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How did I find Satan [And how did you?]

<td val[/IMG]Yes it is so exciting what Satan and our Gods are doing in our Gentile family right now.More and Gentiles are waking up and finding us fron all other races from each and every one of all of our efforts.

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From: Sami Abbas <samiabbas66@...;
To: [email protected] <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did I find Satan [And how did you?]
Sent: Mon, Sep 10, 2012 6:35:54 PM

<td val[/IMG]   You are most welcome big bro :)
And yes, We are growing in numbers here, especially in Ireland. It is so beautiful seeing this beautiful country, with it's beautiful people coming back to their old ways. 
Also, if you notice Brian, there has been an increase in fellow Brothers and Sisters in Satan in Middle Eastern jewslime countries. This is a HUGE step ahead for us, because we all pretty much know how jewslam works, right? Either conversion or death. So, it is a good thing to hear people are fucking finally waking up. 
You know, some times, after I finish meditating, I have a moment of "oh shit, I have found what I am looking for, BUT, look around you". We are given all this knowledge from the Gods, and even some of us were guided and protected since birth by them. Isn't it only fair to do something in return? 
I have never knew how serious this situation is until the past few months. I mean, it just makes me throw up how our Gentile people are being treated, AND treating each other. 
Sorry about the rant, but it is truly time for us to get up, as a Family, and fight for our People and OUR FUCKING EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!

Heil the Nazi Heroes!

On 9 Sep 2012, at 20:53, Br[/IMG]briangibbons20@... wrote:
<td val[/IMG]Thanks for sharing as I always find it so interesting how others in other countries across the water from me found Satan.Here in the US its all the same for the most part.Not all but most of us were born in xtian familys and found out it was all BS so we ventured out into the occult.But I like to here how people in pisslam countries found Satan.So again thanks for sharing brother.

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To: <a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did I find Satan [And how did you?]
Sent: Sat, Sep 8, 2012 9:02:13 PM

<td val[/IMG]   [/IMG]</var>  Well, Like many of us here, I had an unbelivable interest in the occult. I was about 6, in school, in Saudi Arabia (the jewslime vatican), I would run away from their prayers, or I would at least try, they would always pull me back, as they had guards at the main doors in school. Despite their extreme pulling abilities, I somehow was a little stronger and would escape, only to face the consequences the next day. I always asked my older brother about Satan, and the Demons, he would reply "yes, they are transparent like glass" what an idiot. He also told me that a guy saw a Demon, then I would daydream the whole day about meeting a Demon.  I can clearly recall having terrifying dreams about their allah. I can remember it was my sister (my closest childhood friend, which caused a lot of heat with what was supposed to be a family to me) and I, getting pulled through a door by a grey skeleton ghost thing, and I would call it allah. I would also imagine allah as a horrible ugly hovering black mist that wanted everyone punished. Funny though, my Indonesian nanny stated that I would become a great messenger/warrior in pisslam. I wish I could find her, I would slap her. After my miserable, cold, hollow childhood years passed, we moved permenantley to Ireland. I was about 10, and confused, feeling something is terribly, terribly wrong with everything. I met the man they call my father, and was disgusted. He didn't resemble me at all, especially the fact that I am much more fairer than him. I began to hate everything. The feeling of lonliness and emptiness become more stronger. I was feeling like I was in a dreaam, all of it.  My interest in the occult intensified as I become older. I would spend hours a day watching clips and videos from a website of Demons, UFO's and ghosts. I became obsessed. I would go even further, to the point were I would make room for ghosts in my bed at bedtime, and meditate in a lotus position to "call upon ghosts" lol. I can also remember I stumbled upon a website that gave you a free recipe for a "spell" if you subscribe. And guess what?? I did lol. I wanted to change my eye colour, and the supposed "high priestess" gave me some stupid, foolish words to mummble. Keep in mind, I was like 11 lol, so I got a tiny birthday candleand painted it orange (the colour I wanted my eyes to turn lol), sat down in my sister's toilet, and while taking a crap, I tried the "spell". Do I REALLY need to tell you what happened?? lol. I can also remember calling my brother names while he was praying as to distract him lol, and it always worked :D So, By that time, I got my iPod touch, which means I can access the internet. I stumbled on the church of Satan while researching Satanism. I read the homepage quote or whatever, looked at the picture of the masked retards, and slapped myself. I then began to get into the jooish kabalah. Of course , all I got was the usual joo shit, nothing spiritual whatsoever. Actually, there was nothing to begin with, just a wear a red string around your left wrist and I was like WTF??   By the age of 13, we moved town, everything changed again, and I fell deeper into depression. Still, Satanism was on my mind. I was researching Demons, and crashed into kikapedia. It was then when the enemy attacks began, their usual useless and foolish technique..... istilling deep fear. I was looking through the pictures and was frightened, but I looked through them all , all 72, and was like WTF???? I kept on researching. I had this crap of selling my soul to Satan in my mind, but it never felt right. And what do ya know??? I got to the JoS. The next few days, my eyes were glued to the iPod screen, literally. I was in the dark all night long, page by page, I read everything. A month later, I think, I Dedicated, nobody around and with a tealight candle. when the paper burned, I felt like an elephant being lifted off of my shoulders. So today, I am advancing, My 2 little brothers have Dedicated themselves after 2 years of me not telling anyone. I told my sister, and......... Yes, my mother found out.  WHAT I DID, I DO NOT RECOMMEND TO ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! The reason I did this was because I knew of their reaction. We weren't brought up in a religious home, as we had parents that are shit, which is a good thing, for me atleast lol. Know, I am happier than ever, I found the reason for everything, I found what I was looking for since I was a little boy.   HAIL SATAN!!!!HAIL AZAZEL!!!!HAIL ENLIL!!!!
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Friday, 7 September 2012, 7:59
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How did I find Satan [And how did you?]

  Yes I remember being in a xian church around 6 years old and I was starring at a flower holder trying to move it by the 'power of my faith'. I realized it wouldn't work, lol.

I enjoy reading all these stories. Different people different stories. But it seems some people answer the call on their own and get to seek something, others do it in search of justice and a better life or power, others more font of the Truth and protection, others curosity, others are introduced by their friends or other people. Its just how the person is. Others suddenly feel an aweakening love for occultism which probably was asleep on their earlier years or they were manipulated. What matters is that we are all here and under Satan and we seek to expand ourselves :)


--- [/IMG]mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

I was drawn to the occult my whole life. I remembered my past lives, and I tried so hard to telepathically communicate with my soulmate starting when I was like 4 or 5. I also tried telekinesis. Until I got headaches from the effort lol. I always knew there was so much more to the world. I was born psychic, but nobody else in my family was so I had no "mentor" for it, only a bunch of non-believers who kept telling me to stop daydreaming and "come back to reality".

I went to church a few times as a child with my family, but it felt weird. Fake. Wrong. And then my dad told me to read the bible so I can go to "heaven", so I told "god" that I was going to read it to get into "heaven" and if I didn't finish it in one year then he could send me to "hell". Guess what? After a week or so I gave up and started reading interesting books. Lol.

After my brother died, I felt like I had nobody. Nobody else understood me, nobody else believed in me like he did. I was so lost. And then my ex bf brought home a copy of Lavey's Satanic bible. I read it, and loved the logic in it. And I started thinking that maybe this Satan guy is real, and not an evil person like xianity teaches, and maybe there is meaning to life, something to fight for. I figured, the xian "god" never did anything for me, even when I was carsick as a child and prayed that I wouldn't throw up and yet I threw up so he obviously didn't have much power, or maybe he just didn't care about me. I figured maybe Satan would care about me, at least a little. I knew I had nothing to lose.

So, I decided to search online to find out how to properly dedicate myself to Satan. And JoyofSatan was near the top. I loved the name, "Joy", and the fact that it was .org meaning it was an organization and not some crummy website slapped together. So I started reading, and I knew I had found home. And I knew something supernatural was happening, as I would have a thought or wonder about something, and the very next link or the one after had my answer. This actually happened for a month or so, every day.

I then looked at the time and realized I had been reading for a while and my (ex)bf was going to be home soon so I frantically ran around the apartment finding the things to dedicate (red candle, needle, etc) and I dedicated. And I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.


Hail Father Satan!
Hail Set!

--- [/IMG]mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

I open this topic for discussion. I hope many people reply as it would be good and informative so we can notice and know how people [/TD]
I was always into the spiritual, magic, and learning to manifest your desires/improve yourself. Even when I forced myself to be an xian when I was in 4th and the beginning of 5th grade. I remember I was bored (I was about 10) so I searched magic spells and found a website (of course it was fluffy wiccan crap but I thought it was the only way). I saw wicca/neo-paganism on there and researched it. I believed in it more than christianity and I thought it was the only way to do magic so I joined wicca (I was more like a christian wiccan though because I was still afraid of hell even though I majorly doubted jehova and the bible). I was depressed and didn't even want to do anything about it.

I eventually grew out of wicca and just became an atheist and I dabbled in buddhism. I found out about LeVayan Satanism and became interested in the philosophy. Even though I was still interested in Buddhism and LeVayan Satanism I decided to look back into theistic religion. I looked back into Wicca and New Age stuff and became a wiccan again (this lasted about a week, lol).

I was bored one day so I wrote a list of all religions I could think of. I didn't know much about Satanism other than LeVay's atheistic teachings so I googled 'Satanism' and JoS was one of the top results so I clicked on it and saved it for reading when I had down time.

A few days later when I had nothing else to do, I clicked on JoS and read the entire website. I... fell in love. It all made perfect sense. It wasn't like any other 'religion' for a large number of reasons and I liked (well, loved) that. I was free to act however I please and do what I want. At the same time I felt encouraged to advance myself and improve my behavior (I was a bit awkward and lacked social boundries, but I'm getting much better now due to workings). Not to mention I instantly fell in love with gods and wanted to fight for them. Spiritual Satanism helped me realize my potential and how to become who I want to be. I'm happier than ever and it just gets better every day.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

I open this topic for discussion. I hope many people reply as it would be good and informative so we can notice and know how people find Satan, so we can promote Satanism better.

So here is mine...

Since I was around 11 I had a very distinct need to search into the occult [since around that age I wanted to go to tibet, lol], which I was doing constantly, researching. After some years when my urge for this became even greater, when I was around 12 and a half I found Satanism, when my search and thirst for occult power and enlightenment became the center of my life. As about church, I remember that I prayed to the xian 'god' 2 times. One because there was a storm raging and I was dead afraid of storms. The windows were hitting etc, and it was really chaotic and powerful. Nothing typical, way beyond it. I, as a kid, run to that scum blindly, which promised 'help'. Nothing but fear I felt. My fear after praying increased tenfold, to the point I fell on my knees crying and hitting my hands and feet on the floor. The other time I was severely abused by a family member, many years ago. I was sitting on the bed crying to that foolish asshole scum. Nothing happened. I felt no relief. Only more anxiety and more fear. Truly I never felt no connection or anything from that piece of shit. Whenever I was force to attend on masses, I would either vomit, fall asleep or feel feelings of extreme tiredness/sickness, terror and maybe even anger. I could feel a lot of beings and seriously I was looking around in a horrific feeling.

As far as Satan goes, time before I read the website, I didn't understand why people were so against Him. There were times that as a xian I blasphemed Satan [no more than 10 times in my whole life evena as an xian], but afterwards I felt very bad, I felt guilt. But not the guilt that is needed to control. Guilt that comes from within and is your own. I remember asking my xian 'friend' about 'not raging on a war against Satan. Why is there a war against Him. Why don't people leave Satan alone'. Which freaked him out. I never really hated Him. When I was young I was reading some crazy shit from a supposedly ethinic retard. Which was talking about all sorts of 'Elohim' and shit. I was always attracted to the side of the 'bad guys', which were the 'Nephelim', 'The Egyptian Nephelim' etc. I always perceived and saw jewsus as way too weak, not my type of guy. Satan's existence was extremely fascinating to me. All I read on about was the Anti-Christ. Whenever I read about powers of the mind etc, I KNEW instictively for a fact that the door to these is Satan. Then on my own I seeked Satanism and I found the JoS webpage. The feeling I cannot describe. I Was at last at a place where a TRUE GOD who gives a damn about His disciples, real spiritual communication and enlightenment, wish realization and mind discipline were the aims. I got extremely fascinated and I was in total awe. The feeling I remember was when I opened the meditation page, I totally felt blown out of this world. It was just the place for me. For one time I felt someone gave a fuck about Humanity, and I wanted badly to ally to Satan eternally so I can work, advance, get enlightened, get extremely powerful, evolve and promote His Agenda.

I hated the enemy's tricks n' shits which only choose a chosen few and I felt a deep disgust and a 'GET AWAY FROM THIS SHIT' feeling whenever I found anything or stumbled upon anything that was jewish. I always despised the jews and as a hearing of this word I felt very strange, something I cannot describe. Spirituality of their side which was infused with 'compassion' and communism did never feel right, I found it boring and meaningless and I felt that it was totally empty. I always felt different. That kind of reserved kid that isn't talking because he knows something that he doesn't know type of thing. I turned my back on this scum liar and hating 'god' of the bible, I let my hate unveil and I will become as the Gods since its a birthright by my own Creator God Satan. For the first time in my life I heared my greatest urge and I freaking never neglected it. Sometimes things can grow hard as this is war, sometimes can grow blissful as this is THE FREAKING TRUTH OF THE WORLD. Thats THAT. My passion for Satan undertaken me and I will never be more thankful that I am today. Even if I died, I could have said I was a brave person who accomplished something and left some sort of mark in this world, truly found God and truly did SOMETHING for themselves.

Thats what Satan gave me, completeness.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
