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Hooded Cobra on race

Kyrique B

Jan 7, 2011
http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post5 ... cks#p56637
Greetings to everyone of our Comrades and Family.

I see you are all overly worried, so I have to solve some matters for you. You have to understand, that no matter your Race, you are now following the Dharmic path of Satan. This gives you access to Satanic knowledge, which in turn gives you access to Godhead and every other evolved and advance capability. While your Race is where you begin, you can get anywhere you set your mind to, in the given you take this opened door that was opened for you, and tread the nessescary way. Satan opens the door and hands you the backpack. The trip is inside your Soul and He will guide you, so will His Demons.

Also, to whomever is not White, do NOT assume automatically that "Only Whites _insert gift here_ possess this". To centralize around these things and worry needlessly whenever you see Racial pride of anybody, is entirely JEWISH. People are taught to self hate themselves, their Race, their existence and life. So when someone says publicly that they love themselves, they are automatically and egopath. The same goes for Race and the list goes... Do not tie into this stupid jewish mess.

Everyone has gifts, but how large scale these will come "evident" in their Race, depends on the whole of the Racial development. A Genius can happen, of course. Genius of many kinds and sources, occurs in all Gentile Races. But for many Geniuses to happen, this has to be made into Eugenics. Geniuses do not only contain math, chemistry, computers, what have you. There are hundreds of ways to be exceptional and a Genius. One can be an exceptional family leader. There are so many things that the jewish system has squashed, but without these, civilization collapses. The jews know this entirely, so they enforce all sorts of unnatural dribble to people, to drive them insane.

The spiritual means can help yourself bring out the best of yourselves and Races, to the point you yourself can become far, far, far greater than what your "Race" is supposed to be. Racially, the baseline is set at some point. Whatever it is. This gets raised by the effort of the stronger elements of the Race, which many times are far beyond what the others are. Then, you have personal genius and prominent people of the Races, who might be exceptionally more intelligent and advanced from the other Race. This is another cast. But still belongs in the Race. It doesn't mean that the same laws and judgements, apply to them too, simply because, some people are far higher. These individualities are not THAT many and they do not come in all Races at the same quantity and as commonly, but they happen. Thinking "against the cattle" and also finding the Dharmic way are two very prominent points that someone is really beyond others, who are sheeping out consciously or not.

Also, between Satanists, we have OTHER measures of judgments about all these. We are standing here as the leading caste of people of our Race, not just as mere idiots. This doesn't occur automatically with a magick wand after dedication, it occurs by lifetimes of labor and work. Its normal that you are far more elevated than your Race, to the point you might feel totally unrelated to others or something. Especially the Old Satanic Souls, you will possess gifts and strengths that others simply do not. That doesn't mean you are separate of your Race, you are always your Race, but you are far more ahead.

For instance, your average Middle Eastern, okay, they may be an Islamic horde at this moment, but I know that we have many strong Arabian and Middle Eastern blooded members, who actually follow their Ancestor's way to greatness. Obviously, when you become well versed in Satanism, you automatically enter on a higher hierarchy. While you may be Chinese or Arab for instance, you are not just ANY Arab/Asian/Black/White, neither should you judge yourself that way. Don't get lost in this fog. Satanism is about individuality. Also, no matter who you are, unless you do something about it with everyone else to get the jews out of the way, which are the obstacle of everyone, that is- to advance your Race by solving the Global Problem and so forth...You aren't doing many things.

Satanism does NOT place limits on personal evolution. Like Tibetans or others that rised highly, you can do the same. You are not obstructed by where you begin as you carry your powers throughout lifetimes. But Races can be fairly limited. I know many Blacks for instance feel horrible about the conditions of their Black people. I too am very displeased on the way the act and the way they are used by the Jews. But this includes everyone. Also, strength or weakness is a term that has many "fluctuations" in it. There may be exceptional individuals that simply, they are never discovered, or they cannot survive because they fall into bad circumstances. Thus, they never arise. When people have the chance, and all Gentiles did, they showed they all had greatness. I do not need to mention the innumerable Achievements of the Gentile Races. We all here know.

The thing about "Racial Superiority" is based on this baseline. It doesn't mean that all Whites are better than for instance, lets say, a Risen to Godhead Tibetan. This is nonsense and you cannot compare things that are different. A White person who is ascended is obviously higher than those of his Race, and probably, a totally different person of a different hierarchy. Though Whites have struggled for thousands of years, to keep their "Racial Baseline" high, by contribution. The Chinese and others did the same, but the enemy had many chances to wipe them out. Take for instance the 100 MILLIONS OF MAO ZE DONG. He killed the greatest Chinese intelligentia, the strongest of the Chinese people and the Spiritual Leaders, to impose communism. In the same sense, many of the greatest people are gone, from all the Races, thanks to the Jews.

The jews always put someone in their target. First, they targeted the Sumerians, Egyptians and Babylonians, Romans etc. The core of most of these people was around their "Aryan" roots, from far far back in time. They simply wiped out all Races who were Pagans, but the one that still kept "Escaping" them was the "White Race" in broad, nowadays terms, with which they had a very big problem. The jews wanted not only to destroy religions, but to genocide the peoples, as they did with everyone who went down this path. They are pissed off that the "Races" who practiced all these things, are around and alive. They don't want solely the culture gone, as this can re-emerge, as in Nazi Germany. They want the people destroyed. Then, the Chinese and the Japanese and the Middle Eastern, they attacked fiercely, same with India which they undermined from within. The Whites though have had the most brutal upbringings about the kikes, the longest time of “Escaping” them and even after the Middle Ages, Mongol invasion (I strongly suspect this was driven out by the kikes), the Whites still kept going and fucking up the jew, same with other peoples who have had blood from them, with the capstone of it being Hitler, our Hero, who revealed again the Jewish Problem. They hate them for obvious reasons. Also, people from ALL Gentile Races joined forces with Hitler for a reason. Someone has to light the fire, others have to keep it up, others have to put the coal and the wood inside…Everyone has something to do.

If we do not, Gentlement and Dear Ladies, We are DOOMED. Doomed beyond your wildest imagination.

I know for instance how many of you are disgusted by the circumstances of your Race. That doesn't make your Race inferior and it shouldn't be the way you judge matters about yourself. Since you can see this degeneration, you are obviously above this degeneration. Your Race can be wherever. You are here worshipping the Old Gods and reconstructing your Greatness. Through you, your people can wake up. The Joy of Satan spreads the Truth everywhere. This adjusts Racially on its own, and people get their way up again towards evolution. Where de-evolution reigns, all the nessescary circumstances for jews to rule, come up in the game. You can't judge and see yourself as the average joe, or feel bad about the problems of the average, xian marxist joe of your Race. This should be evident, but due to fear and insecurity, plus the jewish propaganda, you all got worried out of contro. Again, this isn't brought by some feeling or "birthright". These are lifetimes of labor and spiritual advancement talking, or any other sort of labor.

Nobody limits you on where you will be personally, but YOURSELF and your choices. Nobody of any other Race came in to "halt" you and this is all jew-crap. The jews are the only Race on the planet, who on a Racial basis, suppresses EVERYONE else. They really want you to die for being non Jews, or to be enslaved. They are the ones who invented the "Master Race" idea, deranging the idea of the "Leader Races" who actually were the ones who passed us down the Spiritual Knowledge so we could advance. The jews wanted to steal their place, and this is why they project this as they do. This is projected to Whites and anyone else, and what happened recently here shows that they have done a very deep work in ingraining and drumming to people bad and evil things about the White Race.

Satan is White. Satan helps you and advances you. Satan loves you. What is there more to state? We are Children of Satan, in the Dharmic Path. This is where you have the freedom to advance and define where YOU will be sitting on the ladder, by your work and effort.

So in closing, you have to realize the mistakes of your Race and its weaknesses but also strengths, no matter where you are or where you stand. In other words, do NOT grow offended over who you are. Since you are here, you have surpassed the weakness and brainwashing your people have underwent. You are of ANOTHER caste than them, and you are going higher in the Satanic path. In other words, you are recovering the lost greatness of your Race. And never, NEVER, did Gentiles who were Spiritually developed, under the Gods, take needless and senseless fight with one another. This simply never happens because then, Humanity is higher than what it is now, irrespectively of where "Races" and these individuals are. Competition such as this gross competition stops. Other things begin.

For instance, at the time of the Greek Philosopher Plato, the downfall of people has already begun. While Plato stands as a honorary Aryan Racial proof, others have descended down. The same applies to everyone. Obviously, these people were totally different than the other ones of their "Race" and "Time", after much degeneration. They were the Children of the Gods. Others were whatever else. You have to understand this defining line.

Long story short... Where YOU will be, depends upon YOU and YOUR effort and LABOR, spiritually.

People due to personally feeling obliged to feel inferior or something, they jumped on the band wagon to blame their Races or themselves, projecting on all sides their own fears and weaknesses and logical errors which the Jew created. The jew again sits on the corner and laughs, because they have caused so much confusion. Well they do not laugh since our recent Torah Rituals. They laugh with bleeding mouths. But in anyway.

I was very happy to see that it become "unearthed" so to say, so that the mentality of the people will be cleansed of fears.

We are Brothers and Sisters under Truth here. Despite of everything, we do what we do. We have other standards of judgement and we are here in a Community. Our judgement is different, but we know the Eternal Laws and we follow them nontheless. We abide by them, to continue what is Natural, but also, be aware that the supernatural is what it is. What defines us is that we follow the Dharmic Path. What we say about Race, is because this is part of the Dharmic Path, then also, the Natural way of existence and the laws that exist. From this and forward, we are on a personal journey, and we are able to form thigns as we desire. Learn to take this as it should be taken, not as a silly excuse to excuse whatever, self blame yourself, guillfy yourself, your Race etc etc. Don't blame the Sun for being the Sun. It is, what it is. Now, advance and become mighty.

Also, never forget, we have been ruthlessly attacked. Evidence shows everyone fell under attacks of the jews and the reptilians. The first thing they did was to turn the Races against one another, and cause all sorts of dismay, death, hatred and murder. They were behind the scenes managing it. Others Races they halted completely, others they couldn't entirely, others they destroyed in far more cunning ways or through the "Strongest" of each time, and the list goes on.

Satan wants us all to advance, as Humanity did in the Golden Age. Everyone did Advance and there wasn't the need of stupid warfare. Everyone had their position and they were moving towards eternity. And obviously, Individuality IS individuality in Satanism. You are where you are. But the individual doesn't exist without the Race, so this has to be understood, that you are always a part of your Race.

Now last but not least, we have LABOR. Everything Great, including the Great Races of the World, got created by LABOR. The beautiful and strong people you see all over the World, their manifold Creations and everything else, the Pyramids, the Ziggurats, ALL LABOR. Everything comes from Labor and working against decaying forces such as the jewish forces. We Gentiles are together in defeating these forces, while remaining separated and completing Satan’s Intention on our existence, which is the Godhead. All advancement. People labored to advance to get where they are. The people you see and the Races you see got created after hundreds of years of struggling and labor. The enemy knows this and this is why they practice Eugenics and have their Racial castes. Who you are, is not some fancy "choice of God" but the "choice" of what you did in your prior lifetimes, what your people did as in Advancing their Race and the list goes on and on.

Complaining over "emotional" things doesn't solve this. You will not levitate by crying about it, flaming your Race, blaming your parents, your mommy or anyone else. You will also not advance by listening to the jews about the Evil White, or Arab, or whomever else other "Race" and damning what is Superior to yourself, or crushing the inferior. This is what the Dharmic Path is about. Spiritual Labor. You cannot complain if you never lift weights, about not being a bodybuilder or having the strength of someone. No matter where you begin, the Human mind has the power to push things even further. Yes, the jew might tell you that you were SUPPOSED to have something, the jew might point out that others have had better "racial" DNA when it comes to bodybuilding and lead you to hate them, and if you are foolish to believe, you start making up a bizarre reality of "birthrights" and anything else that keeps you all day CRYING and not ADVANCING. The sickly complexified, afraid and judaic oriented mind, of the lazy slave, will sit all day long to find reasons for being what it is. They will try to make the sky to be red, because they don’t like blue and because the jews told them that the sky must be red. I give you the only reason of this insanity: Jews.

The Truth is even the most pure and powerful being, if they do not devote themselves to something, they weaken, frail out and die. The labor, if not continued, falls into decay and death. Simply, Nature’s laws. We are at a universe where things work in a certain way. Nature distinguishes things in a way of Her Wisdom. And I trust her Wisdom and Satan's Wisdom. The one I do not trust, is the monster breeder, the jew, because he is the embodiment of ALL evil. The Races of the Gods are superior and exalted because they enjoy the fruit of millions of years of such "labor". They also endlessly continue it.

We are at a Race with the decaying and destroying forces of existence. We have to take this together, but remain seperated to reach the climax of Satan's intention. We all have to become our own individual and Racially Individual Blueprint. Satan equally spread the means for fighting to all the Races all over the World. Whomever decided and what their decisions and actions were, this was up to them, because YES, unlike what the enemy states, we do possess free Will. You can cry about not being able to dig a hole if you don't have a shovel. Satan gave us this shovel. Whomever used it, how much and how this escalated in the millennia, this is another thing. Nothing is "predetermined" as in what the kikes claim. Satan is dogmatically AGAINST this and He always was, even in the Bible. Satan rebelled and prevailed against all the “predestined” Torah crap.

Lastly, the jews are not "Human". They are "humanoid". No other Race lacks so many things as the jews lack, cause so much evil such as the jews have caused, and the list goes endless. You will see them by their work, that's all that must be stated.

It’s the Divine Duty of Satanists, to set our Racial Families free of the jewish cancers, advance ourselves and recreate/recover the Lost Blood and Gifts of the Gods. To develop what exists, existed and will exist. This involves everyone, everyone counts, and everyone has a bright future. Its a matter of choice. Others are just victims of circumstance, you are having a choice. Therefore, you are on another path than them. Others can just sit down and complain, but you can do something about what concerns you. Others can cry about the jews, we can deal with the issue spiritually, and save the World. That simple. The one who robbed the choice of people for this, is the jew. He robbed EVERYTHING from you, let alone your Spiritual Rights.

You are with Satan and the Gods. You are dedicated, on the Dharmic Path. But to really be, you have to walk. You have made a choice, maybe not fully, but that is to adhere Truth. No matter what pains, joys and dissolusions this might bring, one has to persist. The Truth is the most beautiful thing ever. She shrouds everyone who listens to her, no different than Nature. We all might face suffering by accepting Truths, but when we rise, like Osiris, we return from the Dead and then Defeat the Darkness. Choose Truth, struggle to elevate yourself and to find it, then elevate yourself to it. When you do, spread it like the Sun gives life-giving light. And become an ever greater star. Whomever is aligned with Truth, is irrespectively, eternal.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
There are things we all have to face. Despite of you people here, no matter where you are, you know the Jewish problem and anything, no matter where you will make it as individuals, we all have to accept the greater Truths about the Races, no matter how "hurtful" these may be.

I know you might grow infuriated, sad or anything about something that doesn't comply with how you think things SHOULD be, but the best way is to go by evidence, plus everything else, plus last but not least, your vision on how things are going to be. You start elevating yourself, then, people have to return back to help after they are "done".

Normally, you should see matters beyond this. On one hand, YES, you are your Race and you will be your Race. If you are mixed, you are what you really feel and align with being. This didn't bind YOU in that case, or your meditations and practices, as this your own choice, but the problems that run in many Races, people should be aware and face these. This is part of the collective part of the National Socialist Doctrine. As for the individual, this is another matter and I explained this in that sermon.

Everyone wants to hear that they are a queen since birth, their Race the highest. Everyone who is non White is free to make all these remarks, but when these do happen by Whites and they point something out, people become worried and automatically assume this is to degenerate someone else. Because this is the internal program "jew" talking. IF someone else did this, for whatever reason, we are just fine, these people are being healthily ethinicist/patriotic. Whites do this, oy vey. Nobody gets "offended" and everyone goes their way when it comes to others, no matter how brutal it may be. Infact, the Mudslim invasion has much of this "victim-supermacist" shit in it.

When we are conversating about "Racial matters", we are doing this in general, not in the way this is centered at anybody, despite of who they are. This is impersonal. But because everyone feels so entitled, or because they want to feel offended and project that somehow, they are obstructed or whatever, they take this into unhealthy extremes. To preety much, do what the jew has always told them to do. Chimpout over nonsense.

For instance, if I say that Race X is this, the people of this Race from here get offended. This is wrong. As I stated in my message, you are one cast of your own in your "Race", because you advance Spiritually and because you are not falling into the jewish shit like everyone else, which want us all to get decimated. In your hands and in our collective effort we are trying to guide out of ourselves and societies the jew, so that hopefully people will regain control of their Races and not the jews of their Race. From there a New Era begins. But this Era is not here, so we are talking with what we have. While you are part of it, you are not in the same boat as the wholly assimilated sheeple of the jews, which is your "Race" guided by the jews. This doesn't exclude you from your Race, but when it comes for "general judgement" of your Race, then we have to judge at the baseline, history and whatever they have actually did and are doing.

We judge the general lines.

And YES, the general lines of some Races are outright horrible, despite of many of you being very strong individuals here. Even if you are an Ascended being, if the people of your own Race make a cocktail out of their own shit and hang themselves from trees, there is trouble. And people must try by all means to revert this, and this is what we preach. These people in Arabia were once great, now the jews have made them into literal trashes and hordes. Those who retain their Racial Instict still fight against the jew. Though the jew uses their fellows as a living bomb to destroy Europe, and the list goes and goes. I don't see no Ascended masters or researcher Arabs here, we are dealing with a jewish payed and operated invasion. This is reality. This doesn't include you, but this is the case. And nobody said it does. This doesn't make YOU anything bad, because you aren't this. But some people are this, and this is reality. I am not here to lie, I am here to state the Truth.

You read about the Greeks lately. The Greeks almost became the reason for the World Economy to collapse. If they will not be in the future...Well, you might have heard all sorts of shit about them. The Greeks aren't evil, warmorgering, thiefs and all this. They are basically people who did one fatal mistake, that cost them everything. They left the jew to roam freely, with their churches, swindlings and generally, they left their minds to be brainwashed by the jewish lies. Yes, they might not be evil, but they stood stupid to the kikes. Now, they are facing all sorts of problems.

The Bad element might exist in anyone, more or less. The jews are this bad element, in the flesh. Now, the more one listens and does what the bad element dictates, you can see that this bad and decaying element exists in them too. This is easy to understand. If people were incorruptible and as the Gods, they wouldn't listen that shit. The percent someone will fall for the jews, show the percent of the rotten element they are inside themselves. And upon this, unfortunately, history seems to take shape, Races come upwards and downwards and the list goes on. From this, history forms.

Satan created things in a certain order. Note, ORDER. Not equality. This was a hierarchical order, so life could get going. This hierarchical order exists even in your own body. If it collapsed, you would be now dead. From there on, human history began and people went forward, good and seperated in their Regions. This was halted at some point and then everything went to degeneration, with slower or faster rates. Now, the enemy beings always attempt to destroy this order, by mixing it and denying it. Upon this destroyed order, everyone has accumulated the broken pieces and they are pretending the enemy doesn't exist, or that all evils and perils that happen, are somehow related to Satan. This is again, jewish CRAP.

If you ask me, all of the people here have something to offer for their Race. I don't see you as your Race in the general lines and NOBODY does. I see you as the Satanists of your Race. While others are sick, you are their recovery. That doesn't change the fact that they are sick, or that they are invading Europe, same as one Chinese Satanist who might be ascended, doesnt' change the fact that China is a Communist power wanting to take over the West. When we talk about "Races", we are not talking about Races as if they are all Children of Satan, in the Golden Age, moving to ascention. We are talking on the rough reality that has been going for thousands of years.

To close this reply.

Take two people for instance. Insert X Race here.

One is a slave in the jewish programs. He is just the average joe. He doesn't do anything, other than pollute the Earth, Racemix, talk about crap, scorn his creator God. Infact, he is a bad element for his people. You can insert, Liberal White, Gangster Black, Maoist Chinese here. Whatever. We are talking about EMPTY people here, maybe not totally, but the bad has eaten away the good. The jew won them over, simply. They are almost totally devoid of whatever "GODLY" about them.

Then, you have the good element. These people are aware Satanists, they know the enemy, they take care of life, they try to build up their own Race, they fight against the bad element because they know the Jew encourages this to destroy them, they meditate to reach Godhead. They fight the element of bad, within and without. THESE are people in whom SOMETHING from the Gods exist. It develops, it cultivates.

If the first element has ruled for too long, then, history gets shaped around these elements. It becomes a bad mess. The good elements of others are running on the back, but they don't do much, if anything. They just sit idly and they die. The ruling of these bad elements in many Races has been almost non-stop for 2000 years. This is why many Races have fell so lowly. I don't know how they were "created" and surely, they were not created to be degenerates. But everyone has this choice, to re-elevate and help about this. THIS DOESN'T MEAN THE HOLY AND EXALTED ELEMENTS DO NOT EXIST, THEY DO. AND THEY ARE NOT PART OF THE "MAJORITY". WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THESE ELEMENS SPECIFICALLY, MOST OF WHICH YOU ARE PEOPLE HERE. The Whites though, have a recurring pattern of the Good element coming up again, at some point, eventhough the slumber of the bad element hits us very bad and with many casualties. That doesn't mean others don't or won't, or that they aren't "made" for it, but with Whites, the enemy was literally going to face extinction at some point.

This always re-emerges, over and over. To fuck up the Jews and set ALL Races free from their sell outs to the jews. This is why, people when this upbringing began, they joined the Nazis and fought the enemy, irrespectively of where they were. Black, Chinese, Arab, whatever. The Japanese good elements came up, same as the Italian, same as the German, same as others from ALL over the WORLD and ALL Races, but in smaller numbers, who all joined to fight the jewish enemy. THESE people were the honorable people of their Races. And they were treated with dignity and respect. Not just anyone. And NO, not everyone is created Equal. You are not even equal to your own people or the people of your own Race and its bad elements. Capito, Good element?

When the Good elements come up, this has to do with Satan and our Pagan traditions, which are about Positive Racial Segregation, advancement and Evolution. This is why the Good Gentiles from All Races unite at these points, irrespectively of where their Race as a whole may be. Because this is where the Good elements unite, to destroy the source of all evil.

Here we are fighting to cure all our Races and Peoples, from this disease of the enemy. We are the Strong of our People. The aware. Our people can be whatever, but we are here to get them upwards while we all get upwards. We have the means to be more, always more. Therefore, don't take generalizations into heart. If you don't understand what I mean by all I wrote, again, nothing more than can be done. Because you are simply hearing more the jewish fears, hangups and the voice of the "emotions" that come from these. Its just the jew talking...Not your emotions.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
