So I have a question. Iv posted similar posts before. I guess I could really use an answer from a hp at this point. So, I'm getting kinda confused. Iv been dedicated for nearly 15 years now. I know the most important thing is to develop a relationship with satan as this is how we grow fully. For all these years, iv asked for mainly two things: to build a relationship with him, and to learn what I need to learn. I was only post this because I really need to understand this. He has stated that those who approach him honestly will not be turned away, well, iv been approching for 15 years and to this day have nothing to show for all the work and dedication all these years. I mean really not even one single response? Iv put in alot of work and even went to prison standing against the enemy. My question to the group is this: after so much, so long, why do have to plea for any shread of experience with him? I was always told he meets halfway in this path. When? I'm just confused as to what I may be missing. Of course this is most likely on my end not his. So it brings me to ask, is there a reason one would not be able to get a message out, rather than not being able to receive? It could be one simple thing on my end, I just want to know if this is normal? Thank you in advance.