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I have a bone to pick with Cobra


New member
Apr 9, 2022
A Neocolonial White Earth, from The One True White
Hello everyone,

I have a serious bone to pick with Cobra and his, (((staff))).

I've had a shit ton of my posts trying to fight for my Beloved Race disapproved.

Ironically, others can post their love for their race, but not me. It seems that they have something against me personally, because I was sent, and I quote:

From when I tried to post on that pinoy's post about a non-colonial Philip-ines:

Post disapproved: "Kumusta! Greetings! Filipino for Satan here! A Case for Filipino Satanism and True Philippine Religion"

Reason: The reported message is off topic. This universal racial hatred and baseless neo-nazi white supremacism, (or however you want to call it), is nothing more than an enemy ideology, no different than how the jew believes they should run the world and have all people be subservient to them (which the jew believes firmly is their birthright). As the Joy of Satan explains, the gentile races are created by Satan and the Gods, and the races are meant to live within their own cultures in their own nations without enmity or excessive strife between them. Asians to live among themselves and rule their own, blacks to live among themselves and rule their own and Whites to live among themselves and rule their own. The Earth can accommodate all gentile people and facilitate the growth and advancement of each gentile race in their own time. Racism as it is, is a jewish creation and does nothing to further the human understanding or facilitate the development of the gentile people on Earth. It only serves to distract, cause strife and conflict, where nobody but the jew benefits as it is their life's mission to subvert all gentile cultures and enslave all gentile people of the Earth in an irreversible technocratic dystopia. To which there is no better way for the jew to accomplish this than by having the gentile races stagnate perpetually and destroy each other through turning all gentile people against each other instead of having the gentile races realize we all have a common enemy that must be destroyed in the jew and we should work to overthrow them and every last bit of their influence from our midst instead of waste time causing and perpetuating strife among ourselves and each other. As such, any further posts advocating racial strife and thoughtless hatred are disapproved. A critique on conduct of foreign peoples or different cultures or races would be fine to post and can even be enlightening when done well, but not in the manner of purely hatred and disparaging of an entire gentile people with what can only be considered as ignorant insults. For further learning, read the Joy of Satan website and also read the sermons by HP HoodedCobra about the Gentiles, our ideology, history, origins, etc. He explains in great depth better than anyone else on the planet the reality behind this and the reasons for why the world has been and has become what it is today..

Like what sort of liberal jew shit is this? I thought that this was meant to be an NS site? Instead, I get a giant-ass paragraph of anti-White drivel...

And next, I tried to ask how the British Monarchy and Churchill could be so based to create the British Empire but be unbased enough to fight Hitler, I get this:

Topic disapproved: "How can you be so based and unbased at the same time"

Forum: Joy Of Satan 666

Reason: The reported message does not fit into any other category, please use the further information field. Post is meant to instill race aggitation, division..

Cobra, come on brother, you can do better than this...

When our brain shrinks to Neo Nazism, ie, the false belief that we are superior while we call others inferior, and we see our damsels (which were meant to be superior) hanging with the so called "inferior" at IKEA, tells us two things:

1. That we must come in terms that our "race", does not decide the path of the individual, but only the moving average.

2. Since we recognize the value of the individual (Whites focused extensively on this) we must recognize the value of other individuals or gatherings of individuals even against the fate of their own collected "race", where Gentiles are concerned.

The JoS has Gentiles from the second category, and you attacking them, shows disrespect but also blindness to our own condition. The same bimboism or foolishness our own race suffers from, they suffer too from, but on a broader average level as a people MAYBE compared to us.

Blaming them does not help anything but further the issues of the jewish creation. It helps us neither as we waste our energy blaming them. Then they blame us, losing energy, with neither party using this to advance themselves, except of jews who feed on this hostility.

Not even Hitler engaged in this practice or anyone truly awake and pro White that even mattered in history. Rockwell, Devi, or Hitler himself, never did. Only lesser people engaged in this.

They instead tried to help and to see the good in people while managing the dross, which might look like a paradox but is more efficient to do, rather than engage in wars against others in all fronts to cause nothing but further hate and ruin that jews feed upon.

In retrospect, many people who are not "Whites", are far better than many who are, and this is an undeniable fact. They follow the Gods and in many cases walk another path from the rest of their own. So to do them wrong to attack them is illogical and unjust.

So to do this in JoS is not accepted because it creates a loop of nothing but pointless hate.

The only race that clearly should not fall into the above category is the jews, for whom, hate is justified.
You are free to hate any race. But these forums are upon unitary approach. A Black can hate White Race. A White can hate Blacks as well. But against one enemy, we should be one also. This is will of Father Satan, creator of all races. He definitely created us above everyone in an evolutionistic approach. But this does not mean other races are worthless etc. They have their own abilities and competent areas.

I do not know what you've wrote, but I don't think they would disapprove out of no reason.

And lastly, again, you are free to hate other races personally. But here is for all races. And if we fight among our own fronts, then this is an easy victory for enemy. Personal views to be personal, organization's approach to be general.
Unfortunately lots of the “Harsher” WN/NS messages aren’t allowed because cobra doesn’t want to scare off the few non-whites here.
There's nothing wrong with being proud of your race, but putting down other races is wrong because it's simply not true.

Do you think High Priestess Shannon is a beetle? Hmm?

She gives us more valuable knowledge and help than most white people could.

All the human races were created by Satan and all have differences, but all are human. A lot of black people are really good at music, and a lot of white people are really good at math. But both are useful. And there are also lamebrains in every race.

The only part of your signature's meme that is true is that jews are like rats, as a whole race. Which is true because they were created by the enemy as parasites for their sordid purpose and were never intended to be a healthy race.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When our brain shrinks to Neo Nazism, ie, the false belief that we are superior while we call others inferior, and we see our damsels (which were meant to be superior) hanging with the so called "inferior" at IKEA, tells us two things:

Good job, comrade! Yes, all people are equal! It's not like, "Free Men aren't Equal, Equal Men aren't Free!". Yes comrade, we're all the same "goyim" who will slave away for the jews!

1. That we must come in terms that our "race", does not decide the path of the individual, but only the moving average.

2. Since we recognize the value of the individual (Whites focused extensively on this) we must recognize the value of other individuals or gatherings of individuals even against the fate of their own collected "race", where Gentiles are concerned.

Or, 3. There's clearly inferior and superior races, like how there's inferior and superior people. Do I really need to bring out the giant book of nigger statistics? As for the bitches who procreate with these niggers, the term "race traitor" exists for them. But another point against your argument is that you're talking about bitches (feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemales) who get with niggers, but these whores are of the feeeeeeeeeeeeeeemale "brain", AKA NPC stupidity, so there's an explanation for that as well.

The JoS has Gentiles from the second category, and you attacking them, shows disrespect but also blindness to our own condition. The same bimboism or foolishness our own race suffers from, they suffer too from, but on a broader average level as a people MAYBE compared to us.

I'm attacking blind NPCs who serve the jewish cause. It's simply the reality that this audience I'm attacking just so also happens to be of an inferior race.

Blaming them does not help anything but further the issues of the jewish creation. It helps us neither as we waste our energy blaming them. Then they blame us, losing energy, with neither party using this to advance themselves, except of jews who feed on this hostility.

So there's no value in attacking the NPCs who work day and night to undermine my race?

Why do you hate White People so much?

Not even Hitler engaged in this practice or anyone truly awake and pro White that even mattered in history. Rockwell, Devi, or Hitler himself, never did. Only lesser people engaged in this.

Read a fucking history book bro, Hitler had the plan to exterminate all the filth from the Earth, and it was these USSR "comrades" you seem to agree so much with and these godforsaken liberals running the US and British Governments who took him down. I tried to ask why The British were so double sided, as you will note, but it seems I'll have to wait on that one.

They instead tried to help and to see the good in people while managing the dross, which might look like a paradox but is more efficient to do, rather than engage in wars against others in all fronts to cause nothing but further hate and ruin that jews feed upon.

In retrospect, many people who are not "Whites", are far better than many who are, and this is an undeniable fact. They follow the Gods and in many cases walk another path from the rest of their own. So to do them wrong to attack them is illogical and unjust.

Other than race traitors, which I get,

Again, fucking statistics. It's not that difficult, just google "race and crime statistics" for starters...

So to do this in JoS is not accepted because it creates a loop of nothing but pointless hate.

The only race that clearly should not fall into the above category is the jews, for whom, hate is justified.
But may I say...



I hate seeing you, an NS (I hope a Man), down like this...

You know someone's at their low when they're talking totally opposite to how they should be...

My DMs are open at any time, brother. It's okay, I can understand, maybe it's something that happened in real life, it's alright brother. We're all here for you...
Leucofan said:

Did you read what Cobra had written to you? Yes, it is a "giant-ass" paragraph, but it also explains in detail the answer for you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=351393 time=1651806837 user_id=21286]
Leucofan said:

Did you read what Cobra had written to you? Yes, it is a "giant-ass" paragraph, but it also explains in detail the answer for you.
If I wanted to read communist drivel I would've just read the manifesto.

God, for "Satanic NS", you really make me consider just returning to Christian NS. At least they were based and gave a shit about race unlike this communist paradise.
We are not american right wing conservatives. We are national socialists. The name itself should have rung a bell in your head.

What does the image in your signature mean? Are you a Jew? Or pro-Jew?
The Outlaw Torn said:
Unfortunately lots of the “Harsher” WN/NS messages aren’t allowed because cobra doesn’t want to scare off the few non-whites here.

Harshness has arose because the failure of this approach [which was done for about two centuries before shit has hit the fan] already brought us there, and still people don't understand if you shout certain words this actually achieves nothing or rather sets us back, as it's planned by the jews to exactly cause this effect.

None of the people who did anything real for the White people ever had this approach. This was generated as aftermath in America [late], did not reflect even National Socialist success in America, or in Germany, or anywhere else.

This "approach", It's a purely made up phantom of the Jew, which is just to waste people's time based on very basic emotions such as making yourself hated to 98% of your own people and 100% of all people worldwide, but also giving joy to 100% of Jews who have an imaginary false image of a fake Neo-Hitler that never existed in the form the jews claimed to point up to, and hoping this somehow gets you anything.

People think this has anything to it base on pure emotions and nothing else.

This just never worked, never helped us, and never will.
Leucofan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=351393 time=1651806837 user_id=21286]
Leucofan said:

Did you read what Cobra had written to you? Yes, it is a "giant-ass" paragraph, but it also explains in detail the answer for you.
If I wanted to read communist drivel I would've just read the manifesto.

God, for "Satanic NS", you really make me consider just returning to Christian NS. At least they were based and gave a shit about race unlike this communist paradise.

Maybe you should. Hitler and anyone else who has done big progress and really had these values, speaks nowhere about Colonialism, spending all your life hating "Blacks" or other Gentiles, disrespect them based on whatever, how your life must be around slurring them and they you, or anything of what you state.

These are products that are not of the real founders of that knowledge. These were made up later, mostly by jews. The argument that this approach would "work", is clear everytime you open a news outlet, that it doesn't work and helped nowhere. People did this a lot in the past, all races against all others, but it never really worked itself out to prevent intermingling or other negative events, but rather, intensified them.

This is the product of Christianity that has never really helped anywhere but intensify the already terrible situations and making sure people aware of race remain on a non existent state.

Every failure in regards to race or people or Nations goes all the way back to Christianity, so this is nothing to be surprised at.
All that hating is a waste of energy and time.
We are not Christian crusaders, who seek to Whitened the world and education the lesser like they have done throughout history.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
If I remember correctly, there were black SS as well as black battalions in Hitler's armies.





Sacré bleu!
Leucofan said:
But may I say...



I hate seeing you, an NS (I hope a Man), down like this...

You know someone's at their low when they're talking totally opposite to how they should be...

My DMs are open at any time, brother. It's okay, I can understand, maybe it's something that happened in real life, it's alright brother. We're all here for you...
Lol. A n00b trying to be condescending and superior. PMSFL, lol.
Leucofan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=351393 time=1651806837 user_id=21286]
Leucofan said:

Did you read what Cobra had written to you? Yes, it is a "giant-ass" paragraph, but it also explains in detail the answer for you.
If I wanted to read communist drivel I would've just read the manifesto.

God, for "Satanic NS", you really make me consider just returning to Christian NS. At least they were based and gave a shit about race unlike this communist paradise.
Lol. christianity = communism.
Leucofan said:
If I wanted to read communist drivel I would've just read the manifesto.

God, for "Satanic NS", you really make me consider just returning to Christian NS. At least they were based and gave a shit about race unlike this communist paradise.

Why don't you read the post before you form an opinion? It may not be formatted for your eyes, but it contains the answer you seek.

I will summarize it for you: Gods made all races. Gods intended for races to be separate, but allied. Each race has unique abilities, yet some have degenerated worse than others. Solution = Segregate and advance separately.

Christian "NS" spend all day begging jewish entities to spare them. Satanists actually meditate and therefore advance their race and genes. There is a huge difference.
FancyMancy said:
Leucofan said:
But may I say...



I hate seeing you, an NS (I hope a Man), down like this...

You know someone's at their low when they're talking totally opposite to how they should be...

My DMs are open at any time, brother. It's okay, I can understand, maybe it's something that happened in real life, it's alright brother. We're all here for you...
Lol. A n00b trying to be condescending and superior. PMSFL, lol.

In his lack of intelligence he has become hostile against humanity. The law and justice will set the bounds if he continues down this uncivilized path. He is a waste of time at this point, not just a noob.

Though there is always a lesson to be learned. We should learn to be a stronger authority for what it truly means to be an White SS.
I hope you kill yourself cobra and as for what I have to say I know the moderator reads these all I have to say is this how people behave convicting a child for being a child even when he's grown and for having problems as a child everyone wants to agree with a stupid bitch name Ashley is how people want to act I don't have much time so I say this everyone wants to abuse me take away the things I love kill people I love and laugh at me while it happens well I'm thinking about how it would feel to help in making people hate me I did nothing wrong I was just being a child I just had problems but I'm thinking about murder every day all I can say is if I don't get turned into a cow soon people in j.o.s might come up missing people might die including that stupid bitch that's all I can say
Leucofan said:
I've had a shit ton of my posts trying to fight for my Beloved Race disapproved.
The difference between our ideas and your ideas is that we are more centered around Nazism, while you are centered around jewish-created neo-Nazism. By the way you speak you are exactly the kind of White the jews are depicting globally as racist, evil and supremacist.

Nazi Germany was none of this, except for when it was about the jews being removed from power positions and plenty of them sent out from Germany as well, because they are a threat to the national security and indepenence of any country. However the Nazis were not racist with other gentile races and they didn't consider Blacks as insects as you consider them in your signature. Racialism (aknowledging racial differences) is not the same as racism (hate for other races). Hate is a subjective feeling and should be used in particular cases when there is a strong reason to hate, not to hate some people only because they are of different race. However the final goal is to uplift the White race isn't it? This can be achieved without manifesting unjustified hate or acts towards other races. Race mixing can be peacefully ended, however sending non-Whites out of White countries and back to their countries will not be as peaceful but racial laws should protect all gentile races even where they live together and cannot be separated.

If you go back to "christian NS", what will happen is that we will grow in power and influence and at a point we might become able again to protect and uprise the White race (and all the other gentile races), while the christians will dissapear, and is them who preach communist teachings like equality and universal love. You won't see any of that here, however radical views such as your might get the forums into trouble because as far as I understand, the forums exist on the internet under the auspicies of religious freedom. Promoting criminal activities is as illegal here as anywhere else on the internet, because aparently although internet is "free", is still subject to a legislation that applies here as well, so we are forced to follow it, and still even in this case the forums and the sites are still being attacked cibernetically on a constant basis, either without the knowledge of competent authorities, or with their aknowledgement (law is law but people who made it are corrupted).

The jews have created neo-Nazism and "white-supremacy" to picture an evil image of Whites all over the world, and you seem to be heavily influenced by their ideas. Same goals can be achieved with more balance and more rational judgement in decision making, The Whites don't need to prove their "supremacy" by actually doing the things jews accuse Whites of, but we have already proven it by all the great Whites in history who uplifted the entire humanity with their inventions and ideas and talents in all reas of life, this is where our "supremacy" really is and we fight here for these ideals.
I can sympathize with some of your sentiment, but I would encourage you to think about HP's points before dismissing this place out of emotion. It is true that our Race is being harshly attacked and we should feel outraged about this. I am very racial in my thinking and generally ask "Is it good for Whites?" when considering a policy. Hatred and rage towards the anti-White agenda is very good and fitting, but the question of how to direct it must be considered.

I too feel outraged and sick when I read in the papers about the atrocities done to Whites by various individuals. Still, this is a symptom of a larger Jewish issue. The Jews are smart enough to use non-Whites against us as weapons, they can anticipate that people's emotional reaction will be to lash out emotionally and not think deeper about the cause of these problems. The main enemy of Whites on Earth is the Jew. The JoS poses the real opposition to Jews. There are non-Whites here who have it in their interest to oppose Jews, so why push them out? Why reject what the JoS has to offer, why would that be good for Whites?
Henu the Great said:
The face when so called inferior races have people in them who outclass this person by their spirit and intelligence tenfold.

Wow henu bell curves exist. We never knew that!
I understand why the OP interprets this as a Christian message because everyone is basically saying to turn the other cheek when it come other entire races.

I hate those who hate me and the and that includes most nonwhites. Too bad. People are more optimistic than me. I think a RaHoWa is inevitable atleast in America.
Leucofan said:

Take the filth of your signature and leave.

We hail Satan. No person in their right mind will ever submit to a jewish thoughtform and its ugly teachings.
Leucofan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=351393 time=1651806837 user_id=21286]
Leucofan said:

Did you read what Cobra had written to you? Yes, it is a "giant-ass" paragraph, but it also explains in detail the answer for you.
If I wanted to read communist drivel I would've just read the manifesto.

God, for "Satanic NS", you really make me consider just returning to Christian NS. At least they were based and gave a shit about race unlike this communist paradise.

If you have a problem with Cobra, you have a problem with the Joy of Satan.
His understanding of race is superior than yours, how about opening your stubborn head and learning something new?
It is not all black and white in this world and universe.
Wtf is christian ns? A jewish gatekeeper movement? 1 dedicated Spiritual Satanist is worth more than this shit.
Have fun with that and spew your hatred there, sounds very superior.
Henu the Great said:
The face when so called inferior races have people in them who outclass this person by their spirit and intelligence tenfold.

True words
Leucofan said:
"jesus" never existed. You prove that time and time again simply be being a christian.

Blacks, Asians and Whites stand strong. Your fake god should stop creating non-Whites, if it doesn't like them. How retarded - make a thing and then detest and despise that thing to absolute extremes. Complete fucking retard.

Oh. You're not a christian; you're a muslim. Understood.

I won't hang from a tree/cross (I'm bi, actually). Your "god" should stop making Gay Babies. Your "god" is such a schizoid spastic - it has 3 personalities ~(making christianity a polytheistic religion), all in conflict with each other, and it creates things it utterly has absolute hatred for - and then blames those things for being evil. It created the Universe, stuffed the Universe with Carbon, and rammed Carbon full of 666... and then says it's evil. yawn Go home, "god"; you're drunk and pimped-out on hard drugs again... still.

Besides - christians should stop being theists. Instead, they should be deists. That would actually give them a tiny bit of credibility. awaits the day when (((mainstream religions))) turn from theism to deism...
FancyMancy said:
Leucofan said:
"jesus" never existed. You prove that time and time again simply be being a christian.

Blacks, Asians and Whites stand strong. Your fake god should stop creating non-Whites, if it doesn't like them. How retarded - make a thing and then detest and despise that thing to absolute extremes. Complete fucking retard.

Oh. You're not a christian; you're a muslim. Understood.

I won't hang from a tree/cross (I'm bi, actually). Your "god" should stop making Gay Babies. Your "god" is such a schizoid spastic - it has 3 personalities ~(making christianity a polytheistic religion), all in conflict with each other, and it creates things it utterly has absolute hatred for - and then blames those things for being evil. It created the Universe, stuffed the Universe with Carbon, and rammed Carbon full of 666... and then says it's evil. yawn Go home, "god"; you're drunk and pimped-out on hard drugs again... still.

Besides - christians should stop being theists. Instead, they should be deists. That would actually give them a tiny bit of credibility. awaits the day when (((mainstream religions))) turn from theism to deism...
Where is the wife though ?
FancyMancy said:
Leucofan said:
"jesus" never existed. You prove that time and time again simply be being a christian.

Meanwhile Jewsus Christ:

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28

Real Jewsus according to one of his oldest depictures found in Rome [never been alive though]:


He seems like descended to save Jewish race. Jewsus, what a reformist rabbi you are!
Leucofan said:

Oh my, a weak and spiritually ignorant person, I really hope you will very very soon experience your angels first hand. I hope that you are able to see them, to see how they feel about you, and I hope they will inflict serious suffering upon you.
Leucofan said:

Jesus is a Rabbi. The Greeks did not need him to build their advanced civilization, nor did the Romans, Egyptians, Indians, Sumerians, Celts, Germans, Slavs, and so on.

You having a misunderstanding about race is no excuse for you to run straight back to Jewish religions. This also shows you don't understand how meditation improves your soul, genetics, and race as a whole. Read about your own soul here: The Gentile Soul

Jesus never showed us how to save our souls. He instead commanded we submit or he would torture us for eternity. Coincidentally, this is exactly what a Rabbi would say.

Read this now please: Jesus is a Rabbi, said right in the Bible
Leucofan said:
2. Since we recognize the value of the individual (Whites focused extensively on this) we must recognize the value of other individuals or gatherings of individuals even against the fate of their own collected "race", where Gentiles are concerned.

Or, 3. There's clearly inferior and superior races, like how there's inferior and superior people. Do I really need to bring out the giant book of nigger statistics? As for the bitches who procreate with these niggers, the term "race traitor" exists for them. But another point against your argument is that you're talking about bitches (feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemales) who get with niggers, but these whores are of the feeeeeeeeeeeeeeemale "brain", AKA NPC stupidity, so there's an explanation for that as well.

Understanding reality through the lense of Spiritual Satanism shows how each race is a unique elemental composition:

Blacks: Earth and Fire racial group.

Whites: Balanced race.

Asians: Air and Water racial group.

So we are the first ones to tell you the differences that exist both between and within races, through an understanding of energy. Where exactly does it tell you this in the Bible? Where do your Christian sources explain this? They have no ability to categorize the world in this manner.

Going further, we understand how each race and individual can improve themselves, based on what energetic composition their soul has.

The entire ancient world always understood this, up until the Jews destroyed knowledge of this, through their enslavement programs, Christianity and Islam.

With everyone answering your questions, you are obligated to read. Come back to your senses.
This piece of trash is a complete and total nutcase.

Takes a special kind of xtianised brainwashing to actually have these psychopathic and completely insane beliefs.

The only place this person belongs is either permanently in the grave, or in isolated confinement for the rest of its life, deep underground somewhere, since anyone with such beliefs is a literal threat to the safety of woman and children alike.

Blitz and HP HoodedCobra deconstructed his insane shit perfectly already, therefore I have nothing more to say than a complete condemnation of this absolute madness.

People have rightfully been investigated for speaking such shit online, because of how outrageously insane it actually is.

Hail Satan!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=351918 time=1651932201 user_id=21286]

Understanding reality through the lense of Spiritual Satanism shows how each race is a unique elemental composition:

Blacks: Earth and Fire racial group.

Whites: Balanced race.

Asians: Air and Water racial group.

That's cool and makes a lot of sense. What about mexicans?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
