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How did the universe start?


New member
Mar 18, 2022
Hello dear humans

The past 13 years I have been looking for an answer on how all this started.
The life that we living, the universe, Gods etc.
I have been very confused and no religion felt right to believe in. No man could I trust to who said he has all the answers.
I understand the purpose of this website. Jews are planning communism and so on.

I dont know how I found this website but here I am, with some maybe silly quastions but for me they are new.
I also know that christianity is a copied religion.

My root question is:
Was there life before Satan?
What is his purpose?
Can you prove Satans history/story?
Do you find it silly that the science says that the planet earth is billions of years old?

I mean no offense to anyones belief.
Thank you.
Lifeofmine said:
Re: How did the universe start?
The most realistic model is that the Universe never started. Let's assume that before the Universe there was completely void, no chemical element exists anywhere in this infinite void (because if it existed then that would represent the `Universe` already). How would the infinitely dense point of matter appear if there is no matter? This is why I think Big Bang cannot be possible because the promotors themselves admit that they cannot predict what happened before Big Bang, which makes it a theory as realistical as the Universe created by the judeo-christian god. It is the same concept, how the judeo-christian god created the Universe if there was no matter? Christians are threatened with eternal hell if they dare to question this belief. In the same time it's also difficult to imagine that the Universe existed forever, that it never had a beginning,

Lifeofmine said:
Was there life before Satan?
If you mean life on Earth before the Gods came, apparently there are many sources and also evidence that a few intelligent civilizations existed hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago. A scientist and millitary that I was watching before was saying that these human races represent `the 4th or 5th civilizational wave`. The evidence that would prove the existence of older intelligent civilizations are tools or artificial metal objects. Here is one example:

Is this a 300 million-year-old screw or just a fossilized sea creature?
But as other member was saying, to consider whether there were other advanced civilizations on Earth before us is just speculation because no scientist or acheologist can tell this for sure. However what is known is that many artificial constructions reside on the bottom of the oceans, there might be a chance that some of them are older than the ancient civilizations. The most optimistic sources say that humanity knows what is inside the oceans only up to 15%.

Lifeofmine said:
What is his purpose?
The purpose of Satan? I would say, as any other living intelligent civilization, the purpose of the Gods is: preserve the civilization, grow and expand in power, territory and technology. That's what humanity tries to do as well, the problem is we have an allien race that for thousands of years try to stop humanity from advancing.

Lifeofmine said:
Can you prove Satans history/story?
If you mean Satan's history on Earth, we already have proven that Satan was the supreme and rulling God in most ancient civilizations. This is showed by name similarities between different civilizations, by similar symbolism, similar spiritual practices, also same Gods. One example, if you wonder why the jewish invention ISIL/Daesh have persecuted and genocided thousands of yazidis, is because in Middle East many people consider them to be `satanists` and therefore `evil`, or the `devil-worshippers`, because most people know their God Melek Taus is Satan.

Genocide of Yazidis by the Islamic State

Who Are the Yazidi "Devil Worshipers" and Why Is ISIS Trying to Slaughter and Enslave This Ancient Minority? Part One
But it is the sad fate of the Yazidis that the story of Melek Tawus has eerie parallels with the story of Shaytan, the fallen jinn (genie) of Islam who is known in English as Satan. According to Yazidi tradition, Melek Tawus was told by God-Khuede not to bow to other beings. Then God tested Malak Tawus by creating man out of dust and ordering Melek Tawus to bow to Adam. Melek Tawus replied "How can I submit to another being! I am from your illumination while Adam is made of dust." After forgiving him for rebelling, God made him the ruler of earth after he cried for 7,000 years to extinguish hell with his tears.

Unfortunately, in the Islamic tradition, Shaytan or Iblis was a jinn who similarly refused God's order to bow down to Adam. For this sin of pride, God-Allah cursed him and expelled him from heaven to earth. Starting in the fifteenth centuries, surrounding Turkish and Arab Muslims came to equate Melek Tawus, the primary being worshipped by Yazidis, with Shaytan the Tempter. Thus began centuries of slaughter and persecution that saw the Yazidis flee to the mountains of northern Iraq.

You probably know already the abrahamic religions depinct Satan and the other Gods in a totally negative light, antagonists of the hebrew god.

Lifeofmine said:
Do you find it silly that the science says that the planet earth is billions of years old?
I don't know to tell if this is true or not. If they are lying with this, I don't know what they win from it. However they claim they estimated this age using technology

The age of rocks is determined by radiometric dating, which looks at the proportion of two different isotopes in a sample. Radioactive isotopes break down in a predictable amount of time, enabling geologists to determine the age of a sample using equipment like this thermal ionization mass spectrometer.

Obviously there is known technology and scientific practices like estimating the half-life of a reaction or element, which help estimating the age of that element, but I find it unlikely that these practices can estimate ages to the order of billions. What is even more crazy is that there is apparently evidence showing that the dust on the surface of the moon is 1 billion years older than Earth using carbon dating. There are things we can never accurately estimate in my opinion.
Lifeofmine said:
My root question is:
Was there life before Satan?
What is his purpose?
Can you prove Satans history/story?
Do you find it silly that the science says that the planet earth is billions of years old?

1 Yeah, unlike the queen of England, Satan isn't as old as the universe itself.

2 Satan's purpose is the same as yours. Deep inside you, if this has not been buried by corruption and pollution. To better yourself and the universe. This manifests in humanity and people's subconscious desire to help each other and better each other's conditions. This is part of humanity's spiritual and psychological way of being. To heal things, to repair things to progress and elevate ourselves and each other. This is His purpose and so is ours.

3 Nothing I will tell you will "prove" anything to you. Only way for you to answer this is contact Him yourself. He's quite nice, I think you'd like Him. Of course it takes time to be able to do this and understand Him. But take some time every day to meditate a bit, you might enjoy it also.

4 Come now, we're religious, not retarded.
From what gather it's sort of like the beginning of the movie Prometheus. The universe and life existed for some time (big bang theory doesn't really matter) and humans are the creation of a superior race of beings. There is no all-powerful god, and our main creator was the being called Satan.
Thank you for your time and also for those links.
I am kurdish myself and it brokes my heart what happened to yazidi people.

Conversation like this brings answers and questions.

Do you know the very first religion that worshiped Satan?

I can google it but I dont think I will get an accurate answer for that.
Im more curious of which civilization did bring up worshipping Satan?
I would love to go to the root of it, as far back as possible and study this with patience.

Thank you once again.
Lifeofmine said:
Hello dear humans

The past 13 years I have been looking for an answer on how all this started.
The life that we living, the universe, Gods etc.
I have been very confused and no religion felt right to believe in. No man could I trust to who said he has all the answers.
I understand the purpose of this website. Jews are planning communism and so on.

I dont know how I found this website but here I am, with some maybe silly quastions but for me they are new.
I also know that christianity is a copied religion.

My root question is:
Was there life before Satan?
What is his purpose?
Can you prove Satans history/story?
Do you find it silly that the science says that the planet earth is billions of years old?

I mean no offense to anyones belief.
Thank you.

Where does our World start? And where does our world end?

Is this the end after that?
Lifeofmine said:
Hello dear humans

The past 13 years I have been looking for an answer on how all this started.
The life that we living, the universe, Gods etc.
I have been very confused and no religion felt right to believe in. No man could I trust to who said he has all the answers.
I understand the purpose of this website. Jews are planning communism and so on.

I dont know how I found this website but here I am, with some maybe silly quastions but for me they are new.
I also know that christianity is a copied religion.

My root question is:
Was there life before Satan?
What is his purpose?
Can you prove Satans history/story?
Do you find it silly that the science says that the planet earth is billions of years old?

I mean no offense to anyones belief.
Thank you.

Here my friend everything is in here i promise.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Lifeofmine said:
Do you know the very first religion that worshiped Satan?

I can google it but I dont think I will get an accurate answer for that.
Im more curious of which civilization did bring up worshipping Satan?
I would love to go to the root of it, as far back as possible and study this with patience.

Thank you once again.
It is generally accepted that the Sanskrit Vedas are among the olders writings in the world, although I don't neccesarily agree with the mainstream estimation that they are only around 3500 years old, because there is a sort of agenda that tries to prove that until around 6000 years ago people were undeveloped primitive monkeys, and then suddenly civilizations like the Sumerians and the Hindus appeared about 4000-5000 years ago. There is plenty evidence to show that ancient civilizations go back tens of thousands of years. Anyway. it seems based on the existent evidence that the Vedas mentionned Sanatama Dharma, which was the religion of the ancient hindus in modern day India, or the ancient sanskrit name of the Hindu religion. I am not sure if Sanatama Dharma was the first religion in the world, but it clearly worshipped Satan and the other Gods as well, which is indicated by the symbolism and similarities with other pagan religions that worshipped Satan and the same Gods in general. Hinduism is a polytheist religion and so it was thousands of years ago when it was called Sanathama Dharma.

In Sanskrit, Sanātana Dharma translates approximately to "eternal law" or, less literally, "eternal way." In Pali, the equivalent term is Dhammo Sanātano (धम्मो सनन्तनो). In Hindi, the Sanskrit tatsama dharm धर्म is being used as "religion"(सनातन धर्म) roughly translates to "eternal religion".
Sanātana Dharma from Wikipedia

The similarities between the sanskrit name Sanatama Dharma and the name Satan are evident, which is perfectly natural since Satan as a word also comes from Sanskrit. We have been saying that `Satan` means `Eternal Truth` in Sanskrit and the etymology for Sanatama Dharma quite supports this statement. Satan is the most popular name of the `God Satan` but any other variations or versions the name had in the ancient times are just as relevant and refer to the same God. You might have noticed for example some members call Satan `Enki` here which was His name in the Sumerian religion. A good article we have about the ancient titles of Satan is Satan Lucifer The Lord Of The World

Depending on how old the human civilization really is, humans revered and venerated the Gods since the beginning of times. No great ancient civilization is exempt, the symbolism and descriptions and spiritual practices all civilization had are more or less identical and come from the same source.
How did you start and what is your potentiality? Do you have a limit of thought and transformation?
That question is relatable to the universe as well.
The Alchemist7 said:
In the same time it's also difficult to imagine that the Universe existed forever, that it never had a beginning,

I brought up a similar question in another thread a while ago, I thought the same thing. The nature of these questions becomes a problem of infinite regress, despite what may precede after the other, at some point one may be asking the equivalent of "what comes before 0"?
Specter said:
The Alchemist7 said:
In the same time it's also difficult to imagine that the Universe existed forever, that it never had a beginning,

I brought up a similar question in another thread a while ago, I thought the same thing. The nature of these questions becomes a problem of infinite regress, despite what may precede after the other, at some point one may be asking the equivalent of "what comes before 0"?
Precisely. So the answer must be that the Universe has always existed. For those who demand proof, or at least evidence, the best I have is this argument and also this.This might be uncomfortable and might be like a stabbing in the Brain to try and accept or understand, but as you said here, and as I argue, "What came before that?", etc. Talk about an existential crisis.
FancyMancy said:
Specter said:
The Alchemist7 said:
In the same time it's also difficult to imagine that the Universe existed forever, that it never had a beginning,

I brought up a similar question in another thread a while ago, I thought the same thing. The nature of these questions becomes a problem of infinite regress, despite what may precede after the other, at some point one may be asking the equivalent of "what comes before 0"?
Precisely. So the answer must be that the Universe has always existed. For those who demand proof, or at least evidence, the best I have is this argument and also this.This might be uncomfortable and might be like a stabbing in the Brain to try and accept or understand, but as you said here, and as I argue, "What came before that?", etc. Talk about an existential crisis.

Mind if I take a guess at it? Imagine the "universe" as a blank canvas. Infinite space to fill in with whatever you want. Dark matter is ubiquitous through this space (aether), and within every square inch of dark matter is an inverted equivalent of light which is infinite unexpressed potential waiting to be expressed through choice. The expression comes via the method of union, chemical bonding processes. As it all begins to express itself, atoms combine and become more and more complex as they keep merging. Eventually you have forms that are so complex like stars, and some of these stars are planets which hold space for development within the space inside them. Then with the right conditions met for development within the space of those planets (sun and water, land masses arise from the sea, etc) complex life forms evolve and eventually you get some that become capable of intellectually observing and perceiving and contemplating the universe itself around it.

So the universe was always there, but the complex life forms within the universe were not always there. The potential for the complex life forms was always there however, and if you want to get trippy then the potential of those complex life forms existing was as if they were there all along. The potential for the Magnum Opus may have been there all along too, and was just waiting to be discovered.
jrvan said:
Mind if I take a guess at it?

Oh, it's not my decision. It's up t--

Imagine the "universe" as a blank canvas. Infinite space to fill in with whatever you want. Dark matter is ubiquitous through this space (aether), and within every square inch of dark matter is an inverted equivalent of light which is infinite unexpressed potential waiting to be expressed through choice. The expression comes via the method of union, chemical bonding processes. As it all begins to express itself, atoms combine and become more and more complex as they keep merging. Eventually you have forms that are so complex like stars, and some of these stars are planets which hold space for development within the space inside them. Then with the right conditions met for development within the space of those planets (sun and water, land masses arise from the sea, etc) complex life forms evolve and eventually you get some that become capable of intellectually observing and perceiving and contemplating the universe itself around it.

So the universe was always there, but the complex life forms within the universe were not always there. The potential for the complex life forms was always there however, and if you want to get trippy then the potential of those complex life forms existing was as if they were there all along. The potential for the Magnum Opus may have been there all along too, and was just waiting to be discovered.
I just don't think the Universe is a blank canvas, though. Again - where did that "blank canvas" come from? Where did it emerge, and what out of? Oy... It seems to be so high-level but also so profound at the same time.
FancyMancy said:
jrvan said:
Mind if I take a guess at it?

Oh, it's not my decision. It's up t--

Imagine the "universe" as a blank canvas. Infinite space to fill in with whatever you want. Dark matter is ubiquitous through this space (aether), and within every square inch of dark matter is an inverted equivalent of light which is infinite unexpressed potential waiting to be expressed through choice. The expression comes via the method of union, chemical bonding processes. As it all begins to express itself, atoms combine and become more and more complex as they keep merging. Eventually you have forms that are so complex like stars, and some of these stars are planets which hold space for development within the space inside them. Then with the right conditions met for development within the space of those planets (sun and water, land masses arise from the sea, etc) complex life forms evolve and eventually you get some that become capable of intellectually observing and perceiving and contemplating the universe itself around it.

So the universe was always there, but the complex life forms within the universe were not always there. The potential for the complex life forms was always there however, and if you want to get trippy then the potential of those complex life forms existing was as if they were there all along. The potential for the Magnum Opus may have been there all along too, and was just waiting to be discovered.
I just don't think the Universe is a blank canvas, though. Again - where did that "blank canvas" come from? Where did it emerge, and what out of? Oy... It seems to be so high-level but also so profound at the same time.

The "blank canvas" was just my metaphor for the black backdrop of deep space which is filled with dark matter which is the aether, and this was always there to begin with. It was never not there, and it will always be there even if every star in the entire fabric of the cosmos gets snuffed out all at once.

Universe literally means "One verse." It's the infinite field of interconnected-ness that binds everything together in harmony - it's nature. Verse as in sound, we're all part of this field of sound, breathing in harmony. The cosmos is the ordered structure within the universe - like the alignment of the planets and everything. It's everything that is formed WITHIN the universe. Aether = universe, everything within this universe = Cosmos. Cosmos is interconnected by the Universe.

This is my understanding of it. Maybe it will be helpful in some way.
FancyMancy said:
Specter said:
I brought up a similar question in another thread a while ago, I thought the same thing. The nature of these questions becomes a problem of infinite regress, despite what may precede after the other, at some point one may be asking the equivalent of "what comes before 0"?
Precisely. So the answer must be that the Universe has always existed. For those who demand proof, or at least evidence, the best I have is this argument and also this.This might be uncomfortable and might be like a stabbing in the Brain to try and accept or understand, but as you said here, and as I argue, "What came before that?", etc. Talk about an existential crisis.
Mathematically what is before 0 is as big as what is after 0 (infinit and minus infinit) however this wouldn't apply to something concrete as the Universe because the `0 moment` cannot be really proven and most likely it never existed. I also think human science is not advanced enough to explain the concept of timeless and spaceless Universe. Fancy Mancy shared those articles about the Quantum theories but these still are theories that are just emergent and scientists are yet to research them.

jrvan said:
Mind if I take a guess at it? Imagine the "universe" as a blank canvas. Infinite space to fill in with whatever you want. Dark matter is ubiquitous through this space (aether), and within every square inch of dark matter is an inverted equivalent of light which is infinite unexpressed potential waiting to be expressed through choice. The expression comes via the method of union, chemical bonding processes. As it all begins to express itself, atoms combine and become more and more complex as they keep merging. Eventually you have forms that are so complex like stars, and some of these stars are planets which hold space for development within the space inside them.
Fancy is right that you are discussing about already existent `matter`. I mean the existence of a void infinite space might be acceptable but aether would already matter. I found something interesting:

NEW YORK — All the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect or even comprehend.

These mysterious substances are called dark energy and dark matter.

Energy is exclusively non physical as far as I know, for example we cannot `get our hands` on `energy` or even see it (unless we are spiritually open probably). If 96% of the Universe is dark energy, then 96% of the Universe is non-physical, is non-solid and invisible to the eye. In space all we probably see except of the solid bodies (planets, stars etc) is mere black void space but this dark energy (perhaps aether) exists in that space. But even if is non physical there is still the question how it appeared? There is a theory saying that the quantity of energy in the Universe never changes but it's just converted from a form of energy to another form on energy, but this doesn't hold for Infinite space because Infinite space means infinite energy, therefore there is no `quantity of energy`. HP Cobra was saying that universal aether has a `counsciousness` to a degree. But still then how is this energy infinite in time (doesn't have a beginning)? Most likely time will tell as human understanding increases in this area.
The Alchemist7 said:
NEW YORK — All the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect or even comprehend.

These mysterious substances are called dark energy and dark matter.

Energy is exclusively non physical as far as I know, for example we cannot `get our hands` on `energy` or even see it (unless we are spiritually open probably). If 96% of the Universe is dark energy, then 96% of the Universe is non-physical, is non-solid and invisible to the eye. In space all we probably see except of the solid bodies (planets, stars etc) is mere black void space but this dark energy (perhaps aether) exists in that space. But even if is non physical there is still the question how it appeared? There is a theory saying that the quantity of energy in the Universe never changes but it's just converted from a form of energy to another form on energy, but this doesn't hold for Infinite space because Infinite space means infinite energy, therefore there is no `quantity of energy`. HP Cobra was saying that universal aether has a `counsciousness` to a degree. But still then how is this energy infinite in time (doesn't have a beginning)? Most likely time will tell as human understanding increases in this area.

This is exactly what I was talking about. I believe the 96% of dark energy/dark matter is the aether. This is the prima materia that all things form from. Nothing came before it, and it doesn't have a beginning nor an end - it was always there, and will always be there even if everything in the Cosmos is reduced to stardust.
The Alchemist7 said:
articles about the Quantum theories but these still are theories that are just emergent and scientists are yet to research them.
I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

There is a theory saying that the quantity of energy in the Universe never changes but it's just converted from a form of energy to another form on energy, but this doesn't hold for Infinite space because Infinite space means infinite energy, therefore there is no `quantity of energy`.
Also - when we vibrate, we are exciting the Aether, the vibrational field which permeates everything everywhere. In doing this, we are... injecting, raising, creating?! respective Energies into our Physicality/the Astral. Depending on what we want or need will depend on which Energy/Energies we 'conjure up'. Bubbling it/them up out of... seemingly or literally nowhere.

Speaking about this out-of-nowhere generating of Energies - there are "virtual particles", which seem to just pop up out of... nowhere.

Virtual particle
A virtual particle is a transient quantum fluctuation that exhibits some of the characteristics of an ordinary particle, while having its existence limited by the uncertainty principle.[vague] The concept of virtual particles arises in perturbation theory of quantum field theory where interactions between ordinary particles are described in terms of exchanges of virtual particles.

A "virtual particle", generally, is a disturbance in a field that will never be found on its own, but instead is something that is caused by the presence of other particles, often of other fields.

Say, for arguments' sake, the "big bang" happened. It was excited by something or some things, which caused it to have happened; still thus - "whaddafack happened before the big bang?! Wat waaas there before it?!". (I'm calm!)

This, interacting from some particles which cause these virtual particles to appear and exist, still supports "Energy cannot be created nor destroyed; only transferred"; however, as you say, The Alchemist7, in an infinite Universe (or I might say Energy-infinite Universe, where the Physical Matter is finite), creation/destruction of Energy is meaningless, and doesn't... well... matter.
FancyMancy said:
Specter said:
The Alchemist7 said:
In the same time it's also difficult to imagine that the Universe existed forever, that it never had a beginning,

I brought up a similar question in another thread a while ago, I thought the same thing. The nature of these questions becomes a problem of infinite regress, despite what may precede after the other, at some point one may be asking the equivalent of "what comes before 0"?
Precisely. So the answer must be that the Universe has always existed. For those who demand proof, or at least evidence, the best I have is this argument and also this.This might be uncomfortable and might be like a stabbing in the Brain to try and accept or understand, but as you said here, and as I argue, "What came before that?", etc. Talk about an existential crisis.

Maybe, but the Universe, as a physical existence, would therefore be preceded by a spiritual existence, which could then be preceded by other levels of existence, which would either be a set amount or perhaps an infinite paradox of other realities or dimensions. So in a way, "something" did come before 0 but not in a conventional order as nothing is preceding one before the other and is more so in a way that's just synchronous to each other.
Specter said:
FancyMancy said:
Specter said:
I brought up a similar question in another thread a while ago, I thought the same thing. The nature of these questions becomes a problem of infinite regress, despite what may precede after the other, at some point one may be asking the equivalent of "what comes before 0"?
Precisely. So the answer must be that the Universe has always existed. For those who demand proof, or at least evidence, the best I have is this argument and also this.This might be uncomfortable and might be like a stabbing in the Brain to try and accept or understand, but as you said here, and as I argue, "What came before that?", etc. Talk about an existential crisis.

Maybe, but the Universe, as a physical existence, would therefore be preceded by a spiritual existence, which could then be preceded by other levels of existence, which would either be a set amount or perhaps an infinite paradox of other realities or dimensions. So in a way, "something" did come before 0 but not in a conventional order as nothing is preceding one before the other and is more so in a way that's just synchronous to each other.
I won't pretend to understand this, but* according to sermons/posts here/on our sites, the Gods and Goddesses have told us that time is not linear. Of course, while we've been here and brainwashed for many centuries, we think ɑ is the beginning and Ω is the ending (referring to "god" alleging to be the alpha and the omega). If we take (((Star Trek))), along the lines of backward causation/retrocausality, sometimes effect can precede cause... In more than one episode, effects/actions caused things to happen in the past. A 'joke' in one episode is, "I hate temporal mechanics!", which must refer to Quantum Mechanics/Physics, which is of course real-life Science and understanding of Spirituality, Occult, Astral things. As I have said, the jew knows things and puts these seemingly-nonsense and silly things into nonsense and silly science-fiction and other media, while mocking us to our faces and laughing at us in our faces.

*me saying "but" here does not negate the fact that I won't pretend to understand it!
To me, it seems like every religion is man made.
No matter how much I read, study or listen to history.
It just wont click with my logic and thinking that religion or the gods are there for sure.

I wont deny that you might feel it. I felt that with Islam until I study how islam is made. I felt the same with christianity until I thought to myself how childish this is after using logic / common sense.

Im ok with not having an answer until I die.
Lifeofmine said:
To me, it seems like every religion is man made.
No matter how much I read, study or listen to history.
It just wont click with my logic and thinking that religion or the gods are there for sure.

I wont deny that you might feel it. I felt that with Islam until I study how islam is made. I felt the same with christianity until I thought to myself how childish this is after using logic / common sense.

Im ok with not having an answer until I die.

By advancing on this path answers and the gods presence becomes very clear.

Satanists past a point of advancement can communicate with the Gods and discuss with them many things to understand things better.

You have everything to gain by staying, and everything to lose by leaving.

Satanism unlike the false programs of the enemy lead the individual to spiritual power, wisdom, abd eventually liberation from their past selves and the karmic wheel of fate, even literal immortality.

We obviously can't tell you want to do, and you as an individual have free will. But I strongly advise you to think hard on your decision from here.

Satan changes all gentiles who come to Him. He offers the tools, to recreate the self, unlike anything else out there.

Good luck, I hope you make the right choice.
Lifeofmine said:
To me, it seems like every religion is man made.
No matter how much I read, study or listen to history.
It just wont click with my logic and thinking that religion or the gods are there for sure.

I wont deny that you might feel it. I felt that with Islam until I study how islam is made. I felt the same with christianity until I thought to myself how childish this is after using logic / common sense.

Im ok with not having an answer until I die.
One thing is certain, currently it is too expensive to do any proper research so that we can know and understand. It's as if we're not "allowed" to have knowledge or understand things, as if we're - as you say - childish, immature and ignorant simpletons. We're also not "allowed" to have this Spiritual knowledge, which is secret/hidden/occult/esoteric, nor "allowed" to understand it (as if we need "permission" :roll:), but we have have this knowledge and can learn the understanding anyway, we don't need to get funding for it, building buildings of research and development, institutions or other education/learning/discovering establishments; at home we can read the forum and websites and we can practice and apply things, and we won't get rid of the knowledge and understanding and we won't ignore them.
FancyMancy said:
Specter said:
FancyMancy said:
Precisely. So the answer must be that the Universe has always existed. For those who demand proof, or at least evidence, the best I have is this argument and also this.This might be uncomfortable and might be like a stabbing in the Brain to try and accept or understand, but as you said here, and as I argue, "What came before that?", etc. Talk about an existential crisis.

Maybe, but the Universe, as a physical existence, would therefore be preceded by a spiritual existence, which could then be preceded by other levels of existence, which would either be a set amount or perhaps an infinite paradox of other realities or dimensions. So in a way, "something" did come before 0 but not in a conventional order as nothing is preceding one before the other and is more so in a way that's just synchronous to each other.
I won't pretend to understand this, but* according to sermons/posts here/on our sites, the Gods and Goddesses have told us that time is not linear. Of course, while we've been here and brainwashed for many centuries, we think ɑ is the beginning and Ω is the ending (referring to "god" alleging to be the alpha and the omega). If we take (((Star Trek))), along the lines of backward causation/retrocausality, sometimes effect can precede cause... In more than one episode, effects/actions caused things to happen in the past. A 'joke' in one episode is, "I hate temporal mechanics!", which must refer to Quantum Mechanics/Physics, which is of course real-life Science and understanding of Spirituality, Occult, Astral things. As I have said, the jew knows things and puts these seemingly-nonsense and silly things into nonsense and silly science-fiction and other media, while mocking us to our faces and laughing at us in our faces.

*me saying "but" here does not negate the fact that I won't pretend to understand it!
It was said that achieving/experiencing different states/dimensions was similar to a needle going through a book, although it wasn't specified at what exact the book ends so it left me a bit confused.

Regarding non-linear time. This is also perceived from metaphysics. From the perspective of physical matter with a definite shape and structure, time is often linear, but with some objects it is not. Such as a block of ice which can melt, evaporate and condense back into its original shape, time perceived here is in a circular motion but what remains vague is the evaporation process as it's invisible to the naked eye. In the same way this "vapor" is analogous to consciousness, which is able to exist after death and repeat a cycle. It's also a fact consciousness exists in nature - in turn the universe, which would make the existence of time for the universe in its entirety non-linear.

Also, in the 3 states of consciousness, wakefulness, REM/sleep, and deep/NREM sleep (or delta sleep), it becomes a circular dimension. The 4th state, when consciousness is able to remain independent of these states, the mind becomes transcended to a "super consciousness".

It's hard to imagine neither a beginning or end, and yeah partly due to brainwashing. This is also fundamental in understanding and invoking the ether, which is required for a attaining transcendence of the mind,body and soul as it cannot be done without this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
