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How did you handle your first Saturn return? I'm going through it now


New member
Jan 12, 2024
This Saturn return feels like it’s tearing me apart. I hate who I’ve been and the mistakes I’ve made. All those years I spent lost in daydreams, floating in that Neptunian haze, seem like a cruel joke now. I was so ungrounded, so impractical, and now I’m paying the price for it.

I’m 29, unemployed, and drowning in worry. My bank account is a constant reminder of my failures. How did I let it get this bad? The pressure is unbearable, especially with the tradition in my country that men should marry before 30. If I don’t get married soon, it’ll be almost impossible to marry a young woman. The thought of it eats at me every day. I despise how much I care about these social expectations, but I can’t help it. They’re woven into the fabric of who I am.

To make matters worse, I know I need to change my profession. What I’ve been doing isn’t working. Starting over from scratch at this age feels like climbing a mountain with no peak in sight. I used to be bad at grounding myself, always too dreamy and idealistic. But recently, as I’ve been working on my natal chart, I’m starting to see things more clearly. Understanding my tendencies has helped, but it hasn’t made the reality any less daunting.

Comparing myself to others is a daily torture. I feel like a piece of shit compared to so many people around me. They have their lives together—careers, relationships, material possessions. And here I am, with nothing to show for my years. There’s so much I need to work on in my personality. It’s overwhelming.

The only thing that brings me any peace is knowing my parents are still here. They are the only people who truly care about me, who love me despite all my flaws. Their presence is a small island of comfort in a sea of chaos.

I wish I could shrug off the societal expectations, but they’re like chains I can’t break. I want to find my own path but it’s a constant battle. I’m scared of the future...
You wrote it yourself: you have to free yourself from the chains.

The best way to deal spiritually with this bad period is to do work to free your soul and obliterate your Saturn. High Priestess Lydia has compiled a good and sound guide. Plus, if you check the calendar, there are ideal dates now to spiritually remove your chains. Always remember that you should increase your spiritual defenses during periods like this.

From a personal point of view, take this negative period to strengthen and improve yourself. Evaluate your life from other perspectives, change your points of reference. The fact that you have a job that does not satisfy you must become the propelling engine that propels you toward better work realities (for example, taking vocational courses or considering completely different jobs you hadn't thought of [e.g., beekeeper, only example XD].).

As for your expectations, they are just stupid expectations. Even if you put all your effort, there will always be some expectation that you will fail to fulfill. Don't care about that, but improve and evolve yourself. Every tiny step you take, no matter how small, will take you on the path of the Gods.

Lastly, be thankful for your parents and don't forget that even here on the Forums there is another part of your family that you can count on. Not counting Satan and our Gods!

Try to be strong, you will make it.
It’s never too late to start again.
Saturn is here to test you, throw away the old to give place for the new.

It’s not gonna be easy in anyway, it’s gonna be excruciatingly hard and filled with ups and downs, but what other option do you have?
This Saturn return feels like it’s tearing me apart. I hate who I’ve been and the mistakes I’ve made. All those years I spent lost in daydreams, floating in that Neptunian haze, seem like a cruel joke now. I was so ungrounded, so impractical, and now I’m paying the price for it.

I’m 29, unemployed, and drowning in worry. My bank account is a constant reminder of my failures. How did I let it get this bad? The pressure is unbearable, especially with the tradition in my country that men should marry before 30. If I don’t get married soon, it’ll be almost impossible to marry a young woman. The thought of it eats at me every day. I despise how much I care about these social expectations, but I can’t help it. They’re woven into the fabric of who I am.

To make matters worse, I know I need to change my profession. What I’ve been doing isn’t working. Starting over from scratch at this age feels like climbing a mountain with no peak in sight. I used to be bad at grounding myself, always too dreamy and idealistic. But recently, as I’ve been working on my natal chart, I’m starting to see things more clearly. Understanding my tendencies has helped, but it hasn’t made the reality any less daunting.

Comparing myself to others is a daily torture. I feel like a piece of shit compared to so many people around me. They have their lives together—careers, relationships, material possessions. And here I am, with nothing to show for my years. There’s so much I need to work on in my personality. It’s overwhelming.

The only thing that brings me any peace is knowing my parents are still here. They are the only people who truly care about me, who love me despite all my flaws. Their presence is a small island of comfort in a sea of chaos.

I wish I could shrug off the societal expectations, but they’re like chains I can’t break. I want to find my own path but it’s a constant battle. I’m scared of the future...
Same for me.

What you are having is an awakening. Saturn brings us in touch with reality, and with a head that's been soaring in the clouds for years, the momentum that has been building during your return to earth will hit you hard.

But this is what you're built for. You seem to have some level of an understanding of Saturn, so the pain of awareness that it brings you will be a pivotal point in your transformation. You know what you have to do, you just have to put your chin down and work. The fields will not till themselves, nor will they bring a harvest if you are not there to work them.

It is not too late for you yet. If you're a "late bloomer", and it sounds like you are, then this epiphany is happening just when it's supposed to.
Look on the bright side, some people at 29 don’t even know what a Saturn return is. And so get swept away with it, making their lives even worse! Gambling all their good karma away. Don’t worry!

Also, don’t worry about confirming to social norms! You will meet the right person at the right time. Just keep working on strengthening your soul, and you will attract someone who is also doing the same.
I used to have a clouded mind due to that excessive Neptunian influence in my chart. It made me constantly change jobs and goals instead of choosing one and sticking with it till the end . And now I don't have any tangible results because of the dissipation of my energy that was caused by the Neptunian influence. I regret I didn't have more clarity in my early twenties and a stronger natal Saturn...
I used to have a clouded mind due to that excessive Neptunian influence in my chart. It made me constantly change jobs and goals instead of choosing one and sticking with it till the end . And now I don't have any tangible results because of the dissipation of my energy that was caused by the Neptunian influence. I regret I didn't have more clarity in my early twenties and a stronger natal Saturn...
It is better to job hop after a year or two, this is how you get raises, promotions and experience. People who stay in one place get paid less over their life and get pigeonholed. The most miserable people I ever worked with were people who stayed in one spot for decades.

You were young anyway. Most people don't know what they're doing in their 20s and many people just do what society or their parents push them to do. What you have now is a variety of experience to guide you in the future.

What would you like to do next?
Do you think your chart gives you a need to have a variety in your work?
So about Saturn Returns, I read somewhere on here that it always happens at age 27-30 and lasts for precisely three years. How can you tell when yours is over if you’re bad at astrology or can’t wrap your head around it very well?
So about Saturn Returns, I read somewhere on here that it always happens at age 27-30 and lasts for precisely three years. How can you tell when yours is over if you’re bad at astrology or can’t wrap your head around it very well?

Your Saturn return happens when the progressing Saturn gets within orb of your Natal Saturn. The effects become stronger as it gets closer to your Natal Saturn, and are at their peak when it is exact with your Natal Saturn.

The time this takes depends on how the current Saturn is progressing, and the time it happens also differs from person to person. Usually it starts around your 30th year, or just before.

If Saturn goes retrograde when it is orb with your Natal Saturn, it can remain in orb for a very long time, and it could even cross back and forth over your Natal Saturn a few times, which could make for a particularly long lasting or challenging Saturn return. So, everyones Saturn return is a little bit different and it can last a variable amount of time.
Your Saturn return happens when the progressing Saturn gets within orb of your Natal Saturn. The effects become stronger as it gets closer to your Natal Saturn, and are at their peak when it is exact with your Natal Saturn.

The time this takes depends on how the current Saturn is progressing, and the time it happens also differs from person to person. Usually it starts around your 30th year, or just before.

If Saturn goes retrograde when it is orb with your Natal Saturn, it can remain in orb for a very long time, and it could even cross back and forth over your Natal Saturn a few times, which could make for a particularly long lasting or challenging Saturn return. So, everyones Saturn return is a little bit different and it can last a variable amount of time.
Okay, that makes sense. So basically if Saturn is in the same sign as in your natal chart?
Do you often meet someone, start a relationship with someone, who can encourage you to indulge in all your bad habits at this time? A soul that you have lot of karma with?
Some income is better than no income. Maybe you should find a temporary job until you decide what to do. I'm not exactly sure which God's ritual would be the most helpful, but maybe Satan's. Meditate on him with the intent of knowing where to go in life.

You can also take a look on the runes Nauthiz, Odhal, Mannaz for clarity.
When transiting Saturn is in about three-degree orbit to your natal Saturn.

Saturn starts influencing the chart even when it is in 10 degrees orbit to your natal Saturn. Stronger effects will be felt around 5 Degrees, but you will begin to notice Saturn's influence from 10 degrees orbit.
You can tell it’s over for sure though if Saturn is in a totally different sign thought right? Barring an retrogrades back into the natal sign?
You can tell it’s over for sure though if Saturn is in a totally different sign thought right? Barring an retrogrades back into the natal sign?
No. What matters is the orb for a conjunction, which is the difference in angle from natal saturn to transiting saturn.

Even if your saturn is in 29º pisces and transiting saturn enters aries at 0º, you are still well within orb, thus still having a saturn-saturn conjunction meaning you are having a saturn return. Assuming an orb of 10º, transiting saturn at <18º pisces or >9º aries would be outside the parameters for a saturn return. The tighter the conjunction, the more intense the effects will be.

The sign is not what determines a transit. It's the aspect(relative angle/position) that matters. The saturn return is transiting saturn conjuncting your natal saturn.

People can disagree on what the orb should be, but you can feel the change when the outer planets pass through your houses and approach important planets/angles in your chart.
It is better to job hop after a year or two, this is how you get raises, promotions and experience. People who stay in one place get paid less over their life and get pigeonholed. The most miserable people I ever worked with were people who stayed in one spot for decades.

You were young anyway. Most people don't know what they're doing in their 20s and many people just do what society or their parents push them to do. What you have now is a variety of experience to guide you in the future.

What would you like to do next?
Do you think your chart gives you a need to have a variety in your work?

I'd like to learn marketing and brand management in particular. I think these skills will be useful in the future when starting my own business.

Yes, my midheaven is aspected by both Uranus and Neptune, so I think it definitely gives me a need to have a variety at my work.
Saturn starts influencing the chart even when it is in 10 degrees orbit to your natal Saturn. Stronger effects will be felt around 5 Degrees, but you will begin to notice Saturn's influence from 10 degrees orbit.
2-3 degrees is the orb where this will be felt the tightest, but the large orb is 7 degrees. When above 3 degrees, the effects will be subtler.

Personally, I observed this with interest for that three-degree orb, but really walked through it and wondered why all the hassle around the subject.
It is better to job hop after a year or two, this is how you get raises, promotions and experience. People who stay in one place get paid less over their life and get pigeonholed. The most miserable people I ever worked with were people who stayed in one spot for decades.
This only applies to certain fields with higher education. For low-skilled work, forget about this as salaries are according to union negotiations and the general economic situation.
Well if my Saturn return will not be enough, Pluto will sure do the job. 🙃

What has been mentioned several times about transits is key--keep you energies consistently on a good level which means a lot of basic meditation stuff, asanas and the like. I would like to add that not messing with mantras and methods one is not familiar with can be something to keep in mind. For example, doing a Saturn square during Saturn return might not be the best idea. Unless, of course, it actually is. But one has to know it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
