SETI said:
Greetings, children of Father Satan
I want to know information about Saturn in Pisces(12th house) meaning. Is a bad or good placement. Do the person who has this placement suffers in life?
Thank you in advance!!
saturn does not necessarily indicate suffering. It's a serious planet, yeah, but keep going with meditation and you'll reach a point when the planets won't have too much influence on you anymore.
Saturn is called the teacher, astrologers and people who believe in Vedic astrology are of the belief that Saturn is one of the best teachers in Vedic astrology.
People are often afraid that the Saturn transit will be downright negative for them, since Saturn is responsible for the utmost hardships in life and all types of karmic reactions.
Deprived of rational and practical planets (Uranus in the fall and Mercury in exile) and immersed in the restlessness and mysterious Neptune and the lunar mutability, logic becomes observation and meditation.
You no longer have the ability to concentrate on the present and the immediate (Fall of Uranus) and a tendency to misanthropy is manifested, forced to rethink, repent and sacrifice.
The awareness of the difficult facts of life is unpleasant to accept; pessimism is whiny and is limited to feeling sacrificed and not wanting to extricate oneself from these emotions becoming self-punishing concepts.
Rationality is exalted and inconsistent, it manifests itself with moralistic scruples (Domicile of Jupiter), it hesitates to orient itself towards goals and ambitions feeling (or convincing itself) to be powerless to become practical in order to react to the problems of life.
Uncertainty about the future and a tendency to hypocrisy and envy.
The desire to escape from reality can delay or interfere with the acceptance of duties and responsibilities, just as excessive fear or conservatism can threaten the realization of transcendental visions.
Need to rely on spiritual resources.
Since the 12th house is the Pisces house, there are pessimistic disposition, tendency to prevent difficulties with tenacity and rational stoicism. Ascetic inclinations. Hidden enemies; risks of sorrow or of spending periods in solitude.
If you search it on Google there are a lot of descriptions, also you can consider to study the JoS pdf about astrology and to buy books about it