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How to destroy my Soul

If you keep having thoughts such as this and seeking things to that end you are guaranteed to be on your way to that end. You will suffer a lot and in the end you will sorely regret it.

We are not a death cult so we cannot help you with this. We are about life and maintaining life, that is what Spiritual Satanism is about.

The only way out of suffering is not your extinction it's empowerment and healing your mind.
I tried this when I was younger (through willpower), a god showed up and "talked" me out of it. I was dealing with some really intense psychological issues.

I'm happy he did.

That aside, I'm sure it can be with enough of the right energy. It's something I'd like to know how to do effectively and efficiently for spiritual warfare.
Suffering is a result of a lack of power and control. Get powerful and elevate your suffering .

Well as long as you're here, might as well be useful. Help us with doing final RTR and other rituals like race awakening, wealth and prosperity, and JOS protection. Since you're here anyway and basically stuck here, at least make it worth something by helping yourself and helping everyone else at the same time. Give some meaning and self worth. Make you feel like you have a more important purpose.

The RTR and rituals would also help you clean out your soul, and make you feel better. Also will make you stronger. The enemy will try to curse you sometimes and make you more depressed, but they're already doing that now, so it will never get any worse than it already is. And you will get stronger, so most of the time you will feel much better than you do now.
You don't want to do this. Things will get better soon I think look foreward to it. Instead of seeking to die. I know no one wants to be stuck here and if things were going to stay the same as they are now I myself wouldn't want to go on with it either. I have had those thoughts. However the point of existence is to fight to make it better. However what is on Earth is not what real life is about anyways. I made it through age of Pisces I am actually proud of it not thinking woe is me cause no one understands me or anything and wanting to die. Actually you know what there is more hope in this incarnation than let's say the middle ages. It is only cause of this pointless modern materialist world people would think this. We can make it better though. Use that energy to fight and do rtrs and advance not to die.

I know it feels oppressive heavy and hopeless especially if you realize how much still has to be done and how much bad energy still is here but we can keep doing this. Think ahead to five years from now and how much better it probably will be don't get lost in the moment think of the bigger picture..
Thank you all very much for your input. After almost two decades of fighting psychological issues, my soul is tired. And (if this is considered bad by forum standards, forgive me) the worst aspect for quite some time has been scrupulosity (religious based OCD). Even though I am agnostic, I was raised Catholic. I can fight the normal OCD thoughts off well enough, there is no logic to them. But when you start having morality based OCD, it gets tedious. I truly dont know why a God would create a world where things of this nature occur, and for so long.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Thank you all very much for your input. After almost two decades of fighting psychological issues, my soul is tired. And (if this is considered bad by forum standards, forgive me) the worst aspect for quite some time has been scrupulosity (religious based OCD). Even though I am agnostic, I was raised Catholic. I can fight the normal OCD thoughts off well enough, there is no logic to them. But when you start having morality based OCD, it gets tedious. I truly dont know why a God would create a world where things of this nature occur, and for so long.

I manage my OCD by prioritizing. I ask myself what is more important doing this or that. Survival being more important than other things. So I could waste time constantly checking something or refocus on doing security workings.

In terms of morality. My preference is not to initiate force or fraud against people, but we live in a pretty hostile environment, so it just relates back again to survival: what's in my rational self-interest to do.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Thank you all very much for your input. After almost two decades of fighting psychological issues, my soul is tired. And (if this is considered bad by forum standards, forgive me) the worst aspect for quite some time has been scrupulosity (religious based OCD). Even though I am agnostic, I was raised Catholic. I can fight the normal OCD thoughts off well enough, there is no logic to them. But when you start having morality based OCD, it gets tedious. I truly dont know why a God would create a world where things of this nature occur, and for so long.

Start a munka/Ansuz working to free yourself from all links and programming of the enemy it should help you a lot. You can start it right away as it seems you really need it now. Then when moon goes to waning take a days or two break and restart it. Do it as long as you need. "I am completly and eternally free of all connections and influiences of the enemies of Satan now" Do the final rtr when you feel hopeless you can do this. I don't know how far you are along but Sun Square gives confidence Nauthiz rune helps you get through difficult situations. These are all suggestions. Also do cleansing more and protection. No need to destroy yourself. You can do a Wunjo working with an affirmation like "I am completely healed and whole in a psychological way I am healed of all mental traumas and afflictions" something like this. You can Taylor your affirmations to what you like but these are good examples of where to start. 111 is a great number for both or 88 or some Satanic number. It's not like you can't fix this.

I sense you my be also an older soul like me who's just tired of this all. I feel for you but don't give up. Remember this we are all rewarded in the end for our effort this doesnt mean some far away afterlife we slave away to get to but earth in our current body. This is what keeps me strong. Try to contact one of the Gods you like or your Gaurdian or Astaroth she very much helps in this stuff like this and will listen to you. Her energy is comforting. Next time she visits I'll tell her you need help she visited a friend when I did that last time for me who i was worried about (she told me) I can't fully hear our God's fully yet but I can feel them. I hope you know you are not alone.

I think you will be fine don't give up. I get the sense you are not bad at all but you went through a lot stay strong brother.
Start a munka/Ansuz working to free yourself from all links and programming of the enemy it should help you a lot. You can start it right away as it seems you really need it now. Then when moon goes to waning take a days or two break and restart it. Do it as long as you need. "I am completly and eternally free of all connections and influiences of the enemies of Satan now" Do the final rtr when you feel hopeless you can do this. I don't know how far you are along but Sun Square gives confidence Nauthiz rune helps you get through difficult situations. These are all suggestions. Also do cleansing more and protection. No need to destroy yourself. You can do a Wunjo working with an affirmation like "I am completely healed and whole in a psychological way I am healed of all mental traumas and afflictions" something like this. You can Taylor your affirmations to what you like but these are good examples of where to start. 111 is a great number for both or 88 or some Satanic number. It's not like you can't fix this.

I sense you my be also an older soul like me who's just tired of this all. I feel for you but don't give up. Remember this we are all rewarded in the end for our effort this doesnt mean some far away afterlife we slave away to get to but earth in our current body. This is what keeps me strong. Try to contact one of the Gods you like or your Gaurdian or Astaroth she very much helps in this stuff like this and will listen to you. Her energy is comforting. Next time she visits I'll tell her you need help she visited a friend when I did that last time for me who i was worried about (she told me) I can't fully hear our God's fully yet but I can feel them. I hope you know you are not alone.

I think you will be fine don't give up. I get the sense you are not bad at all but you went through a lot stay strong brother.

I have wondered that exact thing, if I am an old soul and through multiple incarnations my soul may think of life as simply a game, with rules made by something more powerful than I, and I don't know if I want to play the game anymore. I don't think how I treat others or morality itself is a game ( I take that seriously), but the universe and everything in it as a whole. I have tried to contact higher beings in the past, but have been unsuccessful. Even spirits, to no avail. And I have had multiple people tell me they can sense/see spirits at my house (especially the old house just 30 feet away, built in 1890). Perhaps I'll have to try again. Thank you for the kind words.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Is it possible to completely destroy your soul so it can never exist again for all eternity?

Simple pray to jesus.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Simple pray to jesus.

Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?
Just be a christian. If you want to be dead eternally, then go worship the jew. Satan will reject you and you'll never be able to apologise and fix yourself. Wanting such things is wanting insanity.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Simple pray to jesus.

Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?

You become a borg and have no freedom or self and will slowly completely lose who you are until you are a slave with no personality and you will lose any and all potential for joy and fun and will never experience love again or ever until your soul slowly dissipates into nothing and you will never come into being... ever.. again....

But I mean if that's what you want instead of the potential to crush planets with your mind in like a billion years, then yeah.... I have no empathy for you. Trust me when I say though, you devote to that and suddenly half way in too deep and you severely regret it... nobody's coming to save you, you'll have made your stupid choice.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Simple pray to jesus.

Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?

Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
Harry said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Simple pray to jesus.

Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?

Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.

This is incorrect, the soul can be destroyed. It is as you said, made of energy and energy can dissipate over time and return back to the aether as a formless nothing if not strengthened or used. Just look at the mentally disabled, people with downs syndrome and stuff, things have happened to them in past lives to destroy their souls where their soul is losing shape, and the physical body reflects the soul so why do you think they always have these weird physical appearances as if they're made of... well.. shapes?

That dissipation is also what the enemy created buddism enforces when people keep trying to 'meditate' to destroy their own souls with this cringey bullshit like 'returning back to the universe'. It's all suicidal and parasitic.
Harry said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Simple pray to jesus.

Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?

Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
The soul will dissipate in the astral after lifetimes of neglecting it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Simple pray to jesus.

Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?

You become a borg and have no freedom or self and will slowly completely lose who you are until you are a slave with no personality and you will lose any and all potential for joy and fun and will never experience love again or ever until your soul slowly dissipates into nothing and you will never come into being... ever.. again....

But I mean if that's what you want instead of the potential to crush planets with your mind in like a billion years, then yeah.... I have no empathy for you. Trust me when I say though, you devote to that and suddenly half way in too deep and you severely regret it... nobody's coming to save you, you'll have made your stupid choice.
That actually makes sense, if you are a diehard Christian you would lose your freedom and self, and eventually it would hinder your personality severely. My mind is stuck in a rut to a certain extent. Can't follow God, he allows child rape and genocide, makes the psyche of certain people crave things of that nature, then sends his "free will" creations to eternal torment because he made them that way. Can't follow Satan, may go to hell forever. Unless Satan is moral, feel free to convince me. And I don't even believe in Christianity, but if I'm wrong, that'd be a major error. If both God and Satan exist, I just hope I can evade them both (yeah right) and fight for good in the spiritual realm. Earth is so many degrees of fucked up with little to no hope of saving it with the tools available, maybe there's additional tools and energy sources out there (in the astral, universe, wherever) I can use to make the world a better place. I'm so pissed at God for allowing evil to occur and the prevalence, severity, and predisposition to it. Unless he has a hell of an answer, I wouldn't want to be around him anyway.
Aquarius said:
Harry said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?

Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
The soul will dissipate in the astral after lifetimes of neglecting it.

Will it actually dissipate if you neglect it, or will another soul simply take control of you and then you do their bidding? I've tried going to the astral plane, but I wasn't successful. It felt as though something may have been beginning to occur, but nothing of substance took place.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Aquarius said:
Harry said:
Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
The soul will dissipate in the astral after lifetimes of neglecting it.

Will it actually dissipate if you neglect it, or will another soul simply take control of you and then you do their bidding? I've tried going to the astral plane, but I wasn't successful. It felt as though something may have been beginning to occur, but nothing of substance took place.
it will dissipate, but don’t worry about such thing if you’re an SS, it happens to those without.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
That actually makes sense, if you are a diehard Christian you would lose your freedom and self, and eventually it would hinder your personality severely. My mind is stuck in a rut to a certain extent. Can't follow God, he allows child rape and genocide, makes the psyche of certain people crave things of that nature, then sends his "free will" creations to eternal torment because he made them that way. Can't follow Satan, may go to hell forever. Unless Satan is moral, feel free to convince me. And I don't even believe in Christianity, but if I'm wrong, that'd be a major error. If both God and Satan exist, I just hope I can evade them both (yeah right) and fight for good in the spiritual realm. Earth is so many degrees of fucked up with little to no hope of saving it with the tools available, maybe there's additional tools and energy sources out there (in the astral, universe, wherever) I can use to make the world a better place. I'm so pissed at God for allowing evil to occur and the prevalence, severity, and predisposition to it. Unless he has a hell of an answer, I wouldn't want to be around him anyway.



You came here thinking Satan is evil and that the xian claims of him throwing you into a lake of fire is true? Wow, I see your whole problem now, you are severely misinformed and confused. Satan is not evil in any way at all, he is very kind and is like a father to his followers. He genuinely cares about us, our wellbeing and safety, those who devote to him, and he assigns guardian demons to us to protect us from the enemy. My guardian has saved my ass more times than I can count, and he's even helped me out with little things.

You need to read through our whole website and figure out just what this whole thing is about. There is no 'heaven' or 'hell'. Things are far more realistic than that. Everything scientifically proven is how it is, everything, even the astral and the 'magic' we can do can be scientifically proven, the problem is that the enemy using xianity has severely hindered science to where scientists still don't know how to quite find the evidence.

Satan is a member of a race from another planet in the Orion constellation, he lives on a planet named Duat where he rules his empire of demons, who are not monsters or ghouls, in fact Satan and his demons look just like us, like precisely, we were created by him in his image, though him and his demons usually have blonde hair and blue eyes. Their race is called Nordics. He evolved like all other life on planets has and learned how to control the energies and elements of the universe to gain immortality and even learn how to manipulate genetics.

That is how he created us using evolution, genetic engineering by helping direct our very genes and dna to evolve in a manner that results in who we are. He gave his very blood to us and his potential and powers are within us, he worked with nature to make us. Have you never wondered why species in the past on this planet which evolved for billions of years never learned how to even do basic math? But in only a few thousands of years we evolved so quickly to the heights we've attained? The energies of our solar system and planet were not coordinated properly to influence the evolution of a race with our kind of intelligence. Our evolution was assisted by an outside source, and this source was Satan.

Our ancient ancestors thousands of years ago were able to ascend to immortality through his teachings and we were being taught like his children to learn how to control the universe around us just like he and his demons do, they LIVED with us on our planet and on Mars (this is where the ruins on Mars came from). But our planet was attacked by the reptilian race known as the elohim. The elohim genetically modified their own disgusting race known as the jews to dwell as parasites on our planet, the jews are alien infiltrators on Earth that invented xianity over a thousand years or so to divert us from our path and to try and scare us away from our father Satan by making him look like some evil villain when the fact is he is the one being in this entire universe who cares the most about humanity.

In the attack thousands and thousands of years ago, Phaeton, a planet that used to be in our solar system, was completely destroyed. The asteroid belt are the fragments of Phaeton, I mean come on... there used to be a planet there, asteroids to not just suddenly lock into an orbit as they pass by, they go straight through, nothing LOCKS into an orbit, it's scientifically not possible to naturally occur, there had to have been something in that orbit in the first place, and that something used to be a whole planet that our gods likely also resided on in addition to Mars to keep close to us on Earth. Satan and our gods the demons were outnumbered and forced to retreat, so many of our gods had been bound by the enemy on the astral and could not interact or communicate with us at all. That is why humanity got to this point, the gods could not help or protect us and we are still a young race, still learning to become gods ourselves so we were helpless to enemy influences.

But our gods were freed by our founder HPS Dietrich along with other HP/S' who did energy work on the demons to destroy their bindings 20 or so years ago, that is why we have come back with the truth and many of us such as myself had some involvement with Satan in a past-life to guide us here, others come here because we are trying to share the truth again and free humanity from all of the lies. For the enemy to successfully corrupt and manipulate us, they had to destroy all evidence and memory of our gods on the planet. If we'd still known about our gods, then humanity never would've fallen for the jew's lies trying to force some alien religion on us in the first place.

The jews destroyed our history, tore down our temples to our gods and burned whole libraries in order to further the lie of xianity up to this point where the magic we were able to do thousands of years ago is considered a myth these days and humans are spiritually weak. Those people who can see ghosts and speak with the dead, they are people who still have some of that power and capability retained in them, they are proof of what we used to be able to do. Unfortunately they are corrupted by the enemy and fall into the xian lie instead of figuring out how to empower their abilities and use it for true good. All gentiles (non-jews) can learn and teach themselves to do these same things. Some people just have naturally stronger psychic abilities among other possibilities.

The elohim and jews want to enslave us and turn us into a food source and we here in Joy of Satan recognize this as truth. These elohim are the reptilians that conspiracy theorists talk about. Other races have been attacked by the elohim as well and unfortunately were successfully enslaved. When you look up 'alien' in any search engine and you see those big-headed, black-eyed grey scrawny creatures, those are actually one of the races the elohim enslaved, we call them greys, and these greys are 100% hostile and a threat to us no matter what. They are completely enslaved and have no 'self' anymore. They have been microchipped to have everything about them controlled by the elohim and are essentially biological robots. You can read more about them here in this thread where a mummy of a grey that was left on earth was discovered.

They are the ones who fly the ships in the sky to watch us like surveillance cams to the elohim, reporting everything through the astral about how the 'enslaving process' is going. Sometimes they actually directly and personally show themselves to those of us who are a major threat to them or those who are new, not yet dedicated to Satan and such, 'flexing' their ships and psychic abilities to try and instill fear. I've personally had astral fights with greys many times and they've flown their ships over me on many occasions to try and intimidate me (never works). I'm powerful enough to defend myself for the most part and I love combat so I take great joy in destroying them. For many reasons, they seldom attack me as much as they used to. Not only can I fight them off and enjoy it without fear, but my guardian demon is one of the demons they fear the most, and even if they are succeeding in their attack on me, they are still in for a very gruesome awakening when he comes to help me.

In regards to the greys and their chips, this same microchipping technique of enslavement is slowly trying to be incorporated onto humanity as well by all the jews who run the big tech companies like Google, Youtube, Apple and what not. You can check out a video showing exposure of this here. If it is successful (it won't be) then humanity would be enslaved just like the greys, mindless borgs with no self where every aspect of your life is controlled. The named "God" does not exist... he was made up by the enemy to create a figure that people would worship instead of Satan. There is no omnipotent grey bearded man in the clouds that watches you take a shit every day, he doesn't exist and never has. There's just the elohim, the greys and the jews. Satan on the other hand is very real.

Don't destroy your soul, the whole point of Satanism here is to fight the enemy and save the human race, bringing it back to it's former glory and beyond. We are warriors of the past and the present, fighting for our future. If you despise the enemy (xianity, jews, etc) and want to help us fight them, then join us and consider devoting your soul to Satan's cause. This is not you 'selling' your soul, it is simply a formal recitation of renouncing all that is of the enemy to join back to your true family with Satan. The blood is in order to free your soul as blood is the lowest vibration of our soul that manifests on the astral. That is why it circulates through our physical body just like energy circulates through our astral(soul) body.

Through meditation you begin freeing and advancing your soul to become stronger, and eventually regain the abilities we had in ancient times, until we finally complete the magnum opus and become immortal, never dying of age and entering godhood, keep in mind though advancement is a fulltime job and gaining immortality is gonna take your entire current lifetime of consistent meditation and advancing, for some it may take more than one lifetime depending on how devastatingly weak their soul is due to the enemy and how lazy they get with meditating.

Many members here have many experiences to share about their uses with energy and learning to control and do magic, especially those further along such as myself, I have plenty to share and am very experienced with the uses of energy to influence events and what not. We've received signs of communication with the gods and demons - those who are more psychically open can even see and hear them on the astral (they do not come to us physically, they reside on another planet just as we do on our own, they travel through the astral realm to interact with us by projecting out of their physical bodies, just like many humans have shared their own experiences of doing (astral projection.)). Many of us further along have lots of experience with fighting the enemy too.

Following this path and sticking to it, everything will reveal itself to where you can no longer doubt all of this. Trust me, and stay true to the truth. Also, if you do decide to join us and free yourself of the enemy, I strongly suggest you do that dedication ritual to Satan. When a member finishes the dedication ritual, they are assigned a guardian demon whose task is to protect you from the enemy. They are your guide and teacher and usually are heavily involved with an aspect that you are destined to excel in, be that divination, healing or fighting as a warrior, they will lead you to... well... you; it's usually something you are drawn to and enjoy. They will communicate with you as best as they can by a variety of means, be it signs, dreams, etc, at least until you open up your psychic centres and exercise them to be able to see and hear them.

I hope for your sake and humanity, you will make the right decision and join us on the path of truth, freedom and happiness. I eagerly await your response.

this is a portal to all of JoS sites -> https://www.satanisgod.org/

this is one of the most important websites of them all https://www.satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html

this is satan's religion that's the most important site we got -> https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/index.html


you can meet satan and communicate with satan like I'm doing their is his photo

that's another very important site https://www.kabbalahexposed.com/


start studying and clean your aura and do Aura of Protection daily do it right now
you don't need to do the dedication to satan to do it




May father Satan protect you if you are not a jew :D


Aquarius said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Aquarius said:
The soul will dissipate in the astral after lifetimes of neglecting it.

Will it actually dissipate if you neglect it, or will another soul simply take control of you and then you do their bidding? I've tried going to the astral plane, but I wasn't successful. It felt as though something may have been beginning to occur, but nothing of substance took place.
it will dissipate, but don’t worry about such thing if you’re an SS, it happens to those without.
If you have dedicated but you are a lazy bastard not doing fuck all, then you shouldn't be saved/protected. That's called leeching. Of course, there may be exceptions - I think it's also about attitude. One may also be giving energy to Satan and/or any of the Gods and Goddesses, which means that they are not leeching, but they should also be getting on with their Spiritual work properly, as well.

TheAbyssmalStare said:
feel free to convince me.
It's not our job to convince you. You may enjoy being lazy, but no-one will do your homework for you.

Ghost in the Machine said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
That actually makes sense, if you are a diehard Christian you would lose your freedom and self, and eventually it would hinder your personality severely. My mind is stuck in a rut to a certain extent. Can't follow God, he allows child rape and genocide, makes the psyche of certain people crave things of that nature, then sends his "free will" creations to eternal torment because he made them that way. Can't follow Satan, may go to hell forever. Unless Satan is moral, feel free to convince me. And I don't even believe in Christianity, but if I'm wrong, that'd be a major error. If both God and Satan exist, I just hope I can evade them both (yeah right) and fight for good in the spiritual realm. Earth is so many degrees of fucked up with little to no hope of saving it with the tools available, maybe there's additional tools and energy sources out there (in the astral, universe, wherever) I can use to make the world a better place. I'm so pissed at God for allowing evil to occur and the prevalence, severity, and predisposition to it. Unless he has a hell of an answer, I wouldn't want to be around him anyway.
human race
Of course, you have given a very detailed reply, but I think it is important to share a quick correction, or more-accurate improvement -

Human Races*
Human Species*

I'm quite anal about that!
Ghost in the Machine said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
That actually makes sense, if you are a diehard Christian you would lose your freedom and self, and eventually it would hinder your personality severely. My mind is stuck in a rut to a certain extent. Can't follow God, he allows child rape and genocide, makes the psyche of certain people crave things of that nature, then sends his "free will" creations to eternal torment because he made them that way. Can't follow Satan, may go to hell forever. Unless Satan is moral, feel free to convince me. And I don't even believe in Christianity, but if I'm wrong, that'd be a major error. If both God and Satan exist, I just hope I can evade them both (yeah right) and fight for good in the spiritual realm. Earth is so many degrees of fucked up with little to no hope of saving it with the tools available, maybe there's additional tools and energy sources out there (in the astral, universe, wherever) I can use to make the world a better place. I'm so pissed at God for allowing evil to occur and the prevalence, severity, and predisposition to it. Unless he has a hell of an answer, I wouldn't want to be around him anyway.



You came here thinking Satan is evil and that the xian claims of him throwing you into a lake of fire is true? Wow, I see your whole problem now, you are severely misinformed and confused. Satan is not evil in any way at all, he is very kind and is like a father to his followers. He genuinely cares about us, our wellbeing and safety, those who devote to him, and he assigns guardian demons to us to protect us from the enemy. My guardian has saved my ass more times than I can count, and he's even helped me out with little things.

You need to read through our whole website and figure out just what this whole thing is about. There is no 'heaven' or 'hell'. Things are far more realistic than that. Everything scientifically proven is how it is, everything, even the astral and the 'magic' we can do can be scientifically proven, the problem is that the enemy using xianity has severely hindered science to where scientists still don't know how to quite find the evidence.

Satan is a member of a race from another planet in the Orion constellation, he lives on a planet named Duat where he rules his empire of demons, who are not monsters or ghouls, in fact Satan and his demons look just like us, like precisely, we were created by him in his image, though him and his demons usually have blonde hair and blue eyes. Their race is called Nordics. He evolved like all other life on planets has and learned how to control the energies and elements of the universe to gain immortality and even learn how to manipulate genetics.

That is how he created us using evolution, genetic engineering by helping direct our very genes and dna to evolve in a manner that results in who we are. He gave his very blood to us and his potential and powers are within us, he worked with nature to make us. Have you never wondered why species in the past on this planet which evolved for billions of years never learned how to even do basic math? But in only a few thousands of years we evolved so quickly to the heights we've attained? The energies of our solar system and planet were not coordinated properly to influence the evolution of a race with our kind of intelligence. Our evolution was assisted by an outside source, and this source was Satan.

Our ancient ancestors thousands of years ago were able to ascend to immortality through his teachings and we were being taught like his children to learn how to control the universe around us just like he and his demons do, they LIVED with us on our planet and on Mars (this is where the ruins on Mars came from). But our planet was attacked by the reptilian race known as the elohim. The elohim genetically modified their own disgusting race known as the jews to dwell as parasites on our planet, the jews are alien infiltrators on Earth that invented xianity over a thousand years or so to divert us from our path and to try and scare us away from our father Satan by making him look like some evil villain when the fact is he is the one being in this entire universe who cares the most about humanity.

In the attack thousands and thousands of years ago, Phaeton, a planet that used to be in our solar system, was completely destroyed. The asteroid belt are the fragments of Phaeton, I mean come on... there used to be a planet there, asteroids to not just suddenly lock into an orbit as they pass by, they go straight through, nothing LOCKS into an orbit, it's scientifically not possible to naturally occur, there had to have been something in that orbit in the first place, and that something used to be a whole planet that our gods likely also resided on in addition to Mars to keep close to us on Earth. Satan and our gods the demons were outnumbered and forced to retreat, so many of our gods had been bound by the enemy on the astral and could not interact or communicate with us at all. That is why humanity got to this point, the gods could not help or protect us and we are still a young race, still learning to become gods ourselves so we were helpless to enemy influences.

But our gods were freed by our founder HPS Dietrich along with other HP/S' who did energy work on the demons to destroy their bindings 20 or so years ago, that is why we have come back with the truth and many of us such as myself had some involvement with Satan in a past-life to guide us here, others come here because we are trying to share the truth again and free humanity from all of the lies. For the enemy to successfully corrupt and manipulate us, they had to destroy all evidence and memory of our gods on the planet. If we'd still known about our gods, then humanity never would've fallen for the jew's lies trying to force some alien religion on us in the first place.

The jews destroyed our history, tore down our temples to our gods and burned whole libraries in order to further the lie of xianity up to this point where the magic we were able to do thousands of years ago is considered a myth these days and humans are spiritually weak. Those people who can see ghosts and speak with the dead, they are people who still have some of that power and capability retained in them, they are proof of what we used to be able to do. Unfortunately they are corrupted by the enemy and fall into the xian lie instead of figuring out how to empower their abilities and use it for true good. All gentiles (non-jews) can learn and teach themselves to do these same things. Some people just have naturally stronger psychic abilities among other possibilities.

The elohim and jews want to enslave us and turn us into a food source and we here in Joy of Satan recognize this as truth. These elohim are the reptilians that conspiracy theorists talk about. Other races have been attacked by the elohim as well and unfortunately were successfully enslaved. When you look up 'alien' in any search engine and you see those big-headed, black-eyed grey scrawny creatures, those are actually one of the races the elohim enslaved, we call them greys, and these greys are 100% hostile and a threat to us no matter what. They are completely enslaved and have no 'self' anymore. They have been microchipped to have everything about them controlled by the elohim and are essentially biological robots. You can read more about them here in this thread where a mummy of a grey that was left on earth was discovered.

They are the ones who fly the ships in the sky to watch us like surveillance cams to the elohim, reporting everything through the astral about how the 'enslaving process' is going. Sometimes they actually directly and personally show themselves to those of us who are a major threat to them or those who are new, not yet dedicated to Satan and such, 'flexing' their ships and psychic abilities to try and instill fear. I've personally had astral fights with greys many times and they've flown their ships over me on many occasions to try and intimidate me (never works). I'm powerful enough to defend myself for the most part and I love combat so I take great joy in destroying them. For many reasons, they seldom attack me as much as they used to. Not only can I fight them off and enjoy it without fear, but my guardian demon is one of the demons they fear the most, and even if they are succeeding in their attack on me, they are still in for a very gruesome awakening when he comes to help me.

In regards to the greys and their chips, this same microchipping technique of enslavement is slowly trying to be incorporated onto humanity as well by all the jews who run the big tech companies like Google, Youtube, Apple and what not. You can check out a video showing exposure of this here. If it is successful (it won't be) then humanity would be enslaved just like the greys, mindless borgs with no self where every aspect of your life is controlled. The named "God" does not exist... he was made up by the enemy to create a figure that people would worship instead of Satan. There is no omnipotent grey bearded man in the clouds that watches you take a shit every day, he doesn't exist and never has. There's just the elohim, the greys and the jews. Satan on the other hand is very real.

Don't destroy your soul, the whole point of Satanism here is to fight the enemy and save the human race, bringing it back to it's former glory and beyond. We are warriors of the past and the present, fighting for our future. If you despise the enemy (xianity, jews, etc) and want to help us fight them, then join us and consider devoting your soul to Satan's cause. This is not you 'selling' your soul, it is simply a formal recitation of renouncing all that is of the enemy to join back to your true family with Satan. The blood is in order to free your soul as blood is the lowest vibration of our soul that manifests on the astral. That is why it circulates through our physical body just like energy circulates through our astral(soul) body.

Through meditation you begin freeing and advancing your soul to become stronger, and eventually regain the abilities we had in ancient times, until we finally complete the magnum opus and become immortal, never dying of age and entering godhood, keep in mind though advancement is a fulltime job and gaining immortality is gonna take your entire current lifetime of consistent meditation and advancing, for some it may take more than one lifetime depending on how devastatingly weak their soul is due to the enemy and how lazy they get with meditating.

Many members here have many experiences to share about their uses with energy and learning to control and do magic, especially those further along such as myself, I have plenty to share and am very experienced with the uses of energy to influence events and what not. We've received signs of communication with the gods and demons - those who are more psychically open can even see and hear them on the astral (they do not come to us physically, they reside on another planet just as we do on our own, they travel through the astral realm to interact with us by projecting out of their physical bodies, just like many humans have shared their own experiences of doing (astral projection.)). Many of us further along have lots of experience with fighting the enemy too.

Following this path and sticking to it, everything will reveal itself to where you can no longer doubt all of this. Trust me, and stay true to the truth. Also, if you do decide to join us and free yourself of the enemy, I strongly suggest you do that dedication ritual to Satan. When a member finishes the dedication ritual, they are assigned a guardian demon whose task is to protect you from the enemy. They are your guide and teacher and usually are heavily involved with an aspect that you are destined to excel in, be that divination, healing or fighting as a warrior, they will lead you to... well... you; it's usually something you are drawn to and enjoy. They will communicate with you as best as they can by a variety of means, be it signs, dreams, etc, at least until you open up your psychic centres and exercise them to be able to see and hear them.

I hope for your sake and humanity, you will make the right decision and join us on the path of truth, freedom and happiness. I eagerly await your response.

That...actually makes logical sense, interesting. I have a few questions. When the Elohim initially attacked thousands of years ago, why not microchip or fully enslave us at that point? If Satan and his demons were driven off, why did they even go through the work of generating Judaism? In regards to the enemy (jews, xians, elohim) some xians are morally good though, yes? Do you fight all of them? I've always been interested in energies/psychic abilities, but I've never gotten very far. The furthest I've gotten is to imagine energy between my hands, palms facing eachother. And as I close the distance, I can feel a resistance. But that could all be in my head. If I am successful in astral projection, do I need to worry about protecting myself, since even the demons were bound? I'm up for a fight with evil beings, but if I get bound forever by doing something stupid, that would make it futile. Thank you for the information, I see how much work you put into that post. I appreciate it!
TheAbyssmalStare said:
That...actually makes logical sense, interesting. I have a few questions. When the Elohim initially attacked thousands of years ago, why not microchip or fully enslave us at that point? If Satan and his demons were driven off, why did they even go through the work of generating Judaism? In regards to the enemy (jews, xians, elohim) some xians are morally good though, yes? Do you fight all of them? I've always been interested in energies/psychic abilities, but I've never gotten very far. The furthest I've gotten is to imagine energy between my hands, palms facing eachother. And as I close the distance, I can feel a resistance. But that could all be in my head. If I am successful in astral projection, do I need to worry about protecting myself, since even the demons were bound? I'm up for a fight with evil beings, but if I get bound forever by doing something stupid, that would make it futile. Thank you for the information, I see how much work you put into that post. I appreciate it!

I don't yet know the details of the attack, but I believe this microchipping may have been some kind of last resort or back-wall plan. Because the enemy had come down to the planet I believe to try and corrupt and influence humans to worship them in order to feed a consistent supply of energy power. If microchipped, I don't think artificial reverence is the same as the real deal... there's evidence of old tribes having been visited by the elohim to which they were forced or made to betray Satan and worship them instead, doing all kinds of disgusting acts such as blood sacrifice and self-mutilation.

Our gods never created judaism or anything of the sort, Nordics and the elohim are two very different races from two very different planets, I don't know what the situation was of them knowing the others existence were back then. The elohim are a twisted race likely created from the unnatural energies of some sickly star or solar system. Earth was originally Satan's, he found it and he made us, the enemy was the one who came out of no where and attacked. Remember we are not the only race the elohim have attacked to try and enslave.

Xians who are 'good' are like leeches that compliment you and say nice things as they slowly drink your blood. Anybody who ties into the enemy teachings and programming is not truly 'good'. The preaching of love, love, love and embracing harmful things like forgiving your enemies is not how nature works and is suicidal thinking that eventually leads to one's own end. We don't actually 'fight' xians directly as they are victims, in fact i was a xian myself until I turned 13 and realized the truth. Xians have the potential to wake up and detach themselves from the enemy programming and follow the true path here, so we're not trying to exterminate them all. This does not mean one should ever be buddy-buddy with all of them. Anybody who is against Satan in any way, even gentiles is not our ally or friend. Obviously don't go around insulting these 'normies', we have to live every day surrounded by them, just go about your life as best you can, the topic of interacting with normies and xians and such is very complicated and I suggest perhaps a separate thread on the topic.

If you astral project without being devoted to Satan via the dedication ritual, then yes you are very vulnerable as you do not have a guardian demon to protect you. Combat against the enemy is something that takes further advancement to properly do. You need to learn and familiarize yourself with using energy, strengthen your soul and aura, etc, etc. You can't just go head first as soon as possible to start trying to fight off greys on the astral, that's a recipe for disaster, they are more powerful than humans psychically. They drive entire ships purely with telekinesis and have psychic abilities strong enough to make someone suddenly suicidal (in my experience this can be resisted and I've done so many times even when I wasn't as advanced as I am now)

When you are new and still need to gain strength and power, play it safe. Don't go looking for trouble.
Harry said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Simple pray to jesus.

Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?

Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
Ghost in the Machine said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
That...actually makes logical sense, interesting. I have a few questions. When the Elohim initially attacked thousands of years ago, why not microchip or fully enslave us at that point? If Satan and his demons were driven off, why did they even go through the work of generating Judaism? In regards to the enemy (jews, xians, elohim) some xians are morally good though, yes? Do you fight all of them? I've always been interested in energies/psychic abilities, but I've never gotten very far. The furthest I've gotten is to imagine energy between my hands, palms facing eachother. And as I close the distance, I can feel a resistance. But that could all be in my head. If I am successful in astral projection, do I need to worry about protecting myself, since even the demons were bound? I'm up for a fight with evil beings, but if I get bound forever by doing something stupid, that would make it futile. Thank you for the information, I see how much work you put into that post. I appreciate it!

I don't yet know the details of the attack, but I believe this microchipping may have been some kind of last resort or back-wall plan. Because the enemy had come down to the planet I believe to try and corrupt and influence humans to worship them in order to feed a consistent supply of energy power. If microchipped, I don't think artificial reverence is the same as the real deal... there's evidence of old tribes having been visited by the elohim to which they were forced or made to betray Satan and worship them instead, doing all kinds of disgusting acts such as blood sacrifice and self-mutilation.

Our gods never created judaism or anything of the sort, Nordics and the elohim are two very different races from two very different planets, I don't know what the situation was of them knowing the others existence were back then. The elohim are a twisted race likely created from the unnatural energies of some sickly star or solar system. Earth was originally Satan's, he found it and he made us, the enemy was the one who came out of no where and attacked. Remember we are not the only race the elohim have attacked to try and enslave.

Xians who are 'good' are like leeches that compliment you and say nice things as they slowly drink your blood. Anybody who ties into the enemy teachings and programming is not truly 'good'. The preaching of love, love, love and embracing harmful things like forgiving your enemies is not how nature works and is suicidal thinking that eventually leads to one's own end. We don't actually 'fight' xians directly as they are victims, in fact i was a xian myself until I turned 13 and realized the truth. Xians have the potential to wake up and detach themselves from the enemy programming and follow the true path here, so we're not trying to exterminate them all. This does not mean one should ever be buddy-buddy with all of them. Anybody who is against Satan in any way, even gentiles is not our ally or friend. Obviously don't go around insulting these 'normies', we have to live every day surrounded by them, just go about your life as best you can, the topic of interacting with normies and xians and such is very complicated and I suggest perhaps a separate thread on the topic.

If you astral project without being devoted to Satan via the dedication ritual, then yes you are very vulnerable as you do not have a guardian demon to protect you. Combat against the enemy is something that takes further advancement to properly do. You need to learn and familiarize yourself with using energy, strengthen your soul and aura, etc, etc. You can't just go head first as soon as possible to start trying to fight off greys on the astral, that's a recipe for disaster, they are more powerful than humans psychically. They drive entire ships purely with telekinesis and have psychic abilities strong enough to make someone suddenly suicidal (in my experience this can be resisted and I've done so many times even when I wasn't as advanced as I am now)

When you are new and still need to gain strength and power, play it safe. Don't go looking for trouble.
Maybe that's why I've had thoughts of suicide for most of my life, interesting. Probably not, though. Thanks for the information.
SATchives said:
Harry said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Can you elaborate as to how that would be an effective method?

Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
How do you destroy the pattern?
TheAbyssmalStare said:
SATchives said:
Harry said:
Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
How do you destroy the pattern?

Wtf is wrong with you the HP already said that that’s not a death cult and I don’t know why he is approving your posts
TheAbyssmalStare said:
Maybe that's why I've had thoughts of suicide for most of my life, interesting. Probably not, though. Thanks for the information.

One of the psychic attacks that greys use on me is trying to induce suicidal tendencies, so they do this for sure. This went on for a whole month once but I endured and kept righting through. Occasionally when they psychically attack me like that I just cleaned out my soul thoroughly and do the RTR as many times as needed, or my guardian demon will come and get rid of the attack and I'll feel perfectly fine again.

I'm not a suicidal person and never have been by nature. I loathe suicide by all means.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
SATchives said:
Harry said:
Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
How do you destroy the pattern?
What about advancing and bettering yourself ? You have the gift of life and you just want to die, pretty pathetic if you ask me. The beauty of having found Spiritual Satanism is that you have the knowledge to change your life in the best way possible, but you’re here asking how to permanently die, that’s disgusting dude.
TheAbyssmalStare said:
SATchives said:
Harry said:
Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
How do you destroy the pattern?
If you want to. just kill yourself over and over. Without meditating. I dont know why anyone would want to earn they are givin the means to advance and fix anything that is wrong with them
TheAbyssmalStare said:
SATchives said:
Harry said:
Destroying your soul is not a possible thing because the soul is a form of energy and energy doesn’t die.
you can either improve it or leave it on how it is.
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
How do you destroy the pattern?
Get a life. You can't destroy your Soul. No, I don't mean that generally; I mean it personally to you - you cannot destroy your Soul. Look at those on drugs, or others with extreme mental health problems. They're still alive and have been for numerous lifetimes. Stop trying to play the loser trying to curry pity. Grow up and better yourself.

Destroying someone's Soul is not as easy as you think. Even trying to destroy your own Soul, with will and intent, is still not easy. By the time you personally were powerful enough to destroy your Soul, you would be powerful enough to hurt those who caused you pain and make amends to those who you have wronged, and you'd also be strong enough to fix yourself more and better. You'd also realise how blind and ignorant you are currently, and I hope you would be embarrassed and ashamed of yourself at that time, once you realise it properly, then get over that embarrassment and shame and then continue improving things.

Stop crying, and instead fix yourself and get revenge upon anyone else as necessary. You're not going to win by losing. You still exist, so you have abilities.
Harry said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
SATchives said:
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
How do you destroy the pattern?

Wtf is wrong with you the HP already said that that’s not a death cult and I don’t know why he is approving your posts
The HP's are approving it because this guy here needs help.
Abysmal you have received sufficient help and very good advice on this thread by other members.

Stop exploiting this and raise yourself. If you do not want this then might as well stop this attention seeking loop. What helps you now is the application of the advice you received.
Why does anyone open a help line of people who want to harm their own soul to get them out of this?

How dare they are they a death cult? This is life and providing help to someone. This is life cult.

He explains to him that the soul may actually die which is a reality, that this person screws around not accepting. So he needs to apply and stop fucking around being an idiot.

Like Use Brain Harry.

Harry said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
SATchives said:
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
How do you destroy the pattern?

Wtf is wrong with you the HP already said that that’s not a death cult and I don’t know why he is approving your posts
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Why does anyone open a help line of people who want to harm their own soul to get them out of this?

How dare they are they a death cult? This is life and providing help to someone.

He explains to him that the soul may actually die which is a reality, that this person screws around not accepting.

Like Use Brain Harry.

Harry said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
How do you destroy the pattern?

Wtf is wrong with you the HP already said that that’s not a death cult and I don’t know why he is approving your posts

i mean that we already explained to him/her everything and he/she is still asking about how to destroy the soul. That's why i though that he/she is trolling. Sorry if I'm was rude to him/her.
FancyMancy said:
TheAbyssmalStare said:
SATchives said:
Your soul is more than just energy it is made of up it yes but in a certain way, a certain pattern and that can be destroyed then you should be nothingness. It's not so simple to just call your soul just energy. It's made up of 5 elements
How do you destroy the pattern?
Get a life. You can't destroy your Soul. No, I don't mean that generally; I mean it personally to you - you cannot destroy your Soul. Look at those on drugs, or others with extreme mental health problems. They're still alive and have been for numerous lifetimes. Stop trying to play the loser trying to curry pity. Grow up and better yourself.

Destroying someone's Soul is not as easy as you think. Even trying to destroy your own Soul, with will and intent, is still not easy. By the time you personally were powerful enough to destroy your Soul, you would be powerful enough to hurt those who caused you pain and make amends to those who you have wronged, and you'd also be strong enough to fix yourself more and better. You'd also realise how blind and ignorant you are currently, and I hope you would be embarrassed and ashamed of yourself at that time, once you realise it properly, then get over that embarrassment and shame and then continue improving things.

Stop crying, and instead fix yourself and get revenge upon anyone else as necessary. You're not going to win by losing. You still exist, so you have abilities.
I don't want anyones pity, that's worthless. I simply wanted opinions pertaining to this if I were to attempt to do so, and tried to give relevant information as to why I was interested in such things. I don't know what the truth is, there are so many theories on religion it would be by sheer luck you pick the right one. I wish I knew, I studied some of the links provided, a lot of it seems logical, but what if I'm wrong? There's no crystal ball to see what the true path is, we're given a weak torch in a maze going all over the place, and if we pick the wrong path, we're fucked. I can't fuck up if I don't exist. But if it's not possible, I'll just try and be a moral being. And if that's not good enough to whatever the higher power is, I can at least say I tried. I try every day to be better, and I actually have high self-esteem. It just gets old fighting the same mind battles with yourself over and over, finding a way to overcome it, and then your mind finds another way to mess with you. I get so stressed I puke, I've ground my teeth to nothing, and I constantly worry if I've done the right things in my life and if I'm going to suffer in the afterlife. A normal person would've gone batshit insane after a few years of this. I think my soul is incredibly strong for staying alive and relatively sane through all of this, but at times I think it's futile to keep fighting it. In regards to getting revenge, who would I even aim it at? The only one ultimately responsible is the higher power that allows beings to be the way they are, and you can't seek revenge against god, what's the point? Evil didn't come out of nowhere, it came from the source of everything. I suppose if there is no god and this all just somehow happened, I can logically see getting powerful enough to destroy everything that is evil to rid the universe of it, that would be of value.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
