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History/Anthropology question

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
So I've been studying things in the past, mainly early history and pre-history. The mainstream historical narrative is that humans stopped hunting and started planting grains and building structures about 10,000 years ago. In the JOS, we hold a different narrative, that the Gods came down and taught us all these things, and that there was the existence of Atlantis and other civilisations(Lemuria?) that were far older than 10,000 years. Now I wouldn't put it past mainstream archaeology to ignore or explain away evidence for the JOS' version of history, I'm sure money is involved in promoting a certain narrative there but I'm not aware of the details or where to start in that research. But if Atlantis was equal or even above our current technology, I think it'd be impossible to hide evidence of such a civilisation unless there was a massive conspiracy to do so(and even then, how would that be possible?). A high-tech civilisation would leave evidence everywhere, right? Unless whoever destroyed Atlantean civilisation also made sure little to no evidence was left of it, on purpose, to wipe its memory even from our minds. But if it's that case, how do we know about Atlantis at all or why would they allow Plato to write about it? Perhaps they didn't mind it being referenced as a mere legend or couldn't wipe it from our memory completely, and were content with 90% erasure. I've heard it was the Gods who destroyed Atlantis due to a rebellion, but apparently, Atlantis also destroyed itself with tech advancement (according to what Azazel told HPHC once regarding AI and development). I guess both could be true. A rogue advanced civilisation gone mad. The Emerald Tablets also mention that Atlantean magicians opened the portals to a realm/dimension that they shouldn't have (the enemy's dimension I assume) which then lead to massive desolation.

Now I'm sure everyone has their opinions on this, but I'd like fact-based answers regarding this. What is the official JOS view on this that isn't classified, and what sources do we get that view from?
Lemuria was a continent that existed in the Pacific ocean. This is the original "craddle of civilization" or "garden of eden" where the white race originally came from. And was the center of the Golden Age Civilization of the Gods. For what remains from Egypt and Greece, they are not where the knowledge and technology originally comes from and these came later as outposts of the original Lemurian civilization.

The events that sunk this continent were from the Younger Dryes Impact (I might spell this wrong.) That people like Graham Hancock study and talk about. This is when thousands of astroids of rock and ice which were left over from the planet Phaeton's destruction, all fell to earth. There also are signs of the use of nuclear weapons at that same time, with centers of large deserts being highly irradiated suggesting that the deserts were formed by enormous nuclear explosions.

But when this ice and rock impacted the Earth, it put enormous pressure on the Earth's crust. And the largest impact must have been on the Lemurian continent, because this whole continent sunk and fell under the ocean. Around the edges of this plate collapsing, the Himalayas and Andes mountain ranges were pushed up at the same time, and this is why these are the largest mountains in the world. Also all of the ice that fell to Earth caused the ocean levels to rise an enormous amount.

This was really a series of many impacts, they were not all at exactly the same time. This was basically from around 15 to 12 thousand years ago. This is the same impact that caused things like the enormous area in Canada where thousands of mammoths and other animals have been excavated out of frozen mud, where all of these animals have died at the exact same moment from an enormous pressure that broke many of their bones, and drowned them in mud.

Lemuria sunk gradually. It took possibly a thousand years or more for all of it to be under the water. And throughout this time, the people would get on boats and gradually sail to the next land they could find that was still above water. These people came to all locations bordering Pacific, all of the small islands, Australia, Africa, Asia, North and South America. And the local peoples in all of these locations, their remembered history all tell the exact same story, of the white people who arrived on boats from a homeland that is now under the water, and they taught them all kinds of technology of things like farming, city planning, and spiritual sciences. Every old tribe from all locations all around the Pacific all tell this same story.

This was only 15-12 thousand years ago. Our global Golden Age Civilization is much older than this, and is from before all of this destruction. This is what is commonly talked about as the Silk Road, which were trade routes of interconnected cities throughout this civilization, which all shared common knowledge and sciences and knowledge of the gods. These were all the largest cultural centers within different countries, which all were as high as Egypt and Greece. Most of these in Eurasia are now buried beneath the desert, I believe is the Gobi desert.

All of this is when the Gods were living on Earth, and were sharing their knowledge and technology with Humanity, and building a perfected civilization where all people would grow to become gods. There was more than 100,000 years of this Golden Age Civilization, and maybe even 200,000 years. And this is spread over all continents in all of the world, where you still can find their Great Pyramids all throughout Antarctica, Africa, Asia and Siberia, North and South America.

Most of the pyramids in China, Russia, and Siberia have been destroyed by the communists as they tried to hide our history, but there already is public records that they have been found.
göbekli tepe proves the mainstream narrative is wrong. There is a lot of fraud in History/Anthropology, most of the bad information is really obsolete information. For decades the fringe has been saying there was civilizations before the ice age and something destroyed them (cataclysms). The oral traditions states this. Today we have dna testing proving this. Its easy to say something, its hard to prove it and nearly impossible to change establishment doctrine because no one wants to recall all the BS books/papers/lectures/etc. that they made. On top of everything there is massive amount of fraud, financial and political incentives to lie and cover up the truth. Even on the alternative history side of things, we can't really prove what exactly happened only to point evidence for the destruction of long lost civilizations with any degree of certainty.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
