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Many of us have been with Satan and the God's in past lives or else have previously engaged with various meditational practices, and so there's a natural ease and/or sensitivity which comes with meditation. Newer soul's, however (or those with poor focus in general), may have certain struggles we forget to take into account.
Over the past year or so, I've been able to get a few people into meditation and help them progress in their spiritual practice via the JoS.
And because of this, I've gained a lot of first-hand experience and insight into the common mistakes typically accustomary of beginners, as I've also been able to observe and gain feedback on their progression over this period of time.
Firstly, a beginner's 'technique' is usually either wrong or completely inefficient, which only gets corrected if they happen to be the few who continue in pursuit of the path and develop their power/sensitivity.
Many, however, simply quit because of the demoralisation that naturally comes with a lack of progress, or because of very slow progress due to said inefficiency.
These mistakes are pretty easy to correct, and it's unfortunate for this to be the cause of so many souls being lost from the path, of whom could've easily been saved and experienced the light of the God's.
A distinction has to be made between visualisation and imagination, as they are two different things (albeit with a large degree of overlap). They're not entirely distinct, but are utilising slightly different faculties of the mind/brain.
A lot of beginner's try to "imagine" the energy, which doesn't actually allow for it to be properly directed into the aura/chakras, because it remains as something within the confines of the 'mind' and its thinking faculties.
For instance, it's as though you're looking at a projector/cinema screen in your mind whereby you’re inadvertently observing yourself (or the “characters”) in a detached manner, rather than a first-person (or “POV”) perspective.
Which, on a subconscious level, tell's your brain that what you're doing/seeing isn't "real" in the same way that watching a movie with incredibly bad acting makes it almost impossible to connect with the story on an emotional level, due to an inability to "suspend disbelief"... and thus, a lack of faith and poor emotional resonance towards the whole experience.
tl;dr: imagination (a purely mental process) doesn't allow you to fully connect with your physical body/energies in a holistic way due to a lack of immersion, and thus, subconscious impact.
Visualisation, on the other hand, is a sort of full-body sensory experience, and has to be done in the first-person perspective because of its requirement that you “assume” its reality.
Visualise the desire of the scene as if you were looking through and experiencing the event with your own two physical eyes - exactly how it would look if you were in that scenario, DO NOT do it in a 3rd person POV.
Also, a lot of the time there is a feeling of an interaction between ‘you’ and an external stimuli or environment with visualisations, whereas in imagination it is solely the interactions of the brain with the brain - and no one and nothing else.
1. Lie down and close your eyes.
2. Get into a relaxed state, and don't move or fidget.
3. Enter into a 'first-person perspective'.
4. Move your arm as if it were a "ghost limb" and assume you've literally picked up your phone.
5. Now, use it as normal through a recollection of past motor/sensory information and habits.
6. Open the online banking app and "see" yourself having a million dollars or something, lol.
7. Assume this is all happening [basically] literally. Of course it's not, but it should feel as such.
Notice how much more real this entire process feel's compared to imagination alone, as though it actually happened in reality, rather than existing as something merely inside of your own head.
You've involved your entire body and awareness into the process, as if it were not actually distinct from your own genuine experience of reality, similar to how a child may visualise various fantastical scenes, and not be aware of their non-reality.
The point of focus becomes the actual physical body rather than something which resides in the imagination alone.
This heightened emotional state makes the energy more real and palpable and enjoyable as it also shifts your attention to the correct place and causes less energy to dissipate.
Also, the less you fidget and move your physical body, the easier it is to feel and tap into the energy.
Focus on your heart for a minute.
Notice how it beat's and pump's blood,
And how it flows throughout your body.
After a certain point, the rest of your body becomes somewhat "muted" as your focus is placed on this specific point, similar to how covering your ears allows you to tune out the rest of the world and hear your body’s internal processes and their sounds.
Well, your chakras are the same, and you can essentially treat them as literal organs almost. Something literally physically existing in your body, which you're interacting with, and not something you're just spinning in your imagination.
Before working on a chakra, you want to slow down and "tune into it" for a second, so the rest of the body essentially becomes background noise. Just like the heart example.
The reason why is because of the principle of the Conservation of Energy, which states: ‘energy can never be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one object or form to another, or else dissipated’ (which I'll explain in the next section).
(Mantras, runes, words of power, etc., are a little more complicated, but that’s a separate topic of discussion).
Additionally, a lot of people don’t aim the vibrations into the chakras correctly, but rather the vague “vicinity” of where the chakra is actually located.
Once your chakras are at a certain level of power, they produce a stronger gravitational pull which can be felt as a sort of automatic “lock-on” effect when you focus on the chakra.
There’s a precise location where they are, which you have to search for with greater effort at the beginning. A lot of people “assume” they’re aiming at the correct place, but they’re actually completely missing the mark and the energy is essentially being sent nowhere, or at least, not a lot of it “sticks around”.
(This is going to be a very quick lesson on physics, of which I’ll explain its relation to meditation in the following section… however, you can skip this section entirely if you wish).
Ideally, when energy is transferred from one place to another, you want ALL of the energy to travel to the intended place. However, typically, a certain amount of energy is usually lost (or “dissipated”) as a result of this process of energy being transferred.
For example, if you were to use your phone until it began to overheat, some of the electrical energy flowing through the device would eventually be converted into heat energy due to overusage, which can obviously be felt on the skin as a warm or burning sensation.
This is called “dissipation” as some of the initial electrical energy is lost, because it needs to be converted and “released” into heat energy, or else your phone would probably explode from the inside or something.
However, this is less of an issue in the context of devices that are well-built using high quality materials and technology. Which, overall, leads to a more efficient utilisation of energy/resources where a greater percentage of it travels to the intended place without any leakages or losses.
On a large-scale project this type of energy loss can be extremely costly, which is why so much time and effort is spent on making everything efficient in order to avoid these “leaks” and mitigate loss.
You can think of it as a sort of “tax” whereby you can exploit certain “tax loopholes” by making your system more efficient, or perhaps a car with an oil leak or something is a more preferable analogy.
This is where the importance of focus/will/intent becomes relevant.
Wherever you place your attention, is where your energy goes.
Likewise, especially with beginners, energy is constantly going to the wrong places because one’s attention itself is misplaced.
The energy is lost/dissipated due to a lack of focus, random thoughts about irrelevant things, or else fears and insecurities cropping up in the middle of a working - which is where a lot of your energy is being inadvertently directed towards, essentially diluting the overall working and your effort’s.
This is why void meditation is so important, as it allows for a more efficient direction of energy, which ultimately leads to greater success in subsequent working(s).
If we use the mobile phone analogy again, you can think of your attention as a sort of charging cable or “umbilical cord” between two entities, which is your intent itself and the focus of your attention.
For example, when empowering your chakras it’s important to sense a sort of trajectory between your voice box and the chakra itself, as this lessens the amount of overall dissipation/loss.
“Intent” is difficult to describe, but it’s more than just “thought” or a mere “saying of words” but comes with a certain conviction and forcefulness to it, which is perhaps why willpower/conviction is popularly related to having “guts” and also the lower chakras - it is a sort of full body-and-soul conviction towards one’s goal.
Small point, but I’ve found it’s better to tell beginner’s to visualise and imagine literal light within their bodies, rather than tell them to think about “energy”.
Energy, to most people, is a vague and abstract concept which doesn’t actually mean anything... but everyone know's what light is.
It's easier to conceptualise, and now they have something to anchor this new knowledge to their prior experience/understanding of the world.
When you're "breathing in energy" assume you're breathing in literal light instead, and that this light is filling up and brightening your whole soul and body.
Personally, for anyone who’s still struggling with the meditations, I’d recommend going through the 40-day program and trying to get a good grasp of each section before moving on to the next, and “perfect your technique” until it all feels intuitively correct.
Also, understand... just because you don’t “feel anything” doesn’t mean nothing is happening beneath the surface. Let the energy do its thing.
So long as you’re applying consistent effort on a daily basis, and not missing any days, the results will eventually become apparent.
Goodluck, and
Over the past year or so, I've been able to get a few people into meditation and help them progress in their spiritual practice via the JoS.
And because of this, I've gained a lot of first-hand experience and insight into the common mistakes typically accustomary of beginners, as I've also been able to observe and gain feedback on their progression over this period of time.
Firstly, a beginner's 'technique' is usually either wrong or completely inefficient, which only gets corrected if they happen to be the few who continue in pursuit of the path and develop their power/sensitivity.
Many, however, simply quit because of the demoralisation that naturally comes with a lack of progress, or because of very slow progress due to said inefficiency.
These mistakes are pretty easy to correct, and it's unfortunate for this to be the cause of so many souls being lost from the path, of whom could've easily been saved and experienced the light of the God's.
A distinction has to be made between visualisation and imagination, as they are two different things (albeit with a large degree of overlap). They're not entirely distinct, but are utilising slightly different faculties of the mind/brain.
A lot of beginner's try to "imagine" the energy, which doesn't actually allow for it to be properly directed into the aura/chakras, because it remains as something within the confines of the 'mind' and its thinking faculties.
For instance, it's as though you're looking at a projector/cinema screen in your mind whereby you’re inadvertently observing yourself (or the “characters”) in a detached manner, rather than a first-person (or “POV”) perspective.
Which, on a subconscious level, tell's your brain that what you're doing/seeing isn't "real" in the same way that watching a movie with incredibly bad acting makes it almost impossible to connect with the story on an emotional level, due to an inability to "suspend disbelief"... and thus, a lack of faith and poor emotional resonance towards the whole experience.
tl;dr: imagination (a purely mental process) doesn't allow you to fully connect with your physical body/energies in a holistic way due to a lack of immersion, and thus, subconscious impact.
Visualisation, on the other hand, is a sort of full-body sensory experience, and has to be done in the first-person perspective because of its requirement that you “assume” its reality.
Visualise the desire of the scene as if you were looking through and experiencing the event with your own two physical eyes - exactly how it would look if you were in that scenario, DO NOT do it in a 3rd person POV.
Also, a lot of the time there is a feeling of an interaction between ‘you’ and an external stimuli or environment with visualisations, whereas in imagination it is solely the interactions of the brain with the brain - and no one and nothing else.
1. Lie down and close your eyes.
2. Get into a relaxed state, and don't move or fidget.
3. Enter into a 'first-person perspective'.
4. Move your arm as if it were a "ghost limb" and assume you've literally picked up your phone.
5. Now, use it as normal through a recollection of past motor/sensory information and habits.
6. Open the online banking app and "see" yourself having a million dollars or something, lol.
7. Assume this is all happening [basically] literally. Of course it's not, but it should feel as such.
Notice how much more real this entire process feel's compared to imagination alone, as though it actually happened in reality, rather than existing as something merely inside of your own head.
You've involved your entire body and awareness into the process, as if it were not actually distinct from your own genuine experience of reality, similar to how a child may visualise various fantastical scenes, and not be aware of their non-reality.
The point of focus becomes the actual physical body rather than something which resides in the imagination alone.
This heightened emotional state makes the energy more real and palpable and enjoyable as it also shifts your attention to the correct place and causes less energy to dissipate.
Also, the less you fidget and move your physical body, the easier it is to feel and tap into the energy.
Focus on your heart for a minute.
Notice how it beat's and pump's blood,
And how it flows throughout your body.
After a certain point, the rest of your body becomes somewhat "muted" as your focus is placed on this specific point, similar to how covering your ears allows you to tune out the rest of the world and hear your body’s internal processes and their sounds.
Well, your chakras are the same, and you can essentially treat them as literal organs almost. Something literally physically existing in your body, which you're interacting with, and not something you're just spinning in your imagination.
Before working on a chakra, you want to slow down and "tune into it" for a second, so the rest of the body essentially becomes background noise. Just like the heart example.
The reason why is because of the principle of the Conservation of Energy, which states: ‘energy can never be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one object or form to another, or else dissipated’ (which I'll explain in the next section).
(Mantras, runes, words of power, etc., are a little more complicated, but that’s a separate topic of discussion).
Additionally, a lot of people don’t aim the vibrations into the chakras correctly, but rather the vague “vicinity” of where the chakra is actually located.
Once your chakras are at a certain level of power, they produce a stronger gravitational pull which can be felt as a sort of automatic “lock-on” effect when you focus on the chakra.
There’s a precise location where they are, which you have to search for with greater effort at the beginning. A lot of people “assume” they’re aiming at the correct place, but they’re actually completely missing the mark and the energy is essentially being sent nowhere, or at least, not a lot of it “sticks around”.
(This is going to be a very quick lesson on physics, of which I’ll explain its relation to meditation in the following section… however, you can skip this section entirely if you wish).
Ideally, when energy is transferred from one place to another, you want ALL of the energy to travel to the intended place. However, typically, a certain amount of energy is usually lost (or “dissipated”) as a result of this process of energy being transferred.
For example, if you were to use your phone until it began to overheat, some of the electrical energy flowing through the device would eventually be converted into heat energy due to overusage, which can obviously be felt on the skin as a warm or burning sensation.
This is called “dissipation” as some of the initial electrical energy is lost, because it needs to be converted and “released” into heat energy, or else your phone would probably explode from the inside or something.
However, this is less of an issue in the context of devices that are well-built using high quality materials and technology. Which, overall, leads to a more efficient utilisation of energy/resources where a greater percentage of it travels to the intended place without any leakages or losses.
On a large-scale project this type of energy loss can be extremely costly, which is why so much time and effort is spent on making everything efficient in order to avoid these “leaks” and mitigate loss.
You can think of it as a sort of “tax” whereby you can exploit certain “tax loopholes” by making your system more efficient, or perhaps a car with an oil leak or something is a more preferable analogy.
This is where the importance of focus/will/intent becomes relevant.
Wherever you place your attention, is where your energy goes.
Likewise, especially with beginners, energy is constantly going to the wrong places because one’s attention itself is misplaced.
The energy is lost/dissipated due to a lack of focus, random thoughts about irrelevant things, or else fears and insecurities cropping up in the middle of a working - which is where a lot of your energy is being inadvertently directed towards, essentially diluting the overall working and your effort’s.
This is why void meditation is so important, as it allows for a more efficient direction of energy, which ultimately leads to greater success in subsequent working(s).
If we use the mobile phone analogy again, you can think of your attention as a sort of charging cable or “umbilical cord” between two entities, which is your intent itself and the focus of your attention.
For example, when empowering your chakras it’s important to sense a sort of trajectory between your voice box and the chakra itself, as this lessens the amount of overall dissipation/loss.
“Intent” is difficult to describe, but it’s more than just “thought” or a mere “saying of words” but comes with a certain conviction and forcefulness to it, which is perhaps why willpower/conviction is popularly related to having “guts” and also the lower chakras - it is a sort of full body-and-soul conviction towards one’s goal.
Small point, but I’ve found it’s better to tell beginner’s to visualise and imagine literal light within their bodies, rather than tell them to think about “energy”.
Energy, to most people, is a vague and abstract concept which doesn’t actually mean anything... but everyone know's what light is.
It's easier to conceptualise, and now they have something to anchor this new knowledge to their prior experience/understanding of the world.
When you're "breathing in energy" assume you're breathing in literal light instead, and that this light is filling up and brightening your whole soul and body.
Personally, for anyone who’s still struggling with the meditations, I’d recommend going through the 40-day program and trying to get a good grasp of each section before moving on to the next, and “perfect your technique” until it all feels intuitively correct.
Also, understand... just because you don’t “feel anything” doesn’t mean nothing is happening beneath the surface. Let the energy do its thing.
So long as you’re applying consistent effort on a daily basis, and not missing any days, the results will eventually become apparent.
Goodluck, and