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How Hate Begins - The Enemy A Common Issue Of All Humanity

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Hate between species most of the time exists when one type of species interferes in or attacks other species, mainly due to territorial or necessity issues related to survival. For this to happen, species have to share a particular territory in which this could happen. At least in most animals, this is the case.

If two species do not meet, then it doesn't happen. When it does happen, it doesn't happen for strange egoistical reasons, but for most of the time, necessities.

It is common sense that if one puts a wild tiger and a rhino inside the same small cage, because one is insane or wants to enjoy the show, and creates conditions of hungers, threats, and constantly flashes lights into the face of the animals, the animals are guaranteed to rip each other to shreds.

If the cage is big, then the animals will try to claim each their own territory, and expand from there. If the cage is really small and they are forced into it, they will be forced to fight until one rules over the other. If the cage is a town huge, chances are these animals will distance themselves from one another, and if they are fed in their territory, they will not just begin a random war of attacking others, unless there is a resource problem.

If one throws a limited amount of flabs of meat in the middle of the cage, it is for certain that the animals will compete as much as possible to get the flabs of meat, and if push comes to shove, one may try to kill the other in order to merely maintain their existence. If the cage owner is a psychopathic fool, and the cage exists for profit or for people betting on each animal [as is in this case modern communism or modern financial systems], then the above is bound to happen.

In the case of the animals above they will be totally victims of the situation they were put in, and they will not be able to asses the real cause of the situation. They will not think why they are in the cage, or how they ended up there, let alone how they can get out. Indeed hatred will arise in the hearts of both animals, and both will fight to the death for their interests. This psychopathic situation however wouldn't be constant or happen all the time, if animals were out in the wild, or naturally speaking would left alone. It would happen here and there, sure, but given these animals have a different habitat, this aggression between the two would never have ensued.

To make this a little larger, just imagine one has a zoo, and he puts all the animals and different species in the zoo, and somehow stops supplying them with food, in a tight territory. War is bound to break out between the species there. What the reason would be for someone to cause this, maybe because they are a jew and they have a betting company that bets on which species will survive, or mere sadism, or just profit. Many reasons may exist.

The situation with American Racism is that the United States, was swindled by jews that infiltrated the Nation to not allow the people of the time to address the major bastions of authority of jews within their Nation. One of these reasons is the physical presence of the jews who are running things, the other bastion is their financial systems, and the last bastion is their religious system.

The jewish religious authority within a Nation opens up the door to infiltration, and this always ended up in history as the jews ruling a Nation from the inside as alien racial elements.

Then the Nation is turned into a zoo for jewish racial gains, and not a normal habitat for people to live and exist within. "Globalism" is the attempt to turn the whole earth into a said zoo, rather than having to do this on an individual Nation base.

Mere carry-overs of the religious system from Europe, which the Founding Fathers tried to blot out as much as humanly possible in their era, were carried in. With this, people also carried the beliefs of the holienss of jews, how jews are to reign supreme in civilizations, and the belief in a jewish desert cult. The Founding Fathers tried to legislate the jews out of the United States but this failed, since the jews had already hijacked people from the mental level.

Eventually as the jews went in, they teased the people of the time in the idea of owning slaves, for their own convenience. The majority of slave owners were jews, the striking majority. As with everything jewish, the jew shows the carrot and not the big cliff where one is going to fall by chasing that carrot. Jews carried over slaves into the United States, for the common financial milking of all the goyim, and for jewish profit. They sold this to the people back then in teh form of 'convenience'.

Those who had reservations about this, they tried to bypass this by still getting them to allow foreigners to join in, but instill into them a false pride in how far better they are than anyone else. They told the tiger "but you are greater than the rhino, worry not at all when we both move you into the same cage. You will certainly always have control of this cage, full of delicacies and fun!".

This mentality was cloaked into British Israelism also, another cancerous Xian focused movement, which took the values of jewish racist hate, and jewish 'racial superiority' in it's own account. But these values are values that one must have when one is an infiltrator to a native nation, and therefore, the application of these values is inherently jewish.

So we went from a normal and natural form of racism, that wasn't based on mere hatred, but more on natural perception, into a strange "Racist" relationship of mutual exploitation for "Gains" by following the jewish paradigm. The jewish paradigm maintains that all other races are inferiors and suck, and that because that they suck, and therefore jews have a "Right" to intervene into them, enslave them, and exploit them, an action which unavoidably ends in the greatest problems of race mixing. In the jewish form of racism, when the "goyim" are used to death, they are then slain. Communism attest to this very end, also, as it's a jewish mentality applied on the world.

The Aryan perception on the subject is the a different perception. One may believe in a ranking of beings in nature, but from this ranking there does not arise a reason to exploit, enslave, and destroy. Our case ends with development and life, and not pointless blood and death where it's not necessary. Expansion and power do not have to mean bloodshed and parasitism, but fundamental order.

You won't see in modern Israel many "Enslaved" foreigners, and the case of this is simply because they understand where this situation is going to lead sometime down the road. The "Oppressed" are going to revolt, and with jewish help, they will fight a war of annihilation with those that the jews tell them were their "oppressors". And the jew will be the sole beneficiary out of all this. Even the poor Palestinians, who were living in an enslaved way in Israel, the jews made sure to gradually remove from their midst.

Great Britain is paying today for the price of it's jewish colonies, with which it had to pay jewish debt, and some old ladies who wanted their tea to be brought by the "Coolie colored class". Now, a few decades later, the so called "Coolie Colored Class" aside jews, has a supreme power in Britain, rapidly displacing the local population at super speed. This is normal and to be expected because Israeli brand of "Racism", based on expansion, exploitation of where one expands, and serfdom, always has this boomerang effect later on.

Clearly the above isn't solely like this, as when a more advanced civilization expands to a less advanced, there are also benefits that come in for both parties. This is why people choose to migrate in many cases. Regardless, with the jew in the middle, and said "Appreciation" or logical understanding, goes out of the window.

Now, jews tell all the other people except Whites on earth, how "If White people die, you will be free, and very living in heaven goyim, because they are your oppressor!", practising the same method of the carrot to get these other Gentiles to slay White people for short term benefit.

Of course, after this is said and done, everyone will be rallied with the yoke in globalist slave state, which has already emerged out of China, and exists in the world to be see. The globalist jewish dystopia is a real thing, and it is coming. In the end everyone is dead and enslaved and all animals will bleed to death.

For those who now are also the beloved of jews, and the "Minority groups" in the West, there is also going to come a reckoning in the future, potential civil wars, and endless hatred, and the pendulum will keep swinging back and forth until everyone is destroyed. The ultimate aim of this is the downfall of our present advanced civilization and devolving us to primates, or a strange globalist jewish tech based dystopia. Either way, the jews will be fairly pleased.

The jews meanwhile will improve their influence and power, all while corrupting their enemies and making profits out of them. One would clearly understand now why jews don't tolerate any "Foreigners" to Israel, even if they so called sell the "You'll be richer goyim" lies in Western Nations. This is because it doesn't matter if you get richer, which you won't, so long you die displaced within your own Nation. That is vanity.

The jews are experts in tipping the balance into the cage, which we can parallel with civilization after they rule it. By not feeding animals [instating poverty based systems] and by agitation such as propaganda, by systematic induction to stupidity [Christianity, Islam etc], systematically, the jews took over White civilizations and now we are on the last stage of this, the ultimate opening of the floodgates to kill one of their ancient enemies.

Needless to say Hitler was an actual genius and he understood all of this, and therefore, he did not engage in any of the above. He did not form "Colonies", he did not enslave other races, he did not go by the dictates of the "American Style Racism", and he did not spend his time slandering other races or demeaning other people, but forming sensible ties.

Hitler was loved by the whole world, all the spiritually aware people of the time viewed him in the greatest favor, and he did not waste his time attacking people verbally, but restoring a National, Racial, and the hardest war, a Spiritual example of what all lifeforms that want to advance should follow. This emulation would save both his own people and mankind, and not pointing fingers and attacking others.

Many bankrupt Nations like Hitler, to "Rebuild", they are advised to bring in foreign labor, enslave people, or use others for work force. Hitler denied all these ideas as they are inherently jewish ideals which accept jewish superiority in the moral and financial system. You do not need any slaves to do your work. Our people can build for our people, was his idea. Therefore he solved all the unemployment in Germany and gave everyone a decent life. No slaves needed. Just Aryan creativity and natural common sense.

Hitler achieved in a few years what "American Style Racism" didn't achieve in 200 years, that is, to free his people from Jewish oppression as an example for all our people to follow. The clever people of the time also tried to understand and emulate Him. This is how one attains the saving of one's people. Not by pointing fingers and getting on your knees every sunday to give penances to the jews, while pretending one is an "Anti-Semite" by carrying the bible on both hands and kissing it.

In the same level of genius did Rockwell, a proper National Socialist of his time, act. Due to tremendous success which made him liked and respected by all people, and extremely effective in solving the greater imbalance in the United States, the enemy resorted to assassinate him. Rockwell was also antithetical and avoided the carcass of xianity all-together, also.

The enemy is not worried when Gentiles hate one another in the exact ways the jews told them to hate one another for maximum jewish profit. They aren't afraid when people do not question Rabbi Jesus, and act exactly as stupid cattle are supposed to act, fighting inside a cage. They really get concerned when Gentiles get their shit together.

As it should be clearly observed the Rhino and the Tiger had greater chances to solve this issue by them staging some deliberate coup, and breaking out of the cage, rather than fighting like idiots within the cage. But these poor animals don't have reason enough to understand this, yet we can reason this one out.

The meaning to understand is not whether or not a Rhino or a Tiger is better or supposed to win, or who is the higher and who the lower. That is a different subject. What is important to understand is that BOTH need to work together to get out of the cage, and back to their natural habitat. From there on, we aren't animals, and senseless wars and jewish aggression will cease, most of it already generated by cage-like conditions.

Fundamentally we don't have a lot of things to divide in this case between our selves, we have commonalities in our beginning and after that, a different destiny, and fate would have it different weren't for the enemy, for everyone included. The situation of many forced issues that cause our energy to be wasted in common hate is still central to the enemy's existence at the rear end of it.

If the enemy is defeated, this imbalanced situation will come to pass, at least for the most part. Things won't be perfect, but things will get gradually better and better. Problems emerging onward will be easier to solve, also. This is why the major importance right now is not to find better confinement, but use our mind, given from the Gods and common to people, to displace the enemy before it is too late.

Use the winning examples don't use the failing examples.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yeah hate is an undeniable emotion that exists in every person and has to be put to proper use. The jews would want gentiles in an endless loop hatred without ever coming to reason.

The media tries to portray Hitler as some cranky angry dude but in reality he was an ascended hero who inspired action and awareness. Part of his Mercury-Aries trait.
Specter said:
Yeah hate is an undeniable emotion that exists in every person and has to be put to proper use. The jews would want gentiles in an endless loop hatred without ever coming to reason.

The media tries to portray Hitler as some cranky angry dude but in reality he was an ascended hero who inspired action and awareness. Part of his Mercury-Aries trait.

Divide and Conquer.

We are not enemies but they are.

Humanity will have to work together for a better tomorrow.

Also in HP Hoodedcobra's Matrix video there was a clip. That many great men have tried to liberate Europe. Through treaties, alliances what have you.

But they all failed because of the enemies curses.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I don't want to say something stupid, but I want to say something. The Gentiles are able to get rid of the Jews if they develop. But with the Jews there is no hope for development. Only without the Jews will the Gentiles succeed and be free to develop. Without the Jews, their programs of slavery will no longer have support. With the physical removal of the Jews, the Gentiles will not become gods directly but things will improve and inevitably go to a higher level. It would be nice if our Gods made the Jewish race disappear.
14Alex88 said:
Good post.

You mention it but I would like to reiterate the fact that we are at a state of no return. There will be retaliation and war and justifiably. While things would be much better without Jews, so many non-Jews have participated in screwing over others, Black on white violence, Asians swindling our economy and technology, etc. There is no peaceful solution, nor should there be at this point. I don’t glamorize violence or even like it, but I do believe that the wages of ones “sins” should be death.

While Christianity contradicts itself and says many things, much of which I obviously don’t agree with, I do believe that the wages of sin are and should be death and violently. For too long we have had parasites leeching off of others and showing no respect toward the host or other natural life forms. The extent to which many have willfully degenerates into nothing more than materialistic hedonists who don’t care about morals, other life, or anything good at all, justifies a painful ending of their life. One can only hope too that they do suffer eternally for their brazen immorality and selfishness.

So I agree with your post but I think it’s inevitable that the Georgia guidestones are at least achieved in reference to reducing the population to 500 million.

To be honest, that would be best for wildlife also. We lose over 200 species a day now to extinction. We are in the 6th mass extinction event and out rate of extinction compared to normality is over 1 MILLION PERCENT. Most people do not deserve to survive with how they have treated the planet, this life, and the other loving creatures around them. I do believe that in some cases war is preferable, and we are already in one and have been before any of us were born. We will soon enter an age of mass violence, just like Hitler and his Devi predicted.

And just like Sevetri Devi, I agree that “to condemn violence in itself is to condemn the struggles of life and light in this world versus the forces of darkness”. This is the only just war that has ever been fought in modern times and I believe that in 2020, it will go hot. America is an open air insane asylum tinder box that’s ready to explode. And once America is in chaos, I have no reason to believe that nations like India and Pakistan won’t start slaughtering each other either without the big global cop of Jewmerica busy with its own issues.

You should probably read this since youre new.


You shouldn't be too negative. Yes, unfortunately there will be many deaths and disasters but we will all prevail. And the fact that our gods and Hitler is coming back, and with the help of their ancient technology. This speaks loads. This earth is not doomed but many things will change both positively and negatively. This isnt about saving everyone.

The Georgia guidestones were created by a Jew, and this guideline is for population reduction in fulfillment of the Jewish one world slave state they have planned for us. They say that when the messiah comes, each Jew will get 2800 slaves, so of course if you do do the math, lowering the gentile humanity population makes sense for that. They are and have been implementing this now.

Winning this war is not about saving everyone.
14Alex88 said:
Good post.

You mention it but I would like to reiterate the fact that we are at a state of no return. There will be retaliation and war and justifiably. While things would be much better without Jews, so many non-Jews have participated in screwing over others, Black on white violence, Asians swindling our economy and technology, etc. There is no peaceful solution, nor should there be at this point. I don’t glamorize violence or even like it, but I do believe that the wages of ones “sins” should be death.

While Christianity contradicts itself and says many things, much of which I obviously don’t agree with, I do believe that the wages of sin are and should be death and violently. For too long we have had parasites leeching off of others and showing no respect toward the host or other natural life forms. The extent to which many have willfully degenerates into nothing more than materialistic hedonists who don’t care about morals, other life, or anything good at all, justifies a painful ending of their life. One can only hope too that they do suffer eternally for their brazen immorality and selfishness.

So I agree with your post but I think it’s inevitable that the Georgia guidestones are at least achieved in reference to reducing the population to 500 million.

To be honest, that would be best for wildlife also. We lose over 200 species a day now to extinction. We are in the 6th mass extinction event and out rate of extinction compared to normality is over 1 MILLION PERCENT. Most people do not deserve to survive with how they have treated the planet, this life, and the other loving creatures around them. I do believe that in some cases war is preferable, and we are already in one and have been before any of us were born. We will soon enter an age of mass violence, just like Hitler and his Devi predicted.

And just like Sevetri Devi, I agree that “to condemn violence in itself is to condemn the struggles of life and light in this world versus the forces of darkness”. This is the only just war that has ever been fought in modern times and I believe that in 2020, it will go hot. America is an open air insane asylum tinder box that’s ready to explode. And once America is in chaos, I have no reason to believe that nations like India and Pakistan won’t start slaughtering each other either without the big global cop of Jewmerica busy with its own issues.

What you say is quite truthful, and yes, if the US were to go, the world would rapidly devolve into extreme war, or someone else who is even more brutal such as China may take the wheel, in which case humanity will be turned to shit. Many people do not want to accept this, but this is totally a reality, and it has always been that way.

The US is still largely ignored but its existence acts a deterring force towards extremely large scale wars.

Do not expect any thanks or understanding from most people in the case that "our" ruling powers as a people did not trample everyone down as others have done in history. The US may have it's faults as do all empires, but there is at least some peace and general balance going on in most places of the world, which is a world first for a long time.

Fight for the best is the idea here, and yes, the worst exists as a possibility, but we fight for the best instead. If nobody does then with mathematical precision everything will go to shit. Think for example now, due to how much the public is against Jews, they are even folding on agendas like Iran, and other warmorgering that they do through the US.

As for the super degenerates nature has already pre-planned about what happens to them. They are void and vain.

We know the situation may be bad, but we fight for the best. There is no need to despair. Our race has been through a lot and much of it equal to this or worse, but we always manage to find a way out, and we will again. Another tragic event was the bubonic plague, to name one example.

About what happens to the environment this is simply abominable. We may actually get to the point we have to repopulate the earth after this with scientific means. It's really tragic, but there are people who still do positive things even in this pathetic context.

No need to black pill yourself, just be red pilled and be ready about the future, prepare for the worst and fight for the best.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
14Alex88 said:
Good post.

You mention it but I would like to reiterate the fact that we are at a state of no return. There will be retaliation and war and justifiably. While things would be much better without Jews, so many non-Jews have participated in screwing over others, Black on white violence, Asians swindling our economy and technology, etc. There is no peaceful solution, nor should there be at this point. I don’t glamorize violence or even like it, but I do believe that the wages of ones “sins” should be death.

While Christianity contradicts itself and says many things, much of which I obviously don’t agree with, I do believe that the wages of sin are and should be death and violently. For too long we have had parasites leeching off of others and showing no respect toward the host or other natural life forms. The extent to which many have willfully degenerates into nothing more than materialistic hedonists who don’t care about morals, other life, or anything good at all, justifies a painful ending of their life. One can only hope too that they do suffer eternally for their brazen immorality and selfishness.

So I agree with your post but I think it’s inevitable that the Georgia guidestones are at least achieved in reference to reducing the population to 500 million.

To be honest, that would be best for wildlife also. We lose over 200 species a day now to extinction. We are in the 6th mass extinction event and out rate of extinction compared to normality is over 1 MILLION PERCENT. Most people do not deserve to survive with how they have treated the planet, this life, and the other loving creatures around them. I do believe that in some cases war is preferable, and we are already in one and have been before any of us were born. We will soon enter an age of mass violence, just like Hitler and his Devi predicted.

And just like Sevetri Devi, I agree that “to condemn violence in itself is to condemn the struggles of life and light in this world versus the forces of darkness”. This is the only just war that has ever been fought in modern times and I believe that in 2020, it will go hot. America is an open air insane asylum tinder box that’s ready to explode. And once America is in chaos, I have no reason to believe that nations like India and Pakistan won’t start slaughtering each other either without the big global cop of Jewmerica busy with its own issues.

What you say is quite truthful, and yes, if the US were to go, the world would rapidly devolve into extreme war, or someone else who is even more brutal such as China may take the wheel, in which case humanity will be turned to shit. Many people do not want to accept this, but this is totally a reality, and it has always been that way.

The US is still largely ignored but its existence acts a deterring force towards extremely large scale wars.

Do not expect any thanks or understanding from most people in the case that "our" ruling powers as a people did not trample everyone down as others have done in history. The US may have it's faults as do all empires, but there is at least some peace and general balance going on in most places of the world, which is a world first for a long time.

Fight for the best is the idea here, and yes, the worst exists as a possibility, but we fight for the best instead. If nobody does then with mathematical precision everything will go to shit. Think for example now, due to how much the public is against Jews, they are even folding on agendas like Iran, and other warmorgering that they do through the US.

As for the super degenerates nature has already pre-planned about what happens to them. They are void and vain.

We know the situation may be bad, but we fight for the best. There is no need to despair. Our race has been through a lot and much of it equal to this or worse, but we always manage to find a way out, and we will again. Another tragic event was the bubonic plague, to name one example.

About what happens to the environment this is simply abominable. We may actually get to the point we have to repopulate the earth after this with scientific means. It's really tragic, but there are people who still do positive things even in this pathetic context.

No need to black pill yourself, just be red pilled and be ready about the future, prepare for the worst and fight for the best.
I agree that the role US has played is not much appreciated it has its faults but it is the only country right now that is preventing a total communist world slave state its speaks to the genius and spirituality of its Founders.If America falls to communism the entire world is fucked.The so called deep state is so frustrated with Trump yes he is a cuck but He is not a total cuck He has openly called the Democrats communists/socialists,Hilary Clinton was supposed to continue where that communist stooge Obama left of but surprise surprise Trump won and Democrats can't over it they(jews) thought had so much progress under Obama towards communising America but with Trump they taken many steps back now they trying to impeach Him first it was "Oy Vey ! the Russians got Him elected" now its Ukraine gate......................
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:
14Alex88 said:
Good post.

You mention it but I would like to reiterate the fact that we are at a state of no return. There will be retaliation and war and justifiably. While things would be much better without Jews, so many non-Jews have participated in screwing over others, Black on white violence, Asians swindling our economy and technology, etc. There is no peaceful solution, nor should there be at this point. I don’t glamorize violence or even like it, but I do believe that the wages of ones “sins” should be death.

While Christianity contradicts itself and says many things, much of which I obviously don’t agree with, I do believe that the wages of sin are and should be death and violently. For too long we have had parasites leeching off of others and showing no respect toward the host or other natural life forms. The extent to which many have willfully degenerates into nothing more than materialistic hedonists who don’t care about morals, other life, or anything good at all, justifies a painful ending of their life. One can only hope too that they do suffer eternally for their brazen immorality and selfishness.

So I agree with your post but I think it’s inevitable that the Georgia guidestones are at least achieved in reference to reducing the population to 500 million.

To be honest, that would be best for wildlife also. We lose over 200 species a day now to extinction. We are in the 6th mass extinction event and out rate of extinction compared to normality is over 1 MILLION PERCENT. Most people do not deserve to survive with how they have treated the planet, this life, and the other loving creatures around them. I do believe that in some cases war is preferable, and we are already in one and have been before any of us were born. We will soon enter an age of mass violence, just like Hitler and his Devi predicted.

And just like Sevetri Devi, I agree that “to condemn violence in itself is to condemn the struggles of life and light in this world versus the forces of darkness”. This is the only just war that has ever been fought in modern times and I believe that in 2020, it will go hot. America is an open air insane asylum tinder box that’s ready to explode. And once America is in chaos, I have no reason to believe that nations like India and Pakistan won’t start slaughtering each other either without the big global cop of Jewmerica busy with its own issues.

You should probably read this since youre new.


You shouldn't be too negative. Yes, unfortunately there will be many deaths and disasters but we will all prevail. And the fact that our gods and Hitler is coming back, and with the help of their ancient technology. This speaks loads. This earth is not doomed but many things will change both positively and negatively. This isnt about saving everyone.

The Georgia guidestones were created by a Jew, and this guideline is for population reduction in fulfillment of the Jewish one world slave state they have planned for us. They say that when the messiah comes, each Jew will get 2800 slaves, so of course if you do do the math, lowering the gentile humanity population makes sense for that. They are and have been implementing this now.

Winning this war is not about saving everyone.

I’m negative about things that bear being talked about as such. Part of the reason I detest Christians is that they don’t want to hear any bad news ever. They are irresponsible pathetic children who can’t deal with reality so they block it out. Not saying you are like that but while I’m negative about many things, it’s only because I’m positive about many others. In other words, I point out the negative because I want to solve it in order to enjoy the positives in my life more.

Yeah, the Georgia guidestones being made by a Jew doesn’t surprise me. I’m well aware the “elite” made it. My point was that I wouldn’t care if the earth’s human population would be reduced to 500 million or less. I know that for the “elite” they don’t want what I want in terms of who is left and how they are treated, but I share a sentiment with them but not in the same spirit.

The rest of Georgia guidestones in mostly garbage especially the part that refers to the noahide laws. I had some Zionist jewess in my old condo building who would not shut the hell up years ago how the noahide laws were going to be the new world laws and that they were so great. That jewels a bipolar, childless maniac who had literally been 5150’d before but her husband was a Jewish Freemason so of course these insane Jews get to run around with their mental disorders without consequence lol.

Most of us feel the same way you do. Even I care more about the environment and earth than alot of people, but as I have evolved I see that most of humanity is sick and in need of help. Humans werent in this degenerate state before. We have degenerated. Whether one likes it or not, many people will die and Satan and the gods have said this many times.

The more I see reality for what it is, the more my anger for the Jews and the enemy increases.

We always discuss the negative here, so that we can be further motivated to find solutions. The gods are on our sides. I spoke with Azazel on this subject and he keeps assuring me not to worry because I get sad often about whats going on.

Did you read the link I posted? That should make you feel alittle better about the situation but all in all, yes, there will be shit that happens but the world will heal from this. We will work to restore and heal the earth in the future.

The gods havent given up on humanity and our Earth, so we shouldn't.
14Alex88 said:
Except it’s not just the jews though. That’s my point. I don’t believe that even the jews are at the top of the ladder. It seems like those here think it’s the grey aliens. Maybe so! But those greys use jews, who are more than willing to do their bidding, to use other races who are more than willing to do their bidding.
It goes like "Enemy nordics -> Reptilians -> Greys -> Jews". This is the power hierarchy in a simplified sense.

You should watch this 14 minute video by HP. Hoodedcobra666, as it has a ton of valuable info on the jews as a whole.
Shael said:
14Alex88 said:
Except it’s not just the jews though. That’s my point. I don’t believe that even the jews are at the top of the ladder. It seems like those here think it’s the grey aliens. Maybe so! But those greys use jews, who are more than willing to do their bidding, to use other races who are more than willing to do their bidding.
It goes like "Enemy nordics -> Reptilians -> Greys -> Jews". This is the power hierarchy in a simplified sense.

You should watch this 14 minute video by HP. Hoodedcobra666, as it has a ton of valuable info on the jews as a whole.

Alex, if you choose to actually follow this path and dedicate yourself to Satan, you will evolve and start to see things clearly.

I dont think you quite understand what has happened to humanity, how the enemy ETs and Jewish race works, how they are programmed and how they literally have been doing rituals and cursing humanity to be blind, brainwashed and degenerated for centuries. Alot of occult magick has been poured into blinding everyone, and Its not humanity's fault and the gods KNOW this hence, why they are still here trying to help us, how exactly humanity has degenerated.

Your anger and pessimism is justified and no one is saying its not valid. When I see what's going on, I too desire a sort of purge, but I know the bigger problem.

The Enemy Gods and ETs are the ones who are operating all of this but the Jews are the terrestrial beings here really enacting and carrying out their plans and delivering humanity to their evil and disgusting cause.

Its only a small percentage of gentiles who are more than willing to be pawns and shills for the Jews and willing to sell out their own people to the Jews. The rest if them, most are only brainwashed degenerates and are lied to. Every race had had that happen to them.

You think there is no hope, but there is. You will see. As for 2020, we'll see.

Are you willing to put in the extra work and energy to eveolve yourself and help Satan's cause? They already told us we have won, but we still need to keep fighting. We already established how you feel about the situation, now its up to you if you are willing to be a part of this fight.
HPS Shannon said:
Are you willing to put in the extra work and energy to eveolve yourself and help Satan's cause? They already told us we have won, but we still need to keep fighting. We already established how you feel about the situation, now its up to you if you are willing to be a part of this fight.

Because with any and every war, you still have to clean up the mess.
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Shael said:
It goes like "Enemy nordics -> Reptilians -> Greys -> Jews". This is the power hierarchy in a simplified sense.

You should watch this 14 minute video by HP. Hoodedcobra666, as it has a ton of valuable info on the jews as a whole.

Thanks again.

Much of this is about Top Secret information, but evidence exists all over. People, even top Government officials have went open with a lot of this information.

That aside, after your read all of our material, there are like 200 books and a read list for the Joy of Satan, you can use the search function to find it. These lead to further sources on their own.

That aside, Jews sufficiently provide proof on their own for this. Even the show "Ancient Aliens" provided plenty for those who are too "Close minded". There are all sorts of events and nobody can answer you directly in one reply about all the proof existing about their existence.

Aliens or Extraterrestrials just exist normally beyond the spectrum of visible light to humans. But there is information about them including the Rockwell crash and many other things which are pretty much endless. Some of it is also disinfo, but it should be obvious.

The fact that New Agers promote Communism, Weed and "Breaking Boundaries", "Ego death", Racial Assimilation and Melting Pot, incessant race mixing between races etc, and credit it all to the Greys, should be another proof. The fact that jews show up in videos and say they meet Reptilians in meditative states that give them advice [the fruits of which are evident in how they run things] should also cap everything.

Most people here have studied this stuff for at least 5 years. Some even upwards to 20. So just asking for everyone be your personal assistant and give you everything on a plate is not advisable, you need to study on your own. Otherwise no reply given to you will ever be sufficient.

If one opens the third eye, which is an actual organ, inside your actual brain, and learns how to use this, then you may even see them for yourself, which will brush away the need for gross empiric evidence which the jews of course aren't going to give. The existence of Aliens which is a total fact, same as UFO's, is documented. There are endless topics in the JoS Ministries forum and I have written one with proof, limited but not included the statements of Presidents. Much of this is also in the Encyclopedia.

That aside to pretend one has questions all the time but not taking the mile to start studying is called hypocrisy. You need to study I can't do this for you nor anyone else can. Every reply given due to the impossibility of answering everything you will just bring up another question and then another, and we don't have eternal time for this.

We don't live to your standards you live to the standards of the above. The belief that the Truth belongs to the stupid is no motivating moral belief of ours, nor to the lazy.

If one is lazy and doesn't really seek question one can just step in a mega church and start ranting about Jeboo, handle snakes in the Pentacostal, and dance around while on a molly pretending they are speaking tongues on something. "Religion made easy".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:

Thanks again.

Much of this is about Top Secret information, but evidence exists all over. People, even top Government officials have went open with a lot of this information.

That aside, after your read all of our material, there are like 200 books and a read list for the Joy of Satan, you can use the search function to find it. These lead to further sources on their own.

That aside, Jews sufficiently provide proof on their own for this. Even the show "Ancient Aliens" provided plenty for those who are too "Close minded". There are all sorts of events and nobody can answer you directly in one reply about all the proof existing about their existence.

Aliens or Extraterrestrials just exist normally beyond the spectrum of visible light to humans. But there is information about them including the Rockwell crash and many other things which are pretty much endless. Some of it is also disinfo, but it should be obvious.

The fact that New Agers promote Communism, Weed and "Breaking Boundaries", "Ego death", Racial Assimilation and Melting Pot, incessant race mixing between races etc, and credit it all to the Greys, should be another proof. The fact that jews show up in videos and say they meet Reptilians in meditative states that give them advice [the fruits of which are evident in how they run things] should also cap everything.

Most people here have studied this stuff for at least 5 years. Some even upwards to 20. So just asking for everyone be your personal assistant and give you everything on a plate is not advisable, you need to study on your own. Otherwise no reply given to you will ever be sufficient.

If one opens the third eye, which is an actual organ, inside your actual brain, and learns how to use this, then you may even see them for yourself, which will brush away the need for gross empiric evidence which the jews of course aren't going to give. The existence of Aliens which is a total fact, same as UFO's, is documented. There are endless topics in the JoS Ministries forum and I have written one with proof, limited but not included the statements of Presidents. Much of this is also in the Encyclopedia.

That aside to pretend one has questions all the time but not taking the mile to start studying is called hypocrisy. You need to study I can't do this for you nor anyone else can. Every reply given due to the impossibility of answering everything you will just bring up another question and then another, and we don't have eternal time for this.

We don't live to your standards you live to the standards of the above. The belief that the Truth belongs to the stupid is no motivating moral belief of ours, nor to the lazy.

If one is lazy and doesn't really seek question one can just step in a mega church and start ranting about Jeboo, handle snakes in the Pentacostal, and dance around while on a molly pretending they are speaking tongues on something. "Religion made easy".
You talk about the third eye being an organ but in that sense do you mean the pineal gland?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:

Thanks again.

Much of this is about Top Secret information, but evidence exists all over. People, even top Government officials have went open with a lot of this information.

That aside, after your read all of our material, there are like 200 books and a read list for the Joy of Satan, you can use the search function to find it. These lead to further sources on their own.

That aside, Jews sufficiently provide proof on their own for this. Even the show "Ancient Aliens" provided plenty for those who are too "Close minded". There are all sorts of events and nobody can answer you directly in one reply about all the proof existing about their existence.

Aliens or Extraterrestrials just exist normally beyond the spectrum of visible light to humans. But there is information about them including the Rockwell crash and many other things which are pretty much endless. Some of it is also disinfo, but it should be obvious.

The fact that New Agers promote Communism, Weed and "Breaking Boundaries", "Ego death", Racial Assimilation and Melting Pot, incessant race mixing between races etc, and credit it all to the Greys, should be another proof. The fact that jews show up in videos and say they meet Reptilians in meditative states that give them advice [the fruits of which are evident in how they run things] should also cap everything.

Most people here have studied this stuff for at least 5 years. Some even upwards to 20. So just asking for everyone be your personal assistant and give you everything on a plate is not advisable, you need to study on your own. Otherwise no reply given to you will ever be sufficient.

If one opens the third eye, which is an actual organ, inside your actual brain, and learns how to use this, then you may even see them for yourself, which will brush away the need for gross empiric evidence which the jews of course aren't going to give. The existence of Aliens which is a total fact, same as UFO's, is documented. There are endless topics in the JoS Ministries forum and I have written one with proof, limited but not included the statements of Presidents. Much of this is also in the Encyclopedia.

That aside to pretend one has questions all the time but not taking the mile to start studying is called hypocrisy. You need to study I can't do this for you nor anyone else can. Every reply given due to the impossibility of answering everything you will just bring up another question and then another, and we don't have eternal time for this.

We don't live to your standards you live to the standards of the above. The belief that the Truth belongs to the stupid is no motivating moral belief of ours, nor to the lazy.

If one is lazy and doesn't really seek question one can just step in a mega church and start ranting about Jeboo, handle snakes in the Pentacostal, and dance around while on a molly pretending they are speaking tongues on something. "Religion made easy".

Alex, what is your purpose here and goal when you say that you will be dedicating yourself to Satan? Satan, who is an ET, him and the Deamon gods we worship are all ETs.

As HP HoodedCobra mentioned, there is proof and evidence all around. Even outside of these forums.

And yes, a small number of people are careless and allow themselves to be brainwashed, but again, most people have been broken down, tricked, and brainwashed.

Alex, you arent fully aware of the Jewish power, and how this entire war started. Do you understand systematically how Earth has been enslaved? Do you understand how occult magick and power has been used to disarm and blind the gentiles?

Claiming that humanity just simply allowed themselves to be tricked and enslaved is very very wrong and stupid, from my point of view. Humanity wasn't created this way. We have degenerated for reasons beyond us. It all started with the enemy.

And did you know that Satan and our gods were once bound and disarmed as well by Enemy ETs? Do our gods suck because this happened to them? No.

It's a long story and it has been a long battle. So to say that humanity deserves all that we have received and that most of humanity should be wiped away because the enemy and the alien Jewish race decieved and weakened us, is absolutely ludicrous.
HPS Shannon said:
And did you know that Satan and our gods were once bound and disarmed as well by Enemy ETs?
I do apologize if I am wrong here, but from what I know the Gods were bound in the sense of having their influence on this planet weakened. I don't think it's possible for the enemy to really "bind" Satan and the Gods themselves, like to "bind" the actual beings. To my understanding, they bound them through the energy matrix they erected on this planet, essentially weakening their power and influence on this planet in particular. Like a radio jamming signal, if you will. That would also explain why Maxine and the HPs were able to "free" them, because it needed to be done from someone within the hostile energy matrix.

I'm just replying this here because I thought your reply may give some people the wrong idea. If you meant the same as me from the start, then just ignore this message. If you meant something different, I would be interested in further explanation provided you have the time. It's entirely possible that there are some factors or possiblities I'm just overlooking here, but I wanted to bring this up nonetheless.
I have elaborated on this before and yes, this is correct what you write and it's good you did so, so that people don't get confused.

Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
And did you know that Satan and our gods were once bound and disarmed as well by Enemy ETs?
I do apologize if I am wrong here, but from what I know the Gods were bound in the sense of having their influence on this planet weakened. I don't think it's possible for the enemy to really "bind" Satan and the Gods themselves, like to "bind" the actual beings. To my understanding, they bound them through the energy matrix they erected on this planet, essentially weakening their power and influence on this planet in particular. Like a radio jamming signal, if you will. That would also explain why Maxine and the HPs were able to "free" them, because it needed to be done from someone within the hostile energy matrix.

I'm just replying this here because I thought your reply may give some people the wrong idea. If you meant the same as me from the start, then just ignore this message. If you meant something different, I would be interested in further explanation provided you have the time. It's entirely possible that there are some factors or possiblities I'm just overlooking here, but I wanted to bring this up nonetheless.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have elaborated on this before and yes, this is correct what you write and it's good you did so, so that people don't get confused.

Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
And did you know that Satan and our gods were once bound and disarmed as well by Enemy ETs?
I do apologize if I am wrong here, but from what I know the Gods were bound in the sense of having their influence on this planet weakened. I don't think it's possible for the enemy to really "bind" Satan and the Gods themselves, like to "bind" the actual beings. To my understanding, they bound them through the energy matrix they erected on this planet, essentially weakening their power and influence on this planet in particular. Like a radio jamming signal, if you will. That would also explain why Maxine and the HPs were able to "free" them, because it needed to be done from someone within the hostile energy matrix.

I'm just replying this here because I thought your reply may give some people the wrong idea. If you meant the same as me from the start, then just ignore this message. If you meant something different, I would be interested in further explanation provided you have the time. It's entirely possible that there are some factors or possiblities I'm just overlooking here, but I wanted to bring this up nonetheless.

Thats obviously not what I meant. Not physically but spiritually and with their influence and through spirit abuse, etc.
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Shael said:
It goes like "Enemy nordics -> Reptilians -> Greys -> Jews". This is the power hierarchy in a simplified sense.

You should watch this 14 minute video by HP. Hoodedcobra666, as it has a ton of valuable info on the jews as a whole.

Alex, if you choose to actually follow this path and dedicate yourself to Satan, you will evolve and start to see things clearly.

I dont think you quite understand what has happened to humanity, how the enemy ETs and Jewish race works, how they are programmed and how they literally have been doing rituals and cursing humanity to be blind, brainwashed and degenerated for centuries. Alot of occult magick has been poured into blinding everyone, and Its not humanity's fault and the gods KNOW this hence, why they are still here trying to help us, how exactly humanity has degenerated.

Your anger and pessimism is justified and no one is saying its not valid. When I see what's going on, I too desire a sort of purge, but I know the bigger problem.

The Enemy Gods and ETs are the ones who are operating all of this but the Jews are the terrestrial beings here really enacting and carrying out their plans and delivering humanity to their evil and disgusting cause.

Its only a small percentage of gentiles who are more than willing to be pawns and shills for the Jews and willing to sell out their own people to the Jews. The rest if them, most are only brainwashed degenerates and are lied to. Every race had had that happen to them.

You think there is no hope, but there is. You will see. As for 2020, we'll see.

Are you willing to put in the extra work and energy to eveolve yourself and help Satan's cause? They already told us we have won, but we still need to keep fighting. We already established how you feel about the situation, now its up to you if you are willing to be a part of this fight.

Of course I’ll continue to research stuff but I don’t believe in the whole brainwashing bit. People allow themselves to be “brainwashed” because it fits their desires and it’s easier to believe than analyze stuff on your own which can be very frightening.

I honestly don’t know if what you’re saying is true about the “ETs and enemy gods” since I don’t have proof of that. Of course I can see that things are bad and there must be an explanation, but what provable evidence do you have for such a claim?

I’m not trying to be a contrarian or a hard-ass but my biggest problem with abrahmic religions were the extraordinary claims that lacked any real evidence.

So if you have real evidence for the enemy ETs and gods you talk about, I’d appreciate it.

I’m well aware of stories like Phil Schneider encountering the greys and other grey alien tales and I’m totally open to them being real, and think they very well might be, but do we have inexplicable proof? I know that might be asking a lot but I still have to ask.

Either way, I know we differ on things but I give credit where it’s due and people here seem to be a lot more intelligent, articulate and conscious of reality than any religious forum.

So thanks for responding and hope I can get some more answers. I’m the type of person that when I’m convinced, I’ll go the extra mile to help others who deserve it so it’s not all in vain.

Thanks again.
You are a refreshing voice in this forum. I dont believe too much in the brainwashing theory either. Can you really be molded into a total heartless degenerate like so many you see around?
I think some people here come from a background of being ok with racemixing and carry this emotional baggage of feeling they should stick up for humans who clearly carry nothing within them to be made immortal anyways. I wish you a nice stay. I wont be around these forums for long I think Im on their blacklist now here. Ive even been called a "racist" by a "member" here. Definitely by a non white. Not to many whites need or care for the approval of other races.
Bull Gotze said:
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:

No, probably not in any blacklist. At least not mine.

Just express an opinion without instigating issues within the general army, for reasons of function, civility, and with keeping the greater goals in mind. Among like minded people where these things are known it just means you are pointlessly venting.

Consider these facts are well known, many of these bad things are inherent in humanity. Spiritual practice and eugenics are necessary.

Brainwashing happens and it can have catastrophic proportions. It's a minority that is quite resistant to brainwashing, not the other way around.

Humanity and races have inherent faults, on the racial level also. The average baseline of races is not the same, we know all this. There is not as much degeneracy in Japan as is in Thailand. This is only an example of within the broader Asiatic race. Whites are the same, and Blacks are the same in that regard.

However, attacking SS on the forum which are not part of the mess is just pointless and a waste of everyone's time, plus, if one says they want to achieve Satan's purpose, which is to weed out the dross and elevate one's people and secondarily mankind, then, one has to practice patience.

None of you is in a blacklist. I approved many people including Cowboy who write aggressive comments for us before, it's ok, about things that Whites have done. We aren't perfect either, but the thing is, major contact in Africa was initiated mostly with jews and is very recent. We weren't there directly stopping anything.

Jews may have been, but Whites really didn't go all that deep in Africa.

By the time the modern "White" man [which is long after jews] set foot in Africa, it was already existing for thousands of years as it were before, like all other places in the world did.

Like ok, the brainwashing theory makes sense in the modern world, but let us just say that there was no Hollywood in all these years where people gut ripped each other of their people in African territories and tribes killed one another before even a town was constructed.

Nobody denies these facts, these are facts, and well known to everyone. Talking them to instigate isn't solving nothing. And for those who think that White people stole a Wakanda, one has to be really historically ignorant.

It's easy to blame White people and everyone else, the president of Rwanda went on about this in an interview. People like to blame other forces but they don't like to build their own civilizations.

But with some people all you will get is shit in the face and being blamed that you stole Wakanda or something. The same psychopathy is talked against us by jews. The facts are whomever is a builder is a builder, the Asians didn't say we stole anything of theirs, they build it, because they can.

Modern problems are upwards to a 90% jew created problems. They keep Africa back and create civil war, but the underlying climate within people themselves is what allows this to start in the first place. Even the above, in the present day civilization, would be far more better than it is today.

We Whites have also done some really stupid stuff in our history, but that is mostly of Whites against Whites, but it is what it is, we can't hate our people even if they suck, there are levels to them. We have to move better on to better things. SS here are on a higher level of consciousness, many of our people may be not, others are total trash. Our job is not to think they are perfect, but make them better.

Love for our people is love for our people, same as is venting and expressing opinion. Only if one does it for the benefits of the enemy, this is when they have a problem, not just because they have an opinion.
You are not an SS, and even if you were, you have a lot to learn. Your stay is of benefit.

In that perspective it is good to understand the value of your own opinion about subjects you do not understand.

How much is the opinion worth of a random person who randomly shows up in the street, when naval commanders or NASA scientists show up and plan for something?

I see good mind material, but do not take this onto yourself. There are many good minds. But not many spiritually advanced people.

Jews are responsible for everything. Some of it directly, and some of it done through others. You may understand what control means intellectually but you cannot comprehend the size of things before you understand the occult aspect by experience.

Geniuses of our people have explained this situation with them, and now other workers for our own have explained their occultistic plots.

The enemy has made great people desolate and empires like Rome to collapse as furniture from termites. Underestimating their control and power is a death sentence. This is not the work of a mere normal and reasonable agency. There is more to it.

We will show civility to people who are just readers but do not try to impose this limited perspective on what the enemy is or is not capable of, or the effects of the means that they use.

I do not go in a doctors forum and demand I be taken seriously in regards to neural surgery. It should make sense.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
