Hi Seeker

As far as I know, your Natal chart was drawn up the day you were born, assuming you remained in that level of spiritual knowledge/attainment as your infancy forever. You could change your fate right now by just sitting in the sunshine and breathing in its warmth and power into your aura to clean it and protect yourself, say a few beneficial affirmations, this small daily act and after a while you're suddenly miles ahead from where you would have been.
The moment you allowed the sacred knowledge of Zevism into your soul, you changed your fate.
The day you performed your sacred Dedication, the Gods prioritised you under Their Protection, you changed your fate.
Every time you reach out to your Guardian (through prayer, contemplation, etc.,), Whom waits for your connection for the sole purpose of helping you become as Them, you change your fate.
Each time you cleaned your aura, in a baby step-way, you changed your fate (maybe later that day you would have experienced xyz event triggered by karma you wouldn't have cleared out otherwise).
Each time you break negative thought patterns, even just for a few moments, by voiding out any unhelpful thoughts, you change your fate.
Each time you close the apps and rather choose to read/re-read the ToZ and study the Sermons and Ethics given to us by higher Beings who are here to guide you towards spiritual growth, you embrace a better idea and you change your fate.
These things definitely add up, the more you do it.
We're still currently just evolving human beings, running around with limited powers of foresight and weak intuitions, we struggle to comprehend subjects that our Gods have been studying and perfecting for literal aeons.
We try our best to learn what we can with what we have, but at your current level of understanding it's unwise to claim to know more about how the advanced spiritual and technical sciences of prediction and fate. I.e., the invention of the internet, the ripple effects of our Rituals, Artificial Intelligence, our individual choices, even the RTRs weren't a thing when you were born, we really just don't know anything -- Certainly not enough to be making any blanket statements about the fate of ourselves (and the world) and how little decisions can have huge impacts.
Knowing this fact, what you're really doing here is putting those vibes out there into the universe by affirming (what you've typed)... you're setting yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy by expecting the literal worst. Remember what Lady Maxine said about being careful what you speak into existence! Magick 101. Please, take a second to say something positive about yourself at the end of my message here to break those thought patterns

I'll do it along with you right now........

{Seeker is making the positive and beneficial changes s/he needs in mindset to achieve his/her greatest dreams}
I know that 'tough love' is trendy these days, and for those of us for whom it is effective -- keep right at it, by all means -- however, I also recognise the essence of someone who has tried and tried.
You absolutely need to give yourself much much MUCH more credit for how far you've come, and how much you endured and what you will continue to endure (in this life, the past and the next).
We are a species that is fighting for our basic rights to exist as spiritual beings and you're here on the front lines practically. What you know ALONE would demoralise any hardened soldier, and it should, nothing we do as Zevists is easy and that's how it ought to be because we choose every day to embrace Truth above all else.
So give. Yourself. The. Credit.
I think it's important to do the work of going against the toxicity in this poisoned world that's telling you you're not enough unless you subscribe/buy/act/pretend to xyz.
You yourself have to do the work of remembering and reminding yourself every single day that you deserve good things, you deserve kindness (from yourself most of all), you're never alone, your Guardian sees your heart and your intentions and there is no set timeline you should be abiding by.
You just have to persist, that's your only job.
Wake up and know you deserve a clean body and soul, so you shower and you do your AC. You deserve health, so you do your physical activities and feed yourself well. You do deserve the kindness, patience, and softness it takes to be able to do the hard stuff. Give it to yourself.
Being able to find a way forward that works for you, even if it takes literal decades or even lifetimes, IS worth it because you deserve it. I know that we have Zevists in our family who are at much advanced ages and still taking good care of their souls, even though they will still need to empower themselves further in their next life to maybe even get to where you are currently.
Be patient and kind with yourself and you will surprise yourself with how far you can go. This is what the Gods want for us. We are not a self-flagellating religion because we have the tools and knowledge to understand what the human soul needs, which is true love from our Gods and from ourselves (not false unconditional or toxic love that is destructive and values the wrong things).
You're exactly where you need to be right now and may the grace of our most beautiful and divine Gods allow you to one day see all the unseen ways in which They guide you and care about you

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for putting in all this work towards making this Earth a better place! Amongst many other things, I'm sure

I hope you find exactly the thing you need to be able see it in yourself x