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I can't live with this anymore


New member
Jan 31, 2004
I admit I am a jewess wanting to troll the group.

I want to die can't take this anymore. Satan did indeed win...I feel it
I have a suggestion - ask Satan to change your DNA? Don't think he will? What a shame!

How dare you use His number, six.six.six! Why don't you put it in the digital form - to afraid!

Get off this e-group - you abomination!!
This psychopathic jewess tried to post that "She has been in the bed with Satan" and "Carries his Baby", and she also tried to ridicule the Gods and Lilith in the lowest and most degrading ways. I would get in details, but it will be brain damaging to everyone to read this.


BEGONE YOU DISGUSTING JEWESS. Crawl back to your synagogue.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Anne Frankly this is ultrageous. I did Nazi this rat was a kike and it get me out of mein kampfort zone. Now how about some concentrated juice? Since you are tired of trolling maybe just relax and drink some of your cousins, but make sure it doesn't cause you gas. Oy gevalt!

---In [email protected], <muriel.sixsixsix@... wrote :

I admit I am a jewess wanting to troll the group.

I want to die can't take this anymore. Satan did indeed win...I feel it
Father Satan HATES the jews as we His children do! Get the fuck outta here jewish vermin!!!

Hail Satan and Sieg Heil!
On Thu, 8/25/16, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: I can't live with this anymore
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:50 PM

This psychopathic jewess
tried to post that "She has been in the bed with
Satan" and "Carries his Baby", and she also
tried to ridicule the Gods and Lilith in the lowest and most
degrading ways. I would get in details, but it will be brain
damaging to everyone to read this.


your synagogue.

Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Awwww shit! and someone even beat me to the "anne frankly I did nazi this coming" joke! xD

This made my day!


Reveal the lies of christianity and islam, and destroy all the programs and leave this planet and never come back
N'awww those poor little hooknose chinless cretins. ): It must really hurt to know they're about to lose everything. It shows you how pathetic and desperate they are getting, we've already reduced them to trolling internet forums. The funny part is, the damage we do to them isn't even online lol, it's spiritual. They're busy trying to a destroy an internet group and meanwhile they're getting cursed the fuck out of and their Torah is getting destroyed. :p Oh and of course, it only takes a few clicks of a mouse and anything they hack is up and running again. Not to mention most of us have PDF copies of all the material. :) I can spam exposingchristianity and exposingcommunism pdf links to hundreds of e-mails within seconds. They spend months on end trying to create infighting or hack an e-group and fail everytime. Even if they succeeded they're a minor inconvenience at the very worst.
Bye bye ratgirl. Good dam riddance! Problem with banning them though,
they just make new accounts and come right back.; I swear to Satan,
they're like cockroaches! But whatever. It don't matter, 'cause in the
end they will lose. We will free the rest of our Gentile brethren, and
they will be ended, both angelic and jew! This world belongs to Satan,
our good Father! Hail Lord/Father Satan always! Hail Sorath, the One
Who Burns! Hail Andras! Hail Hitler! Hail Himmler! Hail Hess! Hail all
Satanic Brethren!

On 8/27/16, adam.damani@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Yeah youre right. That was stupid of me. Thanks for correcting me. Be
patient as I am still growing and learning as a Satanist.
I feel sorry for her, I don't think that she is a Jew, ummm. I emailed her and spoke to her. she is not jewish,
You got into contact with her?

Look up her previous posts!
This woman is clearly suffering from psychiatric problems; or otherwise, this could be just an elaborate rouse to get peoples sympathy for the jooz, so we let down our guard, and/ or get our information!
I don't know how long you have been with Spiritual Satanism, but you need too realise that we are in a war for our SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL SURVIVAL!
 The enemy is incredibly devious and ruthless!
In any case; HP hooded Cobra has given his opinion on this, and that settles it - as far as I'm concerned!

she is not a Jew, who are we to say what Satan does? so she has a special relationship with him. from what she told me she and he had a relationship in previous lives. are you jealous that he talks to her everyday?

she said that he calls her his wife. there's more to this but none of you would believe it. it is sad that she has no one to turn to but Satan and those almost 100 demons that answer her and protect her. lol just a paranoid, never met anyone like this. stay away from this nut
If her e-mail was hacked, she would be here trying to explain the same. I don't think contacting her privately is a good idea. HP Hooded Cobra has said:

"This psychopathic jewess tried to post that "She has been in the bed with Satan" and "Carries his Baby", and she also tried to ridicule the Gods and Lilith in the lowest and most degrading ways. I would get in details, but it will be brain damaging to everyone to read this.


BEGONE YOU DISGUSTING JEWESS. Crawl back to your synagogue.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666"

I think this says it all and there is nothing more to add.
Does anyone have the link to how to identify a Jew?? I can't find it. Thanks in advance! Hail Satan!!! NGU666
On Sep 4, 2016 3:58 AM, "satans.fury666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  she is not a Jew, who are we to say what Satan does? so she has a special relationship with him. from what she told me she and he had a relationship in previous lives. are you jealous that he talks to her everyday?

she said that he calls her his wife. there's more to this but none of you would believe it. it is sad that she has no one to turn to but Satan and those almost 100 demons that answer her and protect her. lol just a paranoid, never met anyone like this. stay away from this nut
What I find real disturbing is the fact that jooz can look white, black and asian. Could that mean that gentiles can have joo DNA in them without knowing it, even if it's 1%?? Yikes. Hail Satan!!! NGU666
On Sep 10, 2016 12:09 PM, "mancunianninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  http://web.archive.org/web/ 20150806214624/http://www. angelfire.com/ hailtosatansvictory666/How_to_ Recognize_and_Identify_a_Jew_- _Part_1.pdf

http://web.archive.org/web/ 20141222133401/http://www. angelfire.com/ hailtosatansvictory666/How_to_ Recognize_and_Identify_a_Jew_- _Part_2.pdf
If a Gentile has jew DNA they aren't gentile anymore. 

The jew DNA corrupts and destroys the gentile bloodline completely if it is mixed and it can't be reversed as far as I know. 

Jews can look White, Black and Asian but as you empower your chakra's and especially your third eye (the eye of Satan) you can recognize them easily without even needing to look at their physical attributes. 

White jews for example have completely disproportional facial features. Normal Gentiles have balanced faces, but jews always have some kind of strange thing that makes everything disproportional. A big forehead, strangely small or big eyes, their nose obviously, a very bony face, an unusually tall face, an unusually broad face, a strangely small mouth, a strangely wide mouth, disproportionally big ears, unusually shaped ears. 

That's only a number of physical malformities that a person with jewish DNA always has a couple of. 

A gentile always has a nicely balanced face where nothing looks out of proportion. The face just makes sense. 

If your third eye is opened you can recognize a jew by looking at their eyes. Their most defining feature that can not be hidden no matter how much plastic surgery or fake smiles they try to put up is their gaze and more importantly what lies behind their eyes. 

You can see the true vileness of their odieus souls by looking at their eyes. Even people who don't have their third eye opened can sometimes get this feeling a person is vile by looking them in the eyes. 

If you can see aura's it's even easier to recognize them. Their aura is so distinctly different from a gentile it's impossible to mistake them for gentiles if you can see their aura's. 

Also most of the time a jew will be able to recognize you are a danger to them. Just as you can recognize them they can recognize you to an extend. However they can't act on that alone, but it's very possible for them to see they are dealing with a satanic soul.

A couple signs that can indicate they are aware of you to some degree is if they suddenly for no explicit reason avoid you or are evasive towards you. They will avoid eye contact. Or they can suddenly try to act very nice and you can feel an aura of fear from them. They will compliment you for no particular reason to try and remain unnoticed. 

Those are some things I have noticed when dealing with jews in public. They can't openly show their jewishness so they try to remain hidden and will do anything, even go as far as play buddy buddy with a satanic person to remain hidden from the masses and act as the innocent weakling with no malicious intent, but their intent is always malicious behind this facade. 
Most educated jooz know the score!

Obama being questioned on UFOs on a talk-back show refused to confirm or deny it!

He further said, "we do what we are told" - it shocked the audience!

He is 1/4 jooz and towed the line for his jooz masters!

The office of President of USA has become a "caretaker" role - simply anwsering to the commands of his joozish puppet masters!

The founding fathers are spinning in their graves!

Hail Satan!
Thanks voiceofenki for the explanation. I wonder how to recognize an "asian" or "black" jew?? Would that be harder than "white" jews? Hail Satan!!! NGU666
On Sep 12, 2016 8:38 PM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  If a Gentile has jew DNA they aren't gentile anymore. 

The jew DNA corrupts and destroys the gentile bloodline completely if it is mixed and it can't be reversed as far as I know. 

Jews can look White, Black and Asian but as you empower your chakra's and especially your third eye (the eye of Satan) you can recognize them easily without even needing to look at their physical attributes. 

White jews for example have completely disproportional facial features. Normal Gentiles have balanced faces, but jews always have some kind of strange thing that makes everything disproportional. A big forehead, strangely small or big eyes, their nose obviously, a very bony face, an unusually tall face, an unusually broad face, a strangely small mouth, a strangely wide mouth, disproportionally big ears, unusually shaped ears. 

That's only a number of physical malformities that a person with jewish DNA always has a couple of. 

A gentile always has a nicely balanced face where nothing looks out of proportion. The face just makes sense. 

If your third eye is opened you can recognize a jew by looking at their eyes. Their most defining feature that can not be hidden no matter how much plastic surgery or fake smiles they try to put up is their gaze and more importantly what lies behind their eyes. 

You can see the true vileness of their odieus souls by looking at their eyes. Even people who don't have their third eye opened can sometimes get this feeling a person is vile by looking them in the eyes. 

If you can see aura's it's even easier to recognize them. Their aura is so distinctly different from a gentile it's impossible to mistake them for gentiles if you can see their aura's. 

Also most of the time a jew will be able to recognize you are a danger to them. Just as you can recognize them they can recognize you to an extend. However they can't act on that alone, but it's very possible for them to see they are dealing with a satanic soul.

A couple signs that can indicate they are aware of you to some degree is if they suddenly for no explicit reason avoid you or are evasive towards you. They will avoid eye contact. Or they can suddenly try to act very nice and you can feel an aura of fear from them. They will compliment you for no particular reason to try and remain unnoticed. 

Those are some things I have noticed when dealing with jews in public. They can't openly show their jewishness so they try to remain hidden and will do anything, even go as far as play buddy buddy with a satanic person to remain hidden from the masses and act as the innocent weakling with no malicious intent, but their intent is always malicious behind this facade. 
A way you a can tell the jews from Gentiles is that something feels "off". I mean when you look at them, something isn't right. They have jewish traits even though they have lots of Gentile blood. HAIL SATAN!!!

On Sep 13, 2016, at 0:07, "Sweet Revenge notgivingup666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Thanks voiceofenki for the explanation. I wonder how to recognize an "asian" or "black" jew?? Would that be harder than "white" jews? Hail Satan!!! NGU666 On Sep 12, 2016 8:38 PM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  If a Gentile has jew DNA they aren't gentile anymore. 

The jew DNA corrupts and destroys the gentile bloodline completely if it is mixed and it can't be reversed as far as I know. 

Jews can look White, Black and Asian but as you empower your chakra's and especially your third eye (the eye of Satan) you can recognize them easily without even needing to look at their physical attributes. 

White jews for example have completely disproportional facial features. Normal Gentiles have balanced faces, but jews always have some kind of strange thing that makes everything disproportional. A big forehead, strangely small or big eyes, their nose obviously, a very bony face, an unusually tall face, an unusually broad face, a strangely small mouth, a strangely wide mouth, disproportionally big ears, unusually shaped ears. 

That's only a number of physical malformities that a person with jewish DNA always has a couple of. 

A gentile always has a nicely balanced face where nothing looks out of proportion. The face just makes sense. 

If your third eye is opened you can recognize a jew by looking at their eyes. Their most defining feature that can not be hidden no matter how much plastic surgery or fake smiles they try to put up is their gaze and more importantly what lies behind their eyes. 

You can see the true vileness of their odieus souls by looking at their eyes. Even people who don't have their third eye opened can sometimes get this feeling a person is vile by looking them in the eyes. 

If you can see aura's it's even easier to recognize them. Their aura is so distinctly different from a gentile it's impossible to mistake them for gentiles if you can see their aura's. 

Also most of the time a jew will be able to recognize you are a danger to them. Just as you can recognize them they can recognize you to an extend. However they can't act on that alone, but it's very possible for them to see they are dealing with a satanic soul.

A couple signs that can indicate they are aware of you to some degree is if they suddenly for no explicit reason avoid you or are evasive towards you. They will avoid eye contact. Or they can suddenly try to act very nice and you can feel an aura of fear from them. They will compliment you for no particular reason to try and remain unnoticed. 

Those are some things I have noticed when dealing with jews in public. They can't openly show their jewishness so they try to remain hidden and will do anything, even go as far as play buddy buddy with a satanic person to remain hidden from the masses and act as the innocent weakling with no malicious intent, but their intent is always malicious behind this facade. 
I simply picked the White race as an example, but the same applies to the Black race and the Asian race.

If you know how the natural Black features look and how the natural Asian features look then it's easy to determine when something is off. Of course there are differences in the natural looks because of the beautiful genetic diversity of our peoples and nobody looks the same, but again I have never seen a pure blooded Asian or Black who has strange out of proportion facial features compared to the average of their blood line. 

I'm White myself so it's easier for me to identify a White jew, since I am more familiar with the features of my own people. 

Plastic surgery makes it much harder to identify a jew, especially in the asian race for me atleast.. Because I'm not very good at identifying the features of Asian people at a glace and many, especially in Korea use plastic surgery as the norm, which is making them all look more or less the same... 

Personally I believe the jew is behind the plastic surgery culture of Korea, to allow them to hide amongst the people better and to get rid of all visible diversity between the people... 

And yeah Sweet Revenge, it doesn't matter where the jewish ancestory lies in the family tree, the point where the jewish racial mix starts in the family tree is the point where the blood line is no longer gentile. 

If say a persons great great grandmother's grandmother was jewish the blood line has been corrupted and is not pure anymore. The traits might get washed out because the genetics diminish, but the vile jewish corruption isn't only physical. It's methaphysical and creates a permanent mark on the family's spirit and the soul of all the decendants that as far as I know can't be washed out. 

It seems that only a jewess can completely corrupt the bloodline and if a persons father is jewish instead or grandfather or other ancestor of male gender it doesn't permanently corrupt the bloodline because only jewesses can give the Cohen gene which is the primary jewish gene. From what I have seen it looks like people that have a male jewish ancestor in their family lines can lean towards the jewish nature and become corrupted or if the Gentile racial soul is strong enough in the person they can reject this nature internally and not become corrupted by the odieus jewish racial soul. 

Many people who are part jewish, but don't have a female jewish ancestor seem to have an internal struggle between the two sides of themselves that reject one another. Where either one side "wins" and the person becomes a primary jewish or gentile person or neither win and the person ends up destroying himself from the inside out. 

This is what I understand of all that, which I may be wrong of course, so don't take all I say for granted haha. 
When you say jewish traits, are you talking about physical or behavioral...or both?? I haven't met enough jews in my life to know the difference. I've met maybe a few, including a rabbi, but I didn't know the difference at the time. But isn't it possible that both jew and gentile can act/have similar traits like eachother?? In other words a jew can appear to act like a gentile and a gentile can appear to act like a jew?? Sorry for sounding like an idiot asking questions xD Hail Satan!!! NGU666
On Sep 13, 2016 5:20 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  A way you a can tell the jews from Gentiles is that something feels "off". I mean when you look at them, something isn't right. They have jewish traits even though they have lots of Gentile blood. HAIL SATAN!!!

On Sep 13, 2016, at 0:07, "Sweet Revenge notgivingup666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Thanks voiceofenki for the explanation. I wonder how to recognize an "asian" or "black" jew?? Would that be harder than "white" jews? Hail Satan!!! NGU666 On Sep 12, 2016 8:38 PM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  If a Gentile has jew DNA they aren't gentile anymore. 

The jew DNA corrupts and destroys the gentile bloodline completely if it is mixed and it can't be reversed as far as I know. 

Jews can look White, Black and Asian but as you empower your chakra's and especially your third eye (the eye of Satan) you can recognize them easily without even needing to look at their physical attributes. 

White jews for example have completely disproportional facial features. Normal Gentiles have balanced faces, but jews always have some kind of strange thing that makes everything disproportional. A big forehead, strangely small or big eyes, their nose obviously, a very bony face, an unusually tall face, an unusually broad face, a strangely small mouth, a strangely wide mouth, disproportionally big ears, unusually shaped ears. 

That's only a number of physical malformities that a person with jewish DNA always has a couple of. 

A gentile always has a nicely balanced face where nothing looks out of proportion. The face just makes sense. 

If your third eye is opened you can recognize a jew by looking at their eyes. Their most defining feature that can not be hidden no matter how much plastic surgery or fake smiles they try to put up is their gaze and more importantly what lies behind their eyes. 

You can see the true vileness of their odieus souls by looking at their eyes. Even people who don't have their third eye opened can sometimes get this feeling a person is vile by looking them in the eyes. 

If you can see aura's it's even easier to recognize them. Their aura is so distinctly different from a gentile it's impossible to mistake them for gentiles if you can see their aura's. 

Also most of the time a jew will be able to recognize you are a danger to them. Just as you can recognize them they can recognize you to an extend. However they can't act on that alone, but it's very possible for them to see they are dealing with a satanic soul.

A couple signs that can indicate they are aware of you to some degree is if they suddenly for no explicit reason avoid you or are evasive towards you. They will avoid eye contact. Or they can suddenly try to act very nice and you can feel an aura of fear from them. They will compliment you for no particular reason to try and remain unnoticed. 

Those are some things I have noticed when dealing with jews in public. They can't openly show their jewishness so they try to remain hidden and will do anything, even go as far as play buddy buddy with a satanic person to remain hidden from the masses and act as the innocent weakling with no malicious intent, but their intent is always malicious behind this facade. 
I do not know where exactly the line is drawn, if even one drop of jewish blood makes one jewish, however if they ARE a jew, don't make the mistake of calling it a gentile with jewish blood. They are jews with SOME gentile blood
could you tell something was off about Muriel? I didn't.she told me that some bitch stole her email. she says that she has a lot of enemies. she agreed with you all about never contacting anyone off this site,she doesn't know what's been said about her.
I was talking about physical traits, because behavioral traits can be hidden very effectively, especially when one wants to create a good impression on the people around him or something like that. 

The jews have obvious jew behavior, but often they won't show this in public because that would draw too much negative attention. They seem to keep these things to themselves and try to appear as harmless, friendly and ordinairy people where nobody needs to pay attention to, or they try to get into the center of attention by appearing very intelligent and powerful or even overbearing, but not aggressive. Those are the two behavioral approaches I have seen the most from jews that live in my country. 

They are a minority here and don't have a any big communities where I live, so they tend to try and blend in and not stand out in any way. 

Their behavior will probably be different depending on the situation they find themselves in and how much control they have over certain places and how confident they are in their rituals and such.. That would be my best guess. 

If you have trouble recognizing a jew I really suggest you work on learning to see or atleast feel aura's, because that is by far the easiest way to recognize them. They vile energy is so distinct they can't hide it no matter how hard they try. 
Thanks again voiceofenki for trying to help me understand better. When I first started with this group, there was a post about "I'm afraid I might be a jew" and I can understand that because that thought still pops in my mind even to this day. I keep telling myself no, you're not a fucking kike, stay calm, etc. but I still have that awful thought. I believe I'm being attacked. I still do the Aura of Protection and clean my aura and chakras at least twice a day but that awful thought still remains. Anyone else here who keeps experiencing this?? Hail Satan!!! NGU666
On Sep 13, 2016 7:36 PM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I simply picked the White race as an example, but the same applies to the Black race and the Asian race.

If you know how the natural Black features look and how the natural Asian features look then it's easy to determine when something is off. Of course there are differences in the natural looks because of the beautiful genetic diversity of our peoples and nobody looks the same, but again I have never seen a pure blooded Asian or Black who has strange out of proportion facial features compared to the average of their blood line. 

I'm White myself so it's easier for me to identify a White jew, since I am more familiar with the features of my own people. 

Plastic surgery makes it much harder to identify a jew, especially in the asian race for me atleast.. Because I'm not very good at identifying the features of Asian people at a glace and many, especially in Korea use plastic surgery as the norm, which is making them all look more or less the same... 

Personally I believe the jew is behind the plastic surgery culture of Korea, to allow them to hide amongst the people better and to get rid of all visible diversity between the people... 

And yeah Sweet Revenge, it doesn't matter where the jewish ancestory lies in the family tree, the point where the jewish racial mix starts in the family tree is the point where the blood line is no longer gentile. 

If say a persons great great grandmother's grandmother was jewish the blood line has been corrupted and is not pure anymore. The traits might get washed out because the genetics diminish, but the vile jewish corruption isn't only physical. It's methaphysical and creates a permanent mark on the family's spirit and the soul of all the decendants that as far as I know can't be washed out. 

It seems that only a jewess can completely corrupt the bloodline and if a persons father is jewish instead or grandfather or other ancestor of male gender it doesn't permanently corrupt the bloodline because only jewesses can give the Cohen gene which is the primary jewish gene. From what I have seen it looks like people that have a male jewish ancestor in their family lines can lean towards the jewish nature and become corrupted or if the Gentile racial soul is strong enough in the person they can reject this nature internally and not become corrupted by the odieus jewish racial soul. 

Many people who are part jewish, but don't have a female jewish ancestor seem to have an internal struggle between the two sides of themselves that reject one another. Where either one side "wins" and the person becomes a primary jewish or gentile person or neither win and the person ends up destroying himself from the inside out. 

This is what I understand of all that, which I may be wrong of course, so don't take all I say for granted haha. 
Look into your genealogy, as many of your ancestors as you can. When I did this, those thoughts pretty much completely stopped. 
So according to you, only jews have this vile and malicious aura, right?? Gentiles can't??
On Sep 14, 2016 3:16 AM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I was talking about physical traits, because behavioral traits can be hidden very effectively, especially when one wants to create a good impression on the people around him or something like that. 

The jews have obvious jew behavior, but often they won't show this in public because that would draw too much negative attention. They seem to keep these things to themselves and try to appear as harmless, friendly and ordinairy people where nobody needs to pay attention to, or they try to get into the center of attention by appearing very intelligent and powerful or even overbearing, but not aggressive. Those are the two behavioral approaches I have seen the most from jews that live in my country. 

They are a minority here and don't have a any big communities where I live, so they tend to try and blend in and not stand out in any way. 

Their behavior will probably be different depending on the situation they find themselves in and how much control they have over certain places and how confident they are in their rituals and such.. That would be my best guess. 

If you have trouble recognizing a jew I really suggest you work on learning to see or atleast feel aura's, because that is by far the easiest way to recognize them. They vile energy is so distinct they can't hide it no matter how hard they try. 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
