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Humans Are Better and More-Powerful Than "god" - the Origins of the Methodist Church


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017



Of course, we know christianity is evil and has been disproven countless times by many individuals and groups and organisations, e.g. Exposing Christianity. The point I am making here is...

"Radical and disruptive religious upheaval ... period of tumultuous history..."
"Methodism was a christian movement that started in the 18th century - John and his brother Charles Wesley, long with their friend and fellow preacher George Whitfield..."
"John and Charles Wesley were Oxford scholars who were part of the Church of England. They began to deviate from its strictures having experienced an evangelical desire to spread the gospel to ordinary people.
...against usual church practice."

"...he wanted to really reach-out to the poorer community in the City of Bristol. He realised that the Church of England weren't accommodating of lots of different people around the city, and he wanted to say that the gospel was for everyone. He sought to reform the Church of England."
George Whitfield is also known as George Whitefield."god" didn't know how to prevent that from happening. While christians are severely misguided, this lowly Human wanted to go against that which were the teachings of "god" for the higher-uppers; he wanted to go against "god" being for them only, trying that "god" is for everyone, not just the so-called "elite" to control the "commoners" (which still happens regardless). While mistaken to extremes about the "goodness" of "god" - seeing as christianity is for the "elite" to control the "commoners" - lowly, humble Humans decided "good" "god" was for all people, not just those aristocrats, the toffs. Misguided being a christian, he still tried to do what he thought was good, and "god" and (((TPTB))) were unable to prevent that.

Christians would argue, maybe at least today if not back in his time, that "god" was causing that to happen, to "spread the word"; yet if "god" created existence, i.e. is supposed to be so powerful, then it's a wonder why it didn't "tell people" that "the word" was for everyone - not to mention you're not "allowed" knowledge anyway ("the tree of knowledge of good and evil" is off-limits), so you were never meant to know "god"; you were never meant to be literate - which most people weren't back in the day. Originally, christians were, everyone was, supposed to be illiterate idiot slaves anyway, so creating a new version of christianity which is for everyone goes against "god". It is Human Nature to do good, do that good well, and to be better and help others to improve, even if any Human is a christian.

"He never, initially, wanted to break away."
Even within his own misguidedness, he was misguided; i.e. even while being a christian (which is being misguided already), he was misguided. Since he thought "god" was for everyone or should be for everyone, he thought that everyone would also accept the new version of christianity that he made... yet he had opposition, he had to actually break-away. He had to 'rebel' to be able to do well. I wonder if this might be an example of Satan actually guiding things in the past. With christianity losing control - even decades and centuries ago - it is a slippery slope that christianity slides down, even if it is losing slowly. Satan stands for individuality, freedom, justice, and one could say Satan is a rebel - rebelling against "god" in "heaven", which christians try to argue is Satan thinking He is more-powerful than "god", which makes less-than-zero sense because any "angel" in "heaven" would know, undoubtedly, the "power and might" of "god". That's just a story to force you to not have pride, to brainwash you into thinking that you are nothing.

"Methodism offered a practical method of following christianity that people could apply to their daily lives, hence the name. In Methodism, John was forming a stricter and more-industrious version of christianity, and he decided to create a place of worship that would also serve the wider needs of the community."

So before methodism, christianity was impractical? It was not proper for everyday living? That's why this new version of christianity had to be made, because old and older and original christianities were against Humans? Human Nature improves things. This means that original christianity has been diluted throughout the years.

Technically, he is not a christian. The original church is the correct way to be a christian, closer to the real christianity than which he was breaking away from, so this John is actually doing it wrong, trying to help people and the needs of the community. As a christian, you're not supposed to do that; however, Human Nature comes out, and nothing can stop that.

"Back in the 18th century, it started out as a meeting place, but it was also working as like a community centre - you had medical dispensaries here, you had food banks."
Lol. "god" can't heal people, so Humans have to use Human means and... well... methods!... to heal people. Lol. Stupid "god". Stupid christianity.
Lol. "god" can't feed the 5 thousand, so Humans have to use Human means and... well... methods!... to feed people. Lol. Stupid "god". Stupid christianity.

While christians are seriously misguided, some christians still try to help people genuinely, albeit in "god"'s "name"... which they don't know and are not "allowed" to know! Lol! Humans help Humans; "god" doesn't. "god" hinders Humans.

"In 1774, John Wesley published a pamphlet entitled Thoughts Upon Slavery. He described it as 'the sum of all villainies'."
Why? "god" loves slavery. It gives instructions, in the Old Testament, about how to use and mistreat slaves. Even to this day (you know - because "god" is "the same yesterday, today and forever"!) "god" loves enslaving Humans into poverty and fear of christian hell and christianity and corruption and dystopia...

Let none serve you but by his own act and deed, by his own voluntary action. Away with all whips, all chains, all compulsion!... Do with everyone else as you would he should do to you." John Wesley ~1774
See? John is not a christian. He goes against the exact creed, decrees, evil that "god" demands. Also - "god" should take its own advice and abide by the rules it sets - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; "god" mistreats people to massive extremes. "god" does shit against us, so christians possibly, but christianity definitely, must be - needs to be - treated the same in return. "god" lies to christians by saying, "If the people of this world hate you, just remember that they hated me first". "god" deserves it, and christians might deserve it and christianity does deserve it.

"Methodists had already experienced persecution for deviating from the Church of England's theology, but by advocating abolition in one of the major slave trade ports, the Wesleys made some very powerful enemies indeed."
With this "evangelical desire to spread the gospel to ordinary people" and to try and stop slavery, they could have said to those who opposed them that it was "god"'s will, that they received "devine intervention" to make it so! Verily, I tell you - "when" "jesus" "returns", christians won't accept it! They won't believe it true!

"You have the congregation of the New Room, and you have the traders coming in - and a riot erupted."
"John wrote that, 'The people rushed against each other with the utmost violence, and the benches were broke in pieces.". Although, he also records that he carried-on undaunted."
The people rushed upon each other with the utmost violence; the benches were broke in pieces, and nine-tenths of the congregation appeared to be struck with the same panic.

In about six minutes the storm ceased; almost as suddenly as it rose, and, all being calm, I went on without the least interruption. It was the strangest incident of the kind I ever remember.
It is very strange indeed that those who think "god" agrees with them get very upset when "god" changes its mind and tells someone else!

"Fortunately, brother Charles found a way to preach his message of love and peace in the hundreds of evangelical hymns he wrote, and Methodists had novel ways of spreading the word."
"This is one of the miniature hymn books, and you can see the text is very, very tiny."
"Minute. Yeah."
"They would have been easily able to carry this around on horseback up and down the country, carry lots of copies with them to hand-out to people. They were doing something that was against the Church of England's practices, and the hymn book is really small, as well, so it can be discreet."
So christians have to go against what "god" decided and demanded originally, and they have to be secretive about that. OK.

Those messages of love and peace are Human qualities. That is Human Nature. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with "god" at all.

Christian: Well, where did morals come from if not from god?
Me: Well, where did "god"'s morals come from, and where did "god" come from?

Humans have the ability to - and actually do - express good, decent qualities, but christians say that it is "god". Similarly, the jew has learnt a thing or two, and knows how to use Human qualities against us; hence all the evil and things wrong in the World...

"Now though, Kathryn's tracked-down the source of the music, which is Wesley's most-famous tune sung by christians the World over."

Hark! The herald angels sing

"I'd like to know how Methodism connects with music."
"Charles was the poet and hymn writer, and in a sense he expressed his and John's theology and faith, so music and singing's always been really important to Methodists and it is to us I think in a choir, because we're singing our faith, and then hopefully going out and living it, too."
Music is incredibly powerful and important. It can do things mere words can't. It connects to the Mind, Psychology, Emotions, Soul... It is very strong and a huge tool.

Punk Rock and the Joos
I presume you know about music yourself, how it affects you and what it does. It goes in very deeply.

Despite having to split-off away from previous christianity, which "god" decided way back when originally, John, Charles, and others who created new, "better" or less-bad versions of christianity, still worship "god". This breaking-away disagrees with how previous and original christianity was intended, which "god" decreed and demanded, and John made a new type of christianity, which "god" couldn't prevent... and Charles wrote hymns and the Wesleys still worship that very same "god". It really doesn't make sense. During the time of creating Methodism, and also later on, christians sing these songs, singing "glory" to a newborn "king", without regard to the breaking-away from previous and original demands by "king", by "god"...

John and Charles Wesley and preacher George Whitfield are not actually christians, because they went against "god" and also made a new form of christianity, a new type of christianity, which is not how it's supposed to be; and since they are using the free will that "god" gave them, that is why they made a new christianity, but using free will is wrong in "god"'s eyes. It is not christianity, technically, of course, because Humans are breaking-away from the originality of what "god" demands; therefore, most christians will end up in christian hell for using the free will "god" gave them by making and following not-original decrees and demands, instead of doing what "god" decreed and demanded originally, how it was supposed to be. While some christians argue "you send yourself to hell", christians who are not following the original decrees and demands of "god" are sending themselves to christian hell.

Perhaps there is something to be said about No True Scotsman, afterall...

Even within the mindboggling, brainwashing, mind-rape and soul-torture of christianity, Humans Are Better and More-Powerful Than "god". Obviously christianity is truly one seriously-misguided, and - regarding the christians - unknowingly-corrupt, groups in existence... yet they still rebelled and rebel against what "god" decreed and demanded originally. They still have their Minds, Souls and Brains; however, their Minds, Souls and Brains are grasped in the clutches of a bony jew's bony fingers very tightly, because they don't all 'backslide' - and a part of that is because of peer pressure and familial connections - but even in some of those, their very own friends, and their very own families shun them, turn against them, abandon them, in favour of a faerie tale story book character called "god".

Some do backslide, rebel against "god". It could be argued that John, Charles and George all backslid because it is not proper christianity, but were unable to actually complete the backsliding. It might actually be possible that they might have not believed the religion. Apparently, according to former christians who argue against christianity well on Youtube and wherever else, there are some preachers/ministers who continue on despite not being actual believers, because of various difficult reasons of family, friends and 'their flock' or being unable to find another job or fear, etc.

It might be that christians may be like robots, programmed and unable to break-away from the programming that they have been subjected to and brainwashed into and raped into, but Humans, in and among this, can still disagree with "god" and its original sin of rape and torture and hatred against the Humans it "created" and "loved" more than all other beings and entities, "creating us" as its "pinacle of creation"; and while christians might be like robots they can still disagree with "god" and its original sin of rape and torture and hatred against Earth and Her Inhabitants - and yes, I say "god" committed the original sin, not anyone else. "god" does extreme atrocities, and Humans, throughout history, ignored, opposed, broke-away from it, and those who broke-away from it created slightly-less-bad things, repeatedly, throughout history, until today we have greater secularism; and apparently Paganism, at least in the USA, making a comeback, being more on the rise again than "traditional" abrahamism.

I apologise for the song, but it's less-bad than that -

How Angels Really Look Like According to Their Bible

so don't worry. The song is not bad as we thought! If you prefer or need to get the song out of your head -

Týr - By the Light of the Northern Star

Humans Are Better and More-Powerful Than "god".
Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Du'at!

Exposing Christianity

re: "Evil"

Images that Describe xianity Honestly
Thank you for the writing, nice and informative.
Hail Ahriman.
Thanks. I am not an official or literal authourity on it, but I used to be a christian for years. These are my thoughts and understandings about it. The only thing I am slightly uncertain about is when I said John thought others would accept his new creation, his new version of christianity. That is more speculation, but the point was that he had to break-away, instead of it being all cool and cucumber with the people.

I didn't know about methodism's origins and going-against another version of christianity, until I saw this. I have wondered how newer versions came about, so this is somewhat informative, gives a bit of an idea, even if not exact for each of the different versions of christianity. That's important - even as a christian, I never knew. Probably because I was not methodost, but surely knowledge was important. Oh, what am I saying? Knowledge? There's no such place for that in christianity! I didn't know, and most people in christianity didn't know, and that - the point about knowledge - is important. Knowledge is evil in (the Hearts, Minds and Souls of the subjects/victims of) abrahamism.
I'm very glad you escaped this horrifying religion that blinds people so badly to truth. Sorry to hear you had to take a more difficult road at first. That image of the angel is familiar and disturbing, much like others I've seen of seraphim and such. These later things as they are described in the book of Isaiah (six-winged beings). They are the opposite of good and natural to any person with a normal functioning brain. I hope that I never have to see one of these beings, yet if and when I do I will do my best to keep them at bay and not allow them to affect me. They are just too disgusting for words... all those eyes and things. Anyone that describes them as beautiful one sandwich short of a picnic and that's putting it mildly.

I'm glad you're on the winning team and that you got out of that death trap of this so-called religion which appropriates 'sin' via adages like "we all are sinners" and "we have to repent constantly". This places themselves in a constant state of inadequacy. I've encountered many cross-bearing people at work (customers) and some of them appear short-tempered, unhappy and impatient. Others act as though they are never enough and are sad about it. These people are living contradictions because that is their entire religion I suppose, one big contradiction! Kill for me and be saved, murder is a sin, looking at someone with lust is a sin, etc... These poor people. :-/

Hopefully more of them start seeing the reality of these matters and consider actual truth above these things that are recited and parroted as such, in affect leading them here. Thank the Gods for the JoS and this amazing place! 🙂

It's also good to have people like yourself here sharing your own reflections, experiences and findings. It no doubt should help the new people here from going back to the cult of jew-hoover, sucking people in and trapping them in insanity.

Uh... venting over! 🤣

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
