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I find it hard to believe in magic


New member
Nov 6, 2024
I find it hard to believe in magic. I find it hard to believe in affirmations. And I definitely don't want to be a Nazi. (I have no desire to even study politics - I don't care) these are my main problems. Is there a scientific side to meditation? And magic? Or just guesses? And reading this forum, I realized that everything is very vague about the use of magic. Some people work, some don't. I think it was an accident. I'd be glad to get some advice.
Not a tremendous amount of scientifically verified information regarding magic exists for obvious reasons, the easiest way to verify is just to start doing the listed power meditations and see for yourself, there's no point taking anyone's word for it you really do just have to take the leap and begin experimenting, for me it took a few weeks before I started to feel anything.

Have you tried entering a trance yet? Its a very noticeable effect and easily repeatable once you achieve it that should provide you with enough evidence to trust all the information that surrounds entering a trance like the usage and manipulation of energy so I would start there, but even just opening the chakras produces very noticeable effects but yet again all this requires you to actually perform the meditations, worst case scenario you "waste" a month of your time trying to find spirituality by spending an hour a day in quiet, calm peaceful introspection, best case scenario you get all the proof you need and realize the Truth.

As for Nazism, its not required to be a Satanist, as you advance spiritually the Truth will become clear to you one or way or another at which point your politics will likely change, growth is a part of Satanism and thus accepting everything at the start is not expected or necessary.

Curiosity is better than belief, so dont believe in magic instead be curious.
Is there a scientific side to meditation?

Yes. All meditation works on vibrational frequencies, energy circuits, resonances, etc. It is exactly what you find in Physics. Nothing different, exactly the same thing. The only doubt you may have is that you have never seen a chakra, but, for the rest, alchemy (meditation) is exactly Physics.

About never having seen or felt a chakra. It is really normal at the beginning, when the chakras are not only not open, but even "atrophied" because you have never used them for who knows how many years. And this brings us directly to the next point of the matter.

And magic?

You can actually experience for yourself that you are able to direct energy to project it onto your desire. An example of this: some time ago my Grand Master of martial arts was explaining to me the importance of energy. He told me to lift myself up on my toes. I did it and my body, of course, felt heavy. Then he told me that I should concentrate on a specific point on my feet (I don't remember exactly which one it was, but I think it was on the sole of my foot), when I tried to lift myself up I was actually much lighter.

You have to prove certain things. You have to take time daily to meditate and enter this world. No one will give you the proof you need just because you open a forum and ask for an alternative solution that is more inclined to laziness than getting involved. Even if it is the official forum of the Assembly of the true original Gods (i.e. our Forum), there is no "replacement product" to working for yourself.

Or just guesses?

You would have the answer by trying constantly. Do you think meditation is unscientific? But exactly, how does a scientist demonstrate the validity of a hypothesis? By excluding it out of laziness to experiment?

I realized that everything is very vague about the use of magic

Some people work, some don't

Here you go;

And I definitely don't want to be a Nazi

(I have no desire to even study politics - I don't care)

I'd be glad to get some advice

I sincerely wanted to write a very important final note about my reply: I really want you not to have confused my tone. I'm really trying to explain better. It wasn't a form of "intransigence" on my part, on the contrary I really hope I helped you :)
I find it hard to believe in magic. I find it hard to believe in affirmations. And I definitely don't want to be a Nazi. (I have no desire to even study politics - I don't care) these are my main problems. Is there a scientific side to meditation? And magic? Or just guesses? And reading this forum, I realized that everything is very vague about the use of magic. Some people work, some don't. I think it was an accident. I'd be glad to get some advice.

One example of this is seen in hypnosis, as magic is ultimately a transformation of reality and hypnosis is a transformation of the mind. Transformations occur in the presence of a combined yin and yang interaction. This is seen in hypnosis where the patient is first put into a suggestible state, then given commands. If neither of these aspects were present, then the transformation would not occur at the same efficacy.

When you are doing magic, you are involving both your will (the command side of the affirmation), but also your senses (sensing the result). By combining both of these actions, this creates the "belief" that you are looking for. In other words, when you imagine that an action occurs, and you build the sense of this occurring, this then creates proof which then reaffirms the result of your will, therefore enhancing the sensation, and so on.

Some people have stronger wills and others have stronger astral senses. You can look to your natal chart to see where you are most likely to feel able to transform reality. Look towards your natal Pluto and its house and sign, as well as the 8th house and its signs, as well as any planets within it; this will show your likely starting point for how you feel able to do magic.

In our "physical life" we already engage in this process in mundane ways, yet we use our physical senses to give us feedback, as opposed to our astral senses. For example, as I type this message to you, I can hear my keys clicking, plus I see the results of typing on my screen. If I could not see any feedback, I would also have major difficulty in believing anything was happening. Regarding magic, it took time to build up my magical confidence, but like anything, you get better at it as you practice.

Due to negative influences in our world, knowledge of this is kept hidden and is discouraged, therefore there is a lack of scientific evidence. How would you get funding from someone if you told them you planned to study magic? Therefore, it is up to us to find the tangible evidence of this through our own practice and experience.

Regarding Nazism or politics, this is not important, because our politics is a reflection of the state of our soul. The Nazis recognized this and therefore they promoted using magic as a way to improve the health of the individual and therefore the nation. However, that does not mean you must abide by these political beliefs. It is most important that you focus on improving your soul and following the Gods.

There are many resources to help you, but I would suggest Azazel's Directing Energy Meditation as one of the best for developing magical confidence, as it is a beginner exercise that works through sensing your own energy, as opposed to trying to sense the result within your external environment or something more difficult.

Focus on the mind.
The mind is transcendent, easily perceived, and is often considered to be the soul itself.

The mind is everything.

Think about the mind and consider its accomplishments in the physical world.
Consider that everything good and bad could only be done and perceived because of the mind, and that it is responsible for maintaining reality itself.

Meditate on the mind

The realization of how transcendental it is will come very easily.
Less than 30 minutes of meditation is enough for a good start in believing in Gnosis.
Is there a scientific side to meditation? And magic? Or just guesses?

Usually magick (magic without a k just means sleight of hand illusionist tricks, like pulling rabbits out of hats) is something that you can try and see for yourself. It's something you can confirm by practice.

But there's plenty of science behind it.

Some books about this:

The Biology of Belief - Explains how beliefs change your DNA.

The Holographic Universe - Explains how your brain and the entire reality work like a hologram where everything contains everything else and is connected to everything else, and shows how this theory explains all "supernatural" occurrences like miracles, healings, astral projection, past lives e.t.c.
Usually magick (magic without a k just means sleight of hand illusionist tricks, like pulling rabbits out of hats) is something that you can try and see for yourself. It's something you can confirm by practice.

But there's plenty of science behind it.

Some books about this:

The Biology of Belief - Explains how beliefs change your DNA.

The Holographic Universe - Explains how your brain and the entire reality work like a hologram where everything contains everything else and is connected to everything else, and shows how this theory explains all "supernatural" occurrences like miracles, healings, astral projection, past lives e.t.c.
Does astral projection happen in the head of the person doing it?
One example of this is seen in hypnosis, as magic is ultimately a transformation of reality and hypnosis is a transformation of the mind. Transformations occur in the presence of a combined yin and yang interaction. This is seen in hypnosis where the patient is first put into a suggestible state, then given commands. If neither of these aspects were present, then the transformation would not occur at the same efficacy.

When you are doing magic, you are involving both your will (the command side of the affirmation), but also your senses (sensing the result). By combining both of these actions, this creates the "belief" that you are looking for. In other words, when you imagine that an action occurs, and you build the sense of this occurring, this then creates proof which then reaffirms the result of your will, therefore enhancing the sensation, and so on.

Some people have stronger wills and others have stronger astral senses. You can look to your natal chart to see where you are most likely to feel able to transform reality. Look towards your natal Pluto and its house and sign, as well as the 8th house and its signs, as well as any planets within it; this will show your likely starting point for how you feel able to do magic.

In our "physical life" we already engage in this process in mundane ways, yet we use our physical senses to give us feedback, as opposed to our astral senses. For example, as I type this message to you, I can hear my keys clicking, plus I see the results of typing on my screen. If I could not see any feedback, I would also have major difficulty in believing anything was happening. Regarding magic, it took time to build up my magical confidence, but like anything, you get better at it as you practice.

Due to negative influences in our world, knowledge of this is kept hidden and is discouraged, therefore there is a lack of scientific evidence. How would you get funding from someone if you told them you planned to study magic? Therefore, it is up to us to find the tangible evidence of this through our own practice and experience.

Regarding Nazism or politics, this is not important, because our politics is a reflection of the state of our soul. The Nazis recognized this and therefore they promoted using magic as a way to improve the health of the individual and therefore the nation. However, that does not mean you must abide by these political beliefs. It is most important that you focus on improving your soul and following the Gods.

There are many resources to help you, but I would suggest Azazel's Directing Energy Meditation as one of the best for developing magical confidence, as it is a beginner exercise that works through sensing your own energy, as opposed to trying to sense the result within your external environment or something more difficult.

Hello! Thank you for your reply. But you are talking about hypnosis and practices of the so-called "high level". How can I, as a novice, believe in hypnosis in a magical form? Trance or something like that? Do I need to meditate for 15 years in a row and only then believe?
The problem with many is that they are trying to understand and "see" spirituality only from an intellectual point of level then they come with a lot of non sense and crap why this should work in their heads , you can't see spirituality and understand it only trough the intellect , it's like mixing oil and water.

Everything spiritual can be proven by tech but the Illegal Alien enemy has hidden that from the population , same goes for any cure for any sickness , it's all controlled and in their hands but not for long.
Hello! Thank you for your reply. But you are talking about hypnosis and practices of the so-called "high level". How can I, as a novice, believe in hypnosis in a magical form? Trance or something like that? Do I need to meditate for 15 years in a row and only then believe?

I had answered you in another thread. The analogy of hypnosis to other magic was supposed to be one that can be more closely understood by people who are new. If you ever try hypnosis yourself (please only search for safe forms online) this can help your understanding. Similarly, you can study online about medical hypnosis.

Regarding your own meditations and how this leads to a belief in magic, this occurs over time. As you gain experience, and as you develop your astral senses through empowering your 6th and 3rd chakra, plus attempting to see energy, this will slowly build the evidence you are looking for.
(I have no desire to even study politics - I don't care)
I will probably destroy everything that your head had thought. No, politics has absolutely nothing to do with it, if you sometimes find political threads here is simply because you have to always be informed about what happens in the world and how the Jews act to create other catastrophes. You don’t have to declare yourself a Nazi, but you can’t say they weren’t like us. Hitler was sent by Satan to save mankind from the Jews. But if you write such things, I think that you probably haven’t read any sermon on the site of Satan’s joy or the books in the library. I can assure you that everything I am writing now I have read it there and trust that after reading it all you will feel a new person and finally with the truth before you.

Is there a scientific side to meditation? And magic?
absolutely yes! the meditation not by chance also recommend neurologists and psychologists in the therapies of their patients. It is based on energy and vibrations which are scientific elements. Physics has been studied for more than 8 years and energy is a key part of this study.
I hope to have clarified the situation a little' together with my other brothers, but please do not neglect the site of Joy of Satan, all the answers to your questions you will find there 😊
I find it hard to believe in magic. I find it hard to believe in affirmations. And I definitely don't want to be a Nazi. (I have no desire to even study politics - I don't care) these are my main problems. Is there a scientific side to meditation? And magic? Or just guesses? And reading this forum, I realized that everything is very vague about the use of magic. Some people work, some don't. I think it was an accident. I'd be glad to get some advice.
Even if you don't believe it initially, experiment to see if it's all real. Pick something you want to have (of course the more difficult the things are to obtain in the material world the more time and energy it will take, so I suggest something not very difficult at first to get, don't go straight for a lottery win for example). Keep your mind open to the possibility, do the spell, and see what happens. I understand you, it's difficult to believe but I've had enough experiences to where I can't say they are just coincidences anymore.
I think it's enemy's of Satan messing with you cause they know your intelligent maybe try to start doing daily yoga it would make the meditations even stronger
And I definitely don't want to be a Nazi. (I have no desire to even study politics - I don't care)

Totally not required it took me years to understand and accept why this issue was even intermingled into JOS in the first place.

Important thing there is no requirement or pressure to be involved with it.
Does astral projection happen in the head of the person doing it?

"Astral projection is where your soul actually leaves your body. This is different from remote viewing, where you enter into a trance and will yourself to a specific location."

It is certainly real. My first — and only astral projection experience at the moment — happened while I was sleeping. It was a very strong, specific sensation of being underwater. Overall, it was a negative experience because I panicked really badly, and I was feeling some bad presences around me. I think I was pushed back into my body and that was it.

No one can shove this information down your throat or make you believe. That's your own decision and dedication. No one else will get involved in the relationship and bond you have with the Gods. It's your journey, and it varies from one SS to another.

All I can recommend is doing significant readings and doing your best to advance. Advancing and starting to experience things you probably wouldn't have thought possible is the only way to fully prove it to yourself.

Some people believe everything more naturally, some are more skeptical. There's nothing wrong in either as long as you're not disrespectful | being a sheep.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
