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How my Journey Started - Me and Satan


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
This is my own very personal story upon how I have become an SS.

Just to point it out , this is the house of the God's and I am not by any circumstances lying about those serious situations and events , everything is real and the God's are everyone's witnesses , therefore everyone is responsible for it's own actions , everything here is pure truth.

I will be trying to make it as clear and understandable for everyone as English is not my native language and I have not used any translation to write this topic.

Remember what HP Maxine said about being with Satan again? Me included I've always had a very noticeable birth mark and I've always been into the occult and spirituality , I've always been more "open" in comparison to others , seeing things as in literal , feeling them , understanding the astral and how everything works, seeing the connections between everything , like ...very lines in front of your own very eyes , the energies and you could also connect towards it leading to whoever it made it [it's source] and read the energy as in what purpose it has.

All of my life since Birth I have always been attacked by the enemies , the grey's the reptilians and other entities , I somehow deep down myself knew I have might have done something terrible past lives to piss them off so much but I was truly happy about it, I was telling to myself "At least I have done something impactful in my previous life's , fuck yeah!" that's when I was 7yo , my life was quite shit and I always have been alone , had nobody and everything [life] was like a black-white non color.

There were many nights , more then I can count where I was suffering tremendously , the enemy attacks were awful , I could have seen things at that age that I never heard or seen anywhere else, things that I couldn't possible imagine them myself without ever having any source upon that own very thing. I was always waking up with my heat beating at maximum and crying my heart out, it was truly painful but somehow I was strong enough to take them in and still carry on in life , like I was built of titanium or something. The thing is at one point in my life I have started to become more overwhelmed by the fact that I was alone , I felt as I was never deserved by nobody and always pushed and mostly persecuted by the enemies because I have always been very spiritual.

At that very moment when I was having enough of those enemy attacks I told them in my mind " Okay, go proceed with finishing me off, I will reincarnate again and still fuck you up eventually , bitchez! "

I knew in that very night I might be attacked again by the enemies , even if they would had fail to finish me off , It was me who I have surrendered [at least for that time , due to whatever I already explained].
-Willing to give up upon life and let my heart just explode or something due to the fear I was being trough back then.
[I always had this strong connection to Satan but I never knew His Name or Who He was and about the God's , I was telling to myself surely there must be some wonderful beings as well in this Universe but I was feeling not worthy of them , like the moment I have been given birth I always just been mocked and attacked].

Although I was always looking upon the beauty of this very Universe , I was feeling alone , aimless , without any purpose , nobody being able to answer my questions or being like me, no guide , no protection , no fucking nothing. Before continuing , I always been aware of this power I have [everyone has power!] but I was feeling like what's to do with it anyways? Although I have not knew about the God's and Satan at that very time I knew there are some Universal Laws and some Superior Entities which are controlling things on a bigger scale then humans could even realize [yet].

My journey starts with Satan:
In that night when I have surrendered due to the above reasons , I ultimately thought that would be my last night ever and I will be finished off.

I felt asleep and I started dreaming , I was feeling very at ease , It was not that normal feeling of chaos and destruction I was feeling when invaded , I was feeling like every pain and fear and everything was just settled and finished and I was ultimately released by any chains and bad energies. It felt like time itself has literally stopped and I couldn't even say that it was like a nano second ago neither , I feel like I am still living in that very moment.

I was dreaming that I was in my room [the room where I was born because at that time I was living somewhere else] , It looked and felt like late night , my room was nearly full in the dark , I couldn't see the furniture or anything like that , it was empty , over the window the cloud were looking like the demonic satanic energy , the royal blue darker and electric.

I was at the entrance of my door room , I knew it was not an attack because I was feeling at ease and I had this feeling of 'all is well' but I was a bit afraid of the unknown , I thought I might have maybe died and now I am in the 'underworld' , I just did not knew what the Hell was going on honestly but as mention ,I was feeling very relaxed and at ease. Then all of the sudden there's some light circle showing in the middle of my room out of nowhere with no source , just a circle of light and then a voice calling me from the Dark calling upon my voice like inviting me to step forward into the light , I felt like I have nothing to lose anyways and I went along with it, I also followed my intuition. When I have stepped upon the light I felt like that voice who just called me somehow just went in front of my face but with me being unable to see it , the only thing I felt was a breeze of wind leaving in front of my face like He somehow just walked the fastest speed ever possible , without being able to see Him.

Now at this point and level I can't anymore use words to describe what exactly happened but I can tell you at least what I was feeling and perceiving.
When Satan showed up, although I could not See Him then [I was 7] I knew it was the Creator, many ask "How do I know that was Satan?" , bro trust , there's no such thing as how one knows , One will know for certain when he stands face to face with GOD.
When He started manifesting I could feel this energy and vibe of His , like.. [ I am the most powerful bein in the existence, Whoever dares fucking up with me?????] and I smiled and liked that a lot , His courage and this power I could just feel from Him , the ABSOLUTE! Then He spoke and said: There is no such thing as fear , this is an illusion , is not something humans have in themselves , it's not a 'standard emotion' , it's all a lie , overcome your fears! You can do it!

I could feel a multitude of things at once and there's much more beside just the words he said, I felt like I was receiving data by just seeing , feeling and understanding many things at once.
When He said that to me It felt like a friendly smack upon someone's head but in a very gentle manner , like you know when someone gives you "a slap" upon the head and says " Hey! Remember who you are! Don't be silly , You know you're better then that! " calling me upon action and I also felt like even if I were to decide to fight against my nightmares and fail in my war I also felt like no matter what happens I am somehow always watched and protected , I could always imagine his white powerful glowing white wings when I had problems.

After I meet Father Satan then The God's also come visiting me and They never showed Their "true forms" to me [The God's have many many FORMS] and They were always choosing a form which I would be okay with and not be afraid of or running away of, because imagine ...all of my life I was haunted non stop , of course I was a bit traumatized and skeptical in what comes to form relationships with any beings as a matter of fact. But the God's were visiting quite often , They never tell me Their names back then, I think They left this upon me to 'Re-discover' again 🙂

They Were the One's who truly loved me and carrying about me when nobody else did , Satan is the one who looked upon me and took me upon his wings like I was a wet dog but He didn't care how strong I am or whatever qualities I might have or not have, He just accepted me for who I was then and for what I am now and for what I will ever be.

The God's were teaching me stuff and spending time with me , exploring many worlds , at the end of my dreams They were coming with just exact 3 seconds before me waking up and were saying to me "It is time to wake up now, We will see each other , once again , I promise! "

The visit lasted for as long as a month and eventually They were not coming anymore but I could always feel them , even now , ALL Of them. They left the job upon me to discover Their names, which sooner I did , from then life was normal , no more attacks and everything were heading towards a greater and more lighten way.

I then grow up , age 14 , When I had my dream with Father Satan I did not Knew His name neither but I just felt like He's GOD , after some time went by I somehow was looking around and seeing people blaming "Satan" for their own failures and for their own consequences of their actions , I really resonated a lot with Satan because me myself when I was a Kid I always being pointed out for the problems that were happening but I never influenced them to happen and I was telling to myself " Humans are so immature , blaming some other Being for their own actions is truly stupid" but point is that the first time I ever heard the name of Satan I somehow felt like everything went on pause mode , time stopped again and His face just flashed upon my Head , Him being blonde and with blue eyes , looking Human not like the enemies are saying.

I was 14 and with each year that were passing I could feel this thirst of more power , energy , knowledge , I was feeling like the only reason I am breathing is to get to know how everything works, the true occult knowledge , I always wanted to knew how we function as beings , our own very soul , minds , chakras, energies , what's the purpose ? Surely life is great but what other to spend your own very time if not to advance yourself and trying to extend it to the maximum possible [Eternity].

Because I was so thirsty for knowledge I went looking online into mother other sects and religions , I wanted to find the spiritual knowledge , I already knew Satan and the God's at that time so when I first seen the Laveyan Satanism crap and the other Satanic cults I felt sick to my stomach , not because I was afraid of their shit that they were promoting but only just because it was truly disgusting me , I felt very angry seeing how this fuckers treat the God's and I always felt this 'injustice' on which they encounter because of the enemies , We also have to play our own roles into making a better world and that's by waking everyone towards the Truth, that Satan is GOD and the only way to advance the human kind it's by following it's own purest religion which is Spiritual Satanism.

When ever first discovered JOS and seeing the information's here about the occult and spirituality , everything that I was seeing it felt like a Deja Vu, everything that I was reading felt pure and like making sense and I could feel and see the purest ways of doing things , especially from a spiritual point of view, whenever I was reading something in this matter I felt like I simply just knew it down there inside of me but maybe to deep far to be able to see.

Yea and then I just become a full time SS, doing the ritual , meditating , doing rituals ..and my life transformed 100000000x for the better , I have been trough so much and grow so much.
I am beyond words to express how grateful I am towards Those very Beings but I know that I am and forever be , eternally grateful and serve Them well. I should have shared this story 10 years ago, I am glad I have finally done it now.

Here I felt like I have true power and knowledge , without going into too much future details but everything that I have ever done worked just perfectly. Any Spiritual Working, since I have dedicated my entire Soul to Father Satan He's been helping trough my journey as being and We work very close, mostly Him because I am a lazy ass now who needs to wake up back to my path and there I am.

Be Blessed the One's of Satan as We are The One's Who always been here, this is our Home and our God's are incontestable.
Hello brother. Thank you to sharing your experiences. It's so related cause all my childhood I has being attacked too and just now after years I understand the reason.
Hello Brother. You're very welcome, my pleasure. I'm glad to hear this , stay awake and stay free , always.
Many of us are very special and the enemy know this therefore the extra attacks we've been encounter in compression to many others, don’t let this discourage you, Instead, channel it into a source of motivation to keep going and achieve even greater strength and success.

Every time I encounter attacks again I'm telling to myself : Good! It means what I am doing is working and is also pissing the enemy , I shall always continue evolving and get rid of this darkness once and for all!
Wow! Your experiences are relevant.
I guess now you are in the top league!

 hail Satan!
There is never high enough, no matter how much we evolve there is always more, we can all get there as for as long as we constantly try and want to.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
