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How to Integrate Science into Your Life [GUIDE]

Jul 17, 2023
With the recent discovery of the first room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor, I was inspired by humanity's ability to carve out a future for themselves through the relentless pursuit of science, and it led me to make this post for you all to understand what science really means for the Gentile races and to start practicing it yourselves, because it is high time—things are accelerating faster than anyone had imagined.

Yet, as much as we hear about the wonders and advancements of our "modern scientific civilization", it is becoming more difficult by the day to find an example of someone who practices "science" in their life, let alone even cares about what it has to offer. In fact, it is becoming a trend now to berate and mock science, which is nothing new of course—just xian revivalist currents that are plaguing contemporary right-wing thought. Abrahamics have a deep hatred and antagonism towards science, which I will discuss shortly. Remember that the NSDAP were the first to reach space for a reason.

Why is it important to be scientifically inclined as a SS?

This word "science" that we use in English is a direct borrowing from the Latin scientias, which simply means knowledge. With as much spiritual philosophy and emphasis placed on the word gnosis, the words science and gnosis mean the exact same thing—consider what that implies for one seeking gnosis in this lifetime and beyond.

From the sermon The Tree of Knowledge, the Apple and the Serpent
HPS Maxine said:
Most people either study physical science or the occult knowledge. Not very many study both. This is where people would benefit, by studying both, for in the end, it all comes together. Satanism strongly supports and advocates the advancement of the physical sciences. Everything of the so-called "supernatural" and the occult can be scientifically explained. Unfortunately, the physical sciences have not advanced far enough to fully explain the spiritual as of yet. This is why the Christian Churches have vehemently attacked science for centuries. Humanity has been held back dangerously.

One should approach spiritual sciences (the occult) and material sciences in the same manner: the scientific method. The essence of science is to inquire and then take actions to answer the inquiry. A clearer way of understanding this is through the terms "inner science" and "outer science". It is all science. The enemy's goal is to prevent the adoption of the scientific method as the methodology for approaching life and existence. One who does this becomes a very dangerous individual in their eyes; all the lies of the Jews melt away with inspection.

As SS, we are far better prepared to study the outer sciences because we're coming from a solid background in the inner (occult) sciences; this gives us a strong edge in intuitively understanding physical phenomenon that have the average scientist scratching their head or just outright wasting their time—the "placebo effect", the Fermi paradox, the "Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence" (SETI), and the transhumanism delusion are some examples. We can learn from the Gods and progress exponentally faster, not just internally as we are doing already, but externally as well, as I am proposing in this post. This is how the NSDAP advanced so quickly—they invested heavily in science whilst realizing assistance from the Gods.

A sharp individual must have noticed by now that 99% of the populace does not actually interact with scientific proceedings, data, or literature in any way. The minority of the populace that have even a wavering interest are fed "popular science" (Latin: scientias vulgāris :lol:). There is an entire "information handler" layer being perpetrated between the science and the masses, that serves to water down and sterilize it into vague, unrelatable, and ultimately meaningless statements about reality. It creates an observer paradigm in the populace who just accept that only the "experts" can do and are doing science.

Avoid 'PopSci' like the plague. You are above watching YouTube videos about "asteroids that might end the world" and reading news articles that were designed to capture the brief attention span of a plebian. Instead strive to gain a deep and well-founded understanding of world at the full cognitive level that a true scientist operates at.

The current scientific establishment is thoroughly kiked by publishers that gatekeep research though paywalls, and, in most cases, don't even pay the authors. The way research grants work creates a publish-or-perish paradigm where funding is decided by how many times a scientist publishes and how bold and exaggerated their purported findings are so they get cited by others. This has led to a replication crisis in which only around 20-60% of all findings can be reproduced, depending on the field. This, combined with the absolutely decrepit state of science awareness/education/journalism, and it is no wonder anti-science sentiments and jokes like "flat earth" even have a place to spread in 21st-century societies.

Picking fields that you have an inclination towards and interest in

This is quite personal. Usually one already knows what fields of knowledge interest them. You can also look at the placements of Mercury and Uranus in your natal chart, along with the 9th, 10th, and 6th houses (residing planets in particular).

Before you begin however, I implore every SS to obtain a fundamental understanding of biology and physics. I will be frank: it is shameful to talk about astrological phenomenon, energy work, bioelectricity, being seeded by the Gods through genetic engineering, human races, evolution, "universal laws" (karma), and so on, while being ignorant of the very nature of these things. The enlightenment that a basic understanding of physics gives you in regards to the world around you cannot be understated—it is immensely inspiring.

Here is a suggestive list of fields you could begin studying AFTER basic physics that help us cherish our Gods and understand them better. These studying in these fields can help you serve the purposes of the Joy of Satan:

  • Astronomy (combined with astrology, as they were the same field until a couple centuries ago)
  • Holistic Medicine (TCM, Ayurveda, Blood-Type Diets, etc.). The current biomedical field is a Jewish joke.
  • Population Genetics; Race Science; Eugenics; Epigenetics
  • Sociobiology; Evolutionary Psychology—Understand our own lower chakra expressions and the NPC-ness of the andropoda
  • Anthropology of Religion (esp. our ancient pagan religions)
  • Vedic Studies; the Sanskrit language
  • Media and Publishing; Marketing and Propaganda
  • Computer Science; Cybersecurity; Software Engineering
  • Economics (Both Macro and Micro); Business
  • The Work of Nikola Tesla
  • The philosophy of figures like Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Evola, Alfred Rosenberg, and Savitri Devi, centered around will, blood, and dharma.
  • Political Science

Obviously this is not exhaustive, and there may be knowledge fields you're interested in that aren't even considered as "fields" but where the scientific method can be applied. Workflow optimization and cooking are few examples.

Finding the field's journals and organizational bases

Now, every field has certain organizations that serve as foundations for collaboration and research. These organizations maintain journals that research groups submit their papers to be published in, and also host conferences about specific topics within the field, usually on an annual or semi-annual basis. There are two prominent types of research groups: universities and research departments of corporations. I will give the example of computer science for the rest of the post, since I am deeply involved in that field: The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the primary organization, and it hosts hundreds of journals, and conferences that which are run by SIGs (Special Interest Groups around a certain domain). They have a comprehensive digital library that hosts the thousands of articles and conference proceedings it has published since it was founded in the late 1950s.

Once you have found the organizations, familiarize yourself with their conference groups, journals, and libraries. You can also use Springer Link to find journals related to a specific discipline or domain you are interested in.

To tackle the publisher problem, "decentralized science" (DeSci) has sprung up. Platforms like ResearchHub are a kind of open market for research using their own crypto token. Getting a majority of the population involved in science will require solutions like these.

Obtaining literature

By "literature" I do not mean only journal articles—any kind of rigorous information counts. This includes books, textbooks, lectures, manuals, technical reports, case studies, interviews, documentaries, conference proceedings, and more. It is the quality of the information, not the format, that matters. The closer to primary source you can get, the better. The original scientific paper about a discovery will always be more valuable than a news report on it.

NOTE: Make sure you use a VPN or proxy before accessing these services. Publishers and ISPs are perched to send you DCMA and other types of notices.

  • Anna's Archive: A cornucopia of texts from a number of different sources. You can find pretty much everything here.
  • Sci-Hub: This site provides open access to millions of scientific papers; you will visit it quite frequently.
  • Wikisource: Primary-source documents and works of all types. It is easy to get lost in it :lol:. Being able to read Aristotle's words in the original Greek from the comfort of your home is a blessing you should meditate on. New Atlantis of information.
  • Film and documentary archives: A very good one is PeriscopeFilm on JewTube. Documentaries on all sorts of topics from the middle of the 20th century. While they give historical perspective, it also turns out that the explanations in these films are extremely well done and comprehensible compared to some of the junk video that passes as "educative" today. Be aware though that these qualify as secondary sources. For computer science: Computer History Archives Project.

When looking for books to read on a certain topic, ensure that it was published recently enough that the information contained in it is current. For example, you wouldn't read a textbook on nuclear physics published in 1973. One exeception I have found is the field of computer science—there hasn't been much progress in application since the early 2000s and the applied counterpart (software engineering) is stuck in a loop due to historical ignorance. I find that most of the time, texts from the 1980s and 90s are quite applicable today. You will have to make a judgement as to whether older publishings are still valid in your field(s).

To learn basic physics, I recommending reading this book: Basic Physics, and then moving on to whichever particular field branch of physics interests you more.
For an introduction to biology, you have several options, but the most comprehensive book is Campbell's Biology. Be aware it is rather long, but that is a property of the nature of biology as a field.

The Digital Object Identifier: published scientific articles are usually assigned a DOI number which is a permanent unique identifier that links to its metadata and the original publisher's page.

Often, a paper that you want to read will be behind a paywall. In that case, you use services like Sci-Hub to get the full text.

Organizing and deriving insights from a library of documents and findings

Of course, it takes more than just collecting texts to involve yourself in science. You must organize and consolidate insights from different sources, and derive new insights from them, among several other things. One tool that I have found indispensible is Zotero, a desktop application to manage a systematic concentration of all kinds of source documents for research purposes.
A common workflow is searching for and discovering papers in your field's journals through their search, categorization, and citation engines, then using Sci-Hub to actually obtain the text of the paper, and then creating an entry in Zotero using the DOI and the PDF.

Some AI tools to assist in comprehension and discovery:

  • Humata: Explains papers of any length to you. The paid version allows you to ask questions over a set of papers.
  • scite: Paper discovery and intelligent citation analysis. Also has an assistant that backs up all of its statements using published research.
  • ChatGPT: This is a given.
  • PaperGPT: Discover biomedical papers through general descriptive search.

With all of this newfound knowledge and the tools necessary to understand it at your fingertips, it is paramount you begin using it in your life to further your goals. There are no limits. I challenge you to begin actually citing works in your posts on this forum to back up your statements, regardless of whether it is about the occult or the physical world. I really want to see that start happening.

Do all of this knowing that you are preparing yourself to publish research of your own one day, based on your novel experiences and insights, and from what the Gods can teach you. This is what science is—facing the frontier with a unquenchable desire to discover. It is a mindset and a lifestyle, not just a material process. I can show you how to get started with the process, but it is up to you to integrate it into your life.

Considering that AI will replace more than half of the labor force in the near future, it is imperative we humans move closer and closer to frontiersmanship in the unknown, where immense levels of spiritual capability and creativity are needed to make breakthroughs. Civilizations must continually evolve spiritually in order to advance technologically, as the two vectors are actually the same.

That is why I think the Joy of Satan has the potential to be a pioneer in key scientific fields. We can access the knowledge of the Gods and bring that to the greater humanity. We are already doing that with the inner sciences! We are the real "scientific priesthood" in contrast to the (((experts))) of today.

Dear HPHC: Please consider a new scientific research branch of the JoS. It would be a great advancement. We could have our own psuedonymous research organization in the manner of ResearchHub, decentralized. Imagine being able to get paid by other SS to do research to benefit the entire JoS community. This ties in with the idea of creating a JoS DAO, which is a entire topic for another thread.

This post is dedicated to Glasya-Labolas.
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:

This is a really great post; thank you for this.

I do want to point out that one of the forum rules involves not linking to pirated/illegal material. Not sure what HPHC would rule here, but you may want to create a post without either direct links, or at least not any specific examples of material within such databases.
Thank you for this excellent and valuable post. Science was my thing in high school. Everyone should study at least some science. Studying it will also increase intelligence, so don't anyone think they are not smart enough to learn.
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
Dear HPHC: Please consider a new scientific research branch of the JoS. It would be a great advancement. We could have our own psuedonymous research organization in the manner of ResearchHub, decentralized. Imagine being able to get paid by other SS to do research to benefit the entire JoS community. This ties in with the idea of creating a JoS DAO, which is a entire topic for another thread.

This post is dedicated to Glasya-Labolas.

Very great and inspiring post, and I 100000%ly support this idea. It would be great that the greatest minds of the JoS sits together and doing research on specific things.
Great post!

I have always liked science. I have been interested in many scientific fields since I was a child. It's a shame that a lot of people my age prefer "TikTok" and drinking alcohol. I would like to be able to build robots and other machines in the future.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=455569 time=1690507449 user_id=21286]
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:

This is a really great post; thank you for this.

I do want to point out that one of the forum rules involves not linking to pirated/illegal material. Not sure what HPHC would rule here, but you may want to create a post without either direct links, or at least not any specific examples of material within such databases.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=455603 time=1690533784 user_id=57]
Thank you for this excellent and valuable post. Science was my thing in high school. Everyone should study at least some science. Studying it will also increase intelligence, so don't anyone think they are not smart enough to learn.

I am glad it is appreciated. None of the links to the services/books are anything special, so it's okay to just replace them with their plain text names. One can just search for them using a search engine. Only the link to the Basic Physics book should be replaced with the full title "Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide". I really wish I could make these simple edits to the post.

Some more research topics that are at the intersection of science and spirituality, that I didn't get into the OP:

  • Using astrology in business and marketing
  • Computational witchcraft: using computational power to charge sigils and enchant objects
  • Viewing auras with material vision techniques: Dicyanin, kirlian photography
When it comes to medicine I have posted chlorine dioxide being used as a medicine and as an alternative to hydrogen peroxide before on this forums for those people who are having issues getting food grade peroxide at affordable prices. I have tried posting the actual free energy/ultra high efficiency stuff on older forums. It was hard to get the point as people would need to know. We can definitely try to move into direction of having overunity research. Overunity or free energy isn't really free. It just draws energy from the ether around us. The common theme of overunity is that sudden disturbances in flow of current causes back emf which is harvested, having asymmetricity or having a resonant frequency for a circuit. Usually thousands of volts and very low amps of electricity. I am yet to experiment and replicate many of the things as it needs equipment/funds and time. Do plan to get into it in near future tho.
Emediapress is a good place to start on these things. Though a lot of SJW types have also made their way over their forums.

शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=455569 time=1690507449 user_id=21286]
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:

This is a really great post; thank you for this.

I do want to point out that one of the forum rules involves not linking to pirated/illegal material. Not sure what HPHC would rule here, but you may want to create a post without either direct links, or at least not any specific examples of material within such databases.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=455603 time=1690533784 user_id=57]
Thank you for this excellent and valuable post. Science was my thing in high school. Everyone should study at least some science. Studying it will also increase intelligence, so don't anyone think they are not smart enough to learn.

I am glad it is appreciated. None of the links to the services/books are anything special, so it's okay to just replace them with their plain text names. One can just search for them using a search engine. Only the link to the Basic Physics book should be replaced with the full title "Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide". I really wish I could make these simple edits to the post.

Some more research topics that are at the intersection of science and spirituality, that I didn't get into the OP:

  • Using astrology in business and marketing
  • Computational witchcraft: using computational power to charge sigils and enchant objects
  • Viewing auras with material vision techniques: Dicyanin, kirlian photography

There are people into radionics and such sciences that have worked on computational witchcraft. The problem is that a lot of people into it are xtians and such. The ones who were neutral that I know aren't in the business any more. There was a document on making a time camera called ard time camera that would let people make a photo of a historical event. It looks more like a device that would be more of using psychic energy to manipulate a photographic paper.

Hail Satan 666
Great and high quality, academic level post. I should mention that I have a scientific and research background of a few years, both in work but also in personal studies based on methodology.

I am certainly open to further any necessary progress related engagements for the manifestations of all of these requests, be these platforms, or anything else.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Great and high quality, academic level post. I should mention that I have a scientific and research background of a few years, both in work but also in personal studies based on methodology.

I am certainly open to further any necessary progress related engagements for the manifestations of all of these requests, be these platforms, or anything else.

That is good to know, High Priest. The concept I had for the pilot version of the JoS research department was a forum-based system similar to GitHub Issues. Those who want to do research would register as researchers in particular fields or specialties, and a new (sub)forum would be created where any forum member could raise a research topic as a new thread and mark it with its relevant field tags, and researchers for those particular fields would be alerted to it and begin sharing their pre-knowledge of the topic and then when an initial team of researchers is formed and they decide their roles (i.e. who is going to focus on what specifically after figuring out the knowledge gap of the research problem), they begin researching, sharing results in the thread as they do so.

When they feel like they've reached a satisfactory result they would collect all of their notes and posts and begin collaboratively writing a research "paper" (as a precursor to writing actual research papers in proper format) with all of the researchers who took part in the study. This could be done using a collaborative editing tool like Google Docs, there are several. Then the finished research would be "published" into a separate (sub)forum only for completed research, where anyone could go and read it and profit from the work done.

Keep in mind this is a very primitive system, and all of this could be automated using a team collaboration tool that centralizes notes, documents, communications, etc from multiple members, like Slite, Nuclino, or coda.io, with the completed research article being published on our forums and our own MediaWiki wiki (this would finally become possible with properly researched, scientifically-written articles with references. Now that I think about it, a JoS wiki would solve a lot of other problems too.). It wouldn't take too long to get either method into a testing/beta phase.

There would be no currency involved as monetizing this sort of thing would require a lot more planning and research into creating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for the JoS. Things that would have to be figured out include how to represent the hierarchy of the organization as concrete members in the DAO (HP, JG, SS, librarian, etc.), what the significance and role of each member type would be, what relationships they could have with each other, what chain to run it on, deciding the kinds of tokens of the org, their names, how to initially value and distribute them amongst members, what kinds of smart contracts would be made, what exactly they would automate, how they would be written, who would write them, where would the source code be hosted, and so on. It requires an entire thread for itself (or multiple) with a lot of planning, decision-making and discussion to be done.

All of the organization's activities, including the entire JoS Donor system, the translation work, website maintenance, and the research department concept, could be monetized and automated in an integrated and systematic manner, transparent to everyone. It is a very ambitious and complex, but also rewarding endeavor to be taken up, and could increase the institutional and financial power of the JoS dramatically, as well as make it much more resilient to attack.

I also left out knowledge structuring tools in the OP, whilst saying it was important. There are all sorts of note-taking schemes. The best ones are designed with the goal of becoming your "second brain". You would probably want to back this catalog of notes up somewhere regularly, either manually or using Git-like tools.
  • Loqseq: Best-in-class that I know of currently. If Zotero is about putting together scientific documents, then this is about putting together all of what you know and seamlessly integrating it.
  • Obsidian: A runner-up with the same basic feature set.
  • Plain text/Markdown/AsciiDoc
  • Taking notes on paper: Works very well for some. Sharing it with other people might involve some work though.
  • Creating your own personal wiki
Sounds great. I'm more into biology personaly because it's something that is heavily trashed on both sides of it with everyone suffering from it. Figuring out biomechanics would take some time for me- I don't mean robotics and biology or anything but how the body itself works- something I find fascinating to begin with. I'll keep an eye on this thread and see how it develops.

hail Father Satan
After I read this post and thought quickly without having to analyze it word by word, it seems that this post leads to the law of creation.
Wow, I'm awed by this post, it's really great, I didn't see it coming. Praise you.
This is great content and a great initiative! You could keep writing posts like this or even other subjects.

You addressed this topic in a very mature and pragmatic way, highlighting the fact that scientific research is nothing without the proper sponsorship. Science should not be a business, but should be left independent and this is why the financers of the research projects should keep the natural end goal in mind and not bullshit kike schizophrenia.
This is a great post.

I am just starting my scientific journey in the field I chose. I truly hope one day I can contribute the JOS with what I will have learnt.

Fortunately, my University has a library with access to many Journal Articles, among other things.

One double-edge sword is the peer-review process. 99% of journals that get sent in are rejected, and this could be due to insufficient quality, but also Jewish censoring.
Beautiful post!
Makes me happy I chose to study kinesiology.
Very insightful post, any Satanist seriously dedicated into this path must be engaged in science in someway as it's the fundamental aspect of understanding ourselves.

For me, I've always been scientifically inclined to Toxicology, and it does have its benefits to understanding certain enemy agenda's pushed on us, the vaccines being one obvious example. Even a university professor publicly spoke out against them and a lot of people backed her up. So indeed, the power one can have in these fields is not to be under estimated.

I hope the JoS becomes a significant and pioneering influence in the scientific era to come, and lead civilization towards it's true purpose and evolution.
Shadowcat said:
Superb post! Very well thought out. On the list of fields beneficial to JOS, computer science and genetics/eugenics really drew me in. Weird about the first one because I have always looked at computer mechanics like deer in headlights.

"Computer science" as a field doesn't actually have anything to do with physical computers, it's about the nature of computation itself and how it works at the most fundamental level. The name that the Europeans gave it, "Informatics", is a more accurate term, because it is actually the study of information itself. As such, it has a lot more ties to mathematics than most other fields of science, only physics would compare in terms of the amount of mathematical rigor involved. It is also rather new, brand new even, compared to other established fields of science. Not even a century old yet. So a lot of basic things still have to be figured out like a proper nomenclature. And therefore the applied counterpart, software engineering is in its infancy and is full of religiosity like the Dark Ages. Hardware engineers still kind of know what they're doing because of the longer-standing field of electronic engineering behind them.

Unfortunately CS is one of the few fields of science that is completely, and I mean completely overrun with Jews. They know it's a novel field with a lot of potential and they ceased on it early, both academically and in industry. Leading to our technological predicament today. We REALLY need more pagan gentiles in computer science.
GoldenxChild1 said:
This is a great post.

I am just starting my scientific journey in the field I chose. I truly hope one day I can contribute the JOS with what I will have learnt.

Fortunately, my University has a library with access to many Journal Articles, among other things.

One double-edge sword is the peer-review process. 99% of journals that get sent in are rejected, and this could be due to insufficient quality, but also Jewish censoring.

You are in luck with the library access. I've been suspecting the peer-review process as well. There is no reason to censor a majority of research that wishes to be published. Peer-review doesn't even mean confirming the replication of the study, only that it is """acceptable""" by the establishment of the field. Only neurotic censorship loving kikes would want that.

The real solution is for researchers to publish their research in a way that allows anyone to reproduce it. This could involve releasing the code for a simulation along with the paper, or detailed instructions on how to reproduce a certain effect or state in an entity. There is one project that I have become aware of that is about making a platform for reproduceable research: https://usescholar.org/. Who knows what will become of it. I just want DeSci to actually become a thing.
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=455569 time=1690507449 user_id=21286]
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:

This is a really great post; thank you for this.

I do want to point out that one of the forum rules involves not linking to pirated/illegal material. Not sure what HPHC would rule here, but you may want to create a post without either direct links, or at least not any specific examples of material within such databases.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=455603 time=1690533784 user_id=57]
Thank you for this excellent and valuable post. Science was my thing in high school. Everyone should study at least some science. Studying it will also increase intelligence, so don't anyone think they are not smart enough to learn.

I am glad it is appreciated. None of the links to the services/books are anything special, so it's okay to just replace them with their plain text names. One can just search for them using a search engine. Only the link to the Basic Physics book should be replaced with the full title "Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide". I really wish I could make these simple edits to the post.

Some more research topics that are at the intersection of science and spirituality, that I didn't get into the OP:

  • Using astrology in business and marketing
  • Computational witchcraft: using computational power to charge sigils and enchant objects
  • Viewing auras with material vision techniques: Dicyanin, kirlian photography

Hey, I got a question if you don't mind , how can I exactly use astrology in business & marketing ? I am still learning about astrology. Thank you
Wow everyone in JoS is so smart. I guess we are talking about an organization created by Odin The AllFather after all so no surprise.

Yea man 💪our intellect will destroy the jews.
this is one of the best ai powered search engines for science literature, https://www.semanticscholar.org/

I really liked this article.

I'm focused on two areas at the moment, online marketing, and holistic naturopathy physical therapy with Ayurveda assessment and balancing.
MiniMe3388 said:
Great post!

I have always liked science. I have been interested in many scientific fields since I was a child. It's a shame that a lot of people my age prefer "TikTok" and drinking alcohol. I would like to be able to build robots and other machines in the future.

I agree on science as well. I hated Mathematics, yet excelled at Science. Yet these two go hand in hand. Ironic no? I’m still trying to fathom why I hate math.
codeine1337 said:
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
Some more research topics that are at the intersection of science and spirituality, that I didn't get into the OP:

  • Using astrology in business and marketing
  • Computational witchcraft: using computational power to charge sigils and enchant objects
  • Viewing auras with material vision techniques: Dicyanin, kirlian photography

Hey, I got a question if you don't mind , how can I exactly use astrology in business & marketing ? I am still learning about astrology. Thank you

J.P. Morgan said astrology is the tool of billionaires. Just a few of the ways you could use astrology in business and marketing: Using the natal charts of employees to deal with them in a manner that is most suitable, and placing them in roles most suitable for them. Timing business incorporation and product launch natal charts. Go look at the natal chart of Windows NT for example. Creating a brand around your company that resonates with its natal chart energies. Specialized marketing to potential customers based on their astrological data.

There is an excellent book on this topic, Signs of Success: The Remarkable Power of Business Astrology—you should definitely read it.
Ramier108666 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Great post!

I have always liked science. I have been interested in many scientific fields since I was a child. It's a shame that a lot of people my age prefer "TikTok" and drinking alcohol. I would like to be able to build robots and other machines in the future.

I agree on science as well. I hated Mathematics, yet excelled at Science. Yet these two go hand in hand. Ironic no? I’m still trying to fathom why I hate math.

As for me, I wasn't the biggest fan of chemistry at school, and after I graduated I thought I didn't like this area of science. Recently, I started to gain knowledge in this field and I really liked chemistry. I didn't know it was so enjoyable for me.

Maybe you discourage yourself from mathematics?
Or you simply don't like it, because everyone prefers different things :)
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
Shadowcat said:
Superb post! Very well thought out. On the list of fields beneficial to JOS, computer science and genetics/eugenics really drew me in. Weird about the first one because I have always looked at computer mechanics like deer in headlights.

"Computer science" as a field doesn't actually have anything to do with physical computers, it's about the nature of computation itself and how it works at the most fundamental level. The name that the Europeans gave it, "Informatics", is a more accurate term, because it is actually the study of information itself. As such, it has a lot more ties to mathematics than most other fields of science, only physics would compare in terms of the amount of mathematical rigor involved. It is also rather new, brand new even, compared to other established fields of science. Not even a century old yet. So a lot of basic things still have to be figured out like a proper nomenclature. And therefore the applied counterpart, software engineering is in its infancy and is full of religiosity like the Dark Ages. Hardware engineers still kind of know what they're doing because of the longer-standing field of electronic engineering behind them.

Unfortunately CS is one of the few fields of science that is completely, and I mean completely overrun with Jews. They know it's a novel field with a lot of potential and they ceased on it early, both academically and in industry. Leading to our technological predicament today. We REALLY need more pagan gentiles in computer science.
When I read about browser fingerprinting it was also mentioned - other than browser fingerprinting - in one of the articles that open source is the future, it was also mentioned in one of the articles that much software is closed source which is not the best, because you can't see through it completely and possibly make suggestions or correct any mistakes.

More at about the Browser Fingerprinting
Ramier108666 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Great post!

I have always liked science. I have been interested in many scientific fields since I was a child. It's a shame that a lot of people my age prefer "TikTok" and drinking alcohol. I would like to be able to build robots and other machines in the future.

I agree on science as well. I hated Mathematics, yet excelled at Science. Yet these two go hand in hand. Ironic no? I’m still trying to fathom why I hate math.
Non biological sciences at advanced level are application of mathematics. In all branches of engineering I know of someone can still start studies if he was bad in high school science but not in mathematics. Maybe you had bad teachers for mathematics.
anonymous666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Great post!

I have always liked science. I have been interested in many scientific fields since I was a child. It's a shame that a lot of people my age prefer "TikTok" and drinking alcohol. I would like to be able to build robots and other machines in the future.

I agree on science as well. I hated Mathematics, yet excelled at Science. Yet these two go hand in hand. Ironic no? I’m still trying to fathom why I hate math.
Non biological sciences at advanced level are application of mathematics. In all branches of engineering I know of someone can still start studies if he was bad in high school science but not in mathematics. Maybe you had bad teachers for mathematics.

As I learned, I found mathematics more troublesome growing up. I tried to understand, however it never made any sense. My mother had the same issue. She hates mathematics. However my grandfather excelled at it. I. Ignition have just picked up on her dislike and let it become my part of the reason I had trouble. Now? I still don’t care for it, however I can understand at a much easier level than before.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
When I read about browser fingerprinting it was also mentioned - other than browser fingerprinting - in one of the articles that open source is the future, it was also mentioned in one of the articles that much software is closed source which is not the best, because you can't see through it completely and possibly make suggestions or correct any mistakes.

More at about the Browser Fingerprinting

Not really open source, it's more of just being able to study the source code for yourself and submit suggestions. That is what is necessary for more software.
Open source as it used today is a form of communism that erodes the value of labor and rigor in building software.
शक्तिमान ६६६ said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
When I read about browser fingerprinting it was also mentioned - other than browser fingerprinting - in one of the articles that open source is the future, it was also mentioned in one of the articles that much software is closed source which is not the best, because you can't see through it completely and possibly make suggestions or correct any mistakes.

More at about the Browser Fingerprinting

Not really open source, it's more of just being able to study the source code for yourself and submit suggestions. That is what is necessary for more software.
Open source as it used today is a form of communism that erodes the value of labor and rigor in building software.

Thank you very much for the correction!

It seems that an external source(non Satanic) I take this info from the open source. :) Just thought I'd mention about open source what I learned.

Anyway, I am not a genius in computer science and onilne data protection(privacy).

In the meantime I also found this. :)


You wrote a very good post.

I am glad that you are also involved in physical science and you linked it to occultism, but what I liked the most to you show what makes today's scientific research worthless(which is of course given to the public[Goyims]).

What they say on mainstream TV and most on jEwTuBe videos about science it is also too boring in my view, because few things are over-explained at length, it is also almost worthless and weak information.
Thanks for this interesting post. I must admit I am loosing interest in science/progress despite I always had interest in that, due to technological overflooding we experience at now. This post woke up again some interest in that, so I think this would help many others too, and is a strong source of inspiration for many.

I see the enemy is playing hard on "ecology" so that, everything that is built or experimented or is a source of progress is labeled as "pollution", they are trying to push humanity backwards to live in the woods without clothes, knowledge, skills except basic instinct to hunt, eat and defecate.
At the mental level I feel this is slowing down the mass mind, instilling fear that any scientific progress may cause too much CO in the air, or so.
Just my 2 cents,
Very nice article! It reminded me of my own interest in science.
I am cleaning daily using Vi-Suddhi. I thought this might be explained by granular_convection.
It's fun to "occult is science."
This article is a very useful article indeed!

Personally it is very good since it reawakened the interest in science that I had.

Thank you and may the Gods bless you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
