You shouldn't feel bad when you're hungry, unless you're eating junk and you know it.
That aside, I don't think false hunger exists. So there's essentially no reason to feel guilty. One can get hungry even a couple of hours after a meal. If that happens, then you haven't eaten enough protein and saturated fat. Why do you think vegans eat like hobbits? :lol:
In my experience, red meat (including pork) is, by far, the highest quality food you can get. It provides maximum satiety, a perfect influx of energy, and doesn't make you lethargic after eating. As a bonus, if you minimize carbohydrates, you also don't get bloated--which is especially helpful during Yoga.
Mind you, I'm not recommending switching suddenly to a carnivore-style diet. However, reducing junk food and grain-derived products like pasta and bread and adding in a steak can be a good start. It did wonders for me.