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Hungary 2022

Aug 22, 2018
I'm sharing this because many people do not know this and many have no real clue about Orban Viktor and about the Hungarian situation.
Orban Viktor is a full jewish puppet. The whole Fidesz party and the whole left wing rainbow-coalition are the same. They are all working with the globalist jews.
Orban was also the student of Klaus Schwab just like the jew Macron.
So I would be glad if no one called Orban some sort of "hero". He is not and never was.
Even if he did some good things it was because he, they STOLE ideas from the Mi Hazank Mozgalom party (Our Homeland Movement). Which is presently the ONLY ONE movement and party in Hungary which really wants to save Hungary from the total destruction.

I am not sure if anyone of you have heard of them. The president of Our Homeland Movement is Laszlo Toroczkai who is also the mayor of Asotthalom.
He is a national radical. And he was a former vice-president of Jobbik party from 2016 to 2018, which became totally corrupted. After Jobbik betrayed the nation and the national side, he decided to leave Jobbik and created his own movement and party along with some other people.
Presently he is the most attacked and slandered person in Hungary. The mainstream media is constantly censuring him and his movement but he still has a youtube channel and has an uncensored website too and in these years (especially now) he became very popular, not only here in Hungary but beyond borders too.
He is not a Hitler 2.0 unfortunately and their party too is also far from NSDAP. Sadly, they are also influenced by christianity in a level, as it is quite usual unfortunately amongst the nationalist right winged people and groups...
(But not all members are christian-conservative and amongst their supporters there are many atheists and non-religious people too.)
BUT I can tell everyone, he shocked me because I would have never thought there are still such people like him in Hungary.
He also exposed the jews, exposed the truth about covid and Great Reset, his party is the only one now in our country who is against the mandatory vaccines and who is exposing the lies about the vaccines and the lies of the government... he is fighting against the gypsy criminals who are literally MURDERING Hungarians almost daily!
There is no mainstream radio or TV in Hungary which talk about these.
He also hunted down pedophiles and wanna reform the laws regarding the pedophile crimes but also he wanna change and reform other weak or bad laws too.
Amost all of their programs are extremely important and Hungary really needs this.
So...yeah, he will participate in the upcoming elections in April, 2022.

I was really shocked because he is intelligent and decent. An anticommunist, antiglobalist, antiliberal (privately he is antisemitic too) and until now he seems to be a decent nationalist person who is also very honest. He also has a great rethoric by the way and even sense of humour. :D

Please, Hungarian comrades, also others too if you are related or interested, watch the videos of Toroczkai Laszlo:


There are videos with English sub too.


His uncensored website:


For now I just shared this briefly, I would post here more info later and it would be also good if Hungarian satanists can talk here.
Nagyon örülök hogy foglalkozol a témával.
És azt is remélem hogy soha többé nem fogok veled vitatkozni,nem erre van szükség.
Én már nem rágom magam a múltkori végett!

A másik:
Az biztos,hogy Magyarország kezd szép lassan felemelkedni,de ez még nagyon a kezdett,szinte még csak pislog,de idővel megtudják az igazságot az emberek.
Mindenféle kép meg kell mentenünk a Magyar lakosságot,mert a zsidók tényleg a mi elpusztításunkra törekednek.
Toroczkai most nagyon fontos szerepet játszik az ügyünk magvalósításába,és alakulgatnak a dolgok.

Szeretném ha ez a két weboldal elterjedne a magyar emberek körébe.

Kereszténység leleplezése:

Covid leleplezése:

Ezek az enyémek!
Mivel az ellenség le szedte a spirits of eridu-t,ezért most csak az enyémek maradtak.

De van még itt pár téma a zsebembe amit majd később előveszek.
I never argued with you 😊 Unfortunately, I don’t understand so much about politics and I’ve always been bad from history as well.
Now I enjoy reading on the subject to be aware of things. It still impresses when a little detail fits the picture perfectly.
Orban is an autocrat who only cares about staying in power. Not long ago I found some nice piece of text explaining the situation about these "based" rulers such as Orban, Putin...etc:

"The goal of these "traditionalist" autocrats is to keep themselves in power. They will make concessions to the popular will of their own countries, but out of opportunism rather than conviction. This is why you have to be clear-headed about these things. Train your mind to view developments coldly and impartially. In countries less infected by the liberal poison, or I should say inoculated against it from years of communist rule, we are losing more slowly than we are in the West. But losing more slowly is still losing. When people in those countries demand something more than just losing slowly, the illiberal "traditionalist" shows his true colors and shuts them down.

Anyone who does not oppose Jewish power by name is not to be trusted. Anyone who does not stand up for the White race as such is not our friend."
Dark Lawyer said:
Hungary has no future. Whether people go out to vote is completely irrelevant.

Agree. Let’s be real, Hungary is going to be a war zone soon…
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:

How much I struggled on the MHM news site, Kurucinfo... Contributors constantly bash Satan and Satanists, under every news item, whatever the topic. Toroczkai is also to blame for this, because he, too, vilifies Satanism. And Satanism is constantly being lumped together with the jews. How many times have I tried to explain to them... Many, many christian "patriots". Uneducated idiots who don't know what they are talking about. Even the self-proclaimed "national socialists" are xians... They hate blacks, they hate gays, etc. We should not be surprised that there is no serious national social stratum in Hungary.
Dark Lawyer said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:

How much I struggled on the MHM news site, Kurucinfo... Contributors constantly bash Satan and Satanists, under every news item, whatever the topic. Toroczkai is also to blame for this, because he, too, vilifies Satanism. And Satanism is constantly being lumped together with the jews. How many times have I tried to explain to them... Many, many christian "patriots". Uneducated idiots who don't know what they are talking about. Even the self-proclaimed "national socialists" are xians... They hate blacks, they hate gays, etc. We should not be surprised that there is no serious national social stratum in Hungary.

Yes, unfortunately it is true. But they do not push direct anti-satanic narrative 24/7 as many christian "truther" movements etc.
Presently there is NO better option than them, in our country. No one can deny that their program is quite good and they try to do their best at their own level.
I mean they literally fought for Hungarian people and exposed a lot of jewish corruption like the exactor/executor maffia, they exposed many gypsy crimes which no one talked about, Toroczkai and his friends exposed and stopped Ronald Lauder's dirty business in Sukuro where he wanted to create a casino city illegally...
Jews and other libtards hate him and wanna stop and silence them. These facts cannot be denied.

I did not know you were on kuruc.info ....I also clashed with many of the users in the past but still many of them are compatriots and even if they do not understand satanism and are christians, now we have to go against enemy together.
It would be great if these national radicals would be at least pagans, even better if they can understand satanism and the truth, but presently it is not the most important thing.
Fire Kobra said:
Nagyon örülök hogy foglalkozol a témával.
És azt is remélem hogy soha többé nem fogok veled vitatkozni,nem erre van szükség.
Én már nem rágom magam a múltkori végett!

A másik:
Az biztos,hogy Magyarország kezd szép lassan felemelkedni,de ez még nagyon a kezdett,szinte még csak pislog,de idővel megtudják az igazságot az emberek.
Mindenféle kép meg kell mentenünk a Magyar lakosságot,mert a zsidók tényleg a mi elpusztításunkra törekednek.
Toroczkai most nagyon fontos szerepet játszik az ügyünk magvalósításába,és alakulgatnak a dolgok.

Szeretném ha ez a két weboldal elterjedne a magyar emberek körébe.

Kereszténység leleplezése:

Covid leleplezése:

Ezek az enyémek!
Mivel az ellenség le szedte a spirits of eridu-t,ezért most csak az enyémek maradtak.

De van még itt pár téma a zsebembe amit majd később előveszek.


I am glad that you also noticed that Toroczkai is playing an important part now in Hungary, for us. Even if he and his party is not perfect.

Not only yours, but my blogs are still there:




And lybium666 blog too:


Thanks for your blog/website, Fire Kobra. I will read them.

lybium666 said:
A translation will soon be published in Hungarian to reach as many people as possible

For lybium666:
Bro, thank you for your blog and for uploading the important translations in pdf too!
Your own translations too are good but may I note a little thing? Some parts of your translations sounds weird because of translation errors and grammatical errors too. If you will time you could review them, I think, and could correct it for better understanding.
It is just and observation and a little advice. ;)
Dark Lawyer said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:

I also have a blog, but it has been inactive for some time:


Is yours the arjamagyar? :cool: Congratulations, I like your blog.

Thank you!
I did not have time to update it regularly, unfortunately.
There were another blogs which I made with a friend of mine, schwarzesonne666 blogspot es feketenap666 wordpress blogs but both were reported by those kike bitches from US who made that "big" anti-JoS blog and FB page...

It is shit as I translated the myth of Hitler's jewish grandfather and some other relevant nazi writings on that blog, I will have to create them again and upload back those posts...

I am glad that you also have a blog. Good to know it!
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Yes, unfortunately it is true. But they do not push direct anti-satanic narrative 24/7 as many christian "truther" movements etc.
Presently there is NO better option than them, in our country. No one can deny that their program is quite good and they try to do their best at their own level.
I mean they literally fought for Hungarian people and exposed a lot of jewish corruption like the exactor/executor maffia, they exposed many gypsy crimes which no one talked about, Toroczkai and his friends exposed and stopped Ronald Lauder's dirty business in Sukuro where he wanted to create a casino city illegally...
Jews and other libtards hate him and wanna stop and silence them. These facts cannot be denied.

I did not know you were on kuruc.info ....I also clashed with many of the users in the past but still many of them are compatriots and even if they do not understand satanism and are christians, now we have to go against enemy together.
It would be great if these national radicals would be at least pagans, even better if they can understand satanism and the truth, but presently it is not the most important thing.

I've been writing there for about two and a half years, I have about 2500 comments. Unfortunately, Satan and Satanism are regularly attacked. I read it in the comments all the time. Even in news that has nothing to do with this topic. Toroczkai publicly mentioned Satanism as an enemy.

I signed the MHM petition, I was at their demonstration and told others. But I'm not going to vote. If you know the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, you know why not. Every four years, jews can count how many goyim participate in the circus. If no one voted, the jewish system would be bankrupt.

And Hungary is sadly finished. If you've read Béla Pokol's book - "The Last Days of Europe. The Consequences of the Demografic Collapse." -, you'll know. Political parties and political systems can no longer save Hungary. And the really rough situation starts now in Hungary in the 2020s. It's no longer about voting and politics, it's about preparing for shit.

Is it not public what your nick is on kurucinfo?
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Yes, unfortunately it is true. But they do not push direct anti-satanic narrative 24/7 as many christian "truther" movements etc.
Presently there is NO better option than them, in our country. No one can deny that their program is quite good and they try to do their best at their own level.
I mean they literally fought for Hungarian people and exposed a lot of jewish corruption like the exactor/executor maffia, they exposed many gypsy crimes which no one talked about, Toroczkai and his friends exposed and stopped Ronald Lauder's dirty business in Sukuro where he wanted to create a casino city illegally...
Jews and other libtards hate him and wanna stop and silence them. These facts cannot be denied.

I did not know you were on kuruc.info ....I also clashed with many of the users in the past but still many of them are compatriots and even if they do not understand satanism and are christians, now we have to go against enemy together.
It would be great if these national radicals would be at least pagans, even better if they can understand satanism and the truth, but presently it is not the most important thing.

"Jobbik will continue on the path of people's party membership. We currently know of two presidential candidates. Tamás Sneider and myself. Both of us have said many times that we intend to continue on the path of national people's party."

(László Toroczkai, 3 May 2018)

So Toroczkai would have clearly followed the direction set by Vona, but it didn't work out because Sneider was the frontrunner. Toroczkai's statement at the time is available on video:


Interesting that in comparison he now calls MHM a "third force"...
Dark Lawyer said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Yes, unfortunately it is true. But they do not push direct anti-satanic narrative 24/7 as many christian "truther" movements etc.
Presently there is NO better option than them, in our country. No one can deny that their program is quite good and they try to do their best at their own level.
I mean they literally fought for Hungarian people and exposed a lot of jewish corruption like the exactor/executor maffia, they exposed many gypsy crimes which no one talked about, Toroczkai and his friends exposed and stopped Ronald Lauder's dirty business in Sukuro where he wanted to create a casino city illegally...
Jews and other libtards hate him and wanna stop and silence them. These facts cannot be denied.

I did not know you were on kuruc.info ....I also clashed with many of the users in the past but still many of them are compatriots and even if they do not understand satanism and are christians, now we have to go against enemy together.
It would be great if these national radicals would be at least pagans, even better if they can understand satanism and the truth, but presently it is not the most important thing.

I've been writing there for about two and a half years, I have about 2500 comments. Unfortunately, Satan and Satanism are regularly attacked. I read it in the comments all the time. Even in news that has nothing to do with this topic. Toroczkai publicly mentioned Satanism as an enemy.

I signed the MHM petition, I was at their demonstration and told others. But I'm not going to vote. If you know the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, you know why not. Every four years, jews can count how many goyim participate in the circus. If no one voted, the jewish system would be bankrupt.

And Hungary is sadly finished. If you've read Béla Pokol's book - "The Last Days of Europe. The Consequences of the Demografic Collapse." -, you'll know. Political parties and political systems can no longer save Hungary. And the really rough situation starts now in Hungary in the 2020s. It's no longer about voting and politics, it's about preparing for shit.

Is it not public what your nick is on kurucinfo?

I see.
Yes he as a christian uses political christian narrative, but almost all right winged party do this in everywhere.
I saw all of his videos and he did not mention "satanic" all the time as his goal is not to talk about Satan etc, Satan's name anyways unfortunately, is already smeared. It is bad of course.
But we cannot wait that they will become enlightened and go pagan...
Presently there is no better movement and force here in Hungary.
For a while, in a way, Hungary can be saved. But I see how you mean...

I also would not want to vote, I would vote then to Csurka, even he was better in a way. But he died.
So as I have never voted, now too, I would not wanna vote, but I have to. Neither the pseudo-national Fidesz nor the shitty liberal rainbow-coalition cannot continue to lead this country.

Neither Gattyan György :D :D :D lol
Thought at least he is the only self-made multi-billionare Hungarian man, who did not make his wealth from privatization and from other governmental relation...
And he is not a jew, like those oligarch bitches.
But he is lunatic in a way :D and irreal. Possibly he was forced to come home and create a fake party, the whole shit is weird...

And there is the ex-SZDSZ Dr. Gödény who is a full blown real jew with his fake party, and who wants to get voters from Mi Hazank...

My nick is the same as here but with latin letters :D
For those who have not yet seen this video!

Hi guys, for now, I will stop promoting this person even if I will vote on him and on his party.

Unfortunately it turned out to me and to my friends that he or the person he asked for moderating his blog toroczkai.info , is very discriminative. He or they removed my and other comrades' comments out of spudity and without any notification.
It is ok as that is his own blog but doing this without at least a little notification or any reply to us, is more than rude.
So I asked him what was and is the real reason of it. That he let some comments of some evil provocative trolls but when I reacted on such comments, and defended myself and our satanic community against the libels, he, Laszlo (or an admin of him) removed my comments, and it happened second time!

Interesting that after I asked him in my new comment again that why is he discriminating us if he promotes freedom of religious liberty, he did not dare to remove a pagan guy's comment from one of his post. The oagan guy is named Miklos who actually represented the truth about Satan and jews in a comment.
There was an idiot xian woman there and another person who made actual slanders against a friend of mine and against me too, but their filthy comments are still up. But my reaction to them was deleted...I only posted the exact criminal code about slandering, libelling. In order to notify that bigot arrogant woman to follow the law.

Well I am disappointed as fuck!
And it is not about that we are pagans and they brainwashed christians. That is one thing. It is about the useless and pointless rude discrimination towards potential voters!
It would have been a basic normal thing to write a reason or a notification before moderating. It is just unjust and makes him very unsympathetic.
Even if he did a lot good for Hungary and planning to do more...

Please Dark Lawyer and Fire Kobra, are there any email address of you? Or here is mine: [email protected]
Email Address: [email protected]

I have also sent a letter to Toroczkai, but have not received any reply.

I started with the topic of the environment problem and sent it to Toroczkai.

I show you: file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/%C3%9Czenet.pdf

He didn't even respond to that.

This all has to be done bit by bit,as it is totally Christian shit this band.

Anyway, it's not wrong that you took the steps, because then we can see what's really going on.
It will not be easy to wake people up, but we must do our best!
I do not vote and I do not think that Hungary has a future. I won't be very active on kurucinfo anymore, there is no point.
Fire Kobra said:
Email Address: [email protected]

I have also sent a letter to Toroczkai, but have not received any reply.

I started with the topic of the environment problem and sent it to Toroczkai.

I show you: file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/%C3%9Czenet.pdf

He didn't even respond to that.

This all has to be done bit by bit,as it is totally Christian shit this band.

Anyway, it's not wrong that you took the steps, because then we can see what's really going on.
It will not be easy to wake people up, but we must do our best!

I have re-posted the link!
You are equally right Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής,Dark Lawyer.
I didn't even know how to go to this vote, but the video shared(ZSIDÓ ÉS MUSZLIM MÉSZÁRSZÉKEK MAGYARORSZÁGON) by FireKobra convinced me.
Even if they can't save Hungary, they have the will and the pursuit.

Anyway, if you didn’t start this article(Hungary 2022), I wouldn’t have noticed this MiHazánk,although I've heard of it, thanks for pointing me to this conversation.
However, I do not see them as jewish(MiHazánk).
I hope they realize the truth about xianity and leave.

(sorry if there are translation errors in the language,unfortunately, I can not speak English)
Dark Lawyer said:
I do not vote and I do not think that Hungary has a future. I won't be very active on kurucinfo anymore, there is no point.
When I started Satanism then I tried online distribution and I also felt it was unnecessary.
I felt like I wasn’t really good at this therefore, I prefer to devote time to RTRs, I see more meaning in it.
By that I don’t mean that no one should do online distribution, just me (RTRs) do better and I see more meaning in it.
But again, this is just my opinion and comment.It is very important that Satanism is spread online.

(Excuse me,hope there are no ambiguous translation errors, bad translator-.-)
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Ok Kobra! Thanks!
Yeah I suppose he has no time to reply...

Dark Lawyer, I see. Well, I will vote, as I have no other choice anyways, I mean I wanna give a chance to them and let's see ...

I checked the party's programme ("Virradat" programme) on the Mi Hazánk website and it mentions christianity 15 times.

There are also radical xian sentences in it, which I don't think can be excused. They say that "our christian culture is not negotiable". They explicitly demand a "national-christian" education. And they claim that Hungary is "the country of the holy crown". (The crown was the "sacred" instrument of the catholic church.)

I thought about voting, but now I think that voting for Mi Hazánk is perhaps like voting for the enemy. In Hitler's time, ostensible christianity was necessary for political success. Such communication would not be necessary in 2022. Or if so, it is because the Hungarian national class (the voters of Mi Hazánk) are generally christians. 2022 is no longer the 1930s. It is not necessary for a political party or a party's constituency to be christian.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how real christianity is in Mi Hazánk. The party was founded in 2018 and has never been in Parliament. It may not be a good idea to vote for a new, unknown party that promotes christianity. Especially when we know that many of that party's voters are indeed christians.
Dark Lawyer said:
I checked the party's programme ("Virradat" programme) on the Mi Hazánk website and it mentions christianity 15 times.

There are also radical xian sentences in it, which I don't think can be excused. They say that "our christian culture is not negotiable". They explicitly demand a "national-christian" education. And they claim that Hungary is "the country of the holy crown". (The crown was the "sacred" instrument of the catholic church.)

I thought about voting, but now I think that voting for Mi Hazánk is perhaps like voting for the enemy. In Hitler's time, ostensible christianity was necessary for political success. Such communication would not be necessary in 2022. Or if so, it is because the Hungarian national class (the voters of Mi Hazánk) are generally christians. 2022 is no longer the 1930s. It is not necessary for a political party or a party's constituency to be christian.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how real christianity is in Mi Hazánk. The party was founded in 2018 and has never been in Parliament. It may not be a good idea to vote for a new, unknown party that promotes christianity. Especially when we know that many of that party's voters are indeed christians.

More information: Mi Hazánk submits a political declaration in defence of christianity (2020)


The text of the declaration would be the envy of the Christian Democratic People's Party...
Dark Lawyer said:
Dark Lawyer said:
I checked the party's programme ("Virradat" programme) on the Mi Hazánk website and it mentions christianity 15 times.

There are also radical xian sentences in it, which I don't think can be excused. They say that "our christian culture is not negotiable". They explicitly demand a "national-christian" education. And they claim that Hungary is "the country of the holy crown". (The crown was the "sacred" instrument of the catholic church.)

I thought about voting, but now I think that voting for Mi Hazánk is perhaps like voting for the enemy. In Hitler's time, ostensible christianity was necessary for political success. Such communication would not be necessary in 2022. Or if so, it is because the Hungarian national class (the voters of Mi Hazánk) are generally christians. 2022 is no longer the 1930s. It is not necessary for a political party or a party's constituency to be christian.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how real christianity is in Mi Hazánk. The party was founded in 2018 and has never been in Parliament. It may not be a good idea to vote for a new, unknown party that promotes christianity. Especially when we know that many of that party's voters are indeed christians.

More information: Mi Hazánk submits a political declaration in defence of christianity (2020)


The text of the declaration would be the envy of the Christian Democratic People's Party...
Thank you very much,that you shared this,so i reevaluate all this.I did not deal with it in such details.
although I could have looked it up better,I just felt sorry for the time,because it takes time for VTVR's.Although if I vote for something, it would be essential to look into it better.In the end I'm not going to vote.
the time and effort it would take to vote,I prefer to focus on VTVR's.I think VTVR's are worth more than voting.,not to mention the long line that has to wait for one vote,if there are many people(how many VTVRs can be performed below).

88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Thank you very much,that you shared this,so i reevaluate all this.I did not deal with it in such details.
although I could have looked it up better,I just felt sorry for the time,because it takes time for VTVR's.Although if I vote for something, it would be essential to look into it better.In the end I'm not going to vote.
the time and effort it would take to vote,I prefer to focus on VTVR's.I think VTVR's are worth more than voting.,not to mention the long line that has to wait for one vote,if there are many people(how many VTVRs can be performed below).


It is difficult to decide, because on certain topics (epidemic circus, demography, great reset) they say good things. New party, we don't know what it will be like if it gets into parliament. I don't trust them, but I'm thinking about giving them a chance in today's vote. The extreme left calls Mi Hazánk "Nazis"...
Toroczkai may not have won the election, but he still got ahead!

And that is the point!
Ariton 666 said:
Üdvözlöm az itteni SS Magyar közösséget! :)

The whole Hungarian SS situation is interesting... The Spirits of Eridu page took down certain writings and rituals without explanation. Then the whole page was deleted without explanation. But shortly before, the opposite happened: they started putting new material on it.

Spirits of Eridu was founded by two people. One of them is Nubemhet, who you mentioned...

There is a facebook page that is independent of the SoE page. But I don't think it's a good idea to have the Hungarian SS community on facebook.

And the other founder of SoE, Nigel Sheridan? Is he also an infiltrator? Or why did SoE cease to exist without explanation after all these years?
Ariton 666 said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Dark Lawyer said:

Üdvözlöm az itteni SS Magyar közösséget! :)

You just literally using insulting words against random people we don’t know. I am sure most people are hearing these names the first time.

What did those people actually did against the Hungarian SS Community? What they did is happened here on the Joy of Satan forum or are you referring to your private circles as the Hungarian SS Community?

You should at least explain what those people actually did against Spiritual Satanism, then give actual evidence.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
