in your surrounding and visualise a white / gold barrier expanding around you.

(During the AUM and Planetary Mantra vibrations allways visualise the chakras in there color shape and rotating (Base and Sacral clockwise the others counter clockwise [not sure]). For breathing allways visualise a white/Gold energy or the colors of the chakras. If somebody is abel also visualise at each AUM + Planetary mantra also a white/Gold energy around you [i´m not abel to do so ;) ]

[The idear is a mixture out of planetary mantras, merk ka ba, aop advanced, aura expansion, RAUM]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
