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How can I find out my guardian demon?

Sol Rei 666

New member
Oct 30, 2024
I asked the tarot, and I got many different results, but the first time I kept asking who it was, something always answered "Abraxas", so I went to confirm by asking the tarot who it was, And he said it was Bathim, I wanted to find out who it is.
I asked the tarot, and I got many different results, but the first time I kept asking who it was, something always answered "Abraxas", so I went to confirm by asking the tarot who it was, And he said it was Bathim, I wanted to find out who it is.
If you want to learn more about the Gods: Demons

From experience I can tell you that there is no actual way to discover your Guardian Demon, he will guide you and show himself when the time is right. Not even tarot cards will be able to tell you. Pay attention to the signs he might send you.
Also read this
You could look at the entire list and choose 3 Demons/Gods of which resonate more with you , having similarities as yours and the one's which you are feeling more inclined and attracted to, once you choose 3 of Them then I would simply print out their sigil and use the pendulum.

Get one paper saying YES on the right of the sigil and one with NO on the left , having the pendulum above the God's sigil , before asking the question would be better too look and meditate upon the Sigil for 10 minutes calling upon His/Her name and then ask directly 'Are you my DG? " and see where the pendulum will incline towards to.

Good luck!
I asked the tarot, and I got many different results, but the first time I kept asking who it was, something always answered "Abraxas", so I went to confirm by asking the tarot who it was, And he said it was Bathim, I wanted to find out who it is.
As has been said on the forums, your guardian demon is appointed by Satan according to who you are and your stage of spiritual development. It has nothing to do with the gender or whether you have a liking for a particular demon. You can have more than one GD guiding you through different stages of development. As you spiritualy progress you will become more aware of Their presence in your life and the way they communicate with you.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
