David Eden Lane wrote something like, "If he look white, acts white, and fights white, he is white." I don't know if that suits or not. People of mixed ancestry are often two-minded. An old buddy had a wife who was mostly of Russian descent, from Alaska. She was also 1/64 Aleut Indian. I recall I once said something vaguely favorable about the Russian Orthodox missionary activity there in Alaska where I lived for a decade. She practically screamed at me, "The Russians destroyed my people!" (All 1/64th?) Also performing similar spiritual acrobatics was a sandy-haired, pink-fsced gent I knew who---10 minutes into any conversation---would exhume his ex-slave grandmother for verbal admiration. He was fully capable of interesting and lucid conversation till race was mentioned. Then he morphed into Al Sharpton. His town's few blacks thought he was overacting, too.