One example of this is seen in hypnosis, as magic is ultimately a transformation of reality and hypnosis is a transformation of the mind. Transformations occur in the presence of a combined yin and yang interaction. This is seen in hypnosis where the patient is first put into a suggestible state, then given commands. If neither of these aspects were present, then the transformation would not occur at the same efficacy.
When you are doing magic, you are involving both your will (the command side of the affirmation), but also your senses (sensing the result). By combining both of these actions, this creates the "belief" that you are looking for. In other words, when you imagine that an action occurs, and you build the sense of this occurring, this then creates proof which then reaffirms the result of your will, therefore enhancing the sensation, and so on.
Some people have stronger wills and others have stronger astral senses. You can look to your natal chart to see where you are most likely to feel able to transform reality. Look towards your natal Pluto and its house and sign, as well as the 8th house and its signs, as well as any planets within it; this will show your likely starting point for how you feel able to do magic.
In our "physical life" we already engage in this process in mundane ways, yet we use our physical senses to give us feedback, as opposed to our astral senses. For example, as I type this message to you, I can hear my keys clicking, plus I see the results of typing on my screen. If I could not see any feedback, I would also have major difficulty in believing anything was happening. Regarding magic, it took time to build up my magical confidence, but like anything, you get better at it as you practice.
Due to negative influences in our world, knowledge of this is kept hidden and is discouraged, therefore there is a lack of scientific evidence. How would you get funding from someone if you told them you planned to study magic? Therefore, it is up to us to find the tangible evidence of this through our own practice and experience.
Regarding Nazism or politics, this is not important, because our politics is a reflection of the state of our soul. The Nazis recognized this and therefore they promoted using magic as a way to improve the health of the individual and therefore the nation. However, that does not mean you must abide by these political beliefs. It is most important that you focus on improving your soul and following the Gods.
There are many resources to help you, but I would suggest Azazel's Directing Energy Meditation as one of the best for developing magical confidence, as it is a beginner exercise that works through sensing your own energy, as opposed to trying to sense the result within your external environment or something more difficult.