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How to Find Your Guardian Demon - Guide

Ghost in the Machine

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2018
We are the future gods of our people. Start acting
This is a guide I've been having to quote quite a lot lately, so I figured I might as well repost it here entirely as a thread. I thought of doing this before but for some reason didn't. I've been encouraged to do so.

Note: I did not create this guide and hold no credit for it, I am simply reposting it here. This guide helped me to find my own Guardian Demon when I was new several years ago and to this day I am still strongly connected with him.


If You Have Trouble Finding Your Guardian Demon
By Caitlin/Silvercrab, Satanic Gay Community Member

The mistake most new people make is attempting to find their Guardian through a pendulum or Ouija
board. If you have absolutely no past experience or practice with these items, they probably won‟t work
for you. Using a Ouija board or pendulum takes SKILL and PRACTICE. When you‟re new, you must
be in a trance and completely disconnect yourself from the board or you will end up talking to yourself,
which is a very common occurrence. There is also a chance a negative entity might interfere with
communication or fool you into believing they‟re a Demon and give you false information. So as you
can see, a lot can go wrong here if you aren‟t already skilled in these areas.

So, how do you find your Guardian? There are many reliable ways, such as Astral Projection, Astral
Merging, using a black mirror, or invoking the Demon. But all these are advanced methods which most
people are unable to do until they are at least on the intermediate level. So for beginners, here are a few
things you can do to narrow down the list.

Go look through ALL the Demons listed on joyofsatan.com, even the “High Ranking Gods and
Crowned Princes of Hell” section because hey, you never know. Also, don‟t forget the section
underneath the S - Z Demons titled “More Gods”. Not everyone‟s Guardian Demon is going to be one
of the 72 Goetic Demons, but that doesn‟t mean your Guardian is any less special. Pazuzu, for example,
is not one of the 72 Goetic Demons, but he is very powerful and is a great protector. Write down the
names of the Demons who interest you, the ones you really like. Once you have a complete list of
Demons who attract you, apply these tips:

*Your Guardian Demon will usually have the same element(s) as you. When I say that, I‟m not referring
to your astrological sign, I‟m referring to the element you love the most. You do not need experience
with invoking the elements to figure out which one is your favorite. To read information on each one,
see the section “Advanced Meditations”, in the Joy of Satan website.


Now that you‟ve narrowed down your list (but please remember that the above tips are not set in stone
and might not apply to everyone) ask yourself these questions:

“Am I truly comfortable with the idea of _____________ being my Guardian Demon?” When I was
new, there were several Demons I thought looked very cool and kick ass, but when I thought about it
after a few days, I realized the idea just didn‟t feel quite right.

“Do I love absolutely everything about ______________?” This is self-explanatory. There may be a
Demon that you really like and respect, but if you embrace the idea of him/her as your Guardian and you
feel a consistent longing to keep looking at other Demons, then he/she probably isn‟t the one. When you
find your true Guardian, you should feel a strong bond, an unquestioning love. Most people have been
with their Guardian in many other lifetimes, which is where that feeling comes from.

And finally, “Is there any reason to believe ______________ would not suit me as a Guardian?” Don‟t
just take the information listed about the Demon into account. You‟re probably not going to have
everything in common with your Guardian. For example, someone with Bifrons as their Guardian might
be very interested in necromancy and astrology, but not in learning the magical properties of herbs and
stones. Use your intuition with this question.
By now you should have narrowed down your list to only one or two Demons. Now comes the part
where you figure out if He/She is really your Guardian:

Get yourself into a deep trance.

Vibrate the name of the Demon 30 - 40 times. (Ex: Amon. A-A-A-A-M-M-M-M-O-O-O-O-N-N-N-N).

After a while, you should feel his/her energy. Connect with the Demon as best you can.
Ask _____________ if he/she is your Guardian. You will probably not see or hear anything if you are
not psychically open, but you should FEEL their response.. Interpreting energy like this might be
difficult at first, and if you don‟t understand the response, then tell them you don‟t understand and ask
for a stronger signal. If you receive a very warm, positive signal then you‟ve probably found your
Guardian. If not, go back over your list and try again.
inimigo99 said:
The sex of your
Guardian is usually dependant on your own sexuality. Meaning, the straight man has a female Guardian,
the homosexual man has a male Guardian.

I believe this pattern has to do with what you‟re most comfortable with.

What if I am a straight man and feel more comfortable with a Male Guardian?
I don't know exactly why, but I personally would prefer to be guided by a male God and I am definitely a straight man.

Admittedly this is something I'm not entirely sure of myself and used to think sexual preference was the defining trait to this. On one end this makes perfect sense, but on another end it makes no sense to have a guardian of a gender you don't feel comfortable with, etc.

This will have to be something I figure out at a later date, incidentally though sexual preference seems to go hand in hand with this 'comfort' trope so it appears quite likely after all that if you're straight and comfortable with males, your guardian may very well be male then.

It's something I'll have to figure out or have confirmed at a later date.

I personally believe that the information about the Gods and Goddesses available on the website is not enough to properly affirm those Gods or Goddesses whom I believe are possibly my guardian Demon.

For example: I have a special fascination for Baal/Enlil because of the Sumerian stories I read about him. But if I had only been in contact with the information on the website list, I don't know if I would have the same fascination.

It's quite true that some demon profiles seem to almost only be as long as a sentence of which there isn't much to derive from, but what can help is narrowing down the connecting characteristics of your guardian demon such as planet, element, etc, because it's like that you may share some of these connections with them as well though it's not something guaranteed, it may help narrow things down with a connection.

In time as you advance and improve your intuition though, your guardian will reveal things to you about them in helping you find out who they are. This can be signs in everyday life, something you repeatedly see over and over again that might cater to their profile on our website or they even may show things to you in dreams.

Get yourself into a deep trance.
That's probably the hardest step in my opinion. :roll:
I don't have that ability, I've tried it several times and I've never been successful. Anyway, I will persist.

This trance does not actually have to be as deep as it's describing, it just helps. You just need to be relaxed with a quiet mind so that you can more properly interpret any energy responses without mistaking them as your own makings.

Matter of curiosity and willingness to have knowledge:

How does the choice of the guardian demon works? Do they choose whose guardian they will be before the individual is born?
What about xian and muslim goym? Do they also have a guardian demon? Or did they have before converting?

Your guardian is assigned to you based on your soul's constructive properties such as what you like, your attuned elemental composition, etc and how this caters to your spiritual role/purpose. It's all about being able to teach you to advance and come into your potentials. So if you enjoy astrology for example then you're going to have a guardian demon who specializes in this or divination and they can teach you to excel in this and come into a role where you can use divination to help others, etc.

If you're war driven, filled with endurance and enjoy aspects of security, protection, guardianship and combat then you're likely destined in a warrior role to work for the safety, freedom and security of our people, your guardian demon will specialize in these characteristics and will be able to teach you how to excel in spiritual warfare and matters of protection, etc.

If you're creative and very much so enjoy art, literature, poems, the creative potentials of the mind, etc, then it's likely your guardian will also share this with you. So you see their purpose is not just to protect us but to guide and teach us to come into who we are to bring us forth to our highest potentials.
Ghost in the Machine said:
inimigo99 said:
The sex of your
Guardian is usually dependant on your own sexuality. Meaning, the straight man has a female Guardian,
the homosexual man has a male Guardian.

I believe this pattern has to do with what you‟re most comfortable with.

What if I am a straight man and feel more comfortable with a Male Guardian?
I don't know exactly why, but I personally would prefer to be guided by a male God and I am definitely a straight man.

Admittedly this is something I'm not entirely sure of myself and used to think sexual preference was the defining trait to this. On one end this makes perfect sense, but on another end it makes no sense to have a guardian of a gender you don't feel comfortable with, etc.

This will have to be something I figure out at a later date, incidentally though sexual preference seems to go hand in hand with this 'comfort' trope so it appears quite likely after all that if you're straight and comfortable with males, your guardian may very well be male then.

It's something I'll have to figure out or have confirmed at a later date.

I personally believe that the information about the Gods and Goddesses available on the website is not enough to properly affirm those Gods or Goddesses whom I believe are possibly my guardian Demon.

For example: I have a special fascination for Baal/Enlil because of the Sumerian stories I read about him. But if I had only been in contact with the information on the website list, I don't know if I would have the same fascination.

It's quite true that some demon profiles seem to almost only be as long as a sentence of which there isn't much to derive from, but what can help is narrowing down the connecting characteristics of your guardian demon such as planet, element, etc, because it's like that you may share some of these connections with them as well though it's not something guaranteed, it may help narrow things down with a connection.

In time as you advance and improve your intuition though, your guardian will reveal things to you about them in helping you find out who they are. This can be signs in everyday life, something you repeatedly see over and over again that might cater to their profile on our website or they even may show things to you in dreams.

Get yourself into a deep trance.
That's probably the hardest step in my opinion. :roll:
I don't have that ability, I've tried it several times and I've never been successful. Anyway, I will persist.

This trance does not actually have to be as deep as it's describing, it just helps. You just need to be relaxed with a quiet mind so that you can more properly interpret any energy responses without mistaking them as your own makings.

Matter of curiosity and willingness to have knowledge:

How does the choice of the guardian demon works? Do they choose whose guardian they will be before the individual is born?
What about xian and muslim goym? Do they also have a guardian demon? Or did they have before converting?

Your guardian is assigned to you based on your soul's constructive properties such as what you like, your attuned elemental composition, etc and how this caters to your spiritual role/purpose. It's all about being able to teach you to advance and come into your potentials. So if you enjoy astrology for example then you're going to have a guardian demon who specializes in this or divination and they can teach you to excel in this and come into a role where you can use divination to help others, etc.

If you're war driven, filled with endurance and enjoy aspects of security, protection, guardianship and combat then you're likely destined in a warrior role to work for the safety, freedom and security of our people, your guardian demon will specialize in these characteristics and will be able to teach you how to excel in spiritual warfare and matters of protection, etc.

If you're creative and very much so enjoy art, literature, poems, the creative potentials of the mind, etc, then it's likely your guardian will also share this with you. So you see their purpose is not just to protect us but to guide and teach us to come into who we are to bring us forth to our highest potentials.
Generally one can find a lot of information about the Daemons on the internet and from books. In particular you want to search for the ancient religions from where these names were derived from and ignore the demonology books descriptions other than if it points to the ancient tribe/religion/area where the deity was worshipped. Once you get to the root, itll feel very different than when your reading just the Demonology description.
Jack said:

This is true, I've found a lot of information on Andras as Andraste The Goddess of War. I found it particularly interesting that he was said to be heavily involved in the old Britons of whom I'm actually biologically descended from and born in this life-time of the very country largely founded by these same Britons. He was greatly involved in the British Isles, in particular Wales and England which was a huge involvement in my past-life. Perhaps the British Isles or somewhere very close to them was one of his domains in the ancient past?

Makes you wonder just how deep the 'racial soul' goes, it could potentially be narrowed down to quite the letter. So going into the obscure information in researching can definitely help for more info.
Legendary Creature said:
Do we have the same Guardian Demon in each lifetime? Or is it a different one each time?

You are only assigned a guardian demon in this day and age when you dedicate to Satan. If you dedicated to him in a past life then the guardian demon you were assigned then will still be your guardian demon now, so yes you have the same guardian in each lifetime.
The sex of your
Guardian is usually dependant on your own sexuality. Meaning, the straight man has a female Guardian,
the homosexual man has a male Guardian.

That is false, by the way. The reasons here are spiritual and psychological, not of sexual attraction. It tends to happen for other reasons but not because one is "Homosexual" or "Heterosexual".

A man can have a male guardian Demon, but men may tend to be attracted to female Demons for reasons psychological. Male and Female completes one another, but that is not of the "sexual preferences" dimension.

Ghost in the Machine said:
What if I am a straight man and feel more comfortable with a Male Guardian?
I don't know exactly why, but I personally would prefer to be guided by a male God and I am definitely a straight man.

Perfectly fine and perfectly normal. The above is disinformation. Do not take it all that seriously.
Legendary Creature said:
Do we have the same Guardian Demon in each lifetime? Or is it a different one each time?

They can change, but the stronger the bond, the more pronounced it will be and how drawn you feel will persist through lifetimes.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Legendary Creature said:
Do we have the same Guardian Demon in each lifetime? Or is it a different one each time?

You are only assigned a guardian demon in this day and age when you dedicate to Satan. If you dedicated to him in a past life then the guardian demon you were assigned then will still be your guardian demon now, so yes you have the same guardian in each lifetime.

Are there any issues with dedicating in this lifetime if you already did so in a previous lifetime? And would the anniversary date for your dedication be the date you originally dedicated or would it be the date you dedicated in this lifetime?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That is false, by the way. The reasons here are spiritual and psychological, not of sexual attraction. It tends to happen for other reasons but not because one is "Homosexual" or "Heterosexual".

A man can have a male guardian Demon, but men may tend to be attracted to female Demons for reasons psychological. Male and Female completes one another, but that is not of the "sexual preferences" dimension.

Don't worry I realized this the other day and corrected a previous post with someone. I was relying on physical evidence and what seemed legit instead of using my intuition. I've already apologized and corrected myself, but thank you very much for clarifying here in this thread as well.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Legendary Creature said:
Do we have the same Guardian Demon in each lifetime? Or is it a different one each time?

You are only assigned a guardian demon in this day and age when you dedicate to Satan. If you dedicated to him in a past life then the guardian demon you were assigned then will still be your guardian demon now, so yes you have the same guardian in each lifetime.

If the soul transforms in some way in one lifetime, like with Pluto, your requirements and paths of progression change. For that reason, I think its possible also that unless you have developed a particular emotional bond with a guardian Demon- Satan may allocate a different Demon to deal with the different soul qualities arisen by the transformation process. Similar to how different Demons have different stations, jobs etc. dependent on the movement of the Ages.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The sex of your
Guardian is usually dependant on your own sexuality. Meaning, the straight man has a female Guardian,
the homosexual man has a male Guardian.

That is false, by the way. The reasons here are spiritual and psychological, not of sexual attraction. It tends to happen for other reasons but not because one is "Homosexual" or "Heterosexual".

A man can have a male guardian Demon, but men may tend to be attracted to female Demons for reasons psychological. Male and Female completes one another, but that is not of the "sexual preferences" dimension.

Ghost in the Machine said:
What if I am a straight man and feel more comfortable with a Male Guardian?
I don't know exactly why, but I personally would prefer to be guided by a male God and I am definitely a straight man.

Perfectly fine and perfectly normal. The above is disinformation. Do not take it all that seriously.

This applies to me, I am mostly straight and want a family when I'm older. I felt as though my Guardian was a male. When I was a child and had a more active mind than I do now I know this makes sense on top of my feelings when first coming to Satan, as apparently I spoke with a man who I usually perceived near me in a civil sort of way. Of course it might not be an indication as it could of been some random spirit or something, but supposedly it was recurrent so its potential it could of been my GD. Ever since you had all the stupid people ranting on some years back about their Guardians when I was new and saw that, it made me very staunch and because of other reasons as well now I observe self reliance and the root chakra moreso than others, I don't really think I've done enough for Satan to deserve closeness to my Guardian yet.

Because of this deception though, which I actually used sexuality to engage in I think I made a few Demonesses laugh or something XDD. Did you not know Cobra, or did you just think that it was a possibility that what those people were saying about "your guardian is the same as your sexuality" was the case? I doubted it when I saw it but didn't have the confidence then to post about it. I guess the forum is all at this level of knowledge here now anyway and it doesn't really matter to dwell on.

In terms of soul dynamics, I know I benefit from a male guardian over female because I had bad examples for a father figure whereas my mother had continence and always did her job properly. The parental understanding might help people figure this out along these lines. I rely on Satan for this missing thing currently, but I'm sure my guardian would definitely embody this role in some way as its what I feel. So much so I found a father figure to follow in one of my friends who was literally only a year older than me, better than my own father even if my friend had lesser issues with drugs. Turns out he was just some wannabe "wigger" type after all and a sort of turncoat. I would rather talk like, and act like my Guardian Demon or Satan to be fair. My father and others just piss me off internally and unless they change, eternally.
13th_Wolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you all for clarifying things, mind you as I stated in the disclaimer, this is not my guide but someone else's that I've simply reposted.

I think I'm going to write up my own with the corrections and such if this is going to be something for new members to refer to, I don't like disinformation and will always heed to the necessary corrections. I might end up requesting this thread to be deleted afterwords but that might not be something mods want to do. At the least I'll just change the thread title of the new one to clarify that it is the corrected version.
I have found my GD via using a hand drawn Ouija + Pendulum combo.
A few years back, when I first acquired both of those, I got into contact with Isis, who confirmed she is my GD. I am male.

Recently I have been talking to a couple of very close friends who were curious about their GDs.
I decided to contact Isis and ask her about both of them at seperate times of course. Both of them female, one bi, but leans towards men.

The bi one, Isis told me Dagon. I then got into contact with Dagon and he gave me the word "Delightful" for her.

The other friend, Isis told me Amon. Once again I decided to contact Amon, and he told me that she is "Lovely".

Anyway, just wanted to add to the "sex of GD = sexual preference" theory.
Sorry for my last post talking about the sexual preference thing, I only just read HP HC's post now. I did find it interesting though.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Jack said:

This is true, I've found a lot of information on Andras as Andraste The Goddess of War. I found it particularly interesting that he was said to be heavily involved in the old Britons of whom I'm actually biologically descended from and born in this life-time of the very country largely founded by these same Britons. He was greatly involved in the British Isles, in particular Wales and England which was a huge involvement in my past-life. Perhaps the British Isles or somewhere very close to them was one of his domains in the ancient past?

Makes you wonder just how deep the 'racial soul' goes, it could potentially be narrowed down to quite the letter. So going into the obscure information in researching can definitely help for more info.

well this supports what i have experienced even more as well. I remember you saying someplace Andras was your guardian. From my fathers side, lebanese share 93 percent DNA with the ancient canaanites and phonecians and they worshipped Beelzebub and Astaroth. After His name spelled out during a ouija session, later on even remaining skeptical for a long time, got numerous other signs. One was during the race awakening ritual. I didnt want to miss the hour of mars so i did it in the car when i was driving. right at the end of the last afirmation i saw a car whose middle liscense plate numbers were 666 and two other cars that promptly drove by whose first numbers were 50. When i tried summoning him i recieved a number of other signs as well, including seeing 50 everywhere and having bugs near me all the time, and i mean in places and times that seemed like they looked for me or that was out of place or wrong time of day for them. one time i was outside meditating and thought of a ladybug and dragonfly randomly...3 seconds later both landed right in front of me lol. funnily enough after i saw his name spell out in a ouija session i read the artical about how to find your GD and that for most people ouija wouldnt work. yet the coincidences and signs that would coincide with sessions for me was and remains truly remarkable, (if they are only coincidences) including many dreams..yet what was described as what would make a Demon more likely to be someones guardian already matched to a t for me, and of course because of much of the above, ive gotten to the point where i would be suprised to find out one day i was wrong.
13th_Wolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The sex of your
Guardian is usually dependant on your own sexuality. Meaning, the straight man has a female Guardian,
the homosexual man has a male Guardian.

That is false, by the way. The reasons here are spiritual and psychological, not of sexual attraction. It tends to happen for other reasons but not because one is "Homosexual" or "Heterosexual".

A man can have a male guardian Demon, but men may tend to be attracted to female Demons for reasons psychological. Male and Female completes one another, but that is not of the "sexual preferences" dimension.

Ghost in the Machine said:
What if I am a straight man and feel more comfortable with a Male Guardian?
I don't know exactly why, but I personally would prefer to be guided by a male God and I am definitely a straight man.

Perfectly fine and perfectly normal. The above is disinformation. Do not take it all that seriously.

This applies to me, I am mostly straight and want a family when I'm older. I felt as though my Guardian was a male. When I was a child and had a more active mind than I do now I know this makes sense on top of my feelings when first coming to Satan, as apparently I spoke with a man who I usually perceived near me in a civil sort of way. Of course it might not be an indication as it could of been some random spirit or something, but supposedly it was recurrent so its potential it could of been my GD. Ever since you had all the stupid people ranting on some years back about their Guardians when I was new and saw that, it made me very staunch and because of other reasons as well now I observe self reliance and the root chakra moreso than others, I don't really think I've done enough for Satan to deserve closeness to my Guardian yet.

Because of this deception though, which I actually used sexuality to engage in I think I made a few Demonesses laugh or something XDD. Did you not know Cobra, or did you just think that it was a possibility that what those people were saying about "your guardian is the same as your sexuality" was the case? I doubted it when I saw it but didn't have the confidence then to post about it. I guess the forum is all at this level of knowledge here now anyway and it doesn't really matter to dwell on.

In terms of soul dynamics, I know I benefit from a male guardian over female because I had bad examples for a father figure whereas my mother had continence and always did her job properly. The parental understanding might help people figure this out along these lines. I rely on Satan for this missing thing currently, but I'm sure my guardian would definitely embody this role in some way as its what I feel. So much so I found a father figure to follow in one of my friends who was literally only a year older than me, better than my own father even if my friend had lesser issues with drugs. Turns out he was just some wannabe "wigger" type after all and a sort of turncoat. I would rather talk like, and act like my Guardian Demon or Satan to be fair. My father and others just piss me off internally and unless they change, eternally.

to be honest in that guide the sexual preference thing was the only one i as well had doubts about. I also feel its more of a psychological and spiritual thing.
Ghost in the Machine said:
This is a guide I've been having to quote quite a lot lately, so I figured I might as well repost it here entirely as a thread. I thought of doing this before but for some reason didn't. I've been encouraged to do so.

Note: I did not create this guide and hold no credit for it, I am simply reposting it here. This guide helped me to find my own Guardian Demon when I was new several years ago and to this day I am still strongly connected with him.


If You Have Trouble Finding Your Guardian Demon
By Caitlin/Silvercrab, Satanic Gay Community Member

The mistake most new people make is attempting to find their Guardian through a pendulum or Ouija
board. If you have absolutely no past experience or practice with these items, they probably won‟t work
for you. Using a Ouija board or pendulum takes SKILL and PRACTICE. When you‟re new, you must
be in a trance and completely disconnect yourself from the board or you will end up talking to yourself,
which is a very common occurrence. There is also a chance a negative entity might interfere with
communication or fool you into believing they‟re a Demon and give you false information. So as you
can see, a lot can go wrong here if you aren‟t already skilled in these areas.

So, how do you find your Guardian? There are many reliable ways, such as Astral Projection, Astral
Merging, using a black mirror, or invoking the Demon. But all these are advanced methods which most
people are unable to do until they are at least on the intermediate level. So for beginners, here are a few
things you can do to narrow down the list.

Go look through ALL the Demons listed on joyofsatan.com, even the “High Ranking Gods and
Crowned Princes of Hell” section because hey, you never know. Also, don‟t forget the section
underneath the S - Z Demons titled “More Gods”. Not everyone‟s Guardian Demon is going to be one
of the 72 Goetic Demons, but that doesn‟t mean your Guardian is any less special. Pazuzu, for example,
is not one of the 72 Goetic Demons, but he is very powerful and is a great protector. Write down the
names of the Demons who interest you, the ones you really like. Once you have a complete list of
Demons who attract you, apply these tips:

*Your Guardian Demon will usually have the same element(s) as you. When I say that, I‟m not referring
to your astrological sign, I‟m referring to the element you love the most. You do not need experience
with invoking the elements to figure out which one is your favorite. To read information on each one,
see the section “Advanced Meditations”, in the Joy of Satan website.


Now that you‟ve narrowed down your list (but please remember that the above tips are not set in stone
and might not apply to everyone) ask yourself these questions:

“Am I truly comfortable with the idea of _____________ being my Guardian Demon?” When I was
new, there were several Demons I thought looked very cool and kick ass, but when I thought about it
after a few days, I realized the idea just didn‟t feel quite right.

“Do I love absolutely everything about ______________?” This is self-explanatory. There may be a
Demon that you really like and respect, but if you embrace the idea of him/her as your Guardian and you
feel a consistent longing to keep looking at other Demons, then he/she probably isn‟t the one. When you
find your true Guardian, you should feel a strong bond, an unquestioning love. Most people have been
with their Guardian in many other lifetimes, which is where that feeling comes from.

And finally, “Is there any reason to believe ______________ would not suit me as a Guardian?” Don‟t
just take the information listed about the Demon into account. You‟re probably not going to have
everything in common with your Guardian. For example, someone with Bifrons as their Guardian might
be very interested in necromancy and astrology, but not in learning the magical properties of herbs and
stones. Use your intuition with this question.
By now you should have narrowed down your list to only one or two Demons. Now comes the part
where you figure out if He/She is really your Guardian:

Get yourself into a deep trance.

Vibrate the name of the Demon 30 - 40 times. (Ex: Amon. A-A-A-A-M-M-M-M-O-O-O-O-N-N-N-N).

After a while, you should feel his/her energy. Connect with the Demon as best you can.
Ask _____________ if he/she is your Guardian. You will probably not see or hear anything if you are
not psychically open, but you should FEEL their response.. Interpreting energy like this might be
difficult at first, and if you don‟t understand the response, then tell them you don‟t understand and ask
for a stronger signal. If you receive a very warm, positive signal then you‟ve probably found your
Guardian. If not, go back over your list and try again.

Good post! I think this is important. I once had a Demoness come to me to help another Satanist, which I thought was unusual, to just help her to verify that she was right about who she suspected her guardian to be. She had known for years but had so much self-doubt that even though her primary suspicion was right, she just kept writing it off. It was really interfering in her own will to move forward. I didn’t outright tell her who it was but when she messaged me out of the blue one day, I immediately felt a particular goddess whom I’d never met before. She told me she was having issues finding out who her guardian was, I told her to give me a list of who she thought it was and why. I had already known at this point. I just let her figure it out. I asked why she didn’t fully believe it was “——“, she’s say “I’m just not good enough”, I told her she needed to be confident. Then when she described who it was, I would point out that it matched the exact description of “——“. Eventually she had some aha moments. She finally got it. There aren’t any mediators in Satanism and everyone should always figure it out for themselves. If this situation sounds familiar to anyone - don’t doubt your gut. Listen to it. Silence your mind, silence assumptions.

I’d also recommend anyone use any spiritual skill they have noticed that they have. If you notice you’re kind of telepathic or can lucid dream really well, go for it. It might not be perfect but it’ll help Make sure your soul is open.
Ghost in the Machine said:
13th_Wolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you all for clarifying things, mind you as I stated in the disclaimer, this is not my guide but someone else's that I've simply reposted.

I think I'm going to write up my own with the corrections and such if this is going to be something for new members to refer to, I don't like disinformation and will always heed to the necessary corrections. I might end up requesting this thread to be deleted afterwords but that might not be something mods want to do. At the least I'll just change the thread title of the new one to clarify that it is the corrected version.

Are you alright?
Usthepeople666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Are you alright?

I'm still always here with Satan and our family as I always will be in every way, so don't you worry.

Survive through the hardest of things no matter what and you'll always be able to say you've dealt with worse.

Hail Satan!
Is it important at all to know who your GD is?I feel like if you have to know then you will, but I don't really see how such information is actually beneficial. I feel like during a certain point of advancement a GD might become less of a babysitter and more of a friend or guide, which is great because that would mean you can actively communicate with them. And if you can't, then why even bother going through a list if you can't even be 100% certain,instead of actually putting in the work to open your senses and finding out for yourself?
Powerofjustice said:
Is it important at all to know who your GD is?I feel like if you have to know then you will, but I don't really see how such information is actually beneficial. I feel like during a certain point of advancement a GD might become less of a babysitter and more of a friend or guide, which is great because that would mean you can actively communicate with them. And if you can't, then why even bother going through a list if you can't even be 100% certain,instead of actually putting in the work to open your senses and finding out for yourself?
I think this is definitely a good attitude to have. But keep in mind everyone is different and there are a lot of people who want to know this very much, even early on. And there are potential benefits to it even then, as you can meditate onto the sigil of that God/Goddess daily and work to establish an energetical connection. This would then make guidance and communication occur much easier and sooner.

But again, it depends on the person. Some want to work with their GD a lot very early on, others do their own thing until a certain level and only then start focusing on this.
Powerofjustice said:
Is it important at all to know who your GD is?I feel like if you have to know then you will, but I don't really see how such information is actually beneficial. I feel like during a certain point of advancement a GD might become less of a babysitter and more of a friend or guide, which is great because that would mean you can actively communicate with them. And if you can't, then why even bother going through a list if you can't even be 100% certain,instead of actually putting in the work to open your senses and finding out for yourself?

I tried the list method. Blah...

For now I just clean myself and work towards astral openess. Then I will find out for sure.

I think it is the best approach. Takes more time and effort though since good things come slow.
I swooned when I saw Beelzebub's name for the first time, and then I read his bio and found that he is a storm god and god of the orient. I love storms and Asian culture. Does this mean he's my guardian?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Your Guardian Demon will usually have the same element(s) as you. When I say that, I‟m not referring
to your astrological sign, I‟m referring to the element you love the most./quote]

What do you mean by "the element you love the most"? Do you mean the element that has the most [sexually] attractive personality traits? Or do you mean the element that shares my personality traits?

I'm a mix of the elements, but I'm mostly air, and have the least in common with fire. However, if I imagine the personality traits associated with fire being that of a romantic partner, I get rather turned on. :oops:

I swooned the moment I saw Beelzebub's name for the first time, before I even read anything about him (and I thought, "that was weird" lol). Then I clicked on his name and read his page, and the attraction was even stronger: he's a storm god--I love storms; he's a god of the orient--I used to be obsessed with Asian culture.

And if what you mean about the element thing is that your guardian demon is usually of the element you feel most [sexually] attracted to...well, Ba'al is a fire element...

Should I still proceed with vibrating his name to confirm it?
maddcatlucifer said:

It is the element you are most spiritually drawn to as who you are as a person but this seems to be outdated information and more clarifications need to be put in place. Storms are the element of electricity which is the Air element.

Finding your guardian is a long road of experimenting with feelings, drawing-tos and things related to your real self and the specialties of your guardian and who they are to you and your overall role and your own personal offices and specialties. This guide is not very thorough and is likely outdated in the methods and means of knowing that can be used. I plan to create a new guide when I find the time and drive for it that will better explain in detail and clean up the misinformation. Your connection with your guardian is not typically based upon emotions (unless you had them as a guardian in a past life and developed a strong relationship) and feelings but what you feel as a powerful connection in your soul to them.

As I've said, it takes time to truly discover who your guardian is and I plan to make a better guide in the future to build off this one.
Ghost in the Machine said:
maddcatlucifer said:

It is the element you are most spiritually drawn to as who you are as a person but this seems to be outdated information and more clarifications need to be put in place. Storms are the element of electricity which is the Air element.

Finding your guardian is a long road of experimenting with feelings, drawing-tos and things related to your real self and the specialties of your guardian and who they are to you and your overall role and your own personal offices and specialties. This guide is not very thorough and is likely outdated in the methods and means of knowing that can be used. I plan to create a new guide when I find the time and drive for it that will better explain in detail and clean up the misinformation. Your connection with your guardian is not typically based upon emotions (unless you had them as a guardian in a past life and developed a strong relationship) and feelings but what you feel as a powerful connection in your soul to them.

As I've said, it takes time to truly discover who your guardian is and I plan to make a better guide in the future to build off this one.

I agree some of these are not applicable. Such as sexual orientation, But a lot of it is definitely effective.

Personally for me it worked very well everything linked up. Even the interest in element. I think it’s also pertinent to add Cobra’s words as this was key in my understanding. I look forward to see your revisions when you post it.

Oh and maddcat there is no real harm in vibrating his name anyway and asking yourself the questions, as long as you are open enough to perceive the positive or negative energy/ feeling.

I got Lucifuge Rofocale on my first try with a pendulum
The wild rose is something that I keep doodling, even subconsciously and way before I knew what Satanism was. And a few months after the pendulum I had a dream once about a bald man giving me a rose filled with power.

However, my element is water, not air. I think I'll do vibrations just to see where it gets me.
wildwind said:

I got Lucifuge Rofocale on my first try with a pendulum
The wild rose is something that I keep doodling, even subconsciously and way before I knew what Satanism was. And a few months after the pendulum I had a dream once about a bald man giving me a rose filled with power.

However, my element is water, not air. I think I'll do vibrations just to see where it gets me.

As I said in different post pendulums are very inaccurate you need to be in trance state and have a completely clear mind. Also it’s not the element you have most of, it is what element you like the most. Though this probably isn’t always the case for everyone.

He may still be your guardian though the interpretation of the energy while vibrating and asking yourself the questions is what’s most effective.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Storms are the element of electricity which is the Air element./quote]

Huh. Then why does Beelzebub's info page state that his element is fire?
maddcatlucifer said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Storms are the element of electricity which is the Air element./quote]

Huh. Then why does Beelzebub's info page state that his element is fire?

Why is Phoenix's element Air and not Fire? I go on about Ether all the time and utilize all manner of intuition and tote about it along with other elements but apparently few people are aware that my favourite element is actually Fire and it's actually my primary.

It's not anyone's place to dictate what is what by other factors, the inner truths are different than what can be perceived on the outside. I have no place to say why a Crowned Prince of Hell or one of the demons is one element and not the other according to what they do or even symbolize.

That's their own thing, not mine.
Im looking out to see who's my guardian demon, and I've got this experience to iron my doubts out

My element is earth (given my natal chart) but I seem to not like earth as much as I like the fire, flames and the heat. I personally would like my guardian to be a male, this is not disregarding females but I just feel I would "get along" better with a male, im not gay either

When i read the demon names I get chills when reading specific ones, some of them don't have the element fire or the same sex as me

But the one that stuck up the most was Amon. I get intense chills when I say it either aloud or in my mind "Amon Ra" - But I dont want to make up my mind, however, does this mean something already or is it just me? I could try contacting him first, even though I have read he's not so easy the very first times as if I had to prove myself to him
Ghost in the Machine said:
maddcatlucifer said:

It is the element you are most spiritually drawn to as who you are as a person but this seems to be outdated information and more clarifications need to be put in place. Storms are the element of electricity which is the Air element.

Finding your guardian is a long road of experimenting with feelings, drawing-tos and things related to your real self and the specialties of your guardian and who they are to you and your overall role and your own personal offices and specialties. This guide is not very thorough and is likely outdated in the methods and means of knowing that can be used. I plan to create a new guide when I find the time and drive for it that will better explain in detail and clean up the misinformation. Your connection with your guardian is not typically based upon emotions (unless you had them as a guardian in a past life and developed a strong relationship) and feelings but what you feel as a powerful connection in your soul to them.

As I've said, it takes time to truly discover who your guardian is and I plan to make a better guide in the future to build off this one.

I was wondering. Is it possible that the element of the GD is an element that you have the most deficient, in the sense that it can help you with that?
And do the ideals you have (the aims, I mean how you want to be as a person in the future) matter even though you don't have the necessary qualities for those ideals but could you acquire them through meditation?
Olivia said:

I think it all depends, each soul is different in how free they are to who they truly are as an individual. Finding your true self through soul freeing, cleansing and advancement to grow to a higher understanding and personal awareness helps you find out who your guardian is.

Your guardian demon is not just your guardian, guarding and protecting you is the secondary reason they are involved in your life. The first and foremost primary reason they are assigned to you is to be your teacher and to help you come into your own personal role as an individual. But it can take time for someone to find out just what that role is. According to who you truly are though, your guardian demon will specialize in their office over it.

For example, my guardian demon is Andras, he is Satan's chief guard and head of security in Hell and he trains warriors. I am very war driven, protective and defensive of my people, my drive is development in the offensive forces of warfare to destroy those who threaten peace, safety and joy to those under Satan's will. It is a very powerful drive when enabled and has made me relentless against the enemy. Andras' element is my favourite element and the one that represents me, his two planets are most heavily involved in who I am and my composition and both drive my will and endurance, both of his metals Iron and Silver are metals I have favoured and are drawn to greatly, even his animal I grew up having an obsession over for 15 years. His candle colour is black, black is my "soul's colour" as it is represented and shows in my astral wings as well as the foundational colour to my personality. Andras was worshipped in the Weald and in british histories and relations of central Europe of the ancient times, my origin and ancestry in this lifetime is Celtic and I have been immensely fascinated and drawn to it.

So you see all of these 'coincidences' in by knowing who I truly am as a soul and individual, it ties greatly to who my guardian is. Chances are you likely share a lot of similarities with them in some way or other. This is because, as I said, they are first and foremost your teacher, and the definition of 'teacher' in this context is in guiding and helping you to come into yourself and who you are, to be as strong as you can be as you are naturally made as so in your spiritual composition in this lifetime and your future role.
xudomode said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

what does it mean when Satan says "delight in what you create, and delight in what you destroy" mostly the destroying part.

It is without any sentient species' control that evil happens to exist in this universe. When it befalls upon you in some form or other, such as is the case with our enemies for us, do not be afraid to enjoy destroying them and delight in doing so for the greater good, safety and wellness of yourself and your people.

This is in regards to spiritual matters. In regards to physical matters in this sense of justice... please follow the law. We are law abiding and don't promote anything illegal. For a Satanist to land in jail, you lose much more than just your freedom of residence but your freedom of privacy and fitting factors to really meditate effectively... as well as access to our forum and communications.
xudomode said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Got any advice for when being attacked by reptilians

As with any 'perceived' attack on the astral plane, make sure first of all that it's not actually you're fear, concern or expectation of thinking you're being attacked first of all.

Strongly believing you're under attack from the enemy from my own experiences in the past can make it feel like they are attacking you when it turns out the reality is that you are attacking yourself with your own fears.

You also did not describe what type of attack it seems to be, which is important to know.
Hello there!!

I followed this guide and also tried other methods and I wanted to consult to see if these signs are INDEED true.

If I remember right, about a few weeks ago or so, I did my best to get into a deep trance and ask my mind who my Guardian Daemon is, my mind kept repeating the name Zagan and I didn't register who it was until a few seconds later.

After safely getting back from the trance, I read about him and found out this:
1. His Zodiac position is exactly where a few main planets are positioned in my natal chart.
2. He has 2 planets that are actually my main chart rulers.
3. His element is Air and I have air in my natal chart too.
4. The plant Hyssop, I remember back when I was a child I used to come in contact with those shrubs and later as I grew up, I used to pass by them, but I never completely registered it before.

Earlier today I did my best to get to the deepest trance that I can, was about to vibrate his name, but I heard a voice say: I'll come to you if you clean your aura, so I did and then I vibrate this wonderful Gods name: Dagon.
And then I made sure to calm my mind, avoid expecting something specific and just asked if he is my Guardian Daemon.
I heard a yes, but I was skeptical, so I asked why he is my Guardian Daemon and I got the answer: Because we have things in common. We both lost something precious to us.
I was confused, but then I remembered that this: "Dagon was a God of the Philistines." And as we all know, the Jews STOLE that sacred land, Dagon lost his people to those parasites.
I understand his pain as I have lost someone very close to me as well.

I was still skeptical, believing my mind was playing tricks on me or the enemy interfering so I asked for a powerful sign and I saw a vision of sorts of a fool (like a joker, person that makes other people laugh, you know?) entering a building and then I saw the color indigo.

1. In the JoS description of the Gods it says: "He gives wisdom and can make fools wise."
2. Indigo is seen in the Hyssop shrub and Saturn's color is Indigo too according to a source on the JoS website.
( https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/PlanetSaturn.html )

I asked for Dagon to give me more strong signs throughout the day that would prove to me that he is 100% truly my GD as I couldn't stay and talk to him more, I was in a rush and getting out of the trance was a little painful, it also made me cry a little, bringing back memories of my past life.
I found out another thing from my 3rd life..

I felt Sir Dagon's energy, it was a mixture of powerful, respectable, kind and friendly being, a protector sort of like energy.

But I wanted to consult those that are more knowledgeable who could tell me if this is my mind, the enemy messing with me or if he truly is indeed my Guardian Daemon.


I said too much haha..
Thank you.

Hail Satan! Hail Zagan!
NameHere said:

In regards to communicating with the gods and passing information back and forth to find a conclusive answer, my advice to you is to believe what is convenient. It's quite convenient that you share so much in common with Zagan as well as your memories for instance, there's a lot of signs pointing you towards him. Another sign of a GD is that you can't stop coming back to them as your GD even if you doubt that they might be it. You might think your GD is a different demon for a while but if you keep coming back to one particular demon as your GD then it's very likely they are your true guardian and you are naturally drawn to them as such.

The gods will help guide you and urge you in the right direction but it takes a bit of an open mind to notice things like that in order to realize that it is in fact an answer. I can see you've had vague psychic communications with Zagan here, but not everything is exact, it is in fact very difficult but I'm familiar myself with this type of communicational pattern where you get something close or similar to the signs of a demon more in a symbolical form like a dream rather than literal, especially in regards to the fool vision but it sounds strongly like a legit response as a sign tying to him further if you ask me.

We also do share likenesses with our Guardian such as planets, colours and certain past signs related to them such as growing up with their animal as our favourite for instance, we may also share similarities in personality, such as strong communicational inclinations, writing and poetry along with a drawing to the air element and having a very planetary Sun-like (Leo as an example) and positive personality could be someone who may have Phoenix as a guardian. Whatever the case the best answer I can give you is if this feels far too convenient, which it certainly seems to be, then it's likely he may be your guardian.

The ultimate way for us to figure most things out though like this is with time of which can only prove things further.
Ghost in the Machine said:
NameHere said:

In regards to communicating with the gods and passing information back and forth to find a conclusive answer, my advice to you is to believe what is convenient. It's quite convenient that you share so much in common with Zagan as well as your memories for instance, there's a lot of signs pointing you towards him. Another sign of a GD is that you can't stop coming back to them as your GD even if you doubt that they might be it. You might think your GD is a different demon for a while but if you keep coming back to one particular demon as your GD then it's very likely they are your true guardian and you are naturally drawn to them as such.

The gods will help guide you and urge you in the right direction but it takes a bit of an open mind to notice things like that in order to realize that it is in fact an answer. I can see you've had vague psychic communications with Zagan here, but not everything is exact, it is in fact very difficult but I'm familiar myself with this type of communicational pattern where you get something close or similar to the signs of a demon more in a symbolical form like a dream rather than literal, especially in regards to the fool vision but it sounds strongly like a legit response as a sign tying to him further if you ask me.

We also do share likenesses with our Guardian such as planets, colours and certain past signs related to them such as growing up with their animal as our favourite for instance, we may also share similarities in personality, such as strong communicational inclinations, writing and poetry along with a drawing to the air element and having a very planetary Sun-like (Leo as an example) and positive personality could be someone who may have Phoenix as a guardian. Whatever the case the best answer I can give you is if this feels far too convenient, which it certainly seems to be, then it's likely he may be your guardian.

The ultimate way for us to figure most things out though like this is with time of which can only prove things further.

Thank you so much for replying!!!

Yesterday I was lead to quite a lot of sources that I didn't even know existed.

For instance, I've had visions of my 3rd past life from a past life regression meditation showing me a white globe of sorts surrounded by a forest, trees like.
The village I was at got burned down, I lost my soulmate for forever then and as I mentioned the past life memory I received from yesterday after getting back from the trance, showed that I was running with my children through a forest of sorts, our village burning in the distance and two filthy men were chasing me with something sharp, I don't know how to describe it, but they looked like machetes, yet they were not. They were the enemy, they were the ones who killed me and my children as well, there was a river or water source.

The sources that I was lead to, my third life was indeed in Roman era, but not in Rome, it was in the old Philistine.
I found out that Gath City (the land that USED to RIGHTFULLY belong to the Philistine (Gentile) people, but is now stolen by fucking parasites.
It was the only city that had village like life style as I've read AND it was burned down, just like from my vision.

The vision I saw of that globe thing was actually a hill.
I literally was lead to this image and it made SO much sense!


What boils my blood is the fucking parasites trying to claim it as jewish land when in fact those FILTHY shits own nothing!


I got a little side tracked, but I had to explain it.

Oh and! I also had a dream about a white glowing spaceship of sorts flying.


It looked EXACTLY like the one in the right middle.
I have no idea what this means, but yeah.


I believe that King Zagan did in fact showed me that he is indeed my Guardian Daemon.
I am grateful.
It'll take a while for me to register that he is indeed my GD, being high ranking and all, but I am glad I found my GD.
Took me 4 years, almost 5, but I'm glad I found him.

I thought for a long time that Marquis Phenex was my GD due to a lot of things that happened before my dedication and after it, but I now understand that he was simply guiding me and being a wonderful teacher.
I will be forever grateful to him. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't be here.

Anyways, THANK YOU!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
