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I don't feel drawn to Norse Paganism like I do Satanism

Jun 23, 2014
There has been some debate going on recently with this ThuleProductions guy and Firestarter Media who made some anti JoS vidoes.

I just want to say one thing to my brothers and sisters of the Aryan race, I CHOOSE ENKI! I choose OUR Gods and Goddesses, ten times out of ten whether or not Enki is Odin or whether he is Loki or whatever this Thule Productions guy is saying. Whether it's true or not, I couldn't care less. I love our Gods and Goddesses, I love Enki. I love Lilith, I love Ba'al Zebub, I love Shamash, I love Qos, I love Ashtarte, I love Nergal. I love all of our Gods and Goddesses unconditionally. Whether they are good or evil I stand with them because whatever it is these deities are and wherever it is in the world they were originally worshiped, they are something I was drawn to naturally, they answered me, they accepted me, they taught and gave me guidance and accepted me and countless other Whites as their own they resonate with my soul.

Good and Evil as we know are just cultural concepts but either way if our Gods are good I choose good, if they are evil I choose evil. I don't care. Call me stupid or crazy but it's the way I feel. Same goes for my race, I don't care what Jewish historians want to say about Whites or what we may or may not have done in history, I don't care. I am for our people no matter what.

The point is I NATURALLY love the Gods and Goddesses of the Joy of Satan website. I have never felt drawn to the Pagan Norse Gods or traditions like I am to these Gods of the ancient middle east pantheons. Which is very strange because I am White with blonde hair and blue eyes and about as race conscious and tribal as it's possible to be. Yes I know many of our Gods may also infact be Norse Gods just with different names but still this is how I feel. I just don't love Odin the way I love Qos. Sorry if I have mistaken identities and Odin is actually Enki but it's just how I feel. I have no idea why.

Also as long as Norse Paganism has had an online presence it has never captured the hearts and minds of so many Whites like the Gods of the JoS has and I believe that's saying something.

Anyway here is Thule Productions video. He was too much of coward and banned comments so no one could challenge his RHP take on spirituality so just reply to me here and tell me what you think of him.

"Joy of Satan" (Loki ) - Liars, Deceivers and Snakes of Loki  

We have written about this. These people purposefully disregard the fact that Satanism or Satyam is the most ancient faith of our people. The sounder the blood the more they will be attracted to the Ancient faith rather than creations of a few thousand years old. Because the core of understanding is what creates the rest.

They also have serious hangups in regards to being unable to leave xianity. So they just change Satan to Loki and Jewsus to Odin and spew the same story under a different guise.

Eventhough there are wise Odinists who know about the occult teachings of their own faith, and the allegories, these people are dumb charlatans who have no idea what they are talking about. They are just holding a stick but not with jeboo, they name it Odin.

Ultimately, no spiritual advancement, and nothing is in the end provided to seek our survival. Because in the end they tolerate xian excrement as well with which they are tied on an unconscious level. Many idiots who couldn't sink in that the jew jewsus was a hoax started devising strange theories and linking the past in order to always recreate jebooism to catch up with the times.

I can't link this right now, but please go for "Teaching Odinism to the Odinists". Its a useful sermon to help you understand more.
I dony think there is anything wrong with liking Enki. My understanding is that Enki=Odin=Posiedon=Satan etc. Its the same message and same beings behind the message. The Norse style came about to suit one people at one time and likewise Enki for another people and time.

I myself am pretty happy knowing Satan as Satan, but because of my ancestry I also like the Norse Paganism. For instance I can see myself telling my kids one day the Norse Myths. As they age I will tell them the deeper meaning, the spiritual meaning, who Odin really is etc.
Wise words. As a child, I've always felt some kind of interest and attraction to Gods of Ancient Egypt. Wondered why no one is loving and worshiping them today, why is everyone worshipping abrahamic gawd.
Then I discovered Joy of Satan and found out where me heart belongs at.

Hail SATAN! Hail Glorious Gods and Goddesses of Duat! Hail to the Glorious Orion Empire! 88!
This guy is just another armchair-"pagan", all LARPing and ZERO practice (meditation, yoga, astrology, numerology, kabalah etc.), just wear a Mjollnir pendant, make a bunch of videos about your opinions on stuff and BOOM! Gentiles are saved! Simple, isn't it?
These kind of people are nothing more than fancy mundanes wearing Paganism as if it were a fucking fashion statement. But this guy, wow, this guy in particular is a character, specifically, this guy is a Christian at heart wearing the badge of THULEAN, starting from the videos were he fear mongers about spooky Demon possessions (just like an Hollywoodian-Christian would!), passing then to claiming homosexuals are mentally ill and possessed by Demons (Just like an Hollywoodian-Christian would!)

The Root Causes of Homosexuality
 and ending with some cringy ass videos of modded fallout showing all his manchild glory.

Fallout New Vegas - A State of Trance
Fallout New Vegas - Veronica, my love!
In conclusion: a special snowflake role playing as a THULEAN armed to the teeth with hot, blazing OPINIONS on things he doesn't really understand, after all, he doesn't need to, just say Hail Wotan and Gentiles get saved, E A S Y!

About not being attracted by Norse Paganism, i feel the same. Every time i would look or think about Northern countries and Norse Pagan creeds i didn't feel anything, nor love nor hate, maybe respect. But when thinking about Egypt, Greece or the East like China and Sri Lanka (even some parts of the middle east) i would feel this sense of ROMANCE, the genuine flame of knowledge, sometimes hot, sometimes humid but always cherished by the Sun. I was delighted when i found The Kybalion, and i was even more delighted when i discovered it came from Egypt, i knew that it would open the door of the temple of Truth without any childish tribalism and ritualism.

That's it.

Ave Satanas!
Thank you, Thoth!
This guy of Thule productions along with Sinead and rent a joo broadcasting turn there back on their only Spiritual Hope!!! We are true Satanists like the National Socialists where. Without a filter without shame! They are dumb childish idiots who clearly want attention on themselves. The truth always hurts for people who have a fixed view on reality. We just burst their bubble!
I also believe Sinead to be a attention whore as I saw a video of her where she cried that she was taken in a xtian concentration camp or something, in the desert. Also in the past she was trying to divert the attention on feminists instead of the joos which is suspicious. Also I saw a photo of her with two negroes on stormfront site. Stormfront is joo controlled, but I just looked what they had to say about her. It was a real picture. Anyways we have to keep pushing with the war and we shall be victorious!

Hail Satan and all Gods and Goddesses of Duat!
On Fri, 12/30/16, ashleyslade0124@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] I don't feel drawn to Norse Paganism like I do Satanism
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, December 30, 2016, 1:49 AM

There has been some
debate going on recently with this ThuleProductions guy and
Firestarter Media who made some anti JoS vidoes.

I just want to say one thing
to my brothers and sisters of the Aryan race, I CHOOSE ENKI!
I choose OUR Gods and Goddesses, ten times out of ten
whether or not Enki is Odin or whether he is Loki or
whatever this Thule Productions guy is saying. Whether
it's true or not, I couldn't care less. I love our
Gods and Goddesses, I love Enki. I love Lilith, I love
Ba'al Zebub, I love Shamash, I love Qos, I love
Ashtarte, I love Nergal. I love all of our Gods and
Goddesses unconditionally. Whether they are good or evil I
stand with them because whatever it is these deities are and
wherever it is in the world they were originally worshiped,
they are something I was drawn to naturally, they answered
me, they accepted me, they taught and gave me guidance and
accepted me and countless other Whites as their own they
resonate with my soul.

Good and Evil as we know are just cultural
concepts but either way if our Gods are good I choose good,
if they are evil I choose evil. I don't care. Call me

stupid or crazy but it's the way I feel. Same goes for
my race, I don't care what Jewish historians want to say
about Whites or what we may or may not have done in history,
I don't care. I am for our people no matter what.

The point is I NATURALLY love
the Gods and Goddesses of the Joy of Satan website. I have
never felt drawn to the Pagan Norse Gods or traditions like
I am to these Gods of the ancient middle east pantheons.
Which is very strange because I am White with blonde hair
and blue eyes and about as race conscious and tribal as
it's possible to be. Yes I know many of our Gods may
also infact be Norse Gods just with different names but
still this is how I feel. I just don't love Odin the way
I love Qos. Sorry if I have mistaken identities and Odin is
actually Enki but it's just how I feel. I have no idea

Also as long as Norse
Paganism has had an online presence it has never captured
the hearts and minds of so many Whites like the Gods of the
JoS has and I believe that's saying something.

Anyway here is Thule
Productions video. He was too much of coward and banned
comments so no one could challenge his RHP take on
spirituality so just reply to me here and tell me what you
think of him.

"Joy of
Satan" (Loki ) - Liars, Deceivers and Snakes of Loki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6907hQC3SY


"Joy of
Satan" (Loki ) - Liars, Deceivers and ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6907hQC3SY
That "Joy of Satan" group is nothing more then
"wolves in sheep clothes" of Loki (Satan) to
spread disinformation and lies to deceive our people...

View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6907hQC3SY

Preview by Yahoo

Just yesterday saw that video, and to be honest he speaks for himself and his own superficial mindset of what is norse paganism, in the same closeminded perseption others have done with "debunking" JoS.
Like you I feel drawn to Enki in the most spititual sense, and find his presence and influence in all ancient cultures, but this knowledge is not be taken in a literal sense but as teachings to relfect upon oneself to find its true meaning, otherwise you become susceptible to label and stereotype like this guy does in 3:41 out of ignorance, or perhaps out of fear is more fiting. 
By the way what does Qos mean?
Whom will you believe... Some normal guy who has no idea what spirituality is who has no idea of power meditations or the Hps who have been meditating for years on their soul needless to mention immensely studying with the guidance of our gods?! WE ALL KNOW HOW POTENT THE POWER MEDITATIONS ARE AND THEIR BLATANT EFFECTS... This guy hasnt meditated in his life (Its obvious),,astral senses closed and he claims to know about the gods and spirituality!!
I do get your point... But I will say thats our HPs are always right... I myself have tried to find flaws in their posts but i never got any....When i read some of their posts i feel like "No human could have written this" "Its literally out of this world"....
If u consider normal people "human"..then they are definitely "half gods"...Even some of our experienced older members have that same thing in their words...Even if you are in the intermediate level of power meditation u are way advanced than any of these common people. These knowledge are very sacred and we tend to take these for granted because we got it easily from the internet...

Finally i will say,,,,I do get that these people like Sinnead and this guy are one step closer to truth as they realize the truth about Nazism and realize paganism as the main religion...And can see some jewish lies like YWVH and communism...BUT SPIRITUALLY THESE PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY IN DARK...They donot realize the main goal of our life is to meditate and study hard to advance as gods and reunite with our Gods while fighting for humanity...They have know idea who Satan or any gods are as they are astrally fully closed...

We cannot advertise our site like we are desperately looking for followers...It looks like coercion and like we are selling something... NO..!! These things are very sacred!!!
+high_priest_hooded_cobra  I just found your sermon and read it. Thank you for posting what I wanted to say but didn't know how to argue or find the words for myself. I will copy and paste it whenever I need it on youtube comments to expose this people for what they are.
+hailodin I agree and see this is the value of idolatry,  the thing Abrahamic religions call a cardinal sin but which I call the only true freedom of worship. True spirituality and true freedom of religion means each of us are able to worship the same or as many different Gods and Goddesses in our own way as we relate to them. If you see Enki and Odin as one that is absolutely fine with me, I got no problem with that, you're still my brother/sister and my friend. I choose to worship differently and there may even be some Gods and Goddesses which you may have got to know which I may not have and vice versa, but we're both still advancing spiritually and working towards the same goals and we're still a family and a team even without some big all powerful dictator like Yahweh telling us what to do,


We are free to worship our own Gods and Goddesses and as many or as few of them in our own way and our Father Enki is here with us by our side, we even call about his name when summoning the Demons/Gods because he isn't an envious spoilt child of a God like tyranic c**t Yahweh.

+muninwolf  Qōs = Qaus or Koze a rainbow God worshiped in some of the same ancient pantheons particularly Canaan and nearby areas. He was a bit more obscure and less popular than some of the others but he is a God I am personally very close to. I am in love with him almost haha he has blessed me so much without me even expecting it. He has many similar attributes and qualities as Zeus and also associated with Hunting, Archery and Centaurs. He's a rainbow God and also a God of natural phenomena. The word Qōs means "bow" and he was described as "He who strikes down, chooses, blesses and gives light". Very Jupiterian of a deity basically.

The majestic rainbow Lord Qōs! <3 ^_^
+egon_88_666  Yeah I call them the Alt-Kikes. I have never trusted this Sinead woman, all her videos are ever about is eiter bashing homosexuals or accusing other pro White people or groups of being shills and where they are wrong and then who does she go and have on for an interview? Fucking Evalion! Evalion who ADMITTED to being a shill! Sinead looks like she could be Evalion's mother anyway, they're both Jewish looking. The only thing where she did tell the truth on is issues related to women because there are people such as this Stefan Molyneux and these MGTOW types who put out so much anti White woman stuff now and I know it's deliberately there to cause infighting. Too many people out there with double digit IQ's and don't think and btw, this is why I love the fact JoS DOESN'T allow people to come on here and say whatever they want, I am glad there are the Gods and there is a Clergy and people AREN'T EQUAL and I am glad there is no democracy and we have censorship because otherwise pro White groups quickly become Jew infested and poisoned with corrupt ideas. This one of the few that has been going strong for over 10 years and getting stronger every day.

Its funny because early on Enki was very important for me. Long story short, after discovering that magick was real and having astral projected, I realized that there was real religion, and the spirit world was real and that Atheistic Buddhism left me kind of hollow and unfulfilled.

So I went back to square one. I traced Christianity back , and Judaism, and I looked at the earliest civilizations and their religion. I found Enki and Sumerians, and researched worship of Enki and I realized I found the root of it all. Cutting out more of a long story I then found JoS.
+ashley.  its always welcome to learn something you previuosly ignore, for that thank you, this was meant to be a short response but the more I wrote felt more bound to continue. 
You made a very good synthesis of him and got curious to learn more, and for what I could find theres very little information about him, now, please correct me if Im wrong in the following. Theres a lot (almost all) of misinformation, you said he was workship on Canaan in particular, although he is depicted as the principal god of Edom, nothing wrong there. But also he is linked to Yahweh (urghh) and even stated by other "scholars" that it (Yawharever) was originated form that area. Where things get nasty is that Canaan and Endom nowdays are Jerusalem and Israel respectively, which leaves me to think that Yahweh was given similar aspects of Qos in order to remplace him and gain control of the people of these cultures, or something more shtitier. This confusion its cause for the few archaeological representations and texts about Qos, and I think that the temples found in Isreal where originaly of Qos, this goes for Baal and other gods to. 
Theres so much I could talk about it or ask, and still fell short to discus it; SO in regard of the video you share is an example of this kind misconception of the past, how we can aprouch it at first and get struck in the surface of what we find, that being knowledge/idiology/faith/conception you name it, acepting sterotypes as facts to justify of our fear to the unknown, the confort of not questioning ourselfs what we know as truth. Yes, at first it angers me, but that again is the superficial and final emotion, what I realy feel is sadnes and pity when this hapen, the best to deal with this people is not to confront them or show anger as they aspect, it only adds more to their justification ending in more useless violence, but to find a way to change that fear of the unkwon into confidence, fear is only natural part of the process for understanding not meant to be the end of it. As blandly optimistic this may seem, I truly believe it can be done. 

 Thank you Egon for posting the two links to hooded cobras sermons. They were very helpful. I am going through a transitional period in my life right now. I am taking all the time I need to come to a useful conclusion. Here is the problem, I am a very outspoken person. I at least want to know where I stand. 
 So back in 2011, I use to walk around with a baphomet on all the time. I even wore swastika necklaces. Better yet me and my 5 friends would walk in a store all wearing either Satanic or Nazi Necklaces. We did not care what we said or who heard it. Hail Satan!! The butter is half off today!! 
 I walked up to a cop and smiled and my presence freaked him out so much he looked at his shoes. Now this is not my intention but I was just very confident and outright. To where I would walk around and dare someone to ask me about my necklace, So I could let them have it. The more people who heard the better. 
 Back then maxine wrote alot about defending our rights. If there was christian music, you go and complain. Complain, Complain, Complain. So we let everyone have it.  We would be standing out a church handing out fliers that had the joy of satan on it. Anyway lol, I am not making this up we were pretty fucking extreme. We came under all kinds of attack. Having Cops sent to our house all the time. 
 Then we read, Do not reveal my attributes lest yet regret it. Tell no one you are a Satanist. If you have to tell someone, Parents, Hospitals, Military, people, I have seen individual posts for all these different categories even. Maxine said tell them you are Pagan or an Atheist. Never a Satanist.
 So we were like Oh damn. Well we are going about this all wrong. lol So we changed our ways completely by hiding and being in the closet. Now people bring up anything, I just nod my head and hope they think I am a christian. It sucks and quite frankly I cannot go on this way anymore. 
  What really shocked me is when My friend got harassed by a psychic right in front of me. You are into dark stuff!! You know what I am saying is true!! Isnt it?! My friend was Dedicated SS. Neither I nor her knew what to say in the situation. She just laughed it off and we got away from this person.. 
 Here I am thinking, If I was who I use to be, I would have let this person have it! I would have tore into them like no tomorrow. But Now I cant... Then it dawned on me. Wait Claim you are Pagan or Atheist. Face Palm.Duh why did I not see this before. 
 So I started looking heavily into Atheism. To be able to call myself something and be able to defend myself against people. I have been discriminated at against at work and all sorts of things. But, What do I say? I am a Spiritual Satanist!! That offends me!! I would have done just that before.. Now I cant...
  So I looked into Atheism for a while. Then it struck me again why not Pagan. The reason I liked Atheists is because they always win in an argument. But I decided to look into Paganism. You Know I felt the most Beautiful Energy ever. I discovered WOTAN and it felt like the first time I truly found my God. Everything just made sense. It connected to me on the Blood level. The energy was so freeing. I noticed it made a turn and went back to SATANISM. It actually made my Bond with Satan and his energy so much stronger in my life. Which I didnt expect. Because I see him more as the Pagan God now. I guess that connects something relating to my soul..... I am not really sure what the fuck is going on. But I am Delving and experiencing trying to learn. 
 I have been Dedicated 11 Years now and I don't remember what its like to even not be Dedicated anymore. So I didn't come to this over night. Since the beginning of 2013 I went into the closet as far as Religion and politics goes. Thats 4 years now. 
 It drives me nuts to play the wishy washy Agnostic guy. I am an extremist damnit. So I am thinking about PUBLICLY coming out as an Odinist or an Atheist. I would say Wotanism, but that is extremely National Socialistic. Which is fine, but we cant mention a damn thing about it!! lol Its maddening. 
 Next I will need to reevaluate Politics as well. Maybe call myself a Republican or something. Oh but Aldrick you can call yourself an Independent. Oh sure. I have no opinions! Either way I guess! I would Rather be behind a movement, that way i can associate as something. 
 Anyway I would be very Happy to hear what My Family in Satan has to think of this. Odinism or Atheism? Do you think Either of these are a Good thing? If we cant even mention Satan.. How are we suppose to live in society? Ever speak up for ourselves? Do you not think this is smart? 
 I mean I would love for there to be A Satanic Temple on every street and us come out as what we are. If this needs to happen. Look I will stand out on the corner with a sign Saying I am a Spiritual Satanist, Read this website. I will push the agenda. But oh wait... WE cant. We have to hide. Okay thats fine. But I am done hiding in society and losing everything of a voice. It is perfectly acceptable to be a proud Odinist or Atheist. 
 Any Thoughts that anyone can help bring to this. Would help me greatly. Thanks


---In [email protected], <hailodin666@... wrote :


Its funny because early on Enki was very important for me. Long story short, after discovering that magick was real and having astral projected, I realized that there was real religion, and the spirit world was real and that Atheistic Buddhism left me kind of hollow and unfulfilled.

So I went back to square one. I traced Christianity back , and Judaism, and I looked at the earliest civilizations and their religion. I found Enki and Sumerians, and researched worship of Enki and I realized I found the root of it all. Cutting out more of a long story I then found JoS.
I felt pissed the same way a while ago but then I realized if I want to be a real "radical", I should have cold blood and use common sense.
Infact there is no reason to go labeling yourself if not personal vanity that has no use for our cause. If someone asks just tell you're Pagan and let them wondering, use your creativity.
What you call yourself for outsiders has no use except for they using it as weapon against how "radical" you could be, they aren't worth wasting your saliva. Your plan is what matter, this is how a radical thinks, not in looking radical.

It is infuriating how we are locked into the closet isn't it aldric? My understanding is that before we can start coming out, we have to rot out the present structures of oppressive society (RTR). Then we can come out more openly, Backed by magick.

Around here its acceptable to just say you are not religious. Normally you don't catch too much heat for that. So it's kind of nice in that respect.

You can normally feel it out though as to whether the company you are with will give you trouble. Sometimes older people are trouble. Also small family restaurants and farmer cafes might have these same old christians.

As for political you can just say you are an independent around here. Like half of us are. I guess it's just easy to blend in here lol. I have also told people I am registered independent but consider myself a nationalist.

"Nationalist" is not one of the big 2 parties so people don't generally have conditioned responses to it. People are conditioned how to respond to hearing someone is a Democrat or Republican. The indoctrination centers have no program for the term "Nationalist" so you are free to define it as you see fit and people will generally accept anything you say about what being a "Nationalist" is.

Aldric I believe you have much fire. You have something powerful to draw upon. I hope you constructively harness it. This could be very powerful for you in either a good or bad way.

 For sure Hail Odin. 
 I think Egon has obviously missed the point here. 
 I WAS a radical. Yes this is true. However I have grown alot in four years and have no desire to be a radical anymore, unless necessary. I want to be VERY Moderate. I was to fly under the radar and be seen as normal. 
 But I want to define myself as something. I could just say Pagan. But people are going to ask what kind of Pagan? I want to be able to basically bullshit and conceal who and what I am. While having an active voice about most things. 
 Just like considering to be a Republican. Very Moderate. But at least I can take a stance. That doesnt involve, I dont vote until Hitler shows up on the charts... hahaha.. That makes for interesting conversation. 
I like Atheism because it so deals with reality. I dont have to play the you christians killed my people card! I dont have to say I believe Odin stormed the seas of the universe and with his mighty spear constructed the Heavens. Lets go lift some Horns together!!! Horah!!!
 When I imagine myself as an Atheist I feel like I just took a anti psychotic Medicine. Not just because of the ideas but physically in my brain I feel more stable. I feel like I am able to look at reality and argue it very well. BUT. BUT their all Liberal Leftists dumbfuck fairy fuckin Hipsters. Or Feminists SJW needs a cock in her ass now Hotline. I cant stand nor sit for this hootinnome. 
 If ya cant stand and you cant sit. What does one do with ones self? Look like your lost and make people think did he just accidentally stumble upon this place. Why is he talking to wall over there? 
 The Problem is When I keep quiet so much eventually I explode. If I could express myself in a way of having an opinion this would less likely happen. Alot people learned I support Hitler around me from pissing me off. When they say something like he was just a little coward with a superiority complex that I dont even remember the words. Because at that point im screaming at them. If you were half the man that Hitler was you sorry ass piece of shit. Comparing a little bitch like you to man like HITLER is like comparing justin bieber to someones whos balls have actually dropped. Then all I can think about is hanging them by their own intestines for everyone else too see and get the fucking point. 
 Nonetheless, This job I was talking about. I told them all off and left and I got a better Job. I would like to say that I left very professionally, with a Good bye and nice working with you. But it was more like me screaming and telling them to go fuck thyself. Which I am not proud of. But I had enough with the, Oh do you have your bible in you car? If so go get it. Lets talk about God. I should have probably sued but I would have to get evidence and what not. My favorite quote to give is take your kike on a stick and shove it up your ass with the rest of the shit where it belongs. I try not to use that one, they dont seem to take very kindly to it. 
  You see If I were pretending to be an Atheist. I would have all ideas of what to say that were not aggressive rush to the surface. I am not ruling out Pagan though. 
 The purpose of this, Is I respect yalls feelings. I want to have a meaningful intelligent conversation with you. And try to learn something from each and everyone of you. If i had the answer to this I wouldnt ask. So this is neat to hear other opinions.   IF however, people think that me asking a question is grounds for all the little no bodies who have to prove themselves to crawl out and try to TELL me what to do and act like their better then me. They can just go crawl back to the little boys club they came out of. 
 Any meaningful conversation would be much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from all of you and your opinions and your experiences. 
I'd have to say the smartest thing you can say is you are not religious. It's what I do. Patience is a key factor here.

If you want that world badly enough you will be patient and not say anything until the time is right. Satan has a plan, and patience is key on your part until the time is declared.

I don't have a problem personally waiting it out and being silent. I have been taught better and am now a better person thanks to Satan, and my Guardians. Extremism just won't get you anywhere. To lead people back to the Truth takes time, and most importantly other virtues.

It was hard for me too a lifetime ago(not literally.) It's an expression.
It's all just a matter of time an patience now. In the end the enemy will be annhilated, and things will come about so long as people KEEP fighting. I for one will never stop. Reverse torah rituals are the way to fight, along with anti-tracks for now.

Hail Satan.
Hail Lady Agares.
Hail Lady Beleth.
Pagan... Atheist.... No I'm a devout Spiritual Satanist!!!
My grandpa, an SS, said the true strength of an individual is in not having to prove to others how strong you are for the sake of ego. 
Something else grandpa would say is that aggressive words come out when there is no knowledge or understanding of appropriate actions. In other words, send them a curse that would give them a bad headache every time they said those infuriating words and attach the power to the sun. Eventually they'll stop saying it.  
That's like the pedifiles [bad spelling]. I'll send them a curse that shrinks their dick every time they think about molesting a child. It works as long as I'm within visual distance of them when I cast it. This one guy down the street committed suicide because it was the size of a girls! An acquaintance of mine worked in the police dept and saw the corners report. Hahaha. 
And then there is the little zingers. You know them.  You've posted some! 
Well that's my 2 cents. 
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 2:25 PM, aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:  
 For sure Hail Odin. 
 I think Egon has obviously missed the point here. 
 I WAS a radical. Yes this is true. However I have grown alot in four years and have no desire to be a radical anymore, unless necessary. I want to be VERY Moderate. I was to fly under the radar and be seen as normal. 
 But I want to define myself as something. I could just say Pagan. But people are going to ask what kind of Pagan? I want to be able to basically bullshit and conceal who and what I am. While having an active voice about most things. 
 Just like considering to be a Republican. Very Moderate. But at least I can take a stance. That doesnt involve, I dont vote until Hitler shows up on the charts... hahaha.. That makes for interesting conversation. 
I like Atheism because it so deals with reality. I dont have to play the you christians killed my people card! I dont have to say I believe Odin stormed the seas of the universe and with his mighty spear constructed the Heavens. Lets go lift some Horns together!!! Horah!!!
 When I imagine myself as an Atheist I feel like I just took a anti psychotic Medicine. Not just because of the ideas but physically in my brain I feel more stable. I feel like I am able to look at reality and argue it very well. BUT. BUT their all Liberal Leftists dumbfuck fairy fuckin Hipsters. Or Feminists SJW needs a cock in her ass now Hotline. I cant stand nor sit for this hootinnome. 
 If ya cant stand and you cant sit. What does one do with ones self? Look like your lost and make people think did he just accidentally stumble upon this place. Why is he talking to wall over there? 
 The Problem is When I keep quiet so much eventually I explode. If I could express myself in a way of having an opinion this would less likely happen. Alot people learned I support Hitler around me from pissing me off. When they say something like he was just a little coward with a superiority complex that I dont even remember the words. Because at that point im screaming at them. If you were half the man that Hitler was you sorry ass piece of shit. Comparing a little bitch like you to man like HITLER is like comparing justin bieber to someones whos balls have actually dropped. Then all I can think about is hanging them by their own intestines for everyone else too see and get the fucking point. 
 Nonetheless, This job I was talking about. I told them all off and left and I got a better Job. I would like to say that I left very professionally, with a Good bye and nice working with you. But it was more like me screaming and telling them to go fuck thyself. Which I am not proud of. But I had enough with the, Oh do you have your bible in you car? If so go get it. Lets talk about God. I should have probably sued but I would have to get evidence and what not. My favorite quote to give is take your kike on a stick and shove it up your ass with the rest of the shit where it belongs. I try not to use that one, they dont seem to take very kindly to it. 
  You see If I were pretending to be an Atheist. I would have all ideas of what to say that were not aggressive rush to the surface. I am not ruling out Pagan though. 
 The purpose of this, Is I respect yalls feelings. I want to have a meaningful intelligent conversation with you. And try to learn something from each and everyone of you. If i had the answer to this I wouldnt ask. So this is neat to hear other opinions.   IF however, people think that me asking a question is grounds for all the little no bodies who have to prove themselves to crawl out and try to TELL me what to do and act like their better then me. They can just go crawl back to the little boys club they came out of. 
 Any meaningful conversation would be much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from all of you and your opinions and your experiences. 
I had so many liberal retards around me and called some of them my friends until just recently. Now I am realizing that I just can't take it anymore, I can't take their bullshit any longer and I can't take the daily references to Hitler and the Nazis anymore whenever these uneducated assholes want to make a point about "evil" in this world. Since they will not understand us and our position I decided for myself not to associate with them any longer. 
In the past I would suggest to them that history was written by the victors and point them to books and documentaries, but that was never really successful. Nobody did any research except for one person. Now, if somebody would be sincere in wanting to know which religion I feel closest to I might say that I am studying true paganism which originated in ancient Sumerian culture and then see how the conversation develops. Maybe from there it would go to examining the root of the word satanama and so on.
But honestly, when I look around in this fucked up world with those geo engineered skies and all the destruction everywhere and those stupid people EVERYWHERE, then I am glad that they don't know much about my beliefs, because their group thinking and my search for truth will just never go together.

Yes I am a Spiritual Satanist obviously. But in this case being true to yourself is not the smart thing. 
 Its not that I want to go around blasting my beliefs, its that I just want to hide in plain sight. But if you play the agnostic game, everyone thinks they can sway you. You have to have a voice in this world, otherwise you just end up peoples bitch. 
 Yes, that is true however I am not wanting the world to be perfect. You have to look beyond here. 
I dont want to be the quiet guy in the back. lets say I decided to become a Scientist or perhaps a politician. I strive for a position where I can be used for Satan. Now you cant just run around going I dont have opinions and hide. You have to come out as something. Think Manipulation. Think beyond either being a loud mouthed Satanist or a shut up. 
 How would you portray yourself to take center stage and hide in plain sight. This is what Hitler did, pretending to be a Catholic. While yes it is true being upset happens if you cant find the right means, which I would have If I could better express myself. But not in every case lol. When Hitler accosted other soldiers and beat them up, this was the way he chose. What I mean is if taken in a total effect its kinda wimpy. Always having to chose some High Road or something. Fuck that. A quick fuck you gets the job done better sometimes. 
Anyway, I will have to retract from this from now. As I need more contemplation on it. At first I was being drawn very heavily to Paganism, but then the strangest thing happened. The energy changed and now Satanism feels much more positive then Paganism. So It doesnt give me the joy and freedom I thought it would running to Odinism. 
 Thanks for the input though. 
@aldricYou have much to offer Satan and to the SS. This is why you were being attacked. Yes, questioning your position with SS or paganism is being attacked. I'm glad you've come back. 
I trust you'll choose an influential yet *scarlet* [as in the story the Scarlet Letter and scarlet as in for Father] position. 
Hail SatanHail Lilith

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On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 12:02 AM, aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:  
Yes I am a Spiritual Satanist obviously. But in this case being true to yourself is not the smart thing. 
 Its not that I want to go around blasting my beliefs, its that I just want to hide in plain sight. But if you play the agnostic game, everyone thinks they can sway you. You have to have a voice in this world, otherwise you just end up peoples bitch. 
 Yes, that is true however I am not wanting the world to be perfect. You have to look beyond here. 
I dont want to be the quiet guy in the back. lets say I decided to become a Scientist or perhaps a politician. I strive for a position where I can be used for Satan. Now you cant just run around going I dont have opinions and hide. You have to come out as something. Think Manipulation. Think beyond either being a loud mouthed Satanist or a shut up. 
 How would you portray yourself to take center stage and hide in plain sight. This is what Hitler did, pretending to be a Catholic. While yes it is true being upset happens if you cant find the right means, which I would have If I could better express myself. But not in every case lol. When Hitler accosted other soldiers and beat them up, this was the way he chose. What I mean is if taken in a total effect its kinda wimpy. Always having to chose some High Road or something. Fuck that. A quick fuck you gets the job done better sometimes. 
Anyway, I will have to retract from this from now. As I need more contemplation on it. At first I was being drawn very heavily to Paganism, but then the strangest thing happened. The energy changed and now Satanism feels much more positive then Paganism. So It doesnt give me the joy and freedom I thought it would running to Odinism. 
 Thanks for the input though. 

 Lol. I was never questioning being a spiritual Satanist. I am trying to find a decent way to express myself in the world. 
 Without going Hail Satan!!! Hail Hitler the Aryan Antichrist!!! He is coming!! 
 Lol. Now to other Satanists this is fine. But to the public obviously not. 
 It is not enemy attack to use critical thinking. Although some people here think in that religious mindset. 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
