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How Weak can a Soul Get (or) I am just bad at this???

[email protected]

New member
Oct 22, 2002
*Sorry is so long: Note, and Theories Below*
*And sorry if this is a ignorant post or something ppl say a lot*

Is it Possible for a soul to reincarnate into another life and end up so deprived and destroyed that empowerment is close to impossible or 10 times harder to grow then the average individual?

In my previous post I explained how i had a problem with consistencey and for over a year in meditation haven't got passed square one. Well I have been working on that, (and to the person that posted the reply for affirmations I Thank You).

Even though I have this issue there is a Meditation I practically always work on. That being the foundation meditation (I know here it comes). Even though I work on the easiest meditation frequently I still can't feel any energy at all (Nothing, maybe sometimes a very, very small pinch but...).

Another thing is I have performed the Opening Meds to many times to even remember the count (around 10 each or something like that). Yet I still have no experainces, I see, hear, sense, smell, and feel nothing no matter how much i mediatate, I get nowhere. It is has if I can't empower myself at all and it is really starting to bring me down (A LOT, especially sense I read about brothers and sisters tring something once or for a few days and they start to get all kinds of experainces).

I also have prayed to Ea a couple of times and too my GD (though I don't know who She/He is), but it seemed like it didn't quite get there.

::Another Note is:: If you think maybe I should try different meds or make my own up, I have try that too. (One time i had a whole med session program designed entirely by meds I made-up using other meds as a exmaple [except void, got to have that one]).

!!!My Theory is that through many destructive lifes the soul can become far to depeleted, and thus not function as well as suppose too (probably wrong but all I got for right now).!!!!

!!!!Another Theory is the angels are setting me up for massive faliure, why because they have no lifes and nothing else to do, so they mess with us.!!!!

!!!!!Last Theory, maybe I'm just really bad with anything spiritual and there is nothing wrong with me, except this is another thing I suck at in life.!!!!!

*Anything is helpful I am just stuck here thinking and have been for a while.*
*And thank you for anyone posts something to help.*

-Dark Lolita God
<td val[/IMG]<em>See answers, below...</em>[/B]

--- On Wed, 1/20/10, dark_whiteeclipse@... <dark_whiteeclipse@... wrote:
From: dark_whiteeclipse@... <dark_whiteeclipse@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] How Weak can a Soul Get (or) I am just bad at this???
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 8:45 PM

  *Sorry is so long: Note, and Theories Below*
*And sorry if this is a ignorant post or something ppl say a lot* <em>No worries.  There is no such thing as a bad question.</em>[/B]

Is it Possible for a soul to reincarnate into another life and end up so deprived and destroyed that empowerment is close to impossible or 10 times harder to grow then the average individual? <em>No, that's not how it works.  Every individual soul has some input on his or her next life.  Sometimes we come back with alot of energy, other times, not so much.  The reasons are for learning lessons.  Can we increase our energy level?  Yes, by doing the exercises daily.
In my previous post I explained how i had a problem with consistencey and for over a year in meditation haven't got passed square one. Well I have been working on that, (and to the person that posted the reply for affirmations I Thank You).  <em>Consistency is key, always remember that.  Think of it like making a goal for yourself to bench press over 400lbs.  One can get there through consistent (daily) work-outs.  Oh, sure, you will have seemingly bad days, weeks, and even some times it will seem like you took a step back in your progress, but in the end, consistency will get you that 400lbs bench press.  Moral?  Consistency... never ever miss a day.  In time, you will see the results your looking for.</em>[/B]
Even though I have this issue there is a Meditation I practically always work on. That being the foundation meditation (I know here it comes). Even though I work on the easiest meditation frequently I still can't feel any energy at all (Nothing, maybe sometimes a very, very small pinch but...). <em>Give it time, you will experience the energy in time.</em>[/B] 

Another thing is I have performed the Opening Meds to many times to even remember the count (around 10 each or something like that). Yet I still have no experainces, I see, hear, sense, smell, and feel nothing no matter how much i mediatate, I get nowhere. It is has if I can't empower myself at all and it is really starting to bring me down (A LOT, especially sense I read about brothers and sisters tring something once or for a few days and they start to get all kinds of experainces) . <em>My suggesting is to focus on your exercises, and forget about your expectations for said exercises.  The experiences will come in time.  Focus 100% on your exercises.</em>[/B]

I also have prayed to Ea a couple of times and too my GD (though I don't know who She/He is), but it seemed like it didn't quite get there. <em>Don't be negative.  You just mentioned your frustration with your inability to not experiencing anything.  Remember, just because your experiences -at this time- aren't meeting your expectations, does not equate with lost effort, or in this case, your GD not hearing your pleas.</em>[/B] 

::Another Note is:: If you think maybe I should try different meds or make my own up, I have try that too. (One time i had a whole med session program designed entirely by meds I made-up using other meds as a exmaple [except void, got to have that one]). <em>I'm a big proponent to making meditations my own.  That being said, I would suggest, though, doing the exercises first, all the way through before even thinking such things.  Perhaps you should put that idea out of your mind for another year: running the 6-month program twice more , first; then, revisit. </em>[/B]
!!!My Theory is that through many destructive lifes the soul can become far to depeleted, and thus not function as well as suppose too (probably wrong but all I got for right now).!!!! <em>That theory would be incorrect. Again, i would focus on the here and now.  Your mind is distracting you from your task at hand: do the exercises daily, consistently. </em>[/B]

!!!!Another Theory is the angels are setting me up for massive faliure, why because they have no lifes and nothing else to do, so they mess with us.!!!! <em>Also incorrect.  As for right now, do your exercises daily, consistently.  Never fall into the xian trap blaming the other side for slowing your spiritual development down.</em>[/B] 
!!!!!Last Theory, maybe I'm just really bad with anything spiritual and there is nothing wrong with me, except this is another thing I suck at in life.!!!!! <em>Again, not true.  Keep up with your exercises, and in time, the efforts will produce results.</em>[/B] 

*Anything is helpful I am just stuck here thinking and have been for a while.*
*And thank you for anyone posts something to help.* <em>Seems, your getting caught up in your *perceived* failures.  Why don't you file away your expectations for a while and just put 100% of your focus on your exercises.</em>[/B] <em>You are definitely NOT stuck if you are doing your exercises daily, consistently.
-Dark Lolita God


A good thing to do is a dedicate rituel (if you did not do it), you will get support from FATHER or his Demons, if you've already done the following may help.

Past lives may have some effect, but as you describe, you must have possessed all these experiences, or you're tuned to a different soul, then you have the same phenomena.

gebruik een meditatie die jij prettig vind, maar focus niet op het resultaat, "Go with the flow", lol, enjoy your trip

I can tell you this, but it is too technical, but keep it simple, and do not think to much.

Take it easy, then you'll make it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dark_whiteeclipse@..." <dark_whiteeclipse@... wrote:

*Sorry is so long: Note, and Theories Below*
*And sorry if this is a ignorant post or something ppl say a lot*

Is it Possible for a soul to reincarnate into another life and end up so deprived and destroyed that empowerment is close to impossible or 10 times harder to grow then the average individual?

In my previous post I explained how i had a problem with consistencey and for over a year in meditation haven't got passed square one. Well I have been working on that, (and to the person that posted the reply for affirmations I Thank You).

Even though I have this issue there is a Meditation I practically always work on. That being the foundation meditation (I know here it comes). Even though I work on the easiest meditation frequently I still can't feel any energy at all (Nothing, maybe sometimes a very, very small pinch but...).

Another thing is I have performed the Opening Meds to many times to even remember the count (around 10 each or something like that). Yet I still have no experainces, I see, hear, sense, smell, and feel nothing no matter how much i mediatate, I get nowhere. It is has if I can't empower myself at all and it is really starting to bring me down (A LOT, especially sense I read about brothers and sisters tring something once or for a few days and they start to get all kinds of experainces).

I also have prayed to Ea a couple of times and too my GD (though I don't know who She/He is), but it seemed like it didn't quite get there.

::Another Note is:: If you think maybe I should try different meds or make my own up, I have try that too. (One time i had a whole med session program designed entirely by meds I made-up using other meds as a exmaple [except void, got to have that one]).

!!!My Theory is that through many destructive lifes the soul can become far to depeleted, and thus not function as well as suppose too (probably wrong but all I got for right now).!!!!

!!!!Another Theory is the angels are setting me up for massive faliure, why because they have no lifes and nothing else to do, so they mess with us.!!!!

!!!!!Last Theory, maybe I'm just really bad with anything spiritual and there is nothing wrong with me, except this is another thing I suck at in life.!!!!!

*Anything is helpful I am just stuck here thinking and have been for a while.*
*And thank you for anyone posts something to help.*

-Dark Lolita God
I understand where you are coming from concerning not being able to "feel" engergies. It does take some time for many people, myself included.

One suggestion I would make to you that worked for me in helping to attune my senses was to try doing the basic energy meditation in direct sunlight.

I sit (inside or outside) directly in the sunshine. Try just closing your eyes and feeling the warmth on your skin. As you are feeling the warmth, you should start to feel almost like it is touching you in waves (kind of how you see heat shimmering off of a road in the distance) only it is happening on your skin. Once you start to feel that, understand that this is feeling the energy. Keep concentrating on this feeling, and everytime you meditate, re-imagine that feeling on your body, only in the color that you are thinking and the area you are imagining. For example, take the same "wave" feeling and switch your mind to thinking about your heart chakra and the color green entering it. The tingle sensation created by the direct sunlight is a form of energy, you just need to apply that same feeling to the other types of meditation you are doing.

In addition, sometimes if you try too hard at something, you can actually prevent it from working. Relax, try not to pressure yourself with getting results, and just let your feelings lead you where you need to go. Eventually, your abilities will increase, but just know to keep yourself relaxed and I think you'll do fine.

It is also possible that part of you (in your mind), may still be a little hesitant that something might happen. Kind of like a "mental fear" that you may actualy be able to do something and your subconscious may not be prepared for it to happen so you end up blocking yourself without knowing it. Again, try to relax and open yourself to acceptance of Father's love and protection. Re-assure your mind that you are safe in Enki's care.

I do not pretend to be an expert on meditation, but I have found these two methods (sunlight and mental affirmations of safety) have helped me to open up more and release some of my old xtian fears I had prior to my dedication that I didn't realize I still felt.

Hope this helps give you some ideas, and I am sure others here with more experience can offer some other possibilities as well. Good luck.

Hail Enki

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dark_whiteeclipse@..." <dark_whiteeclipse@... wrote:

*Sorry is so long: Note, and Theories Below*
*And sorry if this is a ignorant post or something ppl say a lot*

Is it Possible for a soul to reincarnate into another life and end up so deprived and destroyed that empowerment is close to impossible or 10 times harder to grow then the average individual?

In my previous post I explained how i had a problem with consistencey and for over a year in meditation haven't got passed square one. Well I have been working on that, (and to the person that posted the reply for affirmations I Thank You).

Even though I have this issue there is a Meditation I practically always work on. That being the foundation meditation (I know here it comes). Even though I work on the easiest meditation frequently I still can't feel any energy at all (Nothing, maybe sometimes a very, very small pinch but...).

Another thing is I have performed the Opening Meds to many times to even remember the count (around 10 each or something like that). Yet I still have no experainces, I see, hear, sense, smell, and feel nothing no matter how much i mediatate, I get nowhere. It is has if I can't empower myself at all and it is really starting to bring me down (A LOT, especially sense I read about brothers and sisters tring something once or for a few days and they start to get all kinds of experainces).

I also have prayed to Ea a couple of times and too my GD (though I don't know who She/He is), but it seemed like it didn't quite get there.

::Another Note is:: If you think maybe I should try different meds or make my own up, I have try that too. (One time i had a whole med session program designed entirely by meds I made-up using other meds as a exmaple [except void, got to have that one]).

!!!My Theory is that through many destructive lifes the soul can become far to depeleted, and thus not function as well as suppose too (probably wrong but all I got for right now).!!!!

!!!!Another Theory is the angels are setting me up for massive faliure, why because they have no lifes and nothing else to do, so they mess with us.!!!!

!!!!!Last Theory, maybe I'm just really bad with anything spiritual and there is nothing wrong with me, except this is another thing I suck at in life.!!!!!

*Anything is helpful I am just stuck here thinking and have been for a while.*
*And thank you for anyone posts something to help.*

-Dark Lolita God
I'm no expert, but how old are you? I've noticed alot of the people who post that haven't had any experiences are young (still in puberty). Try meditating for longer and start with the easy stuff. Do it every day and as much as possible. Nothing happened to me for like 6 months! I still havnt seen father, but my magik is working very well for me. Every spell I cast works, in time. You will get better you just have to keep pushing and never give up!
Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dark_whiteeclipse@..." <dark_whiteeclipse@... wrote:

*Sorry is so long: Note, and Theories Below*
*And sorry if this is a ignorant post or something ppl say a lot*

Is it Possible for a soul to reincarnate into another life and end up so deprived and destroyed that empowerment is close to impossible or 10 times harder to grow then the average individual?

In my previous post I explained how i had a problem with consistencey and for over a year in meditation haven't got passed square one. Well I have been working on that, (and to the person that posted the reply for affirmations I Thank You).

Even though I have this issue there is a Meditation I practically always work on. That being the foundation meditation (I know here it comes). Even though I work on the easiest meditation frequently I still can't feel any energy at all (Nothing, maybe sometimes a very, very small pinch but...).

Another thing is I have performed the Opening Meds to many times to even remember the count (around 10 each or something like that). Yet I still have no experainces, I see, hear, sense, smell, and feel nothing no matter how much i mediatate, I get nowhere. It is has if I can't empower myself at all and it is really starting to bring me down (A LOT, especially sense I read about brothers and sisters tring something once or for a few days and they start to get all kinds of experainces).

I also have prayed to Ea a couple of times and too my GD (though I don't know who She/He is), but it seemed like it didn't quite get there.

::Another Note is:: If you think maybe I should try different meds or make my own up, I have try that too. (One time i had a whole med session program designed entirely by meds I made-up using other meds as a exmaple [except void, got to have that one]).

!!!My Theory is that through many destructive lifes the soul can become far to depeleted, and thus not function as well as suppose too (probably wrong but all I got for right now).!!!!

!!!!Another Theory is the angels are setting me up for massive faliure, why because they have no lifes and nothing else to do, so they mess with us.!!!!

!!!!!Last Theory, maybe I'm just really bad with anything spiritual and there is nothing wrong with me, except this is another thing I suck at in life.!!!!!

*Anything is helpful I am just stuck here thinking and have been for a while.*
*And thank you for anyone posts something to help.*

-Dark Lolita God
Hi dark lolita god, I too had a similar experience.   Focus more on your healing. We all have genetic, childhood and past life stuff to work through. When you work through that, everything else comes like magic. Your meditations are working, you just can't feel it as much as other members do. Thats okay, because eventually you will anyway. Take them slow. Dont over do it. Going overboard and dealing with past pain is worse than going a little while without noticeable results. This is a process which takes time and once started does not visit. Let this be enjoyable to you. Spiritual alchemy is the only thing I live for.   Vahid
From: "dark_whiteeclipse@..." <dark_whiteeclipse@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, 21 January, 2010 3:15:13 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] How Weak can a Soul Get (or) I am just bad at this???

  *Sorry is so long: Note, and Theories Below*
*And sorry if this is a ignorant post or something ppl say a lot*

Is it Possible for a soul to reincarnate into another life and end up so deprived and destroyed that empowerment is close to impossible or 10 times harder to grow then the average individual?

In my previous post I explained how i had a problem with consistencey and for over a year in meditation haven't got passed square one. Well I have been working on that, (and to the person that posted the reply for affirmations I Thank You).

Even though I have this issue there is a Meditation I practically always work on. That being the foundation meditation (I know here it comes). Even though I work on the easiest meditation frequently I still can't feel any energy at all (Nothing, maybe sometimes a very, very small pinch but...).

Another thing is I have performed the Opening Meds to many times to even remember the count (around 10 each or something like that). Yet I still have no experainces, I see, hear, sense, smell, and feel nothing no matter how much i mediatate, I get nowhere. It is has if I can't empower myself at all and it is really starting to bring me down (A LOT, especially sense I read about brothers and sisters tring something once or for a few days and they start to get all kinds of experainces) .

I also have prayed to Ea a couple of times and too my GD (though I don't know who She/He is), but it seemed like it didn't quite get there.

::Another Note is:: If you think maybe I should try different meds or make my own up, I have try that too. (One time i had a whole med session program designed entirely by meds I made-up using other meds as a exmaple [except void, got to have that one]).

!!!My Theory is that through many destructive lifes the soul can become far to depeleted, and thus not function as well as suppose too (probably wrong but all I got for right now).!!!!

!!!!Another Theory is the angels are setting me up for massive faliure, why because they have no lifes and nothing else to do, so they mess with us.!!!!

!!!!!Last Theory, maybe I'm just really bad with anything spiritual and there is nothing wrong with me, except this is another thing I suck at in life.!!!!!

*Anything is helpful I am just stuck here thinking and have been for a while.*
*And thank you for anyone posts something to help.*

-Dark Lolita God

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I just sent a post about mind affirmations. lol not sure where i got the mind thing from but anyway...i was just wondering if someone could elaborate on  affirmations. Thank you   Hail Satan!! 

From: "dark_whiteeclipse@..." <dark_whiteeclipse@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, January 20, 2010 11:45:13 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] How Weak can a Soul Get (or) I am just bad at this???

  *Sorry is so long: Note, and Theories Below*
*And sorry if this is a ignorant post or something ppl say a lot*

Is it Possible for a soul to reincarnate into another life and end up so deprived and destroyed that empowerment is close to impossible or 10 times harder to grow then the average individual?

In my previous post I explained how i had a problem with consistencey and for over a year in meditation haven't got passed square one. Well I have been working on that, (and to the person that posted the reply for affirmations I Thank You).

Even though I have this issue there is a Meditation I practically always work on. That being the foundation meditation (I know here it comes). Even though I work on the easiest meditation frequently I still can't feel any energy at all (Nothing, maybe sometimes a very, very small pinch but...).

Another thing is I have performed the Opening Meds to many times to even remember the count (around 10 each or something like that). Yet I still have no experainces, I see, hear, sense, smell, and feel nothing no matter how much i mediatate, I get nowhere. It is has if I can't empower myself at all and it is really starting to bring me down (A LOT, especially sense I read about brothers and sisters tring something once or for a few days and they start to get all kinds of experainces) .

I also have prayed to Ea a couple of times and too my GD (though I don't know who She/He is), but it seemed like it didn't quite get there.

::Another Note is:: If you think maybe I should try different meds or make my own up, I have try that too. (One time i had a whole med session program designed entirely by meds I made-up using other meds as a exmaple [except void, got to have that one]).

!!!My Theory is that through many destructive lifes the soul can become far to depeleted, and thus not function as well as suppose too (probably wrong but all I got for right now).!!!!

!!!!Another Theory is the angels are setting me up for massive faliure, why because they have no lifes and nothing else to do, so they mess with us.!!!!

!!!!!Last Theory, maybe I'm just really bad with anything spiritual and there is nothing wrong with me, except this is another thing I suck at in life.!!!!!

*Anything is helpful I am just stuck here thinking and have been for a while.*
*And thank you for anyone posts something to help.*

-Dark Lolita God


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
