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How can Satan win a war if he doesn't even appear to those who devote themselves to him?

Any skill takes time and dedication to get built up, that is simply the way it works. And you can not compare yourself to any other individual as we are unique in this regard. What might be one hour to you is three hours to another and vice versa. Quitting for any of us would be the greatest mistake ever made for that would set one back so much for no good reason at all when we have the greatest tools at hand with the best support available.
You're right. It's just that I see this huge road ahead of me and it stretches very far out. I know this is no reason to quit and I don't think I will, but since I am on the slower side I need to remind myself that some people are just quicker. I've always picked up things slowly and it sucks when others just come in and get the results in like a month while I've obtained the same results in like a year or two.

How is this place like Christianity at all? You say "well, not in the core beliefs, and not in the rituals". So what else? We did not even say to have blind faith, either. In fact, we said it is the opposite, that it takes time and personal, tangible development to get certain results. So what remains for you to slap on this label of Christianity? This is like slander at this point.
I'm really sorry, but I didn't mean this to be slander. What I meant is a parallel in the way that information in the JoS is justified. How do I express this: when I first found the JoS I knew the things written about the jews and the abrahamic religions were true (as in, they're shit), as well as the fact that we had auras, chakras and yoga was good, but the rest was essentially new to me, and stating that it comes from deities is just not believable at first glance. Even if our Gods are the only true ones and the enemy is just lying like they always do, I just have to assume that what is written there is true, irrespective of the time it takes me to actually see results. It is precisely because of this that I meditate, I want to know what is true and what is not, but until I get an answer for myself, I have to trust Maxine and assume that what she knows and what she has imparted to us was actually really given to her by the Gods. But for anyone outside the JoS, that is a bit too much to ask. I don't mind it, but I know some people would just dismiss the claim and never try a meditation thinking that it's a cult or a scam, and that is what I think pagan-stitches wanted to bring up. People won't believe that the Gods just gave us this information just because we tell them to, and in that regard I thought that it may be similar to how christians ask one to believe in their god just because it is their god. It's a bit of a circular argument, in which they say you must trust the bible, because god dictated it, because in the bible says god is supreme. In this sense, I have to believe that JoS is true, because the Gods gave us that info, because in the JoS it is stated that the Gods are true. There is simply no way to break that down, no way for me to verify either claim. I can't just ask the Gods if it's true without previously assuming that it is and asking them, but at that point I've already taken a leap of faith, so it doesn't matter anymore. If I didn't believe that the Gods are true I wouldn't ask them anything. The only way to truly verify is to try out, but I still need to assume at least that either the JoS is correct or that the Gods gave Maxine her knowledge in order to actually start, because if I assume that either the Gods don't exist (or they didn't impart this info to Maxine) or that the JoS is not true then there is no point in doing the meditations, because why would I do something I believe is false. Thus it seems, at least in my opinion, like a leap of faith until I see results. From that point onward it will verified by experience, but until then, I can only do the meditations expecting some gain and assuming that they actually work. Morevoer, for some of us, it may be hard to see or talk to Gods, as has been mentioned in this thread. It may take years, and the only thing that may keep someone going is either trying to gain something or simply faith.

Despite me writing this I still believe I have trouble understanding your point, I get this feeling that I may not have spoken clearly, but I tried my best. I think that even if practice is encouraged, as I said, I need to believe that practice will yield me results and thus assume that the meditations work, and that happens by believing the JoS before I start meditating. Again, I'm really sorry if the opinion was taken as slander, I really didn't mean it as such. Also thank you to the moderator who allowed it to be posted anyway. I know that anything that can be taken as slander is a valid reason to be banned from the forums, but I really didn't want to slander the Gods nor you guys.
You're right. It's just that I see this huge road ahead of me and it stretches very far out. I know this is no reason to quit and I don't think I will, but since I am on the slower side I need to remind myself that some people are just quicker. I've always picked up things slowly and it sucks when others just come in and get the results in like a month while I've obtained the same results in like a year or two.

I'm really sorry, but I didn't mean this to be slander. What I meant is a parallel in the way that information in the JoS is justified. How do I express this: when I first found the JoS I knew the things written about the jews and the abrahamic religions were true (as in, they're shit), as well as the fact that we had auras, chakras and yoga was good, but the rest was essentially new to me, and stating that it comes from deities is just not believable at first glance. Even if our Gods are the only true ones and the enemy is just lying like they always do, I just have to assume that what is written there is true, irrespective of the time it takes me to actually see results. It is precisely because of this that I meditate, I want to know what is true and what is not, but until I get an answer for myself, I have to trust Maxine and assume that what she knows and what she has imparted to us was actually really given to her by the Gods. But for anyone outside the JoS, that is a bit too much to ask. I don't mind it, but I know some people would just dismiss the claim and never try a meditation thinking that it's a cult or a scam, and that is what I think pagan-stitches wanted to bring up. People won't believe that the Gods just gave us this information just because we tell them to, and in that regard I thought that it may be similar to how christians ask one to believe in their god just because it is their god. It's a bit of a circular argument, in which they say you must trust the bible, because god dictated it, because in the bible says god is supreme. In this sense, I have to believe that JoS is true, because the Gods gave us that info, because in the JoS it is stated that the Gods are true. There is simply no way to break that down, no way for me to verify either claim. I can't just ask the Gods if it's true without previously assuming that it is and asking them, but at that point I've already taken a leap of faith, so it doesn't matter anymore. If I didn't believe that the Gods are true I wouldn't ask them anything. The only way to truly verify is to try out, but I still need to assume at least that either the JoS is correct or that the Gods gave Maxine her knowledge in order to actually start, because if I assume that either the Gods don't exist (or they didn't impart this info to Maxine) or that the JoS is not true then there is no point in doing the meditations, because why would I do something I believe is false. Thus it seems, at least in my opinion, like a leap of faith until I see results. From that point onward it will verified by experience, but until then, I can only do the meditations expecting some gain and assuming that they actually work. Morevoer, for some of us, it may be hard to see or talk to Gods, as has been mentioned in this thread. It may take years, and the only thing that may keep someone going is either trying to gain something or simply faith.

Despite me writing this I still believe I have trouble understanding your point, I get this feeling that I may not have spoken clearly, but I tried my best. I think that even if practice is encouraged, as I said, I need to believe that practice will yield me results and thus assume that the meditations work, and that happens by believing the JoS before I start meditating. Again, I'm really sorry if the opinion was taken as slander, I really didn't mean it as such. Also thank you to the moderator who allowed it to be posted anyway. I know that anything that can be taken as slander is a valid reason to be banned from the forums, but I really didn't want to slander the Gods nor you guys.

As you are new to this, I would say, I can understand where you are coming from.

To someone uninitiated, they read xianity and they see them claim "God said so, so it's true". And that same uninitiated or new person reads the JoS and sees written somewhere "Satan showed this to me or helped me see this in meditation", and you conclude, it is the same thing, the same nature, and you also conclude that you cannot verify any of this yourself so you are confused and you think it is just dogma, like the abrahamic programs, because you do not understand the difference here.

There are many very big differences here, but the two things I want to focus on here to help you understand, are

1. The teachings from the Joy of Satan, the knowledge and spiritual practices, the mantra's and the runes, and basically everything written by the Clergy, can be completely verified through personal experience, even as a newbie and even mostly through purely academic perspectives by reading and comparing just bland information alone.

Meditations, you can sit down and do. Spiritual workings as well. Even if you are very new and have little power or ability, you will feel the effects. If not meditation, then it is Yoga. And even if not any of that because you do not want to do this for some reason, then purely the information written by HP HoodedCobra and the sermons written by HPS Maxine will help you understand a lot of things about life itself, about situations in the world we live in today, about world events, about so called conspiracies and other things that many are confused about.

Simply, the path is self evident as being true, from the highest perspective of the Gods, to the closest perspective of the people practicing the Path we have here, where effects and growth, knowledge and Truth are very clear and directly visible. You do not need to listen to any single thing, you can see for yourself and practice for yourself to understand the results and see the Truth in it, the power in it and the reality presented through Spiritual Satanism.

That is how all of us are here. We have been seekers of the True path, and many of us have gone through many different things and systems, to end up here and find the home that we always knew existed and had been longing for our whole lives.

2. How the Gods are real existing beings.

To an uninitiated or new person, this might sound unbelievable or strange, or even like lunacy, like, who believes in ghosts am I right? However, as you become more familiar with Spiritual Satanism, and as you try to approach this idea here, the Gods make themselves extremely clearly evident to those who seek Them, and They can easily do so, because They are very real Gods.

Unlike the enemy thoughtforms of the abrahamic programs, who are indeed also real and do exist (in not even 0.1% of the capacity in existing as the Gods exist, which you will see yourself as you progress through Spiritual Satanism and get to understand more), the Gods and Demons don't play any games with followers or people seeking Them earnestly, They are self evident and direct, They do the best They can to help you understand Them and know Them, if you earnestly seek to know Them, and They are in all cases, purely beneficial to any practitioner.

However, because They are real beings, They also do not have time for games and nonsense, so trying to get Them to reveal themselves to you by playing silly games like "Knock on my wall three times if you are here" or "Use telekinesis to move my furniture and I will believe you exist, thank you", is simply completely ignored.

Just like I would ignore you if you tried to play games with me like that "Move my table for me and I will believe you are real okay", when I am literally right there talking to you and showing you something. Yeah, it is nonsense, and they really do not care about any games and immature things.

So, by approaching Them like real beings, even if one is sceptical and doesn't really believe it, but at least entertaining this possibility and trying to approach Them with earnest intentions, setting up a small altar, lighting a nice incense if you have it, lighting a few candles, and having an image of Satan's Sigil in front of you, even just on a drawing you made or a digital version on your phone, and earnestly approach Satan in a ritual or a meditation, either an official one from the Joy of Satan, or something like this:

"Father Satan, I don't know if You are truly real, but I want to know that You are real and really exist like the Joy of Satan says You do, so, if You really exist and are real, and hear me now, please teach me and help me understand You, please help me see You for what You truly are and help me know You as the Joy of Satan knows you. I want to know You and if you are as the Joy of Satan says You are, I want to receive Your teachings and be Your follower and student and be an SS."

This shows Him you are earnest and serious, and the Gods will do what they can to help you understand, even if you are not yet dedicated and are trying to figure out if you want to dedicate to the JoS. Even if you are entirely unspiritual with no spiritual abilities, so long as you are open minded towards the idea of extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional beings out there existing, one of which happens to be Satan and whom you are now speaking to, to try and understand or know Him, you will receive signs that you can understand and are undoubtedly showing you that yes, Satan exists and everything the Joy of Satan teaches is completely real.

However, many people who get stuck at this early point, get stuck there because they in reality either are too afraid to believe this and open up to this, or they completely reject this notion or possibility, and thus even when countless obvious things happen and are shown to them, they completely ignore them and pretend they don't exist or never happen, because they think "Nah, ain't no waaay!!".

The Gods seeing this person really doesn't care and would rather remain closed off from this realization, just ignore them since they ignore the Gods.

The point is though, that the Gods are completely real beings that exist, and They can speak for Themselves, They do in fact do this all the time, and They want people to seek Them out and get to know Them. People just do not care most of the time and do not take the proper steps to approach Them, just playing games with Them or not being serious in any way at all. The Gods have serious people who do care and who seek Them earnestly, even spending every ounce of their life to try and understand Them or approach Them, so why would they waste time with idiots and immature people who do not matter and who don't care about the Gods?

Anyone serious, can literally do what I told you, or just do a standard ritual to Satan in an attempt to know Him, and they can literally just get to Know Him. Anyone who says they try and failed, is absolutely lying, because this is clear as day and unmistakable, when one tries earnestly < the most important point here*, the Gods certainly make Themselves known.

Usually what is going on when people say or believe they've tried and nothing ever happens and thus they call this whole thing bogus, they might "try", but mentally and on their consciousness, they completely don't care, or they have ulterior motives rather than earnest desire to see the Gods and know the Gods and to follow Them when they understand They are there. Since the Gods are practically omniscient, they know everything in the heart of people that speak to Them, and so, they will also respond to them accordingly, or not respond at all if the person's heart is filled with worthless or strange intentions.

For example, they may be playing games and not believing this at all and then saying to themselves: "hehe, if I do this ritual now and nothing happens, clearly the Joy of Satan is bullshit and Satan doesn't exist, losers!"

In some of these cases, something does in fact happen, because the Gods are real and can make things happen if they want to, however, even if lightning strikes exactly as they say these words, and some telekinesis blows down their entire house, they still won't believe the Gods are real, because they themselves convince themselves fully that this is all fake and any attempts to verify this is only with the ulterior motive to verify their own beliefs that whatever they believe to be fake is fake, making up all the excuses in the universe to protect their own beliefs, rather than an earnest intention to find the Truth and learn something new.

These two things, the verification that anyone can do, and the speaking directly to the Gods to receive real answers and guidance directly from Them, as well as real answers and guidance on practically any topic from fellow SS who simply want to help people rise in life with no ulterior motives, are very major differences between the abrahamic programs and Spiritual Satanism that seemingly some sceptics or newer people just forget about.

There is no dogma in Spiritual Satanism, and there are no mediators when it comes to the Gods either. They are there and always able to be approached, but to receive Their attention, one must approach Them with the proper intentions yourself, or They have no reason to care. Just like how a president will ignore you if you try to play games with him and have no good reasons for approaching him.

I know for a fact everything the Joy of Satan teaches is completely real, because I experience everything in my life all the time. I see my life improve through following the teachings, I experience the effects from the spiritual work I do on myself and for the JoS in my life. I feel the Gods extremely clearly, even as I am writing this topic, I feel Their existence, because I am writing about Them, and They know and feel this just as well, because They are real and existing.

Not everyone will be as sensitive as I, or others are, but you do not have to be sensitive spiritually to receive confirmations and benefits from following this path. The benefits in your life, on your mental health, physical health, your capabilities in life, your knowledge on topics and the improvements to your ability to navigate the challenges present in your life are the proof that speaks for itself.

Whereas, it is obvious to any sane and decent person that followers of the abrahamic programs are the complete opposite, and they receive absolutely no help whatsoever on anything at all, neither from a higher power, nor from a material power. They have nothing, just a vain belief in an entity that barely exists at all and that certainly doesn't give a damn about them and instead thrives on their suffering. The differences are self evident, even if you do not understand or care about the specifics or the spiritual aspects at all.
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Thank you 😁 I joined when I was 15, i discovered the romanian version. I was living back then in germany and because i grew up a few years in romania it felt and still feels like my mother tongue, a very melodic language. i was very interested in having magical powers. i was watching movies like harry potter, carrie, tvd, american horror story coven, avengers etc and i felt drawn to it. I will not deny i was also a victim of bullying in school, it wasn’t that bad but it still affected me. because of getting bullied i searched for magic powers to make my bully pay, but of course it didn’t work. i was never an emo kid, listening to metal punk, cutting my hands or anything, but i was hoping for something to make them pay. I remember the day very good - i was reading about elements on the internet and jos(bucuria lui satan) appeared and it was an interesting website no doubt, i mean i am still here after all. but as i was a kid i did not take it very much as a nature based religion. i was immediately interested in voodoo,dark arts, necromancy and so on as my mind wasn’t very developed back then i took it as a more dark religion, as again the website is black and red mostly so a kid like me would think the same. and after reading and reading i dedicated, it felt special, that day. i felt a warmth and safety inside me. i was also a long time very lucky and suddenly i had this telling future talent. i was seeing scenes from the near future and they were all happening, i could tell what others were going to say in the next second(people became so pretty predictable for me, and i was 15), i images scenes in my head with people and short after they were happening and it felt damn good for me, i felt like i was shaping the world around me. i even did voodoo for a cousin of mine on her stepfather: i didn’t look after moon phases and so on i just built the puppet and imagined it was him while i was plucking it with needles and guess what, the next day he was in the hospital with major lung problems, the needles were in his lungs and heart mostly. it was interesting, but i kinda took a stepback. i was getting older and life got more and more serious for me. parents, moving out, school, work etc and i stopped meditating and so on but i never forgot about paganism, i was always checking the website. i also have to say that reading what the enemy has done to our world and religion made me very angry while being a teenager and i was most of the time just angry with people and the world, i was a ball full of hate and i realised i had to stop reading about jews all the time and focus more on myself. and here i am meditating again, and kinda trying to seek my guardian god/goddess because i would very much like some guidance or true honest words. i am happy to say i also got my 2 best friends into paganism.
a small add on:
before i got into paganism i always doubted christiany. sadly romania is still very much under the influence of orthodox christianity and i had it in school here. i had a strict teacher in religion and she was also forcing us to pray at the end of the hour, she used to bring us icons of jesus/mary etc to draw them with colors, we read of saints and so on. i was always interested in my so called guardian angel. she told me everyone had one and i, while being in damn 7th grade was already thinking ,,how can i contact him?” and i asked her. guess her response: ,,you can contact your guardian angel through pray”. i was like are u kidding me? i told her: ,, do you think my guardian angel is going to know i want to ask him ,,how are you today?” if i say our father in heaven?” you can’t be this dumb. and so my belief started to die in christianity. i was reading many articles about this religion and every article was different and it felt like nothing was making sense.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your honest description of what you have encountered in your life and what you have gone through. I will reply to you tomorrow.
I have just performed the power ritual on Lucifius Focalor for a good hour. I am still fully charged and am now going to bed. I'll reply to you tomorrow. I promise!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Lucifius Focalor!
To someone uninitiated, they read xianity and they see them claim "God said so, so it's true". And that same uninitiated or new person reads the JoS and sees written somewhere "Satan showed this to me or helped me see this in meditation", and you conclude, it is the same thing, the same nature, and you also conclude that you cannot verify any of this yourself so you are confused and you think it is just dogma, like the abrahamic programs, because you do not understand the difference here.
Yeah, that was the sensation it gave to me initially. I will try to understand your points. For now I'll briefly reply on sections that I found interesting and relatable.

Simply, the path is self evident as being true, from the highest perspective of the Gods, to the closest perspective of the people practicing the Path we have here, where effects and growth, knowledge and Truth are very clear and directly visible. You do not need to listen to any single thing, you can see for yourself and practice for yourself to understand the results and see the Truth in it, the power in it and the reality presented through Spiritual Satanism.
I love the confidence with which you type this. I do agree that I've not read a thing written by clergy or by any member for that matter that has proposed anything negative in any sort. Some things I might disagree, but opinions are opinions. I mean, I do want to believe in this path. I'm open to the idea a lot, but as you said, it's a bit hard for me to see a difference (especially right now since it's 1:00 in the morning and have broken my sleep schedule again xD).

This shows Him you are earnest and serious, and the Gods will do what they can to help you understand, even if you are not yet dedicated and are trying to figure out if you want to dedicate to the JoS. Even if you are entirely unspiritual with no spiritual abilities, so long as you are open minded towards the idea of extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional beings out there existing, one of which happens to be Satan and whom you are now speaking to, to try and understand or know Him, you will receive signs that you can understand and are undoubtedly showing you that yes, Satan exists and everything the Joy of Satan teaches is completely real.

However, many people who get stuck at this early point, get stuck there because they in reality either are too afraid to believe this and open up to this, or they completely reject this notion or possibility, and thus even when countless obvious things happen and are shown to them, they completely ignore them and pretend they don't exist or never happen, because they think "Nah, ain't no waaay!!".
You're really nailing it with this one. It's not that I'm not open to the possibility of these beings existing but I don't think I can trust them readily. It's as if I want to, but reason tells me not to. If I see a sign I always have an instinctual feeling that it is a sign, but it will be followed with exactly a variation of "Nah, ain't no waaay!!"

Usually what is going on there is, they might "try", but mentally and on their consciousness, they completely don't care, or they have ulterior motives rather than earnest desire to see the Gods and know the Gods and to follow Them when they understand They are there. Since the Gods are practically omniscient, they know everything in the heart of people that speak to Them, and so, they will also respond to them accordingly, or not respond at all if the person's heart is filled with worthless or strange intentions.
I started dabbling in the occult before I found the JoS because I wanted to accomplish relatively base desires like money and women, and my intentions have not changed much. I'm a bit more open ever since doing the aura cleanings and other types of power meditations, so I might not be completely a lost case, but if Satan can see right through me, it may take a while before we can talk xD. Does curiosity count as a valid intention? As in, I don't necessarily want anything from Him or any of the Demons, I just want to check if He's real. I get the feeling that I'd displease Him if I were to approach him in my current state.

Whereas, it is obvious to any sane and decent person that followers of the abrahamic programs are the complete opposite, and they receive absolutely no help whatsoever on anything at all, neither from a higher power, nor from a material power. They have nothing, just a vain belief in an entity that barely exists at all and that certainly doesn't give a damn about them and instead thrives on their suffering. The differences are self evident, even if you do not understand or care about the specifics or the spiritual aspects at all.
I do agree. I have a small question if it's okay: does their belief act like a placebo? Like, wouldn't they still get "some" benefit just because the mind is powerful enough to use that belief to overcome obstacles?

Haha no please don't jump LOL!
I had clear signs even before dedicating myself but my mind was full of garbage, of judgments that pushed me to doubt myself.

In two years I dedicated myself to opening the chakras, overcoming depression by meditating and working on myself. My path has been really uphill, only now I'm finally confident, free and truly happy. And now I know that when I get answers or received them before (thinking back to those moments) it was me who couldn't see. And consider that Spiritual Satanism is an individual path that depends on experience, past lives (if any) etc.
Now I work many hours a day and I dedicate the rest to meditation and yoga because I feel that's what I have to do. Now my meditation lasts 1 hour, maximum 1 hour and a half.

Thanks for the name. I've had this nickname since I was 13, it was the nickname my best friend gave me.
Lol, I wasn't going to jump, too lazy to find a 10th floor anyway xD. I'm glad you're doing well in your path, and hope you do even better. So your routine is more or less similar to mine. Now that I think about it I should apply the calisthenics wisdom to the meditations: it's not about how much we do, it's about how well we do them. 20 sloppy push ups are useless but 20 well done push ups can give a nice pump.
Persephone is a really well known character in Greek mythology, your best friend probably knows, it's not a common name to give to a friend by all means. Maybe you have something in common with that figure...? Idk I'm just thinking of possibilities.
You're really nailing it with this one. It's not that I'm not open to the possibility of these beings existing but I don't think I can trust them readily. It's as if I want to, but reason tells me not to. If I see a sign I always have an instinctual feeling that it is a sign, but it will be followed with exactly a variation of "Nah, ain't no waaay!!"
You will find that reality is much larger and expansive than you think or even imagine at the moment, to fully appreciate and receive this, you need to gradually open up your mind to the Truth regarding reality and the world we find ourselves in. This is a gradual process, open minded ness is required, as well as discarding any other ideas or things that you think you know at the present.

You should approach this as having lived inside an egg shell in the dark all along, and now you are finally cracking that shell and looking at the world outside it for the first time. That is what it is like when you first become an SS. You are the baby bird who just opened their eyes for the first time to look at the light and the world reflected through it that always existed, but you never knew of until now.

It is fine if you do not understand these right now. I am just telling you this so these seeds are laid, and they can water in time and grow in time, when everything makes sense, you look back on this and smile, knowing what it means by that point.

Take this one step at a time, and approach this like you are exploring a new world that you are seeing for the first time and know nothing about, and also accept that this world has a lot to show you that you would never believe if you weren't seeing it yourself right now, so don't let thoughts or ideas you had before limit what you will perceive of the world you are being introduced to right now.
I started dabbling in the occult before I found the JoS because I wanted to accomplish relatively base desires like money and women, and my intentions have not changed much. I'm a bit more open ever since doing the aura cleanings and other types of power meditations, so I might not be completely a lost case, but if Satan can see right through me, it may take a while before we can talk xD. Does curiosity count as a valid intention? As in, I don't necessarily want anything from Him or any of the Demons, I just want to check if He's real. I get the feeling that I'd displease Him if I were to approach him in my current state.
People always have base desires and there is not inherently anything wrong with that, however, if any progress is to come from being an SS, you need to look beyond base desires and take this more seriously as a road to self improvement and personal growth. You should then realize that as you grow in all abilities in life, these base desires are not goals, but they are easy things to fulfil without much difficulty, because you have grown able to fulfil these yourself through personal growth and ability.

At that point it becomes apparent that these kinds of desires are not the great goals in life that you need to aim for in order to feel fulfilled, but these are simple things that will be easily fulfilled in your life as you become better and more able to live in the first place through personal growth on all fronts, and the goal then becomes to grow as much as possible in all capabilities and fronts of life to become a greater, more able and elite being, eventually, with the aim to complete the Magnum Opus ascend to the Godhead.

Along the way, base desires like wanting to be rich and wanting to be loved or have sex are things you can learn to fulfil to varying degrees of both necessity and desire. You can see these as the fruits that ripen on the tree that is your own self and being growing stronger and more able.

The larger the tree, the more plentiful and rewarding the harvest of the fruits. Grow the largest and strongest tree with a canopy spanning the heavens, and fruits will rain from the sky endlessly to give the most plentiful life that is even completely unimaginable. Time, patience and a lot of effort is needed for this however, but that is how life is. The efforts are rewarded, and the more elite you are, the more reward you can receive for a certain amount of effort.
I do agree. I have a small question if it's okay: does their belief act like a placebo? Like, wouldn't they still get "some" benefit just because the mind is powerful enough to use that belief to overcome obstacles?
There is a difference between receiving anything that would be considered a benefit, and what is merely a placation of the mind that makes someone temporarily feel good about something with no actual improvements or tangible benefits in their life or existence.

Taking a psychedelic drug can make you feel good, but it doesn't solve any underlying problem, nor does it solve or improve a situation, it is merely a temporary thing that becomes a dependency and gives no transformative or tangible benefit in return. The person taking them might feel like they are the most blessed and awesome they have ever been, but this is merely an illusion in the mind rather than a reality, the life outside of this is still a complete mess and problems that are being ignored only grow into bigger problems.

Abrahamic religions in practice are very much like that. "Just pray and everything gets better, if you don't pray, you will burn in hell fire forever, so be sure to pray or else!", and if nothing improves, then it is the gods will because life is suffering and you must suffer for "reasons" or whatever, the pastor will say. All a bunch of nonsense.

Spiritual Satanism gives real solutions to problems and teaches one to confront their problems in order to overcome them and grow past them, so you can rise above the challenges in life and keep climbing the ladder of existence higher and higher, rather than get stuck on the bottom rung and fall into the abyss of nothingness at the end of it under the illusion that you stand at the top when you aren't anywhere at all.
I wouldn’t say he/she said Paganism is 1 to 1 like christianity but like any other religion, it demands faith. Doesn’t have to be blind faith, but faith. Otherwise why would you join right?

It doesn't demand any "faith". Literally all it takes is knowledge and practice. Joining has nothing to do with "faith". If you mean doing the dedication ritual, it's been said it must be done if you are completely sure and you have no other doubts.

I would like to say something about how we would have been crushed by the enemy if the Gods weren’t there. Call me blasphemous, ignorant everything you want but I have a brain and I use it, this is why questions keep coming.

Literally all your questions are based on one or all of these 2 false assumptions 1)Satan and the Gods are all-powerful and controls everything and 2) Their role is to directly intervene in our lives and fix them. They assume that Satan is like the xian Yahweh If they "keep coming", you must deprogram yourself from xianity and read the JoS site more.

Satan's function here is as a spiritual teacher who teaches us meditations and advanced knowledge and expects us to apply and improve ourselves. He also guides those who are sincere in their path.

The people who are usually disappointed are those coming to Satanism for quick fixes. Satan isn't here to fix your life.

They just let some people die so greater things may come?

They don't "let" anything because they don't control what happens in the earth. See, it has been explained many times yet you keep assuming that Satan is a Yahweh-like being who can fix anything on the earth if he wants it. Nobody said he has the power to do that. Satan is not all-powerful.
Yeah, that was the sensation it gave to me initially. I will try to understand your points. For now I'll briefly reply on sections that I found interesting and relatable.
That's an assumption on your part. There are people who say things that came from the Gods, but nobody said that you have to believe them if you haven't experienced them. The JoS site has said this many times. There's a difference between believing something and being punished if you don't (such as Christianity) and what happens here. You aren't forced to do anything either.

Blind faith depends on being forced, either physically or mentally. Christianity says that you will burn in hell if you don't buy their BS. Satanism says that threats of eternal torture shouldn't be the reason people come here, because it brings weak people who only join because fear and not people who want to perfect themselves. And there's no other coercion, like asking for money to join or swearing an oath that you won't reveal anything like other "Satanic" groups do.

When did you even see a Christian say that you need to open your chakras and astral senses to communicate directly with Yahweh and Jesus? They consider such concepts demonic and blasphemous! They say nobody can communicate directly with Jesus and anyone who claims to do so is communicating with a Demon and all chakras, auras e.t.c. are something occult and evil and you will burn in hell.

So, it's literally the opposite of Christianity.
You're right. It's just that I see this huge road ahead of me and it stretches very far out. I know this is no reason to quit and I don't think I will, but since I am on the slower side I need to remind myself that some people are just quicker. I've always picked up things slowly and it sucks when others just come in and get the results in like a month while I've obtained the same results in like a year or two.
It is a path for life, a lifestyle if you will. So yes, it can seem a daunting task.

What I've utilized is that you take a task and separate it into smaller bits. Completing these smaller bits is easier to handle physically and mentally. These smaller blocks complete a larger piece which in turn creates an even larger whole and so on. And all of a sudden something seemingly overwhelming is manageable. This is something that proves useful in many things in life, be it a large project or a physical workout.
I believe that because God's are so advanced they definitely can physically come on earth. But I also believe that the reason they don't is either because of a war with the enemy that prevents both of them from fully coming here, and/or pe to the fact that simply, death and life, suffering and pleasure in this world are things that happen to all creatures.

The Gods, being on a much higher level on all aspects, need their creation to grow up and BE like them, not dependent on them. And the only way this can be achieved is if one has established a good enough connection with the Gods and is following their teachings for growth.

To me the second explanation sounds very wrong and fallacious however, so I would actually prefer the truth to be that the Gods simply can't come on earth due to technical and physical reasons rather than just because "humans don't deserve them" or whatever super elitist nonsense.
At that point it becomes apparent that these kinds of desires are not the great goals in life that you need to aim for in order to feel fulfilled, but these are simple things that will be easily fulfilled in your life as you become better and more able to live in the first place through personal growth on all fronts, and the goal then becomes to grow as much as possible in all capabilities and fronts of life to become a greater, more able and elite being, eventually, with the aim to complete the Magnum Opus ascend to the Godhead.
Sounds nice to be an elite being, not going to lie xD. And I see what you mean, these things that I desire right now are just byproducts of my growth, if anything, but not the goal itself. I think I understand the perspective. Although I can't quite wrap my head around it yet. I think this is one of those things that will probably come in time, as you wrote in your reply. Maybe I'm rushing things.

Spiritual Satanism gives real solutions to problems and teaches one to confront their problems in order to overcome them and grow past them, so you can rise above the challenges in life and keep climbing the ladder of existence higher and higher, rather than get stuck on the bottom rung and fall into the abyss of nothingness at the end of it under the illusion that you stand at the top when you aren't anywhere at all.
This is why it's said that to be an SS and fix your shit takes work, right? If I understand well, abrahamic dogmas don't address any underlying problem the person may have, it just encourages them to delegate it to some illusion and pretend everything is okay, like a delusion, then. Whereas here the idea is to fix my problems myself, but I can rely on the Gods and on my spirituality to solve them, right? Kind of like a buff in a video game. It won't solve things by itself, but it will make my life easier.

Also, I forgot to thank you for that little prayer or affirmation you provided to ask Satan for whether the JoS is true. So, thanks.

That's an assumption on your part. There are people who say things that came from the Gods, but nobody said that you have to believe them if you haven't experienced them. The JoS site has said this many times. There's a difference between believing something and being punished if you don't (such as Christianity) and what happens here. You aren't forced to do anything either.

Blind faith depends on being forced, either physically or mentally. Christianity says that you will burn in hell if you don't buy their BS. Satanism says that threats of eternal torture shouldn't be the reason people come here, because it brings weak people who only join because fear and not people who want to perfect themselves. And there's no other coercion, like asking for money to join or swearing an oath that you won't reveal anything like other "Satanic" groups do.

When did you even see a Christian say that you need to open your chakras and astral senses to communicate directly with Yahweh and Jesus? They consider such concepts demonic and blasphemous! They say nobody can communicate directly with Jesus and anyone who claims to do so is communicating with a Demon and all chakras, auras e.t.c. are something occult and evil and you will burn in hell.

So, it's literally the opposite of Christianity.
Yeah, it was an assumption on my part, even if it was unconscious. I was trying to apply what I was used to from other belief systems, but I now know it doesn't work like that.

It is a path for life, a lifestyle if you will. So yes, it can seem a daunting task.

What I've utilized is that you take a task and separate it into smaller bits. Completing these smaller bits is easier to handle physically and mentally. These smaller blocks complete a larger piece which in turn creates an even larger whole and so on. And all of a sudden something seemingly overwhelming is manageable. This is something that proves useful in many things in life, be it a large project or a physical workout.
I've used this with projects and other parts of my life previously, but it's hard to forget the big picture, that's all. I am taking little steps now, I'm still figuring out some of the meditations in the page and getting ready to do the opening the chakras meditations in order. After that is done I'll probably have to look at it from a bird's eye view again and figure out where to go next, which I honestly don't know yet xD. Thanks for the tips, though, it's appreciated.
I believe that because God's are so advanced they definitely can physically come on earth. But I also believe that the reason they don't is either because of a war with the enemy that prevents both of them from fully coming here, and/or pe to the fact that simply, death and life, suffering and pleasure in this world are things that happen to all creatures.

The Gods, being on a much higher level on all aspects, need their creation to grow up and BE like them, not dependent on them. And the only way this can be achieved is if one has established a good enough connection with the Gods and is following their teachings for growth.

To me the second explanation sounds very wrong and fallacious however, so I would actually prefer the truth to be that the Gods simply can't come on earth due to technical and physical reasons rather than just because "humans don't deserve them" or whatever super elitist nonsense.

There is no need for the Gods to physically be in this location at this time. Because they have the ability to reach to Earth through their psychic abilities, and they are fully able to do all of the necessary work in helping humanity no matter what location they are in. And the locations where the Gods live are at a higher vibration, and a higher dimension where they are more powerful and more free to work more effectively. Earth is at a lower vibration, a lower level of existence at this time. Not only is there no need for them to be here physically at this time, but it is more effective for them to stay where they are.

They are working with us to free humanity from all of the problems. And when the problems are solved and removed, and we are no longer needing to work defensively just for our own survival. It will then be time to move towards the stage of development of creating and rebuilding the Golden Age Civilization of the Gods. At this time, I think some Gods will physically come back to Earth to help with this work. Because there will be a lot of physical work to be done. When at this time, there is currently mostly spiritual work that is needed.

I hope other people will reply and share more ideas.
There is no need for the Gods to physically be in this location at this time. Because they have the ability to reach to Earth through their psychic abilities, and they are fully able to do all of the necessary work in helping humanity no matter what location they are in. And the locations where the Gods live are at a higher vibration, and a higher dimension where they are more powerful and more free to work more effectively. Earth is at a lower vibration, a lower level of existence at this time. Not only is there no need for them to be here physically at this time, but it is more effective for them to stay where they are.

They are working with us to free humanity from all of the problems. And when the problems are solved and removed, and we are no longer needing to work defensively just for our own survival. It will then be time to move towards the stage of development of creating and rebuilding the Golden Age Civilization of the Gods. At this time, I think some Gods will physically come back to Earth to help with this work. Because there will be a lot of physical work to be done. When at this time, there is currently mostly spiritual work that is needed.

I hope other people will reply and share more ideas.
what does high vibration and low vibration mean, and how does it function and relate to this context? I thought that perhaps with the aid of the Gods' supernatural abilities or extreme technological advancement earth would be healed.. not from only spirituality... that sounds inadequate to me. from what i know, low and high "vibrations" are simply states of mind that humans have in regards to existence. Is that really enough to energetically somehow stop or remove the effectiveness of the power of the Gods? how does that even make sense?
Thank you 😁 I joined when I was 15, i discovered the romanian version. I was living back then in germany and because i grew up a few years in romania it felt and still feels like my mother tongue, a very melodic language. i was very interested in having magical powers. i was watching movies like harry potter, carrie, tvd, american horror story coven, avengers etc and i felt drawn to it. I will not deny i was also a victim of bullying in school, it wasn’t that bad but it still affected me. because of getting bullied i searched for magic powers to make my bully pay, but of course it didn’t work. i was never an emo kid, listening to metal punk, cutting my hands or anything, but i was hoping for something to make them pay. I remember the day very good - i was reading about elements on the internet and jos(bucuria lui satan) appeared and it was an interesting website no doubt, i mean i am still here after all. but as i was a kid i did not take it very much as a nature based religion. i was immediately interested in voodoo,dark arts, necromancy and so on as my mind wasn’t very developed back then i took it as a more dark religion, as again the website is black and red mostly so a kid like me would think the same. and after reading and reading i dedicated, it felt special, that day. i felt a warmth and safety inside me. i was also a long time very lucky and suddenly i had this telling future talent. i was seeing scenes from the near future and they were all happening, i could tell what others were going to say in the next second(people became so pretty predictable for me, and i was 15), i images scenes in my head with people and short after they were happening and it felt damn good for me, i felt like i was shaping the world around me. i even did voodoo for a cousin of mine on her stepfather: i didn’t look after moon phases and so on i just built the puppet and imagined it was him while i was plucking it with needles and guess what, the next day he was in the hospital with major lung problems, the needles were in his lungs and heart mostly. it was interesting, but i kinda took a stepback. i was getting older and life got more and more serious for me. parents, moving out, school, work etc and i stopped meditating and so on but i never forgot about paganism, i was always checking the website. i also have to say that reading what the enemy has done to our world and religion made me very angry while being a teenager and i was most of the time just angry with people and the world, i was a ball full of hate and i realised i had to stop reading about jews all the time and focus more on myself. and here i am meditating again, and kinda trying to seek my guardian god/goddess because i would very much like some guidance or true honest words. i am happy to say i also got my 2 best friends into paganism.
a small add on:
before i got into paganism i always doubted christiany. sadly romania is still very much under the influence of orthodox christianity and i had it in school here. i had a strict teacher in religion and she was also forcing us to pray at the end of the hour, she used to bring us icons of jesus/mary etc to draw them with colors, we read of saints and so on. i was always interested in my so called guardian angel. she told me everyone had one and i, while being in damn 7th grade was already thinking ,,how can i contact him?” and i asked her. guess her response: ,,you can contact your guardian angel through pray”. i was like are u kidding me? i told her: ,, do you think my guardian angel is going to know i want to ask him ,,how are you today?” if i say our father in heaven?” you can’t be this dumb. and so my belief started to die in christianity. i was reading many articles about this religion and every article was different and it felt like nothing was making sense.
Today I am keeping my promise to reply to your open lines once again. I would like to thank you very much for this. However, I would like to emphasize in advance that I have no intention of sounding you out. I have no need to do that. And I would also ask you to only reveal as much about yourself as is necessary to preserve your anonymity. In this sense, I don't at all agree with Socrates' saying: "Tell your friends everything so that they have nothing left to use against you". However, what you write should be true.

Because I have always lived by a saying of the Greek philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius, whom I admire. "I seek the truth that has never harmed man."

I am picking out a few moments from your lines because it is not possible for me to deal with every aspect you have addressed in brief.

As for the bullying you experienced, I can certainly understand that. In one way or another, I have experienced it in a similar way. I myself think that someone who has been touched by the "dark or supernatural side", i.e. who "lets their head and heart dive into another world", must feel strange, peculiar, perhaps even repulsive to their fellow human beings. Even my so-called parents were disgusted by me, so much so that one of my stepfather's striking sayings was: "If I only see you or you are in my presence, it makes me sick". Without intending to, I was actually something of a threat to their so-called 'ideal world', in which they, even though they considered themselves atheists, were so completely in tune with Judeo-Christian doctrine and behaved in the same way. That's where I struck out with my attitude, so to speak.

Yes, and the rebelliousness that I hear in your lines is not alien to me either. In the helplessness of a child who is not yet able to express himself, but feels that violence is being done to him against his will, he lashes out blindly and screams wildly into the room. This "helplessness" can be directed outwards or inwards. In the one case, it can lead to aggression, in the other to depression. The fact that you cut yourself shows that you have tried to remind yourself that you are alive. I think you simply felt this vitality within you and at the same time how it was being taken away from you.

A word about yesterday's ritual: Lucifius Focalor himself did not appear to me either during the ritual or later in the dream. The dream itself had several sequences, all of which were very confused. They passed by my consciousness like dark clouds. If I wanted to hold on to an image, it would slip away from me and another image would follow. The ritual itself gave me a powerful energy boost and saying Lucifius Focalor's name while looking at his sigil triggered a bliss within me. What I noticed most was the fact that the vibration of a certain rune clearly vibrated what seemed to be a corresponding chakra. It was like playing a flute. Sometimes the lower part of the chakras was played, then again an upper part or a middle part of the chakras. I found that extremely remarkable. To put it in concrete terms, I clearly felt how, for example, the sun chakra began to vibrate more strongly when the Dagaz rune vibrated.

In the end, I have one more question, because I see a contradiction. You write that you "joined JoS at the age of 15" "when I discovered the Romanian version". But according to your descriptions, you must be much older now and according to JoS you only joined JoS on May 27, 2024. Can you explain that to me?
Thank you 😁 I joined when I was 15, i discovered the romanian version. I was living back then in germany and because i grew up a few years in romania it felt and still feels like my mother tongue, a very melodic language. i was very interested in having magical powers. i was watching movies like harry potter, carrie, tvd, american horror story coven, avengers etc and i felt drawn to it. I will not deny i was also a victim of bullying in school, it wasn’t that bad but it still affected me. because of getting bullied i searched for magic powers to make my bully pay, but of course it didn’t work. i was never an emo kid, listening to metal punk, cutting my hands or anything, but i was hoping for something to make them pay. I remember the day very good - i was reading about elements on the internet and jos(bucuria lui satan) appeared and it was an interesting website no doubt, i mean i am still here after all. but as i was a kid i did not take it very much as a nature based religion. i was immediately interested in voodoo,dark arts, necromancy and so on as my mind wasn’t very developed back then i took it as a more dark religion, as again the website is black and red mostly so a kid like me would think the same. and after reading and reading i dedicated, it felt special, that day. i felt a warmth and safety inside me. i was also a long time very lucky and suddenly i had this telling future talent. i was seeing scenes from the near future and they were all happening, i could tell what others were going to say in the next second(people became so pretty predictable for me, and i was 15), i images scenes in my head with people and short after they were happening and it felt damn good for me, i felt like i was shaping the world around me. i even did voodoo for a cousin of mine on her stepfather: i didn’t look after moon phases and so on i just built the puppet and imagined it was him while i was plucking it with needles and guess what, the next day he was in the hospital with major lung problems, the needles were in his lungs and heart mostly. it was interesting, but i kinda took a stepback. i was getting older and life got more and more serious for me. parents, moving out, school, work etc and i stopped meditating and so on but i never forgot about paganism, i was always checking the website. i also have to say that reading what the enemy has done to our world and religion made me very angry while being a teenager and i was most of the time just angry with people and the world, i was a ball full of hate and i realised i had to stop reading about jews all the time and focus more on myself. and here i am meditating again, and kinda trying to seek my guardian god/goddess because i would very much like some guidance or true honest words. i am happy to say i also got my 2 best friends into paganism.
a small add on:
before i got into paganism i always doubted christiany. sadly romania is still very much under the influence of orthodox christianity and i had it in school here. i had a strict teacher in religion and she was also forcing us to pray at the end of the hour, she used to bring us icons of jesus/mary etc to draw them with colors, we read of saints and so on. i was always interested in my so called guardian angel. she told me everyone had one and i, while being in damn 7th grade was already thinking ,,how can i contact him?” and i asked her. guess her response: ,,you can contact your guardian angel through pray”. i was like are u kidding me? i told her: ,, do you think my guardian angel is going to know i want to ask him ,,how are you today?” if i say our father in heaven?” you can’t be this dumb. and so my belief started to die in christianity. i was reading many articles about this religion and every article was different and it felt like nothing was making sense.
Today I am keeping my promise to reply to your open lines once again. I would like to thank you very much for this. However, I would like to emphasize in advance that I have no intention of sounding you out. I have no need to do that. And I would also ask you to only reveal as much about yourself as is necessary to preserve your anonymity. In this sense, I don't at all agree with Socrates' saying: "Tell your friends everything so that they have nothing left to use against you". However, what you write should be true.

Because I have always lived by a saying of the Greek philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius, whom I admire. "I seek the truth that has never harmed man."

I am picking out a few moments from your lines because it is not possible for me to deal with every aspect you have addressed in brief.

As for the bullying you experienced, I can certainly understand that. In one way or another, I have experienced it in a similar way. I myself think that someone who has been touched by the "dark or supernatural side", i.e. who "lets their head and heart dive into another world", must feel strange, peculiar, perhaps even repulsive to their fellow human beings. Even my so-called parents were disgusted by me, so much so that one of my stepfather's striking sayings was: "If I only see you or you are in my presence, it makes me sick". Without intending to, I was actually something of a threat to their so-called 'ideal world', in which they, even though they considered themselves atheists, were so completely in tune with Judeo-Christian doctrine and behaved in the same way. That's where I struck out with my attitude, so to speak.

Yes, and the rebelliousness that I hear in your lines is not alien to me either. In the helplessness of a child who is not yet able to express himself, but feels that violence is being done to him against his will, he lashes out blindly and screams wildly into the room. This "helplessness" can be directed outwards or inwards. In the one case, it can lead to aggression, in the other to depression. The fact that you cut yourself shows that you have tried to remind yourself that you are alive. I think you simply felt this vitality within you and at the same time how it was being taken away from you.

A word about yesterday's ritual: Lucifius Focalor himself did not appear to me either during the ritual or later in the dream. The dream itself had several sequences, all of which were very confused. They passed by my consciousness like dark clouds. If I wanted to hold on to an image, it would slip away from me and another image would follow. The ritual itself gave me a powerful energy boost and saying Lucifius Focalor's name while looking at his sigil triggered a bliss within me. What I noticed most was the fact that the vibration of a certain rune clearly vibrated what seemed to be a corresponding chakra. It was like playing a flute. Sometimes the lower part of the chakras was played, then again an upper part or a middle part of the chakras. I found that extremely remarkable. To put it in concrete terms, I clearly felt how, for example, the sun chakra began to vibrate more strongly when the Dagaz rune vibrated.

In the end, I have one more question, because I see a contradiction. You write that you "joined JoS at the age of 15" "when I discovered the Romanian version". But according to your descriptions, you must be much older now and according to JoS you only joined JoS on May 27, 2024. Can you explain that to me?
Today I am keeping my promise to reply to your open lines once again. I would like to thank you very much for this. However, I would like to emphasize in advance that I have no intention of sounding you out. I have no need to do that. And I would also ask you to only reveal as much about yourself as is necessary to preserve your anonymity. In this sense, I don't at all agree with Socrates' saying: "Tell your friends everything so that they have nothing left to use against you". However, what you write should be true.

Because I have always lived by a saying of the Greek philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius, whom I admire. "I seek the truth that has never harmed man."

I am picking out a few moments from your lines because it is not possible for me to deal with every aspect you have addressed in brief.

As for the bullying you experienced, I can certainly understand that. In one way or another, I have experienced it in a similar way. I myself think that someone who has been touched by the "dark or supernatural side", i.e. who "lets their head and heart dive into another world", must feel strange, peculiar, perhaps even repulsive to their fellow human beings. Even my so-called parents were disgusted by me, so much so that one of my stepfather's striking sayings was: "If I only see you or you are in my presence, it makes me sick". Without intending to, I was actually something of a threat to their so-called 'ideal world', in which they, even though they considered themselves atheists, were so completely in tune with Judeo-Christian doctrine and behaved in the same way. That's where I struck out with my attitude, so to speak.

Yes, and the rebelliousness that I hear in your lines is not alien to me either. In the helplessness of a child who is not yet able to express himself, but feels that violence is being done to him against his will, he lashes out blindly and screams wildly into the room. This "helplessness" can be directed outwards or inwards. In the one case, it can lead to aggression, in the other to depression. The fact that you cut yourself shows that you have tried to remind yourself that you are alive. I think you simply felt this vitality within you and at the same time how it was being taken away from you.

A word about yesterday's ritual: Lucifius Focalor himself did not appear to me either during the ritual or later in the dream. The dream itself had several sequences, all of which were very confused. They passed by my consciousness like dark clouds. If I wanted to hold on to an image, it would slip away from me and another image would follow. The ritual itself gave me a powerful energy boost and saying Lucifius Focalor's name while looking at his sigil triggered a bliss within me. What I noticed most was the fact that the vibration of a certain rune clearly vibrated what seemed to be a corresponding chakra. It was like playing a flute. Sometimes the lower part of the chakras was played, then again an upper part or a middle part of the chakras. I found that extremely remarkable. To put it in concrete terms, I clearly felt how, for example, the sun chakra began to vibrate more strongly when the Dagaz rune vibrated.

In the end, I have one more question, because I see a contradiction. You write that you "joined JoS at the age of 15" "when I discovered the Romanian version". But according to your descriptions, you must be much older now and according to JoS you only joined JoS on May 27, 2024. Can you explain that to me?
No no, I didn’t cut myself back then;). I am really happy for your experience you had and wish you good luck on this journey.
I was mostly on the romanian forum and never had an account here. I was just checking it as a guest. But I did have some questions I wanted to ask anonymous so I eventually just made an account here. Of course some years passed since my dedication.
There is no need for the Gods to physically be in this location at this time. Because they have the ability to reach to Earth through their psychic abilities, and they are fully able to do all of the necessary work in helping humanity no matter what location they are in. And the locations where the Gods live are at a higher vibration, and a higher dimension where they are more powerful and more free to work more effectively. Earth is at a lower vibration, a lower level of existence at this time. Not only is there no need for them to be here physically at this time, but it is more effective for them to stay where they are.

They are working with us to free humanity from all of the problems. And when the problems are solved and removed, and we are no longer needing to work defensively just for our own survival. It will then be time to move towards the stage of development of creating and rebuilding the Golden Age Civilization of the Gods. At this time, I think some Gods will physically come back to Earth to help with this work. Because there will be a lot of physical work to be done. When at this time, there is currently mostly spiritual work that is needed.

I hope other people will reply and share more ideas.
But honestly, it's pretty damn depressing when you have to do your work for Satan as a newcomer on a full leap of faith. When a child is in need, he wants to know or feel that his father will at least give him a hug, even without a lot of words. It is nice to know that the gods are in high vibrations and are located somewhere far away in the astral world. But what use is that to a drowning person if they are looking for a helping hand but don't get it because they can't feel it? It cannot be that the child has to redeem itself from its own muck in order to come to the father, because he sits on his high throne and sees no possibility of bending down to the poor creature. If the father has brought the child into the world, it is up to him to protect it and let it grow up. The child doesn't have to go all out. What a twisted view that is. If Satan is real, then that means real for the world, as we understand reality. It doesn't mean real in the astral sense. If a tree is real in my world, then I can touch and feel it. Then I can see it. In fact, as a child I had such real apparitions that I could touch or feel. But if I now perform rituals to Satan or prepare an altar for him and come to him with honest intentions and spend hours establishing communication with him, as "Voice of Enki" suggested, and not even a gentle breeze blows, then I feel cheated. Then I at least have the feeling that the sentence "Satan is real" is meant quite differently here than how it is generally understood.
No no, I didn’t cut myself back then;). I am really happy for your experience you had and wish you good luck on this journey.
I was mostly on the romanian forum and never had an account here. I was just checking it as a guest. But I did have some questions I wanted to ask anonymous so I eventually just made an account here. Of course some years passed since my dedication.
Ah, thank you for this enlightening explanation. Now I understand. There is another Romanian forum where you are actually staying. I didn't know about this forum. I only know this forum here, where there is also a German site (https://joyofsatan.de/). But it's pretty incomplete, so I translated most of the information from the English site into German. I can't find a German forum at all. I would have to ask about that. So far I've been writing everything laboriously in English.
Yes, of course I also wish you much success and profound experiences that bring you closer to your goal. I was very pleased with your openness. May Satan be absolutely real to you.
But honestly, it's pretty damn depressing when you have to do your work for Satan as a newcomer on a full leap of faith. When a child is in need, he wants to know or feel that his father will at least give him a hug, even without a lot of words. It is nice to know that the gods are in high vibrations and are located somewhere far away in the astral world. But what use is that to a drowning person if they are looking for a helping hand but don't get it because they can't feel it? It cannot be that the child has to redeem itself from its own muck in order to come to the father, because he sits on his high throne and sees no possibility of bending down to the poor creature. If the father has brought the child into the world, it is up to him to protect it and let it grow up. The child doesn't have to go all out. What a twisted view that is. If Satan is real, then that means real for the world, as we understand reality. It doesn't mean real in the astral sense. If a tree is real in my world, then I can touch and feel it. Then I can see it. In fact, as a child I had such real apparitions that I could touch or feel. But if I now perform rituals to Satan or prepare an altar for him and come to him with honest intentions and spend hours establishing communication with him, as "Voice of Enki" suggested, and not even a gentle breeze blows, then I feel cheated. Then I at least have the feeling that the sentence "Satan is real" is meant quite differently here than how it is generally understood.
Like I've said. Your current inability to see something does not mean that it is not there. Just because you are not paying attention to notice a form of guidance, does not mean that you are not being guided. The Gods could be fully working with you, and fully guiding you to grow to fix whatever problems you have. And this guidance may be in a form that still appears as being subconsciously directed, which you might not notice.

If you ask the Gods for a sign, then be open to all possibilities of how this sign may appear. If your psychic senses are still inactive, then this sign might not appear through psychic senses. You will be shown a sign in a form that you are able to see and understand, and you will know that it is a sign. It could be things like seeing certain numbers repeatedly and this number has a meaning that you understand, or having a wild animal acting in a very unusual way towards you as if it is trying to tell you something, or just having a strong emotion come to you that you are cared for and loved, or just having a very strong feeling that it would be a good idea for you to perform some specific action and this action ends up being something that helps you or helps solve a problem for you.
Ah, thank you for this enlightening explanation. Now I understand. There is another Romanian forum where you are actually staying. I didn't know about this forum. I only know this forum here, where there is also a German site (https://joyofsatan.de/). But it's pretty incomplete, so I translated most of the information from the English site into German. I can't find a German forum at all. I would have to ask about that. So far I've been writing everything laboriously in English.
Yes, of course I also wish you much success and profound experiences that bring you closer to your goal. I was very pleased with your openness. May Satan be absolutely real to you.
You should contact JG TheAlchemist7 for translations because other people are working on translating the sites so they could use help. Without coordination and collective effort, there will be wasted effort and potentially unfinished tasks.

There is no German subforum for now. I believe it requires most if not all JoS material translated into said language after which moderators need to apply for moderating the subforum.
If Satan is real, then that means real for the world, as we understand reality. It doesn't mean real in the astral sense. If a tree is real in my world, then I can touch and feel it. Then I can see it. In fact, as a child I had such real apparitions that I could touch or feel. But if I now perform rituals to Satan or prepare an altar for him and come to him with honest intentions and spend hours establishing communication with him, as "Voice of Enki" suggested, and not even a gentle breeze blows, then I feel cheated. Then I at least have the feeling that the sentence "Satan is real" is meant quite differently here than how it is generally understood.

No, he's real as conveniently understood. He just isn't physically here, but he's on a planet in Orion. He can only appear astrally to us now, until he comes to earth physically via a spaceship or somethong.

I mean, I explained this in my first reply, go back and read this.

Your logic is like wanting a Japanese person to instantly appear to you physically without travelling from Japan to your country.
No, he's real as conveniently understood. He just isn't physically here, but he's on a planet in Orion. He can only appear astrally to us now, until he comes to earth physically via a spaceship or somethong.

And just because you can't see or hear something doesn't mean its not real.

It's been well established by science that our senses are very limited. We can only see and hear a very limited range of frequencies, but there are animals who can see and hear higher and lower frequencies.

Humans can't see ultraviolet, x rays, gamma rays, microwaves and radio waves. Doesn't mean they aren't real.

The same with the astral. It's a higher frequency that you must train yourself to be able to see it. It's as real as the physical, if not even more real.
No, he's real as conveniently understood. He just isn't physically here, but he's on a planet in Orion. He can only appear astrally to us now, until he comes to earth physically via a spaceship or somethong.

I mean, I explained this in my first reply, go back and read this.

Your logic is like wanting a Japanese person to instantly appear to you physically without travelling from Japan to your country.
I see that you are also a new member of JoS. My question to you: Have you ever met Satan in real life?
I find the comparison with the Japanese man inappropriate. The Japanese man, when he gets on the train and comes to me, meets me in my physical world. I can also touch him physically. Besides, Satan is not a purely human figure and he is certainly given more power to appear immediately, in contrast to a Japanese person, to stick with your example. Satan is an entity that is endowed with far more power, or am I wrong?
This is nothing but disheartening, honestly. Depends on how mucy time you spent each day meditating. I for one dedicate an hour a day to power meditations, now if you tell me you spent 2 years meditating every day for like 3 hours I will jump from the nearest 10th floor I can find xD. Nice name btw.

lmao "just do Venus square". You missed the Sun Square too, that is a common one as well.

Unfortunately there's not much they can do here in my opinion. I am new here as well and I totally agree with you. I do think that so far being an SS is not much different than being a xian pragmatically speaking, except for the core beliefs and the way the rituals/meditations are done. Either way, at least the upside is that we don't pay a dime to experiment, and meditations are good for the brain in general, excluding the spiritual benefits. I don't know how much of a bargain it is, but I do agree that a more comprehensive history of everything that went down would help people like you or I take it more seriously. I've seen AskSatan questions of people asking for clarifications and all they've got is a variation of "git gud". It falls into the new age pitfall of pushing all blame on the practitioner because the practitioner is not yet capable of comprehending anything, but in order to comprehend anything one must be open and a skeptical practicioner wants to be convinced of the veracity and effectiveness of the practice, not put blind faith. If someone were to ask me if I am a good programmer, would I just tell them "trust me dud"? No, I'd show them a github repository or make them a program. Here actions speak louder than words, but in the occult it's hard to ever see proof outside of your own consciousness. For all it matters, though, for witchcraft your consciousness is all that you need, the rest is filler. I would suggest you take this place mostly as a place to learn about the occult and using magik and less about focusing on actual history and deities. I for one don't even bother with rituals that are not RTRs, and I don't even know if RTRs even work. Other than that, I just spam power meditations and work with energy. The only pages I ever visit regularly are the power meditations page and jos astro in case there is a date I need to take into account. This isn't to diminish or deny the existence of the Gods, I've had weird encounters like seeing car plates spelling "SAT", a goat coming up to me to feed it when it had plenty of grass at its feet and other weird things that I can only interpret as signs, but it's all so coincidental...
I would like to thank you very much for your contribution. Like you, I practise the power meditations every day and find them very beneficial for me because they give me energy, a cheerful mind and a clearer consciousness. As for the signs, if they happen at all, I also see them more as a "coincidence". Sometimes, even when driving, I vibrate Satanas or Aum and feel somehow happier. Whether spiritual Satanism is also just a New Age movement, I don't yet know clearly. What I found strange is that I was told at a ritual that HP Maxine Dietrich was with the Church of Satan. That did irritate me. I'll carry on anyway and see what comes out after a year. Until then, if nothing serious happens in my life and I really encounter Satan, I have to continue working with a leap of faith.
And just because you can't see or hear something doesn't mean its not real.

It's been well established by science that our senses are very limited. We can only see and hear a very limited range of frequencies, but there are animals who can see and hear higher and lower frequencies.

Humans can't see ultraviolet, x rays, gamma rays, microwaves and radio waves. Doesn't mean they aren't real.

The same with the astral. It's a higher frequency that you must train yourself to be able to see it. It's as real as the physical, if not even more real.
What you wrote to me is correct. I can confirm all of this because I myself am a scientist with a doctorate and have worked for years in research in physics, chemistry, medicine and pharmacy. I have also met many gurus, channel mediums, healers, magicians and witches. I have also practiced many types of meditation and yoga exercises because the occult has stayed with me since my childhood or has almost violently broken into my life through the death of loved ones. I have also had all sorts of extrasensory experiences, but to be honest, I have never encountered Satan directly. I only know from memory that figures such as Wotan appeared to me very fleetingly in my childhood or youth.
You yourself have not yet answered my question as to whether you yourself have encountered Satan directly on the astral plane. I would be pleased if you would answer my question.
What you wrote to me is correct. I can confirm all of this because I myself am a scientist with a doctorate and have worked for years in research in physics, chemistry, medicine and pharmacy. I have also met many gurus, channel mediums, healers, magicians and witches. I have also practiced many types of meditation and yoga exercises because the occult has stayed with me since my childhood or has almost violently broken into my life through the death of loved ones. I have also had all sorts of extrasensory experiences, but to be honest, I have never encountered Satan directly. I only know from memory that figures such as Wotan appeared to me very fleetingly in my childhood or youth.
You yourself have not yet answered my question as to whether you yourself have encountered Satan directly on the astral plane. I would be pleased if you would answer my question.
Satan is Wotan...

There is a good PDF about Satan in Satan's library, check it out.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
