HP Mageson666 said:
What happened with Akhenaton is a sign of the enemy in Egypt but this was the later part of the dynasty that drove the Hyksos out and back into Canaan and Greece. Akhenaton was not a legitimate king by the Egyptian rites and laws of succession either. He stole the throne at the last minute and then went about imposing this new alien ideology on Egypt by violence which involved destroying the Aryan religion and desecrating the Temples of the Gods openly and even murdering people. His ideology is also of the enemy on every level.
True, the enemy had been trying to destroy the ancient civilizations many thousands of years before the Jews appeared, Akhenaton is a good example and they did it more times before, also the wars between peoples who were blood brothers and had the same ancestors as in the case of the Hittites against the Egyptians was the work of the enemy.