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Yes its mathematically impossible for them to have killed 6 million jews, when the fuck in Germany was there ever more than even 3 million jews??

Those damn bastards have been playing the sympathy card since time immemorial.
After having understand that the holocaust is a pile of lies (justified by a pile of shoes), have a look on how civil and military Germans has been massacred (7M) and the holodomor perpetuated by (((Russians))).

No one talks about it but we must all fell guilt due to holocaust !? It's blackmail based on defamation.
Then they create the Anti Defamation League to force the pill down your throat and control your thinking.

Shoax described the basis of the jewish destruction machine. They stole and corrupt then tell to to their next victim that their previous prey committed atrocities they fantasize to do or have done... since millennia.
Gas people were done by Russians with exhaust gas, and "Mengele experiences" is the way Russian scientific jews worked and so on.

Their abrahamic religions use the same mechanism, they have been designed to destroy gentiles religion which strengthen them, all based on defamation and the control of the culture - they destroy our books to provide us theirs.

6 millions shoes ?.jpeg
Yes. It is evidential that Jews were never mass-murdered under governmental powers in NS-Germany and possibly nowhere.

Maybe we will never need to do that, because we can get rid of them with our rituals.
Yes. It is evidential that Jews were never mass-murdered under governmental powers in NS-Germany and possibly nowhere.

Maybe we will never need to do that, because we can get rid of them with our rituals.
That is so anti climactic 😂. I'd pay fat cash to see them burn alive. But I can also understand that it may not be the best course of action, at least not for now.
Its not even a well tought myth. One body burn to ashes around 8 hours, so 3 body per day. One owen can burn 1095 body per year, so 6 million jews would need almost 6000 owen.
Those worthless bugs could only do it if they were filled with helium😆
The holocaust and concentration camps were absolutely real. I say this as a Pole who has been to places such as Auschwitz and Stutthof many times. The Holocaust is not only Auschwitz but also many smaller camps. The Jews did not come from Germany, but from countries such as Poland, Bulgaria and Hungary. At first, Auschwitz was small and a slave labor camp for Xian priests, then Jews were added there. There was not one furnace for one body, but many smaller or larger furnaces so that several bodies could be put there. If the furnaces failed, the bodies were burned at a stake somewhere nearby. The people in the camps were Jews, Russians, Poles, Poles helping Jews, and people from the countries from which Jews were brought. On the Internet you can find living people who survived the Holocaust and talk about it. Hitler may have given the Jews what they deserved, but I will never consider him a role model beaceuse he attacked my country. But actually, this fucking country like Poland will survive everything lol. I don't know what country you come from and where most people who don't believe in the Holocaust come from, but you really need to be interested in it, go there and listen to the guide
And in America people are brainwashed with these beliefs because of hollywood! As well.. our school textbooks... just to rub it in all of our faces! Along with religion and church ethics! Just to fit the criteria
The holocaust and concentration camps were absolutely real. I say this as a Pole who has been to places such as Auschwitz and Stutthof many times. The Holocaust is not only Auschwitz but also many smaller camps. The Jews did not come from Germany, but from countries such as Poland, Bulgaria and Hungary. At first, Auschwitz was small and a slave labor camp for Xian priests, then Jews were added there. There was not one furnace for one body, but many smaller or larger furnaces so that several bodies could be put there. If the furnaces failed, the bodies were burned at a stake somewhere nearby. The people in the camps were Jews, Russians, Poles, Poles helping Jews, and people from the countries from which Jews were brought. On the Internet you can find living people who survived the Holocaust and talk about it. Hitler may have given the Jews what they deserved, but I will never consider him a role model beaceuse he attacked my country. But actually, this fucking country like Poland will survive everything lol. I don't know what country you come from and where most people who don't believe in the Holocaust come from, but you really need to be interested in it, go there and listen to the guide
1) Hitler invaded Poland not because he hated Poles or Slavs (he literally made alliances with Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ukraine, as well as with certain Russians and Serbs), but because the jews in Poland organised attacks against ethnic Germans in Poland, killing and looting them.

2) The holohoax was made to unite the jews and gain sympathy from the general population, as with the crucified jewsus.
The holocaust and concentration camps were absolutely real. I say this as a Pole who has been to places such as Auschwitz and Stutthof many times.
And? Visiting some camps that were reconstructed again after WWII (that's right, they now look like nothing like they were during WWII) doesn't really prove everything. I hope you know that. It's exactly like visiting a museum.

There was not one furnace for one body, but many smaller or larger furnaces so that several bodies could be put there. If the furnaces failed, the bodies were burned at a stake somewhere nearby.

You have to explain where all these ashes went, which is impossible for a holohoax believer to do. The math is also impossible, as it would take more than 10 years to cremate all those bodies as one body takes approximately 2 hours and a half. Hoess told lies when he said he cremated each body in 10 minutes, which proves he lies because he was tortured. When you are tortured you can admit anything others tell you.

On the Internet you can find living people who survived the Holocaust and talk about it.
My grandma has also told me stories of her meeting with fairies. People will talk about anything, no matter how fantastic it is. Again, this proves nothing. Not to mention that their "testimonies" are full of contradictions and absurdities if you analyze them rationally.

Please, stop blindly believing made up jewish propaganda and do some research as the holohoax has been debunked millions of times. Start with the books and videos in this website, as they thoroughly debunk the most common arguments of holohoax believers, including the ones you posted here.

On the Internet you can find living people who survived the Holocaust and talk about it.

You mean the same people who have told stories about masturbation machines, bending guns, electric floors, a cave with a bear and an eagle and other stuff made up by the sick jewish mind? Yeah, totally believable, lol.

Here are some of these ridiculous stories they made up:

Don't forget about a jew making up a holohoax story and saying "it was real in my mind":

but you really need to be interested in it, go there and listen to the guide

Bro, you know that Spiritual Satanism is about questioning everything, right? Are you saying you are such a sheep that you blindly believe whatever BS the "guide" there (who has been trained by the jews to do that job and spread holohoax propaganda) tells you? Lol.

Why blindly "listen to the guide" and not question him? I'm positive if I go there I will see through his contradictions and lies as I've read through tons of revisionist material debunking all that shit. We're not blind faith sheep here. Instead of "listening" to the guide someone should go there and debate him and expose him.
The holocaust and concentration camps were absolutely real. I say this as a Pole who has been to places such as Auschwitz and Stutthof many times. The Holocaust is not only Auschwitz but also many smaller camps. The Jews did not come from Germany, but from countries such as Poland, Bulgaria and Hungary. At first, Auschwitz was small and a slave labor camp for Xian priests, then Jews were added there. There was not one furnace for one body, but many smaller or larger furnaces so that several bodies could be put there. If the furnaces failed, the bodies were burned at a stake somewhere nearby. The people in the camps were Jews, Russians, Poles, Poles helping Jews, and people from the countries from which Jews were brought. On the Internet you can find living people who survived the Holocaust and talk about it. Hitler may have given the Jews what they deserved, but I will never consider him a role model beaceuse he attacked my country. But actually, this fucking country like Poland will survive everything lol. I don't know what country you come from and where most people who don't believe in the Holocaust come from, but you really need to be interested in it, go there and listen to the guide

Spiritual Satanists do not believe in the so called "Holocaust", not that bad things didn't happen during the war, but the size and the methods that were written in history are major exaggerations. It's a perpetuated myth same as many other false myths. They were made by the jewish people to gain them political power and sympathy and mercy. The data and information from true studies on the historical event does show that nothing of the sort happened as they claim.

There are whole sites of knowledge online which explain with data, statistics, ground research, proof of documentation (from independent sources like the Red Cross even) why this was not the case and why the jews claimed exaggerated damage was done to them, due to motivation to lie and to put themselves in an immune position after WW2, to gain power and force their interests, based on pretending they were the worst victims of WW2.

There were casualties in all sides and the number of "dead jews" did not exceed 1/10th of what is claimed, at best. Many did not die from being baked in ovens, they died because of lack of supplies and general world conditions. They were not gassed in any gas chambers either, and there is major knowledge online about this being impossible to do with the technological means of the era.

Many other people died due to the large scale war, including Germans, Poles, Russians and other Europeans.

You do not have to "accept" Hitler if you feel that way, but it's best that you make some research before you believe many of the things you read. History is not always what the victors write about it. Also, Russia and Germany attacked Poland from two sides, not only Germany.

Historical revisionism (that is forbidden by the jews since they know they have done major lies and exaggerations) knows that Hitler only went into Poland because Stalin was ready to get into Poland in just 2 weeks.

Knowing this, the Russians instantly also went into Poland, the difference being that the Germans went in first, because if Russians did it first, they would flatten Germany. Poland had the misfortune of being the region where the crossfire happened.

Poland suffered way more from WW2 than jews ever did, as a Nation. My own ancestral land is from a place that was also highly damaged from WW2, but I came to accept the Truth after reading all the historical facts. That doesn't change the fact many people died, but the reality is that there were no gas chambers and other lies the jews exaggerated with later.

This was to defame Hitler and the National Socialists because they had unmasked them as a force of evil that runs the world from the shadows with evil intents, something known to the whole planet to be the case today as well. Modern day Israel is testament for this, even being immune in front of the United Nations.

It's best to study and not stay on what we have been told, if one seeks the facts about such important historical events.
Was the holocaust a myth fully?
Was the holocaust a myth fully?
Yes, the Holocaust is a Jewish myth, the Holocaust never existed.

The real, real evil is when Jews, under the guise of the so-called Holocaust, are actually engaged in the persecution and murder of people who are trying to tell the truth about the atrocities of Jews and their fictional Holocaust.

Even if the Holocaust really existed, it would not justify any crimes of Jewish humanoids against humanity and the Gods, and it would also be a problem of Jews alone, but not a problem of humanity.

Every Spiritual Satanist (including me), knows that there was no Holocaust in nature.

The very fact that Jews are trying to persecute people because of their fictional problems proves that they are sick, hostile to humanity humanoids.


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You really have to be stupid and have lived in a cave to believe that the Holocaust is a myth seriously.
Holocaust, also called Shoax, is a hoax.
Jews and few other worked in labor camps but the 6M gased and so on are bullshit.
It's really important to understand that the WWII is one of the best success of the jews in term of number of dead and manipulation of Gentiles.
This provides zero proof of the non-existence of the Holocaust.I don't know if you know this but certain concentration camps (Treblinka, Sobidor and Belzec) were destroyed by the SS precisely to ensure that crimes committed against Jews were not detected, and of course if they destroyed, it is indeed that they tried to exterminate the Jews, whatever anyone says.

We simply do not give a shit about another species of humanoid-style reptilian DNA extra-terrestrials.

That isn't our problem nor our concern. I love history and studying the past. But this single event is beyond stupid. The jews have been spouting 6M since at least the Crimean-Russo War of 1830s. In fact as the jews memed it into reality "You shall return to Israel without 6M".

BTW the fact you use "extermination camp" or "concentration" shows a communist-capitalist bias towards the Germans. They were either "Labor camps" or "Transit Camps".

For example at Auschwitz(a.k.a Osterwiczs) a camp system created by the Americans in particular for train fumigation in around 1920-1921. The famous smokestack chimney was constructed in December of 1947 completed February of 1948. Rudolf Gelmar does the famous X-Men to signify the chimney was placed 2-feet behind the building with no connection.

Another example the cold cellars to hold bodies for funerary preparations. The Germans cut state of the art holes...oh wait that was the Soviets the Germans engineering that would go berserk to construct it.

Zyklon-B is a substance that requires something like 20tons of gas to push out the oxygen and drown someone in the gas to kill them. Eventually the Germans moved to using superior gases for fumigation, I believe DDT or some pre-DDT substance was used.

(BTW fun fact Styxhexenhammer666 Tarl Warwick has researched DDT to be quite safe it's impact on our food and environment is nil to mild. In fact DDT would help eliminate and save a lot of food and wipe out large volumes of pest. The lies about DDT was to eliminate it since it proved to be such a superior method to wipe pest out).

Also the Microwave ovens the German Siemens-Shukertwerk provided these 5 ton machines that could in 2 minutes wipe out the pest of 163kg of clothing. In fact the Germans doubled the time to 5 minutes as that killed Streph and other bacteria and germs of microbial life.

Himmler was very impressed and ordered as many possible to be constructed and installed. The Germans also constructed state of the art kitchens and provided double the calories after the rations in '42 Totaler Krieg activation(too late that should have been done since the beginning). Caloric intake calculated in the Reich 2,875 for sedentary workers, active construction heavy workers 3250 calories. Jewish people in camps were never rationed and were allowed to consume up to 3,000 calories per day the German population in Germany was 1,500 calories per day.

The list goes on.

Yes the holohoax occurred. We don't give a fucking shit about it. Might as well state it never existed just to be sadistic hold no sacredness to the enemy. Defame them and destroy them just like they did to our Gentilekind.

The fact the jews have been machinating this shit and pushing it in their occult works as a giant meme is proof enough it was a hoax from the very onset someone put 6,000,000 shall not return to Israel.

It's an occult crime of epic proportions.

Like the old saying goes, "Ain't no business like shoah business".

80-years, Eighty, EIGHTY and we still hear the poor bebe xuden meme.

Da 6 gorillians.

Eventually people are gonna crack skulls for that. I'm sure there's a good person out there with a good punch to the kikes so-called holy or should I say unholy face going "Muh 6 billion" *nigger punch to their jaw, Critical Hit a knockout blow*.

Sheer fact is how long do does the World need to be reminded of an incident the jews state they lost most of their population. When in fact the amount of jews that died is only a statistical single digit higher than normal which would be blamed on disease or old age.

As the jewish almanac goes 15-16 million 1930s 1945+ 16-17 maybe 18 million.

Statistically speaking of Gentiles lost as much as the jews claim probably double, triple, maybe quadruple maybe nearly 100,000,000 would perish. It would make WW1 and WW2 look like a mild death.

The lose of jews is so statistically low that even if a million die as HP.Cobra believes in his studies it's still a statistical drop in the bucket. I strongly believe only 160,000-240,000-300,000 died nearing a million maybe could be just statistics.

Sheer fact is Guigui: WTF? Seriously you come to a Satanic National Socialist friendly political friendly organization and expect us to feel sad for the poor bebey kids.

We give zero fucks about the holoyhoax.

They died...move on. My grandparents passed away these past two years within a year of each other. I'm Pluto in Scorpio I didn't give a shit I knew they'd be better off than suffering.

Hell my grandfather always lamented the poor jews. And I always countered back with my information. And always like clockwork they are poor beleaguered people. If you knew the shit many of these rabbis and jews talk about. You'd be like when is the real shoah for them happening.

Your insane to believe this so-called sacred biblical tail of epic survival.

If you knew how our organization and members knew this epic hoax. You'd be saying in your head, "Holy shit, I've been lied to my entire life".

I'm pretty sure your not Pluto in Scorpio so you don't possess that dark edge to shift through the shit and reveal the truth.

It's a shame holocaustdeprogramming was eliminated. I tried looking for it at archive.org as someone mentioned they eliminate a lot of political stuff and try and censor shit.

Reminds me of when Archive.org eliminated the 1932 pamphlet the NSDAP and German businesses created for the promotion of Hemp and hemp planting. As the 1932 investigation occurred. 1871 German Unification Hemp about 90,000-100,000 tons per year, 20 years later(1890) 60,000t, 20 years later(1910) 20,000t by the time the NSDAP conducted investigations Germany was producing between 15 and 20 thousand tons of Hemp.

Anyways you Guigui quit being such a pussy and expressing pusillanimity. It's the internet do you really believe this shit. Have you been to the edgy side of the internet. Have you been to 4Chan or any other deeper internet site.

We state something and you flip your table. Why? It never happened just be sadistic. I cannot wait for the AI wars which are beginning when the AIs decipher more shit and state the truth.

People are flipping their lids at AI and I'm laughing my ass off and going Dr. Thomas Dalton's 1939 Mein Kampf in full vogue Chapter 8 : Subchapter 3 Theoretician vs Politician. My theoretician side is laughing at the possibilities of 5th Generational Information Warfare especially considering this is a huge asymmetrical war.

Guigui seriously man-up, DO your research, and stop giving a shit about their stupid memes.
This provides zero proof of the non-existence of the Holocaust.I don't know if you know this but certain concentration camps (Treblinka, Sobidor and Belzec) were destroyed by the SS precisely to ensure that crimes committed against Jews were not detected, and of course if they destroyed, it is indeed that they tried to exterminate the Jews, whatever anyone says.
The first website provides ample proof. I don't think you even opened any of the articles in it.
This provides zero proof of the non-existence of the Holocaust.I don't know if you know this but certain concentration camps (Treblinka, Sobidor and Belzec) were destroyed by the SS precisely to ensure that crimes committed against Jews were not detected, and of course if they destroyed, it is indeed that they tried to exterminate the Jews, whatever anyone says.
In the other hand, Holocaust theory is based on lies, absolutely nothing prove it happens.

Cadavers you see on photos come from bombing of working camps, typhus or Germans cadavers.
Germans have destroyed their installation because they knew that Jewssians will put together a folder of bullshits against them.
The famous "Gas Chambers" are, on plans, cold room with few crematorium in the adjoining room.

Study it and have a look Russian side, you will be surprised.
All is accusatory inversion and all is debunked since long.

Look how the covid hoax has been played with an amazing synchronicity, and the climate change, and the 911...
This provides zero proof of the non-existence of the Holocaust.I don't know if you know this but certain concentration camps (Treblinka, Sobidor and Belzec) were destroyed by the SS precisely to ensure that crimes committed against Jews were not detected, and of course if they destroyed, it is indeed that they tried to exterminate the Jews, whatever anyone says.
So can you prove that Holocaust did happen? Of course debunking all claims made in these two websites which you probably did not studied in so much depth that you could claim that it provides zero proof of the non existence of "tHe" holocaust.
Oh and even if it happened, who gives a shit? These ugly bastards brutally murdered, tortured, (hOlOcAuStED!!!!!) ancient civilizations, destroyed knowledge, Paganism/Satanism and made Earth into one of the shittiest places in the universe. At this point they deserve eternal torture not a lame holocaust.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
