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Hitler Deb


New member
Feb 6, 2012
Ok so I am going into to start a few series. First I'm going to start with Hitler. Then move on the Christianity and Islam. Lastly I will take on Satanism. So there will be quite a few exciting chapters. We will start with National Socialism. 
Now, it has come to my awareness that when it comes to what we know is true. Most do not educate themselves in the slightest. They just believe and follow. The people of the JOS the enemy brings up in arguements. Then there are those that kinda know but do not fully know. Either way most have one thing in common, they hate controversy.
Instead of falling back on knowledge, they resort to insults because truth be known they can not handle the arguement. So I am going to take on the role of the critic. I will challenge and I will probe. There is no need to defeat me as I am Dedicated. So I challenge you too really use your brains. Dig deep and research. Don't just confront and yell out because we're right. Give me solid answers. If you cannot give me solid answers, just admit you don't know everything. I do not know everything and there are things I intend to learn from doing this. 
Okay, so you all claim to be National Socilaists. What does the word National Socialist mean? Is it different from just socialist? Was it created by Adolf Hitler? 
 What is the premise of a NAtional Socialist Governement? 
 How do they make decisions? How does the rank system work? How does the currency work?  Is there welfare? If so how does it work?  Is there health Care? If so how does it work? 
 What was Hitlers System? How did it impact Germany? Did it make things better or worse? How so? 
Okay, believe it or not this is all just one question. This I just the start of probing into National Socialism. So I challenge all of you to answer these questions. 

I don't know the answer to every question (pls don't beat me, professor Aldric, i promise i will study lol), hence i cannot give a solid answer. I admit i don't know everything.

Hail Satan
Hail the Gods
Hail the Demons of Hell
Okay. Well this is just the first segment. Let's learn together. If no one here knows the answers, let us research and find them out.  
Okay let's start with the first question. Is national socialism created by Hitler. 
I read a book on Satans library that said national socialism is neither national nor socialistic. It is a new term coined by Hitler. It is on me to find this book and point it out. 
Ofcourse this is just one book, does this one book speak holy truth? We must find more books. More explanations. National socialism. We must delve into this word. This is the beginning, what does national socialism mean? I find it kinda fucking lame if we call ourselves national socialists but yet don't even know what the name means. 
  I don't fully understand myself. So let us work on educating ourselves. 
 You know on second thought, this is kinda hard. I think Christianity will much easier. We can build our way up into national socialism and later satanism. Alright we tear apart Christianity. This is a good thing as many suffer from this disgusting disease upon humanity. I feel many will benefit from this. Unless some random smart ass would like to come on and tell me I'm wrong or be little and make fun of me for doing this? 
  Alright anyone is free to take a jab at Christianity in any direction you wish, let's not stifle creativity. Bring forth your ideas. I will get the ball rolling and start with this. 
 Sam Harris is Jewish unfortunately. None the less in what he says, speaks the truth. I don't care for him, but if a Jew says the earth is not flat it is in the shape of a sphere, then it holds merit. Here is an idea of Christian morality, really think about this.

  Sam Harris - Morality and the Christian God   
<td val[/IMG]No. In Hitler's own words National Socialism is both Socialistic and Nationalistic.
From: aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Sat, Jan 30, 2016 2:52:10 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Okay let's start with the first question. Is national socialism created by Hitler. 
I read a book on Satans library that said national socialism is neither national nor socialistic. It is a new term coined by Hitler. It is on me to find this book and point it out. 
Ofcourse this is just one book, does this one book speak holy truth? We must find more books. More explanations. National socialism. We must delve into this word. This is the beginning, what does national socialism mean? I find it kinda fucking lame if we call ourselves national socialists but yet don't even know what the name means. 
  I don't fully understand myself. So let us work on educating ourselves. 
 You know on second thought, this is kinda hard. I think Christianity will much easier. We can build our way up into national socialism and later satanism. Alright we tear apart Christianity. This is a good thing as many suffer from this disgusting disease upon humanity. I feel many will benefit from this. Unless some random smart ass would like to come on and tell me I'm wrong or be little and make fun of me for doing this? 
  Alright anyone is free to take a jab at Christianity in any direction you wish, let's not stifle creativity. Bring forth your ideas. I will get the ball rolling and start with this. 
 Sam Harris is Jewish unfortunately. None the less in what he says, speaks the truth. I don't care for him, but if a Jew says the earth is not flat it is in the shape of a sphere, then it holds merit. Here is an idea of Christian morality, really think about this.

   Sam Harris - Morality and the Christian God    [/TD]
Hmm. I'm not really certain we need to rehash about xianity, aldric. After all, we have an entire site dedicated to completely exposing it (exposingchristianity). Kinda like beating a dead horse lol. Perhaps something less basic?
Excellent we finally got a hit. Now show me the evidence. You can't just claim something and that's it. In Hitlers own words. Really you were there to hear him say this? Most likely not, I would assume you read it somewhere. So you must be able to list three or more credible reverences on how he said this?

 The book I read, I believe was By Goering I will see if I can't find it. 
<td val[/IMG]Yes. he says it in a speech in the 1920s.

He has mentioned it numerous other times.

I'm not one to make false claims, I've studied national Socialism, the Third Reich and Hitler's writings in depth and proceeded to make the largest collection of Nazi material in the internet and remove corruptions from Hitler writings and other writings of Nazis, I know what I am saying, it is you that doesn't.

And if you don't know that national socialism arises from the two identical gentile concepts, national and social, then you have no idea what national socialism is.
From: aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Sun, Jan 31, 2016 6:14:59 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Excellent we finally got a hit. Now show me the evidence. You can't just claim something and that's it. In Hitlers own words. Really you were there to hear him say this? Most likely not, I would assume you read it somewhere. So you must be able to list three or more credible reverences on how he said this?

 The book I read, I believe was By Goering I will see if I can't find it.  [/TD]
It will get us all in the logic thinking mood. When people watch some videos of atheist scoring Christians. They will realize, to use the same principles with the other stuff. Basics is always where you start. Without a foundation you have nothing. Then we can build off of it. 
Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 

<td val[/IMG]I clearly proves you wrong and gave you reference to aldolf Hitler's 1920s speechs.
So yes I did prove my point.

To yes I taught you, but rather than accepting it you get a little tantrum.

Please tell me where in my response I got mad and insulted you? I merely stated facts. It's you who insulted me which justifies what I have said below.

You see, I am not debating, as debating occurs when one side thinks their are right and another thinks they are wrong and they eventually comes to a conclusion who is right. However, you are clearly wrong and I am clearly right.

Aldric, please don't tell me to grow up, I'm not the princess who can't take someone correcting me when I am wrong. And if you want to call yourself 'a fucking dumbass' I don't blame you. Don't go back to insulting members for no reason, that never ended well for you.[/TD]
From: aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 2:20:48 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 

This COULD actually prove to be a good, productive, healthy exercise, if it doesn't end up breaking out into another stupid, time-wasting, fucking fight over split hairs.

I am not taking any sides, here.
Go to the forums, read my article titled 'Communism vs. Socialism'.
Adolf Hitler and his generals made decisions, but of course Hitler had the biger say. Decisions were !made in accordance to the The Gods.
National Socialism is a political manifestation of Satanism. Yes it is different than Socialism, as even though Socialism is a gentle ideology, it only works fully when paired with Nationalism.
In truth, rank was only used in the inner and influential leader ship of the NSDAP. You can feel free to research that yourself.
Yes, there was welfare, that did not work like charities. Hitler said "German people, help yourself! Every body must help! Weather you are rich or poor you must bare in mind....
You idiot, national Socialism was Hitler's system. Yes it impaced Germany, by reducing unemployment and crime rates to 0, significantly reducing Germanys handicapped population, make Germany self sufficient etc..
Social welfare, economics, currency and healthcare are far to lenght topics,and in fact it's atopic which I plan to write about soon. It's not that I don't know them, its just I don't have time ATM to argue with trolls and and retards such as yourself.
I thought you were banned?, who unbanned you or did you simply make a new account to troll again?
---In [email protected], <aldric.strickland88@... wrote :

Ok so I am going into to start a few series. First I'm going to start with Hitler. Then move on the Christianity and Islam. Lastly I will take on Satanism. So there will be quite a few exciting chapters. We will start with National Socialism. 
Now, it has come to my awareness that when it comes to what we know is true. Most do not educate themselves in the slightest. They just believe and follow. The people of the JOS the enemy brings up in arguements. Then there are those that kinda know but do not fully know. Either way most have one thing in common, they hate controversy.
Instead of falling back on knowledge, they resort to insults because truth be known they can not handle the arguement. So I am going to take on the role of the critic. I will challenge and I will probe. There is no need to defeat me as I am Dedicated. So I challenge you too really use your brains. Dig deep and research. Don't just confront and yell out because we're right. Give me solid answers. If you cannot give me solid answers, just admit you don't know everything. I do not know everything and there are things I intend to learn from doing this. 
Okay, so you all claim to be National Socilaists. What does the word National Socialist mean? Is it different from just socialist? Was it created by Adolf Hitler? 
 What is the premise of a NAtional Socialist Governement? 
 How do they make decisions? How does the rank system work? How does the currency work?  Is there welfare? If so how does it work?  Is there health Care? If so how does it work? 
 What was Hitlers System? How did it impact Germany? Did it make things better or worse? How so? 
Okay, believe it or not this is all just one question. This I just the start of probing into National Socialism. So I challenge all of you to answer these questions. 

Aldric have you read this article? I'm sure you have. I'm sure alot of the members here have.http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwa ... ing_NS.pdf

I am not taking sides but from your replies to Fourthreich, you have been a little aggressive and at a fault. Its all about the delivery of the response and you do have a tendency of replying a certain way that can be seen negatively. From the questions you have asked, you seem to not know enough about it, and that's fine but Fourth Reich appears confident enough in his knowledge of NS and he has directed you to an article or two. He also has not been rude or aggressive like you have been in this thread. Only because he felt that you started it.

This conversation doesn't have to be all about challenging anyone nor does it have to take an ugly turn where we end up disliking each other all because of a disagreement. Its all about learning from each other and admitting fault or mistake.

We all should teach ourselves and learn from each other but FourthReich does seem to be competent in his knowledge of NS and he has demonstrated it. Many members have.

Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Monday, February 1, 2016 2:05 AM, "fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Go to the forums, read my article titled 'Communism vs. Socialism'.
Adolf Hitler and his generals made decisions, but of course Hitler had the biger say. Decisions were !made in accordance to the The Gods.
National Socialism is a political manifestation of Satanism. Yes it is different than Socialism, as even though Socialism is a gentle ideology, it only works fully when paired with Nationalism.
In truth, rank was only used in the inner and influential leader ship of the NSDAP. You can feel free to research that yourself.
Yes, there was welfare, that did not work like charities. Hitler said "German people, help yourself! Every body must help! Weather you are rich or poor you must bare in mind....
You idiot, national Socialism was Hitler's system. Yes it impaced Germany, by reducing unemployment and crime rates to 0, significantly reducing Germanys handicapped population, make Germany self sufficient etc..
Social welfare, economics, currency and healthcare are far to lenght topics,and in fact it's atopic which I plan to write about soon. It's not that I don't know them, its just I don't have time ATM to argue with trolls and and retards such as yourself.
I thought you were banned?, who unbanned you or did you simply make a new account to troll again?
---In [email protected], <aldric.strickland88@... wrote :

Ok so I am going into to start a few series. First I'm going to start with Hitler. Then move on the Christianity and Islam. Lastly I will take on Satanism. So there will be quite a few exciting chapters. We will start with National Socialism. 
Now, it has come to my awareness that when it comes to what we know is true. Most do not educate themselves in the slightest. They just believe and follow. The people of the JOS the enemy brings up in arguements. Then there are those that kinda know but do not fully know. Either way most have one thing in common, they hate controversy.
Instead of falling back on knowledge, they resort to insults because truth be known they can not handle the arguement. So I am going to take on the role of the critic. I will challenge and I will probe. There is no need to defeat me as I am Dedicated. So I challenge you too really use your brains. Dig deep and research. Don't just confront and yell out because we're right. Give me solid answers. If you cannot give me solid answers, just admit you don't know everything. I do not know everything and there are things I intend to learn from doing this. 
Okay, so you all claim to be National Socilaists. What does the word National Socialist mean? Is it different from just socialist? Was it created by Adolf Hitler? 
 What is the premise of a NAtional Socialist Governement? 
 How do they make decisions? How does the rank system work? How does the currency work?  Is there welfare? If so how does it work?  Is there health Care? If so how does it work? 
 What was Hitlers System? How did it impact Germany? Did it make things better or worse? How so? 
Okay, believe it or not this is all just one question. This I just the start of probing into National Socialism. So I challenge all of you to answer these questions. 

I agree completely with you Brother Fourthreich. 
This "aldric" member has been caught sending troll messages before, and by the way "aldric", there is no need to insult him. Given your track record of grade A troll-ness, you should be insulted, not him.  

By the way, Fourthreich has done a tremendous amount of work for National Socialism, to the point where the Powers of Hell took notice. So. yeah. Shut up. 
On 1 Feb 2016, at 04:04, Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
<td val[/IMG]I clearly proves you wrong and gave you reference to aldolf Hitler's 1920s speechs.
So yes I did prove my point.

To yes I taught you, but rather than accepting it you get a little tantrum.

Please tell me where in my response I got mad and insulted you? I merely stated facts. It's you who insulted me which justifies what I have said below.

You see, I am not debating, as debating occurs when one side thinks their are right and another thinks they are wrong and they eventually comes to a conclusion who is right. However, you are clearly wrong and I am clearly right.

Aldric, please don't tell me to grow up, I'm not the princess who can't take someone correcting me when I am wrong. And if you want to call yourself 'a fucking dumbass' I don't blame you. Don't go back to insulting members for no reason, that never ended well for you.[/TD]
From: aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 2:20:48 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 

You pointed out his speech but didn't provide evidence supporting that claim is what aldric said.
"Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence"

He never insulted you, rather just tried to prove a point.

"It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you."

I admit if he phrased it better it wouldn't come off as insulting.

---In [email protected], <fourth_reich666@... wrote :

<td val[/IMG]I clearly proves you wrong and gave you reference to aldolf Hitler's 1920s speechs.
So yes I did prove my point.

To yes I taught you, but rather than accepting it you get a little tantrum.

Please tell me where in my response I got mad and insulted you? I merely stated facts. It's you who insulted me which justifies what I have said below.

You see, I am not debating, as debating occurs when one side thinks their are right and another thinks they are wrong and they eventually comes to a conclusion who is right. However, you are clearly wrong and I am clearly right.

Aldric, please don't tell me to grow up, I'm not the princess who can't take someone correcting me when I am wrong. And if you want to call yourself 'a fucking dumbass' I don't blame you. Don't go back to insulting members for no reason, that never ended well for you.[/TD]
From: aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 2:20:48 AM

<td val[/IMG]  Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 

To aldric.

I would take you up on this but I actually am fairly knowledgeable on this subject of "National Socialism"
Perhaps I should take a gander at the JoS link for the book in Satan's Libary to learn more about it.

I am going to state something btw, you dont really seem to be putting up reasonable point with your post. Are your asking for people to tell argue with you with sources and you will pull reasonable sources that falsify that information (fake too)? Or just to see whether people can pull a good argument from their asses to see if their even worthy enough to argue?
I agree with LivingforSatan, I won't take any sides. However, @fourthreich I believe Aldric was hoping you had some specific references? Just saying a speech in the 1920s, while narrowing it down, does not necessarily count as a reference for I am sure Hitler gave MANY speeches during that time. If you could provide a specific speech then I believe Aldric (and myself, for I am curious) would be satisfied
Unlike Christian and Mudslime programs, where one is told to “have faith” and not to ask questions, Satan encourages intelligence, inquiry, and SATAN GIVES ANSWERS. Always remember that no deception, no scam, no swindle or victimization can take place when the intended victim KNOWS AND HAS KNOWLEDGE. KNOWLEDGE IS THE FOUNDATION OF SATANISM! - Maxine
If someone says I don't believe the Hitler speeches are accurate. It is then our responsibility to learn German and decipher them. Not denounce them as a blasphemer.  Imagine your a scientist and you have some fossils or maybe some ancient texts in a dead language. The responsibility lies on the scientist to adapt and become smarter. Not call everyone a witch or a Jew who doesn't believe. The responsibility is on us, to adapt and become more effective. 
 If we were really that good. I would have had 150 articles posted by this point. We would have brought up all the evidence and enjoyed, yes I say enjoyed reviewing it. I want to do this, because it sounds fun. Should we all not love learning together? If Maxine or Don or Jake were to be apart of this conversation they would have posted so much evidence and articles I would be reading from until the end of the year. It is of no fault to them, that the people of this group refuse to think. 
 I am not going to allow fourth reich or anyone to turn this into a fight. All you have is empty words on a screen. You have no power. I will continue on with what I made this topic for. I encourage all those who enjoy intellectualism to join me as well. 

Now that was a lot better then you have been doing. You idiot why are you here to troll the groups asking questions about Hitler? Right so now I challenge you to evaluate that statement. If I am not here and your alone on a yahoo group does that give you security in yourself? 
 Seriously, I have been watching atheist videos and how they score Christians without trying. I have seen a couple holocaust deniers, some that were historians do the same thing. I want to be able to have full confidence in both, that I can take on whoever without a problem. I also challenge my brothers and sisters to learn with me. So, that we shouldn't be scared! Are you kidding me, we should be so versed that when the time comes we can debate hardcore without trying. 
  Now with you, you claim to be the greatest the group has. The one who has done all the work on national Socialism and yet you have failed to provide me with articles of information in which I could read. Instead you wish to call me names and act like a child. Which really doesn't effect me at all. If you want to take the next few months and post here everyday, your an idiot! Stupid mother fucker! You piece of shit! Then you are free to do so. Or my favorite, which I'm sure you will resort too. Since I make you uncomfortable and ask questions, you dirty nasty fucking kike. Haha because pulling the Jew card ends all arguments here. 
 Yes because I'm suddenly a Jew because I ask questions. Questions which by the way! I am not doubting that Christianity is not a lie. Questions which by the way! I know there was no holocaust and Hitlers was the good guy. You act like a Puritan Christian who gets shown for his ignorance, your a witch!! Cast the unbeliever in the fire!! I am not trying to break you down. I am trying to make you better!!
 The only thing I wish for you, is to be more effective. I have learned tremendous ways to destroy Christianity. Now I wish to learn about National Socialism and I get called an idiot for trying to do so, by probably some little child with an ego from here to Canada. i believe the book I read was life of a leader. I am narrowing down on it, but I have to read the whole book again. I think I know what your talking about on hitler saying that. But soooo? I think I know hitler said that. See I'm right! And everyone stays in ignorance. 
  Instead you show me your evidence and I will show you mine. Then if it contradicts we will ask, why does it contradict? Do they mean it in a different way. The truth does not fear inspection, little boys do. 
This shit needs to stop right fucking now. Do you see this? Members attacking each other? THIS IS THE ENEMY! They are fucking with us, trying to sow seeds of fear, distrust and hatred between us. We cannot allow them to reap this! So please, stop this fighting. Why can't we just have a nice conversation about this? Now Sami, you obviously don't know who Aldric is, he is not a troll, he is a dedicated brother who has been an SS for very long. Fourth Reich has helped a great deal with stockpiling National Socialist material. Fighting internally will only hurt us in the long run. Thinking, "Well, I remember Aldric said 'blah blah' on the groups and now I don't trust him." Is thinking thoughts that THE ENEMY are putting in your head! 
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 31, 2016, at 23:19, "Sami Abbas samiabbas66@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I agree completely with you Brother Fourthreich. 
This "aldric" member has been caught sending troll messages before, and by the way "aldric", there is no need to insult him. Given your track record of grade A troll-ness, you should be insulted, not him.  

By the way, Fourthreich has done a tremendous amount of work for National Socialism, to the point where the Powers of Hell took notice. So. yeah. Shut up. 
On 1 Feb 2016, at 04:04, Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

<td val[/IMG]I clearly proves you wrong and gave you reference to aldolf Hitler's 1920s speechs.
So yes I did prove my point.

To yes I taught you, but rather than accepting it you get a little tantrum.

Please tell me where in my response I got mad and insulted you? I merely stated facts. It's you who insulted me which justifies what I have said below.

You see, I am not debating, as debating occurs when one side thinks their are right and another thinks they are wrong and they eventually comes to a conclusion who is right. However, you are clearly wrong and I am clearly right.

Aldric, please don't tell me to grow up, I'm not the princess who can't take someone correcting me when I am wrong. And if you want to call yourself 'a fucking dumbass' I don't blame you. Don't go back to insulting members for no reason, that never ended well for you.[/TD]
From: aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 2:20:48 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 

Everyone is right at this point. Its all a matter of being respectful to one another. We can end this thread now. We all need to maintain unity and understanding. The past Mercury retrograde has had an effect on all of us to a certain degree as well as enemy interference as was said.

Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Monday, February 1, 2016 4:27 PM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  This shit needs to stop right fucking now. Do you see this? Members attacking each other? THIS IS THE ENEMY! They are fucking with us, trying to sow seeds of fear, distrust and hatred between us. We cannot allow them to reap this! So please, stop this fighting. Why can't we just have a nice conversation about this? Now Sami, you obviously don't know who Aldric is, he is not a troll, he is a dedicated brother who has been an SS for very long. Fourth Reich has helped a great deal with stockpiling National Socialist material. Fighting internally will only hurt us in the long run. Thinking, "Well, I remember Aldric said 'blah blah' on the groups and now I don't trust him." Is thinking thoughts that THE ENEMY are putting in your head! 
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 31, 2016, at 23:19, "Sami Abbas samiabbas66@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I agree completely with you Brother Fourthreich. 
This "aldric" member has been caught sending troll messages before, and by the way "aldric", there is no need to insult him. Given your track record of grade A troll-ness, you should be insulted, not him.  

By the way, Fourthreich has done a tremendous amount of work for National Socialism, to the point where the Powers of Hell took notice. So. yeah. Shut up. 
On 1 Feb 2016, at 04:04, Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]I clearly proves you wrong and gave you reference to aldolf Hitler's 1920s speechs.
So yes I did prove my point.

To yes I taught you, but rather than accepting it you get a little tantrum.

Please tell me where in my response I got mad and insulted you? I merely stated facts. It's you who insulted me which justifies what I have said below.

You see, I am not debating, as debating occurs when one side thinks their are right and another thinks they are wrong and they eventually comes to a conclusion who is right. However, you are clearly wrong and I am clearly right.

Aldric, please don't tell me to grow up, I'm not the princess who can't take someone correcting me when I am wrong. And if you want to call yourself 'a fucking dumbass' I don't blame you. Don't go back to insulting members for no reason, that never ended well for you.[/TD]
From: aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 2:20:48 AM

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]   Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 



From: Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: [email protected] <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 9:38:13 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Everyone is right at this point. Its all a matter of being respectful to one another. We can end this thread now. We all need to maintain unity and understanding. The past Mercury retrograde has had an effect on all of us to a certain degree as well as enemy interference as was said.

Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannon https://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatan https://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Monday, February 1, 2016 4:27 PM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  This shit needs to stop right fucking now. Do you see this? Members attacking each other? THIS IS THE ENEMY! They are fucking with us, trying to sow seeds of fear, distrust and hatred between us. We cannot allow them to reap this! So please, stop this fighting. Why can't we just have a nice conversation about this? Now Sami, you obviously don't know who Aldric is, he is not a troll, he is a dedicated brother who has been an SS for very long. Fourth Reich has helped a great deal with stockpiling National Socialist material. Fighting internally will only hurt us in the long run. Thinking, "Well, I remember Aldric said 'blah blah' on the groups and now I don't trust him." Is thinking thoughts that THE ENEMY are putting in your head! 
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 31, 2016, at 23:19, "Sa[/IMG]sa[/IMG] [email protected] wrote:

  I agree completely with you Brother Fourthreich. 
This "aldric" member has been caught sending troll messages before, and by the way "aldric", there is no need to insult him. Given your track record of grade A troll-ness, you should be insulted, not him.  

By the way, Fourthreich has done a tremendous amount of work for National Socialism, to the point where the Powers of Hell took notice. So. yeah. Shut up. 
On 1 Feb 2016, at 04:04, Fourth Re[/IMG]fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" >[email protected] wrote:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]I clearly proves you wrong and gave you reference to aldolf Hitler's 1920s speechs.
So yes I did prove my point.

To yes I taught you, but rather than accepting it you get a little tantrum.

Please tell me where in my response I got mad and insulted you? I merely stated facts. It's you who insulted me which justifies what I have said below.

You see, I am not debating, as debating occurs when one side thinks their are right and another thinks they are wrong and they eventually comes to a conclusion who is right. However, you are clearly wrong and I am clearly right.

Aldric, please don't tell me to grow up, I'm not the princess who can't take someone correcting me when I am wrong. And if you want to call yourself 'a fucking dumbass' I don't blame you. Don't go back to insulting members for no reason, that never ended well for you.[/TD]
Fro[/IMG]aldr[/IMG][email protected];
To: <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 2:20:48 AM

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]   Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 



From: aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 11:56:59 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Now that was a lot better then you have been doing. You idiot why are you here to troll the groups asking questions about Hitler? Right so now I challenge you to evaluate that statement. If I am not here and your alone on a yahoo group does that give you security in yourself? 
 Seriously, I have been watching atheist videos and how they score Christians without trying. I have seen a couple holocaust deniers, some that were historians do the same thing. I want to be able to have full confidence in both, that I can take on whoever without a problem. I also challenge my brothers and sisters to learn with me. So, that we shouldn't be scared! Are you kidding me, we should be so versed that when the time comes we can debate hardcore without trying. 
  Now with you, you claim to be the greatest the group has. The one who has done all the work on national Socialism and yet you have failed to provide me with articles of information in which I could read. Instead you wish to call me names and act like a child. Which really doesn't effect me at all. If you want to take the next few months and post here everyday, your an idiot! Stupid mother fucker! You piece of shit! Then you are free to do so. Or my favorite, which I'm sure you will resort too. Since I make you uncomfortable and ask questions, you dirty nasty fucking kike. Haha because pulling the Jew card ends all arguments here. 
 Yes because I'm suddenly a Jew because I ask questions. Questions which by the way! I am not doubting that Christianity is not a lie. Questions which by the way! I know there was no holocaust and Hitlers was the good guy. You act like a Puritan Christian who gets shown for his ignorance, your a witch!! Cast the unbeliever in the fire!! I am not trying to break you down. I am trying to make you better!!
 The only thing I wish for you, is to be more effective. I have learned tremendous ways to destroy Christianity. Now I wish to learn about National Socialism and I get called an idiot for trying to do so, by probably some little child with an ego from here to Canada. i believe the book I read was life of a leader. I am narrowing down on it, but I have to read the whole book again. I think I know what your talking about on hitler saying that. But soooo? I think I know hitler said that. See I'm right! And everyone stays in ignorance. 
  Instead you show me your evidence and I will show you mine. Then if it contradicts we will ask, why does it contradict? Do they mean it in a different way. The truth does not fear inspection, little boys do.  [/TD]

From: Sami Abbas samiabbas66@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 4:19:25 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I agree completely with you Brother Fourthreich. 
This "aldric" member has been caught sending troll messages before, and by the way "aldric", there is no need to insult him. Given your track record of grade A troll-ness, you should be insulted, not him.  

By the way, Fourthreich has done a tremendous amount of work for National Socialism, to the point where the Powers of Hell took notice. So. yeah. Shut up. 
On 1 Feb 2016, at 04:04, Fourth Re[/IMG]fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" > [email protected] wrote:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]I clearly proves you wrong and gave you reference to aldolf Hitler's 1920s speechs.
So yes I did prove my point.

To yes I taught you, but rather than accepting it you get a little tantrum.

Please tell me where in my response I got mad and insulted you? I merely stated facts. It's you who insulted me which justifies what I have said below.

You see, I am not debating, as debating occurs when one side thinks their are right and another thinks they are wrong and they eventually comes to a conclusion who is right. However, you are clearly wrong and I am clearly right.

Aldric, please don't tell me to grow up, I'm not the princess who can't take someone correcting me when I am wrong. And if you want to call yourself 'a fucking dumbass' I don't blame you. Don't go back to insulting members for no reason, that never ended well for you.[/TD]
Fro[/IMG]aldr[/IMG][email protected];
To: <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 2:20:48 AM

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]   Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 

1. 'NATIONAL' AND 'SOCIAL' ARE TWO IDENTICAL CONCEPTIONS. It was only the Jew who succeeded, through falsifying the social idea and turning it into Marxism, not only in divorcing the social idea from the national, but in actually representing them as utterly contradictory. That aim he has in fact achieved. At the founding of this Movement we formed the decision that we would give expression to this idea of ours of the identity of the two conceptions: despite all warnings, on the basis of what we had come to believe, on the basis of the sincerity of our will, we christened it ''National Socialist.' We said to ourselves that to be 'national' means above everything to act with a boundless and all-embracing love for the people and, if necessary, even to die for it. And similarly to be 'social' means so to build up the state and the community of the people that every individual acts in the interest of the community of the people and must be to such an extent convinced of the goodness, of the honorable straightforwardness of this community of the people as to be ready to die for it.

-Adolf Hitler - Speech in Munich April 12, 1922, http://fourthreich666.com/19220412-adol ... unich.html
Also for fourth Reich you have to remember that some Hitler speeches have been altered by the enemy So you can't really say all Hitler speeches are authentic.
No, once again aldric made this thread with the intention of trolling, living about National Socialism and causing arguments.
Secondly, oerhpas you are not aware that not too long ago he caused a gigantic feud on this groups, formed his own group and started bashing on JoS and clergy? Perhaps you are unaware that he has been caught sending viruses to people?
Ballsdick is a grade A troll.
I attempted to have respect for this character but he instantly lashed out and insulted me, and thus I shall do the same Shannon.
I gave him clear answers to his questions but he constantly refused to take them and insult me instead.
Fourth Reich, I understand how you feel. You have been respectful and clear.Keep up the good work. You are doing tremendous work which is much appreciated by all of us and will help make things easier for future gentiles who come to Satan.
 Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Monday, February 1, 2016 5:30 PM, "fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I attempted to have respect for this character but he instantly lashed out and insulted me, and thus I shall do the same Shannon.
I gave him clear answers to his questions but he constantly refused to take them and insult me instead.

Aldric has been here for quite a while and he has tought so many about spiritual Satanism I'm sure he knows what he's doin..
Aldric strickland has done so much on the groups and many more so I suggest you guys show some respect to this member.
I'm not taking sides but the fighting is useless for our new members who want to learn about national socialism and Satanism.
Wow this is gold I do agree with Aldric though too many people don't give references to where anyone can say this guy said this or that ect.... without anything backing what they said. I was looking forward to this being a logical discussion. But now this topic ended in name calling and accusations because they are butthurt which is a shame.
Hail to Satan.  Have any of you read "Nationalism and Socialism" by Hermann Goring? in PDF files? might get a better understanding. HS/88

From: "taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2016 5:54 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb

  Ok I have read half of the post and here is my 2 cents about this.


Everyone that reads this topic REFRAIN from joining in, unless you are replying to the first and ORIGINAL message of this topic.

Guys you both have said some very rude things and have been insulting one another and it needs to stop NOW. So which one of you is going to be the strong one to stop replying and walk away?

This is an argument neither of you will win at this point, and do you even have any idea what an effect this will have on the other members around here? Think for a moment.

Now this is all I have to say for now.
Good evening,


Aldric do you know better than Fourthreich because you remember you read a thing from somewhere... And he who did a painstaking work on NS, which is in the main JoS links, doesn't know what he is talking about?

You need to sit down and have a little of respect for other Satanists like him who are doing a great job in the NS sphere, and as far as I know he is working with the Powers of Hell like many dedicated SS here are.

He is right, in truth Goering said the exact opposite of your claims, that Nationalism and Socialism are INSEPARABLE concepts. So did Hitler himself and Goebbels. The evidence you ask for are their wrigings in Satan's Library and NS Archive: http://www.exposingcommunism.com

Start with the basic, "Undertanding National Socialism" pdf like HPS Shannon pointed. This "one question" will be solved if you sit and study like we did.

No victimization here you were the first to call him a "dumbass" over disagreeing and hurted ego.

And Fourthreich, Aldric was accepted by clergy again openly, he just needs to stop the bullshit.

Laughs my ass off. I'm not even mad or fighting. He is constantly insulting me, accusing me of things that are not true. All I'm doing is saying hey, less insulting and more showing me truth. I am really fucking shocked right now. Thank you for posting this. I mean this is a sad day for me. Because I am one proud satanist. But honestly, I make a post for everyone to learn together and I get treated like this? 
 I am not intending to insult you. Fourth reich I believe you are doing great work. But you are treating me like shut and I'm calling you out for it and I'm the bad guy? 

Ummm I insulted you???????? 0.0
Okkayyy. Again you resort to your lame attempts. I created the post asking questions to start a fight. So you can't ask questions?
 Yes fourth Reich you were so nice and respectful when you called me an idiot and all that. Look I'm glad for all the work you do. But seriously? I ask a question and you insult me. And I'm the bad guy and your nice respectful guy? How in the royal fuck does that work? 
I hope this crap is over with already. 
The enemy is on an onslaught attacking us, whilst mr. "aldric" is contradicting the plain and obvious while simultaneously insulting a fellow Satanic Brother. 
Really, the groups have been becoming more jewed recently, please, for the sake of sanity, people should just focus on the RULES OF THE GROUPS.

Group DescriptionDescription

For those who wish to establish a relationship with Satan. 

Topics of discussion include: Demons, Magick, Satanic Witchcraft and much more


1. We know Satan and his Demons are real beings. If you are LaVeyan, or feel otherwise, do not push your beliefs here. 

2. People who sympathise with and/or support the enemies of Satan- [The Jews, Christians and Muslims]- WILL BE BANNED! 

3. Blasphemy against Satan and/or his Demons will not be tolerated!

4. If you believe Satan and his Demons are evil, this is not the group for you, find another. 

5. Do not try to push Wiccan or other non-Satanic creeds here. 

6. Do not try to promote individuals, groups or organizations who bash the Joy of Satan. Your posts will be deleted and you will be banned. 

7. Anyone who posts advocating anything illegal will be banned. 

8. Please be polite- flaming will not be tolerated.

Sent from my iPhoneOn 1 Feb 2016, at 22:07, Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

From: Sami Abbas samiabbas66@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 4:19:25 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I agree completely with you Brother Fourthreich. 
This "aldric" member has been caught sending troll messages before, and by the way "aldric", there is no need to insult him. Given your track record of grade A troll-ness, you should be insulted, not him.  

By the way, Fourthreich has done a tremendous amount of work for National Socialism, to the point where the Powers of Hell took notice. So. yeah. Shut up. 
On 1 Feb 2016, at 04:04, Fourth Re[/IMG]fourth_re[/IMG] [email protected] wrote:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]I clearly proves you wrong and gave you reference to aldolf Hitler's 1920s speechs.
So yes I did prove my point.

To yes I taught you, but rather than accepting it you get a little tantrum.

Please tell me where in my response I got mad and insulted you? I merely stated facts. It's you who insulted me which justifies what I have said below.

You see, I am not debating, as debating occurs when one side thinks their are right and another thinks they are wrong and they eventually comes to a conclusion who is right. However, you are clearly wrong and I am clearly right.

Aldric, please don't tell me to grow up, I'm not the princess who can't take someone correcting me when I am wrong. And if you want to call yourself 'a fucking dumbass' I don't blame you. Don't go back to insulting members for no reason, that never ended well for you.[/TD]
Fro[/IMG]aldr[/IMG][email protected];
To: <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Hitler Deb
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 2:20:48 AM

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]   Lol. So instead of proving a point with evidence. You got mad and insulted me? This is exactly what I'm talking about. 
It's always some stupid ego bullshit. I study and know everything. Your a fucking dumbass, you don't know sht. See I'm better then you.
 Does that make you feel better about yourself? Now please grow up and learn how to debate and teach me the things so I know what it is. Thanks. 

Okay you know what this only goes down hill. I tell you what. What we need to do is start at square one and proceed from there. Othe wise things get misconstrued. 
 Fourth reich im sorry for insulting you. Also it keeps spell checking your name, I'm not purposefully trying to say your name wrong. It was wrong of me to act like that. But I felt as though you came on and insulted me from the beginning. Then I asked for proof and I felt you got mad. also somethings I was paraphrasing of what you said and it sounded like I was insulting you that way. 
  You came to me like you are the great knowledge holder and announced that you help the clergy when you were suppose to keep it a secret. I am not interested in pride or individual people. I am merely interested in learning more about national socialism. To say let's end this thread. The purpose of this group is to make posts and learn. That is what I did. If we cannot do that, what's the point of the group? 
 I do not feel like you were respectful to me in anyway. But I tell you what I will give you that chance now. Forgive me and I will forgive you. Because I do think you are a great satanist that has a lot of knowledge. You would be really good in this learning. But you have to post material. You cannot just say you know.
 Also dude, sending viruses? Really? You know people's mail accounts were just doing that back then. I have not the slightest clue of how to send a virus. You way overestimate my technological abilities. Like isn't that extreme hacker shit? 
 Anyway I am dropping this thread. Because I realize it doesn't go anywhere. I will just have to go study myself, because you make me feel like I can't ask questions. I am going to get called an infiltrator Jew who is a hacker now, because I asked for the simple layout of national socialistic society. I thought in my head, people would maturely debate each other with logic. I don't mean to be snide or offensive. But this is just honestly how I feel. 
  I feel like you can't ask questions. Like starting a post on very good questions that you can tell most here don't know. Starts a gigantic fight. I will give you one chance right now, for us to start over. Just answer this one question.
 Fourth reich will you forgive me for being rude and work with me to learn?  
Holy shit!! People have pointed this out to me. It looks like I'm insulting you. I was mocking you as if you were saying that to me!! Holy fuck no wonder your mad. That all came out wrong!!!! 
 I swear I did not mean for that to come out like that. I will give you an example. When I said your a dumbass and I'm better then you. I was meaning you were saying to me. Aldric you are a dumbass and I'm better then You. Fuck.... 
  Nothing I am saying is coming out right. I don't know what's going on. It's like I can't express myself right. I feel like everyone is stupid and doesn't understand me. Then I look back and don't understand myself. 
 I don't know what's going on, so I'm just going to drop this and leave for a while. I can't understand myself right now. I apologize to those I may have offended. I know you may not believe me. But it was not my intention. 


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
