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Hitler's Treatment Of The Slav's

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Hitler's Treatment Of The Slav's

HailVictory88 wrote:
I know this has been covered somewhat before, but it's still really bothering me. Did the National Socialists hold anti-Slavic views, particularly with regard to Russians and Poles? Is it true that "Der Untermensch" lists Slavs as examples of "subhumans"?

I am very confused about this. I remember something on the "Adolf the Great" website that quoted some supposed speech in which Hitler spoke of the intelligence of the Polish people, but I am still confused and troubled, as I am of Slavic descent.

The fact is you still have to consider traditional European ethnic attitudes into things I have met enough Europeans to get this. The German's and Slav's had a long history of back and forth fighting like everyone else in Europe. However the National Socialists believed that after their victory in Europe they would simply organize the Slavic, Germanic and South European ethnic groups into their own self run National Socialist states that would be part of a confederation of European nations in a voluntary European family to help defend and promote all European Peoples and nations.

The German's liberated the Slavic nations from the USSR, and during their occupation of these regions they gave the Slavic People back their property the jews had stolen from them. They rebuild their community centers, schools, built then hospitals gave them trucks new farm machinery, money and other needed items to rebuild their lives, communities and nations. They even dug up the mass graves of the victims of the communist murders to ID the remains and return them to their families for burial and closure. The Germans committed to humanitarian aid and help for the Slavic Peoples as fellow European Peoples. The Russian writer Suvorov who wrote two books on the subject of the second war and was a military intelligence officer in the Red Army and no friend of Hitler. Stated Hitler had no plans for Lebensraum, the war in the east was about destroying the Red Army because it was mobilizing to attack Germany and the rest of Europe. Its also known General plan Ost the claims of a German plan of ethnic cleansing of the Slav's for Lebensraum was a fraud created after the war as propaganda against Germany like the six million fraud. And its also known and documented that Stalin ordered the NKVD to dress up in German uniforms and commit atrocities against the populations of the Slav regions to turn the populace against the liberating German and axis forces.

Also note fifty thousand White Russians fought with the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad against the Reds. Millions of Slav's fought with the Germans, Hungarians, Italian's, Spanish, Belgians, French, Romanian, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch Peoples against jewish communism. Hitler had a lot of respect for the White Russians and other Slav's who were fighting for their common European land and Peoples against the communists.

Hitler bent over backwards to obtain a peace with Poland and a gain a defense partner against the Red Army. But the Polish government would not have this. They made a deal with Churchill and Bacon the Sectary of State of America to start a war with Germany. Poland's military was bigger then the entire British Empires and was modernized and well trained. And out numbered the Germany Army by hundreds of thousands. They were going to start a war to let France and England declare war to then catch Germany in a two front war. To which Poland would get more Germany territory for themselves.

The Polish started massacring the Ethnic German population as the Polish military was illegally occupying parts of Germany from after the first war. They wanted to ethnically cleanse the Germans out of these areas. Hitler was forced to go to war with the Poland to save the Germans from being exterminated by the Polish forces in the occupied area's. At Broomberg the Polish forces murdered 55 thousand German men, women and children in what is called Bloody Sunday. This is what Hitler invaded to stop.

Now consider this. The part of Poland that Hitler now occupied he could have massacred the Polish People in retaliation. Yet he did not. The Germans simply conducted a investigation into the war crimes of the Polish government and arrested the guilty people and put them on trail and treated the Poles humanly. In Hitler's treatment of the Polish People you can note his real feelings.

Hitler also allowed the British Army to escape from Dunkirk, I had a family member at Dunkirk I owe Hitler for that. He spared his life.

Also note German's and Slav's are of the same racial ancestry. Slav's are Scythians and the Scythians became the Saxons in the German regions.
So Hitler invaded Poland to stop the Polish army from destroying Germans and Germany, because the Poles had a massive army, and also to have Germany fighting on two fronts. Someone who its very pedantic and anally-retentive asked me why, during a pro/anti-jew debate. (Well, I don't think they are pro-jew, per se.) I don't have the brightest political mind, so I couldn't answer them.

I told them to visit the links that we have here but their "excuse", if you can call it that, for not visiting them properly is that we are biased, and that they want an impartial opinion. I mentioned YouTube videos and they asked if they were related to JoS. I said I don't know, because I didn't and I still don't, and said they can go and ask them. Of course they didn't ask them. The same with any other links to sites - "are they related?".

They also tried arguing that they should go and debunk everything that we claim. I called them out on that because I knew they were bullshitting. They then made more "excuses". They also "argued" about a Pole, funnily enough, having been drunk here somewhere who told a non-White that the non-White didn't belong here, despite the Pole being a Pole, and the non-White having been born here. I used the simple, all-encompassing actual argument that once upon a time, a Black never saw a White, and a White never saw a Black. Sarcastically, I told them to argue with/fight against Nature. This person has to be right, no matter what.

They also said they weren't interested in the links I shared with them. That's funny because they were interested enough in one side of the story which is mainstream, yet not interested in the other side of the story which a so-called "mate" provided them links to. They don't like the idea of going after the jew "just because" we say so. Despite that non-argument, they know that the jew has been kicked out of 109+ countries 109+ times in history.

After it all, "We'll have to agree to disagree". You know what I'm saying. It's fine that they have "their" opinion, but they are closed-minded, even with a so-called "mate".

With that all being said - are there any "non-biased", non-JoS-related sources I can give them?

Undoubtedly, there are others like that person. Such sources would either shut them up or make people think again about being in contact with them...


P.S. I suppose I could give them the link to http://TGSNT.tv, despite that being christian. A Nazi I spoke with a bit online said TGSNT.tv mixes 98% truth with 2% lies. Maybe that christian crap would (STILL NOT) be good enough.
Shitlib's debate like low tier jews.

And its because the liberal pathology is socially induced schizophrenia, literally. These people are in constant double think.
HP Mageson666 said:
Shitlib's debate like low tier jews.

And its because the liberal pathology is socially induced schizophrenia, literally. These people are in constant double think.
I have also said they could and should visit the (previous) forum to argue and ask questions. More excuses. Meh.
They argue in bad faith and just resort to name calling. If you don't believe in their mental illness its because your a bad person.

FancyMancy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Shitlib's debate like low tier jews.

And its because the liberal pathology is socially induced schizophrenia, literally. These people are in constant double think.
I have also said they could and should visit the (previous) forum to argue and ask questions. More excuses. Meh.
HP Mageson666 said:
They argue in bad faith and just resort to name calling. If you don't believe in their mental illness its because your a bad person.

FancyMancy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Shitlib's debate like low tier jews.

And its because the liberal pathology is socially induced schizophrenia, literally. These people are in constant double think.
I have also said they could and should visit the (previous) forum to argue and ask questions. More excuses. Meh.
Actually... They did... Eventually. It was then when I told them that at the point of resorting to personal attack (ad hominem attack) it means that they lost. I told them that I shouldn't tell them that (as per debating) but I would tell them, anyway. I always know that when anyone does resort to that that they haven't any, or have run out of, arguments.
Ofcourse some Slav's got treated badly because they were shooting their weapons at Hitler's men. In all seriousness though you just have to look to the Waffen-SS Units that comprised every nationality to see Hitler was focused on destroying communism. The Jews created many lies about top Nazi policy to distract away from the fact that he wanted to destroy Christianity and Communism only.
Imho if Hitler or anyone was calling this or that group lesser it was from a position of knowing eugenics, science, etc.

Like to be honest I would probably not ever want kids with someone from Spain or Italy. They call them white, and they probably are on some level, yet to me they are like a lesser white. And I know some exceptions exist in those countries. But generally if I had a kid with an Italian my child would not be as white as I am.

So likewise it's a similar thing with the slav I suppose. Lesser beings in a different sense. Not a "let's kill them all, they have never done anything, their civilization is worthless" sense.

More a racial speration and preservation sense. Like Mageson stated giving the regions their own racial kingdoms. Honestly there is nothing to gain if super white Germans were having kids with Slavs.

You can even see on some people like Romanians sometime darker around the elbows and umm....genitals. Not sure if they count as Slavs though.

Side question. I thought the anglos came from norse. Where did the norse and other Germans come from if not the scythians?
FancyMancy said:
Someone who its very pedantic and anally-retentive asked me why, during a pro/anti-jew debate. (Well, I don't think they are pro-jew, per se.)
FancyMancy I got so frustrated by reading your occurence with that person. :x

However, there are countleeeess sources (non-Satanic) about Hitler's real nature and the truth about world war II and so forth. Here's one example: https://www.youtube.com/user/UndeadANBU/videos
Here's another: https://www.youtube.com/user/renegadesinamerica/videos (this guy had uploaded this video that I really liked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMniFQCyqTg)
but, you know what the retard is gonna tell you afterwards? "Oh no, these videos are pro-Pagan, they're biased!" or.. I don't know, the other way around.

The matter of fact is that THE REAL TRUTH is that National Socialism WAS Satanic. So, if they want half-truths, the rest half will be filled with bullshit.
So, is truth dependant on what THEY want to hear??

This kind of situations piss me off so much.
There is only one truth. It does not go "one way or the other".
In a debate with retards, "proof" is not enough. "Evidence" is not enough. IT'S ALL ABOUT "FEELS"!! The "bad" Nazis did bad things to the jooz! MY FEELS!

This is all that matters.
They can all go fuck themselves if they can't handle the fucking truth.
I'm so tired of all these brainless retards.
And well, it's not even a matter of intelligence anymore. They're spiritually blind; so their brains are shut. They can't understand truth from lies. They don't base their beliefs on logic anymore.

...Well, believing in extraterrestrial Gods may not sound so logical either hahahahaha... which is why it's crucial to meditate. Your mind opens and you're able to see/hear said entities. It's not just logic, or historical evidence. You experience things first hand.

Now, how to explain this to a materialistic liberal retard?
Maybe I'm biased myself. But when I see that all logic fails, regardless of what evidence/proof you give the other person, then, in what common ground can we even discuss?

Some time ago I had a really small talk with my retarded liberal father about the holohoax. I was like, it didn't happen, he was like hooow caaan youuu saaay thaaat?! He used the photos as an excuse (with the bold jews), I explained about typhus. He wasn't satisfied with my explanation. He said about the physical evidence that existed... what physical evidence?
And if I DAREEEEEED to mention that most of the crimes attributed to National Socialists are actually COMMUNIST crimes (because most "gas chambers" were in communist territories and so forth) then "you are a bad Nazi! I can't believe my daughter is hailing Hitler!".......................

So, in the end, my responses don't matter at all. Reasoning doesn't matter. It's all about feels.
Fuck them.

..I mean, if you have the patience to discuss with those retards and if you know the "trick" to make an unreasonable man listen to reason, then go ahead! Good luck as well. :roll:

By the way, you don't even wanna know about the most frustrating and outraging conversations I tried to have with my retarded christian mother.
An example:
Me: "Mum, did you hear about the freakin' expensive buildings that they're building for the illegal immigrants to stay? It's freakin' insane, right? If we color ourselves black and go where the rest of illegal immigrants are, we'll live in luxury!"
My mother: "What are you talking about? No one is building expensive buildings for the immigrants."
Me: "Mum... It's all over the Internet... there are even photos, let me show yo-"
My mother: "No! That Internet again! If something like this had really happened, they would report it first in the television! That Internet is full with lies! Don't believe what you read!"

and I'm like...... :eek: :eek: :x :x :x :evil: :evil: :evil:
It's so sad that every blame on this war has alway been blamed on Hittler and German in short.Like when Stalin ordered NKVD to dress as German soldiers and fight Slavs,many written records alledge that its the German Soldiers who dressed like Polish Slavic Soldiers & staged an attack against German,when German tried to Free Poland from USSR,its further said that German breached the Nonaggression treaty with USSR & tried take Poland all for it self when in reality Hittler was trying to free Polish Slavs from USSR.Its also clear to see that Britain and France played an important part in putting Poland against German.But all in all,we all know who have tried to conceal the truth and manipulate History,Just have a look at victor Borouh's ~Beyond The Law and just to see how the blame is all heaped on Hittler and Nazi Germany.
Hail Father Satan!
Hail Hittler.!
HeilOdin666 said:
Like to be honest I would probably not ever want kids with someone from Spain or Italy. They call them white, and they probably are on some level, yet to me they are like a lesser white. And I know some exceptions exist in those countries. But generally if I had a kid with an Italian my child would not be as white as I am.

Excuse me? There are many exceptions. I've known many people that look as white as it can get, with type I and II in the Fitzpatrick scale.
HeilOdin666 said:
Imho if Hitler or anyone was calling this or that group lesser it was from a position of knowing eugenics, science, etc.

Like to be honest I would probably not ever want kids with someone from Spain or Italy. They call them white, and they probably are on some level, yet to me they are like a lesser white. And I know some exceptions exist in those countries. But generally if I had a kid with an Italian my child would not be as white as I am.

So likewise it's a similar thing with the slav I suppose. Lesser beings in a different sense. Not a "let's kill them all, they have never done anything, their civilization is worthless" sense.

More a racial speration and preservation sense. Like Mageson stated giving the regions their own racial kingdoms. Honestly there is nothing to gain if super white Germans were having kids with Slavs.

You can even see on some people like Romanians sometime darker around the elbows and umm....genitals. Not sure if they count as Slavs though.

Side question. I thought the anglos came from norse. Where did the norse and other Germans come from if not the scythians?

The belief that an inferior should be held in their inferior position and is open to abuse of any kind is from a lack of understanding and spiritual development. Himmler said himself inferiors should be helped up and superiors admired. Think about it. Hitler could not have held negative views on his inferiors when his own deputy, Himmler, had written that.
Yagami Light said:
FancyMancy said:
Someone who its very pedantic and anally-retentive asked me why, during a pro/anti-jew debate. (Well, I don't think they are pro-jew, per se.)
FancyMancy I got so frustrated by reading your occurence with that person. :x
Why, thank you. :)

They are/were interested in Wicca and Druidism. Once, I mentioned about using Runes (I think they were trying to use weaker/useless runes, rather than the ones we use) and I said about putting energies into a working for a particular day. It could have been for 'winning the lottery'. I mentioned putting the energies from a working into one particular day/attempt of winning in the future, instead of doing a bit of working for each time they played, and they said "It doesn't work like that". They would know - using "runes" were fruitless for them in an endeavour they tried.

They agree that our Earth can't possibly be the only planet with life on it due to the amount of stars and planets in the Universe. Often, when talking about such things, either they or I mention 'ancient aliens'.

They also joke/be serious about always being wrong about things.

Speaking about logic, they said something along the lines of that they go with something that they think/believe until something else comes along providing other information. Something along those lines. Then they always make excuses after this and that, until eventually, as I said, they used an ad hominem attack and say we'll have to agree to disagree.

Speaking about the internet, an old person I know doesn't like that, either. I don't know everything that they believe in, but they think that the internet is not trustworthy but the TV is. The conversations with that person are not about spirituality, though.

NaziMan12 said:
HeilOdin666 said:
Imho if Hitler or anyone was calling this or that group lesser it was from a position of knowing eugenics, science, etc.

The belief that an inferior should be held in their inferior position and is open to abuse of any kind is from a lack of understanding and spiritual development. Himmler said himself inferiors should be helped up and superiors admired. Think about it. Hitler could not have held negative views on his inferiors when his own deputy, Himmler, had written that.
The Gods help us lowly people.
I forgot to mention that that first person also thinks/thought "the three-fold return" exists, and that you shouldn't use magic for yourself, e.g. to gain money, because that is selfish. Yet at the same time, they play the lottery and do betting sometimes...
Stormblood said:
HeilOdin666 said:
Like to be honest I would probably not ever want kids with someone from Spain or Italy. They call them white, and they probably are on some level, yet to me they are like a lesser white. And I know some exceptions exist in those countries. But generally if I had a kid with an Italian my child would not be as white as I am.

Excuse me? There are many exceptions. I've known many people that look as white as it can get, with type I and II in the Fitzpatrick scale.
The problem is when people think of Italians they dont picture Pietro Boselli's or Giorgio Armani's, they visualize an arab. This is hollywood pre-planted misconceptions right here, rewiring the brain. Hollywood loves to have the darkest looking, with a few arab traits, men to portray romans.
So I looked up the names your gave and they do seem like just regular Europeans to me. But I've also seen a lot that look like the cast of Jersey Shore and to me they aren't white.

If the cast of Jersey shore is white then so are the mexicans in my town. And it's been said before that the Mexican invasion is ethnic destruction same as the Rapefugees in germany and elsewhere.

To me the cast of jersey shore would be a subrace of white. But imo it's foolish to classify them in the same category as that male model you named. Ie. Regular European white. Clearly Snooki wasn't fathered by an Englishman.
There are White Mexican's of Spanish and other descent. I have noted all types of Mexican's from right out Amerindians to Spanish type.
I tell the Wiccan's to give away five hundred dollars and by the end of the day they should have fifteen hundred given back to them. Somehow they don't believe me. And it escapes them what it states about their threefold nonsense.

FancyMancy said:
I forgot to mention that that first person also thinks/thought "the three-fold return" exists, and that you shouldn't use magic for yourself, e.g. to gain money, because that is selfish. Yet at the same time, they play the lottery and do betting sometimes...
HeilOdin666 said:
So I looked up the names your gave and they do seem like just regular Europeans to me. But I've also seen a lot that look like the cast of Jersey Shore and to me they aren't white.

If the cast of Jersey shore is white then so are the mexicans in my town. And it's been said before that the Mexican invasion is ethnic destruction same as the Rapefugees in germany and elsewhere.

To me the cast of jersey shore would be a subrace of white. But imo it's foolish to classify them in the same category as that male model you named. Ie. Regular European white. Clearly Snooki wasn't fathered by an Englishman.
HeilOdin666 said:
So I looked up the names your gave and they do seem like just regular Europeans to me. But I've also seen a lot that look like the cast of Jersey Shore and to me they aren't white.

If the cast of Jersey shore is white then so are the mexicans in my town. And it's been said before that the Mexican invasion is ethnic destruction same as the Rapefugees in germany and elsewhere.

To me the cast of jersey shore would be a subrace of white. But imo it's foolish to classify them in the same category as that male model you named. Ie. Regular European white. Clearly Snooki wasn't fathered by an Englishman.
They are not regular europeans, you can look at them and note distinct nuances peculiar to Italians, what you really mean is that they dont look like hollywood had you believe. Armani has very dark skin and he looks like an inteligent european. You need a trained eye or spiritual sensitivity if you are gonna make such precipitated observations. Come to Italy and you will find a lot of blonde people who still look italian.Thats the thing nordic fetishists dont get, over 30% of Southern europeans have shades of blonde hair, and they still look mediterranean. Not everyone is Leo da vinci's and pietro boselli's, but our particular type produces a lot of variety.
Germany underwent an age of great awakening and is strongly planted in the counscience of racially awakened whites, you can note the hand of the gods in all walks of life in nazi germany, from the Political class, to great military soldiers and aces, even in cultural propaganda. Every nuance of that age conveys very well the qualities of the nordic people. We will have that too down here in Italy real soon when we establish the next age and proceed with eugenics measures so we can produce more Pietro Boselli's.
HeilOdin666 said:
So I looked up the names your gave and they do seem like just regular Europeans to me. But I've also seen a lot that look like the cast of Jersey Shore and to me they aren't white.

If the cast of Jersey shore is white then so are the mexicans in my town. And it's been said before that the Mexican invasion is ethnic destruction same as the Rapefugees in germany and elsewhere.

To me the cast of jersey shore would be a subrace of white. But imo it's foolish to classify them in the same category as that male model you named. Ie. Regular European white. Clearly Snooki wasn't fathered by an Englishman.
Pay attention to the contradictions in your reasoning. First you imply the cast of jersey shore isnt white, then you conclude saying that to you they are probably a sub type of white. Which they are.
But picking the trashiest bimbos from italy is hardly intellectually honest. I dont put all nordics in the category of trashy chavs like the bimbo from supercars of London. And these mexicans you people have over there look nothing like the spaniards over here.

On a side note I believe throughout the struggle against the Jews the main focus of the Gods fluctuated between different areas and groups of whites, which I suspect is related to spiritual conditions or eras that favorate the creation of civilizations in people. Much like Egypt to Greece at one point to Hitler's Reich introducing the aquarian age and giving a fatal blow to the J's pushing the domino consequences which lead us here.
Snooki is not Italian she is Chilean and was adopted later. The over all cast you can tell are White. Some of them spent too much time in the tanning bed as part of their metrosexual look. That show was designed by a Jewish network to make Italian American's look like assholes. The same network that has just come out with pushing Jewish racism against White People as of late. They are not being subtle about it anymore.

I don't follow reality TV because its all scripted and fake drama. And I never thought I would have to discuss Snooki of all people on this forum........ All I can state to that fact is LOLZ...
I am fine with my so called contradiction because in the first case it's a loose casual use of it in regards to my own people where I am from. The second case I am being more accurate and on purpose to include a full view of the situation so that people such as yourself gain clarity on what I am saying.

But if you were shades whiter than someone else you would also refer to your kind as white and people darker as something else, or an otherwhite. A subset.

This is important because in various surveys mexicans have been and are included in the category of white. Sometimes there is a "hispanic" category but often the government throws mexicans into the figures of white people to pretend there is no exterminaton taking place.

And I'm sorry to rain on anybodys parade but mexicans are not the same people that they are replacing despite what any survey says.

This isn't to say anything bad about them at all. But imo saying the mexicans are different than people in Idaho is just as the Nazis recognizing a difference between Germans and Slavs.

And I don't think Snooki is a realistic representation of the average Italian in behavior and attitude. But hair and skin wise in my experience I've seen a lot of that. So that's why I picked her.
HP Mageson666 said:
I tell the Wiccan's to give away five hundred dollars and by the end of the day they should have fifteen hundred given back to them. Somehow they don't believe me. And it escapes them what it states about their threefold nonsense.

FancyMancy said:
I forgot to mention that that first person also thinks/thought "the three-fold return" exists, and that you shouldn't use magic for yourself, e.g. to gain money, because that is selfish. Yet at the same time, they play the lottery and do betting sometimes...
Yeah, exactly. I wonder why that doesn't work. :roll: I expect their "argument" to be, "It doesn't work like that". Typical. What does it work like, then? It's the negatives (3-times negative energies returning) where it applies. Did they test that?! :roll:
Adagio // said:
HeilOdin666 said:
So I looked up the names your gave and they do seem like just regular Europeans to me. But I've also seen a lot that look like the cast of Jersey Shore and to me they aren't white.

If the cast of Jersey shore is white then so are the mexicans in my town. And it's been said before that the Mexican invasion is ethnic destruction same as the Rapefugees in germany and elsewhere.

To me the cast of jersey shore would be a subrace of white. But imo it's foolish to classify them in the same category as that male model you named. Ie. Regular European white. Clearly Snooki wasn't fathered by an Englishman.
HeilOdin666 said:
So I looked up the names your gave and they do seem like just regular Europeans to me. But I've also seen a lot that look like the cast of Jersey Shore and to me they aren't white.

If the cast of Jersey shore is white then so are the mexicans in my town. And it's been said before that the Mexican invasion is ethnic destruction same as the Rapefugees in germany and elsewhere.

To me the cast of jersey shore would be a subrace of white. But imo it's foolish to classify them in the same category as that male model you named. Ie. Regular European white. Clearly Snooki wasn't fathered by an Englishman.
They are not regular europeans, you can look at them and note distinct nuances peculiar to Italians, what you really mean is that they dont look like hollywood had you believe. Armani has very dark skin and he looks like an inteligent european. You need a trained eye or spiritual sensitivity if you are gonna make such precipitated observations. Come to Italy and you will find a lot of blonde people who still look italian.Thats the thing nordic fetishists dont get, over 30% of Southern europeans have shades of blonde hair, and they still look mediterranean. Not everyone is Leo da vinci's and pietro boselli's, but our particular type produces a lot of variety.
Germany underwent an age of great awakening and is strongly planted in the counscience of racially awakened whites, you can note the hand of the gods in all walks of life in nazi germany, from the Political class, to great military soldiers and aces, even in cultural propaganda. Every nuance of that age conveys very well the qualities of the nordic people. We will have that too down here in Italy real soon when we establish the next age and proceed with eugenics measures so we can produce more Pietro Boselli's.

You're absolutely right Adagio. I have blonde hair and blue eyes, and years ago I dated a girl that lived in my city's "little Italy" section...well, I was more then once asked if I was Italian. Some people would actually come up to me and start speaking Italian. Apparently, many people from northern Italy look similar to me.
Brilliant Op HP ;)
Clears a good amount oof speculation in that thanks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
