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I can't live with this anymore

Then just keep meditating, and it'll become easier.

Gentiles CAN, if they've been brainwashed enough and/or serve the jews in their heart and soul. I've met Gentiles with this aura, but they were heavily involved in jewish bullshit
Sweet Revenge, there can be different ways of finding out if someone's a jew, one of which voiceofenki had already stated; sensing their aura. For me, when I happen to see a jew, the thought of breathing while looking at them simply disgusts me and can make me delay an inhalation until I look at something more pleasant... but that's just me.
Gentiles can have this aswell, but when you learn to identify the jews well you can see the difference between a messed up gentile and a jew. 

The gentile still is part of the gentile racial soul, even if they are corrupted and have an aura that reeks of jewish influence they still have the soul of their race within them and they still have their potentials within them aswell, so somewhere deep inside even the most disgusting and corrupted gentiles there is a satanic influence which you can learn to see. Behind all the corruption and vileness there is the gentile flame, but in those fucked up gentiles it's often too small and too corrupted to ever really ignite and come out. They aretoo detached from their true selves to ever really come back and fix themselves up unless they manage to ignite those embers of their true gentile selves. 

You can see the difference by identifying the gentile soul that is present in every gentile, however far hidden it might be behind the jewish corruption it is still in there somewhere. The jew doesn't have this, they are simply vile through and through, they don't have any potential for greatness and they don't have any inner embers that hold the great light which each gentile soul has within them. 

They are human hating beings of anti-life. Even the most fucked up gentile with the most disgusting aura will have this potential somewhere inside, because they are still decendants of the Gods, they are simply too far disconnected from this to ever really understand that. 
What voiceofenki is saying makes sense to me in a way. The joos created the bullshit xianity that has messed up countless gentiles. It not only corrupts their minds, but it goes deeper than that. I was foolish enough to fall in this trap about 15 years ago. I prayed for this "jewsus" come into my life and "save" me, and I do admit that I definitely felt something happen to me, but one of the first things that happened it brought to my attention everything I did "wrong". Instant guilt. Of course then I thought it was all good, but little did I know was I invited this jooish curse to overtake me. I quit taking care of myself, horrible diet and eventually started drinking a lot.. eventually I ended up here, and read "exposing Christianity", and then I new I found the truth. It all made sense. I did the dedication and when I finished and burned the letter, I said "fuck you Jesus! Get the fuck away from me!", Then i literally felt that curse leave me. I actually felt free for the first time in years. I saw everything clearly and the first thing I wanted to do was eat healthy, and I quit drinking. So yeah, the gentiles soul can be corrupted by these stupid joos, but no matter how corrupted, they are still gentile souls, and can still come back and find the truth in Satan; Speaking from experience.

Thank you Father Satan!
Sounds like you were in a tough place Jelco.. I'm glad you came back from that and managed to find the Satanic truth in time. 

Satan heals from the inside out, you will notice many things improve over time in your self, your character, your desires, everything will gradually and over time become better. Meditation is needed though to make this change manifest because Satan expects us to safe ourselves by applying the knowledge he teaches us. 

Satan gives us the knowledge to improve our lives and become better people, it's up to us to apply this knowledge. He doesn't forsake you though if you struggle or aren't working on improving yourself, but don't take the help the Gods are willingly giving us for granted. 

I have struggled quite a lot to remain consistent, especially in the early stages after my dedication to Satan and the Gods never left me, they pulled me back on the right track many times and slowly but surely I'm finally learning how to safe myself and improve myself properly. 

For some people it takes less time than others to get to a point where they are becomming somewhat decent. 

Something that helped me the most was reading everything, and re-reading the information on the JoS website and given in the sermons of our HP's untill I was living it. If you ever feel lost in some way, just spend some time reading the site, read the sermons of the HP's and use your intuition to find the sermons with the information that will help you. 

It works wonders. 
Ok...so, forgive me, I'm just trying to understand all this. So a gentile is capable of become better and making this world a better place no matter how corrupt they are if they only want to become better, right? On the other hand, a jew is totally incapable of becoming better because they're so vile, corrupt, malicious, etc.? So they don't have any ability to even want to do good even if they "tried"? They're full of hate for humanity and want every single gentile dead? So if a jew is at a, let's say grocery store or a shopping center, and they see all gentiles, they feel absolute pure hatred and want them all dead automatically?? They feel that? Or if they're at home they say how much they hate humanity?? Am I understanding or am I off??
On Sep 16, 2016 8:07 PM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Gentiles can have this aswell, but when you learn to identify the jews well you can see the difference between a messed up gentile and a jew. 

The gentile still is part of the gentile racial soul, even if they are corrupted and have an aura that reeks of jewish influence they still have the soul of their race within them and they still have their potentials within them aswell, so somewhere deep inside even the most disgusting and corrupted gentiles there is a satanic influence which you can learn to see. Behind all the corruption and vileness there is the gentile flame, but in those fucked up gentiles it's often too small and too corrupted to ever really ignite and come out. They aretoo detached from their true selves to ever really come back and fix themselves up unless they manage to ignite those embers of their true gentile selves. 

You can see the difference by identifying the gentile soul that is present in every gentile, however far hidden it might be behind the jewish corruption it is still in there somewhere. The jew doesn't have this, they are simply vile through and through, they don't have any potential for greatness and they don't have any inner embers that hold the great light which each gentile soul has within them. 

They are human hating beings of anti-life. Even the most fucked up gentile with the most disgusting aura will have this potential somewhere inside, because they are still decendants of the Gods, they are simply too far disconnected from this to ever really understand that. 
You are mostly correct.Some jews may CLAIM to want the best for humanity, and may have even convinced themselves it's true, however it is ALWAYS subconscious, even if not conscious. The jew subconscious is tied into a "hive mind" like the greys, and similar to bees or ants, but much crueler. So subconsciously, they cannot help but hate Gentiles. They especially hate Satanists.
I remember I started a job once, and the manager was jewish. My father had worked with the manager about 11 years prior. Manager loved my dad, for he was a hard worker and very friendly. The manager met me, and realized who my father was. I could actually see the conflicting emotions in his eyes, and in his soul. Consciously, he wanted to like me because he had worked with my dad and liked him. But subconsciously he couldn't help but hate me, like it or not [consciously]
Wow, thanks voiceofenki,that was really motivating! I did leave out the part(and I know I've stated this in other posts) that after a few months of meditating and reading the website, I slowly quit meditating and eventually slipped back into my old habits, including (I still can't figure out why)'trying' to be a xian again. Of course it never did work. Father Satan was looking out for me and never let that curse back in me, and He even went so far as to visit me in a dream one night. I have no idea what we talked about to this day. But I do remember what he looked like and when I woke up I remember feeling so happy and peaceful because of the conversation I had with Him, then it hit me, "wait, Satan came to me in a dream?" It felt so good to know that he cared. So, yeah, I'm back now and it is frustrating to know that I could've been over a year into my meditations and what not but there's no point in dwelling about the "should've could've's". I had to basically start over, but it is what it is. I just gotta stick with it this time and when the time comes, as needed, I'll follow your advice. Thanks again.

Hail Father Satan!
Good for you!
Hail Satan!


On Mon, 9/19/16, jelco666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I can't live with this anymore
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, September 19, 2016, 1:17 AM


Wow, thanks voiceofenki,that was really motivating!
I did leave out the part(and I know I've stated this in
other posts) that after a few months of meditating and
reading the website, I slowly quit meditating and eventually
slipped back into my old habits, including (I still
can't figure out why)'trying' to be a xian
again. Of course it never did work. Father Satan was looking
out for me and never let that curse back in me, and He even
went so far as to visit me in a dream one night. I have no
idea what we talked about to this day. But I do remember
what he looked like and when I woke up I remember feeling so
happy and peaceful because of the conversation I had with
Him, then it hit me, "wait, Satan came to me in a
dream?" It felt so good to know that he cared. So,
yeah, I'm back now and it is frustrating to know that I
could've been over a year into my meditations and what
not but there's no point in dwelling about the
"should've could've's". I had to
basically start over, but it is what it is. I just gotta
stick with it this time and when the time comes, as needed,
I'll follow your advice. Thanks again.

Hail Father Satan!

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So they naturally hate gentiles, even if they tried liking them, it doesn't work. As if they were born to hate.
On Sep 19, 2016 1:43 PM, "ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You are mostly correct.Some jews may CLAIM to want the best for humanity, and may have even convinced themselves it's true, however it is ALWAYS subconscious, even if not conscious. The jew subconscious is tied into a "hive mind" like the greys, and similar to bees or ants, but much crueler. So subconsciously, they cannot help but hate Gentiles. They especially hate Satanists.
I remember I started a job once, and the manager was jewish. My father had worked with the manager about 11 years prior. Manager loved my dad, for he was a hard worker and very friendly. The manager met me, and realized who my father was. I could actually see the conflicting emotions in his eyes, and in his soul. Consciously, he wanted to like me because he had worked with my dad and liked him. But subconsciously he couldn't help but hate me, like it or not [consciously]
Yes exactly. They may pretend to like Gentiles, for as we know, the jew plays both sides, but they hate all Gentiles. The closest one will get, is liking how USEFUL we can be to them
Yes Sweet revenge, they are created as the polar opposite of the gentiles. Not all are aware of what they are, so not all jews will know consciously they exist to oppose and destroy our gentile people, but subconsciously every jew has an intense hatred for a gentile, especially a satanist. 

They are the opposite of us at their very core, we are life loving beings meant to create and gentiles excell at creating things and making wonderful culturally rich civillizations, gentiles naturally stand for justice, we naturally respect woman and men equally, gentiles naturally care for nature and animal lives aswell as fellow humans and naturally gentiles aren't murdering and resentful people. 

The jews are life hating and even when they are not aware of their true nature they will enjoy seeing others suffer, they are naturally inclined to rule over others like a dictator, make others do their bidding and resent anyone that doesn't bow down to them in some way. They don't want to create anything and are naturally lazy, they want other people to do everything for them, they are naturally inclined to put as little effort into everything they do and have others do everything for them. They are naturally inclined to benefit from others, they enjoy seeing things die off or break appart and otherwise don't care at all if others are having trouble. They are natural cowards and are naturally inclined to run away from danger and hide in a corner to remain undetected. They don't care for justice, they are selfish in that they just want to do whatever they feel like, but they are also very servile in that they obey their torah and the word of their "g-d" more zelously than any one... They naturally live unsanitary lives and they don't have a will to develop their civilization. 

For centuries they lived in their own shit, they lived like true cavemen not caring for any kind of hygiene or any kind of development, they were an inferior species that ran about half naked, raping and murdering things while dancing in their own shit in the deserts of the middle east. This might be slightly exaggerated, but it's not far from the truth. 

They are literally the complete opposite of us gentiles, in no way are we simmilar. They think we are disgusting, we think they are disgusting. The difference in our hatred and their hatred is, that our hatred is justified because they have commited genocide after genocide against our people while we gentiles have always given the the benefit of the doubt.. The ancients knew they are an evil, human hating species of excrement, but they didn't go and hunt them down in the wild because the gentiles didn't think of them as a danger at first. 

They were the first to act against us, we gentiles never took pre-emptive action against them at first. Only after they comitted their crimes did the gentiles retaliate and this has happened many times and everytime the gentile showed it's fangs against the jews we obliterated them and beat them into the ground, but in the past we never gave them the decicive blow because our people by nature aren't vengeful people and the jew always played the victim. 

This time however, everything is different. The Gods are done being mister nice guy, we are done being mister nice guy and the jews know that if their control breaks now they won't be able to escape their demise any longer. After all these thousands of years of horrific crimes against our people our racial souls harbor an intense hatred towards the jews because many of our ancestors have suffered unimaginably at their hand.

From the 11 some genocides they committed to the many peaceful tribes in the east a couple thousand years ago to the witch hunts and other horrors of the inquisition, the 30 some million innocent gentiles murdered and starved to death in the gulags and the millions of german and other european civillians burned in insane mass bombings during world war two and the insane crimes commited against our people after the war by the jews and their brain washed soviet dogs, all of these things and much more has created an intense hatred towards the jews in our people and our subconsciousness. For all these things they have done, they need to be brought to justice. 

The jews did all of these things because they wanted to, not just because they were ordered to destroy our people, but because they enjoy doing so. Just like the greys and co. They also have a sick fetish for death and suffering. It's the nature of the reptillians and their leaders that the jews inherited. 

If a normal healthy gentile is asked to sacrifice his own children he would rather choose a life of eternal suffering that to sacrifice his own children. If a jew is asked the same he would sacrifice his children without second thought and he would eat their flesh if ordered to aswell, then he would simply make more children and he would do it again if asked to do it again. 

I hate the jews intensely and I would love seeing them all suffer and die horribly, but I would still get sick in my stomach to see jews get tortured, even if it was just, simply because I don't enjoy seeing suffering. The jews have a sick fetish for it and actually enjoy draining children of their blood and cutting woman up alive. 

The sick pedophiles on the deep web for example are mostly jews and they actually jack off to movies of suffering children, where unspeakable things are done to harmless, defenseless children, they are literally that sick. It's not just the top rabbies who are like this, it's most jews and all jews atleast on the subconsciousness level enjoy such things. 
<td val[/IMG]How can one know if he has 1℅ Jew blood in him? I'm black, and from Africa by the way,

And also a Jew can't be a satanist if they discover the truth and try to exit the jewtrix?

Or does it mean a Jew will never change and all Jews are bad?[/TD]
From: Sweet Revenge notgivingup666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I can't live with this anymore
Sent: Tue, Sep 20, 2016 2:27:58 PM

<td val[/IMG]   So they naturally hate [/IMG]ljoss[/IMG] [email protected] wrote:
  You are mostly correct.Some jews may CLAIM to want the best for humanity, and may have even convinced themselves it's true, however it is ALWAYS subconscious, even if not conscious. The jew subconscious is tied into a "hive mind" like the greys, and similar to bees or ants, but much crueler. So subconsciously, they cannot help but hate Gentiles. They especially hate Satanists.
I remember I started a job once, and the manager was jewish. My father had worked with the manager about 11 years prior. Manager loved my dad, for he was a hard worker and very friendly. The manager met me, and realized who my father was. I could actually see the conflicting emotions in his eyes, and in his soul. Consciously, he wanted to like me because he had worked with my dad and liked him. But subconsciously he couldn't help but hate me, like it or not [consciously]
[/QUOTE] [/TD]
I've been at social gatherings and they can't stand to be around me! One actually said he felt sick, without me saying a word!
Filthy scum!
Hail Satan!
Everyone can become good people if the can just try, can't they? Even jews or not? But there are Jews that have gone out of hand and are killing a lot of us. I had one Jew friend once who hated me but we tried to be friends but he can't help because of the Talmud. I may have got him to defect when I caught him trying to record my voice so he cold curse me. I'm not sure if he's trying to kill me but I can take advantage that he's in facebook and maybe curse him but he keeps saying if I am around or not.
He is still struggling to break from his hive mind. His name is M****** and of course, I don't trust him so much that I don't talk to him anymore, in short, i am enemies with him and his stupid fictitious god.

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Thursday, September 22, 2016 4:56 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" wrote:

  To be perfectly honest just like it's reptilian master it hates everything not just us.

If you're an infiltrator, you're failing miserably. There is MUCH info on how wicked the jew is. You will be banned, just as other kike scum.

IF, however, you are NEW - well, no, jews are evil. It's their essence. There is no such thing as good jew. Study www.exposingchristianity.com

Aviom666, it might be hard to understand at first, but in truth, as I have said before in a couple of replies, the jew simply isn't capable of changing, because it is their nature to be how they are... It is their nature to be human hating, genocidal, mentally unstable and from our perspective completely insane. 

They are the polar opposite of our Gentile people. 

A jew is never your friend. Why do you still say he was your friend, when you actually know he hated you? How can someone who is supposedly your friend hate you? Why do you think it is because of their hive mind? They are born like that, it's not that they are programmed to be part of the hive mind, they are literally part of their hive and they can never change that, because they are jews and they are connected to the jewish racial soul. 

It is in their souls that they are the complete opposite of us.. Some jews are confused about this and they might be conflicted about this, but those jews are in essence just weak jews that even their fellow jews don't give a damn about. Even jews like that, that are somehow conflicted about this inner nature of theirs and try to deny this part of who they are will never be able to change this. 

A jew who denies their true nature simply ends of destroying himself, in the same way as gentiles that try to live like jews end up destroying themselves. A jew cannot harbor the traits of our people, they cannot live like our Gods and they cannot become like them, even if they actually would wish for it. If they tried they would slowly break appart internally and they would destroy themselves by denying their nature and trying to go against their deepest internal instincts. 

Gentiles who live like xians for many years end up destroying themselves, they become mentally ill, physically weak and their souls slowly become damaged to a point of no repair if they live like xians fro too many life times... Devout xians and especially mudslimes are some of the most mentally deranged and insane people that are currently alive, completely destroyed with no decent qualities left, they can't even be compared to true gentiles anymore because they are so damaged they are nothing like true gentiles.

They are sick, woman beating, child raping, murderous, aggressive, mentally unstable and weak, physically ill and spiritually dead semi human looking things driven to the edge of insanity because of the insane jewish programs they follow. 

People like that cannot build civilizations, the world would turn into a litteral shit fest where death is more common than life, where all things living are considered as property of the jewish invented "g-d" and exploited untill they are destroyed, where woman would be treated as child bearing factories that can be used for whatever the insane people see fir, where men would ceacelessly rape, kill and even canabalize each other and their own children... A world of only suffering. 

Every jew has it in their subconsciousness mind and most are consciously aware of this, that they exist to create a world of pure suffering for the gentiles and that they should do whatever they can to aid their alien creators to make their sick dreams manifest in reality. They will do whatever they can do defile gentile tradition, gentile people and anything that has natural roots. 

To the jews this is being a good person. It has nothing to do with personal morals, but simply with the nature of our beings. The jew is the opposite of us and what they consider their natural rights and a proper way to live and treat the world is completely insane and sick beyond words to any gentile that isn't corrupted by the jewish influence like those zelous xians and mudslimes. 

So when a jew tries to live by our standard and by the morals of gentiles they are basically living a life they find completely insane and alien. The idea that live should be respected and that raping children is sick doesn't exist in the mind of a jew, subconsciously this is completely normal and fine for them. 

Commiting genocide and treating all life other than their own as slaves is something completely normal to them and anyone who thinks that is insane is in fact considered insane and sick by the jews. 
At first I thought anyone could be good...but obviously not. Also, can anyone explain to me why are we cursing a god that doesn't exist??
On Sep 22, 2016 4:52 AM, "avivom666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Everyone can become good people if the can just try, can't they? Even jews or not? But there are Jews that have gone out of hand and are killing a lot of us. I had one Jew friend once who hated me but we tried to be friends but he can't help because of the Talmud. I may have got him to defect when I caught him trying to record my voice so he cold curse me. I'm not sure if he's trying to kill me but I can take advantage that he's in facebook and maybe curse him but he keeps saying if I am around or not.
He is still struggling to break from his hive mind. His name is M****** and of course, I don't trust him so much that I don't talk to him anymore, in short, i am enemies with him and his stupid fictitious god.

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Thursday, September 22, 2016 4:56 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" wrote:

  To be perfectly honest just like it's reptilian master it hates everything not just us.
Sweet revenge, have you actually been following what has been happening as of late?

Asking questions is what the e-groups are for, but asking questions there are ANSWERS for, provided TIMES AND TIMES again, is like... displaying ignorance.

HPS in their sermons, people in their posts... Do you only check your posts or what?

The Jewish "god" does not exist as a real being, this is true, however it IS a thoughtform. Millions upon millions of people have been praying and sending energy to "god", causing a thoughtform to develop. This thoughtform is controlled by the jews with their curses. They use the energy from it to manifest their desires. We are cursing this "God" to destroy the thoughtform so that they have no more power. Make sense?
LOL you think I'm a joo!?! Why don't you ask Father if I am or not and he'll tell you I'm not! Threatening me is not very nice, especially when I'm new and still trying to understand things and think realistically. But *thanks* for your *kind* words!
On Sep 22, 2016 11:26 AM, "black.wyrm666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  If you're an infiltrator, you're failing miserably. There is MUCH info on how wicked the jew is. You will be banned, just as other kike scum.

IF, however, you are NEW - well, no, jews are evil. It's their essence. There is no such thing as good jew. Study www.exposingchristianity.com

Not all are good, not all will be called!

You basically need two things to get called to Satan.
1.Be a gentile.
2.Have the right kind of heart/ soul that is receptive to Him.

That might sound like a "clique" - but it is true.

Satan neither has the inclination or the time to waste chasing "losers"!

I hope that answers your question.

Satan Bless!
@Sweet Revenge


Bah, I hate misunderstandings...

I take it you are referring to the jooish god "Jahovah" aka "Yahweh"?
Yahweh -YHVH - is nothing more then jooish magick. YHVH known as the "tetragammaton" represents the four elements as does "INRI", along with the four gospels; these represent the four corners of magick working, used extensively in jooish magick working.
The main thing to remember and understand is that "Yahweh" is a "thought form". All those delusional xians are energizing and empowering jooish magick working with their "prayers" to the jooish god! If enough people think a "thought" - it - "forms" a reality!
All this is explained by HPS Maxine: "Exposing Christianity".
You need to read ALL of JoS website, and then will understand what is going on!
Hail Satan!
Ok, just bare with me here... I'm still trying to deprogram myself from years of belonging to xianity and want to clarify something, then share something that I just realized.
  First, I'm reading that their "god" is just a thought form. Is the "jewsus" just a thought form too, or could it be a reptilian or grey posing as this character? I hate to keep bringing this up, but when I first became a xian, I was by myself and had no outside influence and really new nothing about it,  I just prayed for this 'jewsus' to come in and 'save' me, and I felt something very real come inside of my and I had this overwhelming feeling of peace. So this was more than just a thought form, but this leads me to what I just realized looking back at this.
 This curse is very real! Those that were never xians might never understand. That feeling of the initial overwhelming peace is what trapped me. It felt good, so why would I want to leave it? Of course it's going to feel peaceful, because if it wasn't, then I would've rejected it right away. All these xians have this curse that they willfully invited in, but because it "feels good", they deny anything that contradicts anything to their beliefs, no matter how much proof there is, because of that 'feeling'. But it all makes sense to me now! It even says in their own scriptures (jewsus),I stand at the door and knock and anyone who hears me and opens the door, I will come in.... It says right there that he will well, basically posses you. WTF?! why don't people see this? More jooish bullshit! I got stuck that whole time being possessed by who knows what, and had no chance of ever advancing spiritually while that whole time I thought I was spiritual... I just can't thank Satan enough for pulling me out of that... I was screwed and had no idea. When I did my dedication ritual to Satan, when I finished and felt that curse actually exit me, that's when I knew I found the truth. It's been hard so far to reprogram myself, but I'm doing it. I know my messages almost repeat themselves and often run long, but I need to get this stuff out. Give me time and eventually they'll be shorter and simpler. Actually feeling emotional writing this.. thank you guys for bearing with me.
Hail Father Satan... Words can't thank you enough!!
@Sweet Revenge...People keep telling you - read the JoS website! Then come to us with what you don't understand!

To many people think they can get a "quick 'n' easy" education here! It doesn't work like that!

This is to ALL HERE - Satan respects honesty and hard work!

Hail Satan!
Jelco666. I find it interesting that you mention 'peace' when being a xtian. I was a xtian for years! And never once ever
while a xtian did I experience the PEACE that I feel when Father Satan or one of the Demons gives me a hug. THERE
IS NO COMPARISON. However, i do not doubt what you say. I just find it interesting and somewhat paradoxical.

I did, through the years as a xtian, feel something was missing. I was always searching -- for Father Satan! Something
innate in me knew that I belonged with Him. I just wasn't consciously aware of it.

So glad you did find your way to the Truth that is Father Satan.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail all the Gods of Hell!


On Fri, 9/23/16, jelco666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I can't live with this anymore
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, September 23, 2016, 9:57 AM


Ok, just bare with me here... I'm still trying
to deprogram myself from years of belonging to xianity and
want to clarify something, then share something that I just
I'm reading that their "god" is just a thought
form. Is the "jewsus" just a thought form too, or
could it be a reptilian or grey posing as this character? I
hate to keep bringing this up, but when I first became a
xian, I was by myself and had no outside influence and
really new nothing about it,  I just prayed for this
'jewsus' to come in and 'save' me, and I
felt something very real come inside of my and I had this
overwhelming feeling of peace. So this was more than just a
thought form, but this leads me to what I just realized
looking back at this.
 This curse is very real! Those
that were never xians might never understand. That feeling
of the initial overwhelming peace is what trapped me. It
felt good, so why would I want to leave it? Of course
it's going to feel peaceful, because if it wasn't,
then I would've rejected it right away. All these xians
have this curse that they willfully invited in, but because
it "feels good", they deny anything that
contradicts anything to their beliefs, no matter how much
proof there is, because of that 'feeling'. But it
all makes sense to me now! It even says in their own
scriptures (jewsus),I stand at the door and knock and anyone
who hears me and opens the door, I will come in.... It says
right there that he will well, basically posses you. WTF?!
why don't people see this? More jooish bullshit! I got
stuck that whole time being possessed by who knows what, and
had no chance of ever advancing spiritually while that whole
time I thought I was spiritual... I just can't thank
Satan enough for pulling me out of that... I was screwed and
had no idea. When I did my dedication ritual to Satan, when
I finished and felt that curse actually exit me, that's
when I knew I found the truth. It's been hard so far to
reprogram myself, but I'm doing it. I know my messages
almost repeat themselves and often run long, but I need to
get this stuff out. Give me time and eventually they'll
be shorter and simpler. Actually feeling emotional writing
this.. thank you guys for bearing with me.
Hail Father Satan... Words can't
thank you enough!!

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Dang Sims, you're lucky then. It fucked me up big time... It's a wonder I ended up here. I can't say that I knew there was something "missing" per say. But I did always felt drawn toward Satan for years, but again with being a xtian, I thought Satan was "messing" with me so I always resisted. Then it eventually kept getting stronger and then I finally I guess you can say "gave in" and eventually ended up here. Truly amazing.  I can't say I felt "peace necessarily when I dedicated, but I just felt alive. I think that was what I needed to feel. But anyway, life is so much better now. There's lots to do, but it makes so much more sense now.
  Hail Father Satan!!!
I know I said that because I looked deep into those scaly retards and what they are. They were said to be created by the reptilians and greys as half human hybrids and now they are under the command of those enemy alien beings, they are tied to evil. From a Satanist, this video explains it.
Jews are the "archons" 100% proof

<td [/IMG] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

We were right that there is something behind the Jews and it's that they are just like completely mind controlled chunks of alien flesh tied to an evil god named Jewhova. We are cursing a thought-form so that thing the Jews made will die. We are attacking their damn "matrix" and freeing the gentiles while the Jews will get what they deserve. And we are making impact like maxine said already that the Jew god is losing power. Their thoughtform is dying. 
It seems that some of those animals broke free from their master's chains as they became aware out of some chance we do not know. I am doing my own research and I want to know whether they are able to escape it, this means they must be given something or...okay fuck it, I don't know. 
http://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/as- ... -military/ I used these on people to those who say the Holocaust is real. I know that that stupid holocaust is nothing but made up Jewish fiction. If it were real, that might have meant that they had a lot of ammo. 150 pounds of bodies are impossible to carry all the way to some ovens that cannot cook all those bodies quickly.

"I don't know but Hitler's speeches may have been too powerful that even those fiendish animals freed themselves and cried their guilt out, same story for those that want to defect. What do we do? I think it's best to do what the majority of this JoS group wants. Nail a bullet at that kike's head, I'd do that too."

But I'm not kind with Jews and I never said that. I want to make sure if ever they want to defect and come to our ranks, they must not even dare commit any strife because Satan still doesn't trust them. I know their crimes and what they did to Philippines, over here. My country is like the middle of the Xtian shit hole for Asians. 
It's been a year for me as a Satanist and I am close to completely deprogramming. There are articles I surfed which talked about Jews that defected may have been affected by Hitler's speech. And tell me if the second link I put here is real or fake. I need proof too so I can understand.
Btw, I am still trying and continuously empowering myself in many ways until I can do actual pyrokinesis. So I can exact revenge on those who have wronged me for 15 years of Xtianity, once and for all. And that Jews are that way by nature, we can say that some evil alien beings made "mistakes". This last paragraph says it.
Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Friday, September 23, 2016 10:06 PM, "Fatherschild fatherschild138@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You still don't know in what form the Jewish god exists?

Sweet Revenge, we are doing the "reversing the Torah" rituals, putting them back on the Jews. Have you been keeping up to date on what the JOS clergy have been directing the JOS members to do, in regards to rituals?
Two Reversal Rituals to do Until the 10th of October : JoyofSatan666

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On Thursday, September 22, 2016 1:44 PM, "Sweet Revenge notgivingup666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  At first I thought anyone could be good...but obviously not. Also, can anyone explain to me why are we cursing a god that doesn't exist??
On Sep 22, 2016 4:52 AM, "avivom666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Everyone can become good people if the can just try, can't they? Even jews or not? But there are Jews that have gone out of hand and are killing a lot of us. I had one Jew friend once who hated me but we tried to be friends but he can't help because of the Talmud. I may have got him to defect when I caught him trying to record my voice so he cold curse me. I'm not sure if he's trying to kill me but I can take advantage that he's in facebook and maybe curse him but he keeps saying if I am around or not.
He is still struggling to break from his hive mind. His name is M****** and of course, I don't trust him so much that I don't talk to him anymore, in short, i am enemies with him and his stupid fictitious god.

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Thursday, September 22, 2016 4:56 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" wrote:

  To be perfectly honest just like it's reptilian master it hates everything not just us.

@ Voice of enki, I never meant to say he was a friend but someone who is going to be a fucking "Punching bag" to my curses. I never said that I love Jews. I was not sure about them until I finally knew that these filthy creatures cause us so much shit. Shouldn't we just use Jews as curse punching bags? You know what I mean? So this means that 1/4 of those people in the SS are traitors? I can't fucking believe why we lost that battle, there are always assholes. So how do I make sure he does not curse me? That fucking big nose retard tried...

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Friday, September 23, 2016 1:31 AM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Aviom666, it might be hard to understand at first, but in truth, as I have said before in a couple of replies, the jew simply isn't capable of changing, because it is their nature to be how they are... It is their nature to be human hating, genocidal, mentally unstable and from our perspective completely insane. 

They are the polar opposite of our Gentile people. 

A jew is never your friend. Why do you still say he was your friend, when you actually know he hated you? How can someone who is supposedly your friend hate you? Why do you think it is because of their hive mind? They are born like that, it's not that they are programmed to be part of the hive mind, they are literally part of their hive and they can never change that, because they are jews and they are connected to the jewish racial soul. 

It is in their souls that they are the complete opposite of us.. Some jews are confused about this and they might be conflicted about this, but those jews are in essence just weak jews that even their fellow jews don't give a damn about. Even jews like that, that are somehow conflicted about this inner nature of theirs and try to deny this part of who they are will never be able to change this. 

A jew who denies their true nature simply ends of destroying himself, in the same way as gentiles that try to live like jews end up destroying themselves. A jew cannot harbor the traits of our people, they cannot live like our Gods and they cannot become like them, even if they actually would wish for it. If they tried they would slowly break appart internally and they would destroy themselves by denying their nature and trying to go against their deepest internal instincts. 

Gentiles who live like xians for many years end up destroying themselves, they become mentally ill, physically weak and their souls slowly become damaged to a point of no repair if they live like xians fro too many life times... Devout xians and especially mudslimes are some of the most mentally deranged and insane people that are currently alive, completely destroyed with no decent qualities left, they can't even be compared to true gentiles anymore because they are so damaged they are nothing like true gentiles.

They are sick, woman beating, child raping, murderous, aggressive, mentally unstable and weak, physically ill and spiritually dead semi human looking things driven to the edge of insanity because of the insane jewish programs they follow. 

People like that cannot build civilizations, the world would turn into a litteral shit fest where death is more common than life, where all things living are considered as property of the jewish invented "g-d" and exploited untill they are destroyed, where woman would be treated as child bearing factories that can be used for whatever the insane people see fir, where men would ceacelessly rape, kill and even canabalize each other and their own children... A world of only suffering. 

Every jew has it in their subconsciousness mind and most are consciously aware of this, that they exist to create a world of pure suffering for the gentiles and that they should do whatever they can to aid their alien creators to make their sick dreams manifest in reality. They will do whatever they can do defile gentile tradition, gentile people and anything that has natural roots. 

To the jews this is being a good person. It has nothing to do with personal morals, but simply with the nature of our beings. The jew is the opposite of us and what they consider their natural rights and a proper way to live and treat the world is completely insane and sick beyond words to any gentile that isn't corrupted by the jewish influence like those zelous xians and mudslimes. 

So when a jew tries to live by our standard and by the morals of gentiles they are basically living a life they find completely insane and alien. The idea that live should be respected and that raping children is sick doesn't exist in the mind of a jew, subconsciously this is completely normal and fine for them. 

Commiting genocide and treating all life other than their own as slaves is something completely normal to them and anyone who thinks that is insane is in fact considered insane and sick by the jews. 

Thank you, Jelco666.Yes, I am lucky, but I also went through years, and years of study, and searching
and trying this and that, but I finally found Father. It was well worth it! I know that Father has been
there with me the whole time. I just didn't know it. And I love Father Satan more than words can
ever express@

I am happy for you! After all, you made it too!

Hail Satan!


On Sat, 9/24/16, jelco666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I can't live with this anymore
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2016, 9:07 PM


Dang Sims, you're lucky then. It fucked me up
big time... It's a wonder I ended up here. I can't
say that I knew there was something "missing" per
say. But I did always felt drawn toward Satan for years, but
again with being a xtian, I thought Satan was
"messing" with me so I always resisted. Then it
eventually kept getting stronger and then I finally I guess
you can say "gave in" and eventually ended up
here. Truly amazing.  I can't say I felt "peace
necessarily when I dedicated, but I just felt alive. I think
that was what I needed to feel. But anyway, life is so much
better now. There's lots to do, but it makes so much
more sense now.
Father Satan!!!

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
