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Humanity 2021-2030: You Will Be Slaves Until You Revolt

PsychicJuggler said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As time goes people who have been "vaccinated" or "unvaccinated" will have one thing in common. You will all be slaves until you revolt. There will be no escape.

Progressively, jews, their lies and their policies will lead you to such despair and breakdown, that if this is not reversed, people will pray that they were dead.

We are being thrown into the jaws of the Jewish Great Reset. Retain your silence when you speak with these NPC's, and defend yourself, but know, this is actually what we have been warning people for at least the last decade, and it's now HERE.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

So, is it too late for people who are not spiritually advanced? Like me...?

No, this is for the general populace that is asleep to what is going on right now.

It is very early still for people who are meditating now, and there is plenty of time to develop your powers etc.

Normal people are being lead into despair and breakdown. Here, it's the opposite, since people have power to navigate through this all mentally and spiritually.
Fiery Pluto said:
i have mocking for three days during dinner my parents, when they were watching the newscast that appears to talk 24\24 hours about the dangerous covid, saying "this flu is very dangerous". But they consider anti vaxxers the most stupid retards evil in the world. yesterday i also started a discussion with my teacher of science about eugenics and he basically said that it isn't moral because was used by nazis. He called anti vaxxers "encephalitis". There is a common feeling of hatred in regards of anti vaxxers

The strictly anti-vaccines people are very few. I am not anti-vaccines as a "whole", and this technology can be used for good.

This Co-Vid thing however classifies as cellular therapy, or even gene therapy, and is not a real vaccine. Vaccines eliminate illnesses and cause permanent or lifelong inoculation, or at least for many many years. They don't expire after 2 months.

Plus this particular vaccine is nothing more than low tier and weakly preventing "medicine". If it was the miracle cure we were told it was, the situation wouldn't be a Co-Vid chaos right now left and right.

Eugenics is just bringing people to have families together based on foresight, basically. Before this was made into a science it was practiced by all tribes and people worldwide, especially on the higher classes, which always had marriages based on standards. Instead of doing it randomly.

Forms of eugenics is even checking your child before birth for down syndrome and other things that are "Nazi Sciences". Eugenics also began in the United States and not in Germany. It was a science of the time such as analysis of facial and body morphology.

Rabbis especially take x10 times the measures to ensure "Eugenic" birth or "Desirable birth" in their fold, but they tell the goy that's bad to do for itself. Rabbis say they want to keep unadulterated blood for a thousand years to the line of "Aaron and Levi the Priest", but to the goy they say go race mix and kill yourself, lol.

At this rate the only ones who are applying "Nazi Science" is probably the Jews to this very day. They also apply DNA sequencing for people to go to live in Israel. But they tell everyone else that's not to be done and that it's Nazi Science, lol.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Markhor Goat said:
I don't know if I'm too tired or spiritual open but you're anger, frustration and the rest can be felt just by reading the beginning.
I and my parents are the only unvaxxed in the family, the rest out of fear.
Regardles you posted a schedule and I will participate as always. A question, can I begin now?

Of course I am angry. I am furious this is happening against everyone for no reason. That is pure insanity.

I am sorry your family had to go through this and be forced into all of this. Many have been rallied through brainwashing into all of this.

We are doing these schedules to curse the enemy and cast down all their spiritual forces which they are utilizing to backup this destruction.

i'm the only one in my family thats unvaxxed my family and even one friend took it cause of they want to travel

Thing is not that the choice was in itself the bad, the problem is there was no informed consent, and most people have just literally being droned into doing this, without ever being told that there is a chance that things might go bad.

Most people actually didn't have any choice, they were enforced because they want to keep living or doing somethings.

Of all the people I have talked with, there are only marginal people that consider "Co-Vid" a viral danger that will lead us all to death like the Media says, but they went and do it because of traveling reasons, work reasons, or simply because they couldn't take the emotional barrage from the media and the government. They did it for anything else but "Co-Vid".

Then, they were telling them it was all going to be over and permanent if they take this, and now they want to line up everyone for repetitive doses, adding to the chance of risk with every consecutive dose.
Hungaryan said:
Understand one thing.

I repeat myself, but I don't care. I see that the thinking of many people is flawed. Spiritual development and ritual are good. But in itself it is very little. There will come hard times when it will not be enough.

Nobody told you to not increase your power to the maximum physically also, or to be able to defend yourself even in unimaginable situations.

The positive idea is that we will not get there, and possibly most places won't. Regardless, preparation for anything is important, as this preparation puts you above and ready even in regular circumstances.

We must be ready for everything from best to worst. That's the reality with the way things are going. Spiritual protection is also key as it can help people surmount a lot of dangers.

Dear HP,
but how can we keep or find work if companies do not accept those who do not have a tampon or vaccine? or in other situations.......
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass

They lied to the elderly and many other people that this vaccine would save them and they would be immune. Instead what the people received was basically infection from the illness they were "totally safe from!" and going into the hospital emergency wings. Tasty, what a tasty excuse to flatten the curve for another 2 years for the goy.

Eventually all lies collapse. The question is how long this is going to hold while people falsely praise it.

I spoke with my family about this, however they do not believe me when I told them the vaccine is useless, because the news constantly portrays lies and fake data that all the people getting sick now and whom are in the ER with covid are unvaccinated.

My mother has from day one been on the train of lies that was forced people's throats that the hospitals are overloaded and the medical workers overworked, so everyone should vaccinate since only then can the poor hospital workers relax and the ER free from patients.

They also make up completely bogus claims on the numbers of people going to the ER for these things, which cannot be fact checked by any ordinary people.

Such as saying last week there were 110 something people to the ER in the Netherlands over Covid, and 160+ to the ER in Austria, and using this bogus and completely inconsequential data to back up the claim that vaccination rates reduces Covid infections and severity, as the Netherlands had around 75% vaccination rate while Austria had around 61% vaccination rate (including children under 12!!!!!).

The NPC's just don't even dare to question this, because the implications that all this is fake or part of an agenda are too world shattering and terrifying for them to acknowledge.

My mother knows very well this is all wrong, but she just doesn't dare to admit it, paralyzed by fear, confusion and bafflement as well as remaining willfully blind to all things going on outside her immediate surroundings for the most part because it is all too mind boggling to fathom for her.

I send a few excerpts from some of your posts, only the things that do not mention anything about Satan, the Gods or even the parts that name the jew blatantly because she is not in a state of mind to take those things in, but even the small excerpts without those things are so confronting for her she struggles to even take a look at it.

It's just awful to see how paralyzed people are, even people with reasonable minds and intelligence, and how nobody dares question these things.

Another thing, ironically, the immigrants that are send here being completely noncompliant may actually benefit us in the end, as seeing so many people run around unruly and in total disregard of the NWO globalist stranglehold authoritarianism being forced upon people here actually gives people an alternate example of what is possible, and the unhinged personalities of these immigrants may actually be what is needed to wake up the fighting spirit and resistance in the native Western Europeans who behave mostly like sedated sheep at the moment.

In the end we will all be in the same boat if this is not stopped, so I have my hopes that things can fall in place where the immigrants and native people come to the consensus that we have a common enemy to destroy and rebel against eventually, and the immigrants not being too keen on getting strangled by the jew infested governments of the west may be a trigger to necessary resistance and rebellion.
Hungaryan said:
Understand one thing.

I repeat myself, but I don't care. I see that the thinking of many people is flawed. Spiritual development and ritual are good. But in itself it is very little. There will come hard times when it will not be enough.

How can spiritual development can be little when certain meditations and mantras if done right can put you to sleep. Today I napped 2 hours after the RTRs.
Spiritual development has the control of the physical.

All our efforts bear fruits. One can see for themselves when rising energy, how monstrous even positive energy can be and how the physical cannot sustain so much this.

Physical development stands under common sense and natural path of life, which is under the good luck and positive terms from the spiritual development.

Anyone within a couple of months can become proficient in feeling and manipulating, rising energy and the new found confidence and opening of the perspective will let you mold what's in front of you. No need for desperation for us SS.

Spiritual warfare and awareness of this is the key. Have your life backed up by spiritual forces and nothing can bear this negativity but a self impeding aspect, which again is part of overcoming by spiritual measures.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The Gods/Demons give us their blessings for physical reaction/resistance against the enemy, in any way, shape or form?
I love it and our imagination is limitless, all the best.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The Gods/Demons give us their blessings for physical reaction/resistance against the enemy, in any way, shape or form?

That depends. Generally, yes. Many people do stupid things and expect the Gods to just scoop up the damage. However, on a large scale of affairs, the Gods will indeed help the collective of people who are aligned with their will out of this mess.

The Gods most of all require not just a person throwing rocks but intelligent people who can do higher work such as spiritual warfare, dissemination of information, and who will do well in life to promote and enhance our powers as a collective. That is the most important thing.
Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
All I really hope for is that the planet doesn't become much like often happens in the end with the enemy.

I have seen visions of this kind a thing a few times not that I want to but when some energy from the enemy is strongly there my mind associates with this and I sometimes see little flashes of it apparently random places this happened. Wish I knew how to block that out.

Anyways basically that would be most things becoming decay and ruin literally no infrastructure and what's left is not very usable everything kind of being overgrown nature taking over some places. Much like this:


And yeah the sky is often dark or gray from pollution as well.

try the one where the reptilians are burned in black flames crying, screaming, crawling in the ashes, skulls caving and their whole planet is in ruins. then their greys get the life wrung out of them necks crushed, as they expire all the worthless traitors with the white hair break their silence but they are just the last to go. enemy worlds engulfed in black death burnt to a crisp completely. souls sent to the dark river and coalsack to be dissipated.

then worlds burn bright blue and free and pure and clean and grass grows, and meadows, and suns and trees and fruits and birds, and clean cool crisp air fills the senses. tetragrammaton blacked out every sphere, one big black sphere over the whole, fill with hatred, and vibrate it down into nothing. invisible, silent, unmoving, disappeared and gone and dead forever, happy milky way now fully visible.

dont let the enemy goons get away with harassing you, they are weak and you are strong <3
all of it will be done to them, a dog is not magnanimous, nor a rabbit or a deer or a bear, fox, squirrel, mantids, beetles, ants or a salmon. our gods might be forgiving and kind, but the enemy is really going to get it on behalf of every little creature they have ever hurt. they will never win and they will never change, the future is sealed.

Well they literally almost took all the things away from me that were most important to me personally (long story) so yeah I would be down with that. Blasting everything of theirs to nothing. Whenever I visualize thinking of doing this I visualize blasting some music from the Jews as loud as possible that would literally be torture for them I get quite a laugh thinking about that.

Yeah what you said is an awesome future for them.

I think they shouldn't exist and it's unfair that they do. I am mystified as to how something that is a living example of being against nature and representation of everything ugly even came into existing.

If there are some people from earth in the future that officially join the Gods in war against the enemy I want to join them.
slyscorpion said:
Fanboy said:
slyscorpion said:
All I really hope for is that the planet doesn't become much like often happens in the end with the enemy.

I have seen visions of this kind a thing a few times not that I want to but when some energy from the enemy is strongly there my mind associates with this and I sometimes see little flashes of it apparently random places this happened. Wish I knew how to block that out.

Anyways basically that would be most things becoming decay and ruin literally no infrastructure and what's left is not very usable everything kind of being overgrown nature taking over some places. Much like this:


And yeah the sky is often dark or gray from pollution as well.

try the one where the reptilians are burned in black flames crying, screaming, crawling in the ashes, skulls caving and their whole planet is in ruins. then their greys get the life wrung out of them necks crushed, as they expire all the worthless traitors with the white hair break their silence but they are just the last to go. enemy worlds engulfed in black death burnt to a crisp completely. souls sent to the dark river and coalsack to be dissipated.

then worlds burn bright blue and free and pure and clean and grass grows, and meadows, and suns and trees and fruits and birds, and clean cool crisp air fills the senses. tetragrammaton blacked out every sphere, one big black sphere over the whole, fill with hatred, and vibrate it down into nothing. invisible, silent, unmoving, disappeared and gone and dead forever, happy milky way now fully visible.

dont let the enemy goons get away with harassing you, they are weak and you are strong <3
all of it will be done to them, a dog is not magnanimous, nor a rabbit or a deer or a bear, fox, squirrel, mantids, beetles, ants or a salmon. our gods might be forgiving and kind, but the enemy is really going to get it on behalf of every little creature they have ever hurt. they will never win and they will never change, the future is sealed.

Well they literally almost took all the things away from me that were most important to me personally (long story) so yeah I would be down with that. Blasting everything of theirs to nothing. Whenever I visualize thinking of doing this I visualize blasting some music from the Jews as loud as possible that would literally be torture for them I get quite a laugh thinking about that.

Yeah what you said is an awesome future for them.

I think they shouldn't exist and it's unfair that they do. I am mystified as to how something that is a living example of being against nature and representation of everything ugly even came into existing.

If there are some people from earth in the future that officially join the Gods in war against the enemy I want to join them.

Now that you bring this up, I deadass be having visions of me being in power preventing tragedy from happening. Ever since I was a kid, I had dreams of me being a king just sitting in the Pyramids and people bowing down to me offering corn and various foods and cows. There was a large festival and dances, and I had dreams where in my lifetime the enemy (which I would later find out were Jews) would be eliminated in my lifetime, so that my heir wouldn't have to suffer all the damage they caused.
Nikois666 said:

Inspiring sermon HP Cobra.

If you are reading this, I have one advice to ask.
I don't want to get vaccinated, not at all. I have avoided it since the beginning, had no issues at all.
But there is something that I have to do, my future kinda depends on it. But it looks like vaccination is required and I don't think much can be done because one of the first things they check is, the vaccination certificate. Would it be foolish of me to vaccinate out of desperation?

I think you should better get* a certificate.. In my country they say that around 30% of people are vaxxed, but I doubt they are more then 10-15% as more of the people are buying certificates to dodge the vaccine. Personally, I don't have vax or certificate as it's only forbidden to go leisure venues at the moment - restaurants, cinemas, malls, clubs, etc.. I am not getting *get a certificate unless they try to make vaccination mandatory somehow.. But until then, I will not support their ideas in any way, not even getting f*** cert to pump their vaccination statistics.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The strictly anti-vaccines people are very few. I am not anti-vaccines as a "whole", and this technology can be used for good.

This Co-Vid thing however classifies as cellular therapy, or even gene therapy, and is not a real vaccine. Vaccines eliminate illnesses and cause permanent or lifelong inoculation, or at least for many many years. They don't expire after 2 months.

Plus this particular vaccine is nothing more than low tier and weakly preventing "medicine". If it was the miracle cure we were told it was, the situation wouldn't be a Co-Vid chaos right now left and right.

Eugenics is just bringing people to have families together based on foresight, basically. Before this was made into a science it was practiced by all tribes and people worldwide, especially on the higher classes, which always had marriages based on standards. Instead of doing it randomly.

Forms of eugenics is even checking your child before birth for down syndrome and other things that are "Nazi Sciences". Eugenics also began in the United States and not in Germany. It was a science of the time such as analysis of facial and body morphology.

Rabbis especially take x10 times the measures to ensure "Eugenic" birth or "Desirable birth" in their fold, but they tell the goy that's bad to do for itself. Rabbis say they want to keep unadulterated blood for a thousand years to the line of "Aaron and Levi the Priest", but to the goy they say go race mix and kill yourself, lol.

At this rate the only ones who are applying "Nazi Science" is probably the Jews to this very day. They also apply DNA sequencing for people to go to live in Israel. But they tell everyone else that's not to be done and that it's Nazi Science, lol.
precisely my teacher said eugenics is amoral because if everyone chooses the perfect body characteristics of his child human difference is denied and bad people can use it in a evil way as history demonstrates. So according to him we have to keep weakness in mankind. good logic
Epic, Freemasonry guarantees all of us bloodline our freedom, and if we don't get it, worth dying for, now is the time to see who's who.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Biden is not reptilian, he's a slave from birth, he has no personal identity either.

Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass
Nightmare_von said:
Biden is not reptilian, he's a slave from birth, he has no personal identity either.

Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass

Biden is a human being that is a President right now and that's his role. People say he has some amount of jewish, the situation is, the enemy uses him as a Shabbos Goyim and he seems to be in this category.

We don't believe they are literally lizards in the flesh, rather, many of these people are influenced heavily by the lizards. Jews are very close to these lizards, their history going as far to claim that they are manufactured souls by these lizards, and even further, they are collaborated with them. This is an astral reality.

Physically, as their top Rabbi Laitman states, they are made in a way that they are a distinct biological entity, a lot like a human on the exterior, which Rabbi Laitman said was done for infiltration purposes in mankind. Yet it's a known fact they have a soul that we can broadly refer to as "reptilian".

The thing that these were literal reptilians in the flesh was something from David Icke which he promoted due to lack of spiritual knowledge.
Right on, hope your in Europe, they need you there!

Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I will be involved in the physical warfare, but I have written this many times.

I'm the type of SS who loves bloodshed, and I also love watching the enemy vomiting blood, shitting and pissing in fear, begging for his life in front of me!!!! :evil: :twisted:

I'll keep punishing* fucking shit worm jews, gypsies, communists, liberals, fanatical christians, new agers and shitty muslim immigrants until I'm up to my neck in their blood!!!! :evil: :twisted:

I'll break the bones and fucking heads of all the shitheads with my bare hands, and I'll end up impaling their suffering corpses on stakes, but I'll make sure they don't die on the stake right away, but suffer as long as they can!!!! :evil: :twisted:

Staking and skinning alive is my favourite of the executions!!!! :evil: :twisted:

Their fucking head on the tip of a stake will be my flag!!!! :evil: :twisted:

They will be bitter that they even dare to look at this planet!!!! :evil: :twisted:

I am evolving Spiritually, practicing Siddhis, the Martial Arts, I am also improving my physical strength to become the strongest, most skilled, and most ferocious Warrior on this planet!

Among other things, the Mars Squares help me do this, and I will make some more of them to fulfill my desires.

I have also been incorporating Kuji-In into my development for some time now, precisely to activate and develop more of my Siddhi skills.

Now I just need to develop my communication with the Gods better, so that I can ask them for help, including from Lord Beelzebul.

Also, it would be good to get information from the Gods on making weapons that would further enhance the Siddhi, and to make specific Spiritual Weapons, if that is feasible...

I thank the Gods for leading me to Spiritual Satanism and for helping me to evolve, without them I could not have reached this level!

Also, thank you to the Clergy for sharing information that allows me to grow normally, because without you I wouldn't be here now!
biden is just some jesuit bastard who is owned by the rothschilds, his whole family is owned by them, they sacrifice his children and grandchildren often and many more to come! we all have some Reptilian in us, it's our survival instincts, just depends on your bloodline, top blood is all reptilian, it's why they rule humanity with an iron fist, I hope you know what the SS was...you think it was human? the whole point was it's NOT, it's something greater!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nightmare_von said:
Biden is not reptilian, he's a slave from birth, he has no personal identity either.

Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass

Biden is a human being that is a President right now and that's his role. People say he has some amount of jewish, the situation is, the enemy uses him as a Shabbos Goyim and he seems to be in this category.

We don't believe they are literally lizards in the flesh, rather, many of these people are influenced heavily by the lizards. Jews are very close to these lizards, their history going as far to claim that they are manufactured souls by these lizards, and even further, they are collaborated with them. This is an astral reality.

Physically, as their top Rabbi Laitman states, they are made in a way that they are a distinct biological entity, a lot like a human on the exterior, which Rabbi Laitman said was done for infiltration purposes in mankind. Yet it's a known fact they have a soul that we can broadly refer to as "reptilian".

The thing that these were literal reptilians in the flesh was something from David Icke which he promoted due to lack of spiritual knowledge.
Let us also not forget that jews do have reptilian dna and it can also be seen in their physical appearances.
Nightmare_von said:
Biden is not reptilian, he's a slave from birth, he has no personal identity either.

Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nightmare_von said:
Biden is not reptilian, he's a slave from birth, he has no personal identity either.

Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass

Biden is a human being that is a President right now and that's his role. People say he has some amount of jewish, the situation is, the enemy uses him as a Shabbos Goyim and he seems to be in this category.

We don't believe they are literally lizards in the flesh, rather, many of these people are influenced heavily by the lizards. Jews are very close to these lizards, their history going as far to claim that they are manufactured souls by these lizards, and even further, they are collaborated with them. This is an astral reality.

Physically, as their top Rabbi Laitman states, they are made in a way that they are a distinct biological entity, a lot like a human on the exterior, which Rabbi Laitman said was done for infiltration purposes in mankind. Yet it's a known fact they have a soul that we can broadly refer to as "reptilian".

The thing that these were literal reptilians in the flesh was something from David Icke which he promoted due to lack of spiritual knowledge.

With Biden there is no source that will confirm it but he does look like a full on Jew in certain pictures when the angle is right and he acts completely like one so I believe he is one by blood.
Neophyte said:
Nikois666 said:

Inspiring sermon HP Cobra.

If you are reading this, I have one advice to ask.
I don't want to get vaccinated, not at all. I have avoided it since the beginning, had no issues at all.
But there is something that I have to do, my future kinda depends on it. But it looks like vaccination is required and I don't think much can be done because one of the first things they check is, the vaccination certificate. Would it be foolish of me to vaccinate out of desperation?

I think you should better get* a certificate.. In my country they say that around 30% of people are vaxxed, but I doubt they are more then 10-15% as more of the people are buying certificates to dodge the vaccine.
I've been thinking the same that if the mandate remains 6 months prior to my decision, I will simply start a working, to favor getting a certificate without getting jabbed, cuz I have big chances of succeeding in that.
Thanks for the advice.
Ariton 666, although the sentiment is not one exclusive to you, HP Hoodedcobra666 was obviously very careful in the post he made pertaining to...the manifestation of their criminally re-directed karma. And his reasons for such were also explained clearly.

You truly are NOT alone...but NOW is not the time to be jeopardizing the last bastion of free speech and Satanic dialogue on the internet for the cathartic satisfaction of getting these feelings out. I don't log onto the forums much, so I'm not sure if the removal of the post is up to you or a mod now, but I would encourage it be removed for forum-security purposes. This is just my opinion of course.

If you wish to reword it with euphemistic decorations, i think this should be fine. I'll end it by saying that in the world of writers, theres a famous phrase: Show, don't tell. And when the show has yet to start, spoiling the climax currently has legal consequences.

Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...and even further, they are collaborated with them. This is an astral reality.

But aren't there stories of greys and reptilians harassing humans and being physically on Earth doing stuff?

Aren't there stories of people seeing certain humans be with these aliens interacting with them?

I get that it's Astral communication i.e. a summoning much like rabbi Reina in one of your sermons on a bitchute channel that still has it. In as much performed a summoning ritual and out came greys funny part is even their own E.T.s hate their chosen, so much for god's love.

But aren't there stories in Indian history and other S.E.A.-Nations whereby certain Human beings were collaborating directly with the physical aliens i.e. grey/reptilians who began the processes of conquering the planet?

Around the time when history began to get crazy convoluted and people didn't know WTF is going on. Around the time of the gypsy/jew creation circa 6,000 years ago. Albeit I wouldn't be surprised if we come to learn that certain offsprings existed before the mythical 6,000 years ago learning and probing us on how to defeat us.
I've had enough of them today (not that I haven't already). Unfortunately, under pressure from my workplace, I went to get the Chinese vaccine, but the woman there tried to talk me into the openly Jewish Pfizer. I knew immediately what it was all about. Fortunately, I was adamant. Best of all, places like this are even guarded by soldiers. However, what it didn't take for me to have a fit of rage was that the second vaccination was scheduled for 23 December, the holiest day of our Father Satan. I'M FUCKING SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF THEM AND THEIR SHIT FROM BEHIND! So as revenge, I'm going to shove my RTR napalm up their shitty asses.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...and even further, they are collaborated with them. This is an astral reality.

But aren't there stories of greys and reptilians harassing humans and being physically on Earth doing stuff?

Aren't there stories of people seeing certain humans be with these aliens interacting with them?

Yes, they were. Especially in Africa and in Native America, they were very active and went to people face to face. The same appears to have been everywhere.

But the jews as you can see don't exactly have scales and green lips lizard mouth, and their pupils are still a circle, and they aren't 7 feet with nails that resemble a dinosaurs.

That is also why they were able to literally infiltrate mankind. The lizardine aspects are few and it requires keen perception to see, and become apparent only after one knows quite a few things. If one doesn't, they can pass them by as just another fully bastardized race.

They are not reptilians physically or materially fully, they are a carefully created hybrid that can hold on broadly what we refer to as the "Reptilian Soul" aka a "Jewish soul". They are their offspring, but they were put to infiltrate. Even their own kikes admit they were given a "Human" form. Form and essence represent different aspects of a being.

That is also what makes them highly dangerous. They are in this respect even more dangerous than literal reptilians, since the first are easily observable.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nightmare_von said:
Biden is not reptilian, he's a slave from birth, he has no personal identity either.

Biden is a human being that is a President right now and that's his role. People say he has some amount of jewish, the situation is, the enemy uses him as a Shabbos Goyim and he seems to be in this category.

We don't believe they are literally lizards in the flesh, rather, many of these people are influenced heavily by the lizards. Jews are very close to these lizards, their history going as far to claim that they are manufactured souls by these lizards, and even further, they are collaborated with them. This is an astral reality.

Physically, as their top Rabbi Laitman states, they are made in a way that they are a distinct biological entity, a lot like a human on the exterior, which Rabbi Laitman said was done for infiltration purposes in mankind. Yet it's a known fact they have a soul that we can broadly refer to as "reptilian".

The thing that these were literal reptilians in the flesh was something from David Icke which he promoted due to lack of spiritual knowledge.

With Biden there is no source that will confirm it but he does look like a full on Jew in certain pictures when the angle is right and he acts completely like one so I believe he is one by blood.

Many people think that everyone who is in a position of power, is a jew, while everyone who is living under a bridge, is a Gentile. That is inaccurate.

Regardless, they pick the best crypto jews for these positions, and after so close ass kissing between any "Shabbos" and the Jew, they become one and the same past a point.

There are also other cases where one might be a full Gentile, yet with specific aspects and so on, they can turn them into a full drone Shabbos who will be no different than a jew.

In fact they can be way worse than a Jew in many respects, since even jews might have had the wisdom to stop with some acts, while that Shabbos is a literal self suicidal servant that doesn't care what it does.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Biden is a human being that is a President right now and that's his role. People say he has some amount of jewish, the situation is, the enemy uses him as a Shabbos Goyim and he seems to be in this category.

We don't believe they are literally lizards in the flesh, rather, many of these people are influenced heavily by the lizards. Jews are very close to these lizards, their history going as far to claim that they are manufactured souls by these lizards, and even further, they are collaborated with them. This is an astral reality.

Physically, as their top Rabbi Laitman states, they are made in a way that they are a distinct biological entity, a lot like a human on the exterior, which Rabbi Laitman said was done for infiltration purposes in mankind. Yet it's a known fact they have a soul that we can broadly refer to as "reptilian".

The thing that these were literal reptilians in the flesh was something from David Icke which he promoted due to lack of spiritual knowledge.

With Biden there is no source that will confirm it but he does look like a full on Jew in certain pictures when the angle is right and he acts completely like one so I believe he is one by blood.

Many people think that everyone who is in a position of power, is a jew, while everyone who is living under a bridge, is a Gentile. That is inaccurate.

Regardless, they pick the best crypto jews for these positions, and after so close ass kissing between any "Shabbos" and the Jew, they become one and the same past a point.

There are also other cases where one might be a full Gentile, yet with specific aspects and so on, they can turn them into a full drone Shabbos who will be no different than a jew.

In fact they can be way worse than a Jew in many respects, since even jews might have had the wisdom to stop with some acts, while that Shabbos is a literal self suicidal servant that doesn't care what it does.

I will say I am not sure to be honest. He seems really dangerous though. I get off him he knows what he is doing and is very mentally insane. I know someone who psychic read Biden (I don't want to try with this cause they also reported huge attacks after trying) they said it was really scary he very much wants to destroy things and is lying knows what he is doing. This person went out and voted Trump even though they don't normally care much after sensing this.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
With Biden there is no source that will confirm it but he does look like a full on Jew in certain pictures when the angle is right and he acts completely like one so I believe he is one by blood.

Many people think that everyone who is in a position of power, is a jew, while everyone who is living under a bridge, is a Gentile. That is inaccurate.

Regardless, they pick the best crypto jews for these positions, and after so close ass kissing between any "Shabbos" and the Jew, they become one and the same past a point.

There are also other cases where one might be a full Gentile, yet with specific aspects and so on, they can turn them into a full drone Shabbos who will be no different than a jew.

In fact they can be way worse than a Jew in many respects, since even jews might have had the wisdom to stop with some acts, while that Shabbos is a literal self suicidal servant that doesn't care what it does.

I will say I am not sure to be honest. He seems really dangerous though. I get off him he knows what he is doing and is very mentally insane. I know someone who psychic read Biden (I don't want to try with this cause they also reported huge attacks after trying) they said it was really scary he very much wants to destroy things and is lying knows what he is doing. This person went out and voted Trump even though they don't normally care much after sensing this.

Personally I think that after a point whether or not one is a so called "Gentile", their immersion to the jewish thoughforms and energies, is so big, that being a Gentile hardly ever matters anymore. This is based on observing many of these big servants.

Draghi for example, is a full on kike and that's obvious. However, even Klaus Schwab, which is clearly a kike, could pass off easily as an "old German", while he is totally jew evil incarnate.

Even if they are "Gentiles" past a point if they serve the Jewish agenda and they have no signs of repentance, they must be treated equal to jews. It's even worse if they are Gentiles and they do this willingly.

Unfortunately, they have many skilled Gentiles who serve them for a buck and destroy their own for a buck.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
But aren't there stories of greys and reptilians harassing humans and being physically on Earth doing stuff?

Aren't there stories of people seeing certain humans be with these aliens interacting with them?

Yes, they were. Especially in Africa and in Native America, they were very active and went to people face to face. The same appears to have been everywhere.

But the jews as you can see don't exactly have scales and green lips lizard mouth, and their pupils are still a circle, and they aren't 7 feet with nails that resemble a dinosaurs.

That is also why they were able to literally infiltrate mankind. The lizardine aspects are few and it requires keen perception to see, and become apparent only after one knows quite a few things. If one doesn't, they can pass them by as just another fully bastardized race.

They are not reptilians physically or materially fully, they are a carefully created hybrid that can hold on broadly what we refer to as the "Reptilian Soul" aka a "Jewish soul". They are their offspring, but they were put to infiltrate. Even their own kikes admit they were given a "Human" form. Form and essence represent different aspects of a being.

That is also what makes them highly dangerous. They are in this respect even more dangerous than literal reptilians, since the first are easily observable.

joe biden reading this post lookin like

also the big ones are female and the small ones are male. weird how they send the big ones for men and the small ones for women xD

love to you cobra, im drawing degenerate pictures of you now i hope youre happy.

Biden could be lost in a German city and nobody would figure out he is a jew. The behavior coupling any look of anyone is a big indicator. Then, if they pay about twenty thousand of facial surgery, matters become worse.

Gentile or not whomever serves the jews past a point without repenting and without stepping back, this means that they are on par with jews.

The agenda stays the same I don't care if some pedo priest is a "Gentile" in the Vatican, while they serve jews for 30 years and do curses on people anyway. They are equal to a jew, and this jewishness is ember strongly in the soul.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, they were. Especially in Africa and in Native America, they were very active and went to people face to face. The same appears to have been everywhere.

But the jews as you can see don't exactly have scales and green lips lizard mouth, and their pupils are still a circle, and they aren't 7 feet with nails that resemble a dinosaurs.

That is also why they were able to literally infiltrate mankind. The lizardine aspects are few and it requires keen perception to see, and become apparent only after one knows quite a few things. If one doesn't, they can pass them by as just another fully bastardized race.

They are not reptilians physically or materially fully, they are a carefully created hybrid that can hold on broadly what we refer to as the "Reptilian Soul" aka a "Jewish soul". They are their offspring, but they were put to infiltrate. Even their own kikes admit they were given a "Human" form. Form and essence represent different aspects of a being.

That is also what makes them highly dangerous. They are in this respect even more dangerous than literal reptilians, since the first are easily observable.

joe biden reading this post lookin like

also the big ones are female and the small ones are male. weird how they send the big ones for men and the small ones for women xD

love to you cobra, im drawing degenerate pictures of you now i hope youre happy.

Biden could be lost in a German city and nobody would figure out he is a jew. The behavior coupling any look of anyone is a big indicator. Then, if they pay about twenty thousand of facial surgery, matters become worse.

Gentile or not whomever serves the jews past a point without repenting and without stepping back, this means that they are on par with jews.

The agenda stays the same I don't care if some pedo priest is a "Gentile" in the Vatican, while they serve jews for 30 years and do curses on people anyway. They are equal to a jew, and this jewishness is ember strongly in the soul.

Very good point. I feel the same.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
With Biden there is no source that will confirm it but he does look like a full on Jew in certain pictures when the angle is right and he acts completely like one so I believe he is one by blood.

Many people think that everyone who is in a position of power, is a jew, while everyone who is living under a bridge, is a Gentile. That is inaccurate.

Regardless, they pick the best crypto jews for these positions, and after so close ass kissing between any "Shabbos" and the Jew, they become one and the same past a point.

There are also other cases where one might be a full Gentile, yet with specific aspects and so on, they can turn them into a full drone Shabbos who will be no different than a jew.

In fact they can be way worse than a Jew in many respects, since even jews might have had the wisdom to stop with some acts, while that Shabbos is a literal self suicidal servant that doesn't care what it does.

I will say I am not sure to be honest. He seems really dangerous though. I get off him he knows what he is doing and is very mentally insane. I know someone who psychic read Biden (I don't want to try with this cause they also reported huge attacks after trying) they said it was really scary he very much wants to destroy things and is lying knows what he is doing. This person went out and voted Trump even though they don't normally care much after sensing this.

Yeah, he's a manipulative liar, just look at how he deceived the black community into voting for him, and using Kamala passing off as black to pander to them. Both have a history that connects them to Fauci and George HW Bush, which is a clear red flag, due to how connected both are to the Jewish agenda and just how much behind the scenes puppetry they do, while they laugh as they lie about Covid reports and see people take multiple shots, giving them money and their life into their pockets. I just pissed myself off just talking about it.
What about the freemasons, shouldn't they be destroyed too? or are they pushing 'satanism' fake version to blind the masses...?

I don't know, but I want more the destruction of these other religious groups too. Personally I would just worship Odin, but Odin is beyond worship. I feel serene meditating inside a circle of runes. At rest. Protected. But I can't help to think about my ancestors, the warriors of the north casting the runes in battle or when they see an enemy to ask for guidance, but many got enslaved, many perished, they were abandoned to death in this plane by Odin, decimated, like a bunch of lunatics, versus the invaders english, romans, etc.
biden is not a jew, he is owned by them, if he was a jew he would not be a public butt puppet, trump is not a jew either. they own him.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Biden is a human being that is a President right now and that's his role. People say he has some amount of jewish, the situation is, the enemy uses him as a Shabbos Goyim and he seems to be in this category.

We don't believe they are literally lizards in the flesh, rather, many of these people are influenced heavily by the lizards. Jews are very close to these lizards, their history going as far to claim that they are manufactured souls by these lizards, and even further, they are collaborated with them. This is an astral reality.

Physically, as their top Rabbi Laitman states, they are made in a way that they are a distinct biological entity, a lot like a human on the exterior, which Rabbi Laitman said was done for infiltration purposes in mankind. Yet it's a known fact they have a soul that we can broadly refer to as "reptilian".

The thing that these were literal reptilians in the flesh was something from David Icke which he promoted due to lack of spiritual knowledge.

With Biden there is no source that will confirm it but he does look like a full on Jew in certain pictures when the angle is right and he acts completely like one so I believe he is one by blood.

Many people think that everyone who is in a position of power, is a jew, while everyone who is living under a bridge, is a Gentile. That is inaccurate.

Regardless, they pick the best crypto jews for these positions, and after so close ass kissing between any "Shabbos" and the Jew, they become one and the same past a point.

There are also other cases where one might be a full Gentile, yet with specific aspects and so on, they can turn them into a full drone Shabbos who will be no different than a jew.

In fact they can be way worse than a Jew in many respects, since even jews might have had the wisdom to stop with some acts, while that Shabbos is a literal self suicidal servant that doesn't care what it does.
Idyelle said:
What about the freemasons, shouldn't they be destroyed too? or are they pushing 'satanism' fake version to blind the masses...?

I don't know, but I want more the destruction of these other religious groups too. Personally I would just worship Odin, but Odin is beyond worship. I feel serene meditating inside a circle of runes. At rest. Protected. But I can't help to think about my ancestors, the warriors of the north casting the runes in battle or when they see an enemy to ask for guidance, but many got enslaved, many perished, they were abandoned to death in this plane by Odin, decimated, like a bunch of lunatics, versus the invaders english, romans, etc.

What is rotten into these will be decimated and possibly all of their tenets entirely, since many are basically entirely built on hebrew at this point. Entering a Masonic Lodge is basically equal to being in a Jewish Church or Synagogue, they have the Jewish Bible as the core book of all the Jewish Freemasonic Lodges.

I have written about this in another post. That is also why Hitler had to go after the Freemasons. They were good and decent in the past, but the overwhelming amount of Jews and Hebrew tainting of them, turned them unrecognizable and collapsed the inner structure of the lodges and their mission.

Maybe some cases of lodges would see this and reverse this, but that would be realistically impossible by now, as jews are almost a total 100% in control of all the lodges, down to the MEMBERS, not just the lodges. All lodges are also on the high levels run out of Israel and the Kabal reptiles now.

All these were started by Gentile Satanists and Enlightened people, but they are by now fully hijacked. The origins of Freemasonic thought and even the Illuminati, were Satanic ideology of common sense, scientific thinking, philosophy, meditation etc.

Refer to my replies on the Freemasons if you have time, because there is a lot into this subject.
Nightmare_von said:
biden is not a jew, he is owned by them, if he was a jew he would not be a public butt puppet, trump is not a jew either. they own him.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
With Biden there is no source that will confirm it but he does look like a full on Jew in certain pictures when the angle is right and he acts completely like one so I believe he is one by blood.

Many people think that everyone who is in a position of power, is a jew, while everyone who is living under a bridge, is a Gentile. That is inaccurate.

Regardless, they pick the best crypto jews for these positions, and after so close ass kissing between any "Shabbos" and the Jew, they become one and the same past a point.

There are also other cases where one might be a full Gentile, yet with specific aspects and so on, they can turn them into a full drone Shabbos who will be no different than a jew.

In fact they can be way worse than a Jew in many respects, since even jews might have had the wisdom to stop with some acts, while that Shabbos is a literal self suicidal servant that doesn't care what it does.

This logic doesn't follow. Obama
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Idyelle said:
What about the freemasons, shouldn't they be destroyed too? or are they pushing 'satanism' fake version to blind the masses...?

I don't know, but I want more the destruction of these other religious groups too. Personally I would just worship Odin, but Odin is beyond worship. I feel serene meditating inside a circle of runes. At rest. Protected. But I can't help to think about my ancestors, the warriors of the north casting the runes in battle or when they see an enemy to ask for guidance, but many got enslaved, many perished, they were abandoned to death in this plane by Odin, decimated, like a bunch of lunatics, versus the invaders english, romans, etc.

What is rotten into these will be decimated and possibly all of their tenets entirely, since many are basically entirely built on hebrew at this point. Entering a Masonic Lodge is basically equal to being in a Jewish Church or Synagogue, they have the Jewish Bible as the core book of all the Jewish Freemasonic Lodges.

I have written about this in another post. That is also why Hitler had to go after the Freemasons. They were good and decent in the past, but the overwhelming amount of Jews and Hebrew tainting of them, turned them unrecognizable and collapsed the inner structure of the lodges and their mission.

Maybe some cases of lodges would see this and reverse this, but that would be realistically impossible by now, as jews are almost a total 100% in control of all the lodges, down to the MEMBERS, not just the lodges. All lodges are also on the high levels run out of Israel and the Kabal reptiles now.

All these were started by Gentile Satanists and Enlightened people, but they are by now fully hijacked. The origins of Freemasonic thought and even the Illuminati, were Satanic ideology of common sense, scientific thinking, philosophy, meditation etc.

Refer to my replies on the Freemasons if you have time, because there is a lot into this subject.

Obama and possibly Bush (a lot of people call him a crypto Jew) were Jewish by blood they also were front puppets.

I think we have lodges of some kind in the future but it will probably not be Masonic lodges. It would be next to impossible to recover that it has to be shut down.
Turns out the Australians as stated are already out. Turns out the whole ordeal with the "Omicron Variant" and "South African Strain" is the never ending chains of "mutations" etc.

The situation clearly is that this thing, as me, the best non-virologist virologist predicted, is that we will just co-exist with this co-vid and all it's mutations, like we have to live with the flu. That's all there is to it.

So what, am I some supreme virologist to have to predict the basics that every Doctor knows after 6 months of studying? No. The reality is anyone must know by now it's all a fluke that the enemy wants maximum profit from.

In fact, because the jews want to incessantly profit and enslave us, they might cause a viral outbreak in our nations or collapse them in many other ways. We are being damaged by jewish insane greed. Pfizer just trolled people and governments to not even share the patents in vaccine creation, which supposedly would save us all, since they want to patent the "Saving" of "Humanity".

Jews however and Pfizer specifically, alongside with Great Resetters, just want to enslave everyone on the planet and milk this cow to the maximum. They troll humanity in their face. There will be obviously infinite mutations and infinite freedom milking, and infinite "Zu Will own nufin and zu will be happy" Klaus nonsense.

The "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" also even reached Spain, where most people of something like 9 out of 10, did the vaccine and were literally trolled into a Lockdown anyway. So how was it of the "unvaccinated"? Well, we are being trolled again.

Even the unvaccinated are unvaccinated and the vaccinated are now also unvaccinated. The trolls never end.

So why did people do any of this anyway, to protect themselves and others? Apparently for no reason. They need about 500 vaccines since the "mutations" will keep emerging like with all Coronaviruses, all the time.

None of it makes sense unless you know what the jews are plotting. They must be stripped of power since it's a very big issue. Humanity cannot proceed and our freedoms and nations are dying over a general Coronavirus.

As I said years ago when this started, humanity will have to learn to live alongside this Coronavirus. It's too late now to restrain anything. It will kill people yearly like the flu until it ceases being effective past a point due to mutations.

Medicine is needed, but Governments have signed extortion agreements with the Jews like Pfizer, to troll humanity while robbing their freedoms and while no medicine is being allowed to be promoted so we end this nonsense tiny virus, since doing such would collapse the milking opportunity of the jews.
slyscorpion said:
I think we have lodges of some kind in the future but it will probably not be Masonic lodges. It would be next to impossible to recover that it has to be shut down.

Well, basically we will have religious unions and gatherings like people had in the Ancient World. Not secret lodges of kikes that want to subvert humanity.

But actual religious unions and healthy things like Ancient people did for aeons in time, until the enemy messed everything up.
Hungaryan said:
What is this profile picture? Why are you confusing the national socialists with this rainbow-jew shit?

I have to agree with Hungaryan. National Socialist's Spiritual Satanism is pro-homosexuality, but the LGBT movement is nothing more than a bunch of confused LARPers that have been indoctrinated by the jews. We have nothing to share with them.
FuckYu_666 said:
Bravera said:
The enemy most of all fears our spiritual warfare.
Recently they attacked me about something I care about a lot, as soon as I told them I was going to open their ass for it they literally shit themselves.
Then they're getting pathetic, to try and stop me while I was doing the FRTR they said, "why are you doing this? we've always been friends." That's like the most pathetic attack ever.
Do you want to see some greys shitting themselves?
As soon as they attack you tell them you're going to do three FRTRs in a row, and you'll see them turn pale.

I still struggle to this day with focusing during my RTRs, so I setup a "thoughtform", anytime I get bored or distracted, I get angry at the enemy, and refocus on my RTR.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
