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How to defeat procrastination, my method


New member
Apr 18, 2023
This message was directed to another of our Satanists, but I believe many of you can benefit from it. I tend to procrastinate as well, and I find this method quite effective.

"I read previous messages, and I read about how you struggle with procrastination. I can offer you a solution that you must apply on a daily basis, and this method is more psychological, while other people gave you spiritual and meditative solutions. As a procrastinator myself, I found through videos of experts how to overcome procrastination, and I found this method to be effective.

The most important thing to understand is that you are NOT a procrastinator, you have the HABIT of procrastinating. It is a habit. The human mind works with habits, this is how it is made, and using them is beneficial to one's mind. Procrastination also is not the source of the problem, but the consequence. And the consequence is STRESS. Stress is produced by cortisol, which is a hormone. The habit of procrastination has, like many other habits, a trigger, something that ignites that habit. What triggers procrastination? An duty that we perceive as difficult, long, etc, and we want to avoid it, as if it was something dangerous for our life. So, you know meditation is important, but you could perceive it as difficult and/or very important, therefore your nervous system begins to flood your mind with cortisol, because the duty that you have to start gives you anxiety, and to stop this, you do something to procrastinate, that will bring you back to a state of calmness, that floods youd mind with dopamine, the "hormone of happiness", to counter the effect of cortisol. That's why you procrastinate, to "defend" yourself to something perceived as stressful or "dangerous" even if you consciously know it's not really dangerous. Dopamine and cortisol play an important role in the dynamics of procrastination.

So, what to do when you feel you are procrastinating?
- AWARENESS: be aware of the fact you are procrastinating, and ask yourself "why am I procrastinating? What makes me anxious? What gives me stress?" these question are aimed to bring your mind to the source of stress, maybe you have to meditate, study, or simply wash the dishes. Raising you awareness on your emotions and state of mind is already a lot, in order to defeat procrastination. Here, void meditation is important.

- DIVISION: Once you know the source of stress, you start doing what you had to do. However, we perceive as mountains the duties we have to do, as an unordinate mass of things to do, but the truth is that they're not, it's a wrong perception, an illusion. Therefore, you DIVIDE the problem in short, simple, sustainable steps. How do you divide meditation in simple steps? Step one, you sit down in a comfortable position, step two, you relax by doing respiration exercises, step three, etc..

You cannot do more than a certain amount of things at any given moment, we are not machines, that's why this method works, and this method can also be applied to short or long term projects.

So, to solve procrastination, you must bring AWARENESS to the source of stress, and DIVIDE the duties in simple, short, sustainable steps.

Try to apply this method on a daily basis, because as procrastinating is a habit, you can replace it with a more constructive habit, of thinking on duties as if they were a list of singular operations to follow one at a time. In time you'll understand how developing stress over a duty is useless, because you developed the habit of dividing big duties into smaller and sustainable steps.

This method has worked on me, who procrastinated for years on important things, on satanism and in real life."
A detailed yet simple guide. I hope this helps fellow SS who struggle with procastination.
Thank you brother, I struggled with procrastination, and I like to help people on what I struggled with for years. I really hope this could help good souls here
Thank you for this. It's something I definetly need. plus it's simple and praticle!

Hail Father Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
