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How is everyone?


Mar 19, 2020
Just another post to chat! Aside from all the seriousness going on, how is everyone? We are now in September. Fall will soon be coming up and then winter. My favorite seasons. I have been working, and healing, and meditating. trying to work on myself. I had a few set backs after the sudden death of a close friend. But I am now getting back to where I need to be. I hope everyone is doing well. What have you guys been up too lately? Aside from spirituality, I have been working on poetry. I am soon going to get new musical equipment as well, and start to record music again. I might share some in this forum.
RavenSky666 said:
Just another post to chat! Aside from all the seriousness going on, how is everyone? We are now in September. Fall will soon be coming up and then winter. My favorite seasons. I have been working, and healing, and meditating. trying to work on myself. I had a few set backs after the sudden death of a close friend. But I am now getting back to where I need to be. I hope everyone is doing well. What have you guys been up too lately? Aside from spirituality, I have been working on poetry. I am soon going to get new musical equipment as well, and start to record music again. I might share some in this forum.

I'm sorry for your loss and hope you're holding out all right my friend. Poetry is also really nice to get into, I've done a few as gifts for our gods and have made some for fun in my own spare time but mostly I'm a story writer. As for music, what would you say is your favourite instrument? I used to be decent at the piano when I was a kid but I have to say I really favour the flute.

I also wonder how you can possibly enjoy Winter since you mention it as your favourite season along with Autumn, what do you like about it? I can only really enjoy Winter's cold and dark foreboding characteristics in likeness to Saturn, it's very grounding to me and helps me slow down and centre myself. Oh and Yule, damn I love Yule and the lights and decorations, I can't wait for that, keeps me happy at the beginning of Winter and holds off the S.A.D(Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I got a good line up of movies waiting for the right time to watch. Afterwords though I just want Summer back, I need the lush green forests and flowers and honey bees buzzing about.

As for Autumn, my heart usually sinks as soon as the hours of sunlight start to reduce and it gets cold, but well, give me a bowl of pumpkin-spice oats on a windy Autumn morning, some real pumpkin patches for decor, a butternut squash casserole for dinner and I can learn to really enjoy the season and admire the colours of the trees. It keeps me happy through the cold and staves off the dread of Winter, I'm sure many could agree. Oh and Halloween candy, a cute spooky ghost lollipop more specifically, heh.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm sorry for your loss and hope you're holding out all right my friend. Poetry is also really nice to get into, I've done a few as gifts for our gods and have made some for fun in my own spare time but mostly I'm a story writer. As for music, what would you say is your favourite instrument? I used to be decent at the piano when I was a kid but I have to say I really favour the flute.

I also wonder how you can possibly enjoy Winter since you mention it as your favourite season along with Autumn, what do you like about it? I can only really enjoy Winter's cold and dark foreboding characteristics in likeness to Saturn, it's very grounding to me and helps me slow down and centre myself. Oh and Yule, damn I love Yule and the lights and decorations, I can't wait for that, keeps me happy at the beginning of Winter and holds off the S.A.D(Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I got a good line up of movies waiting for the right time to watch. Afterwords though I just want Summer back, I need the lush green forests and flowers and honey bees buzzing about.

As for Autumn, my heart usually sinks as soon as the hours of sunlight start to reduce and it gets cold, but well, give me a bowl of pumpkin-spice oats on a windy Autumn morning, some real pumpkin patches for decor, a butternut squash casserole for dinner and I can learn to really enjoy the season and admire the colours of the trees. It keeps me happy through the cold and staves off the dread of Winter, I'm sure many could agree. Oh and Halloween candy, a cute spooky ghost lollipop more specifically, heh.

I love most instruments as I have a deep love for music, but my most favorite to play is the piano and the guitar. I am mainly a singer though! I love the freedom of singing, not being bound by an instrument all the time can be nice. And you can sing just about anywhere!

Well, I love Autumn the most, Halloween, the beautiful colored trees, the falling leaves, the stillness at night, the cool crisp breeze. It just gives me such inner peace. I feel so alive during Autumn. Oh and Winter! I never view it as dark or foreboding, to me it is so enchanting. The white blankets of snow, Yule, the coldness in the air, The winter sky, The silver trees. knowing a warm home waits for me at the end of the day. I love watching it snow. I feel like a kid all over again. It gives me this energy that I just don't have during the warmer seasons. I don't really know why I love it so much, but I do. I'm just weird like that I guess lol. I have always been like this. Must be my chart.

I have a fascination with visiting old graveyards in Autumn too, and reading the stones, you can learn a lot of history from just reading the things posted on old gravestones. I have so much fun walking around in nature during Autumn and Winter as well, not as many people are around. I have more places to explore, and more time to myself to really grasp and take in the beauty of my surroundings, without getting caught up in conversation with strangers. Not that I don't love talking with people, But sometimes I crave alone time too. I never was a Summer person, It's usually too hot, there are too many bugs, and I sweat too damn much lol. I hate being out in the heat. I get so miserable and so tired in Summer. I get easier fatigued when It's hot. I do like early spring though! I just don't care for late spring when all the wasps and ants start coming out. But it all comes down to the weather here. The weather where I live can get kind of extreme and hot during the summer. And I can barely stand the heat, It's probably my European genes. I live in America but I have some very strong Nordic ancestry lol. I prefer cooler weather. I don't mind when it's warm out. But not when it's melting my face off hot outside lol.
RavenSky666 said:
Just another post to chat! Aside from all the seriousness going on, how is everyone? We are now in September. Fall will soon be coming up and then winter. My favorite seasons. I have been working, and healing, and meditating. trying to work on myself. I had a few set backs after the sudden death of a close friend. But I am now getting back to where I need to be. I hope everyone is doing well. What have you guys been up too lately? Aside from spirituality, I have been working on poetry. I am soon going to get new musical equipment as well, and start to record music again. I might share some in this forum.

Sorry Raven. Know Satan has taken them to Hell, where they won't have to live in tragedy, and instead be reincarnated into a Satanic world.
RavenSky666 said:
Just another post to chat! Aside from all the seriousness going on, how is everyone? We are now in September. Fall will soon be coming up and then winter. My favorite seasons. I have been working, and healing, and meditating. trying to work on myself. I had a few set backs after the sudden death of a close friend. But I am now getting back to where I need to be. I hope everyone is doing well. What have you guys been up too lately? Aside from spirituality, I have been working on poetry. I am soon going to get new musical equipment as well, and start to record music again. I might share some in this forum.

I be looking forward to it. Hope your doing much better raven. Have a great week :)
ahh (( corona )) 3 months from march till May lock-down they have f** ruined spring i haven't seen spring not a single flower !! i used to do local tourism visiting green places, But it's okay i have learned a lot of things during lock-down like online courses and i have returned back to painting i like to paint spiritual things plus i have Celtic Irish flute i am still learning not that expert.

in august i went to the south to the sea "ocean" i wanted to swim with friends i learned how to swim in the ocean & i am Not going repeat it again to swim in the deep dark water seriously small fishes keep touching my body a terrifying feeling.

anyway for winter my best season i like cold weather, hot drinks,warm clothes and the smell of the first Rain ,the best feeling to wake up when everything is covered in snow in my country it snows for 1 week and then the sun shines for several days then gets gloomy i like this season oh god :D :D .
Autumn means yard cleaning for me, which is a chore that I hate to start and love to finish. I much prefer Winter, as Ghost said, I find it grounding. It was also my peace during a turbulent upbringing, to walk in the snow before the sun even rose, to get to school. The quiet it brings with it is my favorite part. That, and if you're in snowy regions you get to see all your neighbors shoveling their driveways in their pajamas :lol:

After a few years since I first dropped out, I am going back to university this fall! I am nervous in that I think I have forgotten quite a bit of material, but I am excited that I will learn it all again and much more!

I spent the last few years completely disassembling myself, to relearn and truly embrace who I truly am. I am nowhere near done, but I feel like I am finally taking a 'first step' towards building who I am in confidence as well as the present I want to live in.

The current state of the world has not presented itself as a threat for me, which I am extremely thankful for. Though working with the public has been a wild ride.

May all our Satanic Brothers and Sisters be blessed and experience upscale in their circumstances.
Aldrick said:
Sorry Raven. Know Satan has taken them to Hell, where they won't have to live in tragedy, and instead be reincarnated into a Satanic world.

Thank you, I think of this every time I do my Rtrs and any other rituals. I know I am helping things move along so the world can be in a better place when my friend reincarnates back here.

ChaosBringer666 said:
I be looking forward to it. Hope your doing much better raven. Have a great week :)

Thank you :) I should have all my equipment together by the middle of this month. Hopefully I'll have a song or two recorded by the end. What I share here can only be instrumental though, I have been in a few bands as a Vocalist, so I have a sort of local following. A good many people know me, and for privacy and safety I can't share content that would be linked back to me or recognized by anyone. But it will be a fun little side project. I plan on making some piano style classical, medieval type music.

sonnenkraft said:
ahh (( corona )) 3 months from march till May lock-down they have f** ruined spring i haven't seen spring not a single flower !! i used to do local tourism visiting green places, But it's okay i have learned a lot of things during lock-down like online courses and i have returned back to painting i like to paint spiritual things plus i have Celtic Irish flute i am still learning not that expert.

in august i went to the south to the sea "ocean" i wanted to swim with friends i learned how to swim in the ocean & i am Not going repeat it again to swim in the deep dark water seriously small fishes keep touching my body a terrifying feeling.

anyway for winter my best season i like cold weather, hot drinks,warm clothes and the smell of the first Rain ,the best feeling to wake up when everything is covered in snow in my country it snows for 1 week and then the sun shines for several days then gets gloomy i like this season oh god :D :D .

Sounds like fun, I love the ocean. I don't know how to swim very well though. I do love art, I am terrible at painting, I usually hand draw with pen and paper. I like the flute! It's a beautiful instrument. I don't ever play the flute, but I appreciate listening to it. Winter sounds beautiful in your country, I love the way snow just makes everything look so clean and peaceful. It's so serene.

Cyn666 said:
Autumn means yard cleaning for me, which is a chore that I hate to start and love to finish. I much prefer Winter, as Ghost said, I find it grounding. It was also my peace during a turbulent upbringing, to walk in the snow before the sun even rose, to get to school. The quiet it brings with it is my favorite part. That, and if you're in snowy regions you get to see all your neighbors shoveling their driveways in their pajamas :lol:

After a few years since I first dropped out, I am going back to university this fall! I am nervous in that I think I have forgotten quite a bit of material, but I am excited that I will learn it all again and much more!

I spent the last few years completely disassembling myself, to relearn and truly embrace who I truly am. I am nowhere near done, but I feel like I am finally taking a 'first step' towards building who I am in confidence as well as the present I want to live in.

The current state of the world has not presented itself as a threat for me, which I am extremely thankful for. Though working with the public has been a wild ride.

May all our Satanic Brothers and Sisters be blessed and experience upscale in their circumstances.

Yes I love how peaceful winter can be to the soul. It's very comforting to me to look outside and see everything draped in a beautiful blanket of white. Looking at the little animal foot prints in the snow, Watching people play and throw snowballs, making snowmen. Running across frozen water and sliding! lol. And I love running around when it's snowing and having the little snowflakes slowly melting on my clothes.

That is good to hear! I completely understand what you mean, I work with the public a lot and people were acting pretty intense for a while. I too have been re-evaluating myself, becoming who I am meant to be. It's all part of growing up. Finally becoming your own person. It's probably a lifelong journey, as we always keep advancing higher and higher. It's not intimidating to me but rather encouraging. I know that one day I will have advanced past most of my traumas, conquered my flaws, and have become stronger and better. This path truly is the best for self discovery and self improvement. Nothing to cripple you, nothing to bring you down, just pure spiritual growth and advancement. I wish you the best with your studies! I hope that you have fun! I need to go back to college eventually. For now though, I am just working steady trying to make enough money to survive on my own. It's been an interesting journey. I moved away from home, and for one year now I have lived on my own! I never knew I could do it. I was a little afraid at first but I know now with proper discipline, I can afford all my bills and be able to live on my own, without asking too much help from my parents.
Aldrick said:
Sorry Raven. Know Satan has taken them to Hell, where they won't have to live in tragedy, and instead be reincarnated into a Satanic world.

I had a friend that died as well, Aldrick. He died in my house....and he's still there.
I know exactly what you mean about Autumn, a warm pumpkin spice drink on a cool windy day with the colourful leaves rustling, or a trip to the local orchard, the crisp air on an overcast noon. And oddly enough it's well written on our website why graveyards in Autumn really do feel so very fitting as you've stated. It doesn't really have a whole lot to do with Halloween itself, but the original holiday was known as Samhain "a Celtic word meaning "Summer's End."", it's the season of honouring the dead, perhaps in deep roots of our soul memories we understand our past pagan habits.

Can't say I've gone to a graveyard though since last time I decided to a couple years back, couldn't take the negative energy, was far too open and sensitive to it back then. Might be different now and I can likely more effectively block things out, but I'm still reluctant. I'll stick to artwork and photos of them for now, heh.

Autumn and Halloween are also the season of creativity, changes and bountiful harvests. I very much love the symbology of the coming season, only two weeks from now, and I already see some trees changing colour ever so slightly at the tops. Personally I very much prefer heat and warmth, don't think that has much to do with my own Celtic ancestry though but forests and vast open fields, oh to live in such a free environment in a little stone house.

Some day in the future we'll be able to more personally know one another without having to worry about enemy trickery and garbage... perhaps visitations for holidays even. But damn if that ain't like 4 or 5 whole entire decades of a dream away. It's hopes like that though that keep me holding on and going to save our future and fight for our freedom and immortality.

RavenSky666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm sorry for your loss and hope you're holding out all right my friend. Poetry is also really nice to get into, I've done a few as gifts for our gods and have made some for fun in my own spare time but mostly I'm a story writer. As for music, what would you say is your favourite instrument? I used to be decent at the piano when I was a kid but I have to say I really favour the flute.

I also wonder how you can possibly enjoy Winter since you mention it as your favourite season along with Autumn, what do you like about it? I can only really enjoy Winter's cold and dark foreboding characteristics in likeness to Saturn, it's very grounding to me and helps me slow down and centre myself. Oh and Yule, damn I love Yule and the lights and decorations, I can't wait for that, keeps me happy at the beginning of Winter and holds off the S.A.D(Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I got a good line up of movies waiting for the right time to watch. Afterwords though I just want Summer back, I need the lush green forests and flowers and honey bees buzzing about.

As for Autumn, my heart usually sinks as soon as the hours of sunlight start to reduce and it gets cold, but well, give me a bowl of pumpkin-spice oats on a windy Autumn morning, some real pumpkin patches for decor, a butternut squash casserole for dinner and I can learn to really enjoy the season and admire the colours of the trees. It keeps me happy through the cold and staves off the dread of Winter, I'm sure many could agree. Oh and Halloween candy, a cute spooky ghost lollipop more specifically, heh.

I love most instruments as I have a deep love for music, but my most favorite to play is the piano and the guitar. I am mainly a singer though! I love the freedom of singing, not being bound by an instrument all the time can be nice. And you can sing just about anywhere!

Well, I love Autumn the most, Halloween, the beautiful colored trees, the falling leaves, the stillness at night, the cool crisp breeze. It just gives me such inner peace. I feel so alive during Autumn. Oh and Winter! I never view it as dark or foreboding, to me it is so enchanting. The white blankets of snow, Yule, the coldness in the air, The winter sky, The silver trees. knowing a warm home waits for me at the end of the day. I love watching it snow. I feel like a kid all over again. It gives me this energy that I just don't have during the warmer seasons. I don't really know why I love it so much, but I do. I'm just weird like that I guess lol. I have always been like this. Must be my chart.

I have a fascination with visiting old graveyards in Autumn too, and reading the stones, you can learn a lot of history from just reading the things posted on old gravestones. I have so much fun walking around in nature during Autumn and Winter as well, not as many people are around. I have more places to explore, and more time to myself to really grasp and take in the beauty of my surroundings, without getting caught up in conversation with strangers. Not that I don't love talking with people, But sometimes I crave alone time too. I never was a Summer person, It's usually too hot, there are too many bugs, and I sweat too damn much lol. I hate being out in the heat. I get so miserable and so tired in Summer. I get easier fatigued when It's hot. I do like early spring though! I just don't care for late spring when all the wasps and ants start coming out. But it all comes down to the weather here. The weather where I live can get kind of extreme and hot during the summer. And I can barely stand the heat, It's probably my European genes. I live in America but I have some very strong Nordic ancestry lol. I prefer cooler weather. I don't mind when it's warm out. But not when it's melting my face off hot outside lol.
RavenSky666 said:
Yes I love how peaceful winter can be to the soul. It's very comforting to me to look outside and see everything draped in a beautiful blanket of white. Looking at the little animal foot prints in the snow, Watching people play and throw snowballs, making snowmen. Running across frozen water and sliding! lol. And I love running around when it's snowing and having the little snowflakes slowly melting on my clothes.

Winter is better than Summer. You can always put more on, but you can only take so much off.

Speaking of sliding, I'd love to get my hands on an old Crown Vic, or BMW and just go drifting.


That's how you have fun in the snow.
I enjoy these threads, it's nice reading about Satanists living their lives and doing healthy, personal things. Such is important to rejuvenate and keep your willpower strong.

On my end, I'm enjoying the return back to school, as getting the remainder of the last semester fucked by coronavirus was distressing. Not only because it forced everyone to scramble and make do with a comparatively mediocre educational experience, but because a certain dude that I've a bit of a fondness for at the moment was in one of my classes/labs, and this meant no longer seeing him for a considerable amount of time.

Not necessarily the end of the world; I emphasized the fact to myself that there are more important considerations than my swooning. It just bummed me out because before corona really entered the public consciousness, I happened to get my hands on this particular fellow's exact birth time and location, and he allowed me to write up a free natal reading for him for fun. I learned not only that I exhibit the astrological characteristics of his 7th House and he exhibits the astrological characteristics of my 7th House, and not only do our chart rulers share a conjunction, but also that my progressed Sun is currently forming a soft aspect to his natal Venus - his chart ruler, at that. Thus it just felt like the most annoying timing that I wouldn't get to see him during the months that my progressed Sun would be tightly aspecting his natal Venus.

Our school made the decision to open the campus, the semester is fully underway now, classes are so far looking like they'll be very manageable, and this very same dude - this beautiful, communicative, 6'4" Irish-Russian bastard - is now my unofficial lab buddy for the class we have together. To top that off, my progressed Sun is still within 1/2 of a degree in aspect to his natal Venus, so I can still enjoy the benefits of that as we work together and bond over an increasingly long list of mutual interests and opinions.

It's ultimately a nice feeling; I've accepted that things are by no means guaranteed to work out the way I currently desire them to, and should nothing ever really come out of this, I'll accept that as being for the best. It just feels good to be walking around with this lighthearted, fluttery warmth in my chest and to be smiling more often - even if nobody can see that behind my face mask. But yeah, that's been my first almost-two-weeks into September.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I know exactly what you mean about Autumn, a warm pumpkin spice drink on a cool windy day with the colourful leaves rustling, or a trip to the local orchard, the crisp air on an overcast noon. And oddly enough it's well written on our website why graveyards in Autumn really do feel so very fitting as you've stated. It doesn't really have a whole lot to do with Halloween itself, but the original holiday was known as Samhain "a Celtic word meaning "Summer's End."", it's the season of honouring the dead, perhaps in deep roots of our soul memories we understand our past pagan habits.

Can't say I've gone to a graveyard though since last time I decided to a couple years back, couldn't take the negative energy, was far too open and sensitive to it back then. Might be different now and I can likely more effectively block things out, but I'm still reluctant. I'll stick to artwork and photos of them for now, heh.

Autumn and Halloween are also the season of creativity, changes and bountiful harvests. I very much love the symbology of the coming season, only two weeks from now, and I already see some trees changing colour ever so slightly at the tops. Personally I very much prefer heat and warmth, don't think that has much to do with my own Celtic ancestry though but forests and vast open fields, oh to live in such a free environment in a little stone house.

Some day in the future we'll be able to more personally know one another without having to worry about enemy trickery and garbage... perhaps visitations for holidays even. But damn if that ain't like 4 or 5 whole entire decades of a dream away. It's hopes like that though that keep me holding on and going to save our future and fight for our freedom and immortality.

I agree. And I know what you mean about the negative energies. I have felt that as well in some graveyards, old houses, and hospitals especially. I can always pick up on it. I will not willingly stay in a place that feels heavy with bad energy. I do know that my aura of protection, along with help from my Guardian will keep me safe if I happen to come across a being with bad energy and bad intentions though. I will not try to put myself in that situation however. But sometimes things like that will happen when exploring places.

I know I feel that too, I would love to meet all of you, but I know that it isn't safe to do so. I will be so happy when in the future, we can all come together as a family and meet one another without fear of our safety. I do feel lonely sometimes..I wish I could have close friends in my personal life who are SS. We do have each other though. We aren't alone here at least. I find comfort in knowing that even though we can't speak face to face, we are all still united here.
You mean you don’t like hurling your body into the vast expansiveness of open ocean that can eat you up in a minute, if an orca doesn’t get to you first?

Hey I don’t think there are orcas in the south though, at least not usually. I love the ocean. Great place to conquer fears. Also, an amazing way to learn about Mother Nature’s nature first hand. Everything is all good one sec- SLAM- into a rock you go.
Sundara said:
You mean you don’t like hurling your body into the vast expansiveness of open ocean that can eat you up in a minute, if an orca doesn’t get to you first?

Hey I don’t think there are orcas in the south though, at least not usually. I love the ocean. Great place to conquer fears. Also, an amazing way to learn about Mother Nature’s nature first hand. Everything is all good one sec- SLAM- into a rock you go.

Forests are better for me in my opinion. I'd always been drawn to them for years and years all my life.

They're just so beautiful and I think that's where true nature can be found, plus you're never alone, birds, deer, bears, wolves, all kinds of wild-life, they're always so alive with life and activity. Open fields though and valleys are all great as well, if you ever look up landscape photos of Wales or Ireland, very beautiful.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Yeah forests are home, I find it really easy to just be myself alone in a forest. Oceans feel the same to me though, the incredible amounts of life the oceans hold represent the creative aspects of the ether, the primordial waters. I adore the octopus for this reason in particular. The 8 arms and spraying of ink, their intelligence and defensive capabilities can kind of give insight to how some of us try to survive through the spiritual wars. Their blood is copper based too, very heart chakra representative. The fact they’re so smart, Mercury. Heart chakra. They’re so hidden, though. It’s like all of the creative potential yet to be discovered. Elusive, captivating, mysterious.
Doin pretty good, i recently came into an era of enlightenment for myself. Im going to start commenting on here again and start back on my meditations and overall self improvement. Bit of a downer that i dont have freinds anymore, but im getting through each day trying not to forget to have a smile on my face even in the worst of times. Im also getting hooked off sweets and building somewhat of a distaste for em. The fires from california carried over here and it was creepy to have two full days full of smokey skies and no sunshine, it cleared out now though. Im super excited for two things, my birthday coming up, family visiting, and halloween. Mostly for spookie halloween.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
