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How do you kill a psychic vampire?

itsstarfire said:
Again, despite the trolls im so thankful for the people who are empathic towards my situation and give me legitimate advice without bullying me and belittling me. Now im being called a fed? my nigga what ? I'm never posting on this forum again its full of trolls and evil ass infiltrators that want to gaslight and bully and harass people who genuinely need help .
i'm leaving this forum it creeps the fuck out of me, and to be called a fed after i have gone through a living nightmare is insidious and vile.

You don't have to post, but you should at least still lurk because there is some really good info here. I mean, do you still plan on meditating and advancing and so forth? I don't know your plans, but don't let one bad interaction turn you off from something that, I believe, would otherwise still greatly help you. Take care.
Crystal Lake said:
I don't want to get jos shut down. I'm not a 'fedposter'. You can still believe that I'm lying or I have some bad thoughts.

I just want to mention you that don't live in your own delusions. Believe it or not. Ask Satan whether I'm loyal to him or not. If I'm not loyal any more, kill me please. I'm sorry that I have failed you.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm foolish and childish. I apologize for my rudeness and ignorance. But itsstarfire is innocent. I don't want him to be blamed for my mistakes.

Hey there we go, your picture looks cute, not like the psycho picture before. xD

Btw I don’t think that you are bad, but be careful what you write here. I re-read what you said, and I do think you are just very frustrated with most people who you encountered. Pls don’t use the word „kill“, as no, we won’t harm anybody, and also your relationship with Satan is only between you and Satan, nobody should come between you and our Gods.. „there are no mediators in Satanism“, this is what it means.

Keep distance from itsstarfire, something is very wrong with him.

Sorry for being rude to you in the past, but I got pretty triggered there. Esp by itsstarfire and Satanswarlord.

I hope you don’t feel bad, lol.

But also we shouldn’t throw curses around, as it is even enough to harm people by projecting our hate, anger and ill will to them.
If I were to curse some regular dude, he would suffer for a very long time.

I know what it’s like to suffer from a curse for a long time. Damn kikes in the Vatican.

Remember, most people around us are very weak. They are skeletons and we have weapons and armour.

You got the powers from Satan, and I don’t think he wants us to use this power to utterly destroy other peoples lifes. We should rather improve our lifes.

Also just be aware of that, if you engage in warfare, the enemy curses you. You are stronger than other people, Satan protects you, our Rituals protect you and your Aura also protects you.. if you pull out all your negativity, and project it to another person, you basically heavily curse this person.

Try to face people with an appropriate amount of force.
itsstarfire said:
Go fuck yourselves, you snitching on yourselves tbh. lack of empathy, needing to bully people who need help to feel powerful. Disgusting and insidious.

HPHC already alluded to this in his latest response to you, but just to restate:

Anything pertaining to lawbreaking is a common law-enforcement method to destroy organizations. Like many groups of people, we draw strength by working within the laws, even if these laws do not always reflect morality like they should.

The way to defeat fedposting is to be hyper vigilant against it, although this can lead to false positives. However, false positives can be easily defused, but unfortunately tensions can run high. This was the case here where it immediately devolved into name-calling. Having very few posts does not make you look good, either.

So while some members could have worded their concerns about fedposting in a better manner, you should also put under consideration why they have that concern in the first place. It was never about undermining you or your struggles, but rather about concern for their community. This is the reality, and even if the subsequent arguments became personal, the initial discussions was not intended to be.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
All of Joy of Satan is entirely law-abiding and moral. Any and all forms of violence are strictly forbidden, and is not promoted or recommended by any Satanist. Except in extremely rare cases of VALID and LEGAL self defence.

Everybody must recognize the Fedposting retards who come here only to try to cause problems. They are not Satanists, they are fedposters. There are entire offices set up like an Indian scam center, where all of the workers are constantly working only to Fedpost and act like retards on various websites all over the internet. Anywhere that has any useful discussion or information, in comes the fedposting retards to try to shut it down.

You 2 specific rats, I am not necessarily saying that the 2 of you are working in a scam-center type environment. There are also some more "independent" type fedposting retards who are not directly working for anybody. But it is the same either way, that it is nothing but rats who are attempting to get this website shut down by saying dumb shit.

I really wish more people would have called this out sooner for exactly what the situation is. But many people here are very nice and caring, so they go too long giving rats benefit of the doubt and trying to educate them. There is no educating a fedposter, because they have a specific goal and they want to work for that goal. You will not convince them to change their mind about anything; they will only continue to attempt more of the same fedposting that they are doing now.

I always appreciate how you're in touch with reality and see things for what they are, and say it bluntly. :)

Also on the slight chance the OP is not fedposting, they are extremely deluded (I wonder whether those so called vampires also turn into bats) and this thread is ridiculous and should probably be deleted either way.
Blackdragon666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
All of Joy of Satan is entirely law-abiding and moral. Any and all forms of violence are strictly forbidden, and is not promoted or recommended by any Satanist. Except in extremely rare cases of VALID and LEGAL self defence.

Everybody must recognize the Fedposting retards who come here only to try to cause problems. They are not Satanists, they are fedposters. There are entire offices set up like an Indian scam center, where all of the workers are constantly working only to Fedpost and act like retards on various websites all over the internet. Anywhere that has any useful discussion or information, in comes the fedposting retards to try to shut it down.

You 2 specific rats, I am not necessarily saying that the 2 of you are working in a scam-center type environment. There are also some more "independent" type fedposting retards who are not directly working for anybody. But it is the same either way, that it is nothing but rats who are attempting to get this website shut down by saying dumb shit.

I really wish more people would have called this out sooner for exactly what the situation is. But many people here are very nice and caring, so they go too long giving rats benefit of the doubt and trying to educate them. There is no educating a fedposter, because they have a specific goal and they want to work for that goal. You will not convince them to change their mind about anything; they will only continue to attempt more of the same fedposting that they are doing now.

I always appreciate how you're in touch with reality and see things for what they are, and say it bluntly. :)

Also on the slight chance the OP is not fedposting, they are extremely deluded (I wonder whether those so called vampires also turn into bats) and this thread is ridiculous and should probably be deleted either way.

He is probably just a psycho.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you sympathize with the fact that if you write specific things then you force people to react in this way to protect the group?

The solution to your life at this turn is to really master spirituality and turn the boat around. Idle cries of negativity and or espousal of negative or illegal things will not help you, only put you far deeper into the same hole.

You never even thought what could possibly be the case that got your neighbors to act this way. Do you go up to people and call them vampires or some shit? How can they possibly react positively or at least let you be when things like that happen?

All you say it's because of your beliefs or whatever. If they are that negative, and they physically and verifiably threaten you, and it's real and you can prove it, they can spend years behind bars.

itsstarfire said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

you know what, it has gotten to this point this is past evil and insidious what people are doing to me on this forum who are SUPPOSED TO BE MY FUCKING COMMUNITY.


Seriously, go fuck yourself. I have been fighting for Satan for years not going through traumatic shit for it,

and to come on this forum to get bullied ? to get called a fed? to get called a rat? to be gaslighted? belittled? mocked?

Nah not with it. My life was threatened. I've been poisoned. People have put hits on on me, christians and jews and muslims have dont evil ass shit to me, i've been raped, I had my finances completely destroyed to the point i was homeless, people tried human trafficking me, tried forcing me back into the same system to stop be from freeing my soul?

the countless attacks ive gone through just these few years, apart from life long attacks, only to come on this forum and to be treated the same way? comepletely disgusting and insidious!

If you guys are so powerful, shouldnt u be psychic and pick up this is someone who IS FIGHTING with everything they have and getting attacked left and right for it?

Go fuck yourselves, you snitching on yourselves tbh. lack of empathy, needing to bully people who need help to feel powerful. Disgusting and insidious.

Hoodedcobra, I can assure you right now when I confronted them I didn't accuse them of being vampires or anything. I simply asked that the harassment stop, and they threatened my life. ok. I am not crazy, these people are indeed what I say they are.

No tricks on my mind. You even posted spiritual warefare is at an all time high. I am being attacked left and right, but regardless I have been pressing on and have started going more intense with my meditations being very strict.

I am not a fed, rat, nothing. High Priestess even posted on the main website vampires are real, linking a book that talks about them.

why are people contradicting something she posted?

These people were insidious, they have evil grin on their faces after threatening my life. All I asked was for the harassment to stop. YOU KNOW spiritual warfare is at an all time high. Ok. The police never help me, ever. My neighbour was targeting me too and despite the building superintendent standing up for me and verifying that other people had issues with her, the police gaslighted me, targeted me, tried arresting me for asking why they refuse to help me? My wicked christian parents beat me up and called the police on me, and police sided with them.

What i've been going through my ENTIRE LIFE, and especially these past few years is insidious to say the least.

My bad for coming on this forum trying to get help? website says dont turn the other cheek. They wont stop harassing and targeting me, so what else can I do?

so someone asks to stop harassing them and threatening their life is a normal justified action that doesnt show they are guilty of something?
Blitzkreig said:
itsstarfire said:
Go fuck yourselves, you snitching on yourselves tbh. lack of empathy, needing to bully people who need help to feel powerful. Disgusting and insidious.

HPHC already alluded to this in his latest response to you, but just to restate:

Anything pertaining to lawbreaking is a common law-enforcement method to destroy organizations. Like many groups of people, we draw strength by working within the laws, even if these laws do not always reflect morality like they should.

The way to defeat fedposting is to be hyper vigilant against it, although this can lead to false positives. However, false positives can be easily defused, but unfortunately tensions can run high. This was the case here where it immediately devolved into name-calling. Having very few posts does not make you look good, either.

So while some members could have worded their concerns about fedposting in a better manner, you should also put under consideration why they have that concern in the first place. It was never about undermining you or your struggles, but rather about concern for their community. This is the reality, and even if the subsequent arguments became personal, the initial discussions was not intended to be.

Thank you for writing this compassionately. I can 100% see where you are coming from, but please understand I am coming from a place of extreme distress because of how much I am being attacked and the level of spiritual warefare I am going through.

The website said don't turn the other cheek. The people threatened my life? What am I supposed to do? I obviously dont mean to try to make this forum look bad or get in trouble, and last thing I want is to be put in jail.

However, just as the website states there are supernatural ways to deal with enemies.

Now for the people gaslighting me in this forum about the existence of vampires, I am going to link once more the page where high priestess confirms such existence and links a book about it.

I didnt even think reptilians were real and used to make fun of people for it, until I encountered one last year. You guys are gonna start calling me crazy for that too and say theyre not real? Even though the website, and mods said they are? Really?

My mom used to tell me growing up vampires are real. I thought she was fucking nuts. Well turns out they are, and high priestess linked a book about it.

So instead of attacking me, bullying me, gaslighting me how bout you question why she made the website and put that in their if its not real ?


scroll to the bottom. k thanks!

won't tolerate the emotional abuse, bullying, none of that.
Blitzkreig said:
itsstarfire said:
Again, despite the trolls im so thankful for the people who are empathic towards my situation and give me legitimate advice without bullying me and belittling me. Now im being called a fed? my nigga what ? I'm never posting on this forum again its full of trolls and evil ass infiltrators that want to gaslight and bully and harass people who genuinely need help .
i'm leaving this forum it creeps the fuck out of me, and to be called a fed after i have gone through a living nightmare is insidious and vile.

You don't have to post, but you should at least still lurk because there is some really good info here. I mean, do you still plan on meditating and advancing and so forth? I don't know your plans, but don't let one bad interaction turn you off from something that, I believe, would otherwise still greatly help you. Take care.

I can't emphasize how much I am grateful for you.

I definitely look at the forum a lot, especially for hooded cobra posts and stuff that are helpful. I have been going a lot harder with meditations and advancing lately because I cant lean on others clearly.

i'm still remaining strong and not letting it deter me. I'm just in a lot of distress and considering I have no friends, family, this is really hard on me. I'm going through too much.

I even had to leave social media because of the targeting I was experiencing on there.

By the way its obvious these people are fake psychics. They keep calling me a man, I'm a woman.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you sympathize with the fact that if you write specific things then you force people to react in this way to protect the group?

The solution to your life at this turn is to really master spirituality and turn the boat around. Idle cries of negativity and or espousal of negative or illegal things will not help you, only put you far deeper into the same hole.

You never even thought what could possibly be the case that got your neighbors to act this way. Do you go up to people and call them vampires or some shit? How can they possibly react positively or at least let you be when things like that happen?

All you say it's because of your beliefs or whatever. If they are that negative, and they physically and verifiably threaten you, and it's real and you can prove it, they can spend years behind bars.

itsstarfire said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

you know what, it has gotten to this point this is past evil and insidious what people are doing to me on this forum who are SUPPOSED TO BE MY FUCKING COMMUNITY.


Seriously, go fuck yourself. I have been fighting for Satan for years not going through traumatic shit for it,

and to come on this forum to get bullied ? to get called a fed? to get called a rat? to be gaslighted? belittled? mocked?

Nah not with it. My life was threatened. I've been poisoned. People have put hits on on me, christians and jews and muslims have dont evil ass shit to me, i've been raped, I had my finances completely destroyed to the point i was homeless, people tried human trafficking me, tried forcing me back into the same system to stop be from freeing my soul?

the countless attacks ive gone through just these few years, apart from life long attacks, only to come on this forum and to be treated the same way? comepletely disgusting and insidious!

If you guys are so powerful, shouldnt u be psychic and pick up this is someone who IS FIGHTING with everything they have and getting attacked left and right for it?

Go fuck yourselves, you snitching on yourselves tbh. lack of empathy, needing to bully people who need help to feel powerful. Disgusting and insidious.

The targeting and spiritual warefare i am going through is distressing to say the least. i am under so much pressure and to come on this forum to get help only to be bullied, mocked, belittled, galighted, called a rat, fed, scizo is evil and wrong.

I hope no one has to go through what ive been going through, but tbh part of me wishes you do cause then you would see how distressing this is and insidious.

Bullies thats it..

Once again I thank everyone that came on this post with genuine intentions and showed compassion . You know who you are.

As for everyone else, you are BULLIES. & one of you is not of satan, you know who tf you are. Thanks.
Maya said:
With all respect, you went upstairs, and what exactly did you tell them? You may are a psychic being, but you live in this physical. You need to keep your identity a secret. Of course two "random" neighbours are gonna call you crazy.

Now, when you say vampires, I guess you mean psychic vampires. What you can do to people who influence your life is detaching, mercyless attack, binding, extra protection to you and your house. Don't let external energies flow in your area.

Also, you may already know, that psychic vampires/energy suckers who drain you a lot are usually kikes.

I used to confront people all the time back before I took this site more seriously. They would always act dumb, but because it's easy to dismiss anything astrial, while in the physical, even if you both look eye to eye and KNOW exactly what is going on. It's really easy to act dumb because what are you gonna do? Call the cops over spiritual harassment?.
itsstarfire said:
My neighbour was targeting me too and despite the building superintendent standing up for me and verifying that other people had issues with her, the police gaslighted me, targeted me, tried arresting me for asking why they refuse to help me? My wicked christian parents beat me up and called the police on me, and police sided with them.

You should start binding these key figures causing you so much trouble. Then up your AOP to deal with general issues. Dial back non-essentials at least until you can get the bindings completed. Good luck.
Blitzkreig said:
itsstarfire said:
My neighbour was targeting me too and despite the building superintendent standing up for me and verifying that other people had issues with her, the police gaslighted me, targeted me, tried arresting me for asking why they refuse to help me? My wicked christian parents beat me up and called the police on me, and police sided with them.

You should start binding these key figures causing you so much trouble. Then up your AOP to deal with general issues. Dial back non-essentials at least until you can get the bindings completed. Good luck.

Yeah I been preparing binding rituals, only problem is i don't have personal belongings for many of them. what do I do about this?

also im not responding to the guy that asked if I done drugs. That's gaslighting and once again bullying. You take care sir. I hope you go through the shit I go through one day because then you would learn empathy and wouldnt dare gaslight and bully a strangers situation, and shoes you aren't walking in.
itsstarfire said:
Yeah I been preparing binding rituals, only problem is i don't have personal belongings for many of them. what do I do about this?

I think the props described on the binding ritual page may be helpful, but aren't essential. I think simply directing the Isa energy would be enough. Perhaps you could do it more than 108 times if want to make up for that.
itsstarfire said:
also im not responding to the guy that asked if I done drugs. That's gaslighting and once again bullying.
The question was not intended as gaslighting or bullying. It was a real and honest question, have you ever done any drugs ever before?

If the answer was no, you probably would have just said no. So you refusing to answer and making a big deal out of it, makes it seem even more like you have used drugs before. If you have never used any drug, then just say that you haven't, and we will have to believe you.

Because the situations that you are describing, these experiences are actually very common to people who have used drugs before. It is simply extremely smaller and more rare chance that the things you describe are experienced by somebody who has never used a drug.

I ask you so we may know how to help you.
Low Priest said:
Maya said:
With all respect, you went upstairs, and what exactly did you tell them? You may are a psychic being, but you live in this physical. You need to keep your identity a secret. Of course two "random" neighbours are gonna call you crazy.

Now, when you say vampires, I guess you mean psychic vampires. What you can do to people who influence your life is detaching, mercyless attack, binding, extra protection to you and your house. Don't let external energies flow in your area.

Also, you may already know, that psychic vampires/energy suckers who drain you a lot are usually kikes.

I used to confront people all the time back before I took this site more seriously. They would always act dumb, but because it's easy to dismiss anything astrial, while in the physical, even if you both look eye to eye and KNOW exactly what is going on. It's really easy to act dumb because what are you gonna do? Call the cops over spiritual harassment?.

Yes, you can't confront physically someone that you don't have any physical proof. Even if you both know what's going on, they are gonna blame you and call you nuts and delusional.
Maya said:
Low Priest said:
Maya said:
With all respect, you went upstairs, and what exactly did you tell them? You may are a psychic being, but you live in this physical. You need to keep your identity a secret. Of course two "random" neighbours are gonna call you crazy.

Now, when you say vampires, I guess you mean psychic vampires. What you can do to people who influence your life is detaching, mercyless attack, binding, extra protection to you and your house. Don't let external energies flow in your area.

Also, you may already know, that psychic vampires/energy suckers who drain you a lot are usually kikes.

I used to confront people all the time back before I took this site more seriously. They would always act dumb, but because it's easy to dismiss anything astrial, while in the physical, even if you both look eye to eye and KNOW exactly what is going on. It's really easy to act dumb because what are you gonna do? Call the cops over spiritual harassment?.

Yes, you can't confront physically someone that you don't have any physical proof. Even if you both know what's going on, they are gonna blame you and call you nuts and delusional.
But I've also met people who don't act dumb and blame me, they just say that I need to train my mind cause I'm disturbing or something like "close your mind" or "train your mind"

I don't think you understand what "gaslighting" means. Somebody disagreeing with you is not gaslighting. Somebody telling you that vampires are not real is not gaslighting. Somebody who does not just kiss your ass and go along with everything you say, is not gaslighting.

There is no equality anywhere in the universe. Nobody has the same knowledge, intelligence, or experience as anybody else. Nobody has the same strengths, or the same weaknesses, as anybody else. Some people know more, and some people know less. Some are stronger, and some are weaker. Some are older, and some are younger. Some have stronger intuition, and some have weaker intuition. Some work harder, and some are lazier. Some are faster, and some are slower.

We are not marxists. There is no participation trophy for everyone who comes here. Not everybody is a special snowflake. Not everybody's opinion has any value to it. Not everybody's idea is accurate or important. Not everybody's feelings deserve to be respected, if their feeling is based only on ignorance or nonsense. Nobody is required to agree with anyone. Just because you may feel offended, does not mean that you are right about anything. Anybody can feel offended about any dumb thing, but that has no relation to what knowledge they do or do not have.
"Gaslighting" is an actual psychological technique that hardcore manipulators use. I don't think you can effectively gaslight anyone over the internet because that person could be calm and collected on the other side reading your replies. Gaslighting is very effective when you have that commanding presence and you can overwhelm the poor victim with stimulus through verbal commands and embedd commands that they'll start believing to be true ,even though they might not have believed it otherwise. Very sneaky shit.
Low Priest said:
Maya said:
Low Priest said:
I used to confront people all the time back before I took this site more seriously. They would always act dumb, but because it's easy to dismiss anything astrial, while in the physical, even if you both look eye to eye and KNOW exactly what is going on. It's really easy to act dumb because what are you gonna do? Call the cops over spiritual harassment?.

Yes, you can't confront physically someone that you don't have any physical proof. Even if you both know what's going on, they are gonna blame you and call you nuts and delusional.
But I've also met people who don't act dumb and blame me, they just say that I need to train my mind cause I'm disturbing or something like "close your mind" or "train your mind"

It totally depends on the person, but you can't know how they will react. "Train your mind" is a polite way, but in both scenarios, you have exposed yourself and have put yourself in the vulnerable position, like backing down. You can't know how this will end, so I find it wiser to play safe and defend yourself with spiritual means, rather than going and telling them anything about spiritual harassment.
This person said on another topic that this is their 3rd account, and they stopped using their previous 2 accounts because of getting into arguments with people.

Also acts very strange when asked if they have ever done any drugs. Instead of just saying no, like anybody would say if the answer was no, she just gets really angry and refuses to answer. Seems to be like drugs might have been related to past arguments here with her.

The general style of writing, the attitude, the strange behavior related to any question about possible drug use, and constantly accusing everyone of "gaslighting." I feel pretty strongly that this person is probably the old user "6Zelirus6Lalibratum6" Gaslighting is a pretty unusual term, I never really see anybody using that term, but 6zelirus6lalibratum6 was another person who would accuse everybody of "gaslighting" in nearly every one of her comments. 6zelirus6lalibratum6 was in multiple arguments with many of us here for trying to promote drug use and trying to say that drugs are healthy, and then saying everybody is gaslighting if they say drugs are bad. That explains the strange refusal to answer whether or not she has done any drugs, it reminds her of that big argument about drugs on the other account and makes her uncomfortable for that reason.

6zelirus6lalibratum6 was also a huge supporter of jewish communist organizations, and communist rioters burning down American cities, killing people, and causing several Billions of dollars worth of damage in these cities, which is not covered by insurance. Many people had several generations of their family's work in building up these businesses, permanently burnt to the ground in one night. With the excuse that they have to participate in jewish communist rioting because it is to "help black people" even though many of the businesses that were looted and burnt to the ground were owned by black families. And even though more young black people were killed by BLM and Antifa during the riots than were killed by police. The reason she stopped using that account is because somebody found her instagram, and she had several posts on there promoting these jewish communist riots. She also looked like she had some amount of jewish DNA, even though she said she is "100% german". There are a lot of them in germany, so that means nothing.

Her style of writing, her personality, her bad attitude, her unique word choice, everything about her writing, and the general feel of her energy, it all looks to me to be identical to that 6zelirus6lalibratum6.

Read in this topic. See if it looks like they are the same person. Especially pages 3 and 4.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This person said on another topic that this is their 3rd account, and they stopped using their previous 2 accounts because of getting into arguments with people.

Also acts very strange when asked if they have ever done any drugs. Instead of just saying no, like anybody would say if the answer was no, she just gets really angry and refuses to answer. Seems to be like drugs might have been related to past arguments here with her.

The general style of writing, the attitude, the strange behavior related to any question about possible drug use, and constantly accusing everyone of "gaslighting." I feel pretty strongly that this person is probably the old user "6Zelirus6Lalibratum6" Gaslighting is a pretty unusual term, I never really see anybody using that term, but 6zelirus6lalibratum6 was another person who would accuse everybody of "gaslighting" in nearly every one of her comments. 6zelirus6lalibratum6 was in multiple arguments with many of us here for trying to promote drug use and trying to say that drugs are healthy, and then saying everybody is gaslighting if they say drugs are bad. That explains the strange refusal to answer whether or not she has done any drugs, it reminds her of that big argument about drugs on the other account and makes her uncomfortable for that reason.

6zelirus6lalibratum6 was also a huge supporter of jewish communist organizations, and communist rioters burning down American cities, killing people, and causing several Billions of dollars worth of damage in these cities, which is not covered by insurance. Many people had several generations of their family's work in building up these businesses, permanently burnt to the ground in one night. With the excuse that they have to participate in jewish communist rioting because it is to "help black people" even though many of the businesses that were looted and burnt to the ground were owned by black families. And even though more young black people were killed by BLM and Antifa during the riots than were killed by police. The reason she stopped using that account is because somebody found her instagram, and she had several posts on there promoting these jewish communist riots. She also looked like she had some amount of jewish DNA, even though she said she is "100% german". There are a lot of them in germany, so that means nothing.

Her style of writing, her personality, her bad attitude, her unique word choice, everything about her writing, and the general feel of her energy, it all looks to me to be identical to that 6zelirus6lalibratum6.

Read in this topic. See if it looks like they are the same person. Especially pages 3 and 4.

Must... control... anger...
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This person said on another topic that this is their 3rd account, and they stopped using their previous 2 accounts because of getting into arguments with people.

Also acts very strange when asked if they have ever done any drugs. Instead of just saying no, like anybody would say if the answer was no, she just gets really angry and refuses to answer. Seems to be like drugs might have been related to past arguments here with her.

The general style of writing, the attitude, the strange behavior related to any question about possible drug use, and constantly accusing everyone of "gaslighting." I feel pretty strongly that this person is probably the old user "6Zelirus6Lalibratum6" Gaslighting is a pretty unusual term, I never really see anybody using that term, but 6zelirus6lalibratum6 was another person who would accuse everybody of "gaslighting" in nearly every one of her comments. 6zelirus6lalibratum6 was in multiple arguments with many of us here for trying to promote drug use and trying to say that drugs are healthy, and then saying everybody is gaslighting if they say drugs are bad. That explains the strange refusal to answer whether or not she has done any drugs, it reminds her of that big argument about drugs on the other account and makes her uncomfortable for that reason.

6zelirus6lalibratum6 was also a huge supporter of jewish communist organizations, and communist rioters burning down American cities, killing people, and causing several Billions of dollars worth of damage in these cities, which is not covered by insurance. Many people had several generations of their family's work in building up these businesses, permanently burnt to the ground in one night. With the excuse that they have to participate in jewish communist rioting because it is to "help black people" even though many of the businesses that were looted and burnt to the ground were owned by black families. And even though more young black people were killed by BLM and Antifa during the riots than were killed by police. The reason she stopped using that account is because somebody found her instagram, and she had several posts on there promoting these jewish communist riots. She also looked like she had some amount of jewish DNA, even though she said she is "100% german". There are a lot of them in germany, so that means nothing.

Her style of writing, her personality, her bad attitude, her unique word choice, everything about her writing, and the general feel of her energy, it all looks to me to be identical to that 6zelirus6lalibratum6.

Read in this topic. See if it looks like they are the same person. Especially pages 3 and 4.

And I excused to this person for being hostile, I really need to trust my gut feeling more.
She brags how she is better than everybody, brags about how she is the most spiritually sensitive person ever. And if anybody doesn't like her, it is a mix of being jealous of her for being better than us, or just being mad because women don't like us. Something stupid like that.

She brags how sensitive her soul is, how she can feel anything about anyone. And says all of us are retarded because none of us can feel anything. Laughing that we are all too stupid to know who she is.

Who really has a sensitive soul? It couldn't have possibly been any easier to see that these 2 people are identical, they are the same person. All I needed was to see a couple more comments from her to be sure.

Look at this discusting rat.

6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
It was me, I'm the one who said Nepthys gave me the information and instructs my dosage of not only cannabis but every other natural ingredient I use, psychoactive or not. You cant argue that she wouldn't know these things, its moronic. So let's say just for argument's sake that she didn't relay that information to me....What are you gonna do, fight me? Bitch some more? Lol. We are all SS whether we agree or not. We cannot touch each other in malice, so remember the code of conduct laid out by your own clergy next time you start talking shit. I'm still waiting for you all to get up to date. I am also laughing at all the assumptions made against me. I dont need your collective dross-fuelled approval on my path and I certainly dont care of your opinions, especially when none of you have any factual backing to your arguments. All I've seen is fearmongering and hatred, and occasional half truths, from this shithole of a forum. Where's your cuckmander to shit more judgement out at me when he himself is merely a Man? Who gave him that authority over anyone else? Oh right, no one. Have your opinions all you want, it doesn't change fact. When your little cult dies out, as all things do, you'll all remember me and this insignificant little conversation we had. And, thank you all for the speedy replies! I feel so important :)

Let's also not forget the many useful entries I've put out onto this forum, helping fellow SS like any compassionate person would. I even created the Arts and Propaganda topic for you ungrateful lot. But sure, I'm a *insert racist and inaccurate bullshit emotion dumb here*. Have a death parade for me if you want but those here denying verified science are only doing so out of fear. We Satanist have no use for fear.

 So, again I say: forge your OWN path and never let a mortal man dictate your progression. It's not their path.

And then the chorus will sing " it's a jew! It's anudda shoahhh! Only X can commune with the gods!" In JOS lingo. All the same shit, you've just slapped a pentagram on top and tried to call it novel. Auntie Nepthys sends her love and concern, and you of course will not believe me when I say this, but I'm not the name you should be believing.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
When you're all ready to step into the 21st century it'll be fantastic. Have fun playing nazi make-believe with your classmates. You're afraid of a psychoactive compound in a fucking plant, and it's hilarious. You make me laugh with your asinine lies and just general fumbling about.

Anything to keep these little black sheep controlled, right Commander?

Wait until your posse finds out how Maxine stole everything she knows and corrupts from another far more experienced Satanist who isn't a delusional power thirsty anti-semite.  Imagine that....its almost like..... you're all being conned....hmmmmm
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Wait until your posse finds out how Maxine stole everything she knows and corrupts from another far more experienced Satanist who isn't a delusional power thirsty anti-semite.  Imagine that....its almost like..... you're all being conned....hmmmmm

Brother, please stop.
You have no clue how angry this makes me...
With me there is not much room to move, if someone is disrespectful... I literally blaze up in my rage.
NinRick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Wait until your posse finds out how Maxine stole everything she knows and corrupts from another far more experienced Satanist who isn't a delusional power thirsty anti-semite.  Imagine that....its almost like..... you're all being conned....hmmmmm

Brother, please stop.
You have no clue how angry this makes me...
With me there is not much room to move, if someone is disrespectful... I literally blaze up in my rage.
And here I am in the back of the room, calmly sipping water. In my mind AUM repeats.
„itsstarfire“ said:

Do you want to add anything here? Ol argedco lucifitias just exposed you, try to play it off or play dumb. I am waiting.

Are you just here to shit talk about our forums here?
Go and cry all day because everybody is „gaslighting“ you. Yes, we are the worst, poor little princess.
Keep blaming HPs Maxine, for your gaslighting, because you use her information.
Go to the other „more advanced Satanist“, according to your little world, the JoS stole their knowledge anyways... go to the Person who promotes that REMOVING chakras is empowering your soul.. pleas do that.
Go and take all the drugs you want, and go against Satan’s will.
Yeah keep promoting that this forum is so hostile to women. Keep claiming that good SS are „infiltrators“.. you are the only infiltrator I see here.

If Ol was right about you, claiming that you are a jewess, fuck off.

itsstarfire said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Look at this discusting rat.

6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
It was me, I'm the one who said Nepthys gave me the information and instructs my dosage of not only cannabis but every other natural ingredient I use, psychoactive or not. You cant argue that she wouldn't know these things, its moronic. So let's say just for argument's sake that she didn't relay that information to me....What are you gonna do, fight me? Bitch some more? Lol. We are all SS whether we agree or not. We cannot touch each other in malice, so remember the code of conduct laid out by your own clergy next time you start talking shit. I'm still waiting for you all to get up to date. I am also laughing at all the assumptions made against me. I dont need your collective dross-fuelled approval on my path and I certainly dont care of your opinions, especially when none of you have any factual backing to your arguments. All I've seen is fearmongering and hatred, and occasional half truths, from this shithole of a forum. Where's your cuckmander to shit more judgement out at me when he himself is merely a Man? Who gave him that authority over anyone else? Oh right, no one. Have your opinions all you want, it doesn't change fact. When your little cult dies out, as all things do, you'll all remember me and this insignificant little conversation we had. And, thank you all for the speedy replies! I feel so important :)

Let's also not forget the many useful entries I've put out onto this forum, helping fellow SS like any compassionate person would. I even created the Arts and Propaganda topic for you ungrateful lot. But sure, I'm a *insert racist and inaccurate bullshit emotion dumb here*. Have a death parade for me if you want but those here denying verified science are only doing so out of fear. We Satanist have no use for fear.

 So, again I say: forge your OWN path and never let a mortal man dictate your progression. It's not their path.

And then the chorus will sing " it's a jew! It's anudda shoahhh! Only X can commune with the gods!" In JOS lingo. All the same shit, you've just slapped a pentagram on top and tried to call it novel. Auntie Nepthys sends her love and concern, and you of course will not believe me when I say this, but I'm not the name you should be believing.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
When you're all ready to step into the 21st century it'll be fantastic. Have fun playing nazi make-believe with your classmates. You're afraid of a psychoactive compound in a fucking plant, and it's hilarious. You make me laugh with your asinine lies and just general fumbling about.

Anything to keep these little black sheep controlled, right Commander?

Wait until your posse finds out how Maxine stole everything she knows and corrupts from another far more experienced Satanist who isn't a delusional power thirsty anti-semite.  Imagine that....its almost like..... you're all being conned....hmmmmm
I've been thinking about people for sometime now . I was unable to stop my father and Grandmother from getting the vaccine even though I showed them the science, the statistics and he agreed that i wad conclusively right and got it anyway.

I've come to the conclusion that some people will agree consciously with the facts, but are so deeply driven by psychological brainwashing that they can't help it. Literally like NPCs ,it's not just a meme.

This individual you're quoting is an example of a walking dead individual (just coined the phrase) who is so attached to emotions that they will make anything out of thin air to justify themselves.




There is conclusive long term studies that prove smoking pot makes you dumb permanently, slow and a walking dead individual.

All the greatest Scientists, Researchers and Philosophers in the entire world have conclusively come to become Hardcore Antisemites ,because the jewish problem is as real as a heart attack. This is not an opinion, its a fact of human existence that we're under attack by a foreign alien invasion force.

These Laveyan Satanists don't have the power to enact basic change in their lives ,and this individual is talking about not being subject to any man like a schizophrenic. Its just sad how a little rat thinks of itself like an elephant.

This individual is probably going to die a horrible death from complications from the vaccine or a real bioterrorist attack or food and water shortages.

At its deathbed it will realize we were right but it would have been too late. You get what you deserve.
Lol, today I dreamed that soldiers came to our house and demanded that people take the vaccine. My parents took it, then my parents wanted to physically force me, and I dominated them physically. Made them cry and hugged them. I don’t hope this won’t happen any time soon.

In my dream MANY people got vaccinated, even many children. Then the Virus mutated, and specialised on muscles (even your arteries have muscles). And MANY PEOPLE DIED. Like almost all who got the vaccine died, even children.

Funny thing is, I never think/dream about Covid or the vaccine.

Jack said:
I've been thinking about people for sometime now . I was unable to stop my father and Grandmother from getting the vaccine even though I showed them the science, the statistics and he agreed that i wad conclusively right and got it anyway.

I've come to the conclusion that some people will agree consciously with the facts, but are so deeply driven by psychological brainwashing that they can't help it. Literally like NPCs ,it's not just a meme.

This individual you're quoting is an example of a walking dead individual (just coined the phrase) who is so attached to emotions that they will make anything out of thin air to justify themselves.




There is conclusive long term studies that prove smoking pot makes you dumb permanently, slow and a walking dead individual.

All the greatest Scientists, Researchers and Philosophers in the entire world have conclusively come to become Hardcore Antisemites ,because the jewish problem is as real as a heart attack. This is not an opinion, its a fact of human existence that we're under attack by a foreign alien invasion force.

These Laveyan Satanists don't have the power to enact basic change in their lives ,and this individual is talking about not being subject to any man like a schizophrenic. Its just sad how a little rat thinks of itself like an elephant.

This individual is probably going to die a horrible death from complications from the vaccine or a real bioterrorist attack or food and water shortages.

At its deathbed it will realize we were right but it would have been too late. You get what you deserve.
NinRick said:
Lol, today I dreamed that soldiers came to our house and demanded that people take the vaccine. My parents took it, then my parents wanted to physically force me, and I dominated them physically. Made them cry and hugged them. I don’t hope this won’t happen any time soon.

In my dream MANY people got vaccinated, even many children. Then the Virus mutated, and specialised on muscles (even your arteries have muscles). And MANY PEOPLE DIED. Like almost all who got the vaccine died, even children.

Funny thing is, I never think/dream about Covid or the vaccine.

Jack said:
I've been thinking about people for sometime now . I was unable to stop my father and Grandmother from getting the vaccine even though I showed them the science, the statistics and he agreed that i wad conclusively right and got it anyway.

I've come to the conclusion that some people will agree consciously with the facts, but are so deeply driven by psychological brainwashing that they can't help it. Literally like NPCs ,it's not just a meme.

This individual you're quoting is an example of a walking dead individual (just coined the phrase) who is so attached to emotions that they will make anything out of thin air to justify themselves.




There is conclusive long term studies that prove smoking pot makes you dumb permanently, slow and a walking dead individual.

All the greatest Scientists, Researchers and Philosophers in the entire world have conclusively come to become Hardcore Antisemites ,because the jewish problem is as real as a heart attack. This is not an opinion, its a fact of human existence that we're under attack by a foreign alien invasion force.

These Laveyan Satanists don't have the power to enact basic change in their lives ,and this individual is talking about not being subject to any man like a schizophrenic. Its just sad how a little rat thinks of itself like an elephant.

This individual is probably going to die a horrible death from complications from the vaccine or a real bioterrorist attack or food and water shortages.

At its deathbed it will realize we were right but it would have been too late. You get what you deserve.
Don't let paranoia take over your life. Im sure we're within the apocalypse, but we don't have to be ruled over by that realization. We need to just make sure we survive long enough that this system collapses in on itself, which it will.
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Lol, today I dreamed that soldiers came to our house and demanded that people take the vaccine. My parents took it, then my parents wanted to physically force me, and I dominated them physically. Made them cry and hugged them. I don’t hope this won’t happen any time soon.

In my dream MANY people got vaccinated, even many children. Then the Virus mutated, and specialised on muscles (even your arteries have muscles). And MANY PEOPLE DIED. Like almost all who got the vaccine died, even children.

Funny thing is, I never think/dream about Covid or the vaccine.

Jack said:
I've been thinking about people for sometime now . I was unable to stop my father and Grandmother from getting the vaccine even though I showed them the science, the statistics and he agreed that i wad conclusively right and got it anyway.

I've come to the conclusion that some people will agree consciously with the facts, but are so deeply driven by psychological brainwashing that they can't help it. Literally like NPCs ,it's not just a meme.

This individual you're quoting is an example of a walking dead individual (just coined the phrase) who is so attached to emotions that they will make anything out of thin air to justify themselves.




There is conclusive long term studies that prove smoking pot makes you dumb permanently, slow and a walking dead individual.

All the greatest Scientists, Researchers and Philosophers in the entire world have conclusively come to become Hardcore Antisemites ,because the jewish problem is as real as a heart attack. This is not an opinion, its a fact of human existence that we're under attack by a foreign alien invasion force.

These Laveyan Satanists don't have the power to enact basic change in their lives ,and this individual is talking about not being subject to any man like a schizophrenic. Its just sad how a little rat thinks of itself like an elephant.

This individual is probably going to die a horrible death from complications from the vaccine or a real bioterrorist attack or food and water shortages.

At its deathbed it will realize we were right but it would have been too late. You get what you deserve.
Don't let paranoia take over your life. Im sure we're within the apocalypse, but we don't have to be ruled over by that realization. We need to just make sure we survive long enough that this system collapses in on itself, which it will.

Don’t worry I am not paranoid, in my dream I also wanted to slap the soldiers who walked up to our house. :lol:

But thanks to you I will also prepare now somethings to make it easier for me to survive. Thank you Jack.
NinRick said:
Go and cry all day because everybody is „gaslighting“ you. Yes, we are the worst, poor little princess.
Keep blaming HPs Maxine, for your gaslighting, because you use her information.
Go to the other „more advanced Satanist“, according to your little world, the JoS stole their knowledge anyways... go to the Person who promotes that REMOVING chakras is empowering your soul.. pleas do that.
Go and take all the drugs you want, and go against Satan’s will.
Yeah keep promoting that this forum is so hostile to women. Keep claiming that good SS are „infiltrators“.. you are the only infiltrator I see here.

If Ol was right about you, claiming that you are a jewess, fuck off.

itsstarfire said:

Why are you attacking me, being hostile, and bullying me once again out of nowhere when I have said nothing rude to you? You literally just apologized under another thread for being hostile towards me and that it was unprofessional, only to do it again?

I was even nice and commented where you posted that video, trying to put it behind us?

You have some serious problems, if you looked elsewhere in the forum how I am now a jew? I'm actually part black and from the caribbean?

I stated elsewhere in the forum that I was raised in a christian home where I was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused?

This is getting to the point of being sick an insidious. I go through enoug hell as it is, and have my whole life. I try to find community, get help because of intense spiritual warefare I go through and then come here and still get attacked and then made to feel i deserve it when I dont?

So me wanting people to kind makes me a stuck up princess that expects ppl to kiss her ass? How is being polite kissing ass? Its basic human decency.

Why do you think its ok to come on this forum and attack people?

I never blamed HP and Maxime where in the world you got this? I respect them a lot. I told you guys to go attack her since you dont think vampires are real, but then states they are on the jos website and links a book about them called 'Vampires: The Occult Truth'

Please do me a favour, fi you have nothing nice to say, DONT TALK TO ME
NinRick said:
Go and cry all day because everybody is „gaslighting“ you. Yes, we are the worst, poor little princess.
Keep blaming HPs Maxine, for your gaslighting, because you use her information.
Go to the other „more advanced Satanist“, according to your little world, the JoS stole their knowledge anyways... go to the Person who promotes that REMOVING chakras is empowering your soul.. pleas do that.
Go and take all the drugs you want, and go against Satan’s will.
Yeah keep promoting that this forum is so hostile to women. Keep claiming that good SS are „infiltrators“.. you are the only infiltrator I see here.

If Ol was right about you, claiming that you are a jewess, fuck off.

itsstarfire said:

also im against chakra removal and refused to remove them despite someone trying to shame me into doing so, so stop making up fake stories, and i said ive never done ayuhasca . I AM NOT drug addict.

I'm 25 most people my age are and are alcoholics. i am SOBER. STOP spreading lies about me you fucking bully.


you are only proving my point ppl in the forum hate woman! look at the disgusting way you are acting, and the false accusations u are making up!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
She brags how she is better than everybody, brags about how she is the most spiritually sensitive person ever. And if anybody doesn't like her, it is a mix of being jealous of her for being better than us, or just being mad because women don't like us. Something stupid like that.

She brags how sensitive her soul is, how she can feel anything about anyone. And says all of us are retarded because none of us can feel anything. Laughing that we are all too stupid to know who she is.

Who really has a sensitive soul? It couldn't have possibly been any easier to see that these 2 people are identical, they are the same person. All I needed was to see a couple more comments from her to be sure.

did I say im better than you? also me saying im sensitive to energy isnt bragging, i used to point out how you and others were hostile rather than helpful and quikc to attack when I was looking for help against psychic vampires.

Other people came on this thread and corrected me without calling me names, bullying me, calling me a rat, and being hostile.

if you are spiritually sensitive you can sense when people are saying things just to be mean and a bully, or to be helpful. whch you people weren't. You attack me then get mad at me for only returning YOUR energy.

You are not helping your case here, again showing you guys clearly hate woman and another woman pointed out they have experienced similar treatment here too sooo, why aren't you attacking her.

Now here I am being called a jew, being called a drug addict, false lies that im promoting chakra removal, when i literally said im against all those things lmao. oh boy.

Please dont you have something better to do than attack young woman. Meditate? like anything productive.
itsstarfire said:
NinRick said:
Go and cry all day because everybody is „gaslighting“ you. Yes, we are the worst, poor little princess.
Keep blaming HPs Maxine, for your gaslighting, because you use her information.
Go to the other „more advanced Satanist“, according to your little world, the JoS stole their knowledge anyways... go to the Person who promotes that REMOVING chakras is empowering your soul.. pleas do that.
Go and take all the drugs you want, and go against Satan’s will.
Yeah keep promoting that this forum is so hostile to women. Keep claiming that good SS are „infiltrators“.. you are the only infiltrator I see here.

If Ol was right about you, claiming that you are a jewess, fuck off.

itsstarfire said:

Why are you attacking me, being hostile, and bullying me once again out of nowhere when I have said nothing rude to you? You literally just apologized under another thread for being hostile towards me and that it was unprofessional, only to do it again?

I was even nice and commented where you posted that video, trying to put it behind us?

You have some serious problems, if you looked elsewhere in the forum how I am now a jew? I'm actually part black and from the caribbean?

I stated elsewhere in the forum that I was raised in a christian home where I was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused?

This is getting to the point of being sick an insidious. I go through enoug hell as it is, and have my whole life. I try to find community, get help because of intense spiritual warefare I go through and then come here and still get attacked and then made to feel i deserve it when I dont?

So me wanting people to kind makes me a stuck up princess that expects ppl to kiss her ass? How is being polite kissing ass? Its basic human decency.

Why do you think its ok to come on this forum and attack people?

I never blamed HP and Maxime where in the world you got this? I respect them a lot. I told you guys to go attack her since you dont think vampires are real, but then states they are on the jos website and links a book about them called 'Vampires: The Occult Truth'

Please do me a favour, fi you have nothing nice to say, DONT TALK TO ME
If you would have read the Book ,it would have been clear to you that it's not about actual blood sucking immortal beings. The book describes Energy Vampirism where your sucking another living beings Life force off and using that energy for your own purposes.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This person said on another topic that this is their 3rd account, and they stopped using their previous 2 accounts because of getting into arguments with people.

Also acts very strange when asked if they have ever done any drugs. Instead of just saying no, like anybody would say if the answer was no, she just gets really angry and refuses to answer. Seems to be like drugs might have been related to past arguments here with her.

The general style of writing, the attitude, the strange behavior related to any question about possible drug use, and constantly accusing everyone of "gaslighting." I feel pretty strongly that this person is probably the old user "6Zelirus6Lalibratum6" Gaslighting is a pretty unusual term, I never really see anybody using that term, but 6zelirus6lalibratum6 was another person who would accuse everybody of "gaslighting" in nearly every one of her comments. 6zelirus6lalibratum6 was in multiple arguments with many of us here for trying to promote drug use and trying to say that drugs are healthy, and then saying everybody is gaslighting if they say drugs are bad. That explains the strange refusal to answer whether or not she has done any drugs, it reminds her of that big argument about drugs on the other account and makes her uncomfortable for that reason.

6zelirus6lalibratum6 was also a huge supporter of jewish communist organizations, and communist rioters burning down American cities, killing people, and causing several Billions of dollars worth of damage in these cities, which is not covered by insurance. Many people had several generations of their family's work in building up these businesses, permanently burnt to the ground in one night. With the excuse that they have to participate in jewish communist rioting because it is to "help black people" even though many of the businesses that were looted and burnt to the ground were owned by black families. And even though more young black people were killed by BLM and Antifa during the riots than were killed by police. The reason she stopped using that account is because somebody found her instagram, and she had several posts on there promoting these jewish communist riots. She also looked like she had some amount of jewish DNA, even though she said she is "100% german". There are a lot of them in germany, so that means nothing.

Her style of writing, her personality, her bad attitude, her unique word choice, everything about her writing, and the general feel of her energy, it all looks to me to be identical to that 6zelirus6lalibratum6.

Read in this topic. See if it looks like they are the same person. Especially pages 3 and 4.

wtf? why would i even ake a stupid username like that, im not that person and complely against durg abuse. Most people my age abuse drugs heavily due to hip hop culture and I have lost a lot of friends for refusing to go to nightclubs and participate seen as "boring"
NinRick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Wait until your posse finds out how Maxine stole everything she knows and corrupts from another far more experienced Satanist who isn't a delusional power thirsty anti-semite.  Imagine that....its almost like..... you're all being conned....hmmmmm

Brother, please stop.
You have no clue how angry this makes me...
With me there is not much room to move, if someone is disrespectful... I literally blaze up in my rage.

so you get to be disrespectul off the bat but if someone onyl returns the same energy and stands up for themselves theyre the bad guy? so u can be a bully off the bat but people arent allowed to stand up for themselves?
NinRick said:
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Lol, today I dreamed that soldiers came to our house and demanded that people take the vaccine. My parents took it, then my parents wanted to physically force me, and I dominated them physically. Made them cry and hugged them. I don’t hope this won’t happen any time soon.

In my dream MANY people got vaccinated, even many children. Then the Virus mutated, and specialised on muscles (even your arteries have muscles). And MANY PEOPLE DIED. Like almost all who got the vaccine died, even children.

Funny thing is, I never think/dream about Covid or the vaccine.
Don't let paranoia take over your life. Im sure we're within the apocalypse, but we don't have to be ruled over by that realization. We need to just make sure we survive long enough that this system collapses in on itself, which it will.

Don’t worry I am not paranoid, in my dream I also wanted to slap the soldiers who walked up to our house. :lol:

But thanks to you I will also prepare now somethings to make it easier for me to survive. Thank you Jack.

I did not leave an ausive christian home to come here and be treated like this. like i said if you dont like people disrespecting you, then dont disrespect them.

I'm literally crying and having a mental break down and a panic attack after reading these comments. if that was your goal, congrats.

You have done your job to make someone feel unsafe in this forum and make them break down in tears and feel even more dehumanized than they were before coming on here.

hope this makes you feel good about yourselves.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
