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How do I get more disciplined and take action?


New member
Apr 15, 2022
I have many problems in my life and the one in the title is one of them. I can't fix them without taking action obviously.

I would really want to make munka working or sowilo working to make me more self disciplined, but it is really difficult for me to force myself to do something, let alone continue doing this for longer time (for example 40 days). Even if something would be very beneficial for me, I look at it as a chore and also my mind tries to come up with many excuses or tricks to make me stay away from these things.

Maybe because of my astrological sign, I start projects, which last short and aren't even beneficial for me, I just do them pointlessly. The workings, as mentioned, they seem out of my reach. It could be also some subconscious belief of mine, that I am not able to do things, but I don't know how to get rid of that either. I don't f

I know it may sound ridiculous, that I can't force myself to do these simplest things, but is there a way (even if this would be slow and long way) to make me more displined and just take action, instead of waiting for problems to arise even more?
I have many problems in my life and the one in the title is one of them. I can't fix them without taking action obviously.

I would really want to make munka working or sowilo working to make me more self disciplined, but it is really difficult for me to force myself to do something, let alone continue doing this for longer time (for example 40 days). Even if something would be very beneficial for me, I look at it as a chore and also my mind tries to come up with many excuses or tricks to make me stay away from these things.

Maybe because of my astrological sign, I start projects, which last short and aren't even beneficial for me, I just do them pointlessly. The workings, as mentioned, they seem out of my reach. It could be also some subconscious belief of mine, that I am not able to do things, but I don't know how to get rid of that either. I don't f

I know it may sound ridiculous, that I can't force myself to do these simplest things, but is there a way (even if this would be slow and long way) to make me more displined and just take action, instead of waiting for problems to arise even more?

1) NAUTHIZ ×10 + URUZ ×10 + SOWILO ×10

2) Establish a routine of a few minutes every day. For example, every day every morning at about the same time do 8 chakra breaths for all 7 chakras.

3) Affirm before bedtime about you always being disciplined and consistent.
I would really want to make munka working or sowilo working to make me more self disciplined, but it is really difficult for me to force myself to do something, let alone continue doing this for longer time (for example 40 days). Even if something would be very beneficial for me, I look at it as a chore and also my mind tries to come up with many excuses or tricks to make me stay away from these things.
Munka is not used for discipline, and Sowilo is primarily the will to action and empowering many, but not all rune combinations.

For discipline, look into Saturnine energy, like the rune Nauthiz that was already mentioned.

It could be also some subconscious belief of mine, that I am not able to do things, but I don't know how to get rid of that either.
By self-hypnosis with affirmations.
I know it may sound ridiculous, that I can't force myself to do these simplest things, but is there a way (even if this would be slow and long way) to make me more displined and just take action, instead of waiting for problems to arise even more?
Energy work with suitable affirmations, that is, magick.
1) NAUTHIZ ×10 + URUZ ×10 + SOWILO ×10

2) Establish a routine of a few minutes every day. For example, every day every morning at about the same time do 8 chakra breaths for all 7 chakras.

3) Affirm before bedtime about you always being disciplined and consistent.
Thank you, I will do these things and when it comes to the working, I will try to come up with something

Munka is not used for discipline, and Sowilo is primarily the will to action and empowering many, but not all rune combinations.

For discipline, look into Saturnine energy, like the rune Nauthiz that was already mentioned.
Everything seems on point, thank you. However I mentioned Munka, because the procrastination is an obstacle, that could be (but I don't know if it's the case) related to natal chart or is just a set of negative thoughts and habits, that need to be eliminated.

And do you mean, that Sowilo, even if it is a rune of will, it's better to use Nauthiz? Why though? I could use some action from Sowilo
Worship Lord Hanuman. He provides discipline, willpower and strength in mind and Body. His mantra is "Aum Hum Hanumate Namah" (For Beginners) or "Aum Hum Hanumate Rudrat- Makaye Hoom Phatt Swaha" (For more experienced People who are acquainted with Invocation).
It’s genetic and astrological. You can’t really change who you are. I fucking tried. Nothing works. It’s akin to swimming against a stream going one way. You can swim as hard as you like but eventually your body get tired and the stream pushes you back in its direction. Reading my chart made me realise this even more clearly. Anytime you go off script the chart fucks you over to get you back in line.

It’s akin to quitting an addiction. Nobody really quits. It’s extremely hard and you’ll be fighting yourself the whole time, most likely failing. It’s likely impossible for many due to impulse control and willpower being again genetic. You’d have to have the willpower to change which again is genetic and astrological. Free will is basically an illusion. It’s like you need a job to get experience but you need experience to get a job. You have to have X to get Y and vice versa. “Discipline” is fated.

As for those who succeed, they were most likely fated to do so, but think it’s by their own merit and this gives them the entitlement to tell others to “try harder”. So unless you have divine lineage or strong assistance and support from the Gods, you’re basically doomed to follow your script, good or bad.
The charts basically script it in a way where your inner and outer worlds work to ensure what is written is fulfilled. So a rich person for example who was scripted to be rich will have extreme luck from the outside world giving them all they need meanwhile their inner behaviours will also be tailored to ensure good habits and actions that ensure prosperity.

Now imagine what that means for someone scripted to be poor…
Thank you, I will do these things and when it comes to the working, I will try to come up with something

Everything seems on point, thank you. However I mentioned Munka, because the procrastination is an obstacle, that could be (but I don't know if it's the case) related to natal chart or is just a set of negative thoughts and habits, that need to be eliminated.
The opposite of laziness implies action. So there is no removing laziness as in duality there are two polarities to everything. Instead, increase the opposite of laziness to solve this issue.
And do you mean, that Sowilo, even if it is a rune of will, it's better to use Nauthiz? Why though? I could use some action from Sowilo
Both together, really, as was already mentioned. And why Nauthiz over Sowilo? Because you indicated a lack of staying power.
The charts and cycles are also basically why humanity always fails, no matter what government, system, whatever. Their establishment, longevity and decline are all “determined”. “Enjoy the ride” is basically all you can do.
Every habit I have(good and bad), every major circumstance or event I dealt or am dealing with. It’s litteraly all there. It’s unbelievable just how accurately the chart describes my life. I don’t even decide what I like or what I’ll do really.

Disturbingly this also means no one here really decided to be Zevists just like no one decides to be a xian/muslim/whatever. It was our fate. It pisses me off.
It’s genetic and astrological. You can’t really change who you are. I fucking tried. Nothing works. It’s akin to swimming against a stream going one way. You can swim as hard as you like but eventually your body get tired and the stream pushes you back in its direction. Reading my chart made me realise this even more clearly. Anytime you go off script the chart fucks you over to get you back in line.

It’s akin to quitting an addiction. Nobody really quits. It’s extremely hard and you’ll be fighting yourself the whole time, most likely failing. It’s likely impossible for many due to impulse control and willpower being again genetic. You’d have to have the willpower to change which again is genetic and astrological. Free will is basically an illusion. It’s like you need a job to get experience but you need experience to get a job. You have to have X to get Y and vice versa. “Discipline” is fated.

As for those who succeed, they were most likely fated to do so, but think it’s by their own merit and this gives them the entitlement to tell others to “try harder”. So unless you have divine lineage or strong assistance and support from the Gods, you’re basically doomed to follow your script, good or bad.
You are mistaken. Limitations are not part of Satanism, said HPS Maxine years ago. One of the main points of walking the path of Gods is to rise above the limitations you have mentioned.
When Father told the Clergy they are only aware of 1% of what’s going on, the charts are likely what He meant. The Gods have full complete detailed knowledge of all the charts and intricacies of all 8 billion humans as well as full knowledge of the collective fates of all nations and races. The Gods basically already know how it will all end and that’s how They can speak on the future with such certainty.
You are mistaken. Limitations are not part of Satanism, said HPS Maxine years ago. One of the main points of walking the path of Gods is to rise above the limitations you have mentioned.

Except “rising above your fate” is part of your fate. It’s not really a choice.

Cause and effect. Our minds react in specific ways, like chemicals really. You see an injustice and get angered at it, a sadist sees it and enjoys it. Neither of you chose how to react to the event. It’s wired.
I have many problems in my life and the one in the title is one of them. I can't fix them without taking action obviously.

I would really want to make munka working or sowilo working to make me more self disciplined, but it is really difficult for me to force myself to do something, let alone continue doing this for longer time (for example 40 days). Even if something would be very beneficial for me, I look at it as a chore and also my mind tries to come up with many excuses or tricks to make me stay away from these things.

Maybe because of my astrological sign, I start projects, which last short and aren't even beneficial for me, I just do them pointlessly. The workings, as mentioned, they seem out of my reach. It could be also some subconscious belief of mine, that I am not able to do things, but I don't know how to get rid of that either. I don't f

I know it may sound ridiculous, that I can't force myself to do these simplest things, but is there a way (even if this would be slow and long way) to make me more displined and just take action, instead of waiting for problems to arise even m

I have many problems in my life and the one in the title is one of them. I can't fix them without taking action obviously.

I would really want to make munka working or sowilo working to make me more self disciplined, but it is really difficult for me to force myself to do something, let alone continue doing this for longer time (for example 40 days). Even if something would be very beneficial for me, I look at it as a chore and also my mind tries to come up with many excuses or tricks to make me stay away from these things.

Maybe because of my astrological sign, I start projects, which last short and aren't even beneficial for me, I just do them pointlessly. The workings, as mentioned, they seem out of my reach. It could be also some subconscious belief of mine, that I am not able to do things, but I don't know how to get rid of that either. I don't f

I know it may sound ridiculous, that I can't force myself to do these simplest things, but is there a way (even if this would be slow and long way) to make me more displined and just take action, instead of waiting for problems to arise even more?
Watch motivational videos of this man: https://www.youtube.com/@PrinceVegetaMotivation
Also this can help you: https://www.youtube.com/@FarFromWeakFFW
And this: https://www.youtube.com/@OptifyImprovement

You are not lazy, you are just "unfocused".
Also search on youtube for motivational videos.

I think this videos will help you, so you will think differently. I have the same problem, but if you do what tells you in videos, you will get far.
It’s genetic and astrological. You can’t really change who you are. I fucking tried. Nothing works. It’s akin to swimming against a stream going one way. You can swim as hard as you like but eventually your body get tired and the stream pushes you back in its direction. Reading my chart made me realise this even more clearly. Anytime you go off script the chart fucks you over to get you back in line.

It’s akin to quitting an addiction. Nobody really quits. It’s extremely hard and you’ll be fighting yourself the whole time, most likely failing. It’s likely impossible for many due to impulse control and willpower being again genetic. You’d have to have the willpower to change which again is genetic and astrological. Free will is basically an illusion. It’s like you need a job to get experience but you need experience to get a job. You have to have X to get Y and vice versa. “Discipline” is fated.

As for those who succeed, they were most likely fated to do so, but think it’s by their own merit and this gives them the entitlement to tell others to “try harder”. So unless you have divine lineage or strong assistance and support from the Gods, you’re basically doomed to follow your script, good or bad.
This is not true. Do not spread misinformation and give a grim testimonial just because you failed. Do you think you will get anywhere in life with such mentality? Will you succumb THAT easy to the struggle?

Changing one’s personality or essence is not as easy as vibrating a few runes and repeating some meaningless sentence like a mongoloid for a few days. There are MANY factors at play.

After failing ask yourself this.

Is my aura strong enough
Is my aura clean enough
Have I removed previous curses
Have I done a deep soul cleansing
Am I powerful enough to do this
Do I truly need this
Do I really want to do this
Did I begin this at the right time
Is this a realistic/achieveable wish

Be honest here, changing one’s self is no easy task, you can have the perfect rune combination and perfect planetary placement but if your desire is weak willed in the slightest then all of it becomes brittle. Unless you’re a super powerful person, which I doubt there are many around here

Even then, these things take their time. You won’t do a 40 day working and have results the 41th day. Results might come MONTHS after the working.

Life will put you to the test when dealing with personal changes and messing with such energies, with one’s essence. it is up to you to stand up or get walked over.

An affirmation is not just mere words. It is your desire realized. The reason affirmations are used is to direct this moment that you once burned with fire in your mind, so energies go directly to work in what you once visualized, lived through. But because we humans don’t talk energy we use a sentence with a powerful emotional meaning.

Like a save game for a video game. You don’t replay the whole thing everytime, you can start where you left off, provided it was you who advanced previously.

This is also why I affirmations believe affirmations must be one by one’s self. Not copy pasting from the web, at most, use others as an example.

As for the OP he can also work on the solar chakra and do the breath of fire for an instant spark of energy.
The silver lining though is that there is a lot of good influence in the chart that counteracts the bad. It’s not as binary as I suggested earlier for the vast majority of people. Very rarely will someone have a chart that is entirely good or bad, if that’s even possible. I seem to have countering forces in my chart which makes me question the earlier statements I made. I guess it depends which river you want to swim in, to use that analogy again.
Except “rising above your fate” is part of your fate. It’s not really a choice.

Cause and effect. Our minds react in specific ways, like chemicals really. You see an injustice and get angered at it, a sadist sees it and enjoys it. Neither of you chose how to react to the event. It’s wired.
So you have chosen to be an animal instead of trying to reach human status. Okay then.
The opposite of laziness implies action. So there is no removing laziness as in duality there are two polarities to everything. Instead, increase the opposite of laziness to solve this issue.

Both together, really, as was already mentioned. And why Nauthiz over Sowilo? Because you indicated a lack of staying power.
Ah, yes. Thank you for clarifying Henu.
Worship Lord Hanuman. He provides discipline, willpower and strength in mind and Body. His mantra is "Aum Hum Hanumate Namah" (For Beginners) or "Aum Hum Hanumate Rudrat- Makaye Hoom Phatt Swaha" (For more experienced People who are acquainted with Invocation).
I don't understand why people use these older names for Gods. In my opinion, it creates a confusion. I tried searching up in forums, who Lord Hanuman is and I saw many different answers such as: Thoth, Janus, Amon and something else.

If you could, tell me a name of this God, which is more used nowadays.
Watch motivational videos of this man: https://www.youtube.com/@PrinceVegetaMotivation
Also this can help you: https://www.youtube.com/@FarFromWeakFFW
And this: https://www.youtube.com/@OptifyImprovement

You are not lazy, you are just "unfocused".
Also search on youtube for motivational videos.

I think this videos will help you, so you will think differently. I have the same problem, but if you do what tells you in videos, you will get far.
Well, I will take a look at them later, but the problem many people encounter, while watching these motivation videos is that they think they make a progress (by just watching them), but in reality they don't. They just feel motivation. Furthermore, motivation is temporary feeling and to create lasting changes, the self-discipline is needed and not the motivation alone.
Except “rising above your fate” is part of your fate. It’s not really a choice.

Cause and effect. Our minds react in specific ways, like chemicals really. You see an injustice and get angered at it, a sadist sees it and enjoys it. Neither of you chose how to react to the event. It’s wired.

We have to rise above our fate, that's the reason we are here. Self overcoming and becoming Daemons. That's the whole point of this process... you good mate?
I don't understand why people use these older names for Gods. In my opinion, it creates a confusion. I tried searching up in forums, who Lord Hanuman is and I saw many different answers such as: Thoth, Janus, Amon and something else.
General Yeager is from India so it makes sense that he relayed those mantras.

If I am not mistaken, Janus/Bifrons is Hanuman. But those mantras are valid, and so is the relevant God ritual and other methods for connecting to a God.
It’s genetic and astrological. You can’t really change who you are. I fucking tried. Nothing works. It’s akin to swimming against a stream going one way. You can swim as hard as you like but eventually your body get tired and the stream pushes you back in its direction. Reading my chart made me realise this even more clearly. Anytime you go off script the chart fucks you over to get you back in line.

It’s akin to quitting an addiction. Nobody really quits. It’s extremely hard and you’ll be fighting yourself the whole time, most likely failing. It’s likely impossible for many due to impulse control and willpower being again genetic. You’d have to have the willpower to change which again is genetic and astrological. Free will is basically an illusion. It’s like you need a job to get experience but you need experience to get a job. You have to have X to get Y and vice versa. “Discipline” is fated.

As for those who succeed, they were most likely fated to do so, but think it’s by their own merit and this gives them the entitlement to tell others to “try harder”. So unless you have divine lineage or strong assistance and support from the Gods, you’re basically doomed to follow your script, good or bad.
This is why we have meditation, yoga
And especially Satan's magical squares
These can change things for the better
With the correct affirmations we can change our lives for the better
I can honestly fully agree with you today I felt the same way
In my birthchart there are planets on good signs and there are things in my chart that downright scares me making me believe my life will always be difficult
But as Spiritual Satanist we have been blessed with knowledge By Zeus that no one else has I can remember it like (On a sermon, I can't remember where but i remember the words) yesterday when Hps Maxine has stated when our energies are Higher things generally work out for us I have had alot of back lash in meditation/workings that I have done but what I can tell you with 100% certainty is that when I've cleaned my aura (even when i thought I had accomplished nothing meaningfull the signs were there)and raise my energy my day has been extremely pleasant and blissful
Not everything is going to work for everyone what i mean by this is that a certain meditation/working maybe might not in correspondence with you at that time but it will later on try something else and sometimes we should also just be consistent in what we are busy with
We Zevist /SPIRITUAL Satanist should not ever give up no matter the circumstances
We are facing I know this is easier said then done but with Faith in Father Satan Lucifer anything is possible and with action taken
So you have chosen to be an animal instead of trying to reach human status. Okay then.
No. Perhaps my fatalistic view of the charts is wrong. However, I wonder if the drive to ascend is itself a product of fate on our souls rather than our will. I’ll have to read more into astrology to have a more objective view on the matter. I guess my question was how much free will do we really have?

What do I have in me that is solely from me and isn’t from my chart?
you good mate?
Had a bad day. Was venting at “fate” I guess. I obviously want to ascend above the fates, and I will.
No. Perhaps my fatalistic view of the charts is wrong. However, I wonder if the drive to ascend is itself a product of fate on our souls rather than our will. I’ll have to read more into astrology to have a more objective view on the matter. I guess my question was how much free will do we really have?
Free will is the result of lifetimes of working on our souls, it is not something given, it must be earned, so to speak. Most people have an illusion of free will, to them life is indeed very deterministic.
What do I have in me that is solely from me and isn’t from my chart?
Your chart is you, or rather, your initial point at your birth. Here our High Priest speaks about it.
Had a bad day. Was venting at “fate” I guess. I obviously want to ascend above the fates, and I will.
We all have those. How we deal with these things sets people apart.
Ah, yes. Thank you for clarifying Henu.

I don't understand why people use these older names for Gods. In my opinion, it creates a confusion. I tried searching up in forums, who Lord Hanuman is and I saw many different answers such as: Thoth, Janus, Amon and something else.

If you could, tell me a name of this God, which is more used nowadays.

Well, I will take a look at them later, but the problem many people encounter, while watching these motivation videos is that they think they make a progress (by just watching them), but in reality they don't. They just feel motivation. Furthermore, motivation is temporary feeling and to create lasting changes, the self-discipline is needed and not the motivation alone.
It will always create confusion and that is natural when you cross reference the Ancient gods and the New Names. For example - Zeus is certainly Indra and also Thor because of the Vajra. But can Shiva be called Satan ? Yes ,and if so is Thor Satan since Zeus and Indra are Satan and they both use Thunder ? This gets into confusing territory and what is important is to look at individual aspects of each God that you are trying to invocate/evocate if they do have well preserved methods of worship. Ex- Thor and Odin do not have any well preserved methods of Invocation or Evocation but the Ancient Sanatana Gods do like Laxmi, Saraswati,Shiva,Hanuman ,Bhairav ,Hanuman and many others do etc

I only use the Ancient Names and follow the Tradition Tantric system that has been preserved in India ,also because the Gods are much more defined and there are very well preserved methods of Evocation and Invocation using these methods.

If you have doubts ,what you can do is Focus on the Sigil of Hanuman ,then Trance out and gently "wonder" by visualizing the sigil in the Trance state and experiencing a feeling of "Searching" while you visualize the sigil. And the answers will come to you, eventually.

Screenshot (659).png
I fucking tried.

Hi Seeker 💚💭✨

As far as I know, your Natal chart was drawn up the day you were born, assuming you remained in that level of spiritual knowledge/attainment as your infancy forever. You could change your fate right now by just sitting in the sunshine and breathing in its warmth and power into your aura to clean it and protect yourself, say a few beneficial affirmations, this small daily act and after a while you're suddenly miles ahead from where you would have been.

The moment you allowed the sacred knowledge of Zevism into your soul, you changed your fate.
The day you performed your sacred Dedication, the Gods prioritised you under Their Protection, you changed your fate.
Every time you reach out to your Guardian (through prayer, contemplation, etc.,), Whom waits for your connection for the sole purpose of helping you become as Them, you change your fate.
Each time you cleaned your aura, in a baby step-way, you changed your fate (maybe later that day you would have experienced xyz event triggered by karma you wouldn't have cleared out otherwise).
Each time you break negative thought patterns, even just for a few moments, by voiding out any unhelpful thoughts, you change your fate.
Each time you close the apps and rather choose to read/re-read the ToZ and study the Sermons and Ethics given to us by higher Beings who are here to guide you towards spiritual growth, you embrace a better idea and you change your fate.

These things definitely add up, the more you do it.

We're still currently just evolving human beings, running around with limited powers of foresight and weak intuitions, we struggle to comprehend subjects that our Gods have been studying and perfecting for literal aeons.
We try our best to learn what we can with what we have, but at your current level of understanding it's unwise to claim to know more about how the advanced spiritual and technical sciences of prediction and fate. I.e., the invention of the internet, the ripple effects of our Rituals, Artificial Intelligence, our individual choices, even the RTRs weren't a thing when you were born, we really just don't know anything -- Certainly not enough to be making any blanket statements about the fate of ourselves (and the world) and how little decisions can have huge impacts.
Knowing this fact, what you're really doing here is putting those vibes out there into the universe by affirming (what you've typed)... you're setting yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy by expecting the literal worst. Remember what Lady Maxine said about being careful what you speak into existence! Magick 101. Please, take a second to say something positive about yourself at the end of my message here to break those thought patterns 🙅🏼‍♀️ I'll do it along with you right now........ 🍀☺️💭 {Seeker is making the positive and beneficial changes s/he needs in mindset to achieve his/her greatest dreams} 💭

I know that 'tough love' is trendy these days, and for those of us for whom it is effective -- keep right at it, by all means -- however, I also recognise the essence of someone who has tried and tried.
You absolutely need to give yourself much much MUCH more credit for how far you've come, and how much you endured and what you will continue to endure (in this life, the past and the next).
We are a species that is fighting for our basic rights to exist as spiritual beings and you're here on the front lines practically. What you know ALONE would demoralise any hardened soldier, and it should, nothing we do as Zevists is easy and that's how it ought to be because we choose every day to embrace Truth above all else.
So give. Yourself. The. Credit.
I think it's important to do the work of going against the toxicity in this poisoned world that's telling you you're not enough unless you subscribe/buy/act/pretend to xyz.
You yourself have to do the work of remembering and reminding yourself every single day that you deserve good things, you deserve kindness (from yourself most of all), you're never alone, your Guardian sees your heart and your intentions and there is no set timeline you should be abiding by.
You just have to persist, that's your only job.
Wake up and know you deserve a clean body and soul, so you shower and you do your AC. You deserve health, so you do your physical activities and feed yourself well. You do deserve the kindness, patience, and softness it takes to be able to do the hard stuff. Give it to yourself.
Being able to find a way forward that works for you, even if it takes literal decades or even lifetimes, IS worth it because you deserve it. I know that we have Zevists in our family who are at much advanced ages and still taking good care of their souls, even though they will still need to empower themselves further in their next life to maybe even get to where you are currently.

Be patient and kind with yourself and you will surprise yourself with how far you can go. This is what the Gods want for us. We are not a self-flagellating religion because we have the tools and knowledge to understand what the human soul needs, which is true love from our Gods and from ourselves (not false unconditional or toxic love that is destructive and values the wrong things).

You're exactly where you need to be right now and may the grace of our most beautiful and divine Gods allow you to one day see all the unseen ways in which They guide you and care about you 🌟🙏🌞✨

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for putting in all this work towards making this Earth a better place! Amongst many other things, I'm sure 🌞 I hope you find exactly the thing you need to be able see it in yourself x 🙏🏼💚

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
