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Higher Self - does it exists, and it what manner?


New member
Oct 6, 2018
Hello all, I don’t post much. But follow closely. Seeing lots of results from our work with the Final RTR. Slacked off like a lame scrub for a while but back to work now. I see some of the HP’s I followed closely have been banished, now working to realign my thinking. I remember a few members touching on this, as well as HPS Shannon. But I don’t know exactly what they meant, as it could have been in a different manner than I am thinking. But does the “higher self” actually exist? And if it does, in which way if existence does it exist?

I am open to all information from all my family, but also
“HoodedCobra666” said:
would be greatly appreciated as well, as he has touched on similar subjects lately like the ego. Just want to make sure I’m on the right path here. I have always felt a nudge in certain directions, though not a psychic myself yet I do admit. It has intensified lately, such as thinking about a problem or long time hang up and then seeing someone or something, or an issue or situation arises that seems to coincide to my thinking with an answer or future information to consider.

I would consider this a gentle “push” by the Gods/Goddesses or my guardian Demoness (though Mageson said it would be opposite gender, I assumed my GD would be female, but again I see he didn’t always speak factually so I am open to correction here as well lol) but I honestly tell you for the last few months I let myself get into a bad spot and only recently realigned myself. So the doubt exists that they wouldn’t be spending their time working with me again just yet.

Any input greatly appreciated. Stay strong and stay consistent, be safe family!
The higher self exists and to have access to the higher mind it is necessary to meditate so you can understand it for yourself, there are things that can only be truly understood by mentally touching them with an expanded consciousness.

I advise you to read these sermons:


Ascension said:

I never knew what the hell he was talking about with the "higher self" nor did I ever understand when he, or I think Jack and Stormblood would mention it (only because he did though if I recall). I personally looked into it and it was involved in a bunch of Buddhism stuff, the enemy mumbo-jumbo of it that really stretches the ideology to absolute ridiculous crap.

It's some bullshit thing that isn't an actual legitimate 'organ' of the soul or piece of the 'self', if anything at it's best it's just an allegory of wisdom but he seemed to be portraying that it is something solid and literal to attain and so do the so-called "ancient texts". It never felt like anything true or legit to me as some 'risen achievement' akin to the kundalini like he made it sound like.

We are as we are in spirituality and already have every tool we need to get to where we are meant to go into godhood. This idea of some 'supreme true self' within us that can somehow be "contacted", communicated with or attained to give us "all life's answers in an instant" and become some all-knowing wise master of the cosmos is complete and utter bullshit. Our true self is nothing more than the soul we are that inhabits a physical body as is presently the case. It is as we are in portrayal, behaviour, personality, composition, make-up, history, past, present and future in the here and now and onward, this is who we are and this is how it will always work and function.

Through freedom and advancement this may only transform in the means to removing hangups, blockages, spiritual problems and negativity that hinders us from our "true self" in that someone may not know they are actually a very positive, upbeat and life-loving individual in their true personality because their soul is riddled with negative filth and blockages that is causing them to be nihilistic and hateful, but that is not how they truly are in personality and demeanor if you understand what I'm getting at. That is still however not some 'higher self', it is simply a soul that is free, healthy and balanced, we work towards this every day.

The notion of some "higher self' is a very largely condoned new age belief in modern day meditators and is ultimately from what I can tell a corruption in concept of the human soul. This "higher self" is referred to as the Atman which in sanskrit means "inner self, spirit, or soul" but in the context they're describing this is something beyond what makes a soul in regards to our sentience and existence. They talk of the 'essense beyond' this that comprises the soul, which the foundation of that is the Aether element for it is the foundational floor to all spiritual energies on the astral and is what enables them all to exist.

The Aether however is known as The All and as The All it is simultaneously known as The Void, it is both everything but in it's purest form as the singular matter it is, it is absolutely nothing. No conscience, no experience, no feeling, no sensation, no vibration, everything equal in cancellation therefore no existence and this is how it is utilized in 'psychic invisibility' to the perception of others because in it's truest form it is nothingness. The concept of the "higher self" Mageson is referring to IS this Atman, and by extension, primary and sole focus on the Aether essence of the soul, not the soul and comprised making of it that allows us sentience, emotion, feeling, happiness and experience, but the essence itself.

Buddhism as it is known largely in present day is a corrupted enemy religion that extremely messes up the truth of spirituality by touching upon it, but twisting it harmfully. Mageson in encouraging this ideology of this false "higher self" was encouraging the focus and sole embracing of this "Atman" which in context is the Aether and by that very essense the void, thus nothingness. Buddhism has a large habit and focus on making people meditate themselves into nonexistence, always harmfully encouraging people to 'become one with the universe' and to 'dissipate into the aether become "whole" and "one"' as if it was some 'beautiful' and 'wise' thing, this garbage glorification of this kind of shit is stupid, dangerous and self-harming.

When one focuses on and embraces the "higher self"/"Atman"/Aether, they are embracing total and complete All of the equal element that comprises the universe. And remember what I said, it is so 'perfect' of an element as the component of all that exists that as it's purest form of focus it is NOTHING. To embrace and focus on this is to cancel out all of the energies that make up your soul, to embrace and "become one" with this void is to systematically destroy and remove your very sentient awareness and to gradually destroy your soul by forcing it to integrate into the essence of the aether, you are literally dissolving your soul. As one continues to do this you will think less, feel less, move less, you will become slow both physically and mentally, you will become apathetic, virtually motionless, you'll want to DO less physically and in time you ultimately become a complete and total non-threatening entity to the enemy and all of this combined has karmic caterings to, guess what... a sloth, his mascot animal.

It's the surefire way to becoming an unfeeling, unthinking and motionless vegetable and oh you'll "become one with the universe" alright it's called no longer existing in any way, shape or entity form, no experience, no conscience, no life, no happiness, no joy, no feeling, and absolutely no you. The enemy would love for this to happen to us.

It is literally spiritual suicide and it is disgusting. Mageson was heavily into Buddhist crap and if he truly on purpose was an infiltrator, it's no surprise that for a community that meditates and would never deem this as negative or something to be stopped, he could only ever be able to really deceive by still encouraging this meditation but subtly coercing it in a direction that is harmful. Glorifying these "ancient texts" whatever the fuck that even is and obsessing people over the "Atman" and "universal energies" to make members think there's some higher glorified achievement to 'becoming one' with non-existence and nothingness.

Why I never clarified all of this before when he was still around making sermons? Because it wasn't blatantly obvious to me how odd and strange it was until I stopped to really think about it in response to your question here. I never cared for his sermons, was never interested, never really read them only skimming briefly or when other members were using them to justify things in response to my own understandings, I chocked this up to simply finding them as boring at the time but I usually find disinterest and a repelling demeanor towards things that are bullshit or have some sort of lining to corruption to it; that isn't to say he never said a real true thing, he'd have to speak a lot of truths in order to get people to better believe the more subtler bullshits that grow gradually over time to sink their teeth in.

I looked up about the Atman and the stuff he was talking about back then too and still saw it was bullshit and never trusted it, I'm usually repelled or disgusted by things that feel wrong to me in matters of truth, ultimately ignoring it from my knowledge and meditational understandings. But I did this passively and feel quite foolish for not thinking that if I didn't trust it and saw through the bullshit why didn't I see this as something important to mention to the others for what it was encouraging? I didn't really know precisely back then I guess because my understandings of the Aether in it being known simultaneously as nothing and void really never set in until most recently and didn't realize that this focus on the "Atman" and this "higher self" was encouraging the embracing of this.

I honestly don't entirely know, perhaps it just never occurred to me or perhaps some kind of veil was just there in that I didn't care to bother with his stuff, plus that HP title is often a subconscious blanket to one's clarity even if you don't think it is. What's valuable is what's proven valuable, clergy are supposed to be notable individuals in their advancements and understandings to help educate and hold things together under loyalty to Satan, his people and his cause so we can continue moving forward towards our future and advance. There will be those who are exposed or fall short of this responsibility or even fly off the handle entirely but this doesn't mean there aren't those that can be trusted, realness, proof, evidence, sensibility and intuition, there are lots of ways to see clarity in what one speaks.

But one must always know THE CLERGY DO NOT HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS, only Satan does, use your own gut-feeling on what is best to trust and what isn't, do research, experiment and most of all and most importantly advance so you can better learn to know and see things for yourself in truth. The other clergy were looking upon Mageson's posts all the time as well and they never really said anything either about it, so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad in my own non-recognition of the harm it was bringing. In truth I don't think anybody would've believed me anyways which is fine, can't force things as I've learned the hard way myself.

I will stress like I have been stressing constantly many times in regards to how one reads my posts, other members posts and clergies posts, trust your own intuition, if something doesn't sound or feel right in someone's post/sermon to you be wary and trust your own gut-feeling. If you immediately cling to something someone says because you view them as someone who just has all the answers and can do no wrong, then you blind yourself to your own personal judgement, be wary. Stick to truth, hold to truth, hold to Satan like a damn life-line, and you'll be able to tell and see what is truth and what is not.

Satan stands for truth, it is literally in our blood to cater to truth, anchor yourself to such and you won't be so easily deceived.
Ascension said:
There is a basic imprint and "personality" in your soul, that stays the same in itself over lifetimes. It builds the base to what is then your ego and consciousness, which can differ a bit from lifetime to lifetime depending on the planets and of course on your experiences during that lifetime. I would reckon that this imprint is closest to what you'd call the "higher self".

In the course of spiritual advancement, one eventually regains ones past life memories and comes closer to the "true self" or "higher self", because the past-life amnesia is cured.

Also, the Gods are always open to help you and guide you as long as you try. Don't get into bad mindsets like they'd judge you and hate you for making mistakes or having been lazy in the past. Pettiness like this is what you'd expect from low-vibration humans, and not from our Gods.
The "higher self" is literally just a glorified term for the enlightened mind/ spiritually advanced self. Someone who advances and cleans the soul of dross/ negative karma/blockages that accumulated over time will have a clearer and stronger soul. This leads to a much wiser and healthier person as they continue their spiritual discipline and advance towards godhood. The you at the soul that is cleaned and worked on is the higher self which will manifest itself into the other aspects of yourself.
“Zeffire of the Wind said:
Useful information

“Shael” said:
Good points

“Ghost in the Machine” said:
Great tidbits

I appreciate all of your replies! This has given me a lot to ponder. The details I am working out, but the main point seems to be the same amongst your comments: I should be focused on furthering myself and empowering my soul. I will do this and also think about the things you all have said. Thank you again, hoping for many Satanic blessings to you all ;)
Ghost in the Machine said:
Ascension said:

I never knew what the hell he was talking about with the "higher self" nor did I ever understand when he, or I think Jack and Stormblood would mention it (only because he did though if I recall). I personally looked into it and it was involved in a bunch of Buddhism stuff, the enemy mumbo-jumbo of it that really stretches the ideology to absolute ridiculous crap.

It's some bullshit thing that isn't an actual legitimate 'organ' of the soul or piece of the 'self', if anything at it's best it's just an allegory of wisdom but he seemed to be portraying that it is something solid and literal to attain and so do the so-called "ancient texts". It never felt like anything true or legit to me as some 'risen achievement' akin to the kundalini like he made it sound like.

We are as we are in spirituality and already have every tool we need to get to where we are meant to go into godhood. This idea of some 'supreme true self' within us that can somehow be "contacted", communicated with or attained to give us "all life's answers in an instant" and become some all-knowing wise master of the cosmos is complete and utter bullshit. Our true self is nothing more than the soul we are that inhabits a physical body as is presently the case. It is as we are in portrayal, behaviour, personality, composition, make-up, history, past, present and future in the here and now and onward, this is who we are and this is how it will always work and function.

Through freedom and advancement this may only transform in the means to removing hangups, blockages, spiritual problems and negativity that hinders us from our "true self" in that someone may not know they are actually a very positive, upbeat and life-loving individual in their true personality because their soul is riddled with negative filth and blockages that is causing them to be nihilistic and hateful, but that is not how they truly are in personality and demeanor if you understand what I'm getting at. That is still however not some 'higher self', it is simply a soul that is free, healthy and balanced, we work towards this every day.

The notion of some "higher self' is a very largely condoned new age belief in modern day meditators and is ultimately from what I can tell a corruption in concept of the human soul. This "higher self" is referred to as the Atman which in sanskrit means "inner self, spirit, or soul" but in the context they're describing this is something beyond what makes a soul in regards to our sentience and existence. They talk of the 'essense beyond' this that comprises the soul, which the foundation of that is the Aether element for it is the foundational floor to all spiritual energies on the astral and is what enables them all to exist.

The Aether however is known as The All and as The All it is simultaneously known as The Void, it is both everything but in it's purest form as the singular matter it is, it is absolutely nothing. No conscience, no experience, no feeling, no sensation, no vibration, everything equal in cancellation therefore no existence and this is how it is utilized in 'psychic invisibility' to the perception of others because in it's truest form it is nothingness. The concept of the "higher self" Mageson is referring to IS this Atman, and by extension, primary and sole focus on the Aether essence of the soul, not the soul and comprised making of it that allows us sentience, emotion, feeling, happiness and experience, but the essence itself.

Buddhism as it is known largely in present day is a corrupted enemy religion that extremely messes up the truth of spirituality by touching upon it, but twisting it harmfully. Mageson in encouraging this ideology of this false "higher self" was encouraging the focus and sole embracing of this "Atman" which in context is the Aether and by that very essense the void, thus nothingness. Buddhism has a large habit and focus on making people meditate themselves into nonexistence, always harmfully encouraging people to 'become one with the universe' and to 'dissipate into the aether become "whole" and "one"' as if it was some 'beautiful' and 'wise' thing, this garbage glorification of this kind of shit is stupid, dangerous and self-harming.

When one focuses on and embraces the "higher self"/"Atman"/Aether, they are embracing total and complete All of the equal element that comprises the universe. And remember what I said, it is so 'perfect' of an element as the component of all that exists that as it's purest form of focus it is NOTHING. To embrace and focus on this is to cancel out all of the energies that make up your soul, to embrace and "become one" with this void is to systematically destroy and remove your very sentient awareness and to gradually destroy your soul by forcing it to integrate into the essence of the aether, you are literally dissolving your soul. As one continues to do this you will think less, feel less, move less, you will become slow both physically and mentally, you will become apathetic, virtually motionless, you'll want to DO less physically and in time you ultimately become a complete and total non-threatening entity to the enemy and all of this combined has karmic caterings to, guess what... a sloth, his mascot animal.

It's the surefire way to becoming an unfeeling, unthinking and motionless vegetable and oh you'll "become one with the universe" alright it's called no longer existing in any way, shape or entity form, no experience, no conscience, no life, no happiness, no joy, no feeling, and absolutely no you. The enemy would love for this to happen to us.

It is literally spiritual suicide and it is disgusting. Mageson was heavily into Buddhist crap and if he truly on purpose was an infiltrator, it's no surprise that for a community that meditates and would never deem this as negative or something to be stopped, he could only ever be able to really deceive by still encouraging this meditation but subtly coercing it in a direction that is harmful. Glorifying these "ancient texts" whatever the fuck that even is and obsessing people over the "Atman" and "universal energies" to make members think there's some higher glorified achievement to 'becoming one' with non-existence and nothingness.

Why I never clarified all of this before when he was still around making sermons? Because it wasn't blatantly obvious to me how odd and strange it was until I stopped to really think about it in response to your question here. I never cared for his sermons, was never interested, never really read them only skimming briefly or when other members were using them to justify things in response to my own understandings, I chocked this up to simply finding them as boring at the time but I usually find disinterest and a repelling demeanor towards things that are bullshit or have some sort of lining to corruption to it; that isn't to say he never said a real true thing, he'd have to speak a lot of truths in order to get people to better believe the more subtler bullshits that grow gradually over time to sink their teeth in.

I looked up about the Atman and the stuff he was talking about back then too and still saw it was bullshit and never trusted it, I'm usually repelled or disgusted by things that feel wrong to me in matters of truth, ultimately ignoring it from my knowledge and meditational understandings. But I did this passively and feel quite foolish for not thinking that if I didn't trust it and saw through the bullshit why didn't I see this as something important to mention to the others for what it was encouraging? I didn't really know precisely back then I guess because my understandings of the Aether in it being known simultaneously as nothing and void really never set in until most recently and didn't realize that this focus on the "Atman" and this "higher self" was encouraging the embracing of this.

I honestly don't entirely know, perhaps it just never occurred to me or perhaps some kind of veil was just there in that I didn't care to bother with his stuff, plus that HP title is often a subconscious blanket to one's clarity even if you don't think it is. What's valuable is what's proven valuable, clergy are supposed to be notable individuals in their advancements and understandings to help educate and hold things together under loyalty to Satan, his people and his cause so we can continue moving forward towards our future and advance. There will be those who are exposed or fall short of this responsibility or even fly off the handle entirely but this doesn't mean there aren't those that can be trusted, realness, proof, evidence, sensibility and intuition, there are lots of ways to see clarity in what one speaks.

But one must always know THE CLERGY DO NOT HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS, only Satan does, use your own gut-feeling on what is best to trust and what isn't, do research, experiment and most of all and most importantly advance so you can better learn to know and see things for yourself in truth. The other clergy were looking upon Mageson's posts all the time as well and they never really said anything either about it, so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad in my own non-recognition of the harm it was bringing. In truth I don't think anybody would've believed me anyways which is fine, can't force things as I've learned the hard way myself.

I will stress like I have been stressing constantly many times in regards to how one reads my posts, other members posts and clergies posts, trust your own intuition, if something doesn't sound or feel right in someone's post/sermon to you be wary and trust your own gut-feeling. If you immediately cling to something someone says because you view them as someone who just has all the answers and can do no wrong, then you blind yourself to your own personal judgement, be wary. Stick to truth, hold to truth, hold to Satan like a damn life-line, and you'll be able to tell and see what is truth and what is not.

Satan stands for truth, it is literally in our blood to cater to truth, anchor yourself to such and you won't be so easily deceived.

This is very valuable. I always saw being “one with the aether” as simply being able to understand the nature of this and work with it, by my own intuition. It is a gateway to spiritual power and through the aether can come powerful spiritual messages through our gods. Life arises from the aether and contained within is immense power. I call working with this energy “learning how to swim.”

His shit was really difficult to read. I still find it curious how he came about getting some of that info though. I’ve since learned jews do possess knowledge that isn’t readily available to gentiles but we don’t need them because we have our past and our powers.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

His shit was really difficult to read. I still find it curious how he came about getting some of that info though. I’ve since learned jews do possess knowledge that isn’t readily available to gentiles but we don’t need them because we have our past and our powers.

It's literally just on Wikipedia. It's not hard to find lies and garbage in mass common media and then spread it to others or come up with some other mumbo-jumbo garbage that "makes sense" with it. I wouldn't doubt some of the shit he posted was literally just copy+paste from some articles online and he just made it to sound like 'his own words'. Buddhism is a heavily corrupted religion and is no better in it's enemy bullshit subtlety than xianity. This has been warned about.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

His shit was really difficult to read. I still find it curious how he came about getting some of that info though. I’ve since learned jews do possess knowledge that isn’t readily available to gentiles but we don’t need them because we have our past and our powers.

It's literally just on Wikipedia. It's not hard to find lies and garbage in mass common media and then spread it to others or come up with some other mumbo-jumbo garbage that "makes sense" with it. I wouldn't doubt some of the shit he posted was literally just copy+paste from some articles online and he just made it to sound like 'his own words'. Buddhism is a heavily corrupted religion and is no better in it's enemy bullshit subtlety than xianity. This has been warned about.

Yeah, he probably wasn’t one of those Jews who had hoards of spiritual knowledge. Just saying. How lame.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

His shit was really difficult to read. I still find it curious how he came about getting some of that info though. I’ve since learned jews do possess knowledge that isn’t readily available to gentiles but we don’t need them because we have our past and our powers.

It's literally just on Wikipedia. It's not hard to find lies and garbage in mass common media and then spread it to others or come up with some other mumbo-jumbo garbage that "makes sense" with it. I wouldn't doubt some of the shit he posted was literally just copy+paste from some articles online and he just made it to sound like 'his own words'. Buddhism is a heavily corrupted religion and is no better in it's enemy bullshit subtlety than xianity. This has been warned about.

Weren’t there also drug accusations against him, like he hardly meditated and used drugs?

I saw him say once something like “he could drink alcohol every now and then if he wanted to, but he doesn’t because he likes to lead by example” as if he was seriously involved and holy with Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
