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Humanity 2021-2030: You Will Be Slaves Until You Revolt

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Recently, the events in the Netherlands and Austria, do openly explain to everyone that the whole "vaccinated 70% for herd immunity" was only a hoax.

The Jews will not be satisfied until this is 100%, all your freedoms are lost forever, and after this, they will have you taking unverified shots over an unverified amount of time in repeat. When this will stop, will be decided merely by when they will choose to make it stop.

Seeing the planets, I don't see any of this calming down before 2024, which is about the year where reactions to this, maybe due to mass deaths or removal of freedoms, will be occurring. The battle will be ongoing. One thing is for sure: You will be slaves until you choose to revolt.

The JoS does not emphasize nor we can openly claim about "Physical revolution", or "violence". That is a well known fact. We want meaningful change through spiritual and intellectual, information based transformation of society and humanity.

Yet, as things bring it, there will be violence and bloodshed all over the world if these trends continue. Netherlands and Austria are just the beginning. What can be said about Australia and anywhere else? How long until people just flip out?

This is the task of other people who are already out in the streets. However, without any spiritual backing and without global awakening caused by information and spiritual warfare, none of this is going to work.

Millions are awakening every single day to the hoaxes of these governments of the jews who are on a power trip. They literally admit that the vaccines are pointless, that all they did was lie to us for 2 years, and in fact, as data shows, I am even inclined to believe they are trying to cover up not only failure but the fact that protection from the so called "Co-Vid" is inverse.

As time goes people who have been "vaccinated" or "unvaccinated" will have one thing in common. You will all be slaves until you revolt. There will be no escape.

If you vaccinate, they will vaccinate you anywhere from every 2 to every 6 months. Any logic, testing, experiments, medical research, will be thrown out of the window.

Remember, two years ago we were all free people here. We are still free people as our Constitutions and Laws support. The only thing that has changed is that the jews and the globalist "Great Re-setters" have started an onslaught against human freedoms for their own benefit.

Those in power are in such a potent majority of jewish origin, that they enforce jewish paradigms in our life. One such paradigm is that the Goy is an animal without a soul and without free will. Jews and currently they have decided to unanimously rally all of you in a life that involves you owning nothing, living inside a pod, and being a slave indefinitely. This will involve heavy manipulation of your basic biological body.

They call this the Great Reset. Only a part of this is "economic". Only a small part of this dream consists of vaccinating you indefinitely, large portions of the population against their will. But it's a key aspect to that plan.

They have openly declared a covert and sly war against humanity. They claim this is for the benefit of humanity, while they intend to crush all that is human.

They have decided you no longer have Constitutional or other rights, nor even the right to your own body. As they rule out, they can grab you, experiment on you, and even kill you in indirect manners if you do not comply with this.

They will control your life with lies until the end of this decade where nothing of this will be able to be reversed.

Your children will curse you, and you will become the pariah of all generations that have ever existed: Your freedoms will have collapsed over a worthless bogus 0,04% chances of death incident, that was made into a humongous hoax by the jewish media.

Of course, as vaccination is ongoing, and who knows what other weapons are utilized, the death toll might even start climbing.

Pretty soon, unemployment, shortages in super markets, and alteration of the weather, will rain on humanity from all sides. All of this will be claimed that it is for our "protection".

Meanwhile, jews are going to be cursing all of you spiritually every day as they have been, hoping to win the final gamble they put up on your expense. Now, they have their Hanukkah going, and they have already started the cursing against Gentiles and wanting to enforce this dead end of freedoms into the whole West.

Your governments instead of protecting you, will seek to crush you. People, compliant or not, will be declared enemies of the country of their residence, the state, or the medical authorities. At this rate, every 2 months you might be getting vaccinated, and if you are one day late, you will be declared a biohazard for all other humans.

The imagined possession of a virus, will revoke all your rights, without you even needing to have the virus. The healthy and the sane will be treated as if they were lepers, and the sick will likewise be celebrated and hastened down the route of illness.

It won't matter if you are sick. You will be treated as if you were "sick" even when you were not. We are back again in 1500. All because of a so called "Virus".

You will be seeing boats arriving from all Nations, living inside yours, freely, unvaccinated, nobody affecting them in anyway, while you will be locked in your house indefinitely and whenever those in power see fit.

Progressively, jews, their lies and their policies will lead you to such despair and breakdown, that if this is not reversed, people will pray that they were dead.

They want you to fucking die and perish from the face of this earth, and therefore, your unemployment, insanity, low birthrates - nothing really matters to them.

They will just burn everything while they pimp your children to invaders from all over the world, while you will stay there with more and more injections up your ass, only so that you can go to the supermarket

Our ancestors would have flattened them a long time ago only for half of this. Regardless, now opposition has to be adapted, and we people here have to give our most powerful when it comes to the rising schedules for the new rituals.

Fuck what your senile grandma tells you at home that all of this is normal that we are seeing, since nothing of this is normal. Even our grandparents or even parents, know this is not normal, and where this is going, we get to see more of this everyday.

We are being thrown into the jaws of the Jewish Great Reset. Retain your silence when you speak with these NPC's, and defend yourself, but know, this is actually what we have been warning people for at least the last decade, and it's now HERE.

This Great Reset, will either reset us, the people of this earth, or it will reset the alien Jews.

All of this was decided by the jews of this world in order to destroy all of you, flatten the Western World, and instate a military dictatorship which will after this lead to a Jewish Globalized Communist State.

The levels we are going through are clearly accelerating, and those who thought there was "Enough time", are deceived. They are lying all day in TV's, Journalists in their majority are paid by jews and they are also on board with this agenda. They want to liquify Nations, destroy everything that makes humans into humans, pervert every instinct humans had, and throw everything that made the world as it is into the furnace of a great jewish sacrifice.

All of this is built on false pretexts that this was "necessary" and that this had to be done because of an array of excuses, ranging from "Climate Change" to "Coronavirus" to all sorts of other minor events that they are riding on in order to impose all of this on you.

According to what they claim, you might get injections constantly from ever 2 to every 6 months to retain your so called "Freedoms".

In the Western World our Ancestors built, you were a FREE MAN AND YOU WERE BORN FREE! Nobody can take this freedom away from you. YOU WERE BORN FREE FROM DAY ONE!


It is not this QR code that will "MAKE" you free, and the fact these jews woke up one day to declare to you that you are no longer "FREE", is a concoction of this jewish race that wants to destroy and erode humanity.

There is nowhere they will stop with this if you keep giving your freedoms away.

All the conveniences that are given to you temporarily so that you can trade your freedom, like the bogus claims that if you vaccinate you would be "free", are all going to be gone soon. They will not treat you with mercy, and this is NEVER going away until people finally wake up from this and actively resist this.

They will take your children, and force these on them too, without remorse, without caring for ramifications. Every 2 to 6 months.

Whatever comes of these, you will be left helpless and alone to deal with any ramifications, while they will be conveniently denying anything has happened.

You will need to baseline worship them to even enter a supermarket, to travel, or to give food to your family, or to even work.

Needless to say, the above is what all of this is coming to. You won't escape this because you had your two vaccines or because you had one, or since you plan to have the third: As the situation will escalate, they will shrink you more and more. And if they don't shrink you, they will shrink society to an extent of catastrophe.

Unless people react to this in ways I cannot write here [and we boost people spiritually] the above will persist and everything will collapse within this decade.

The Western World will become so weak, that the jews will pull the plug on it and then cause some great war with China, on top of the declining Nations that they will have created out of this incessant internal rape. The final straw will be to destroy all of it by causing an external war, or leaving anything a heap of ruins.

You will be looking at the ruins and asking yourself if all of this was supposed to happen over a claimed virus, and nothing will make sense. By then, nothing will be able to be salvaged anymore.

The above is literally what they are planning and where this is going. Only WE THE PEOPLE CAN STOP THIS. I do not advocate anything illegal, nor I recommend people do anything specific, but those who understand a thing or two, know that the only way this is going back is through civil disobedience at the very least.

Regardless, at the rate things are going, even telling people that they are free people for not allowing governments to experiment on them and seize the elderly to do forced medical decisions on them, based on things that have been proven to work loosely, is going to be the new "Reality". The "law" will be "their law".

Yet, the Laws and Constitutions do still exist. Remember as I told you above: YOU WERE BORN FREE AND YOU ARE FREE.




-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is the crude truth, and it's powerful. These are my kind of favourite posts.
Aquarius said:
This is the crude truth, and it's powerful. These are my kind of favourite posts.

Truth is people who vaccinated are being told this would be over when they are 70% vaccinated, and the so called "two weeks more to flatten the curve" is going into two years soon. Get vaccine that is bogus goy, it will end. Now hand me more of your freedoms. Here is another shot for you. Yeah, we are flattening the curve.

Blah blah blah. Goy have fake vaccine 8 doses, goy live good in the pod, goy need green pass to go inside own continent of the goy. 95 year old grandpa died goy while he could have lived to 1200 if you didn't deny vaccine goy.

Digital elections goy, trust us it won't be fake. If you had vaccine goy twice thank you for this but it doesn't work so have around 6 more. Maybe 60 goy cause global warming.

It was the miracle of science that would save us all goy but it just didn't work, it was sent from G-D in Israel goy. Made in Israel for you, super super science. Do not question goy just take.

This psychopathic loop never ends, and it will only end when the enemy is harmed to no return.
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass
Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass

They lied to the elderly and many other people that this vaccine would save them and they would be immune. Instead what the people received was basically infection from the illness they were "totally safe from!" and going into the hospital emergency wings. Tasty, what a tasty excuse to flatten the curve for another 2 years for the goy.

Eventually all lies collapse. The question is how long this is going to hold while people falsely praise it.
I feel most powerful during my RTRs when I know that Satan is speaking through me. We are the physical manifestations of Satans will on Earth. We are Excalibur.


The curses we have lifted from our people allow us the strength to change the fate the enemy desires.

The enemy most of all fears our spiritual warfare, and the true strength comes from the Energy of our soul, we can direct this most effectively through Vibrations, USE THE RUNES TO EMPOWER YOUR SOUL PRIOR TO WARFARE, call out to your Guardian Daemon and draw energy from Satans Sigil.
What Rune would you recommend to use prior to RTRs in order to empower the working?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass

They lied to the elderly and many other people that this vaccine would save them and they would be immune. Instead what the people received was basically infection from the illness they were "totally safe from!" and going into the hospital emergency wings. Tasty, what a tasty excuse to flatten the curve for another 2 years for the goy.

Eventually all lies collapse. The question is how long this is going to hold while people falsely praise it.

I remember last decade was the H1N1, then it was Zika, then it was Ebola, now Covid. And I'm like, this is getting boring. And the fucked up part is, the Jews are luring my people to come to the U.S to get citizenship and better pay etc. If they basically comply to their bullshit. I saw right through it, tho my family was disappointed that I didn't apply for citizenship/Dream Act, because I've always felt like it was a trap to lure people into compliance to the Jews and their bullshit ass laws disguised as the "American Dream" and "Land of Opportunity".
My kundalini stirred just from reading this. Gods these jews make me so angry, I can't even put it in words.
I'm a day late but I might have gotten signs of this message wanting to be delivered, the enemy will keep harassing you not until you rid them off yourself. Yes, it was yet a possible grey testimony attack, grey does retarded grey things and needed blue flames to die but I had something different in that dream I had where a grey dragged me out of my bed and bit me in the neck like some dracula wannabe while telepathically calling me slurs. I was expecting to freeze up in fear but I did a bit, but I had the fucker die in blue flames(light the entire room with satanic blue fire trick).

I was sick with aomebiasis and that entity for four days tried worsening it like day 3(It felt like corona, I was close to shutting down from fever, breathing problems, crazy stomach pain) of when I got real sick and delayed every possible help I could get but failed and died like a loser. Lesson learned to myself, cook meat properly and not chef like a smol brain :lol: . I think I may have learned a lesson or more from this, from trying to run away for too long(but not from the rtrs, this possible revelation at least gave me a reason to take spiritual progression seriously).

I do hope I'm not insane when typing this. I might want to consider incorporating lydia's anti anxiety routine to my schedules now.
Bravera said:
The enemy most of all fears our spiritual warfare.
Recently they attacked me about something I care about a lot, as soon as I told them I was going to open their ass for it they literally shit themselves.
Then they're getting pathetic, to try and stop me while I was doing the FRTR they said, "why are you doing this? we've always been friends." That's like the most pathetic attack ever.
Do you want to see some greys shitting themselves?
As soon as they attack you tell them you're going to do three FRTRs in a row, and you'll see them turn pale.
I don't know if I'm too tired or spiritual open but you're anger, frustration and the rest can be felt just by reading the beginning.
I and my parents are the only unvaxxed in the family, the rest out of fear.
Regardles you posted a schedule and I will participate as always. A question, can I begin now?
Yet, the Laws and Constitutions do still exist.
This is exactly what I keep telling some kikes at work who keep trying to make me get the vaccine otherwise I supposedly won't be able to work. Loud and clear for everybody to hear that no one can be forced to vaccinate under the current constitution.
Not a chance I'm getting the vaccine even if its "mandatory". No one can hold me and force it into me. Fuck that. If it comes to that it means the constitution is no longer standing and if it's not... well that calls for other kind of action. However cases are escalating dramatically and we will soon have another lockdown. And more and more cases and lockdown until the government is allowed to declare state of emergency, which basically translates to communism because people lose ALL rights for the sake of public health.

I watched the series ”La Valla” some time ago. It reminds me of this. Except it will be worse. What exactly the jews have in store for us nobody knows. We can only imagine. Even what they openly claim, is probably the tip of the iceberg.
Young Faith said:
I really can't stand a lot of people I know today, I call some of them "friends", but now they're brainwashed as fuck and can't see one feet farther from their nose. Literally taking jabs like it's raining. I can't stand people in my country praising this fucking bilderberg reptilian we have as a president who introduced the green (vax) pass

Most of the people i get in contact with nowadays are either unvaxed or they are vaxed but are against further injections and the 2 more weeks to flatten the curve bullshit.

When it comes to shit like this im glad that in live in the Netherlands, people are more down to earth here.
Ahhh riiiggghhtt i can remember when they said ''take the crapcine, it will protect you from prankvid'', and know when many people with the vaccine are found out with prank vid they lie to themselvez ''oH bUt iF i dIdn'T hAd the neEdlEeE i would be DeeeDD, praySe Juwsss'', disgusting morons, i am so disgusted by them, if they die i think most of them deserve their fates... of course i dont mean the people who had been pushed to do this. Also where i work there had been covid tests and guess what, people with vaccine now are staying home, then they did it again.... and fucking again... until an entire floor staff had been found with covid, riiiggghhht.

Also there is Gibraltar who have a 100% vaccinated population and suddently they have a prankvid spyke, oy vey, oy vey indeed.
This has definitely gotten me fired up to start the new RTR schedule today.
Slavers and oppressors dish out as much as they can for control until someone successfully fights back. The founding fathers of the United States knew this and fought for and initially built this country on what true freedom actually is. Not this government fabricated "for your protection" or "for your own health and safety" which do nothing but mask "for our complete totalitarian control".

This emphasizes the importance of brainwashing for the enemy as slaves unaware and "used" to oppression and mistreatment will never fight back and normalize every abuse of power, and every desecration of what is natural, that is out in the open and in their faces. The number people are the more the ruling body will try to get away with.

A lot of people have stood up against this poison shot in the workplace in droves and have threatened to quit in the face of mandates and it caused management to cave in. Fighting back is absolutely essential and to do so requires a lot of awareness about what is happening of which sadly many do not have because of the aformentioned, yet happily many more are in fact gaining, and it is starting to show.
Unfortunately, it looks like it will take something traumatic for the NPCs to wake the fuck up, and fight for their right to exist. In the U.S., people are accustomed to living in a comfortable bubble. They've been conditioned to be passive and "turn the other cheek."

Quite literally, the enemy is so frail, that all it would take to end the jews and their agenda, would be non-compliance. Of course, followed by their forcible removal (they are a small minority).

As for their exposure... are they not exposed enough!? "NPC" is a fitting title for these idiots.
A bit of an update from Australia for your convenience Cobra 23/11/2021

political climate:
Many politicians do not support permanent pandemic powers especially now with over 200,000 people in Melbourne kicking down the Victorian parliaments door and the movement keeps growing by about 50,000 people a month at the current rate an all out rebellion is likely to occur shortly other states are also growing in vast numbers New south wales has over 115,000 protestors during the 20th of November mass freedom rally worldwide event in Queens land 95,000 confirmed people in Brisbane in the state of South Australia in the city of Adelaide 45,000 people protested in Western Australia in Perth Forest place (i was there at the protest) 50,000 people with other protests happening around the city and down south in bunbury as well as in towns and community's all over the state the northern territory i dont know how many people protested there but i can say majority of employers most being farmers are refusing to force the mandate on there workers and have openly said for the government to try and make them the farmers are better armed then the Northern Territory Government to give a bit of back ground.

The WA populace enjoy much better freedoms then the Eastern States and so the reaction as far as protestors are concerned is considerably less however many businesses are now only just being forced to push mandates i hope to see a steady rise in protestor numbers here in my state but has still grown the population of my state is 3.3 million people so we do not expect big crowds yet also the state if western Australia is massive it is about the same size as china so please keep that in mind people can't exactly take a 5 hour car drive to goto the capital city the city's population is 2.8 million

People's opinions
majority of vaxed people are now angry that the "Goal Posts" requirements for freedoms keep moving so now more of them are joining us "Anti vaxers" at our rally's and protests because they don't want booster shots many police officers have quit their jobs in protest or have refused to push mandate many of them also refusing to get vaccinated same with our health workers over a 3rd of the health workforce in this country has also quit in protest leaving their work uniforms out the front of hospitals they did this last year and they got exempted from vaccines for 6 months they are having to do it again this year.

doctors and company owners who once supported the vaccine roll out are now finally being forced to admit that its all evil doings and that it should be avoided now even the prime minister has collapsed to political pressure and has demanded the states drop the mandates finally

situation in the courts

those whom own businesses in the courts whom challenge the government fines and mandates are winning with zero issue those who challenge business owners whom are pushing the mandates are also winning large pay outs from businesses business owners are coming to realize that section one of the Australia constitution states that " The States can not be Legislators" in other words they can't make laws as mandates aren't laws because we the people didn't referendum them into being in place they are not legally binding i.e. its a fear tactic smoke and mirrors

Vaccination Status real numbers not inflated crap by our mainstream medias

Before the mandates 68% of Australian's refused to get vaccinated now 68% of Australians are vaccinated with their first dose and 48% are vaccinated with their 2nd dose and only 12% have their booster shots there is still 32% of Australians that are completely unvaccinated we have been under siege from vaccine mandates for nearly 6 months i thought the situation would have been much worse and would have gotten much worse by this time it would appear the people are finally having enough please remember that my country's entire population is less then 30 million and that over half our population is elderly or children under 12 our working population is sitting about 16,000,000 this is the number that these vaccine status numbers apply to not the 29,000,000 or so that makes up the overall Australian population

Thank you for reading my report id like to hear from others whom are in the know of whats going on in their countries good luck out there people
Didn't comply when this first started.
Not complying now.
Won't comply in future even if they make crap mandatory. Like what they gonna do? Shower me with fines for disobedience? :lol: Thats IF they even manage to get that far. Every month there is some death threat letter to politicians over here.
Weassel said:
Ahhh riiiggghhtt i can remember when they said ''take the crapcine, it will protect you from prankvid'', and know when many people with the vaccine are found out with prank vid they lie to themselvez ''oH bUt iF i dIdn'T hAd the neEdlEeE i would be DeeeDD, praySe Juwsss'', disgusting morons, i am so disgusted by them, if they die i think most of them deserve their fates... of course i dont mean the people who had been pushed to do this. Also where i work there had been covid tests and guess what, people with vaccine now are staying home, then they did it again.... and fucking again... until an entire floor staff had been found with covid, riiiggghhht.

Also there is Gibraltar who have a 100% vaccinated population and suddently they have a prankvid spyke, oy vey, oy vey indeed.

The so called "protection" lasts for 2 months according to Pfizer and then the so called "protection" drops close to zero within a few months. That could be a lie to infinitely keep needling people, but regardless, this is not even a vaccine.

Nothing has been honest from day one, it's all a false presentation of the whole situation, claimed solutions etc.

They just trolled people and pulled an experiment without concern on what was going to happen. 2 years in and they pretend drugs for Co-Vid do not exist, and as if the "vaccine" is going to save anyone, while we OBJECTIVELY know it doesn't.

With these high vaccination percents in many countries, such as 75%, it could never be the case tens of thousands in small Nations get "Co-Vid" all the time.

One could keep going and going here. The Non NPC arguments here are simply too strong to ignore. The fact also they insist to continue down this negative path which has produced no effects but everything is the same as the first "surge", says everything in itself.

However most Nations and the kike plants of the governments have signed agreements in regards to these things, which are obscure and dark agreements, which more than likely bind Governments and Government officials to keep shilling no matter if it's not effective or close to nothing in effectiveness. Or even destructive for many. They will keep pushing it in a religious manner.
Shadowcat said:
Slavers and oppressors dish out as much as they can for control until someone successfully fights back. The founding fathers of the United States knew this and fought for and initially built this country on what true freedom actually is. Not this government fabricated "for your protection" or "for your own health and safety" which do nothing but mask "for our complete totalitarian control".

If this whole thing disappeared after all this claimed freedom curbing, and then things returned to normal, the logical assumption should have been that it wasn't for nothing.

This should show signs of actual improvement based on the "Miracle Vaccine" and all the "Miracle mRNA" and the "Miracle Green Passports" within 6 months. Maybe a year. It was all miracles, pills were coming "anyday", and gene therapy took a couple of months to be launched, while pills in many European countries are unavailable citing "safety concerns" or that "they don't work".

Nothing of this happened and this trolling keeps ongoing indefinitely, without any end to it. It is proven to be bogus. This wave now where the vaccinated in most countries are literally into the death beds, or have their chances of getting ill from 7 to 27 times [according to kike scientists for all the trolling one can receive] then we understand it's all for nothing.

We knew this since the beginning but the NPC's need obvious proof, and it doesn't get more obvious than this.
Ramses said:
People's opinions
majority of vaxed people are now angry that the "Goal Posts" requirements for freedoms keep moving so now more of them are joining us "Anti vaxers" at our rally's and protests because they don't want booster shots many police officers have quit their jobs in protest or have refused to push mandate many of them also refusing to get vaccinated same with our health workers over a 3rd of the health workforce in this country has also quit in protest leaving their work uniforms out the front of hospitals they did this last year and they got exempted from vaccines for 6 months they are having to do it again this year.

The next generation of opposition will soon be not the "Anti-Vaxxers which they say all the time, but it's going to be the people they trolled with vaccinations and forced them to literally keep forcing them indefinitely to nothing gained in the end of the day.

Despite of psychological traits or difficult decisions that may have led people down this rabbi-hole, they will soon be required to ruin more and more of their freedoms only to be able to go have a coffee.

The Anti-Vaxxers or the "unvaccinated" is how the Government of the jews has named the people who figured out something is going on. Not all of them are PhD scientists and panelists.

Not all people understand fully why they oppose that stuff, but most who follow it understand close to nothing about why they follow it.

Thank you for this information.
Markhor Goat said:
I don't know if I'm too tired or spiritual open but you're anger, frustration and the rest can be felt just by reading the beginning.
I and my parents are the only unvaxxed in the family, the rest out of fear.
Regardles you posted a schedule and I will participate as always. A question, can I begin now?

Of course I am angry. I am furious this is happening against everyone for no reason. That is pure insanity.

I am sorry your family had to go through this and be forced into all of this. Many have been rallied through brainwashing into all of this.

We are doing these schedules to curse the enemy and cast down all their spiritual forces which they are utilizing to backup this destruction.
The protests means nothing, not unless a beheading happens. Then they will impose martial law and it is going to be each man to himself, how many are ready to die in violence versus from starvation and confinement...

It will depends on how many spirits are there with the people, who many will die in glory instead of bending the knees like in xtian.

I am 100% with Hooded Cobra, this is an ultimate challenge to every single one of us. The impacts on my life are real and mercy-less.
All I really hope for is that the planet doesn't become much like often happens in the end with the enemy.

I have seen visions of this kind a thing a few times not that I want to but when some energy from the enemy is strongly there my mind associates with this and I sometimes see little flashes of it apparently random places this happened. Wish I knew how to block that out.

Anyways basically that would be most things becoming decay and ruin literally no infrastructure and what's left is not very usable everything kind of being overgrown nature taking over some places. Much like this:


And yeah the sky is often dark or gray from pollution as well.
Idyelle said:

Everything in due time. The same could be said for the enemy's machinations as well: that lockdowns and vaccines don't mean anything until the goyim are borged. However, one thing will lead to another, and the same goes for us as well.

We have the spiritual advantage, but they have more of the material, therefore any delay in their material plans gives us more time to hammer them spiritually. The situation is already fucked for them, but they are bound to keep pushing their plans at full turbo retard speed, otherwise, they are doomed anyway.
The most vexing of all this is that idiots still believe nothing sinister is going on and choose to remain ignorant in the face of factual evidence. This includes family and friends. I have even seen people MOCK other people over "complaining" about their "Constitutional Rights" like it's such a Bigot Right Wing Extremist thing to care about rights and freedoms. These are the same babies that are born in the West yet can't appreciate it.

RTRs here we go.
GoldenxChild1 said:
The most vexing of all this is that idiots still believe nothing sinister is going on and choose to remain ignorant in the face of factual evidence. This includes family and friends. I have even seen people MOCK other people over "complaining" about their "Constitutional Rights" like it's such a Bigot Right Wing Extremist thing to care about rights and freedoms. These are the same babies that are born in the West yet can't appreciate it.

RTRs here we go.

Maybe it is kind of Right Wing Extremist whatever to care about Constitutional freedoms. Goy, the people who care about Constitutional Freedoms are Nazis, Bigots, Extremists, Antivaxxers, Unscientific People, Plebians, Retards, Rights Advocacy Idiots, People who have something to hide about Privacy, that type of people.

The good people that allow the jew to reign supreme over the West and shatter it all are the NPC people, who do the will of God.

Truly speaking, through all this, nor the left nor the right nor anything anymore cares or even mentions any of that. They happily allow it all to pass. The line they won't cross is to speak against any of this. The few people from both of the isle that speak agains this, it's like sinning against the Jew and his religious ritual of the Vaccine. They are thrown out of their political parties or ideologies, and they have to comply to the new Co-Vid cult fastest as possible.

It is no coincidence that the last time the enemy attempted to ruin Europe and turn it into a Communist Dystopia, only the "evil totalitarian Hitler" tried to do anything, while the left and right generally just watched the unfolding of Communism happen with open arms.

History comes with a sense of irony. Now, the whole globe is subjected to what this "Lunatic" Hitler warned people about, and it will be recurring and unending. Hitler must have been a bigot when he was literally citing the plans of the jews about earth, which we readily see today.

Hitler didn't do 1% of this, even in wartime, none of this was really happening. At maximum wartime, none of this was the case for people at all. Even until people died had most of the freedoms that people nowadays do not.

Even in a Communist Gulag, maybe people had arguably the same freedoms people have today under all this. Difference, this affected only people subjected into the Gulag, not EVERY LIVING CITIZEN WORLDWIDE.

Now we are to where you literally have to worship the Co-Vid God to even get into the coffee shop, and verify your belief in the cult in order to drink a cup of coffee. Jewish Communism has entered a new worldwide phase, Marx would be really proud of this achievement, Stalin would shed many tears over what is happening with his tribe.

Even Communist China, must be arguably be right now higher freedom levels than many European Countries. The fact all this destruction also has started from Austria, which for all intents, is Hitler's homeland, is also definitely part of a greater jewish ritual on the subject.

I didn't even know that burning all Constitutions worldwide over a 0,04% death toll virus which in most ages has less mortality than the flu, was such a Conspiracy/Hoaxer/Antivaxxer/Nazi/Bigot/Whatever type of thing. I was one of the stupid kids in class that really believe the Constitution of the US and the Western Constitutions were there for a reason.

I guess only "Nazis" remember any of this at this point. The progressive people already will line up for their brainchip pretty soon, because this is very freeing and not slavery or anything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I guess only "Nazis" remember any of this at this point. The progressive people already will line up for their brainchip pretty soon, because this is very freeing and not slavery or anything.

Pretty much the Marines slogan: The few, The Proud, The S.S.. Quite literally at this point you gotta be NS to do this stuff. Funny after on and off reading of Mein Kampf, like literally Hitler's like we are considered revolutionaries because we are willing to throw out the parliamentarians and do the job they were supposed to do. Later on he states we took the very red from the Marxist to I guess it's like a troll thing to show that we are revolutionaries.

[Note NS is beyond the spectrum of L-to-R parliament. It has no basis on French revolution nor Napoleonic sidings of modern day. It does not cater to the modern spectrum. Rather like I've likened it's a Black spectrum political opposition i.e. Nigrido Stage politics infinite evolution through the Magnum Opus of politics. Excuse the mixing of religious with political but as we know there's a reason why these two ideologies mesh so perfectly together. It's not a question of Why?! it's a question of Why not?!]

I'm pretty sure the next revolution is either the enemy garbage or the revolution of Man into a better place.


Ignoring the references to WW2 "concentration camp".

[Anyone debating the holyhoax is to use the words work/labor camp. It was mentioned on a forum post that concentration camp is borrowing the enemy language].

In fact pretty much the Germans made the domestic terrorists; jews and communists work at the camps. It wasn't a "concentration camp" I mean sure the word is appropriate but your falling into the jews terminology. As we know the Germans employed much workers in these work/labor camps often with retards saying they were slaves.

I'm guessing WW2 on jews is the most horrendous thing to happen to the holy chosen people. They got a well deserved ass kicking and SHTF for them. Probably why many of us in here are obsessed with this realm of historical experience.

Anyways ignore some of Tim Pools ranting on WW2 but now in Australia the military is beginning to round up people to "Quarantine camps". This is getting eerie and memey because out here in the U.S. there's all this talk of FEMA camps and even places whereby they have Walmarts acting like prison camps. Some sort of private prison system or sub-private prison system.

Unfortunately we aren't at a level whereby conspiracies are baseline rather there are still many that roll their eyes. Fortunately for a lot of people a center-horn was fired off in some people and some of those are like WTF is going on this planet?


Unfortunately he ruins his video with multiple ranting on what happened to the jews. I'm guessing this is why he isn't kicked out of youtube like some members state he shills a bit. But at least the news is coming out.

Just WTF is going on in the land down under?
i have mocking for three days during dinner my parents, when they were watching the newscast that appears to talk 24\24 hours about the dangerous covid, saying "this flu is very dangerous". But they consider anti vaxxers the most stupid retards evil in the world. yesterday i also started a discussion with my teacher of science about eugenics and he basically said that it isn't moral because was used by nazis. He called anti vaxxers "encephalitis". There is a common feeling of hatred in regards of anti vaxxers
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Markhor Goat said:
I don't know if I'm too tired or spiritual open but you're anger, frustration and the rest can be felt just by reading the beginning.
I and my parents are the only unvaxxed in the family, the rest out of fear.
Regardles you posted a schedule and I will participate as always. A question, can I begin now?

Of course I am angry. I am furious this is happening against everyone for no reason. That is pure insanity.

I am sorry your family had to go through this and be forced into all of this. Many have been rallied through brainwashing into all of this.

We are doing these schedules to curse the enemy and cast down all their spiritual forces which they are utilizing to backup this destruction.

i'm the only one in my family thats unvaxxed my family and even one friend took it cause of they want to travel
Understand one thing.

I repeat myself, but I don't care. I see that the thinking of many people is flawed. Spiritual development and ritual are good. But in itself it is very little. There will come hard times when it will not be enough.

Do you think you will stay out of the war that WILL come? Spoiler, you will not stay out of it.

You could say you need to wake up to the "NPC". That people will wake up. Okay. But I'll sketch out a possible vision of the future. There is no public transport, there is starvation, money is worthless, the government's organs of violence are at work. Everyone is fighting to stay alive. Would you survive such anarchy?

Face it, just doing spiritual progress will be little enough. If you are physically weak and cannot assert yourself you will be crushed. Prepare your body for these times of war.

I will not spare the enemy for a moment, I will hunt them down...when these times come. And have no illusions, they will do the same to you.

My country is slowly being buried because of all the gypsies and jews. There are more of them, it's as simple as that. These abberats are already causing a lot of problems in "peacetime".

They play football with severed puppy heads, rape their own brothers, murder old people for fun. These worms will not go away because of rituals. But if they do, they will cause this problem elsewhere.

Here one option will be the only last resort. The rituals will give us strength, but we have to take the final step physically.
I was looking at some nostalgia videos from YouTube some 15 years ago. That was another world. Information has been locked completely and the people have been divided into two groups- the one awake and the one blind by all the saturation in the media. But then again we'll keep a record of everything that happened with this civilization to the next.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
The most vexing of all this is that idiots still believe nothing sinister is going on and choose to remain ignorant in the face of factual evidence. This includes family and friends. I have even seen people MOCK other people over "complaining" about their "Constitutional Rights" like it's such a Bigot Right Wing Extremist thing to care about rights and freedoms. These are the same babies that are born in the West yet can't appreciate it.

RTRs here we go.

I guess only "Nazis" remember any of this at this point. The progressive people already will line up for their brainchip pretty soon, because this is very freeing and not slavery or anything.

The thing is there are two kind of people,

people with longterm memory even news/minor things etc (probably most SS members)


the majority of people have a memorie of about 2 weeks for minor things news/events etc.

Thear live revolves around work, hobbys, addictions, no greater plans, no vision etc, they want to easy live they only react to things they have to do (e.g.work), or they want to do (e.g. watch series). With there smal steps tactics to remove freedom only little by little, advance only every 2 weeks to 1 month further they totally get those people.

Because they only remember the last 2 weeks the next freedom takings are just another smal step (compared to last 2 weeks) and then everything will be fine.

Those kind of people can only revolt if they would have a leading figure like Hitler, but this would have to be for every nation or race thear own leading figure.

We are in desperate need of many global revolt leaders. Backed by our spiritual efforts.

Inspiring sermon HP Cobra.

If you are reading this, I have one advice to ask.
I don't want to get vaccinated, not at all. I have avoided it since the beginning, had no issues at all.
But there is something that I have to do, my future kinda depends on it. But it looks like vaccination is required and I don't think much can be done because one of the first things they check is, the vaccination certificate. Would it be foolish of me to vaccinate out of desperation?

Can we SS make the non-mRNA vaccines ineffective in our body? Sought of like, delete their presence in our body the moment they enter our body or within days and heal the body if damaged? Do you believe we can really do that? Or is it some sought of permanent destruction like the microchip implants?

Although, I still have some time. And I will be avoiding the vaccine... until then.[-I am hoping that the people will revolt and the vaccination mandate will be taken out by then]. I have been getting some positive signs from the Gods that they are with me and will help me. And some positive news has also arrived regarding the vaccination, I would be able to choose a non-mrna vaccine that was I believe (intentionally) being delayed to be approved by the government of my country and also by WHO. This was the vaccine that I was waiting for my worse case scenario. And this approval happened at the right moment and I believe the Gods helped. I also had a dream where Mother Lilith's name was written and spoken and I don't know but next day or after a few days I came to know this news about this vaccine that I believe won't do damage to my body or just a little damage.

I wanted to take your advice on this as well since enemy entities are nefariously known for impersonating our Gods to damage SS individuals.

Thank you very much for the help and for what you are doing HP Cobra, you are helping millions and I bet your name is already ready to be in the history/history books. Once again, many thanks :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As time goes people who have been "vaccinated" or "unvaccinated" will have one thing in common. You will all be slaves until you revolt. There will be no escape.

Progressively, jews, their lies and their policies will lead you to such despair and breakdown, that if this is not reversed, people will pray that they were dead.

We are being thrown into the jaws of the Jewish Great Reset. Retain your silence when you speak with these NPC's, and defend yourself, but know, this is actually what we have been warning people for at least the last decade, and it's now HERE.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

So, is it too late for people who are not spiritually advanced? Like me...?
Thanks for this one, HP. This is the big time truth. We must revolt!

FuckYu_666 said:
Bravera said:
The enemy most of all fears our spiritual warfare.
Recently they attacked me about something I care about a lot, as soon as I told them I was going to open their ass for it they literally shit themselves.
Then they're getting pathetic, to try and stop me while I was doing the FRTR they said, "why are you doing this? we've always been friends." That's like the most pathetic attack ever.
Do you want to see some greys shitting themselves?
As soon as they attack you tell them you're going to do three FRTRs in a row, and you'll see them turn pale.

jajaja totally i did the same shit first time the attacked me and they shit on their pants

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
