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How safe are the sources of satanism? How do we determine moral rules?

Marilyn Manson

New member
Oct 28, 2024
In Satanism, what determines the moral principles, and who defines them? Also, I assume we don’t have a specific book to reference as a primary source. For example, when someone from Islam refers to their holy book as a source, my references are based on mythology and various writings. How can we be sure that our sources are reliable?

I’ve read some writings about concepts like casinos in hell run by demons, which felt a bit absurd to me—not to demean it, but simply because I’m still in the research phase and trying to make sense of certain things.

I’m interested in spiritual Satanism, yes, but the credibility of sources seems a bit questionable. How can we convince others of our reliability, and why don’t other Satanists have universally accepted sources? How do you determine whether something is fabricated or not?

Thank you in advance for answering these questions.
So, some of the information on the JoS is seriously out of date, a mismatch between legitimate experiences HPS Maxine had with a Demon/God, information from occult texts and grimoires most of which is half truths at best, research into the Ancient Religions which is mostly true but also very allegorical and that which was dictated by Thoth directly, essentially the only information we know is 100% correct is the information from HPS Maxine and Thoth, the whole gambling house thing I assume is from the grimoires as it wasnt dictated by Thoth nor did HPS Maxine state it was told to her and as you say its somewhat strange so I assume it came from a grimoire.

The Demon/Gods section is due a rework but it takes a tremendous amount of time as its pretty much all being done by like 3 people for the purposes of keeping everything true specifically to avoid situations like this in the future.

How I determine credibility is through falsification e.g, if it dosent work its probably not true, thats why I know Satanism is real, the very first time I performed a very old fashioned ritual we used to do based off the runes I felt an energy feedback so strong so powerful it left me gasping for like 30 minutes, every time I perform a God's ritual now I feel incredible waves and I do mean literal waves of energy radiate from their sigil afterwards, at a certain point it became irrational for me to not have faith.

There are mantras and words of power that once used cause an immediate physiological reaction, its not a matter of belief when one experiences these things I have healed from wounds my doctor assured me would require surgery.

The truth is not every source used in the JoS is 100% factual as the whole thing was basically a one woman job and so some information comes from bad sources HPHC himself acknowledges this and is working to change it but the enemy texts had to be read to simply learn the names of certain Demons and their sigils with those texts came half truths and lies but it was necessary for us to get our feet on the ground so to speak even if some sources were wrong, for instance I really doubt Demons gamble, seeing as how they can literally see the future and they don't use money so it would be weird if they did, but everything that came from Maxine directly has been proven right time and time again.

So why believe? Dont believe, see for yourself. Perform the chakra opening meditations and see for yourself the feeling of your own soul, once thats done done work from there, here is a really easy way to feel the reality of our Gods, do the foundation meditation (once you have opened every chakra) do the foundation meditation for like 30 minutes, saturate your soul in energy to the point you can easily feel that energy and then think in your head "Lord Satan I tribute my energy to you, please accept" and you will literally feel the energy be taken from you and it takes very little advancement to sense this and its a very easy way to confirm the existence of the Gods.

But the truth is you aren't going to find definitive written 100% undeniable physical proof written in some book somewhere, Satanism is fundamentally an experiential religion, Satan explicitly guides us without a written book, this is intended, we aren't meant to have every answer, part of our path is figuring things out both as a community and as individuals.

As for moral principles, we base our ethics primarily of Ancient Greek moral philosophy so think Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, the JoS ethics page expands upon this more directly but reading the works of those three authors will teach you much of divine morality at least for the purposes of a Human.

Its really good your asking these questions, a questioning mind is a Satanic mind, those who adhere to dogma never escape the slave religions.

Only in Satanism do we say that you will see the truth without paying, without relying on faith, without doing drugs just by meditating, worst case scenario you waste a few weeks, what do you have to lose?
I think there is no answer to your question :

There is no middleman in Satanism, only meditation technics for getting in touch with your Guardian.
Wisdom defines ethics and as litterature, culture... you may be able to discover what you need.

About Satanism, almost everything having been destroyed, Joy of Satanas rebuild the library. What's this library ? 90% is a compilation of meditation technics.

But look islam, the muslim doesn't eat pig because he knows it's written somewhere in his "holy book" without knowing there is also written that he can have sex with his wife few hours after her death or with little girls. They don't read it but are programmed by imams - who are psychopaths.

There is no reason a book or a program defines what we must eat or with who we can have sex. What an idea !?
- Human problem is essentially his fake programmation.
- Mentally healthy people are constantly evolving, because that's what they're looking for.
- We meet people corresponding to our karmic situation.
So, some of the information on the JoS is seriously out of date, a mismatch between legitimate experiences HPS Maxine had with a Demon/God, information from occult texts and grimoires most of which is half truths at best, research into the Ancient Religions which is mostly true but also very allegorical and that which was dictated by Thoth directly, essentially the only information we know is 100% correct is the information from HPS Maxine and Thoth, the whole gambling house thing I assume is from the grimoires as it wasnt dictated by Thoth nor did HPS Maxine state it was told to her and as you say its somewhat strange so I assume it came from a grimoire.

The Demon/Gods section is due a rework but it takes a tremendous amount of time as its pretty much all being done by like 3 people for the purposes of keeping everything true specifically to avoid situations like this in the future.

How I determine credibility is through falsification e.g, if it dosent work its probably not true, thats why I know Satanism is real, the very first time I performed a very old fashioned ritual we used to do based off the runes I felt an energy feedback so strong so powerful it left me gasping for like 30 minutes, every time I perform a God's ritual now I feel incredible waves and I do mean literal waves of energy radiate from their sigil afterwards, at a certain point it became irrational for me to not have faith.

There are mantras and words of power that once used cause an immediate physiological reaction, its not a matter of belief when one experiences these things I have healed from wounds my doctor assured me would require surgery.

The truth is not every source used in the JoS is 100% factual as the whole thing was basically a one woman job and so some information comes from bad sources HPHC himself acknowledges this and is working to change it but the enemy texts had to be read to simply learn the names of certain Demons and their sigils with those texts came half truths and lies but it was necessary for us to get our feet on the ground so to speak even if some sources were wrong, for instance I really doubt Demons gamble, seeing as how they can literally see the future and they don't use money so it would be weird if they did, but everything that came from Maxine directly has been proven right time and time again.

So why believe? Dont believe, see for yourself. Perform the chakra opening meditations and see for yourself the feeling of your own soul, once thats done done work from there, here is a really easy way to feel the reality of our Gods, do the foundation meditation (once you have opened every chakra) do the foundation meditation for like 30 minutes, saturate your soul in energy to the point you can easily feel that energy and then think in your head "Lord Satan I tribute my energy to you, please accept" and you will literally feel the energy be taken from you and it takes very little advancement to sense this and its a very easy way to confirm the existence of the Gods.

But the truth is you aren't going to find definitive written 100% undeniable physical proof written in some book somewhere, Satanism is fundamentally an experiential religion, Satan explicitly guides us without a written book, this is intended, we aren't meant to have every answer, part of our path is figuring things out both as a community and as individuals.

As for moral principles, we base our ethics primarily of Ancient Greek moral philosophy so think Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, the JoS ethics page expands upon this more directly but reading the works of those three authors will teach you much of divine morality at least for the purposes of a Human.

Its really good your asking these questions, a questioning mind is a Satanic mind, those who adhere to dogma never escape the slave religions.

Only in Satanism do we say that you will see the truth without paying, without relying on faith, without doing drugs just by meditating, worst case scenario you waste a few weeks, what do you have to lose?
Thank you so much for your comment; you are absolutely right. By the way, I haven’t been initiated yet. My current living situation is a bit complicated, and since I plan to dedicate myself fully when I am initiated, I want to prepare a truly beautiful initiation ritual.

You mentioned mantras and power words that cause an immediate physiological reaction when used. Could I learn about those? I don’t want to burden you. Also, are the things dictated by Thoth received through channeling? How exactly does it happen?

Apologies for my poor English; I’m just trying to understand.
Well, as far as "moral rules" goes, I only look to natural law as a guide and the code I live by. Right action is easily established by putting yourself in another's place. Knowing wrongful action is the wisdom that comes from having endured abuses your own self, so now you know what not to do.
You mentioned mantras and power words that cause an immediate physiological reaction when used. Could I learn about those? I don’t want to burden you. Also, are the things dictated by Thoth received through channeling? How exactly does it happen?
This material is here :
You begin with the 40 day meditation program for beginners - first link

You will found other meditation program in the library - Hell army... - But you must be prepared before attacking them. Vibrations are strong and personnally I had some problems getting started with this.
When you start seriously meditations, you no more question anything but understand what people talk about here.
Meditation clean up and make you evolve.
Thank you so much for your comment; you are absolutely right. By the way, I haven’t been initiated yet. My current living situation is a bit complicated, and since I plan to dedicate myself fully when I am initiated, I want to prepare a truly beautiful initiation ritual.

You mentioned mantras and power words that cause an immediate physiological reaction when used. Could I learn about those? I don’t want to burden you. Also, are the things dictated by Thoth received through channeling? How exactly does it happen?

Apologies for my poor English; I’m just trying to understand.
The words of power which cause an instant physical reaction are extremely powerful and not for those who are new especially for those who are very new this is for reasons of safety, these mantras would be like hooking a car battery up to a light bulb it would not end well, its unfortunate that the most obvious ways to show people that spirituality is real are simply not appropriate for new people in fact they aren't even listed on the Joy of Satanas website for that very reason but as you advance the Gods will make them known to you one way or another, if you do continue on this path I will happily show you and explain some techniques I have found which will be safe and effective at whatever level you are when you ask.

Before doing anything I would suggest starting here https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
The first days of this meditation program does not necessarily require dedicating your soul and can be done quietly as at the start no Mantras are used and so they can be done privately and safely regardless of living situation.

By the time you get to where the guide tells you to open your third eye it will be safe for you to do so and you should physically feel a strong pressure at your third eye indicating its been opened, this pressure will reoccur whenever you focus on that area thus confirming you have opened it even without using mantras, but mantras are required to open it initially or at least they help a lot.

Done correctly you will feel a very noticeable pressure at the location of your third eye even after the meditation is done.

As for how HPS Maxine contacted Thoth, I assume he just outright told her, highly advanced spiritualists can communicate with the Gods directly, I have been a Satanist for over a decade, nearly two and I have only experienced direct verbal communication once, most of the time its non verbal means such as immersing you in their energy when you figure out what to do so you know the next steps your taking are the correct ones.

Some people are more open to the Gods however, you may start seeing and hearing them right away, it happens for some people like that, or you may be more like me and rely more on feeling their energies but either way our Gods guide through unseen means, meaning they dont need to tell you how to advance they will direct you regardless, in fact its likely that you have already been chosen by them and thats why your even here asking these questions.

But when you start doing the rituals, thats when all doubt is removed, the rituals directly connect you to their divine energies, and thats the moment of true awakening when you finally know beyond all shadow of doubt that the path you walk is real.
When Gods want you to hear something, they will make it heard regardless of the recipient's level. I have firsthand experience of this, and this was also confirmed in other instance by now JG Alexandros Iowno when the topic was about astrology related to astral communication.
The words of power which cause an instant physical reaction are extremely powerful and not for those who are new especially for those who are very new this is for reasons of safety, these mantras would be like hooking a car battery up to a light bulb it would not end well, its unfortunate that the most obvious ways to show people that spirituality is real are simply not appropriate for new people in fact they aren't even listed on the Joy of Satanas website for that very reason but as you advance the Gods will make them known to you one way or another, if you do continue on this path I will happily show you and explain some techniques I have found which will be safe and effective at whatever level you are when you ask.

Before doing anything I would suggest starting here https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
The first days of this meditation program does not necessarily require dedicating your soul and can be done quietly as at the start no Mantras are used and so they can be done privately and safely regardless of living situation.

By the time you get to where the guide tells you to open your third eye it will be safe for you to do so and you should physically feel a strong pressure at your third eye indicating its been opened, this pressure will reoccur whenever you focus on that area thus confirming you have opened it even without using mantras, but mantras are required to open it initially or at least they help a lot.

Done correctly you will feel a very noticeable pressure at the location of your third eye even after the meditation is done.

As for how HPS Maxine contacted Thoth, I assume he just outright told her, highly advanced spiritualists can communicate with the Gods directly, I have been a Satanist for over a decade, nearly two and I have only experienced direct verbal communication once, most of the time its non verbal means such as immersing you in their energy when you figure out what to do so you know the next steps your taking are the correct ones.

Some people are more open to the Gods however, you may start seeing and hearing them right away, it happens for some people like that, or you may be more like me and rely more on feeling their energies but either way our Gods guide through unseen means, meaning they dont need to tell you how to advance they will direct you regardless, in fact its likely that you have already been chosen by them and thats why your even here asking these questions.

But when you start doing the rituals, thats when all doubt is removed, the rituals directly connect you to their divine energies, and thats the moment of true awakening when you finally know beyond all shadow of doubt that the path you walk is real.
Thank you very much for your valuable answer.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
