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How does immortality work?


New member
Dec 27, 2022
If a gods body gets shredded to pieces or something could they attach their soul to a clones body? And can they reincarnate in a dead body? Or maybe take over somebody elses body? And can a god put their soul in the body of something non-human?
A Gods body is not made up of gross matter like that of Human beings. Having ascended and transformed, their body is composed of Golden Light. And they can dematerialize and Rematerialize their body at will which is one of the 8 great siddhis. Meaning they are essentially completely immortal and cannot be killed. It wouldn't really make sense to be called immortal and be killed by mortal methods.

On the flip side the enemy is made up of gross matter and can be killed by physical force if caught.

They are not immortal in the way our Gods are immortal. They have transcended mortality by merging with Machines. In this way they are feigning immortality. But they still possess an unrefined ego which causes them to go on devouring quests on the other planets. This is what happens when you try to evolve after discarding nature's law.
Blizzard_Owl said:
If a gods body gets shredded to pieces or something could they attach their soul to a clones body? And can they reincarnate in a dead body? Or maybe take over somebody elses body? And can a god put their soul in the body of something non-human?

The comments above are wild guesses and imaginary, as far as i am aware we do not have sufficient knowledge about the gods to give a accurate answer to your question. All i know is they they have transcended far above the line that we can perceive.

If you really want to know about such a question, ask your GD if he/she will guide you to an accurate answer.
Korpi said:
General Yeager said:
A Gods body is not made up of gross matter like that of Human beings. Having ascended and transformed, their body is composed of Golden Light.
Where did you read this?
In various Yogic teachings.
General Yeager said:
A Gods body is not made up of gross matter like that of Human beings. Having ascended and transformed, their body is composed of Golden Light. And they can dematerialize and Rematerialize their body at will which is one of the 8 great siddhis. Meaning they are essentially completely immortal and cannot be killed. It wouldn't really make sense to be called immortal and be killed by mortal methods.

On the flip side the enemy is made up of gross matter and can be killed by physical force if caught.

They are not immortal in the way our Gods are immortal. They have transcended mortality by merging with Machines. In this way they are feigning immortality. But they still possess an unrefined ego which causes them to go on devouring quests on the other planets. This is what happens when you try to evolve after discarding nature's law.
This is what I suspect aswell after having visions of various Demons.
General Yeager said:
A Gods body is not made up of gross matter like that of Human beings. Having ascended and transformed, their body is composed of Golden Light. And they can dematerialize and Rematerialize their body at will which is one of the 8 great siddhis. Meaning they are essentially completely immortal and cannot be killed. It wouldn't really make sense to be called immortal and be killed by mortal methods.

On the flip side the enemy is made up of gross matter and can be killed by physical force if caught.

They are not immortal in the way our Gods are immortal. They have transcended mortality by merging with Machines. In this way they are feigning immortality. But they still possess an unrefined ego which causes them to go on devouring quests on the other planets. This is what happens when you try to evolve after discarding nature's law.
I remember reading that our Gods can die for major natural disasters but obviously since they are so advanced they can predict if something like that was going to happen. I don't think the body can become able to be immune to the worse things but their power protect them a lot.
General Yeager said:
In various Yogic teachings.

Like the ones that teaches how to merge with the brahman?
If you would have know this from your GD or Satan I would say okay, but it doesn't sounds like something possible.

The gods do manifest in every dimension therefore in this physical dimension too. We pretty much know that IN THIS dimension something like that what you said wouldn't be possible, maybe in higher dimensions.

What do you mean by gross matter? Like any atom- protons neutrons, electrons, ect..? because without this basically you arent physical and light is just the vibration of photons, at least in the physical dimension.

The siddhis aren't physical accomplisments therefore you can't reduce your physical body size to a size of a atom in the physical dimension. The siddhis only possible in the astral and way more higher dimensions, but this in natural, as somebody on a level of a god, they can be just in any dimensions at any time and accomplish the siddhi any time, but their physical body in this 3rd physical dimensions will stay the same.

Therefore their physical body can die like if it would be inside a sun, but their higher bodys survive the amount of energy in a sun.
I do remember also that it was written somewhere that a gods body can die like in a disaster. however Im pretty sure they never died and never going to die (their physical body) as on their advancement they are protected against disasters in any way.
Blizzard_Owl said:
If a gods body gets shredded to pieces or something could they attach their soul to a clones body? And can they reincarnate in a dead body? Or maybe take over somebody elses body? And can a god put their soul in the body of something non-human?

They will reincarnate on a body that is the same caliber as them,for it is natural.
Also the gods do posses more than one body if i recall
Alsl no one can reincarnate on a dead body its is unnatural....
Its like putting a powerful vehicle engine in a wrecked car
AFODO said:
General Yeager said:
In various Yogic teachings.

Like the ones that teaches how to merge with the brahman?
If you would have know this from your GD or Satan I would say okay, but it doesn't sounds like something possible.

The gods do manifest in every dimension therefore in this physical dimension too. We pretty much know that IN THIS dimension something like that what you said wouldn't be possible, maybe in higher dimensions.

What do you mean by gross matter? Like any atom- protons neutrons, electrons, ect..? because without this basically you arent physical and light is just the vibration of photons, at least in the physical dimension.

The siddhis aren't physical accomplisments therefore you can't reduce your physical body size to a size of a atom in the physical dimension. The siddhis only possible in the astral and way more higher dimensions, but this in natural, as somebody on a level of a god, they can be just in any dimensions at any time and accomplish the siddhi any time, but their physical body in this 3rd physical dimensions will stay the same.

Therefore their physical body can die like if it would be inside a sun, but their higher bodys survive the amount of energy in a sun.
I do remember also that it was written somewhere that a gods body can die like in a disaster. however Im pretty sure they never died and never going to die (their physical body) as on their advancement they are protected against disasters in any way.
1) Yes those teachings which are also the Central requirements for Unlimited power. Merging (drawing from) the Universal Prana while maintaining your own individuality is a must requirement for physical immortality. Scavenging and reading information while discerning the truth requires divine providence and a helping hand of the Gods. Which is why the Experienced Satanist always arrives at correct information and can shift through incorrect information by intuition. How do you think we have am extant information body derived from Vedic teachings which has been refined and stripped of corruption and presented in an easily digestible and applicable way. For example a wise Satanist researching the Brahman will quickly understand that dissolving your identity into the Brahman is a Buddhist corruption and that the actual teachings are to empower your soul ,and raise the Kundalini to establish a connection with the Brahman which will make it so that you can maintain your individuality while siphoning unlimited energy from it and use to to rise to higher levels of advancement.

2)Matter Manifests from Energy being condensed in various Geometric patterns also known as Mandalas which manifests in the manifold creation around us. Protons ,Electrons etc manifest from this underlying force or energy. Scientists call it Dark Energy but they don't understand it because modern science doesn't have spiritual roots.

3)Gross Matter means matter unrefined by spiritual processes. A body dies because it is unable to maintain a soul for an unlimited amount of time. Matter that is constantly siphoning from a pure energy source is unperishable. A central tenant for immortality (physical immortality) is for the body to constantly siphon energy at a steady rate from an unlimited source. Which is exactly why maintaining a permanent unbroken connection from the Brahman, (the unlimited energy source) is needed.

4)I am not saying that the Gods do not have a Physical body. I am saying that they have the ability to transform their physical body into energy and vice versa when needed which is through the power of consciousness.

This is proven by experiments when scientists look at sub atomic particles under an electron microscope and they dissappear when they someone is not looking for them. Meaning the observer manifests the subatomic particles. This is applied in a broad sense by the Siddhis where someone can switch between physical matter manifesting in this dimension and pure energy in the higher plane at will.

5)Siddhis are physical manifestations of the conscious application of energy directed by will. All of our Magickal Workings are based on this model. In the JOS website there are many siddhis given (Pyrokinesis etc). There is extant evidence of siddhis where Tibetian Monks levitate into air and many Witches noted manifesting fire on candlesticks. Higher siddhis require a lot of energy to manifest. For example if someone had a lot of time (unlimited time) I'm sure they could master the siddhis where you dematerialize and Rematerialize your body, change shapes ,etc.

6)I do not believe that the Gods can be killed in any way shape or form and I find it offensive to even consider such a possibility. I believe that the earlier information might be outdated. We cannot view the Gods with our limited perspective of human beings. Having transcended the samsaric cycle of birth and rebirth they are in essence completely immortal. It wouldn't really make sense to be stripped of immortality by mortal actions. And immortality wouldn't Also make sense if it wasn't permanent.

These questions are very interesting and I love to answer them. You should also do The Ritual to Satan every Saturday so that you discover a deeper connection with our Gods who will guide you in your intuition in your research. The Psalm to Satan is also very Good which can be done everyday. Good Luck. 👍
Many interesting points here.

I believe it would be best if we first reach a certain level in advancement, then ask these highly existential questions since they are so foreign to our currently simple and basic minds.

And we should ask the gods these things, in my opinion. Not others. They will guide towards the answer.

Weirdly enough I agree with your other points except the one about the gods not being able to be killed or defeated.

If the gods were TRULY invincible, there would never have been any sort of war between them and the enemy ETs. They would have just won and we would never have things like the kikes, dark age, pisslam, xianity and the like.

I do believe that the gods are much more inconceivable and wondrous than we think they are, but I also believe what you said applies to beings that are nowhere close to their advancement, trying to hurt them. Which cannot be said for certain advanced and evil species of aliens such as the reptilians.
The priests explained in PDFs that the Gods of the highest rank have an immortal physical body, in their land, to have more psychic power in this dimension, in this galaxy above all. It is evident that many demons do not have bodies of matter, they could easily live in higher spiritual dimensions, it is not said that they decide to be reborn continuously like Christians, rather than stay in astral dimensions, depends on the Demons. It depends on the power of the Demon/God if they can die in attacks or serious accidents... At the same time a 500,000-year-old God will have another auric defense than a 200-year-old one. Nothing is said. Of course some weak and young God can die physically anyway, it depends on the power they have... They do not enter dead bodies because the souls of the Gods have such a high power, that they would have nerves muscles too weak... So they have to reincarnate to have a body that maintains their physical strength....
TheWhiteGiant said:
Weirdly enough I agree with your other points except the one about the gods not being able to be killed or defeated.

If the gods were TRULY invincible, there would never have been any sort of war between them and the enemy ETs. They would have just won..

You are assuming the "undefeated" part out of a discussion that is about immortality. What part of being unkillable has to do with someone being able to wrap all laws of reality at will and never be set back at some plan they have. Get familiar with the Greek myths or tragedies.

Even so the Gods did win though 🤨 What was defeated at some points in history was Earth not the Gods. Satan's whole Empire don't spin around our little planet.

The people who died or the civilizations destroyed during catastrophes on Earth like Atlantis were highly advanced humans, yes, but not even close to the Gods.
TheWhiteGiant said:

Weirdly enough I agree with your other points except the one about the gods not being able to be killed or defeated.

If the gods were TRULY invincible, there would never have been any sort of war between them and the enemy ETs. They would have just won and we would never have things like the kikes, dark age, pisslam, xianity and the like.

I do believe that the gods are much more inconceivable and wondrous than we think they are, but I also believe what you said applies to beings that are nowhere close to their advancement, trying to hurt them. Which cannot be said for certain advanced and evil species of aliens such as the reptilians.
Well the enemy also has enormous power ,don't get me wrong. Because of their mass harvesting of planets energies and souls. Just because you are personally invincible and immortal doesn't mean that the projects you start are always going to work as you intended. Someone will similar levels of spiritual power (regardless of how they got it ,using mass sacrifice or otherwise) could also thwart a civilization you started.

Also I do not think that the Gods were ever physically defeated in a battle in our ancient past. Those stories are based upon literal interpretations of Sumerian Myths and assorted Ancient Alien hypothesis.

What's more likely to have happened is that the planet was seeded hundreds of thousands of years ago. Then after having taught spirituality the Gods must have went away advisimg the spiritual masters to keep in contact with them over astral connections. However overtime due to various factors including a fanatical unrelenting enemy and internal warfare along with diminishing spiritual values and increasing population lead to the sorry state of humanity that we are now. Spiritual contact was lost and thus the Gods couldn't properly guide humanity. It also had to do with astrological cycle during which the enemy took advantage of humanity and pushed them away from the Gods.

Because most of our contact is from Astral and as spiritual contact waned and the Emperors stopped taking the council of spiritual masters ,instead relying on their own ego fighting pointless wars etc. This exacerbated the situation. Along with infiltration by enemy programs such as Xianity.

A lot of confounding factors have come together to thwart this humanity project. However it hasn't completely been thwarted yet.

Until every single human is microchipped the war continues. So let's look forward to our future.
Egon said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Weirdly enough I agree with your other points except the one about the gods not being able to be killed or defeated.

If the gods were TRULY invincible, there would never have been any sort of war between them and the enemy ETs. They would have just won..

You are assuming the "undefeated" part out of a discussion that is about immortality. What part of being unkillable has to do with someone being able to wrap all laws of reality at will and never be set back at some plan they have. Get familiar with the Greek myths or tragedies.

Even so the Gods did win though 🤨 What was defeated at some points in history was Earth not the Gods. Satan's whole Empire don't spin around our little planet.

The people who died or the civilizations destroyed during catastrophes on Earth like Atlantis were highly advanced humans, yes, but not even close to the Gods.

Such immature, unprofessional tone for a member who has been here for quite a while.

I'd thank you for your input, but you clearly don't deserve that.
General Yeager said:
TheWhiteGiant said:

Weirdly enough I agree with your other points except the one about the gods not being able to be killed or defeated.

If the gods were TRULY invincible, there would never have been any sort of war between them and the enemy ETs. They would have just won and we would never have things like the kikes, dark age, pisslam, xianity and the like.

I do believe that the gods are much more inconceivable and wondrous than we think they are, but I also believe what you said applies to beings that are nowhere close to their advancement, trying to hurt them. Which cannot be said for certain advanced and evil species of aliens such as the reptilians.
Well the enemy also has enormous power ,don't get me wrong. Because of their mass harvesting of planets energies and souls. Just because you are personally invincible and immortal doesn't mean that the projects you start are always going to work as you intended. Someone will similar levels of spiritual power (regardless of how they got it ,using mass sacrifice or otherwise) could also thwart a civilization you started.

Also I do not think that the Gods were ever physically defeated in a battle in our ancient past. Those stories are based upon literal interpretations of Sumerian Myths and assorted Ancient Alien hypothesis.

What's more likely to have happened is that the planet was seeded hundreds of thousands of years ago. Then after having taught spirituality the Gods must have went away advisimg the spiritual masters to keep in contact with them over astral connections. However overtime due to various factors including a fanatical unrelenting enemy and internal warfare along with diminishing spiritual values and increasing population lead to the sorry state of humanity that we are now. Spiritual contact was lost and thus the Gods couldn't properly guide humanity. It also had to do with astrological cycle during which the enemy took advantage of humanity and pushed them away from the Gods.

Because most of our contact is from Astral and as spiritual contact waned and the Emperors stopped taking the council of spiritual masters ,instead relying on their own ego fighting pointless wars etc. This exacerbated the situation. Along with infiltration by enemy programs such as Xianity.

A lot of confounding factors have come together to thwart this humanity project. However it hasn't completely been thwarted yet.

Until every single human is microchipped the war continues. So let's look forward to our future.

Yes, let's.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Such immature, unprofessional tone for a member who has been here for quite a while.

I'd thank you for your input, but you clearly don't deserve that.

Maybe his tone was slightly harsh, but I don't see it as immature or unprofessional. Where do you? I think he answered you well enough.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=450637 time=1687547642 user_id=21286]
TheWhiteGiant said:
Such immature, unprofessional tone for a member who has been here for quite a while.

I'd thank you for your input, but you clearly don't deserve that.

Maybe his tone was slightly harsh, but I don't see it as immature or unprofessional. Where do you? I think he answered you well enough.

Hello Brother Blitzkreig, how are you doing. ( rather old member with new account here)

I think it is very obvious through the text. I can sense the slight arrogance.
Whatever, though.

I do not wish to spare my nerves on people who don't even know how to hold civil conversation.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Hello Brother Blitzkreig, how are you doing. ( rather old member with new account here)

I think it is very obvious through the text. I can sense the slight arrogance.
Whatever, though.

I do not wish to spare my nerves on people who don't even know how to hold civil conversation.

I guess I can see the hostility. Perhaps he thought you were just a new person trying to poke at the positive qualities of the Gods, although maybe you are just trying to distinguish reality, not demean anyone. I think both you and Egon are good members, so a ruined relationship between you and him wouldn't serve anyone's interests.

As everything in life, we blend it through practicality. The Gods are not invincible in the sense of having infinite energy, but they can be seen as practically unbeatable due to their degree of advancement. They are also not reckless and will take any threat seriously, so all of this is why they did not cause an immediate end to the enemy.

It is like if you were trying to save a building from a rat infestation, without getting bitten. You would work slowly and methodically, despite having the technology to just burn the whole house down. In this time frame, the enemy pretends to have victory, even though all factors are turning against them and their occupation of our house.
Egon said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Weirdly enough I agree with your other points except the one about the gods not being able to be killed or defeated.

If the gods were TRULY invincible, there would never have been any sort of war between them and the enemy ETs. They would have just won..

You are assuming the "undefeated" part out of a discussion that is about immortality. What part of being unkillable has to do with someone being able to wrap all laws of reality at will and never be set back at some plan they have. Get familiar with the Greek myths or tragedies.

Even so the Gods did win though 🤨 What was defeated at some points in history was Earth not the Gods. Satan's whole Empire don't spin around our little planet.

The people who died or the civilizations destroyed during catastrophes on Earth like Atlantis were highly advanced humans, yes, but not even close to the Gods.

There exists very obvious connections between immortality, and great advancement. The gods battled and still are battling the higher enemy, which is why they cannot descend on earth currently. There is great conflict of energy going on especially with the enemy ETs having kept our planet in the dirty, diseased vibrations that they control. But at the same time the gods also have their own influence here. Earth is a battlefield.

I say all of these things based on the posts I have read from advanced members and especially high priest, specifically from his post " Why isnt the Enemy gone yet?"

As conquerors and builders, it would make sense that the gods put their energy onto earth since they have already created a species on it, which is us. It would only be sensible that the reason the gods are not physically here or not as revered as they should be, is not due to our petty human mistakes, but due to some large scale warfare on the gods, imposed by other beings close to their level of power. Why would the gods create a race and just decide to up and leave it, trusting that it will fend off on its own at the beginning stages of its spiritual evolution?

The real reason is because there is active warfare going on, and we are a part of it.

I dont even know exactly why you have proposed this vague argument. You are saying what I have said.

But no have it your way. Be rude and distasteful and don't read properly what someone has written. Why the fuck not.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=450654 time=1687552623 user_id=21286]
It is like if you were trying to save a building from a rat infestation, without getting bitten. You would work slowly and methodically, despite having the technology to just burn the whole house down. In this time frame, the enemy pretends to have victory, even though all factors are turning against them and their occupation of our house.

Apologies for butting in and going a bit off topic but that is such a good analogy! :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
