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How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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Tbh, having a strong tolerance to energy made this all the more tempting, but once you start to think in terms of year's and decades by default it become's much easier to be patient. It also feels quite relieving, as if a burden has been lifted from one's shoulder's. You can "let go" knowing things will eventually turn out right, and focus on your goal's.
There is a lot of Wisdom in this post, thank you HP for sharing this, yes I learned in the hard way too.

I remember last April when we had the schedule I was doing like 10 things together including the schedule works AOP squares and others so I was doing this for about 6-7 hours everyday and I was doing a lot of things like activities and others, my energy was too high to the point I was only sleeping for 5-6 hours and I was unable to sleep with out masturbating, I was a fucking nuclear reactor (I am still)

My question is" is that was good or not, because I didn't have any of what you mentioned above like anger depression and other things, I was very active and happy, and another question is if I did few works like AOP because it's very basic and let's say square and other work is it better and the end goal will be with more quality.

I remember HPS Maxine said we must take this work on the Soul with attention carefully and slowly but as you said how can I know my limits.

I am very proud of myself and proud of what I have achieve but also sometimes I feel like I am nothing in front of the Gods wisdom and power like I am ignorant and fool, I think I should do void meditation as basic.

Off topic please can we have RTR schedule 🥲⚡🔥
Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.
Could you talk more about feeling stupid?
When I do frtr or when I practiced Falun dafa in the beginning, I felt very sluggish.
Like a part of my brain had disappeared

I related this to a lack of soul cleansing, because at the time I neglected cleansing and focused only on empowerment meditations.
After so much suffering, I decided to make a long-term plan.
Could you talk more about feeling stupid?
When I do frtr or when I practiced Falun dafa in the beginning, I felt very sluggish.
Like a part of my brain had disappeared

I related this to a lack of soul cleansing, because at the time I neglected cleansing and focused only on empowerment meditations.
After so much suffering, I decided to make a long-term plan.

If you suddenly feel like you are getting stupid, it can be a sign that you have expendited a lot of energy into something. When you restore it, the feeling should go away.

To answer this I would need some information like how long you have been meditating etc, as there can be many causes to this. But the above is the most likely.
If you suddenly feel like you are getting stupid, it can be a sign that you have expendited a lot of energy into something. When you restore it, the feeling should go away.

To answer this I would need some information like how long you have been meditating etc, as there can be many causes to this. But the above is the most likely.
Sir, I've just remembered something.
The feeling of stupidity in falun dafa is different.
I remember that the main mudra of the practice was Dyana (right hand below the left and thumbs together)
I did it for a long time over several days, not to mention that one of the philosophies of falun gongs is Sunyata, so could this have been a side effect? What do you think?

(This is my last question)
I usely do a 5 min guided meditation on soul cleaning then move on to the normal stuff for about 30 minutes .

Sometimes I fall asleep I am sure it's due to something I am sure

Love the sermons HPHC keep up the great work
I remember that the munka meditation was devastatingly strong the first few times I had done it. It must have been less than a year since I started meditating, when I started doing it.

It's important to note that this is an "Advanced" meditation, so it shouldn't be performed right after we open our chakras, as it may have such a strong impact, it will prevent us from continuing meditation.

But if some time (at least a year) has passed, the aura and chakras cleaning will have already cleaned some of that karma, so doing the munka meditation will not be as unbearable as it was for me.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. 🙏
Wow!! Amazing sermon HP and amazing timing!! I’ve been at my wits end for months wondering what the hell has been happening to me, and the symptoms you’ve described are identical to what I’ve been experiencing. Thanks for helping me to understand and learn!! I’m gonna scale things back a bit, but you know I’m always gonna do for my SS family and build my power level
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I swear to you, Majestic and Noble High Priest HoodedCobra666, I confirm EVERY single word of what you have said. Unfortunately it took me too many years to understand it, but since I finally understood it the meditations are very pleasant and truly constant and I live truly happy in every way. Before it was just stress, excessive heaviness from overdoing it, inconstancy and many other bad things. Now that I do exactly the right thing, the middle way that is, I feel so good that it cannot be described... I truly hope that the people here can truly understand your sermon with all their heart and intellect because what you have written is perfectly true and I experienced it first hand.
OK then I have a problem (I guess). I do the rituals of the Gods as much as I can a day. For example, yesterday I did the ritual of our Father Satan and our Mother Lilith. I didn't feel tired in terms of energy or anything. but it was nice to feel their energy. Last week on Saturday, I did Mother Lilith's ritual, Our Father Satan's ritual, Lord Set's Ritual and in addition I did the community blessing ritual. I didn't feel tired or anything like that again. But would this still be excessive? Because I try to perform the rituals of the gods as many times as I can every day of the week. Will doing it this way hurt me ?

@Hp. Hoodedcobra666
As a newbie, I assure you that going fast is absolutely useless, even if you go from a basic breath to an advanced breath, you will have consequences, master the basics, remember them. I'm convinced that some people didn't even take their time on the bases. They forget in a few months how to do the basics, you need to master an exercise over several days to the point that it gets into your head and it becomes normal, it's like the gym, when you arrive you you have no idea about the exercises, and by repeating them you end up being independent.

Otherwise very good post to remind people to master the essentials before moving on to intermediate things.

have a good day!
"How To Advanced Faster". Is there some typo and should it be "How To Advance Faster" instead?

Now regarding the sermon. So if I understood this sermon correctly, basically there is nothing like "doing too little" mostly. As far as I have seen, people mostly complain here that they either do nothing or do too little. I have never seen someone that would be complaining that he/she is doing too much.

I thought I was doing too little, but it appears I just should go at my own pace, naturally, and through intuition see where this leads me to. I have seen already that if something important needs to be addressed from my side, I will get it repeated as many times as needed in order to make sure this is not some random thought/feeling that has no meaning.

As sinbad mentioned here, it is a good idea to take the perspective here not for days/months/years, but even decades. Or even hundreds/thousands of years (based on time needed to actually complete the Magnum Opus). The work we do is of the most importance, it is about ascension to Godhood. It is about the Magnum Opus.
I understand this sermon more than i care for. I have fried myself several times. Now a days even trying to do the simple stuff is, pardon the phrasing, absolute hell. on top of other stresses in my life and beating myself up for not meditating things falling down on top of me. I do try. tiny chunks. tiny sliches of aop in direct sunlight for as many seconds as my brain can focus on it. i still end up with an avalance of guilt later because it's never enough. but trust me frying yourself sucks big time.

Hail Father Satan
I would like to expressly thank you, HP HoodedCobra666, for this contribution. I too used to make the mistake of trying to achieve my goal quickly by hook or by crook. That's what you're taught at school, university and later in your career. Always give your all and don't feign tiredness. Even food is not really enjoyed, but gobbled down. Life rushes past you at a rapid pace and you don't really get to rest. Even meditation and other exercises become a kind of high-performance sport.
But then I realized, after a few earlier failures:
Only a child or a person with childish behavior always wants an immediate reward for their actions. Nothing can happen fast enough for a child. Only as an adult or mature person do you start to plan, build everything up sensibly and live according to the motto: "Patience must be at work" or "Good things take time". Good things take time. Experience tells you that. You can't grow plants any faster.
Incidentally, such a brutal approach to oneself is only a sign of how little one respects oneself. Why should I take measures to perfect myself if I don't even have the necessary love for myself? I don't have to treat myself like a slave. Self-love naturally involves listening to myself and finding a healthy balance, not overtaxing myself.
I learned this while jogging when I got my hands on a book by Kenneth H. Cooper. It was almost like a revelation to me when he initially suggested a test to see how good my fitness was and then set up a plan for me to walk slowly for the first 4 weeks, then walk faster for the next 4 weeks, then alternate slow and fast for 4 weeks, then run slowly for the next 4 weeks, then alternate slow and fast for 4 weeks and finally run faster for 4 weeks and then add 100 meters every week until I can finally run 10 km on a fast run without getting out of breath.
From that moment on, jogging was a real pleasure and good fitness came naturally. Conclusion: Do everything moderately but regularly. This is also known as continuity. Even a good piano player knows that. The body simply needs time to adapt and no master has fallen from the sky.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Taking in consideration last topic, can we call this first SS a real SS? it is more like a person who just did the dedication ritual
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Greetings High Priest,
very thoughtful post.
I have these things happen especially when I square planets, in fact I have completed few because I noticed that in the end I could not stand the energy. Advice on how to better prepare for the square energy?
I once said this before: Going slow is going fast

Or if you want to say it in other way: If you want to go fast, go slow and consistent
OK then I have a problem (I guess). I do the rituals of the Gods as much as I can a day. For example, yesterday I did the ritual of our Father Satan and our Mother Lilith. I didn't feel tired in terms of energy or anything. but it was nice to feel their energy. Last week on Saturday, I did Mother Lilith's ritual, Our Father Satan's ritual, Lord Set's Ritual and in addition I did the community blessing ritual. I didn't feel tired or anything like that again. But would this still be excessive? Because I try to perform the rituals of the gods as many times as I can every day of the week. Will doing it this way hurt me ?

@Hp. Hoodedcobra666
As some would be okay with doing 3 rituals at day like its nothing, one ritual could overwhelm a new SS, like in physical activity

Hearing your body, soul and mind is the key
Reading this topic reminds me a lot to Bruce lee and Aristotle, i bed they both would have good things to say about it
I've actually experienced almost every symptom listed by HP here, of overworking myself spiritually. Burning out, developing twitches, experiencing constant daily obstacles, poor quality sleeps. I'm the first to admit, I'm guilty of trying too hard.

The most ironic part of it all, was that my pushing myself too hard came from constant self-convincing that surely, there were other people doing even more than me spiritually, and that if I ever reduced my workings instead of pushing to amplify them further, I was just being lazy, or, I wasn't worth the Gods attention.

Obviously now that it's all said and done, my soul has started to adjust to these levels, but the truth is, I didn't need to experience the issues I did getting to this point. There are silver linings, of course. I can at least say I'm proud of myself for toughing through the worst of it, but my struggles were, I dare say, somewhat needless.

The truth is, when you don't know better, it's an easy mindset to fall into. The mindset I myself had was simple. If something was going awry, surely that would mean I just need to try even harder and that any negativity I was experiencing was because I was just being lazy compared to "everyone else".

Looking back, obviously, I was a complete idiot. It's why this sermon is so important. Consider mine a cautionary tale. Pace yourself. Listen to your soul. Different souls will progress in different ways, and no two experiences are generally the same even with there being common ground. One day, I'm sure, this entire process we're going through will be universally understood to high levels. But for now, you're at the forefront. There's going to be unknowns and mysteries, and I thank HP for clearing up all that he has, so that the people after him, and subsequently, the people after us as well, can have an easier time growing.
"How To Advanced Faster". Is there some typo and should it be "How To Advance Faster" instead?

Now regarding the sermon. So if I understood this sermon correctly, basically there is nothing like "doing too little" mostly. As far as I have seen, people mostly complain here that they either do nothing or do too little. I have never seen someone that would be complaining that he/she is doing too much.

I thought I was doing too little, but it appears I just should go at my own pace, naturally, and through intuition see where this leads me to. I have seen already that if something important needs to be addressed from my side, I will get it repeated as many times as needed in order to make sure this is not some random thought/feeling that has no meaning.

As sinbad mentioned here, it is a good idea to take the perspective here not for days/months/years, but even decades. Or even hundreds/thousands of years (based on time needed to actually complete the Magnum Opus). The work we do is of the most importance, it is about ascension to Godhood. It is about the Magnum Opus.
I believe this picture can answer your question

OK then I have a problem (I guess). I do the rituals of the Gods as much as I can a day. For example, yesterday I did the ritual of our Father Satan and our Mother Lilith. I didn't feel tired in terms of energy or anything. but it was nice to feel their energy. Last week on Saturday, I did Mother Lilith's ritual, Our Father Satan's ritual, Lord Set's Ritual and in addition I did the community blessing ritual. I didn't feel tired or anything like that again. But would this still be excessive? Because I try to perform the rituals of the gods as many times as I can every day of the week. Will doing it this way hurt me ?
You will understand your limits as you work on yourself. In order not to exceed your limits too much, rest in between ritual spamming. Take a meal break, take a short break, do hatha yoga and void meditation. I could do up to max 7 Demon Rituals in a day, and with the energy raise they each took around 60-75 minutes. Since I had proper rest in between, I only reached the overload at the end of the day.

Of course, at first I can't work for that long. Over time, your working condition also increases. As you work and gradually/little by little push the limits, your condition and durability will increase. Also you can ask for help from the Gods to meditate more and become stronger and durable .
it is true; I had a similar experience.
There was a time when I was doing nothing. Then I was doing a lot of meditation. I can say I almost went crazy. Because I had this idea that why I still do not feel progress after doing so many meditations.
I tried to keep the balance and start from the beginning. My progress was amazing! Every time I meditated, I felt alive and happy.
This feeling was absent when I was meditating too much and When i was not meditating
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Words of pure wisdom, thank you for this High Priest. You are our mentor.
I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.
based on an old sermon you wrote about High Priestess Maxine. i understood that you had her as your mentor!
if you had learned from the best how come you didn't knew?
Thank you for this great sermon HP. Just stay focused but consistent in your efforts in cleaning and advancing. You don't need to be first, just make sure everything is done in a stable manner.
OK then I have a problem (I guess). I do the rituals of the Gods as much as I can a day. For example, yesterday I did the ritual of our Father Satan and our Mother Lilith. I didn't feel tired in terms of energy or anything. but it was nice to feel their energy. Last week on Saturday, I did Mother Lilith's ritual, Our Father Satan's ritual, Lord Set's Ritual and in addition I did the community blessing ritual. I didn't feel tired or anything like that again. But would this still be excessive? Because I try to perform the rituals of the gods as many times as I can every day of the week. Will doing it this way hurt me ?

@Hp. Hoodedcobra666

The Rituals were not given so people would fry themselves. If you fry past a point like the other SS who writes above they do 7 a day for 8 hours, you will likely not be able to reap all the positive effects. The maximum I would do on a day would be 3 Demon Rituals, spaced out in the day itself.

The Rituals also need space and time to manifest positively on you, and your energy must be stable.

Words of pure wisdom, thank you for this High Priest. You are our mentor.

Thank you, I just want what is best for our people.

You will understand your limits as you work on yourself. In order not to exceed your limits too much, rest in between ritual spamming. Take a meal break, take a short break, do hatha yoga and void meditation. I could do up to max 7 Demon Rituals in a day, and with the energy raise they each took around 60-75 minutes. Since I had proper rest in between, I only reached the overload at the end of the day.

Of course, at first I can't work for that long. Over time, your working condition also increases. As you work and gradually/little by little push the limits, your condition and durability will increase. Also you can ask for help from the Gods to meditate more and become stronger and durable .

Make sure to pace yourself.

I've actually experienced almost every symptom listed by HP here, of overworking myself spiritually. Burning out, developing twitches, experiencing constant daily obstacles, poor quality sleeps. I'm the first to admit, I'm guilty of trying too hard.

The most ironic part of it all, was that my pushing myself too hard came from constant self-convincing that surely, there were other people doing even more than me spiritually, and that if I ever reduced my workings instead of pushing to amplify them further, I was just being lazy, or, I wasn't worth the Gods attention.

Obviously now that it's all said and done, my soul has started to adjust to these levels, but the truth is, I didn't need to experience the issues I did getting to this point. There are silver linings, of course. I can at least say I'm proud of myself for toughing through the worst of it, but my struggles were, I dare say, somewhat needless.

The truth is, when you don't know better, it's an easy mindset to fall into. The mindset I myself had was simple. If something was going awry, surely that would mean I just need to try even harder and that any negativity I was experiencing was because I was just being lazy compared to "everyone else".

Looking back, obviously, I was a complete idiot. It's why this sermon is so important. Consider mine a cautionary tale. Pace yourself. Listen to your soul. Different souls will progress in different ways, and no two experiences are generally the same even with there being common ground. One day, I'm sure, this entire process we're going through will be universally understood to high levels. But for now, you're at the forefront. There's going to be unknowns and mysteries, and I thank HP for clearing up all that he has, so that the people after him, and subsequently, the people after us as well, can have an easier time growing.

That is noble and commendable, but it is not the proper way. Cut back to the healthy level and you will see after a point, you will not only be happier, but you will also advance very much as you go. I have been in this category also and learned the hard way as I explained.

Sometimes I wish when I was dedicated member when I was leading the JoS, my previous self which was unknowing has benefitted from my efforts of knowledge of the later progression. But this could never happen, learning has to come in these ways for at least some of us. My previous version would be doomed were it not for updating and progressing.

Do not worry also, all of this information will be updated into the Joy of Satan itself, and all the instructional knowledge, so these gaps are filled and future generations will have to toil less, so we can also manage our evolution in the most perfect manner.

Doing what I can...
The Rituals were not given so people would fry themselves. If you fry past a point like the other SS who writes above they do 7 a day for 8 hours, you will likely not be able to reap all the positive effects. The maximum I would do on a day would be 3 Demon Rituals, spaced out in the day itself.

The Rituals also need space and time to manifest positively on you, and your energy must be stable.
Hmm, so I have to do it carefully. I didn't know too much could make me fry.
ok I understand.

I just need a plan.
Thank you, High Priest.

I've always had a tendency to be a bit hard on myself. Recently, I've been "beating myself up" a bit, telling myself that I need to do more, more, more...

But at my level, I've been beginning to think it's important to stick to my current abilities, and let myself progress naturally. I don't do meditations for hours a day, by any means, but I do a fair amount consistently every day, and have done so for several months now. Based on what others have said, I think this is a better approach, and your Sermon confirms it.

Slow and steady wins the race, as they say.
There are three categories of SS: Those who do nothing (Must avoid), those who do too much and can burn themselves (Must avoid) and those who do what is good in accordance to expanding their limits, those in the balance (One must seek to be in this category).

In other posts there is a tendency to discuss those who do not do a much or anything at all. That's because these people need more help to get up and solve certain issues, for their own sake first and foremost.

Now in regard to those who are doing a lot and have taken the path and walk it, there are a few factors to consider. These factors here are how you can know if you are overdoing it, so you can cut back a little bit and not fry yourself.

The path is supposed to keep you at a good shape. If you fry, you are not in good shape.

There is a common misconception that if you do crazy amounts of things you will evolve faster. But if you do too much to the point that if you fry, you will be fried and not evolved. The delicate balance here is to press limits when the time is right, and not constantly be on the verge of collapse.

So here is a list of symptoms to know if you are being extremely pressed. If you have a very demanding life, these can also factor in.

1. A very typical situation when one does too much meditation, is basically that one will start getting twitches and other nervous spams. Eyelids spasming, affected night sleep, sudden rashes of energy coupled by major energy lows. If you overdo excessive empowerment, pain ranging from mild to major could arise (in extreme cases) that is also a bad sign; you are over-feeding yourself with bioelectricity.

2. The above might be coupled with depression, or very sudden changes in mood. Cloud nine one time, then crashing down.

3. If one has depressive tendencies or extreme energy demand in their lives, the above can combine.

4. Meditation should not be pursued like a mad-man chasing things all the time. It should be seen as a form of nutrition to the self. If you are depleted, you must start feeding a hungry person (the soul in this case) bit by bit. Shoving food down the throat of a person who cannot eat, will result in expulsion of said food. But slowly giving the soul food over time (until it restored it's faculty to be fed) is the correct way to go.

5. Doing extremely long hours of meditation, can have opposite effect of frying. Frying will be characterised as staying on top limits all the time, and then a major crash will follow. One must end their meditations on a pleasant note, not feeling like you raised a thousand boulders. This cannot be the constant feeling. This can be done once in a while to push certain limits, or on demanding situations.

Knowing your limits is not always very easy, but if you pay attention to signs like the above, they can be a good compass. If you are doing meditation on the amount you need, it will be like pleasantly drinking water and maybe sometimes being a little too full. But it will not be like you want to puke ten gallons of water. If one feels extreme pressures of this nature, it means the body has not yet adjusted to higher levels of bioelectricity, and that one must cut back.

To take an example of cleansing meditation. One wants to gradually start dealing with certain things let's say revolving around fear, or blockages, or freeing one's soul. Let's say you want to resolve a psychological problem, and you want to start cleaning the soul.

Clearly one wants to do this "Quickly" as the nature of humans is to want instanteneous solutions to want to end certain blockages as early as possible. That is understandable.

If one does too much cleaning, in the same way that one cleans a material and they clean it so much they scrap pieces out of it, one is not going "Faster", they are just destroying this material. Symptoms in the case here would include for example, depression or sadness that is so overwhelming and so bad, that it can reach disabling extents.

Like being a plumber which must un-clog a tunnel, you must pay attention to open the tunnel up gradually so the blocking materials can come out. First one is notified on the pipe that it is blocked in the sense that it does not get water in; then you watch there is hair and other trash inside the tunnel.

If you give a powerful hit on the soul, or in this example, the water tunnel, the water pipe can break and the bathroom will become a mess. A lot more negativity might come out than what one can handle. While one might think the power tool will always solve this issue, that is in many cases NOT the case. I learned this the HARD way, so I am sharing here with everyone else.

Little by little one must take the sludge out. The bigger bucket [your tolerance to energy, and your ability to self control] the more things you can pull out, step by step, until the dross is gone.

Of course warnings like the above due to conspiracy theories that want me to be an asshole that wants to delay anything, is something some will not heed. These people will take the sledgehammer and go break down the hole pipe. But then the result is that you will likely have a lot more work to do after this. Things will become really messy.

This mess might range from making the bathroom disgusting and costing you much more time to fix with sludge all over the bathroom. Even in the case of PTSD and other patients with traumatic experience, care, love and patience is required to take the pains out. No man has improved via the sledgehammer.

Those who use the sledgehammer, are oftentimes very good in construction (means they have prior experience, they can use it). Using a sledgehammer to put something on the wall of your house is also not recommended. That's to give a visual on how one should approach meditation with measure.

Driving all the issues out on one go, will not only not take these issues out, but will rather multiply the issues one already has [lack of control]. In cases like the above, imagine if one starts reliving the PTSD event slowly, bit by bit, and putting in the puzzle together, or instead having the whole torrent of the problem hit them on the head, straight up. That will be far worse than the slower method; one is being very much delayed by this.

While you could have gradually and carefully finished this little by little by the use of a bucket. It's better to go slowly here, than to go fast. Because if one wants to go brutal and fast and the accident I describe above happens, then you will have a lot more work to do - and far nastier work.

The above is actually the fastest way, because the more you avoid the risks which are beyond management, the LESS time you will spend. I speak from experience of having used sledgehammers many times in my progression, and having to go back and repair whole pipes as a result. I wish I knew what I teach today to others, before I used the sledgehammers.

Sledgehammer, in this case, major pressure, should be used only when the need warrants it, not with everything. I learned from my mistakes. It felt cool to use a sledgehammer but it was not supposed to be used to put a delicate bolt on the wall. Then I had to build the collapsed wall all over again. Delays, pain and the feeling of being stupid or fried, did ensue as a result. I learned this and moved on.

Moderate speed and gradual, continuous, is oftentimes the fastest and the best way to solve many issues, succeed in workings, and attain major breakthroughs in your progression.

One does not need to fry themselves to succeed, just be repetitive and consistent in the work. And the work will happen because of this, and very successfully so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I would wish put more than a single "pray"...thanks,is ever a pleasure read your searmon HP Hooded cobra...^^

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
