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I’m done with groups. I’m going it alone.


New member
Jul 6, 2021
I thought I found my spiritual group. But I think I’m going to go it alone. Groups just aren’t for me. Meditation and telepathy have served me very well, long before I discovered Satanism. I don’t see why I need to follow a group. All of the rules, the lifestyle edicts, etc. That’s one of the main reasons I hated xianity!

--Satanism is all about freedom! That’s why we need laws to ensure there’s no race-mixing! We need socialism and state-enforced morality!

--Don’t do drugs cause that’s a Jew trap! Except psychedelics are the very thing that converted me from an atheist. Some drugs help people spiritually. Why can’t I use drugs to open myself up spiritually? I can only use meditation to open myself up spiritually, but not drugs? Why the restriction?

--Satanism loves and accepts gay people! Of course gay people aren’t allowed to have kids. No family for you if you’re gay! Just have to be a second-class citizen serving society and the community.

--etc, etc.

I’m sick of humans lecturing, micromanaging, and telling people exactly how to live. What we should eat, what we should do, what we can and can’t put in our bodies. I’m sick of it. Who are humans on Earth to dictate endless rules and lifestyle edicts to everyone else? I’m so sick of it. I’d rather just mediate and get the answers myself.
How many accounts are you going to make to pretend others are in the same boat as you?

Of course, the modern corrupted society, does allow all your "Freedom" whims, which you can do liberally and freely. America is devolving into your beautiful melting pot socialism, drug infested circus show. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Your problem is with us, as society follows your decadent type in full. You just wanted "Satanism" to be a liberal circus as the one to adjust to yourself.

At the moment you saw this isn't the case, you announce you are leaving [as if you ever were with us or something], but we don't care, because you are only behaving like the NPC slaves we already have to encounter every single day. And no, you can't change a place just because you felt like that.

There are no laws that "keep" you from following the lifestyle of your choice. Your problem is that other people in this place simply don't follow your pretty average everyday lifestyle, which is nothing different than the average American today.

Drugs - Woke
Gay adoption - Woke
Race mixing - Woke
Listening to nobody and pretending you are a free thinker - Woke
Going anywhere and wanting people to conform to your views out of nowhere - Woke

So woke.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How many accounts are you going to make to pretend others are in the same boat as you?
Is this who I think it is? Of course some weird drug using tranny will have issues with the completely reasonable things mentioned above.
ron_g said:

Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How many accounts are you going to make to pretend others are in the same boat as you?

Of course, the modern corrupted society, does allow all your "Freedom" whims, which you can do liberally and freely. America is devolving into your beautiful melting pot socialism, drug infested circus show. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Your problem is with us, as society follows your decadent type in full. You just wanted "Satanism" to be a liberal circus as the one to adjust to yourself.

At the moment you saw this isn't the case, you announce you are leaving [as if you ever were with us or something], but we don't care, because you are only behaving like the NPC slaves we already have to encounter every single day. And no, you can't change a place just because you felt like that.

There are no laws that "keep" you from following the lifestyle of your choice. Your problem is that other people in this place simply don't follow your pretty average everyday lifestyle, which is nothing different than the average American today.

Drugs - Woke
Gay adoption - Woke
Race mixing - Woke
Listening to nobody and pretending you are a free thinker - Woke
Going anywhere and wanting people to conform to your views out of nowhere - Woke

So woke.

The vibe they give off with the way they use the word "human" reminds me of some "transspieces" crazykikes we ran off again not too long ago. guess they keep crawling back
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How many accounts are you going to make to pretend others are in the same boat as you?
Is this who I think it is? Of course some weird drug using tranny will have issues with the completely reasonable things mentioned above.

This is probably Moses Shekelberg that wants to pretend that his demographic is the most important on the planet, and that if we have a little disagreement with them, they will show us how great their demographic is by creating two accounts everyday to pretend everyone has the same problem as them.

How dare we not pat on the back and say congratulations to drug using fiends that want to get stoned and adopt children at the same time? Wow we must be really insane to not want that.
Aldrick said:
ron_g said:

Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

This is not Dark Swan.

They have made numerous troll accounts re-writing the same "question" to pretend we have offended a whole army of Democrat Drugs Using Liberal Progressive Bi-Queers and how we are "gay hating" while so many people here are literally gay.

You're either with them or against them, you can't exist in any other conceivable manner. You don't do drugs? How are you woke?

These are the same people who will know being gay is natural but are unwilling to accept the other natural reality that gays aren't able naturally to be parents.
ron_g said:
I’m sick of humans lecturing, micromanaging, and telling people exactly how to live. What we should eat, what we should do, what we can and can’t put in our bodies. I’m sick of it. Who are humans on Earth to dictate endless rules and lifestyle edicts to everyone else? I’m so sick of it. I’d rather just mediate and get the answers myself.

So what you're saying is that you're an immature moron who doesn't understand that some behaviors are self-destructive either for the individual (drugs) or races (race-mixing). These are objectively bad and harmful for your spiritual transformation, and yet you're acting like a 5 year old with your "don't tell me what to do" crap. That's literally how 5 year olds behave, not fully grown adults. Yes, Satanism is about freedom. You're free to do drugs or whatever shit, and it's impossible that someone in an online forum will prevent you from doing it in any way. But you are retarded and with zero brain if you think that you should keep doing them because of your feelz and you're not aware of how they damage your brain.

This isn't about "rules" but some things that are clearly unhealthy. If people warn you "don't jump off the cliff" are you are going to tell them "stop telling me what to do! Waah!"?

Satanism isn't a religion for 5 year old-minded and immature people who want to do all sorts of self and others-destructing shit and don't want to take any criticism for their immature decisions. But it's for mature people who want to transform themselves spiritually.

I for one I am glad that immature people like you don't like us. I don't want those people here at all.
ron_g said:
I thought I found my spiritual group. But I think I’m going to go it alone. Groups just aren’t for me. Meditation and telepathy have served me very well, long before I discovered Satanism. I don’t see why I need to follow a group. All of the rules, the lifestyle edicts, etc. That’s one of the main reasons I hated xianity!

--Satanism is all about freedom! That’s why we need laws to ensure there’s no race-mixing! We need socialism and state-enforced morality!

--Don’t do drugs cause that’s a Jew trap! Except psychedelics are the very thing that converted me from an atheist. Some drugs help people spiritually. Why can’t I use drugs to open myself up spiritually? I can only use meditation to open myself up spiritually, but not drugs? Why the restriction?

--Satanism loves and accepts gay people! Of course gay people aren’t allowed to have kids. No family for you if you’re gay! Just have to be a second-class citizen serving society and the community.

--etc, etc.

I’m sick of humans lecturing, micromanaging, and telling people exactly how to live. What we should eat, what we should do, what we can and can’t put in our bodies. I’m sick of it. Who are humans on Earth to dictate endless rules and lifestyle edicts to everyone else? I’m so sick of it. I’d rather just mediate and get the answers myself.
You are going to have a very lonely life if you’re serious. Lecturing and micromanaging is exactly what you’ll get in the “real” world, everywhere. It’s called type A personalities and they wanna control everything.
Drugs, specifically psychedelics, are bad because they don’t actually active the spiritual self and present an illusion. They can be emotionally cleansing, but the potential for mental damage is immense under the wrong setting.
Aldrick said:
ron_g said:

Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

Say what?
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick said:
Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

This is not Dark Swan.

They have made numerous troll accounts re-writing the same "question" to pretend we have offended a whole army of Democrat Drugs Using Liberal Progressive Bi-Queers and how we are "gay hating" while so many people here are literally gay.

You're either with them or against them, you can't exist in any other conceivable manner. You don't do drugs? How are you woke?

These are the same people who will know being gay is natural but are unwilling to accept the other natural reality that gays aren't able naturally to be parents.

When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

Feeling better than most other people, huh?

All I see is that you are pretty unstable, jealous, possessive, deluded. You have no clear view of yourself, even think you might jewish, despite being a Satanist for so long. And yes, I know that this will make you angry.

On top of that you call other people „jews“. You have no authority to do that. By that you declare that those individuals are Satan’s enemies, and thus, not of Satan. Satan alone decides who is of him and who is not. He alone has authority over that, you have absolutely no right to interfere with that.
Quite some people left because of your behaviour.
On the other hand, you seemed to have had sympathy for Zola, despite „knowing“ that she is a jewess. You said yourself that you didn’t want to call her out for that, as you were not 100% sure and that „this is a great offence“ calling someone a jew here.
Why did you think about her that way, and why are you calling people jews left and right here then?

Long term members shouldn’t behave like you, watch your language here as well.
Long term members should tell the newer ones how to behave, how to grow strong, how to grow close to Father Satan and the Gods. Point out the importance. But of course, not everybody is able to influence other newer Satanists in a positive way, change their mindset for the better and show them how they can grow successful in our path.

You on the other hand are not stable, Aldrick.
You doubted the Gods, as you said that the Gods didn’t help you despite being a SS for so long. I am referring to the Post where you freaked out that some people prefer to have relationships with Demons, where you also referred to them as „imaginary lovers“.

See, it doesn’t even take much so you feel even about our beloved Gods that way.

I also have to say that I respect those individuals as they build strong and intimate relationships to the Demons.

Don’t doubt, pull down moral of people, and guide newer people, don’t call them out as jews or infiltrators.

I do know that you have good qualities.
Try to be happy for people who are close to the Gods instead of whining about it.

We have people who have been here half the time you have been here, and are way above you. Those who are consistent, are close to our Gods, have good will to our people and guide newer people so they advance faster.

Your words have serious power here, use them wisely.

And no, I am not an infiltrator. No need to imply any of that.
Aldrick said:
When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

Don't fault other Gentiles for growing up under enemy influence. You don't have to listen to them or hang around them, but don't think that they can never evolve to be better. Not everyone in NatSoc Germany was Satanically-inclined, yet they still rallied around Hitler and gave it their all against Communism. Normies just need a push in the right direction.
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick said:
Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

This is not Dark Swan.

They have made numerous troll accounts re-writing the same "question" to pretend we have offended a whole army of Democrat Drugs Using Liberal Progressive Bi-Queers and how we are "gay hating" while so many people here are literally gay.

You're either with them or against them, you can't exist in any other conceivable manner. You don't do drugs? How are you woke?

These are the same people who will know being gay is natural but are unwilling to accept the other natural reality that gays aren't able naturally to be parents.

When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

Hereby, Aldrick, I take everything positive I said about you back. I am deeply disgusted by you.

I am NinRick just so you know who you are dealing with. I am not intending on hiding.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
And don't forget that Aldrick directly organized and created several different groups of infiltrators in his plan to "unite all Satanists." The worst one is probably Zola's group, which was entirely created by Aldrick for years connecting all these infiltrators with each other and organizing them together.

For someone who sometimes calls themself a Satanist, Aldrick has basically been more damaging as an infiltrator than any actual infiltrator has ever been.

If you ever bring this up, his only defence is to try to guilt-trip you and complain that it made him very upset to find out that all his closest friends who he knew for years were infiltrators. Even though he talked to them on skype every day and could see their big noses. So can't really pretend it was much of a surprise.

Then he goes so far against all kinds of new people over either some very small difference of opinion, or just insane shit that he made up in his mind. Calling all the new people infiltrators, while ignoring that himself is the biggest one.

So you are seriously wishing for SS to Perish and die.
You are a joke of a Satanist, Aldrick.
I am deeply disgusted by you to the core.
I love strong people, however, you are a disgusting weakling. A failure. Trash.

Ol, thank you for sharing. We both had very similar thoughts at the same time. I just read your post and I have to agree with you.

You are highly toxic Aldrick. I am not calling you a jew, but you are toxic for our people to the core.
You are a pretender and liar. Thank you for showing us all your true colours. So my gut feeling about you was right.

More things Ol revealed about Aldrick, in the topic below.
Freedom means being able to separate our consciousness from a delusional Socially constructed reality. All the things you mentioned are biological facts of life ,not social constructs.

The things that you are mentioning that should be okay According to you are Marxist social constructs which has lead the Western world towards destruction.
Blitzkreig said:
Aldrick said:
When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

Don't fault other Gentiles for growing up under enemy influence. You don't have to listen to them or hang around them, but don't think that they can never evolve to be better. Not everyone in NatSoc Germany was Satanically-inclined, yet they still rallied around Hitler and gave it their all against Communism. Normies just need a push in the right direction.

You are right. I'm just tired of feeling. Everything always gets used as a weakness against me. Sometimes I get brutal. But then look at vlad the impaler and others, it doesnt make me a fucking jew! God I am so sick of that shit.

You gotta act like a perfect little angel, a christ faggot, or you're a jew. Aryans can be fucking brutal too. I hate feeling that way. I dont enjoy it. Sometimes people hit a point where the only thing they know to do, is to turn into a monster, to combat the enemies they face.

Again if you are nice they taunt you, but if you are mean they scream racist, xenophobe! Here it is simply jew. Mind you I'm guilty of it too. Because our enemies surround us everywhere! I dunno who is a genuinely a friend and who is just buying trust. Who has a question and who is planting seeds to deceive.

They have obviously targeted me again. I will deal with this shit.
ron_g said:
I’d rather just mediate and get the answers myself.
Meditate and get the answers yourself. Do drugs and get the answers yourself. Find out which is better - but doing drugs means you will not be able to quit easily for a long time because you gave in, you quit. There is a history of mountains of proof of that. Open your Third Eye Chakra, clean it and empower it, then see what answers you will receive.
ron_g said:
I thought I found my spiritual group. But I think I’m going to go it alone. Groups just aren’t for me. Meditation and telepathy have served me very well, long before I discovered Satanism. I don’t see why I need to follow a group. All of the rules, the lifestyle edicts, etc. That’s one of the main reasons I hated xianity!

--Satanism is all about freedom! That’s why we need laws to ensure there’s no race-mixing! We need socialism and state-enforced morality!

--Don’t do drugs cause that’s a Jew trap! Except psychedelics are the very thing that converted me from an atheist. Some drugs help people spiritually. Why can’t I use drugs to open myself up spiritually? I can only use meditation to open myself up spiritually, but not drugs? Why the restriction?

--Satanism loves and accepts gay people! Of course gay people aren’t allowed to have kids. No family for you if you’re gay! Just have to be a second-class citizen serving society and the community.

--etc, etc.

I’m sick of humans lecturing, micromanaging, and telling people exactly how to live. What we should eat, what we should do, what we can and can’t put in our bodies. I’m sick of it. Who are humans on Earth to dictate endless rules and lifestyle edicts to everyone else? I’m so sick of it. I’d rather just mediate and get the answers myself.
Its litteraly your first post.... are jews so desperate? Lol

If you would use your brain you can see that what we say here is quite logical, when we talk about race mixing, we say this because logicaly if every Whites or just the majority does it, the White race will be gone (this is of course for the other races too, race mixing is bad for everyone).

When we say drugs are bad, just go look to any drug user, when we say jews are bad and our enemy we have always proofs and so on. If you can't accept it, its not our fault but what we say here is quite logical and based around the rules of nature and truth.
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
ron_g said:

Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.
Aldrick said:
You are right. I'm just tired of feeling. Everything always gets used as a weakness against me. Sometimes I get brutal. But then look at vlad the impaler and others, it doesnt make me a fucking jew! God I am so sick of that shit.

You gotta act like a perfect little angel, a christ faggot, or you're a jew. Aryans can be fucking brutal too. I hate feeling that way. I dont enjoy it. Sometimes people hit a point where the only thing they know to do, is to turn into a monster, to combat the enemies they face.

Again if you are nice they taunt you, but if you are mean they scream racist, xenophobe! Here it is simply jew. Mind you I'm guilty of it too. Because our enemies surround us everywhere! I dunno who is a genuinely a friend and who is just buying trust. Who has a question and who is planting seeds to deceive.

They have obviously targeted me again. I will deal with this shit.

Are you referring to interactions with actual enemies or other Gentiles? The average person today has no appreciation for anything yin in nature (due to enemy attacks on yin or right-brained stuff), however, this is even worse due to thug culture and other elements. People sense this as a weakness when this is just one aspect of a person.

The way to combat this is to balance it with the opposing elements or energies. When I balance with the elements, it does not override my more innate and developed natal placements. It just allows me to express myself better. I can deal with both sensitive situations or situations that require strength, not just one or the other.

Working on developing both sides of yourself, and harmoniously blending them, allows for easy transitions that won't see you perceived as weak (since you might be hiding the yang side), or overkill (when you let yang energies explode chaotically).

People will actually feel your power, and won't test you. This can manifest as speaking in a more dominant fashion, for example. Of course, you don't need to speak this way to a baby or child, and that is why you need the opposing energy/skills for nurturing.


As far as enemies go, hopefully, this should work as well. Any genuine enemy of you should feel your Satanic strength and get nervous. If those hostile to you are just normie Gentiles, then simply displays of strength should be enough to dissuade them. Perhaps even just programming your aura to deal with a situation would be enough.

You are spiritually strong, so don't fret about enemy attacks. Stay grounded, elementally balanced, do void, and keep up an AOP. You will be fine in that regard. Rely on your intuition to judge people's intentions. You are also not obligated to invest so heavily into those outside your inner circle.


I am saying these things because I bet you feel this way in part due to your natal configuration. Certain energies or placements can put you in this unique situation where you have to deal with such feelings.

Try to figure out what sort of energies you are lacking and balance them. This means simple elemental balancing, but also larger workings based on your natal chart. Ideally, one wants the positive aspects of each sign, and none of the negatives.

Hopefully, my advice helps. I am trying to understand where you are coming from. Aryans are strong, no doubt about it. Aryan comes from Aries. You can also think of the Gods, like Baalzebub, and how he ferociously fights until the enemy is obliterated.
Aldrick said:
Blitzkreig said:
Aldrick said:
When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

Don't fault other Gentiles for growing up under enemy influence. You don't have to listen to them or hang around them, but don't think that they can never evolve to be better. Not everyone in NatSoc Germany was Satanically-inclined, yet they still rallied around Hitler and gave it their all against Communism. Normies just need a push in the right direction.

You are right. I'm just tired of feeling. Everything always gets used as a weakness against me. Sometimes I get brutal. But then look at vlad the impaler and others, it doesnt make me a fucking jew! God I am so sick of that shit.

You gotta act like a perfect little angel, a christ faggot, or you're a jew. Aryans can be fucking brutal too. I hate feeling that way. I dont enjoy it. Sometimes people hit a point where the only thing they know to do, is to turn into a monster, to combat the enemies they face.

Again if you are nice they taunt you, but if you are mean they scream racist, xenophobe! Here it is simply jew. Mind you I'm guilty of it too. Because our enemies surround us everywhere! I dunno who is a genuinely a friend and who is just buying trust. Who has a question and who is planting seeds to deceive.

They have obviously targeted me again. I will deal with this shit.

You sound like a person who has been badly hurt in the past. I have the impression that you are not sure what to feel.
You need to control your emotions more. If you want to say something bad, it's best not to say anything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

You do realize this person started attacking me over me laughing at a joke. And saying how dare I laugh at the great wonderful Jack. Then he started on other posts, where he is demanding I take down the picture of Satan. He is a 6 month old account that just went off on me randomly. I guess I just need to learn how to ignore Trash.
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is not Dark Swan.

They have made numerous troll accounts re-writing the same "question" to pretend we have offended a whole army of Democrat Drugs Using Liberal Progressive Bi-Queers and how we are "gay hating" while so many people here are literally gay.

You're either with them or against them, you can't exist in any other conceivable manner. You don't do drugs? How are you woke?

These are the same people who will know being gay is natural but are unwilling to accept the other natural reality that gays aren't able naturally to be parents.

When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

Feeling better than most other people, huh?

All I see is that you are pretty unstable, jealous, possessive, deluded. You have no clear view of yourself, even think you might jewish, despite being a Satanist for so long. And yes, I know that this will make you angry.

On top of that you call other people „jews“. You have no authority to do that. By that you declare that those individuals are Satan’s enemies, and thus, not of Satan. Satan alone decides who is of him and who is not. He alone has authority over that, you have absolutely no right to interfere with that.
Quite some people left because of your behaviour.
On the other hand, you seemed to have had sympathy for Zola, despite „knowing“ that she is a jewess. You said yourself that you didn’t want to call her out for that, as you were not 100% sure and that „this is a great offence“ calling someone a jew here.
Why did you think about her that way, and why are you calling people jews left and right here then?

Long term members shouldn’t behave like you, watch your language here as well.
Long term members should tell the newer ones how to behave, how to grow strong, how to grow close to Father Satan and the Gods. Point out the importance. But of course, not everybody is able to influence other newer Satanists in a positive way, change their mindset for the better and show them how they can grow successful in our path.

You on the other hand are not stable, Aldrick.
You doubted the Gods, as you said that the Gods didn’t help you despite being a SS for so long. I am referring to the Post where you freaked out that some people prefer to have relationships with Demons, where you also referred to them as „imaginary lovers“.

See, it doesn’t even take much so you feel even about our beloved Gods that way.

I also have to say that I respect those individuals as they build strong and intimate relationships to the Demons.

Don’t doubt, pull down moral of people, and guide newer people, don’t call them out as jews or infiltrators.

I do know that you have good qualities.
Try to be happy for people who are close to the Gods instead of whining about it.

We have people who have been here half the time you have been here, and are way above you. Those who are consistent, are close to our Gods, have good will to our people and guide newer people so they advance faster.

Your words have serious power here, use them wisely.

And no, I am not an infiltrator. No need to imply any of that.

So the stuff you knew about Zola. You couldnt know being here for 6 months. Thanks for outing yourself. You are one of the fake accounts of these people Cobra talks about. That's why you just randomly have a thing with me, even though I never talked to you before.

But I'm done, I'm not reply to a junk account anymore. You are a waste of my time.
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick said:


When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

If we’re working with a global population of 8 billion roughly, take out 95% and you only have a population of humans on earth that’s a little over the current population of North America left.

Be careful what you wish for.
Aldrick said:
I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

That sounds like some Georgia Guidestones type shit. You know, the ones that were most likely made to make Satanists look bad.

Stop dwelling in negativity if you can help it. You're feeding your own problems.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
Made the exact same day as that dark swan account. The very first post! This is what the enemy has been reduced too? Quite hilarious.

Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Aww, well, shit. I came before the holy Aldrick. Maybe I am of the pre-Adami-- pre-Aldrickite man. Do me, Aldrick! Do me!
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Aww, well, shit. I came before the holy Aldrick. Maybe I am of the pre-Adami-- pre-Aldrickite man. Do me, Aldrick! Do me!

Nein. You have not proven yourself worthy of my Baptismal rights!

As quirkie as you are, you have always been fair. I would be mad if you were some how one. Whether it seems like it or not, there are names here such as yours that mean something to me. I do care, I just get psychotic sometimes.
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DarkSwan said:
Say what?

It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Aww, well, shit. I came before the holy Aldrick. Maybe I am of the pre-Adami-- pre-Aldrickite man. Do me, Aldrick! Do me!

The FancyMancy Baptism is where others have underwent and it really helped me become more proficient in avoiding typos. Lydia has also been one of my strongest critics here too.

It was a good one. To this day, Grammar Nazis are on the watch for me, however. I'll always be a suspect, I know that.
Aldrick said:
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

So the stuff you knew about Zola. You couldnt know being here for 6 months. Thanks for outing yourself. You are one of the fake accounts of these people Cobra talks about. That's why you just randomly have a thing with me, even though I never talked to you before.

But I'm done, I'm not reply to a junk account anymore. You are a waste of my time.

No he's not, he and most people like almost everyone are entirely legit members and you need to stop attacking them. Because in reality most people didn't do nothing to you.

Everyone has a bad day, but it's not humanity's or people's in the forum fault.

The trolls I refer to generally have 5-10 accounts with less than 5-10 posts each, and all they do is attack and so on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Aww, well, shit. I came before the holy Aldrick. Maybe I am of the pre-Adami-- pre-Aldrickite man. Do me, Aldrick! Do me!

The FancyMancy Baptism is where others have underwent and it really helped me become more proficient in avoiding typos. Lydia has also been one of my strongest critics here too.

It was a good one. To this day, Grammar Nazis are on the watch for me, however. I'll always be a suspect, I know that.

There's going to be a day where I don't say grammar soviets*

But that day is not today.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's because you post legit stuff and you have to be attacked by Aldric, it's sort of like baptism.

A legitimate member that hasn't been called a Jew by Aldric and/or attacked, has not been "baptised" into Satanism yet.

Aww, well, shit. I came before the holy Aldrick. Maybe I am of the pre-Adami-- pre-Aldrickite man. Do me, Aldrick! Do me!

The FancyMancy Baptism is where others have underwent and it really helped me become more proficient in avoiding typos. Lydia has also been one of my strongest critics here too.

It was a good one. To this day, Grammar Nazis are on the watch for me, however. I'll always be a suspect, I know that.

DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is not Dark Swan.

They have made numerous troll accounts re-writing the same "question" to pretend we have offended a whole army of Democrat Drugs Using Liberal Progressive Bi-Queers and how we are "gay hating" while so many people here are literally gay.

You're either with them or against them, you can't exist in any other conceivable manner. You don't do drugs? How are you woke?

These are the same people who will know being gay is natural but are unwilling to accept the other natural reality that gays aren't able naturally to be parents.

When the Gods get here, or we have Human Gods. I will stick mostly with them. I just want 95% of everyone on this earth to die.

Hereby, Aldrick, I take everything positive I said about you back. I am deeply disgusted by you.

I am NinRick just so you know who you are dealing with. I am not intending on hiding.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
And don't forget that Aldrick directly organized and created several different groups of infiltrators in his plan to "unite all Satanists." The worst one is probably Zola's group, which was entirely created by Aldrick for years connecting all these infiltrators with each other and organizing them together.

For someone who sometimes calls themself a Satanist, Aldrick has basically been more damaging as an infiltrator than any actual infiltrator has ever been.

If you ever bring this up, his only defence is to try to guilt-trip you and complain that it made him very upset to find out that all his closest friends who he knew for years were infiltrators. Even though he talked to them on skype every day and could see their big noses. So can't really pretend it was much of a surprise.

Then he goes so far against all kinds of new people over either some very small difference of opinion, or just insane shit that he made up in his mind. Calling all the new people infiltrators, while ignoring that himself is the biggest one.

So you are seriously wishing for SS to Perish and die.
You are a joke of a Satanist, Aldrick.
I am deeply disgusted by you to the core.
I love strong people, however, you are a disgusting weakling. A failure. Trash.

Ol, thank you for sharing. We both had very similar thoughts at the same time. I just read your post and I have to agree with you.

You are highly toxic Aldrick. I am not calling you a jew, but you are toxic for our people to the core.
You are a pretender and liar. Thank you for showing us all your true colours. So my gut feeling about you was right.

More things Ol revealed about Aldrick, in the topic below.

Haha i was wondering where you were NinRick. I almost asked in the forum
DarkSwan said:
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is not Dark Swan.

They have made numerous troll accounts re-writing the same "question" to pretend we have offended a whole army of Democrat Drugs Using Liberal Progressive Bi-Queers and how we are "gay hating" while so many people here are literally gay.

You're either with them or against them, you can't exist in any other conceivable manner. You don't do drugs? How are you woke?

These are the same people who will know being gay is natural but are unwilling to accept the other natural reality that gays aren't able naturally to be parents.

So you want to have a relationship with the Gods and want to stick with them and at the same time make fun of people with demon lovers saying they are delusional?

What a sick joke. So basically you want to build a relationship with a God/ess but are too lazy and too weak to build it in the here and now and would rather wait 20 years to have a relationship.

Just don't make fun of people with astral lovers anymore when they do what you don't have the courage nor the strength to do.

Just because demon lovers contact us on the astral doesn't make them less of a God/ess and doesn't mean they are not real.

A satanist that calls himself an empath or psychic should know that the astral exists and is VERY real.

You really need to fix yourself Aldrick because there is too much fucked up shit with you now. You have to grow wiser because right now, you really aren't.
This op is a troll.

Calm down, everyone. Don't feed the trolls. Don't be getting into fights with the other members.

Let's ignore it. If it gets no attention, it will get bored and leave on its own.

Have a nice day.
In case anyone wonders, and you Aldrick, what happens now with all of the revealing and such is by my initiative last month. I did initiate a ritual to the Gods because I had a problem with you that related to the sanity of the forums and delusional projection.

I wanted to make a reply to you, didn't post it as I had other way of doing this. Now everyone sees everything, information was revealed and much more. This is your last chance of change for you. Take it. Although I do not believe you will change, believe me my intentions were positive for you, yet this backlash is everything the truth revealed. It only took a thought. Others been affected a lot by you and also screamed for help to the Gods with this problem.

And stop cursing people. You tried to curse me yesterday and failed miserably. Yes I know everything, so stop it. It is shamefully cringe. If anything, as you are so focused on destructive things, this is coming back to you.
NakedPluto said:
In case anyone wonders, and you Aldrick, what happens now with all of the revealing and such is by my initiative last month. I did initiate a ritual to the Gods because I had a problem with you that related to the sanity of the forums and delusional projection.

I wanted to make a reply to you, didn't post it as I had other way of doing this. Now everyone sees everything, information was revealed and much more. This is your last chance of change for you. Take it. Although I do not believe you will change, believe me my intentions were positive for you, yet this backlash is everything the truth revealed. It only took a thought. Others been affected a lot by you and also screamed for help to the Gods with this problem.

And stop cursing people. You tried to curse me yesterday and failed miserably. Yes I know everything, so stop it. It is shamefully cringe. If anything, as you are so focused on destructive things, this is coming back to you.

What lol? Dude you are living in a fantasy world. I have never once cursed another Satanist. If you remember I have been a staunch opposer to anyone doing that. Especially you. Why? I sorta saw you say one thing.

This is the Delusional nonsense I am so tired of. You admit you did a ritual against me, that's nice. Then you claim you know everything. Well apparently not. Do you know how much shit I have to get done in a day?

First I have my job, then the gym, then Meditation, then Rituals, yoga, gotta find time for void, a whole other job, and I could go on. If I was going to curse someone, it would be someone I know in person, so I can tell what happens. If I did do something online, which I've never bothered, I have like 50 instigators, you are so far down at the bottom of the list.

Where do you think I have the time to be cursing you, and why in the hell would I bother? Hell until recently I thought you liked me. Good fucking grief.
Meteor said:
NakedPluto said:
In case anyone wonders, and you Aldrick, what happens now with all of the revealing and such is by my initiative last month. I did initiate a ritual to the Gods because I had a problem with you that related to the sanity of the forums and delusional projection.

I wanted to make a reply to you, didn't post it as I had other way of doing this. Now everyone sees everything, information was revealed and much more. This is your last chance of change for you. Take it. Although I do not believe you will change, believe me my intentions were positive for you, yet this backlash is everything the truth revealed. It only took a thought. Others been affected a lot by you and also screamed for help to the Gods with this problem.

And stop cursing people. You tried to curse me yesterday and failed miserably. Yes I know everything, so stop it. It is shamefully cringe. If anything, as you are so focused on destructive things, this is coming back to you.

I agree with you, but do you have any evidence that he tried to curse you? You better not be pulling a zorm here, accusing someone based only on your intuition. I'll take your word for it though if you claim to have any digital or physical evidence.
I'm just wondering. I won't judge you either way since the other points you made are more important and evident.

So it doesnt matter that it didnt happen. You'll just believe it?

Why would I try to curse someone....who may possibly be protected by Satan?

I dont gamble. Only if I knew for a fact, I had to wait to hear evidence from the clergy before I would say Zola was for a fact. Theres another person I could curse. Again I don't have time.

I actually like NakedPluto. Until now I didnt even know he didnt like me. This is fucking ridiculous.

I swear an Oath to Satan, may all the gods hear this. Unless somehow being angry and thinking of him for 2 seconds is cursing, I DID NOT CURSE HIM.

Meteor said:

After considering the possibilities for a moment, I think it's safe to assume that you were basing it only on intuition.

In that case, do you think the Gods would go out of Their way to give you such unimportant information? Did you read his mind to find the answer? Even if you're capable of the latter, it would be ill advised since his mental baggage would rub off on you in the process.

Thinking about it logically, doesn't it seem more likely that you were speculating, reached a conclusion, then manifested signs just to convince yourself? I used to do that too when I was less in control of my mind. You really need to be careful with that stuff.

Alternatively, if you don't want to take the blame for it, let's say it was some kind of astral prankster trying to get you to make a fool out of yourself like azorm and slyscorpion did. Even if that were the case, someone at your level should know better.

I know you're getting high on power and that it feels awesome, but even so it's important to stay grounded and use common sense. Cobra tried to teach me that, but I didn't listen at the time because I was too stubborn and ended up learning it the hard way.
I don't judge you since it's a very common mistake. But unless I assumed wrong, please do be careful about jumping to conclusions. There are plenty of things here that did happen clearly in public. That carries far more weight than any superstitions.

He knows what he did, and what he felt. I don't need to write and explain everything to everyone. If you'd read more carefully my reply you'd understand what I said. Same as why I didn't post the original reply. My message was clear and on point. To stop cursing people. Secondly don't compare me to anybody, thanks.

Aldrick said:
Unless somehow being angry and thinking of him for 2 seconds is cursing

Very welcoming receiving. Did you also swear and pop a vein in that time? My guy, you can try/do whatever, or better say attempt and have wishful thinking, but the facts stay strong and the clear message is out there for you to HELP yourself, not attack you. Can you understand that?

At this point, you are clearly very disoriented by everything and don't understand how things work? Since you are so busy with personal things, I'll let this be and not dwell on it anymore. My aim was achieved, it is time for you to better yourself.
Also, I have nothing against you up to the point of creating delusional expectations in the forums, and lashing out with stupid responses on the forum that can be perceived very wrongly by everyone. If anyone would understand you, that would be me, but here we are responsible and aiming for the truth and forums advancement, not personal, at least in my case.

If you care about the Gods and defeating the enemy, I hope yourself to be more aware of things and not expect validation by psychological thinking. You are stuck on a loop of simple cognitive biases and self-created - conscious - problems that you justify by this reasoning. You know something is wrong, yet you act on it as you justify it by an ego trip. And then you make a story out of it, then you get paranoid. Detach and restart your approach on these things.
Meteor said:

After considering the possibilities for a moment, I think it's safe to assume that you were basing it only on intuition.

In that case, do you think the Gods would go out of Their way to give you such unimportant information? Did you read his mind to find the answer? Even if you're capable of the latter, it would be ill advised since his mental baggage would rub off on you in the process.

Thinking about it logically, doesn't it seem more likely that you were speculating, reached a conclusion, then manifested signs just to convince yourself? I used to do that too when I was less in control of my mind. You really need to be careful with that stuff.

Alternatively, if you don't want to take the blame for it, let's say it was some kind of astral prankster trying to get you to make a fool out of yourself like azorm and slyscorpion did. Even if that were the case, someone at your level should know better.

I know you're getting high on power and that it feels awesome, but even so it's important to stay grounded and use common sense. Cobra tried to teach me that, but I didn't listen at the time because I was too stubborn and ended up learning it the hard way.
I don't judge you since it's a very common mistake. But unless I assumed wrong, please do be careful about jumping to conclusions. There are plenty of things here that did happen clearly in public. That carries far more weight than any superstitions.

I think he perceived something that too him was real. Maybe he felt my anger or something bounced off my aura. I'm not upset with him though. Maybe he did do a ritual, and this is the Gods way of helping me.

July 8th 2022 will be one year. If I just ignore all the hate mail, mark read. Focus on helping answer questions. I can go a full year with no issues.

My experiences doesn't make that all that's here. My Chart says I will attract nothing but garbage people my whole life. So, it's just what I've attracted out. Doesnt mean that is the whole JOS. That everyone is a Zola.

I try to be uplifting and positive. Then I get really dark for some reason. I dont think it's because I'm a jew and secretly hate everyone. My emotions are fucked in my chart.

What do you think Meteor? You think I can do this? We can celebrate a year from now? I'm gonna go for it.
Aldrick said:
Meteor said:
NakedPluto said:
In case anyone wonders, and you Aldrick, what happens now with all of the revealing and such is by my initiative last month. I did initiate a ritual to the Gods because I had a problem with you that related to the sanity of the forums and delusional projection.

I wanted to make a reply to you, didn't post it as I had other way of doing this. Now everyone sees everything, information was revealed and much more. This is your last chance of change for you. Take it. Although I do not believe you will change, believe me my intentions were positive for you, yet this backlash is everything the truth revealed. It only took a thought. Others been affected a lot by you and also screamed for help to the Gods with this problem.

And stop cursing people. You tried to curse me yesterday and failed miserably. Yes I know everything, so stop it. It is shamefully cringe. If anything, as you are so focused on destructive things, this is coming back to you.

I agree with you, but do you have any evidence that he tried to curse you? You better not be pulling a zorm here, accusing someone based only on your intuition. I'll take your word for it though if you claim to have any digital or physical evidence.
I'm just wondering. I won't judge you either way since the other points you made are more important and evident.

So it doesnt matter that it didnt happen. You'll just believe it?

Why would I try to curse someone....who may possibly be protected by Satan?

I dont gamble. Only if I knew for a fact, I had to wait to hear evidence from the clergy before I would say Zola was for a fact. Theres another person I could curse. Again I don't have time.

I actually like NakedPluto. Until now I didnt even know he didnt like me. This is fucking ridiculous.

I swear an Oath to Satan, may all the gods hear this. Unless somehow being angry and thinking of him for 2 seconds is cursing, I DID NOT CURSE HIM.


Aldrick is never going to change. His type can't.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Haha i was wondering where you were NinRick. I almost asked in the forum

I will always be of Satan, even if I shouldn’t be actively engaging on the forums anymore. No need to worry about me, although.. thank you!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
