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I had a near death experience and maybe saw a goddess?


New member
Nov 23, 2020
I came to Satan in Aug 2017 and at that time I was sick and it came to ahead on nov 20th 2017

And on that day, I was at the house alone while my husband was out doing something with a rental we had. anyway, I was in the hallway when I collapsed and it felt like the air was leaving my body the pain was bad, I managed to lean on the wall while I was sitting. So, the woman I saw had long pretty black hair, steel gray eyes, pale skin and she wore a black dress. her voice was soothing kind of like a mother caring for a sick child and her presence was warm and she kept talking to me help is coming. I was alone my husband's son was at a friend house and we live in a locked building so the woman just kept talking trying to keep me awake.

so, at that moment my husband came back and saw me on the floor and he told me later that he saw what looked like to be a woman in a black dress the way I just told you guys about. My husband grabbed my purse and me took me to the hospital that was maybe 7 or 8 blocks away from our apt. They brought me to a room my husband stayed with me for a while but had to go pick up the boy and that same woman came to me and told me to rest and said it wasn’t my time idk who she was and I never saw her again. I want to thank her but who she was I couldn’t say.
thedarkstar said:

Unfortunately we cannot say for sure anymore than you can, since it was your experience. I think if you were dedicated at this time and got that sick, then I would certainly believe the Gods would help in one way or another.

What is confusing me is that the person was seen in physical form, which I don't think would happen since they Gods only interact astrally, to my knowledge. The person obviously sounds kind of magical in a sense and also seems benevolent, so that can be thought of as a good sign.

I think you should just ask Satan about this, as I think that is the only way to be sure here.
i asked father satan and he told me to ask my mother and i did. i asked my mother did you have a older sister and she told me when she was young when she lost her oldest sister from something i forgotten the name of it had something to do with the kindys. my mom i think was about 6 or 7 when she died she don't remeber much but remebers she had black hair and her eyes were steel gray. it was after hs prom she got sick and when she died of her sickness she was buried in her black dress she wore to the prom i never saw a picture of my aunt beacuse after she died my grandparents took everything of hers and put it away and never talked about her again. but who know's maybe i am just lucky


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
