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I feel paused

Akay Alaz

Jun 3, 2021
Orion Belt
I feel paused. I don't enjoy reading anymore, my coffe is not tasting like magic like it used to be, ı don't get excited nor ı don't feel any feelings anymore, ı feel like they froze or something. I don't know how to get them back. I meditate and ı doing my rtrs everyday but ı just can't help but feeling this way. I am not the girl ı used be. Warfare or the situation of the earth is not affecting me, its not making me tired but only more motivates me for fight but ı really don't know whats happening to me. Bad things, sad things, good things can happen in front of me and ı can't even give any reactions to them.
I am sorry if this is inconvenient but ı really appreciate some advise now especially from this community.
This looks like you're simply becoming more mature. You don't really have to have any special reaction or anything when you hear news, it's not like everything has to influence your mind.
Everything is just so usual that there's really nothing new about anything happening in the world.
Akay Alaz said:
I am not the girl ı used be.
This path changes you for the better, you're gonna have to accept it. By understanding the truth you become more disillusioned, those things that made you happy in the past you just understood that there's better things.
Akay Alaz said:

Since this is happening relative to everything in your life, then it sounds like the problem is something like depression or apathy. This is generally a yang-deficiency problem, but I am not sure if the root cause is spiritual or physical.

Try exercising, breathing in fire, or using Saulo or Wunjo. If the runes work for you, you could create a larger working, starting on the 20th, especially if you feel this probably is more chronic and not just some temporary dirt or health symptom.
Akay Alaz said:
I feel paused. I don't enjoy reading anymore, my coffe is not tasting like magic like it used to be, ı don't get excited nor ı don't feel any feelings anymore, ı feel like they froze or something. I don't know how to get them back. I meditate and ı doing my rtrs everyday but ı just can't help but feeling this way. I am not the girl ı used be. Warfare or the situation of the earth is not affecting me, its not making me tired but only more motivates me for fight but ı really don't know whats happening to me. Bad things, sad things, good things can happen in front of me and ı can't even give any reactions to them.
I am sorry if this is inconvenient but ı really appreciate some advise now especially from this community.

-She is from Turkish forum so this reply is going to be in Turkish-

Ritüel ve meditasyonla temizlediğin kirler gerçekleşiyor olabilir. Temizlenilen bütün kirler kendisini gösterir ama koruma auramız sayesinde etkisini görmeyiz/hissetmeyiz. Şu sıralar temizlediklerin daha yoğun/travmatik kirler olabilir mesela. Ben de bir aralar duygusal ve düşünsel olarak aşırı aktiftim senin aksine. Meğerse temizlendikçe travmalar ortaya çıkmaya başlamış. Burada yapmak gereken istikrar ve sabırla temizliğe devam etmek ki sonsuza dek kurtulalım.

Gezegen geçişi de olabilir. Uranüs, Merkür ya da Satürn'ün hava veya toprak burcundan geçiş yapıyor olabilir. Yapabileceklerin bu etkiyi yaşamamak adına çalışma yapmak ya da sadece geçişin bitmesini beklemek.

Yazdıkları gibi sadece olgunlaşıyor da olabilirsin. Yaşını bilmiyorum ama insan büyüdükçe kendi kabuğundan ayrılıp etrafa bakmaya başlıyor. O durumda hissedilen duyguların çoğunluğu artık kalmıyor. Fakat edinilen farkındalık artıyor, çok daha düşünülüyor. Fakat sen Dünya'nın haline, olaylara kayıtsız kaldığını söylüyorsun. Ya üst ikisinden birisi ya da olgunlaşıyorsun fakat konfor alanından çıkmaktan kaçınıp o duyguları arıyorsun ve bulamadığın için rahatsızlık hissediyorsun. Düşünmekten de kaçınıyorsun ve böylelikle her şey sana donuk geliyor. Eğer ihtimal buysa önce konfor alanından çıkıp düşünmekten kaçınmayıp hayatın ve etrafının bütün gerçekliğini iyice anlayıp özümseyip ondan sonra o duyguları tekrar yaşaman için kendine bir alan ve zaman yaratmaktır sana önerim. Ben kendimde bunu yaptım ve çok sağlıklı oldu. Çünkü konfor alanından çıkmadıkça gerçeklere göre yaşamamaya başlıyor insan, kendi delüzyonunda sıkışıp kalıyor. O saatten sonra istediğin kadar meditasyon yap yine güçlenirsin ama o güçle sadece kendine ve etrafındakilere zarar verirsin.

Kendi çapımda bir yorum yazdım. İyi günler :)
Aquarius said:
This looks like you're simply becoming more mature. You don't really have to have any special reaction or anything when you hear news, it's not like everything has to influence your mind.
Everything is just so usual that there's really nothing new about anything happening in the world.
Akay Alaz said:
I am not the girl ı used be.
This path changes you for the better, you're gonna have to accept it. By understanding the truth you become more disillusioned, those things that made you happy in the past you just understood that there's better things.

Thank youuu! You actually made me realize some things. My perspective has changed. Maybe ı feel this way cause ı am exhausted. I am studying so much. Thank you again, take care.
Blitzkreig said:
Akay Alaz said:

Since this is happening relative to everything in your life, then it sounds like the problem is something like depression or apathy. This is generally a yang-deficiency problem, but I am not sure if the root cause is spiritual or physical.

Try exercising, breathing in fire, or using Saulo or Wunjo. If the runes work for you, you could create a larger working, starting on the 20th, especially if you feel this probably is more chronic and not just some temporary dirt or health symptom.

It is not depression, ever since ı started to meditate ı don't feel depressed anymore. I used overthink a lot but ı stop doing that too.

I love breathing elements so much, especially fire, my favourite element. I will definitely do this exercise more and carefully. Thank you sooo much for advising me about runes ı didn't know what runes to use about this issue of my. Have a good day.
sotem said:
Akay Alaz said:
I feel paused. I don't enjoy reading anymore, my coffe is not tasting like magic like it used to be, ı don't get excited nor ı don't feel any feelings anymore, ı feel like they froze or something. I don't know how to get them back. I meditate and ı doing my rtrs everyday but ı just can't help but feeling this way. I am not the girl ı used be. Warfare or the situation of the earth is not affecting me, its not making me tired but only more motivates me for fight but ı really don't know whats happening to me. Bad things, sad things, good things can happen in front of me and ı can't even give any reactions to them.
I am sorry if this is inconvenient but ı really appreciate some advise now especially from this community.

-She is from Turkish forum so this reply is going to be in Turkish-

Ritüel ve meditasyonla temizlediğin kirler gerçekleşiyor olabilir. Temizlenilen bütün kirler kendisini gösterir ama koruma auramız sayesinde etkisini görmeyiz/hissetmeyiz. Şu sıralar temizlediklerin daha yoğun/travmatik kirler olabilir mesela. Ben de bir aralar duygusal ve düşünsel olarak aşırı aktiftim senin aksine. Meğerse temizlendikçe travmalar ortaya çıkmaya başlamış. Burada yapmak gereken istikrar ve sabırla temizliğe devam etmek ki sonsuza dek kurtulalım.

Gezegen geçişi de olabilir. Uranüs, Merkür ya da Satürn'ün hava veya toprak burcundan geçiş yapıyor olabilir. Yapabileceklerin bu etkiyi yaşamamak adına çalışma yapmak ya da sadece geçişin bitmesini beklemek.

Yazdıkları gibi sadece olgunlaşıyor da olabilirsin. Yaşını bilmiyorum ama insan büyüdükçe kendi kabuğundan ayrılıp etrafa bakmaya başlıyor. O durumda hissedilen duyguların çoğunluğu artık kalmıyor. Fakat edinilen farkındalık artıyor, çok daha düşünülüyor. Fakat sen Dünya'nın haline, olaylara kayıtsız kaldığını söylüyorsun. Ya üst ikisinden birisi ya da olgunlaşıyorsun fakat konfor alanından çıkmaktan kaçınıp o duyguları arıyorsun ve bulamadığın için rahatsızlık hissediyorsun. Düşünmekten de kaçınıyorsun ve böylelikle her şey sana donuk geliyor. Eğer ihtimal buysa önce konfor alanından çıkıp düşünmekten kaçınmayıp hayatın ve etrafının bütün gerçekliğini iyice anlayıp özümseyip ondan sonra o duyguları tekrar yaşaman için kendine bir alan ve zaman yaratmaktır sana önerim. Ben kendimde bunu yaptım ve çok sağlıklı oldu. Çünkü konfor alanından çıkmadıkça gerçeklere göre yaşamamaya başlıyor insan, kendi delüzyonunda sıkışıp kalıyor. O saatten sonra istediğin kadar meditasyon yap yine güçlenirsin ama o güçle sadece kendine ve etrafındakilere zarar verirsin.

Kendi çapımda bir yorum yazdım. İyi günler :)

Şu an bu çok mantıklı geldi. Çünkü sanırım tam olarak bunu yaşıyorum, temizlediğim kirler gerçekleşiyor. Bunu daha önce de duymuştum ama unutmuşum hatırlattığın için teşekkür ederim.

Bütün tavsiyelerin için çok teşekkür ederim hepsini dikkate alacağım, sağol. Sana da iyi günler, korunmayı unutma. :)
Same here i get that.

Mine was severe though.

I had to back away from everything because it was lasting for too long.

So i practiced mindfulness meditation(using the sense) which helped my brain come back to the present and to be here.

And absorbed a little energy from the earth so i can feel grounded again.

And for some reason, talking to people and being social has helped me come back alive again because I'm always at home. So visit someone or a family you havent contacted for very long. Give them a call.

All This helped me get out of it eventually. I came back to normal. So it worked.

Eventually you'll be back to normal.

But this is what helped me as i dont know what exactly you going through that could be causing you to feel the way you do like severe stress for example or you probably have many responsiblilities that you committed too everyday. That can cause you exhaustion in the long term. Dont forget even doing rituals and meditation can take your mental energy and emotional energy as well. So calculate everything you do that takes mental and emotional work.

Everything takes emotional energy and mental energy which sadly i forget and then i wonder why i get emotionally numb and my brain feels like a bum.

You just need some balance and give your self time out.

Sorry if i talk to much.
Fanboy said:
Akay Alaz said:
I feel paused. I don't enjoy reading anymore, my coffe is not tasting like magic like it used to be, ı don't get excited nor ı don't feel any feelings anymore, ı feel like they froze or something. I don't know how to get them back. I meditate and ı doing my rtrs everyday but ı just can't help but feeling this way. I am not the girl ı used be. Warfare or the situation of the earth is not affecting me, its not making me tired but only more motivates me for fight but ı really don't know whats happening to me. Bad things, sad things, good things can happen in front of me and ı can't even give any reactions to them.
I am sorry if this is inconvenient but ı really appreciate some advise now especially from this community.

Tune into the aether and pull the element of air into your entire being, and retain it. Don't breathe it out.

The element of air will stimulate you and make you feel cute and girly and emotional and back in tune again. It should make you light and airy and want to dance and cuddle and run and jump. Worked for me, but it wears off after enough enemy attacks and that kind of thing.

The more you meditate the higher you will vibrate, meaning the bullshit going on around you won't really reach you anymore.

You should become more dissociated but never indifferent, it's basically a superpower for women especially. You're more in control now, it's a good thing anyhow.

Good luck :)
How is becoming more dissociated a superpower? I think you are pulling this out of your ass.
Fanboy said:
Henu the Great said:
Fanboy said:
Tune into the aether and pull the element of air into your entire being, and retain it. Don't breathe it out.

The element of air will stimulate you and make you feel cute and girly and emotional and back in tune again. It should make you light and airy and want to dance and cuddle and run and jump. Worked for me, but it wears off after enough enemy attacks and that kind of thing.

The more you meditate the higher you will vibrate, meaning the bullshit going on around you won't really reach you anymore.

You should become more dissociated but never indifferent, it's basically a superpower for women especially. You're more in control now, it's a good thing anyhow.

Good luck :)
How is becoming more dissociated a superpower? I think you are pulling this out of your ass.

It allows you to remain calm and composed in the most intense situations, and to act the best you can instead of panicking.

Also it helps when confessing your love to a crush, or being confident at a job interview. To manage stress etc etc.

The more power a meditator or a yogi has the more dissociated from the bullshit of life they are. Common knowledge really, also it's in the jos website under kundalini and the mind.

Leave my ass out of it :(
That is achieved by control over mind, not by being dissociated.

Leave the link where being dissociated was stated, I could not find it with the search.

This is what I meant in another post I made. Some people are pushing themselves away from regular people in an unhealthy manner. Yea it's ok to isolate yourself from the insufferable but don't stop being human. Being a hermit will only make you an alien to regular people. You will never understand their woes and thus they won't be able to look at you as a leader to get them out if the rut they are currently in.

Like Henu said, just have control of your mind and you'll be able to handle situations way better.

I know you didn't say anything about being a hermit but "disassociating" yourself in this manner will give a person similar negative results.

Have you been doing yoga as well? I feel like it's helped me a lot to stay grounded when dealing with everyday things instead of only having that skill when I was alone. As Aquarius said, we all become mature and change for the better. Things won't affect you the same way they did before but you shouldn't have to not care about the world either. It's all about balance. I feel like yoga along with the Power meditations helps us find this balance within ourselves,. Individually, of course.

Make sure also there isn't a hang up you need to address and fix because if left untreated it might lead to depression or other mental problems as you advance.
Fanboy said:
hailourtruegod said:

This is what I meant in another post I made. Some people are pushing themselves away from regular people in an unhealthy manner. Yea it's ok to isolate yourself from the insufferable but don't stop being human. Being a hermit will only make you an alien to regular people. You will never understand their woes and thus they won't be able to look at you as a leader to get them out if the rut they are currently in.

Like Henu said, just have control of your mind and you'll be able to handle situations way better.

Happens automatically, not a choice.
Thanks for your response

Explain how.
Fanboy said:
hailourtruegod said:
Fanboy said:
Happens automatically, not a choice.
Thanks for your response

Explain how.

She wants the element of air. I explained myself like 3 times. And paraphrased Maxine for you

Dissociated does not mean estranged like holy cow check a dictionary. You give me 3 messages of nothing, but can't give any good advice to the OP.

Done arguing.

You think someone disagreeing with you with absolutely no sign of aggression is an argument?

Then it took only two words to you for you to act out like this.

You gave a bad explanation that had to be pointed by someone else but still want to say, "And paraphrased Maxine for you". :?:

Maybe you should refrain from giving certain advice that has to do with acting like a mentally stable human. From an objective point of view and seeing your replies on this thread it's looking obvious that you lack social skills and are one of the many people who try to make excuses or try to justify their lack in this field.

Lastly, from false perception I came at you aggressive so you telling me whether I give good or bad advice is your own opinion and said opinion is irrelevant to anyone here. Only reply you're getting for that comment.


But I do thank you since I have chance to explain myself better now that I have you as an example,

People who are like this go and say things like, "I'm introverted" when they're not really an introvert and are just awkward because they were shut in and sheltered growing up and didn't interact with kids their age which is the parents fault here. This is the general case for people who want to make *excuses* as to why they can't have a normal conversation with someone instead of searching for the root cause. I went thru something similar but I snuck out a lot or lied to stayed outside longer (and get my beatings later :lol: ) but I digress.

The problem gets worse when they're adults and don't address this issue and pretend like it doesn't exist but it shows when talking to a random person irl.

I understand where you're coming from since I used to get anxious when someone disagreed with me on the internet but like I said you grow out of it.

You replied to me in the context I wrote in as well so to me it's obvious you're just throwing out words without knowing the meaning of it. Perhaps even looked up the word before replying to me. If you actually did a little more digging you would know it's synonymous to disconnecting and I was only pointing out this has become unbalanced for some.

Even if it wasn't your intent, your bad reply to the OP made it look this way. Especially with that comment that it's a "super power". You're saying these things in a place where people want to desperately and understandably escape today's ugly reality and it's fine to disconnect but in a healthy and balanced manner. That's the point of this and all one had to do was use a tiny fraction of critical thinking but how is that possible when people rather react? Beats me *shrugs*

I didn't mean to single you out btw since you're not the only one like this.

Anyways, I hope you do relax and do some void before your next reply instead of acting out in this way. For your own sake since optics are important and I'm not the only one reading your replies.

Don't take my constructive criticism towards you as aggression btw because it's not.

Concrete examples would be very helpful to examine things better.
Fanboy said:
hailourtruegod said:
Fanboy said:
She wants the element of air. I explained myself like 3 times. And paraphrased Maxine for you

Dissociated does not mean estranged like holy cow check a dictionary. You give me 3 messages of nothing, but can't give any good advice to the OP.

Done arguing.

You think someone disagreeing with you with absolutely no sign of aggression is an argument?

Then it took only two words to you for you to act out like this.

You gave a bad explanation that had to be pointed by someone else but still want to say, "And paraphrased Maxine for you". :?:

Maybe you should refrain from giving certain advice that has to do with acting like a mentally stable human. From an objective point of view and seeing your replies on this thread it's looking obvious that you lack social skills and are one of the many people who try to make excuses or try to justify their lack in this field.

Lastly, from false perception I came at you aggressive so you telling me whether I give good or bad advice is your own opinion and said opinion is irrelevant to anyone here. Only reply you're getting for that comment.


But I do thank you since I have chance to explain myself better now that I have you as an example,

People who are like this go and say things like, "I'm introverted" when they're not really an introvert and are just awkward because they were shut in and sheltered growing up and didn't interact with kids their age which is the parents fault here. This is the general case for people who want to make *excuses* as to why they can't have a normal conversation with someone instead of searching for the root cause. I went thru something similar but I snuck out a lot or lied to stayed outside longer (and get my beatings later :lol: ) but I digress.

The problem gets worse when they're adults and don't address this issue and pretend like it doesn't exist but it shows when talking to a random person irl.

I understand where you're coming from since I used to get anxious when someone disagreed with me on the internet but like I said you grow out of it.

You replied to me in the context I wrote in as well so to me it's obvious you're just throwing out words without knowing the meaning of it. Perhaps even looked up the word before replying to me. If you actually did a little more digging you would know it's synonymous to disconnecting and I was only pointing out this has become unbalanced for some.

Even if it wasn't your intent, your bad reply to the OP made it look this way. Especially with that comment that it's a "super power". You're saying these things in a place where people want to desperately and understandably escape today's ugly reality and it's fine to disconnect but in a healthy and balanced manner. That's the point of this and all one had to do was use a tiny fraction of critical thinking but how is that possible when people rather react? Beats me *shrugs*

I didn't mean to single you out btw since you're not the only one like this.

Anyways, I hope you do relax and do some void before your next reply instead of acting out in this way. For your own sake since optics are important and I'm not the only one reading your replies.

Don't take my constructive criticism towards you as aggression btw because it's not.

That'd cool
Not reading all that, but thanks for your replies anyways. Clearly someone needs to tell this girl she doesn't want more fire, or yang or something, Or that it's just part of "growing up".

I don't really care it's just annoying when my spot on solution to the problem is drowned out by irrelevant stuff.
It's not excactly "spot on", since using aether is safer and more balanced bet for elemental imbalances. Using elements is pretty advanced in some ways anyway, and using only one other than aether requires precise care in case of inbalances. Aether would take care of the balance issue better and would help overall.
Henu the Great said:
It's not excactly "spot on", since using aether is safer and more balanced bet for elemental imbalances. Using elements is pretty advanced in some ways anyway, and using only one other than aether requires precise care in case of inbalances. Aether would take care of the balance issue better and would help overall.

On top of the endless examples I'll add mine. I breathed in the fire element for the first time yesterday and while I felt incredibly confident and energized (only did 4 breaths and that's it) I did feel impatient and had to try harder to focus or clear my mind while doing void during my yoga session. Later in the night I went with breathing in aether (started this a few weeks ago) and did feel way better, calm and balanced. So what you said here is 100% true from my own experience. Great advice.
Fanboy said:
hailourtruegod said:
Henu the Great said:
It's not excactly "spot on", since using aether is safer and more balanced bet for elemental imbalances. Using elements is pretty advanced in some ways anyway, and using only one other than aether requires precise care in case of inbalances. Aether would take care of the balance issue better and would help overall.

On top of the endless examples I'll add mine. I breathed in the fire element for the first time yesterday and while I felt incredibly confident and energized (only did 4 breaths and that's it) I did feel impatient and had to try harder to focus or clear my mind while doing void during my yoga session. Later in the night I went with breathing in aether (started this a few weeks ago) and did feel way better, calm and balanced. So what you said here is 100% true from my own experience. Great advice.

Lmao she said she loves breathing in fire, and that it's her favorite element. Why you guys always argue pointless stuff like this xD

Please keep making it obvious. You're doing a good job so far in showing us who you really are.

Anyways, even on the invoking aether page it says what Henu said.
Fanboy said:
hailourtruegod said:
Henu the Great said:
It's not excactly "spot on", since using aether is safer and more balanced bet for elemental imbalances. Using elements is pretty advanced in some ways anyway, and using only one other than aether requires precise care in case of inbalances. Aether would take care of the balance issue better and would help overall.

On top of the endless examples I'll add mine. I breathed in the fire element for the first time yesterday and while I felt incredibly confident and energized (only did 4 breaths and that's it) I did feel impatient and had to try harder to focus or clear my mind while doing void during my yoga session. Later in the night I went with breathing in aether (started this a few weeks ago) and did feel way better, calm and balanced. So what you said here is 100% true from my own experience. Great advice.

Lmao she said she loves breathing in fire, and that it's her favorite element. Why you guys always argue pointless stuff like this xD

You're telling people to merge consciousness with potential jews and now trying to tell someone newish to invoke fire without taking heed of the warnings. Anything else?
Fanboy said:
Lol you're killing me

It seems like you're just trying to find the best solution which is fine but I feel like you're not giving it much thought after that. The point is that these couple of things is something that should be done by experienced members while we're trying to give a solution that is both safest and most effective. It won't be effective for the people you're responding to if they do something that should only be done by experienced/advanced individuals.

No need to make this into a fight. I didn't know it was mercury retrograde so misunderstanding each other at this time is normal. Regardless try to take these things I mentioned into consideration instead of being vague. Hope this clears things up.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
