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High Priestesses/Priests?

Is not about title . Any of group members can work for Satan on there own
Getting done wts need to be done!
Advance , grow and keep fighting this war!
You can achieve anything you desire if you work on it
Regarless of title.
You work hard . It will benifts you. All matters is choice and
Determination and staying FOCUS
You want something bad enough .you go work to get
Regarless of title..
Satan cares for everyone here ! If only some here realize
What they have inside ...!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Draco Majinn" <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Who cares? That's missing the point of Satanism. If we started calling you a High Priest right now, it gives you no more spiritual power than you already have. And if you advance to the point of becoming a God and never get recognized as a High Priest, that's not going to take anything away from your power.

"You've got to accept yourself as God. You have to realize you're the Devil just as much as you're God, you're everything and you're nothing at all" - Charles Manson.

The whole of life is summed up in those words as neatly as can fit in the English language. Most beautiful sentence ever.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Quick SILVER <tenlisyruf2024@ wrote:

You're far, and I mean pretty far from becoming a HP... As am I and a few
of our members!
Just focus on empowering yourself.young one lol

On Oct 17, 2012 6:25 AM, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:


My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so
if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Reading this just makes me feel like i almost do nothing and i always complain about how much things i have to do. When in fact i have way less. My goal is not to be in the ministry though but to achieve god head. This just inspired me to do more in my empowering and also warfare!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

1. Who decides when a person is an HP?
Basically, myself and the JoS ministry decide who we ordain.

2. How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?
For JoS, to be considered, one should put in plenty of time in the groups, answering questions and helping others. This is what being Satanic ministry is all about.

3. What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?
The extent of the responsibilies is endless. I have much more than I can handle. This is one reason why I haven't been able to revise the JoS website, which I know needs it badly, but I am hopeful I will be able to get to it soon, even if this is only one page a day.

This all depends upon the individual.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature.

I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts are not approved, bitches and leaves for another Satanic group- same shit, all after making a total copy & paste of the JoS website onto some server, claiming it as their own. In short time, the ego grows to where they actually believe they are superior to Satan and can dictate his policies. I know most of you have seen this sort of thing, especially those of you who have been here for a while.

Getting back to the priesthood. This is not fun. It is not for personal ego gratification. It is brutally hard work. At some point, those who stick it out will find they are working for a much higher purpose. Those who are in accordance with Satan's desires and who strongly support his agenda from the heart and soul are the ones who the Powers of Hell work with. I work for Satan and the Powers of Hell. I do what they want. They are always there for me, as Satan has always come first in my life. I give him 100%.

As for my background, I have studied my ass off. As for my experience in Satanic knowledge; this was when I was new to Satanism:

I read everything on the Church of Satan website, including ALL of
the links.
I read everything on the First Church of Satan website including ALL
of the links.
I read everything on the Order of Nine Angles website.
I read everything on the Church Lucifer website, all of Nate Leved's
writings, everything he wrote on "Satan's Playground" "Sermons of
Lucifer" and everything posted on the Black Roses e-group.
I read everything on the Church of Lucifer's website (this one is
different than Church Lucifer).
I read everything on the Temple of Set website.
I read everything on the Luciferian Liberation Front website.
I read nearly all of the grimiores- Key of Solomon, Grand Grimiore,
I studied the Goetia in depth.
I studied everything I could about the Yezidi Devil worshippers of
I read all of the "classics" related to Satan- Paradise Lost, Faust,
Dante's Inferno and others.

In addition, when I was new, I read everything I possibly could on
any Satanic websites I could find.

I also have a strong background in atheism, [I was an atheist for some 15 years before coming to Satanism], having read ALL of
Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's writings (I think very highly of this
woman), and many other books, journals and writings from American
Atheist. This has helped me combat Christianity as most of these expose Christianity for what it really is.

In spite of my low income, every available penny I had, I bought
more books with so I could learn more about Satanism and the occult.
My days were spent in meditation, and study. I also read everything I could on the occult that was available in the public library.

By spring of 2002, I was moderating the Black Roses e-group
for a time as the owner had other business to take care of. Any
time anyone planned a ritual, regardless of how tired I was or what
I had to do, I participated. In March of 2002, a ritual was
performed against the Catholic Church which resulted in the pedophilia
scandals being exposed all over the place. I pride myself in my taking part.

That same month, I opened my Joy of Satan website. I named it 'Joy of Satan' because this was in confronting all of the horror and gore being plastered all over the internet in those days concerning Satan. I had nothing but positive experiences and good feelings concerning Satan and his Demons. Any positive information about Satan at that time was severely limited and christians had control as usual, but gladly, not any more.

I am open regarding the fact I had no prior computer training at that time, no car to use the PC's at the better suburban libraries- the public PCs in the libraries within the city had a short time limit, I knew nothing about HTML, downloading, uploading or anything. I bought books about html and learned by myself, for Satan. I had WebTV back then.
For nearly everything important in my life, I have been self taught.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in public libraries. I worked
on my website day and night, wrote sermons, and articles whenever I wasn't working on my full time job.

I prayed daily to Satan, and did weekly formal rituals. I listened to
LaVey's "Satanic Mass" CD many times and read any available
publications from CoS- the Cloven Hoof, Not Like Most, The Black
Flame- to learn everything I could about Satanism, even though I no
longer agreed with CoS stances on things. Even on my job, I made
sure anything that could be recycled was placed in the recycle bin
as showing respect for the earth is showing respect to Satan.

May of 2002, the owner closed the Black Roses e-group. I
immediately went to yahoo groups (he gave everyone a 24 hour notice)
and opened Joy of Satan e-group. I invited everyone who wanted to
join and started out with under 20 members. I had to be responsible and get
on-line every day, as I do now.

When I was learning, before I put up my website, I was a member in a
number of different e-groups. I worked the atheist forums to turn people away from the foul nazarene- better atheist than christian, I confronted many on different occult e-groups, fighting against spiritual abuse
of Demons. Many occult experts grilled me and were very combative
and rude. I never backed down. I also answered questions on Satanic
e-groups and learned from posts there. I belonged to a couple of CoS groups and after experiencing how rude they were to those who believed in Satan and his Demons as real beings, I left.

I moved to Oklahoma in August of 2002 to be with my husband and
kids. Finally, I had a PC.

In November of 2002, I was seeing a lot of Azazel. He was bound. I
wanted to help in any way I could. I prayed to Father Satan if there was anything I could do to help free the Demons. In December, I opened a new e-group for anyone who was interested in helping me free them. Around 12 people joined. Out of 12 people, only myself, and two others freed any Demons. The other group members were too busy, not interested, etc. The freeing of the Demons took close to 4 months and the energy
drain was intense.

Also that month, I opened the Teens for Satan e-group as I saw how
rudely teens and newbies were being treated in the CoS teen group, and how the CoS denied Satan.

I never expected to be in this position and I have gotten my ass
kicked repeatedly for Satan. I am not a natural leader. My thing is
in the gym, not on-line. Yes, this work is very rewarding, but it is
not fun. The day of the WTC bombings, my son rushed into my room at
7:20 pm. Both of us worked third shift. My days were spent in 1-2
hours of meditation, a manditory 2 hours of study relating to
Satanism, and on-line. I didn't know anything about it until that late in the day. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and wouldn't even think of turning on the TV until I had my work out of the way. Even now, watching a movie is a luxury for me.

Because I was behind in computer knowledge, I took every free
class I was able to at the public library, and I put in a minimum of an hour a day in PC study, whether it was learning more about the functions of a PC or learning more about or new programs to help me in what I am doing for Satan.

I am also well aware of my grammar. It is not perfect. Far from it.
I also spent time every day learning proper punctuation. I dropped out of formal school at 14 and was truant throughout most of my younger years. I was forced to attend catholic school and the energies clashed.
I was invited to join American Mensa in 1994, after I was given a
supervised IQ test. My IQ is well over 150.

I have to put in the time for meditation as well; I have to do
research. It is a FACT that much important knowledge has been destroyed and is missing. Research is very demanding and time consuming.

I have to keep house, cook meals, do grocery shopping, and take care of others, etc.

My entire point here is being a dedicated clergy member is not
Disneyland or just a title. I could go on and on as I have done
much, much more. I work my ass off. I have to work on revising
my website as many articles are old and new knowledge has made them
obselete. I always study on how I can better organize myself.

Above all, I have been SEVERELY TESTED. I have had my share of
attacks. Satan has revealed many of his secrets to me, punished my enemies
and he knows above all, I am trustworthy. I put him first in my
life. I will also tell you the Powers of Hell are much harder on me in regards to meditation and empowering myself because I work with them and for them. I have to be open spiritually, telepathically, and have enough spiritual power to do what I do for them outside of my work with JoS. They have given me other projects to advance their agenda.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'one who is not slandered on a daily basis in the jewish press, is not doing their job.' There have been endless lies and slander all over the internet about me. This comes with the job. There have been attempts on my life; in 2006, someone hooked up a bomb under my car [just oozing with christian love]. Satan told me in 2004: 'There will be many attempts on your life. Some you will know about and most others, you will be unaware of. None of these will succeed, but one thing...they will all know ME.'

We are all individuals. The above is my own experience. I know I was born of Satan. Even in my astrology chart, I have a configuration that has been my destiny to serve Satan and the Powers of Hell. Being sincere ministry is very hard, demanding work, but I will tell you, the harder you work for Satan, the Powers of Hell will look out for you and reward you.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@ wrote:

Did you just come on here to complain? All we can do is speculate because the only person that knows is Mr Don Danko but he didn't give you an answer either.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

I pushed the send button and nothing happened, hopefully it works at this location.

No, Mr Don Danko, whom I respect and who's response actually matters to me because u give responses that actually have reason and that are based on FACT on dipstick-speculation--- it doesn't dawn on MANY here that because they have an opinion, they could be correct or wayyyy off the mark. Knowing that, I specifically asked the guessers and speculators to NOT comment, yet we STILL have dipsticks such as:

Siguard Draconis
Quick SILVER / wisesilence2012

People like these are part of the reason why I don't frequent this particular JoS site--the lack of maturity and disregard for basic commands given via Al Jilwah.

Of course, we are supposed to have patience in directing newbies and those who seek to know into the path of knowledge. . . I have seen and read a lot about many subjects in the newsletters, and in other JoS forums, but because I had a basic question, and figured it to be basic, I decided to ask it here, and it still goes somewhat unanswered.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature. Like a friend giving another friend an opion or guess, and not like someone well versed in the Al Jilwah or our basic knowledge given via JoS.org. This disturbed me, and now I wish I would have saved/reported that, but I didn't. I am the type of person who would never claim a title not rightfully earned or given, and who wouldn't bother to give my opinion where KNOWLEDGE is needed or asked for.

If I have knowledge on a certain subject and I feel compelled to share it, or if I make an observation and feel that I ought to make it known, I do so, but I don't go around repeatedly accusing sincere Spiritual Satanists seeking knowledge or truth of being anything other than that, nor do I give my opinion on subjects where I know I don't know enough to comment on it.

This is Blue Earth, signed in blood 03/19/2012 Monday at 3am

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Has it ever dawned on your brain the enemy can turn people over time and nothing is a fixed bet all the time. The fact is your commenting on something you don't known anything about, like you're an expert on the subject cause you got an opinion.

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:10:16 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?


That sounds nice but really it seems like you have to know someone who's already associated with JoS to make sure you're credible.

If you still think you have to be chosen personally by Satan then may I remind everyone of High Priest Salem Burke, who sold out and then came on here talking about how he does meth.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@ wrote:

One has to be chosen by the Gods. And the more perceptive ones can see who pretends to be a devoted Satanist but is in fact a poser.

So don't bother.

Sad thing, some people here forget the Demons do see them and They may be slightly disgusted by the fact that people who claim to be genuine, use the name of our God (e.g. 'Satan has told me this', 'Satan has blessed me with that' etc.) to make themselves look like some 'holier than thou' and newbs think such pompous behaviour is a Satanic one.

As for you, landi - whenever you have been exposed and branded (rightly so) for trolling the groups, you go into the shadow and return as if you were a Satanic prophet. As I said, you're a poser. Some newbs may succumb to your grandiose style, but... heh :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Your something else. (You)r are inspiring.
Hail Satan

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 7:35 PM PDT High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:

There is something I also need to add to this. We are all individuals and while the priesthood requires a certain amount of study and knowledge, what I wrote of below is obviously not for everyone.

Each and every one of you who serve Satan by helping in the e-groups is important to Satan. Your work is very much appreciated and my heartfelt thanks to all of you.

As each of us is individual, we each have our own different ways of serving Satan. Everyone who is working for Satan is very important to him. There are VIPs in this group who serve Satan, but must keep their identities and workings beind the scene and secret. Some people do rituals. I was just writing of my own experience. The title of High Priest/ess is not easy, but one does not have to do everything I have done to be ministry. I was just writing to encourage, not to discourage anyone. I hope this didn't come off the wrong way.

Just do what you can in service to Satan. Titles aren't always important. I know in the teen group for one, many of you who work that group in giving support and in answering questions are looked up to and respected every bit as much as the ministry. You are all very much appreciated.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@... wrote:

Whoaw. Thank you HP M. D. This was a Eye opener and looks like the path to priesthood is ganna be hard for me to maintain lol. But when I am there. I will take it to the next level lol :) thank you again for all your Hard Work!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:17:08
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?

1. Who decides when a person is an HP?
Basically, myself and the JoS ministry decide who we ordain.

2. How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?
For JoS, to be considered, one should put in plenty of time in the groups, answering questions and helping others. This is what being Satanic ministry is all about.

3. What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?
The extent of the responsibilies is endless. I have much more than I can handle. This is one reason why I haven't been able to revise the JoS website, which I know needs it badly, but I am hopeful I will be able to get to it soon, even if this is only one page a day.

This all depends upon the individual.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature.

I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts are not approved, bitches and leaves for another Satanic group- same shit, all after making a total copy & paste of the JoS website onto some server, claiming it as their own. In short time, the ego grows to where they actually believe they are superior to Satan and can dictate his policies. I know most of you have seen this sort of thing, especially those of you who have been here for a while.

Getting back to the priesthood. This is not fun. It is not for personal ego gratification. It is brutally hard work. At some point, those who stick it out will find they are working for a much higher purpose. Those who are in accordance with Satan's desires and who strongly support his agenda from the heart and soul are the ones who the Powers of Hell work with. I work for Satan and the Powers of Hell. I do what they want. They are always there for me, as Satan has always come first in my life. I give him 100%.

As for my background, I have studied my ass off. As for my experience in Satanic knowledge; this was when I was new to Satanism:

I read everything on the Church of Satan website, including ALL of
the links.
I read everything on the First Church of Satan website including ALL
of the links.
I read everything on the Order of Nine Angles website.
I read everything on the Church Lucifer website, all of Nate Leved's
writings, everything he wrote on "Satan's Playground" "Sermons of
Lucifer" and everything posted on the Black Roses e-group.
I read everything on the Church of Lucifer's website (this one is
different than Church Lucifer).
I read everything on the Temple of Set website.
I read everything on the Luciferian Liberation Front website.
I read nearly all of the grimiores- Key of Solomon, Grand Grimiore,
I studied the Goetia in depth.
I studied everything I could about the Yezidi Devil worshippers of
I read all of the "classics" related to Satan- Paradise Lost, Faust,
Dante's Inferno and others.

In addition, when I was new, I read everything I possibly could on
any Satanic websites I could find.

I also have a strong background in atheism, [I was an atheist for some 15 years before coming to Satanism], having read ALL of
Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's writings (I think very highly of this
woman), and many other books, journals and writings from American
Atheist. This has helped me combat Christianity as most of these expose Christianity for what it really is.

In spite of my low income, every available penny I had, I bought
more books with so I could learn more about Satanism and the occult.
My days were spent in meditation, and study. I also read everything I could on the occult that was available in the public library.

By spring of 2002, I was moderating the Black Roses e-group
for a time as the owner had other business to take care of. Any
time anyone planned a ritual, regardless of how tired I was or what
I had to do, I participated. In March of 2002, a ritual was
performed against the Catholic Church which resulted in the pedophilia
scandals being exposed all over the place. I pride myself in my taking part.

That same month, I opened my Joy of Satan website. I named it 'Joy of Satan' because this was in confronting all of the horror and gore being plastered all over the internet in those days concerning Satan. I had nothing but positive experiences and good feelings concerning Satan and his Demons. Any positive information about Satan at that time was severely limited and christians had control as usual, but gladly, not any more.

I am open regarding the fact I had no prior computer training at that time, no car to use the PC's at the better suburban libraries- the public PCs in the libraries within the city had a short time limit, I knew nothing about HTML, downloading, uploading or anything. I bought books about html and learned by myself, for Satan. I had WebTV back then.
For nearly everything important in my life, I have been self taught.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in public libraries. I worked
on my website day and night, wrote sermons, and articles whenever I wasn't working on my full time job.

I prayed daily to Satan, and did weekly formal rituals. I listened to
LaVey's "Satanic Mass" CD many times and read any available
publications from CoS- the Cloven Hoof, Not Like Most, The Black
Flame- to learn everything I could about Satanism, even though I no
longer agreed with CoS stances on things. Even on my job, I made
sure anything that could be recycled was placed in the recycle bin
as showing respect for the earth is showing respect to Satan.

May of 2002, the owner closed the Black Roses e-group. I
immediately went to yahoo groups (he gave everyone a 24 hour notice)
and opened Joy of Satan e-group. I invited everyone who wanted to
join and started out with under 20 members. I had to be responsible and get
on-line every day, as I do now.

When I was learning, before I put up my website, I was a member in a
number of different e-groups. I worked the atheist forums to turn people away from the foul nazarene- better atheist than christian, I confronted many on different occult e-groups, fighting against spiritual abuse
of Demons. Many occult experts grilled me and were very combative
and rude. I never backed down. I also answered questions on Satanic
e-groups and learned from posts there. I belonged to a couple of CoS groups and after experiencing how rude they were to those who believed in Satan and his Demons as real beings, I left.

I moved to Oklahoma in August of 2002 to be with my husband and
kids. Finally, I had a PC.

In November of 2002, I was seeing a lot of Azazel. He was bound. I
wanted to help in any way I could. I prayed to Father Satan if there was anything I could do to help free the Demons. In December, I opened a new e-group for anyone who was interested in helping me free them. Around 12 people joined. Out of 12 people, only myself, and two others freed any Demons. The other group members were too busy, not interested, etc. The freeing of the Demons took close to 4 months and the energy
drain was intense.

Also that month, I opened the Teens for Satan e-group as I saw how
rudely teens and newbies were being treated in the CoS teen group, and how the CoS denied Satan.

I never expected to be in this position and I have gotten my ass
kicked repeatedly for Satan. I am not a natural leader. My thing is
in the gym, not on-line. Yes, this work is very rewarding, but it is
not fun. The day of the WTC bombings, my son rushed into my room at
7:20 pm. Both of us worked third shift. My days were spent in 1-2
hours of meditation, a manditory 2 hours of study relating to
Satanism, and on-line. I didn't know anything about it until that late in the day. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and wouldn't even think of turning on the TV until I had my work out of the way. Even now, watching a movie is a luxury for me.

Because I was behind in computer knowledge, I took every free
class I was able to at the public library, and I put in a minimum of an hour a day in PC study, whether it was learning more about the functions of a PC or learning more about or new programs to help me in what I am doing for Satan.

I am also well aware of my grammar. It is not perfect. Far from it.
I also spent time every day learning proper punctuation. I dropped out of formal school at 14 and was truant throughout most of my younger years. I was forced to attend catholic school and the energies clashed.
I was invited to join American Mensa in 1994, after I was given a
supervised IQ test. My IQ is well over 150.

I have to put in the time for meditation as well; I have to do
research. It is a FACT that much important knowledge has been destroyed and is missing. Research is very demanding and time consuming.

I have to keep house, cook meals, do grocery shopping, and take care of others, etc.

My entire point here is being a dedicated clergy member is not
Disneyland or just a title. I could go on and on as I have done
much, much more. I work my ass off. I have to work on revising
my website as many articles are old and new knowledge has made them
obselete. I always study on how I can better organize myself.

Above all, I have been SEVERELY TESTED. I have had my share of
attacks. Satan has revealed many of his secrets to me, punished my enemies
and he knows above all, I am trustworthy. I put him first in my
life. I will also tell you the Powers of Hell are much harder on me in regards to meditation and empowering myself because I work with them and for them. I have to be open spiritually, telepathically, and have enough spiritual power to do what I do for them outside of my work with JoS. They have given me other projects to advance their agenda.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'one who is not slandered on a daily basis in the jewish press, is not doing their job.' There have been endless lies and slander all over the internet about me. This comes with the job. There have been attempts on my life; in 2006, someone hooked up a bomb under my car [just oozing with christian love]. Satan told me in 2004: 'There will be many attempts on your life. Some you will know about and most others, you will be unaware of. None of these will succeed, but one thing...they will all know ME.'

We are all individuals. The above is my own experience. I know I was born of Satan. Even in my astrology chart, I have a configuration that has been my destiny to serve Satan and the Powers of Hell. Being sincere ministry is very hard, demanding work, but I will tell you, the harder you work for Satan, the Powers of Hell will look out for you and reward you.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@ wrote:

Did you just come on here to complain? All we can do is speculate because the only person that knows is Mr Don Danko but he didn't give you an answer either.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

I pushed the send button and nothing happened, hopefully it works at this location.

No, Mr Don Danko, whom I respect and who's response actually matters to me because u give responses that actually have reason and that are based on FACT on dipstick-speculation--- it doesn't dawn on MANY here that because they have an opinion, they could be correct or wayyyy off the mark. Knowing that, I specifically asked the guessers and speculators to NOT comment, yet we STILL have dipsticks such as:

Siguard Draconis
Quick SILVER / wisesilence2012

People like these are part of the reason why I don't frequent this particular JoS site--the lack of maturity and disregard for basic commands given via Al Jilwah.

Of course, we are supposed to have patience in directing newbies and those who seek to know into the path of knowledge. . . I have seen and read a lot about many subjects in the newsletters, and in other JoS forums, but because I had a basic question, and figured it to be basic, I decided to ask it here, and it still goes somewhat unanswered.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature. Like a friend giving another friend an opion or guess, and not like someone well versed in the Al Jilwah or our basic knowledge given via JoS.org. This disturbed me, and now I wish I would have saved/reported that, but I didn't. I am the type of person who would never claim a title not rightfully earned or given, and who wouldn't bother to give my opinion where KNOWLEDGE is needed or asked for.

If I have knowledge on a certain subject and I feel compelled to share it, or if I make an observation and feel that I ought to make it known, I do so, but I don't go around repeatedly accusing sincere Spiritual Satanists seeking knowledge or truth of being anything other than that, nor do I give my opinion on subjects where I know I don't know enough to comment on it.

This is Blue Earth, signed in blood 03/19/2012 Monday at 3am

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Has it ever dawned on your brain the enemy can turn people over time and nothing is a fixed bet all the time. The fact is your commenting on something you don't known anything about, like you're an expert on the subject cause you got an opinion.

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:10:16 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?


That sounds nice but really it seems like you have to know someone who's already associated with JoS to make sure you're credible.

If you still think you have to be chosen personally by Satan then may I remind everyone of High Priest Salem Burke, who sold out and then came on here talking about how he does meth.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@ wrote:

One has to be chosen by the Gods. And the more perceptive ones can see who pretends to be a devoted Satanist but is in fact a poser.

So don't bother.

Sad thing, some people here forget the Demons do see them and They may be slightly disgusted by the fact that people who claim to be genuine, use the name of our God (e.g. 'Satan has told me this', 'Satan has blessed me with that' etc.) to make themselves look like some 'holier than thou' and newbs think such pompous behaviour is a Satanic one.

As for you, landi - whenever you have been exposed and branded (rightly so) for trolling the groups, you go into the shadow and return as if you were a Satanic prophet. As I said, you're a poser. Some newbs may succumb to your grandiose style, but... heh :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Yeah. This is encouraging. For me anywho lol

"Life is study, and i love the research :3!" - Kantaro Ohai aka Golden Boy
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 19:35:47 -0700 (PDT)To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
There is something I also need to add to this. We are all individuals and while the priesthood requires a certain amount of study and knowledge, what I wrote of below is obviously not for everyone.

Each and every one of you who serve Satan by helping in the e-groups is important to Satan. Your work is very much appreciated and my heartfelt thanks to all of you.

As each of us is individual, we each have our own different ways of serving Satan. Everyone who is working for Satan is very important to him. There are VIPs in this group who serve Satan, but must keep their identities and workings beind the scene and secret. Some people do rituals. I was just writing of my own experience. The title of High Priest/ess is not easy, but one does not have to do everything I have done to be ministry. I was just writing to encourage, not to discourage anyone. I hope this didn't come off the wrong way.

Just do what you can in service to Satan. Titles aren't always important. I know in the teen group for one, many of you who work that group in giving support and in answering questions are looked up to and respected every bit as much as the ministry. You are all very much appreciated.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@... wrote:

Whoaw. Thank you HP M. D. This was a Eye opener and looks like the path to priesthood is ganna be hard for me to maintain lol. But when I am there. I will take it to the next level lol :) thank you again for all your Hard Work!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:17:08
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?

1. Who decides when a person is an HP?
Basically, myself and the JoS ministry decide who we ordain.

2. How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?
For JoS, to be considered, one should put in plenty of time in the groups, answering questions and helping others. This is what being Satanic ministry is all about.

3. What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?
The extent of the responsibilies is endless. I have much more than I can handle. This is one reason why I haven't been able to revise the JoS website, which I know needs it badly, but I am hopeful I will be able to get to it soon, even if this is only one page a day.

This all depends upon the individual.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature.

I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts are not approved, bitches and leaves for another Satanic group- same shit, all after making a total copy & paste of the JoS website onto some server, claiming it as their own. In short time, the ego grows to where they actually believe they are superior to Satan and can dictate his policies. I know most of you have seen this sort of thing, especially those of you who have been here for a while.

Getting back to the priesthood. This is not fun. It is not for personal ego gratification. It is brutally hard work. At some point, those who stick it out will find they are working for a much higher purpose. Those who are in accordance with Satan's desires and who strongly support his agenda from the heart and soul are the ones who the Powers of Hell work with. I work for Satan and the Powers of Hell. I do what they want. They are always there for me, as Satan has always come first in my life. I give him 100%.

As for my background, I have studied my ass off. As for my experience in Satanic knowledge; this was when I was new to Satanism:

I read everything on the Church of Satan website, including ALL of
the links.
I read everything on the First Church of Satan website including ALL
of the links.
I read everything on the Order of Nine Angles website.
I read everything on the Church Lucifer website, all of Nate Leved's
writings, everything he wrote on "Satan's Playground" "Sermons of
Lucifer" and everything posted on the Black Roses e-group.
I read everything on the Church of Lucifer's website (this one is
different than Church Lucifer).
I read everything on the Temple of Set website.
I read everything on the Luciferian Liberation Front website.
I read nearly all of the grimiores- Key of Solomon, Grand Grimiore,
I studied the Goetia in depth.
I studied everything I could about the Yezidi Devil worshippers of
I read all of the "classics" related to Satan- Paradise Lost, Faust,
Dante's Inferno and others.

In addition, when I was new, I read everything I possibly could on
any Satanic websites I could find.

I also have a strong background in atheism, [I was an atheist for some 15 years before coming to Satanism], having read ALL of
Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's writings (I think very highly of this
woman), and many other books, journals and writings from American
Atheist. This has helped me combat Christianity as most of these expose Christianity for what it really is.

In spite of my low income, every available penny I had, I bought
more books with so I could learn more about Satanism and the occult.
My days were spent in meditation, and study. I also read everything I could on the occult that was available in the public library.

By spring of 2002, I was moderating the Black Roses e-group
for a time as the owner had other business to take care of. Any
time anyone planned a ritual, regardless of how tired I was or what
I had to do, I participated. In March of 2002, a ritual was
performed against the Catholic Church which resulted in the pedophilia
scandals being exposed all over the place. I pride myself in my taking part.

That same month, I opened my Joy of Satan website. I named it 'Joy of Satan' because this was in confronting all of the horror and gore being plastered all over the internet in those days concerning Satan. I had nothing but positive experiences and good feelings concerning Satan and his Demons. Any positive information about Satan at that time was severely limited and christians had control as usual, but gladly, not any more.

I am open regarding the fact I had no prior computer training at that time, no car to use the PC's at the better suburban libraries- the public PCs in the libraries within the city had a short time limit, I knew nothing about HTML, downloading, uploading or anything. I bought books about html and learned by myself, for Satan. I had WebTV back then.
For nearly everything important in my life, I have been self taught.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in public libraries. I worked
on my website day and night, wrote sermons, and articles whenever I wasn't working on my full time job.

I prayed daily to Satan, and did weekly formal rituals. I listened to
LaVey's "Satanic Mass" CD many times and read any available
publications from CoS- the Cloven Hoof, Not Like Most, The Black
Flame- to learn everything I could about Satanism, even though I no
longer agreed with CoS stances on things. Even on my job, I made
sure anything that could be recycled was placed in the recycle bin
as showing respect for the earth is showing respect to Satan.

May of 2002, the owner closed the Black Roses e-group. I
immediately went to yahoo groups (he gave everyone a 24 hour notice)
and opened Joy of Satan e-group. I invited everyone who wanted to
join and started out with under 20 members. I had to be responsible and get
on-line every day, as I do now.

When I was learning, before I put up my website, I was a member in a
number of different e-groups. I worked the atheist forums to turn people away from the foul nazarene- better atheist than christian, I confronted many on different occult e-groups, fighting against spiritual abuse
of Demons. Many occult experts grilled me and were very combative
and rude. I never backed down. I also answered questions on Satanic
e-groups and learned from posts there. I belonged to a couple of CoS groups and after experiencing how rude they were to those who believed in Satan and his Demons as real beings, I left.

I moved to Oklahoma in August of 2002 to be with my husband and
kids. Finally, I had a PC.

In November of 2002, I was seeing a lot of Azazel. He was bound. I
wanted to help in any way I could. I prayed to Father Satan if there was anything I could do to help free the Demons. In December, I opened a new e-group for anyone who was interested in helping me free them. Around 12 people joined. Out of 12 people, only myself, and two others freed any Demons. The other group members were too busy, not interested, etc. The freeing of the Demons took close to 4 months and the energy
drain was intense.

Also that month, I opened the Teens for Satan e-group as I saw how
rudely teens and newbies were being treated in the CoS teen group, and how the CoS denied Satan.

I never expected to be in this position and I have gotten my ass
kicked repeatedly for Satan. I am not a natural leader. My thing is
in the gym, not on-line. Yes, this work is very rewarding, but it is
not fun. The day of the WTC bombings, my son rushed into my room at
7:20 pm. Both of us worked third shift. My days were spent in 1-2
hours of meditation, a manditory 2 hours of study relating to
Satanism, and on-line. I didn't know anything about it until that late in the day. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and wouldn't even think of turning on the TV until I had my work out of the way. Even now, watching a movie is a luxury for me.

Because I was behind in computer knowledge, I took every free
class I was able to at the public library, and I put in a minimum of an hour a day in PC study, whether it was learning more about the functions of a PC or learning more about or new programs to help me in what I am doing for Satan.

I am also well aware of my grammar. It is not perfect. Far from it.
I also spent time every day learning proper punctuation. I dropped out of formal school at 14 and was truant throughout most of my younger years. I was forced to attend catholic school and the energies clashed.
I was invited to join American Mensa in 1994, after I was given a
supervised IQ test. My IQ is well over 150.

I have to put in the time for meditation as well; I have to do
research. It is a FACT that much important knowledge has been destroyed and is missing. Research is very demanding and time consuming.

I have to keep house, cook meals, do grocery shopping, and take care of others, etc.

My entire point here is being a dedicated clergy member is not
Disneyland or just a title. I could go on and on as I have done
much, much more. I work my ass off. I have to work on revising
my website as many articles are old and new knowledge has made them
obselete. I always study on how I can better organize myself.

Above all, I have been SEVERELY TESTED. I have had my share of
attacks. Satan has revealed many of his secrets to me, punished my enemies
and he knows above all, I am trustworthy. I put him first in my
life. I will also tell you the Powers of Hell are much harder on me in regards to meditation and empowering myself because I work with them and for them. I have to be open spiritually, telepathically, and have enough spiritual power to do what I do for them outside of my work with JoS. They have given me other projects to advance their agenda.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'one who is not slandered on a daily basis in the jewish press, is not doing their job.' There have been endless lies and slander all over the internet about me. This comes with the job. There have been attempts on my life; in 2006, someone hooked up a bomb under my car [just oozing with christian love]. Satan told me in 2004: 'There will be many attempts on your life. Some you will know about and most others, you will be unaware of. None of these will succeed, but one thing...they will all know ME.'

We are all individuals. The above is my own experience. I know I was born of Satan. Even in my astrology chart, I have a configuration that has been my destiny to serve Satan and the Powers of Hell. Being sincere ministry is very hard, demanding work, but I will tell you, the harder you work for Satan, the Powers of Hell will look out for you and reward you.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@ wrote:

Did you just come on here to complain? All we can do is speculate because the only person that knows is Mr Don Danko but he didn't give you an answer either.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

I pushed the send button and nothing happened, hopefully it works at this location.

No, Mr Don Danko, whom I respect and who's response actually matters to me because u give responses that actually have reason and that are based on FACT on dipstick-speculation--- it doesn't dawn on MANY here that because they have an opinion, they could be correct or wayyyy off the mark. Knowing that, I specifically asked the guessers and speculators to NOT comment, yet we STILL have dipsticks such as:

Siguard Draconis
Quick SILVER / wisesilence2012

People like these are part of the reason why I don't frequent this particular JoS site--the lack of maturity and disregard for basic commands given via Al Jilwah.

Of course, we are supposed to have patience in directing newbies and those who seek to know into the path of knowledge. . . I have seen and read a lot about many subjects in the newsletters, and in other JoS forums, but because I had a basic question, and figured it to be basic, I decided to ask it here, and it still goes somewhat unanswered.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature. Like a friend giving another friend an opion or guess, and not like someone well versed in the Al Jilwah or our basic knowledge given via JoS.org. This disturbed me, and now I wish I would have saved/reported that, but I didn't. I am the type of person who would never claim a title not rightfully earned or given, and who wouldn't bother to give my opinion where KNOWLEDGE is needed or asked for.

If I have knowledge on a certain subject and I feel compelled to share it, or if I make an observation and feel that I ought to make it known, I do so, but I don't go around repeatedly accusing sincere Spiritual Satanists seeking knowledge or truth of being anything other than that, nor do I give my opinion on subjects where I know I don't know enough to comment on it.

This is Blue Earth, signed in blood 03/19/2012 Monday at 3am

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Has it ever dawned on your brain the enemy can turn people over time and nothing is a fixed bet all the time. The fact is your commenting on something you don't known anything about, like you're an expert on the subject cause you got an opinion.

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:10:16 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?


That sounds nice but really it seems like you have to know someone who's already associated with JoS to make sure you're credible.

If you still think you have to be chosen personally by Satan then may I remind everyone of High Priest Salem Burke, who sold out and then came on here talking about how he does meth.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@ wrote:

One has to be chosen by the Gods. And the more perceptive ones can see who pretends to be a devoted Satanist but is in fact a poser.

So don't bother.

Sad thing, some people here forget the Demons do see them and They may be slightly disgusted by the fact that people who claim to be genuine, use the name of our God (e.g. 'Satan has told me this', 'Satan has blessed me with that' etc.) to make themselves look like some 'holier than thou' and newbs think such pompous behaviour is a Satanic one.

As for you, landi - whenever you have been exposed and branded (rightly so) for trolling the groups, you go into the shadow and return as if you were a Satanic prophet. As I said, you're a poser. Some newbs may succumb to your grandiose style, but... heh :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
When u get this. It will be your birth day. And u will be one more year closer to DETH

So happy anniversary or your birth :)

Note the spelling of Deth is incorrect-it should be Death
I changed it to Deth. Coz I love Dethklok! That metal is like "the shit" as they say.

Hail Satan. And all the Gods of Hell
88Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!From: Raven Lythrum <lilylavycrowley@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 14:54:47 -0700 (PDT)To: [email protected]<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
  3 days before my birthday :)   |

Knowledge is power.
"I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need."~Father Satan; The Al-jilwah
In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi!* Let the name of Satan be exaulted!*
Hail Belial!* Heil Hitler!* Sieg Heil!* Ave Satanas!* Rege Satanas!* Heil, mein fuhrer!* Hail Satan!*
From: "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:46 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?

  I'm going to be starting a daily destruction working against them on Tuesday November 13. New moon in Scorpio. I'll keep at the some working daily to keep those energies going. I don't like waiting but I'm wrapping up some other things first, and I like having the ideal time to begin something big.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

One thing one of our long time members encoraged me to do is energy balls.Every morning I create a destructive energy ball using Hagal and Thourizaz and then I direct it to Satan to use as He likes against the jews.Just one suggestion but I wanted to attack our enemy everyday too so it works for me.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

I'm also in for this and i really like the idea of daily work, especially if it's with a Satanic Rosary. 

Trimis de pe iPhone-ul meu
Pe 22-okt.-2012, la 01:46, Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... a scris:

Lydia and Brian I also want to do something daily like a 40 day working to further awaken Gentiles as well..hmm I feel like I've been slacking off :(

On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 5:46 PM EDT lydia_666@... wrote:

I'm going to be starting a daily destruction working against them on Tuesday November 13. New moon in Scorpio. I'll keep at the some working daily to keep those energies going. I don't like waiting but I'm wrapping up some other things first, and I like having the ideal time to begin something big.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

One thing one of our long time members encoraged me to do is energy balls.Every morning I create a destructive energy ball using Hagal and Thourizaz and then I direct it to Satan to use as He likes against the jews.Just one suggestion but I wanted to attack our enemy everyday too so it works for me.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
Thank you for the definitive answer, HP Maxine D.

I always figured it would be a load and a half to bear the title with honor. I often feel that I wouldn't have the patience to repeat the same things to people who are too lazy to read a few pages from JoS--teen or adult.

I am not here to complain as one dipstick-speculator has asked after I chastised him and others for putting their "two cents" in after I specifically requested to have those that don't know to stay out of it. Some questions ask for opinions, and some require definitive knowledge and facts. This is not a matter of opinions, and I have little patience for those who can't respect that.

I'm a 27 year old Marine Corps veteran, and I am currently working very much full-time as a truck driver. I left getting on the dean's list at a community college and a promising degree in accounting to do what I am doing now.

Now I have freed my mind-space to have more attention to Satan, and our Spiritual Satanic family. Currently, I am using a cell phone for every post and email--the typing is much slower with two thumbs than with a real keyboard. Soon, I'll be able to get a laptop and be more efficient.

I'd like to do as u have done and self-educate with computer-usage--learn to make websites, post audio recordings online, and perhaps audio-visuals.

I would like to purchase all the JoS audio sermons and will soon be able to do so. I have diligently sought knowledge in various subjects throughout my life for about 15 years now. While many choose to over-indulge in alcohol, eating, clubbing, etc, I have spent time in bookstores and libraries, as well as engaging in intense physical conditioning, and much meditations.

When I post, sometimes I leave "a man" after my Satanic name "Blue Earth" because that is mostly what I wish to be remembered as. A man or woman has their moments when they shine, and we all make mistakes--even if they are just grammatical ;) haha

Anyways, I wish to contribute as much as I can to Father Satan and our family. I have bought and sent a cell phone to a Satanic sister in need, whom I was close to. And it felt great. Sometimes I feel Satan wishes for me to share with our family how to be prosperous. I was raised in poverty. I have walked the path of prosperity, but have returned to poverty. Haha. I know I shall rise again--as I am doing so step by step. The main factors are self-discipline and determination.

I wish that our whole Satanic family would prosper in health, spirtually, financially, in personal relations, and in serving Father Satan and the powers of Hell. When one is financially free, u really have the time to do what u like. I like serving Father Satan and the idea of helping other brothers and sisters in advancing in every way possible.

--Blue Earth, signed in blood 03/19/2012 Monsay at 3am

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

There is something I also need to add to this. We are all individuals and while the priesthood requires a certain amount of study and knowledge, what I wrote of below is obviously not for everyone.

Each and every one of you who serve Satan by helping in the e-groups is important to Satan. Your work is very much appreciated and my heartfelt thanks to all of you.

As each of us is individual, we each have our own different ways of serving Satan. Everyone who is working for Satan is very important to him. There are VIPs in this group who serve Satan, but must keep their identities and workings beind the scene and secret. Some people do rituals. I was just writing of my own experience. The title of High Priest/ess is not easy, but one does not have to do everything I have done to be ministry. I was just writing to encourage, not to discourage anyone. I hope this didn't come off the wrong way.

Just do what you can in service to Satan. Titles aren't always important. I know in the teen group for one, many of you who work that group in giving support and in answering questions are looked up to and respected every bit as much as the ministry. You are all very much appreciated.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

Whoaw. Thank you HP M. D. This was a Eye opener and looks like the path to priesthood is ganna be hard for me to maintain lol. But when I am there. I will take it to the next level lol :) thank you again for all your Hard Work!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:17:08
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?

1. Who decides when a person is an HP?
Basically, myself and the JoS ministry decide who we ordain.

2. How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?
For JoS, to be considered, one should put in plenty of time in the groups, answering questions and helping others. This is what being Satanic ministry is all about.

3. What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?
The extent of the responsibilies is endless. I have much more than I can handle. This is one reason why I haven't been able to revise the JoS website, which I know needs it badly, but I am hopeful I will be able to get to it soon, even if this is only one page a day.

This all depends upon the individual.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature.

I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts are not approved, bitches and leaves for another Satanic group- same shit, all after making a total copy & paste of the JoS website onto some server, claiming it as their own. In short time, the ego grows to where they actually believe they are superior to Satan and can dictate his policies. I know most of you have seen this sort of thing, especially those of you who have been here for a while.

Getting back to the priesthood. This is not fun. It is not for personal ego gratification. It is brutally hard work. At some point, those who stick it out will find they are working for a much higher purpose. Those who are in accordance with Satan's desires and who strongly support his agenda from the heart and soul are the ones who the Powers of Hell work with. I work for Satan and the Powers of Hell. I do what they want. They are always there for me, as Satan has always come first in my life. I give him 100%.

As for my background, I have studied my ass off. As for my experience in Satanic knowledge; this was when I was new to Satanism:

I read everything on the Church of Satan website, including ALL of
the links.
I read everything on the First Church of Satan website including ALL
of the links.
I read everything on the Order of Nine Angles website.
I read everything on the Church Lucifer website, all of Nate Leved's
writings, everything he wrote on "Satan's Playground" "Sermons of
Lucifer" and everything posted on the Black Roses e-group.
I read everything on the Church of Lucifer's website (this one is
different than Church Lucifer).
I read everything on the Temple of Set website.
I read everything on the Luciferian Liberation Front website.
I read nearly all of the grimiores- Key of Solomon, Grand Grimiore,
I studied the Goetia in depth.
I studied everything I could about the Yezidi Devil worshippers of
I read all of the "classics" related to Satan- Paradise Lost, Faust,
Dante's Inferno and others.

In addition, when I was new, I read everything I possibly could on
any Satanic websites I could find.

I also have a strong background in atheism, [I was an atheist for some 15 years before coming to Satanism], having read ALL of
Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's writings (I think very highly of this
woman), and many other books, journals and writings from American
Atheist. This has helped me combat Christianity as most of these expose Christianity for what it really is.

In spite of my low income, every available penny I had, I bought
more books with so I could learn more about Satanism and the occult.
My days were spent in meditation, and study. I also read everything I could on the occult that was available in the public library.

By spring of 2002, I was moderating the Black Roses e-group
for a time as the owner had other business to take care of. Any
time anyone planned a ritual, regardless of how tired I was or what
I had to do, I participated. In March of 2002, a ritual was
performed against the Catholic Church which resulted in the pedophilia
scandals being exposed all over the place. I pride myself in my taking part.

That same month, I opened my Joy of Satan website. I named it 'Joy of Satan' because this was in confronting all of the horror and gore being plastered all over the internet in those days concerning Satan. I had nothing but positive experiences and good feelings concerning Satan and his Demons. Any positive information about Satan at that time was severely limited and christians had control as usual, but gladly, not any more.

I am open regarding the fact I had no prior computer training at that time, no car to use the PC's at the better suburban libraries- the public PCs in the libraries within the city had a short time limit, I knew nothing about HTML, downloading, uploading or anything. I bought books about html and learned by myself, for Satan. I had WebTV back then.
For nearly everything important in my life, I have been self taught.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in public libraries. I worked
on my website day and night, wrote sermons, and articles whenever I wasn't working on my full time job.

I prayed daily to Satan, and did weekly formal rituals. I listened to
LaVey's "Satanic Mass" CD many times and read any available
publications from CoS- the Cloven Hoof, Not Like Most, The Black
Flame- to learn everything I could about Satanism, even though I no
longer agreed with CoS stances on things. Even on my job, I made
sure anything that could be recycled was placed in the recycle bin
as showing respect for the earth is showing respect to Satan.

May of 2002, the owner closed the Black Roses e-group. I
immediately went to yahoo groups (he gave everyone a 24 hour notice)
and opened Joy of Satan e-group. I invited everyone who wanted to
join and started out with under 20 members. I had to be responsible and get
on-line every day, as I do now.

When I was learning, before I put up my website, I was a member in a
number of different e-groups. I worked the atheist forums to turn people away from the foul nazarene- better atheist than christian, I confronted many on different occult e-groups, fighting against spiritual abuse
of Demons. Many occult experts grilled me and were very combative
and rude. I never backed down. I also answered questions on Satanic
e-groups and learned from posts there. I belonged to a couple of CoS groups and after experiencing how rude they were to those who believed in Satan and his Demons as real beings, I left.

I moved to Oklahoma in August of 2002 to be with my husband and
kids. Finally, I had a PC.

In November of 2002, I was seeing a lot of Azazel. He was bound. I
wanted to help in any way I could. I prayed to Father Satan if there was anything I could do to help free the Demons. In December, I opened a new e-group for anyone who was interested in helping me free them. Around 12 people joined. Out of 12 people, only myself, and two others freed any Demons. The other group members were too busy, not interested, etc. The freeing of the Demons took close to 4 months and the energy
drain was intense.

Also that month, I opened the Teens for Satan e-group as I saw how
rudely teens and newbies were being treated in the CoS teen group, and how the CoS denied Satan.

I never expected to be in this position and I have gotten my ass
kicked repeatedly for Satan. I am not a natural leader. My thing is
in the gym, not on-line. Yes, this work is very rewarding, but it is
not fun. The day of the WTC bombings, my son rushed into my room at
7:20 pm. Both of us worked third shift. My days were spent in 1-2
hours of meditation, a manditory 2 hours of study relating to
Satanism, and on-line. I didn't know anything about it until that late in the day. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and wouldn't even think of turning on the TV until I had my work out of the way. Even now, watching a movie is a luxury for me.

Because I was behind in computer knowledge, I took every free
class I was able to at the public library, and I put in a minimum of an hour a day in PC study, whether it was learning more about the functions of a PC or learning more about or new programs to help me in what I am doing for Satan.

I am also well aware of my grammar. It is not perfect. Far from it.
I also spent time every day learning proper punctuation. I dropped out of formal school at 14 and was truant throughout most of my younger years. I was forced to attend catholic school and the energies clashed.
I was invited to join American Mensa in 1994, after I was given a
supervised IQ test. My IQ is well over 150.

I have to put in the time for meditation as well; I have to do
research. It is a FACT that much important knowledge has been destroyed and is missing. Research is very demanding and time consuming.

I have to keep house, cook meals, do grocery shopping, and take care of others, etc.

My entire point here is being a dedicated clergy member is not
Disneyland or just a title. I could go on and on as I have done
much, much more. I work my ass off. I have to work on revising
my website as many articles are old and new knowledge has made them
obselete. I always study on how I can better organize myself.

Above all, I have been SEVERELY TESTED. I have had my share of
attacks. Satan has revealed many of his secrets to me, punished my enemies
and he knows above all, I am trustworthy. I put him first in my
life. I will also tell you the Powers of Hell are much harder on me in regards to meditation and empowering myself because I work with them and for them. I have to be open spiritually, telepathically, and have enough spiritual power to do what I do for them outside of my work with JoS. They have given me other projects to advance their agenda.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'one who is not slandered on a daily basis in the jewish press, is not doing their job.' There have been endless lies and slander all over the internet about me. This comes with the job. There have been attempts on my life; in 2006, someone hooked up a bomb under my car [just oozing with christian love]. Satan told me in 2004: 'There will be many attempts on your life. Some you will know about and most others, you will be unaware of. None of these will succeed, but one thing...they will all know ME.'

We are all individuals. The above is my own experience. I know I was born of Satan. Even in my astrology chart, I have a configuration that has been my destiny to serve Satan and the Powers of Hell. Being sincere ministry is very hard, demanding work, but I will tell you, the harder you work for Satan, the Powers of Hell will look out for you and reward you.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@ wrote:

Did you just come on here to complain? All we can do is speculate because the only person that knows is Mr Don Danko but he didn't give you an answer either.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

I pushed the send button and nothing happened, hopefully it works at this location.

No, Mr Don Danko, whom I respect and who's response actually matters to me because u give responses that actually have reason and that are based on FACT on dipstick-speculation--- it doesn't dawn on MANY here that because they have an opinion, they could be correct or wayyyy off the mark. Knowing that, I specifically asked the guessers and speculators to NOT comment, yet we STILL have dipsticks such as:

Siguard Draconis
Quick SILVER / wisesilence2012

People like these are part of the reason why I don't frequent this particular JoS site--the lack of maturity and disregard for basic commands given via Al Jilwah.

Of course, we are supposed to have patience in directing newbies and those who seek to know into the path of knowledge. . . I have seen and read a lot about many subjects in the newsletters, and in other JoS forums, but because I had a basic question, and figured it to be basic, I decided to ask it here, and it still goes somewhat unanswered.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature. Like a friend giving another friend an opion or guess, and not like someone well versed in the Al Jilwah or our basic knowledge given via JoS.org. This disturbed me, and now I wish I would have saved/reported that, but I didn't. I am the type of person who would never claim a title not rightfully earned or given, and who wouldn't bother to give my opinion where KNOWLEDGE is needed or asked for.

If I have knowledge on a certain subject and I feel compelled to share it, or if I make an observation and feel that I ought to make it known, I do so, but I don't go around repeatedly accusing sincere Spiritual Satanists seeking knowledge or truth of being anything other than that, nor do I give my opinion on subjects where I know I don't know enough to comment on it.

This is Blue Earth, signed in blood 03/19/2012 Monday at 3am

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Has it ever dawned on your brain the enemy can turn people over time and nothing is a fixed bet all the time. The fact is your commenting on something you don't known anything about, like you're an expert on the subject cause you got an opinion.

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:10:16 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?


That sounds nice but really it seems like you have to know someone who's already associated with JoS to make sure you're credible.

If you still think you have to be chosen personally by Satan then may I remind everyone of High Priest Salem Burke, who sold out and then came on here talking about how he does meth.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@ wrote:

One has to be chosen by the Gods. And the more perceptive ones can see who pretends to be a devoted Satanist but is in fact a poser.

So don't bother.

Sad thing, some people here forget the Demons do see them and They may be slightly disgusted by the fact that people who claim to be genuine, use the name of our God (e.g. 'Satan has told me this', 'Satan has blessed me with that' etc.) to make themselves look like some 'holier than thou' and newbs think such pompous behaviour is a Satanic one.

As for you, landi - whenever you have been exposed and branded (rightly so) for trolling the groups, you go into the shadow and return as if you were a Satanic prophet. As I said, you're a poser. Some newbs may succumb to your grandiose style, but... heh :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Thanks for that answer, it is true we don't need labels or title ,we just need to join hands in brotherly unity and in the name of Satan and be together growing our strength and the knowledge to serve better in Satan journey. Ave Satani !!! Hail Satan!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Myla Limlal" <limlal8@... wrote:

Is not about title . Any of group members can work for Satan on there own
Getting done wts need to be done!
Advance , grow and keep fighting this war!
You can achieve anything you desire if you work on it
Regarless of title.
You work hard . It will benifts you. All matters is choice and
Determination and staying FOCUS
You want something bad enough .you go work to get
Regarless of title..
Satan cares for everyone here ! If only some here realize
What they have inside ...!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Draco Majinn" <xxrygelxx@ wrote:

Who cares? That's missing the point of Satanism. If we started calling you a High Priest right now, it gives you no more spiritual power than you already have. And if you advance to the point of becoming a God and never get recognized as a High Priest, that's not going to take anything away from your power.

"You've got to accept yourself as God. You have to realize you're the Devil just as much as you're God, you're everything and you're nothing at all" - Charles Manson.

The whole of life is summed up in those words as neatly as can fit in the English language. Most beautiful sentence ever.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Quick SILVER <tenlisyruf2024@ wrote:

You're far, and I mean pretty far from becoming a HP... As am I and a few
of our members!
Just focus on empowering yourself.young one lol

On Oct 17, 2012 6:25 AM, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:


My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so
if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Thank you for your very hard effort and work High Priestess Myla Limlal as well. Gracias

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Myla Limlal" <limlal8@... wrote:

A lot people expect us to be perfect ! I'm doing my best daily to work has hard I can, still some people don't realize how hard this is and they want everything just handle. A lot the answers are already on jos. Reading this posts I'm almost cried. I been translating jos m Spanish , still a lot to do, and people just demand and wanted right away, I work too and I meditate a lot daily , not on top of that I'm almost done w ascending(rising). This s not a easy thing. I get attacks everyday almost. My life is not easy, I'm still going through a lot chances ....a lot personal stuff going on, just got off a divorce, over yr ago,I lost my son....but I'm being strong and moving on, bcz after everything I do is for Satan. I have done squares, hrs and hrs meditation daily, sigil s everything u possible imagine to advance . Still not enough I feel but I m not finish...we all must keep going. When ever I take one break even during one day, I ll get attack! I won't stop serving Satan or stop meditations......I know where I stand and who I'm and where I'm going. Every clergy has done amazing job. I'm very grateful for there hard work and dedication. Another thing I want add here, anyone complain , my English is not that good, however I do speak other languages ,I'm trying my best. I really try my best to help everyone. But people needs to learn on there own at least try other wise they will never grow! I will always try help anyone who needs it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
<td val[/IMG]First off you are very much appreciated for the translating work you do.Many on this group do not speak English and need your commitment to this group and their being able to study.Some could never know the real truth with out your hard work.Very sorry for all your personal trials but as you know we have had many also.I you need anything from Raven and I we are always here for you my dear friend in Satan.Keep up the great work.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: High Priestess Myla Limlal <limlal8@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
Sent: Sun, Oct 21, 2012 3:59:08 AM

<td val[/IMG]   A lot people expect us to be perfect ! I'm doing my best daily to work has hard I can, still some people don't realize how hard this is and they want everything just handle. A lot the answers are already on jos. Reading this posts I'm almost cried. I been translating jos m Spanish , still a lot to do, and people just demand and wanted right away, I work too and I meditate a lot daily , not on top of that I'm almost done w ascending(rising). This s not a easy thing. I get attacks everyday almost. My life is not easy, I'm still going through a lot chances ....a lot personal stuff going on, just got off a divorce, over yr ago,I lost my son....but I'm being strong and moving on, bcz after everything I do is for Satan. I have done squares, hrs and hrs meditation daily, sigil s everything u possible imagine to advance . Still not enough I feel but I m not finish...we all must keep going. When ever I take one break even during one day, I ll get attack! I won't stop serving Satan or stop meditations......I know where I stand and who I'm and where I'm going. Every clergy has done amazing job. I'm very grateful for there hard work and dedication. Another thing I want add here, anyone complain , my English is not that good, however I do speak other languages ,I'm trying my best. I really try my best to help everyone. But people needs to learn on there own at least try other wise they will never grow! I will always try help anyone who needs it.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "landi0623" <landi0623@... wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Great answer brother! I couldn't have said better myself. :))
And Thank you for your sermon H.P Myla, you're right it isn't about the Tittle.. For some time I was wondering how I could become an H.P but with your and H.P Maxine's answer.. Nough said! :)) HAIL FATHER SATAN!!
On Oct 22, 2012 8:25 AM, "loganstryker1" <loganstryker1@... wrote:
  Thanks for that answer, it is true we don't need labels or title ,we just need to join hands in brotherly unity and in the name of Satan and be together growing our strength and the knowledge to serve better in Satan journey. Ave Satani !!! Hail Satan!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Myla Limlal" <limlal8@... wrote:

Is not about title . Any of group members can work for Satan on there own
Getting done wts need to be done!
Advance , grow and keep fighting this war!
You can achieve anything you desire if you work on it
Regarless of title.
You work hard . It will benifts you. All matters is choice and
Determination and staying FOCUS
You want something bad enough .you go work to get
Regarless of title..
Satan cares for everyone here ! If only some here realize
What they have inside ...!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Draco Majinn" <xxrygelxx@ wrote:

Who cares? That's missing the point of Satanism. If we started calling you a High Priest right now, it gives you no more spiritual power than you already have. And if you advance to the point of becoming a God and never get recognized as a High Priest, that's not going to take anything away from your power.

"You've got to accept yourself as God. You have to realize you're the Devil just as much as you're God, you're everything and you're nothing at all" - Charles Manson.

The whole of life is summed up in those words as neatly as can fit in the English language. Most beautiful sentence ever.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Quick SILVER <tenlisyruf2024@ wrote:

You're far, and I mean pretty far from becoming a HP... As am I and a few
of our members!
Just focus on empowering yourself.young one lol

On Oct 17, 2012 6:25 AM, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:


My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so
if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
I would also like to thank HP Don and Jake and all the other HPs such as Vovim and Mac.

Hail Satan!
HP Don Danko, yeah I know it's put in Xian language but it's metaphorically speaking, as Charles Manson is not actually Xian. The only reason I said it is because, like HP Maxine said a lot of people want to be a HP or whatever for the title and people like that never really advance. (I'm not saying Light was doing that btw if I came across as rude) Those words from Manson let us know that titles mean nothing, nobodies approval/disapproval can actually hurt you or make you feel good, you can only make yourself feel good or bad by agreeing/disagreeing with them. It's a liberating way of thinking and considering yourself. To me it is anyway, maybe not to everyone. I can't put things as beautifully and poetically as Charles Manson can so I just used a quote from him. He is an inspiration. Btw I don't believe he was guilty of anything really, I know that's got nothing to do with anything here but I'm just saying that so you don't think I love murder or stuff like that.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Charles Manson ramblings are xian based nonsense as the you used quote proves. Why you believe you're making some important statement with it.....

From: Draco Majinn <xxrygelxx@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 2:43:52 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?


Who cares? That's missing the point of Satanism. If we started calling you a High Priest right now, it gives you no more spiritual power than you already have. And if you advance to the point of becoming a God and never get recognized as a High Priest, that's not going to take anything away from your power.

"You've got to accept yourself as God. You have to realize you're the Devil just as much as you're God, you're everything and you're nothing at all" - Charles Manson.

The whole of life is summed up in those words as neatly as can fit in the English language. Most beautiful sentence ever.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Quick SILVER <tenlisyruf2024@ wrote:

You're far, and I mean pretty far from becoming a HP... As am I and a few
of our members!
Just focus on empowering yourself.young one lol

On Oct 17, 2012 6:25 AM, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:


My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so
if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am simply awe-struck and inspired. I feel like I've been sitting on my lazy ass doing absolutely nothing but I seriously do need to step up the game and this has been like a spiritual kick in the pants that I needed.

I'm also thankful to all the HPs. Wow!I don't even know what else to say but thank you. And, of course, all glory, honor and praise to Father Satan.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

There is something I also need to add to this. We are all individuals and while the priesthood requires a certain amount of study and knowledge, what I wrote of below is obviously not for everyone.

Each and every one of you who serve Satan by helping in the e-groups is important to Satan. Your work is very much appreciated and my heartfelt thanks to all of you.

As each of us is individual, we each have our own different ways of serving Satan. Everyone who is working for Satan is very important to him. There are VIPs in this group who serve Satan, but must keep their identities and workings beind the scene and secret. Some people do rituals. I was just writing of my own experience. The title of High Priest/ess is not easy, but one does not have to do everything I have done to be ministry. I was just writing to encourage, not to discourage anyone. I hope this didn't come off the wrong way.

Just do what you can in service to Satan. Titles aren't always important. I know in the teen group for one, many of you who work that group in giving support and in answering questions are looked up to and respected every bit as much as the ministry. You are all very much appreciated.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@ wrote:

Whoaw. Thank you HP M. D. This was a Eye opener and looks like the path to priesthood is ganna be hard for me to maintain lol. But when I am there. I will take it to the next level lol :) thank you again for all your Hard Work!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:17:08
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?

1. Who decides when a person is an HP?
Basically, myself and the JoS ministry decide who we ordain.

2. How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?
For JoS, to be considered, one should put in plenty of time in the groups, answering questions and helping others. This is what being Satanic ministry is all about.

3. What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?
The extent of the responsibilies is endless. I have much more than I can handle. This is one reason why I haven't been able to revise the JoS website, which I know needs it badly, but I am hopeful I will be able to get to it soon, even if this is only one page a day.

This all depends upon the individual.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature.

I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts are not approved, bitches and leaves for another Satanic group- same shit, all after making a total copy & paste of the JoS website onto some server, claiming it as their own. In short time, the ego grows to where they actually believe they are superior to Satan and can dictate his policies. I know most of you have seen this sort of thing, especially those of you who have been here for a while.

Getting back to the priesthood. This is not fun. It is not for personal ego gratification. It is brutally hard work. At some point, those who stick it out will find they are working for a much higher purpose. Those who are in accordance with Satan's desires and who strongly support his agenda from the heart and soul are the ones who the Powers of Hell work with. I work for Satan and the Powers of Hell. I do what they want. They are always there for me, as Satan has always come first in my life. I give him 100%.

As for my background, I have studied my ass off. As for my experience in Satanic knowledge; this was when I was new to Satanism:

I read everything on the Church of Satan website, including ALL of
the links.
I read everything on the First Church of Satan website including ALL
of the links.
I read everything on the Order of Nine Angles website.
I read everything on the Church Lucifer website, all of Nate Leved's
writings, everything he wrote on "Satan's Playground" "Sermons of
Lucifer" and everything posted on the Black Roses e-group.
I read everything on the Church of Lucifer's website (this one is
different than Church Lucifer).
I read everything on the Temple of Set website.
I read everything on the Luciferian Liberation Front website.
I read nearly all of the grimiores- Key of Solomon, Grand Grimiore,
I studied the Goetia in depth.
I studied everything I could about the Yezidi Devil worshippers of
I read all of the "classics" related to Satan- Paradise Lost, Faust,
Dante's Inferno and others.

In addition, when I was new, I read everything I possibly could on
any Satanic websites I could find.

I also have a strong background in atheism, [I was an atheist for some 15 years before coming to Satanism], having read ALL of
Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's writings (I think very highly of this
woman), and many other books, journals and writings from American
Atheist. This has helped me combat Christianity as most of these expose Christianity for what it really is.

In spite of my low income, every available penny I had, I bought
more books with so I could learn more about Satanism and the occult.
My days were spent in meditation, and study. I also read everything I could on the occult that was available in the public library.

By spring of 2002, I was moderating the Black Roses e-group
for a time as the owner had other business to take care of. Any
time anyone planned a ritual, regardless of how tired I was or what
I had to do, I participated. In March of 2002, a ritual was
performed against the Catholic Church which resulted in the pedophilia
scandals being exposed all over the place. I pride myself in my taking part.

That same month, I opened my Joy of Satan website. I named it 'Joy of Satan' because this was in confronting all of the horror and gore being plastered all over the internet in those days concerning Satan. I had nothing but positive experiences and good feelings concerning Satan and his Demons. Any positive information about Satan at that time was severely limited and christians had control as usual, but gladly, not any more.

I am open regarding the fact I had no prior computer training at that time, no car to use the PC's at the better suburban libraries- the public PCs in the libraries within the city had a short time limit, I knew nothing about HTML, downloading, uploading or anything. I bought books about html and learned by myself, for Satan. I had WebTV back then.
For nearly everything important in my life, I have been self taught.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in public libraries. I worked
on my website day and night, wrote sermons, and articles whenever I wasn't working on my full time job.

I prayed daily to Satan, and did weekly formal rituals. I listened to
LaVey's "Satanic Mass" CD many times and read any available
publications from CoS- the Cloven Hoof, Not Like Most, The Black
Flame- to learn everything I could about Satanism, even though I no
longer agreed with CoS stances on things. Even on my job, I made
sure anything that could be recycled was placed in the recycle bin
as showing respect for the earth is showing respect to Satan.

May of 2002, the owner closed the Black Roses e-group. I
immediately went to yahoo groups (he gave everyone a 24 hour notice)
and opened Joy of Satan e-group. I invited everyone who wanted to
join and started out with under 20 members. I had to be responsible and get
on-line every day, as I do now.

When I was learning, before I put up my website, I was a member in a
number of different e-groups. I worked the atheist forums to turn people away from the foul nazarene- better atheist than christian, I confronted many on different occult e-groups, fighting against spiritual abuse
of Demons. Many occult experts grilled me and were very combative
and rude. I never backed down. I also answered questions on Satanic
e-groups and learned from posts there. I belonged to a couple of CoS groups and after experiencing how rude they were to those who believed in Satan and his Demons as real beings, I left.

I moved to Oklahoma in August of 2002 to be with my husband and
kids. Finally, I had a PC.

In November of 2002, I was seeing a lot of Azazel. He was bound. I
wanted to help in any way I could. I prayed to Father Satan if there was anything I could do to help free the Demons. In December, I opened a new e-group for anyone who was interested in helping me free them. Around 12 people joined. Out of 12 people, only myself, and two others freed any Demons. The other group members were too busy, not interested, etc. The freeing of the Demons took close to 4 months and the energy
drain was intense.

Also that month, I opened the Teens for Satan e-group as I saw how
rudely teens and newbies were being treated in the CoS teen group, and how the CoS denied Satan.

I never expected to be in this position and I have gotten my ass
kicked repeatedly for Satan. I am not a natural leader. My thing is
in the gym, not on-line. Yes, this work is very rewarding, but it is
not fun. The day of the WTC bombings, my son rushed into my room at
7:20 pm. Both of us worked third shift. My days were spent in 1-2
hours of meditation, a manditory 2 hours of study relating to
Satanism, and on-line. I didn't know anything about it until that late in the day. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and wouldn't even think of turning on the TV until I had my work out of the way. Even now, watching a movie is a luxury for me.

Because I was behind in computer knowledge, I took every free
class I was able to at the public library, and I put in a minimum of an hour a day in PC study, whether it was learning more about the functions of a PC or learning more about or new programs to help me in what I am doing for Satan.

I am also well aware of my grammar. It is not perfect. Far from it.
I also spent time every day learning proper punctuation. I dropped out of formal school at 14 and was truant throughout most of my younger years. I was forced to attend catholic school and the energies clashed.
I was invited to join American Mensa in 1994, after I was given a
supervised IQ test. My IQ is well over 150.

I have to put in the time for meditation as well; I have to do
research. It is a FACT that much important knowledge has been destroyed and is missing. Research is very demanding and time consuming.

I have to keep house, cook meals, do grocery shopping, and take care of others, etc.

My entire point here is being a dedicated clergy member is not
Disneyland or just a title. I could go on and on as I have done
much, much more. I work my ass off. I have to work on revising
my website as many articles are old and new knowledge has made them
obselete. I always study on how I can better organize myself.

Above all, I have been SEVERELY TESTED. I have had my share of
attacks. Satan has revealed many of his secrets to me, punished my enemies
and he knows above all, I am trustworthy. I put him first in my
life. I will also tell you the Powers of Hell are much harder on me in regards to meditation and empowering myself because I work with them and for them. I have to be open spiritually, telepathically, and have enough spiritual power to do what I do for them outside of my work with JoS. They have given me other projects to advance their agenda.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'one who is not slandered on a daily basis in the jewish press, is not doing their job.' There have been endless lies and slander all over the internet about me. This comes with the job. There have been attempts on my life; in 2006, someone hooked up a bomb under my car [just oozing with christian love]. Satan told me in 2004: 'There will be many attempts on your life. Some you will know about and most others, you will be unaware of. None of these will succeed, but one thing...they will all know ME.'

We are all individuals. The above is my own experience. I know I was born of Satan. Even in my astrology chart, I have a configuration that has been my destiny to serve Satan and the Powers of Hell. Being sincere ministry is very hard, demanding work, but I will tell you, the harder you work for Satan, the Powers of Hell will look out for you and reward you.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@ wrote:

Did you just come on here to complain? All we can do is speculate because the only person that knows is Mr Don Danko but he didn't give you an answer either.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

I pushed the send button and nothing happened, hopefully it works at this location.

No, Mr Don Danko, whom I respect and who's response actually matters to me because u give responses that actually have reason and that are based on FACT on dipstick-speculation--- it doesn't dawn on MANY here that because they have an opinion, they could be correct or wayyyy off the mark. Knowing that, I specifically asked the guessers and speculators to NOT comment, yet we STILL have dipsticks such as:

Siguard Draconis
Quick SILVER / wisesilence2012

People like these are part of the reason why I don't frequent this particular JoS site--the lack of maturity and disregard for basic commands given via Al Jilwah.

Of course, we are supposed to have patience in directing newbies and those who seek to know into the path of knowledge. . . I have seen and read a lot about many subjects in the newsletters, and in other JoS forums, but because I had a basic question, and figured it to be basic, I decided to ask it here, and it still goes somewhat unanswered.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and their response seemed immature. Like a friend giving another friend an opion or guess, and not like someone well versed in the Al Jilwah or our basic knowledge given via JoS.org. This disturbed me, and now I wish I would have saved/reported that, but I didn't. I am the type of person who would never claim a title not rightfully earned or given, and who wouldn't bother to give my opinion where KNOWLEDGE is needed or asked for.

If I have knowledge on a certain subject and I feel compelled to share it, or if I make an observation and feel that I ought to make it known, I do so, but I don't go around repeatedly accusing sincere Spiritual Satanists seeking knowledge or truth of being anything other than that, nor do I give my opinion on subjects where I know I don't know enough to comment on it.

This is Blue Earth, signed in blood 03/19/2012 Monday at 3am

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Has it ever dawned on your brain the enemy can turn people over time and nothing is a fixed bet all the time.� The fact is your commenting on something you don't known anything about, like you're an expert on the subject cause you got an opinion.

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:10:16 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?


That sounds nice but really it seems like you have to know someone who's already associated with JoS to make sure you're credible.

If you still think you have to be chosen personally by Satan then may I remind everyone of High Priest Salem Burke, who sold out and then came on here talking about how he does meth.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "siguarddraconis" <siguarddraconis@ wrote:

One has to be chosen by the Gods. And the more perceptive ones can see who pretends to be a devoted Satanist but is in fact a poser.

So don't bother.

Sad thing, some people here forget the Demons do see them and They may be slightly disgusted by the fact that people who claim to be genuine, use the name of our God (e.g. 'Satan has told me this', 'Satan has blessed me with that' etc.) to make themselves look like some 'holier than thou' and newbs think such pompous behaviour is a Satanic one.

As for you, landi - whenever you have been exposed and branded (rightly so) for trolling the groups, you go into the shadow and return as if you were a Satanic prophet. As I said, you're a poser. Some newbs may succumb to your grandiose style, but... heh :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur response.

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Wow! Once again, HPS Maxine, my dear Sister...you are an inspiration
to us all! ^ O Great Satan, true Lord of all, I magmify thy ineffable
and almighty name! Thine is the glory and the power, for ever and
always! I adore thee, I exalt thee, I worship thee. I am for ever in
thy service, come what may. Hail Father Satan always!!!

On 11/6/12, Celina <lovingbelial@... wrote:
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am
simply awe-struck and inspired. I feel like I've been sitting on my lazy ass
doing absolutely nothing but I seriously do need to step up the game and
this has been like a spiritual kick in the pants that I needed.

I'm also thankful to all the HPs. Wow!I don't even know what else to say but
thank you. And, of course, all glory, honor and praise to Father Satan.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
<maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

There is something I also need to add to this. We are all individuals and
while the priesthood requires a certain amount of study and knowledge,
what I wrote of below is obviously not for everyone.

Each and every one of you who serve Satan by helping in the e-groups is
important to Satan. Your work is very much appreciated and my heartfelt
thanks to all of you.

As each of us is individual, we each have our own different ways of
serving Satan. Everyone who is working for Satan is very important to him.
There are VIPs in this group who serve Satan, but must keep their
identities and workings beind the scene and secret. Some people do
rituals. I was just writing of my own experience. The title of High
Priest/ess is not easy, but one does not have to do everything I have done
to be ministry. I was just writing to encourage, not to discourage anyone.
I hope this didn't come off the wrong way.

Just do what you can in service to Satan. Titles aren't always important.
I know in the teen group for one, many of you who work that group in
giving support and in answering questions are looked up to and respected
every bit as much as the ministry. You are all very much appreciated.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@

Whoaw. Thank you HP M. D. This was a Eye opener and looks like the path
to priesthood is ganna be hard for me to maintain lol. But when I am
there. I will take it to the next level lol :) thank you again for all
your Hard Work!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:17:08
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?

1. Who decides when a person is an HP?
Basically, myself and the JoS ministry decide who we ordain.

2. How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?
For JoS, to be considered, one should put in plenty of time in the
groups, answering questions and helping others. This is what being
Satanic ministry is all about.

3. What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?
The extent of the responsibilies is endless. I have much more than I can
handle. This is one reason why I haven't been able to revise the JoS
website, which I know needs it badly, but I am hopeful I will be able to
get to it soon, even if this is only one page a day.

This all depends upon the individual.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to
questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and
their response seemed immature.

I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus
Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely
not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts
containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts are
not approved, bitches and leaves for another Satanic group- same shit,
all after making a total copy & paste of the JoS website onto some
server, claiming it as their own. In short time, the ego grows to where
they actually believe they are superior to Satan and can dictate his
policies. I know most of you have seen this sort of thing, especially
those of you who have been here for a while.

Getting back to the priesthood. This is not fun. It is not for personal
ego gratification. It is brutally hard work. At some point, those who
stick it out will find they are working for a much higher purpose. Those
who are in accordance with Satan's desires and who strongly support his
agenda from the heart and soul are the ones who the Powers of Hell work
with. I work for Satan and the Powers of Hell. I do what they want. They
are always there for me, as Satan has always come first in my life. I
give him 100%.

As for my background, I have studied my ass off. As for my experience
in Satanic knowledge; this was when I was new to Satanism:

I read everything on the Church of Satan website, including ALL of
the links.
I read everything on the First Church of Satan website including ALL
of the links.
I read everything on the Order of Nine Angles website.
I read everything on the Church Lucifer website, all of Nate Leved's
writings, everything he wrote on "Satan's Playground" "Sermons of
Lucifer" and everything posted on the Black Roses e-group.
I read everything on the Church of Lucifer's website (this one is
different than Church Lucifer).
I read everything on the Temple of Set website.
I read everything on the Luciferian Liberation Front website.
I read nearly all of the grimiores- Key of Solomon, Grand Grimiore,
I studied the Goetia in depth.
I studied everything I could about the Yezidi Devil worshippers of
I read all of the "classics" related to Satan- Paradise Lost, Faust,
Dante's Inferno and others.

In addition, when I was new, I read everything I possibly could on
any Satanic websites I could find.

I also have a strong background in atheism, [I was an atheist for some
15 years before coming to Satanism], having read ALL of
Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's writings (I think very highly of this
woman), and many other books, journals and writings from American
Atheist. This has helped me combat Christianity as most of these expose
Christianity for what it really is.

In spite of my low income, every available penny I had, I bought
more books with so I could learn more about Satanism and the occult.
My days were spent in meditation, and study. I also read everything I
could on the occult that was available in the public library.

By spring of 2002, I was moderating the Black Roses e-group
for a time as the owner had other business to take care of. Any
time anyone planned a ritual, regardless of how tired I was or what
I had to do, I participated. In March of 2002, a ritual was
performed against the Catholic Church which resulted in the pedophilia
scandals being exposed all over the place. I pride myself in my taking

That same month, I opened my Joy of Satan website. I named it 'Joy of
Satan' because this was in confronting all of the horror and gore being
plastered all over the internet in those days concerning Satan. I had
nothing but positive experiences and good feelings concerning Satan and
his Demons. Any positive information about Satan at that time was
severely limited and christians had control as usual, but gladly, not
any more.

I am open regarding the fact I had no prior computer training at that
time, no car to use the PC's at the better suburban libraries- the
public PCs in the libraries within the city had a short time limit, I
knew nothing about HTML, downloading, uploading or anything. I bought
books about html and learned by myself, for Satan. I had WebTV back
For nearly everything important in my life, I have been self taught.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in public libraries. I
on my website day and night, wrote sermons, and articles whenever I
wasn't working on my full time job.

I prayed daily to Satan, and did weekly formal rituals. I listened to
LaVey's "Satanic Mass" CD many times and read any available
publications from CoS- the Cloven Hoof, Not Like Most, The Black
Flame- to learn everything I could about Satanism, even though I no
longer agreed with CoS stances on things. Even on my job, I made
sure anything that could be recycled was placed in the recycle bin
as showing respect for the earth is showing respect to Satan.

May of 2002, the owner closed the Black Roses e-group. I
immediately went to yahoo groups (he gave everyone a 24 hour notice)
and opened Joy of Satan e-group. I invited everyone who wanted to
join and started out with under 20 members. I had to be responsible and
on-line every day, as I do now.

When I was learning, before I put up my website, I was a member in a
number of different e-groups. I worked the atheist forums to turn people
away from the foul nazarene- better atheist than christian, I confronted
many on different occult e-groups, fighting against spiritual abuse
of Demons. Many occult experts grilled me and were very combative
and rude. I never backed down. I also answered questions on Satanic
e-groups and learned from posts there. I belonged to a couple of CoS
groups and after experiencing how rude they were to those who believed
in Satan and his Demons as real beings, I left.

I moved to Oklahoma in August of 2002 to be with my husband and
kids. Finally, I had a PC.

In November of 2002, I was seeing a lot of Azazel. He was bound. I
wanted to help in any way I could. I prayed to Father Satan if there was
anything I could do to help free the Demons. In December, I opened a new
e-group for anyone who was interested in helping me free them. Around 12
people joined. Out of 12 people, only myself, and two others freed any
Demons. The other group members were too busy, not interested, etc. The
freeing of the Demons took close to 4 months and the energy
drain was intense.

Also that month, I opened the Teens for Satan e-group as I saw how
rudely teens and newbies were being treated in the CoS teen group, and
how the CoS denied Satan.

I never expected to be in this position and I have gotten my ass
kicked repeatedly for Satan. I am not a natural leader. My thing is
in the gym, not on-line. Yes, this work is very rewarding, but it is
not fun. The day of the WTC bombings, my son rushed into my room at
7:20 pm. Both of us worked third shift. My days were spent in 1-2
hours of meditation, a manditory 2 hours of study relating to
Satanism, and on-line. I didn't know anything about it until that late
in the day. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and wouldn't even think
of turning on the TV until I had my work out of the way. Even now,
watching a movie is a luxury for me.

Because I was behind in computer knowledge, I took every free
class I was able to at the public library, and I put in a minimum of an
hour a day in PC study, whether it was learning more about the functions
of a PC or learning more about or new programs to help me in what I am
doing for Satan.

I am also well aware of my grammar. It is not perfect. Far from it.
I also spent time every day learning proper punctuation. I dropped out
of formal school at 14 and was truant throughout most of my younger
years. I was forced to attend catholic school and the energies clashed.
I was invited to join American Mensa in 1994, after I was given a
supervised IQ test. My IQ is well over 150.

I have to put in the time for meditation as well; I have to do
research. It is a FACT that much important knowledge has been destroyed
and is missing. Research is very demanding and time consuming.

I have to keep house, cook meals, do grocery shopping, and take care of
others, etc.

My entire point here is being a dedicated clergy member is not
Disneyland or just a title. I could go on and on as I have done
much, much more. I work my ass off. I have to work on revising
my website as many articles are old and new knowledge has made them
obselete. I always study on how I can better organize myself.

Above all, I have been SEVERELY TESTED. I have had my share of
attacks. Satan has revealed many of his secrets to me, punished my
and he knows above all, I am trustworthy. I put him first in my
life. I will also tell you the Powers of Hell are much harder on me in
regards to meditation and empowering myself because I work with them and
for them. I have to be open spiritually, telepathically, and have enough
spiritual power to do what I do for them outside of my work with JoS.
They have given me other projects to advance their agenda.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'one who is not slandered on a daily
basis in the jewish press, is not doing their job.' There have been
endless lies and slander all over the internet about me. This comes with
the job. There have been attempts on my life; in 2006, someone hooked up
a bomb under my car [just oozing with christian love]. Satan told me in
2004: 'There will be many attempts on your life. Some you will know
about and most others, you will be unaware of. None of these will
succeed, but one thing...they will all know ME.'

We are all individuals. The above is my own experience. I know I was
born of Satan. Even in my astrology chart, I have a configuration that
has been my destiny to serve Satan and the Powers of Hell. Being sincere
ministry is very hard, demanding work, but I will tell you, the harder
you work for Satan, the Powers of Hell will look out for you and reward

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@ wrote:

Did you just come on here to complain? All we can do is speculate
because the only person that knows is Mr Don Danko but he didn't give
you an answer either.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

I pushed the send button and nothing happened, hopefully it works at
this location.

No, Mr Don Danko, whom I respect and who's response actually matters
to me because u give responses that actually have reason and that
are based on FACT on dipstick-speculation--- it doesn't dawn on MANY
here that because they have an opinion, they could be correct or
wayyyy off the mark. Knowing that, I specifically asked the
guessers and speculators to NOT comment, yet we STILL have dipsticks
such as:

Siguard Draconis
Quick SILVER / wisesilence2012

People like these are part of the reason why I don't frequent this
particular JoS site--the lack of maturity and disregard for basic
commands given via Al Jilwah.

Of course, we are supposed to have patience in directing newbies and
those who seek to know into the path of knowledge. . . I have seen
and read a lot about many subjects in the newsletters, and in other
JoS forums, but because I had a basic question, and figured it to be
basic, I decided to ask it here, and it still goes somewhat

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to
questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and
their response seemed immature. Like a friend giving another friend
an opion or guess, and not like someone well versed in the Al Jilwah
or our basic knowledge given via JoS.org. This disturbed me, and
now I wish I would have saved/reported that, but I didn't. I am the
type of person who would never claim a title not rightfully earned
or given, and who wouldn't bother to give my opinion where KNOWLEDGE
is needed or asked for.

If I have knowledge on a certain subject and I feel compelled to
share it, or if I make an observation and feel that I ought to make
it known, I do so, but I don't go around repeatedly accusing sincere
Spiritual Satanists seeking knowledge or truth of being anything
other than that, nor do I give my opinion on subjects where I know I
don't know enough to comment on it.

This is Blue Earth, signed in blood 03/19/2012 Monday at 3am

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@

Has it ever dawned on your brain the enemy can turn people over
time and nothing is a fixed bet all the time.� The fact is your
commenting on something you don't known anything about, like
you're an expert on the subject cause you got an opinion.

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:10:16 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?


That sounds nice but really it seems like you have to know someone
who's already associated with JoS to make sure you're credible.

If you still think you have to be chosen personally by Satan then
may I remind everyone of High Priest Salem Burke, who sold out and
then came on here talking about how he does meth.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "siguarddraconis"
<siguarddraconis@ wrote:

One has to be chosen by the Gods. And the more perceptive ones
can see who pretends to be a devoted Satanist but is in fact a

So don't bother.

Sad thing, some people here forget the Demons do see them and
They may be slightly disgusted by the fact that people who claim
to be genuine, use the name of our God (e.g. 'Satan has told me
this', 'Satan has blessed me with that' etc.) to make themselves
look like some 'holier than thou' and newbs think such pompous
behaviour is a Satanic one.

As for you, landi - whenever you have been exposed and branded
(rightly so) for trolling the groups, you go into the shadow and
return as if you were a Satanic prophet. As I said, you're a
poser. Some newbs may succumb to your grandiose style, but...
heh :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "landi0623"
<landi0623@ wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or
speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
<td val[/IMG]Thanx HP Maxine. The message has come at the right time. Lately have been spreading paper tracts in shopping malls. The message has been www.exposingchristianity.com . normally have been slipping them into clothes,shoes bags,plates,pots and so on. On Tuesday afternoon when meditating a thought came to me asking if this was important to Father Satan. I have the answer now. Hail Satan! Hail the Gods of Duat!

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Allison P <apocalypseofjon@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
Sent: Wed, Nov 7, 2012 3:54:54 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Wow! Once again, HPS Maxine, my dear Sister...you are an inspiration
to us all! ^ O Great Satan, true Lord of all, I magmify thy ineffable
and almighty name! Thine is the glory and the power, for ever and
always! I adore thee, I exalt thee, I worship thee. I am for ever in
thy service, come what may. Hail Father Satan always!!!

On 11/6/12, Cel[/IMG]lovingbelial@... wrote:
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am
simply awe-struck and inspired. I feel like I've been sitting on my lazy ass
doing absolutely nothing but I seriously do need to step up the game and
this has been like a spiritual kick in the pants that I needed.

I'm also thankful to all the HPs. Wow!I don't even know what else to say but
thank you. And, of course, all glory, honor and praise to Father Satan.


--- [/IMG][email protected], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
<maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

There is something I also need to add to this. We are all individuals and
while the priesthood requires a certain amount of study and knowledge,
what I wrote of below is obviously not for everyone.

Each and every one of you who serve Satan by helping in the e-groups is
important to Satan. Your work is very much appreciated and my heartfelt
thanks to all of you.

As each of us is individual, we each have our own different ways of
serving Satan. Everyone who is working for Satan is very important to him.
There are VIPs in this group who serve Satan, but must keep their
identities and workings beind the scene and secret. Some people do
rituals. I was just writing of my own experience. The title of High
Priest/ess is not easy, but one does not have to do everything I have done
to be ministry. I was just writing to encourage, not to discourage anyone.
I hope this didn't come off the wrong way.

Just do what you can in service to Satan. Titles aren't always important.
I know in the teen group for one, many of you who work that group in
giving support and in answering questions are looked up to and respected
every bit as much as the ministry. You are all very much appreciated.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- [/IMG][email protected], "Sasuke" <michaelsshannon986@

Whoaw. Thank you HP M. D. This was a Eye opener and looks like the path
to priesthood is ganna be hard for me to maintain lol. But when I am
there. I will take it to the next level lol :) thank you again for all
your Hard Work!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-----Original Message-----
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@
Sender: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:17:08
To: <<a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Reply-To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?

1. Who decides when a person is an HP?
Basically, myself and the JoS ministry decide who we ordain.

2. How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?
For JoS, to be considered, one should put in plenty of time in the
groups, answering questions and helping others. This is what being
Satanic ministry is all about.

3. What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?
The extent of the responsibilies is endless. I have much more than I can
handle. This is one reason why I haven't been able to revise the JoS
website, which I know needs it badly, but I am hopeful I will be able to
get to it soon, even if this is only one page a day.

This all depends upon the individual.

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to
questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and
their response seemed immature.

I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus
Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely
not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts
containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts are
not approved, bitches and leaves for another Satanic group- same shit,
all after making a total copy & paste of the JoS website onto some
server, claiming it as their own. In short time, the ego grows to where
they actually believe they are superior to Satan and can dictate his
policies. I know most of you have seen this sort of thing, especially
those of you who have been here for a while.

Getting back to the priesthood. This is not fun. It is not for personal
ego gratification. It is brutally hard work. At some point, those who
stick it out will find they are working for a much higher purpose. Those
who are in accordance with Satan's desires and who strongly support his
agenda from the heart and soul are the ones who the Powers of Hell work
with. I work for Satan and the Powers of Hell. I do what they want. They
are always there for me, as Satan has always come first in my life. I
give him 100%.

As for my background, I have studied my ass off. As for my experience
in Satanic knowledge; this was when I was new to Satanism:

I read everything on the Church of Satan website, including ALL of
the links.
I read everything on the First Church of Satan website including ALL
of the links.
I read everything on the Order of Nine Angles website.
I read everything on the Church Lucifer website, all of Nate Leved's
writings, everything he wrote on "Satan's Playground" "Sermons of
Lucifer" and everything posted on the Black Roses e-group.
I read everything on the Church of Lucifer's website (this one is
different than Church Lucifer).
I read everything on the Temple of Set website.
I read everything on the Luciferian Liberation Front website.
I read nearly all of the grimiores- Key of Solomon, Grand Grimiore,
I studied the Goetia in depth.
I studied everything I could about the Yezidi Devil worshippers of
I read all of the "classics" related to Satan- Paradise Lost, Faust,
Dante's Inferno and others.

In addition, when I was new, I read everything I possibly could on
any Satanic websites I could find.

I also have a strong background in atheism, [I was an atheist for some
15 years before coming to Satanism], having read ALL of
Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's writings (I think very highly of this
woman), and many other books, journals and writings from American
Atheist. This has helped me combat Christianity as most of these expose
Christianity for what it really is.

In spite of my low income, every available penny I had, I bought
more books with so I could learn more about Satanism and the occult.
My days were spent in meditation, and study. I also read everything I
could on the occult that was available in the public library.

By spring of 2002, I was moderating the Black Roses e-group
for a time as the owner had other business to take care of. Any
time anyone planned a ritual, regardless of how tired I was or what
I had to do, I participated. In March of 2002, a ritual was
performed against the Catholic Church which resulted in the pedophilia
scandals being exposed all over the place. I pride myself in my taking

That same month, I opened my Joy of Satan website. I named it 'Joy of
Satan' because this was in confronting all of the horror and gore being
plastered all over the internet in those days concerning Satan. I had
nothing but positive experiences and good feelings concerning Satan and
his Demons. Any positive information about Satan at that time was
severely limited and christians had control as usual, but gladly, not
any more.

I am open regarding the fact I had no prior computer training at that
time, no car to use the PC's at the better suburban libraries- the
public PCs in the libraries within the city had a short time limit, I
knew nothing about HTML, downloading, uploading or anything. I bought
books about html and learned by myself, for Satan. I had WebTV back
For nearly everything important in my life, I have been self taught.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in public libraries. I
on my website day and night, wrote sermons, and articles whenever I
wasn't working on my full time job.

I prayed daily to Satan, and did weekly formal rituals. I listened to
LaVey's "Satanic Mass" CD many times and read any available
publications from CoS- the Cloven Hoof, Not Like Most, The Black
Flame- to learn everything I could about Satanism, even though I no
longer agreed with CoS stances on things. Even on my job, I made
sure anything that could be recycled was placed in the recycle bin
as showing respect for the earth is showing respect to Satan.

May of 2002, the owner closed the Black Roses e-group. I
immediately went to yahoo groups (he gave everyone a 24 hour notice)
and opened Joy of Satan e-group. I invited everyone who wanted to
join and started out with under 20 members. I had to be responsible and
on-line every day, as I do now.

When I was learning, before I put up my website, I was a member in a
number of different e-groups. I worked the atheist forums to turn people
away from the foul nazarene- better atheist than christian, I confronted
many on different occult e-groups, fighting against spiritual abuse
of Demons. Many occult experts grilled me and were very combative
and rude. I never backed down. I also answered questions on Satanic
e-groups and learned from posts there. I belonged to a couple of CoS
groups and after experiencing how rude they were to those who believed
in Satan and his Demons as real beings, I left.

I moved to Oklahoma in August of 2002 to be with my husband and
kids. Finally, I had a PC.

In November of 2002, I was seeing a lot of Azazel. He was bound. I
wanted to help in any way I could. I prayed to Father Satan if there was
anything I could do to help free the Demons. In December, I opened a new
e-group for anyone who was interested in helping me free them. Around 12
people joined. Out of 12 people, only myself, and two others freed any
Demons. The other group members were too busy, not interested, etc. The
freeing of the Demons took close to 4 months and the energy
drain was intense.

Also that month, I opened the Teens for Satan e-group as I saw how
rudely teens and newbies were being treated in the CoS teen group, and
how the CoS denied Satan.

I never expected to be in this position and I have gotten my ass
kicked repeatedly for Satan. I am not a natural leader. My thing is
in the gym, not on-line. Yes, this work is very rewarding, but it is
not fun. The day of the WTC bombings, my son rushed into my room at
7:20 pm. Both of us worked third shift. My days were spent in 1-2
hours of meditation, a manditory 2 hours of study relating to
Satanism, and on-line. I didn't know anything about it until that late
in the day. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and wouldn't even think
of turning on the TV until I had my work out of the way. Even now,
watching a movie is a luxury for me.

Because I was behind in computer knowledge, I took every free
class I was able to at the public library, and I put in a minimum of an
hour a day in PC study, whether it was learning more about the functions
of a PC or learning more about or new programs to help me in what I am
doing for Satan.

I am also well aware of my grammar. It is not perfect. Far from it.
I also spent time every day learning proper punctuation. I dropped out
of formal school at 14 and was truant throughout most of my younger
years. I was forced to attend catholic school and the energies clashed.
I was invited to join American Mensa in 1994, after I was given a
supervised IQ test. My IQ is well over 150.

I have to put in the time for meditation as well; I have to do
research. It is a FACT that much important knowledge has been destroyed
and is missing. Research is very demanding and time consuming.

I have to keep house, cook meals, do grocery shopping, and take care of
others, etc.

My entire point here is being a dedicated clergy member is not
Disneyland or just a title. I could go on and on as I have done
much, much more. I work my ass off. I have to work on revising
my website as many articles are old and new knowledge has made them
obselete. I always study on how I can better organize myself.

Above all, I have been SEVERELY TESTED. I have had my share of
attacks. Satan has revealed many of his secrets to me, punished my
and he knows above all, I am trustworthy. I put him first in my
life. I will also tell you the Powers of Hell are much harder on me in
regards to meditation and empowering myself because I work with them and
for them. I have to be open spiritually, telepathically, and have enough
spiritual power to do what I do for them outside of my work with JoS.
They have given me other projects to advance their agenda.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'one who is not slandered on a daily
basis in the jewish press, is not doing their job.' There have been
endless lies and slander all over the internet about me. This comes with
the job. There have been attempts on my life; in 2006, someone hooked up
a bomb under my car [just oozing with christian love]. Satan told me in
2004: 'There will be many attempts on your life. Some you will know
about and most others, you will be unaware of. None of these will
succeed, but one thing...they will all know ME.'

We are all individuals. The above is my own experience. I know I was
born of Satan. Even in my astrology chart, I have a configuration that
has been my destiny to serve Satan and the Powers of Hell. Being sincere
ministry is very hard, demanding work, but I will tell you, the harder
you work for Satan, the Powers of Hell will look out for you and reward

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- [/IMG][email protected], "ch_3_coo" <ch_3_coo@ wrote:

Did you just come on here to complain? All we can do is speculate
because the only person that knows is Mr Don Danko but he didn't give
you an answer either.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "landi0623" <landi0623@ wrote:

I pushed the send button and nothing happened, hopefully it works at
this location.

No, Mr Don Danko, whom I respect and who's response actually matters
to me because u give responses that actually have reason and that
are based on FACT on dipstick-speculation--- it doesn't dawn on MANY
here that because they have an opinion, they could be correct or
wayyyy off the mark. Knowing that, I specifically asked the
guessers and speculators to NOT comment, yet we STILL have dipsticks
such as:

Siguard Draconis
Quick SILVER / wisesilence2012

People like these are part of the reason why I don't frequent this
particular JoS site--the lack of maturity and disregard for basic
commands given via Al Jilwah.

Of course, we are supposed to have patience in directing newbies and
those who seek to know into the path of knowledge. . . I have seen
and read a lot about many subjects in the newsletters, and in other
JoS forums, but because I had a basic question, and figured it to be
basic, I decided to ask it here, and it still goes somewhat

The reason I ask is because I have seen a certain few responses to
questions where a person added an "HP" as a prefix to their name and
their response seemed immature. Like a friend giving another friend
an opion or guess, and not like someone well versed in the Al Jilwah
or our basic knowledge given via JoS.org. This disturbed me, and
now I wish I would have saved/reported that, but I didn't. I am the
type of person who would never claim a title not rightfully earned
or given, and who wouldn't bother to give my opinion where KNOWLEDGE
is needed or asked for.

If I have knowledge on a certain subject and I feel compelled to
share it, or if I make an observation and feel that I ought to make
it known, I do so, but I don't go around repeatedly accusing sincere
Spiritual Satanists seeking knowledge or truth of being anything
other than that, nor do I give my opinion on subjects where I know I
don't know enough to comment on it.

This is Blue Earth, signed in blood 03/19/2012 Monday at 3am

Hail Satan

--- [/IMG][email protected], Don Danko <mageson6666@

Has it ever dawned on your brain the enemy can turn people over
time and nothing is a fixed bet all the time.� The fact is your
commenting on something you don't known anything about, like
you're an expert on the subject cause you got an opinion.

From: ch_3_coo <ch_3_coo@
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:10:16 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?


That sounds nice but really it seems like you have to know someone
who's already associated with JoS to make sure you're credible.

If you still think you have to be chosen personally by Satan then
may I remind everyone of High Priest Salem Burke, who sold out and
then came on here talking about how he does meth.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "siguarddraconis"
<siguarddraconis@ wrote:

One has to be chosen by the Gods. And the more perceptive ones
can see who pretends to be a devoted Satanist but is in fact a

So don't bother.

Sad thing, some people here forget the Demons do see them and
They may be slightly disgusted by the fact that people who claim
to be genuine, use the name of our God (e.g. 'Satan has told me
this', 'Satan has blessed me with that' etc.) to make themselves
look like some 'holier than thou' and newbs think such pompous
behaviour is a Satanic one.

As for you, landi - whenever you have been exposed and branded
(rightly so) for trolling the groups, you go into the shadow and
return as if you were a Satanic prophet. As I said, you're a
poser. Some newbs may succumb to your grandiose style, but...
heh :p


Siguard Draconis.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "landi0623"
<landi0623@ wrote:

My question is directed at those who KNOW--not guessers or
speculators, so if u don't know, please don't offer ur

My question(s) is/are about HPs. . .

Who decides when a person is an HP?

How does a sincere Spiritual Satanist become an HP?

What are the expectations and responsibilities of an HP?

Thank you for the response(s).

--Blue Earth
Wow! Once again, HPS Maxine, my dear Sister...you are an inspiration
to us all! ^ O Great Satan, true Lord of all, I magmify thy ineffable
and almighty name! Thine is the glory and the power, for ever and
always! I adore thee, I exalt thee, I worship thee. I am for ever in
thy service, come what may. Hail Father Satan always
Wow! Once again, HPS Maxine, my dear Sister...you are an inspiration
to us all! ^ O Great Satan, true Lord of all, I magmify thy ineffable
and almighty name! Thine is the glory and the power, for ever and
always! I adore thee, I exalt thee, I worship thee. I am for ever in
thy service, come what may. Hail Father Satan always
I don't think Satan wants to be worshipped. He says in the Al-Jilwah:"...and I have made it an imperative rule that everyone shall refrain from worshipping all Gods."
(found in Chapter 1)
The Al Jilwah; The Black Book of Satan

On Friday, September 18, 2015 11:44 AM, "itherichman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Wow! Once again, HPS Maxine, my dear Sister...you are an inspiration
to us all! ^ O Great Satan, true Lord of all, I magmify thy ineffable
and almighty name! Thine is the glory and the power, for ever and
always! I adore thee, I exalt thee, I worship thee. I am for ever in
thy service, come what may. Hail Father Satan always

How does someone be chosen by the Gods to become an HP. it's my goal to be one someday and ill do anything and work my way up for years and years. If I could be a clergy member someday that would be the most honorable thing. Words can't even describe how amazing that would be
Oops, my apologies. I didn't see your message/response in the original thread until I posted the link.
I'm pretty sure that it's Satan-Lucifer that picks you to be a clergy member in Joy of Satan Ministries. He will tell the clergy himself. It's by invitation only, as HPS Maxine wrote.

On Friday, March 31, 2017 9:22 PM, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@... wrote:

Here is a thread that may interest you:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... pics/73814

On Friday, March 31, 2017 9:39 AM, "bdmolina14@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  How does someone be chosen by the Gods to become an HP. it's my goal to be one someday and ill do anything and work my way up for years and years. If I could be a clergy member someday that would be the most honorable thing. Words can't even describe how amazing that would be

Here is a thread that may interest you:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... pics/73814

On Friday, March 31, 2017 9:39 AM, "bdmolina14@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  How does someone be chosen by the Gods to become an HP. it's my goal to be one someday and ill do anything and work my way up for years and years. If I could be a clergy member someday that would be the most honorable thing. Words can't even describe how amazing that would be

Work piled on top of more work, sacrificing much of your personal life, and all you get in return are death threats, curses, death spells, the enemy influencing newbies to think you're a jew, and your inbox flooded with infiltrators spamming. Fun times.

This is why I will never want to be clergy, I already get enough flack just for doing what I do. I don't need any sort of title, I'm happy to work for Satan most of my day every day without any recognition. I count advancing myself as working for him, as well as doing astrology which helps Satan's children (all SS). Plus other projects I have going on.

I'm looking at the long term, we are going down in history as the savious of our planet and civilization!

 If someone asks how do I become Clergy? They do not need to be Clergy. For they are asking the wrong QUESTION. 
  The right response is, How do I do more for Satan? How do I work to bring about something for Satan. 
  To everyone here, I made a youtube Channel, because Brothers and Sisters asked me too. I simply made content that they asked for. Very few of my videos are actually very good, as most are just messing around and trying different things and not being completely serious. I now have over a thousand subscribers. 
  If anyone has any Ideas. Would like to collaborate with me and make some videos, lets go for it. 
  If everyone put their heads together, imagine what we could accomplish. 
  I tell you what, YOU can keep the title Clergy and sit and do nothing. I have been called High Priest in real life by others. It is NOTHING. It is a pointless title. The only thing it represents is being at the very top working with Satan and others that are also there. But believe me that is not all rainbow and sunshine, it is like your life now, but 100xs harder. YAY! 
  I just want to work for SATAN and I would love not just to work with the Clergy. But to work with other Brothers and Sisters in Satan. There is SO MUCH WE CAN DO. Leave the Title seekers to their Ego alone some where, with nothing. Let us all come together and watch as Satans Kingdom expands. I see the worth in each and everyone of you. I would never want to say, oh look at me I am better then all of you now. I have over a Decade Experience, yet there are many intelligent Disciples that have taught me things. 
  I see myself as a Warrior. I want to fight for all of you here. I stand against those who come here to cause trouble. I work to Give you tools you need. BUT I want to do SO MUCH MORE. I feel I have done nothing to my true potential yet. All of you can bring the potential out in me as I bring the potential out in you. 
   TOGETHER, we can do this. We can create a group that we desire. Unlike those who have come, who have tried to attain leadership, to throw their ego on us. To hamper us down, to change things as they see fit. Let us leave only those we FULLY TRUST in the Clergy Position. A JOB for but a few. As for the rest of us, let us do our part. What can we not do, that we would need a title to accomplish? I cannot think of one thing. 
  Please do not turn this into a worthless thread, talking about Clergy and blah blah blah. Use it as a chance to connect with others. To say hey! Why do you need to be called Clergy? Let us look each other in the eyes squarely and all ask the question. What can we do for Satan, not what Satan can do for us. For he has already done so much. 

  Aldrick Strickland   Hail Father Satan Forever 

---In [email protected], <bdmolina14@... wrote :

How does someone be chosen by the Gods to become an HP. it's my goal to be one someday and ill do anything and work my way up for years and years. If I could be a clergy member someday that would be the most honorable thing. Words can't even describe how amazing that would be
That makes sense now. So in reincarnation is it possible that in my past life I was SS? When I was younger I didn't ever imagine that though but if I was in the last life what if that happened again??
On Fri, 3/31/17, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
To: "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 31, 2017, 8:42 PM

Oops, my apologies. I
didn't see your message/response in the original thread
until I posted the link.
I'm pretty sure
that it's Satan-Lucifer that picks you to be a clergy
member in Joy of Satan Ministries. He will tell the clergy
himself. It's by invitation only, as HPS Maxine

    On Friday,
March 31, 2017 9:22 PM, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@...

Here is a thread that may interest you:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... pics/73814

    On Friday, March 31,
2017 9:39 AM, "bdmolina14@...

[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

    How does someone be chosen by the Gods to
become an HP. it's my goal to be one someday and ill do
anything and work my way up for years and years. If I could
be a clergy member someday that would be the most honorable
thing. Words can't even describe how amazing that would
be  #yiv4327676585 -- #yiv4327676585ygrp-mkp {border:1px
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I think that one works and advances and that the cream rises to the top. If you are meant to be one of the Clergy, it will happen. The Clergy are selected and approved of by Satan. I don't know how they are chosen though I believe they are singled out by their Dedication and the work they do. So, I would say just do everything you can to advance Satanism and work hard for Satan, and if your efforts are acknowledged then your wish will come to pass. But you have to do the work first. That is all I can say to that.
And there is also your motivation to be a member of the clergy that is considered. If it is to advance Satan that is honourable. if it is to advance your ego, forget it.
That is just my feeling on the matter, I don't actually know how it goes. But I think your intentions must be honourable.
Hail Satan!
I can't even tell you how much motivation that just gave me! I mean some days I think what's the point. I'm stuck here for 2 and a Half more years but other days I'm more motivated to fight bc the thought of reincarnation scares me. It keeps me motivated to keep pushing harder. To do better and fight harder. As an xian I always hated church and sermons. But I wake up now wanting to read JoS and do all I can for Father and have a relationship with him and it makes me feel loved. You're inspiration keeps me going :)
On Sat, 4/1/17, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, April 1, 2017, 1:01 AM

Work piled on top of more
work, sacrificing much of your personal life, and all you
get in return are death threats, curses, death spells, the
enemy influencing newbies to think you're a jew, and
your inbox flooded with infiltrators spamming. Fun times.

This is why I will never
want to be clergy, I already get enough flack just for doing
what I do. I don't need any sort of title, I'm happy
to work for Satan most of my day every day without any
recognition. I count advancing myself as working for him, as
well as doing astrology which helps Satan's children
(all SS). Plus other projects I have going on.

I'm looking at the long
term, we are going down in history as the savious of our
planet and civilization!
I personally don't think it's Satan who picks the high priests and priestesses. I think the hps just decide. This is not to say that they're aren't Satans closer disciples but I don't think Satan tells the hps who to make a high or high priestess. It's like what Lydia said, working hard for Satan and the clergy may get one there.
On Fri, 3/31/17, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
To: "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 31, 2017, 6:42 PM

Oops, my apologies. I
didn't see your message/response in the original thread
until I posted the link.
I'm pretty sure
that it's Satan-Lucifer that picks you to be a clergy

member in Joy of Satan Ministries. He will tell the clergy
himself. It's by invitation only, as HPS Maxine

    On Friday,
March 31, 2017 9:22 PM, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@...

Here is a thread that may interest you:
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... pics/73814

    On Friday, March 31,
2017 9:39 AM, "bdmolina14@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

    How does someone be chosen by the Gods to
become an HP. it's my goal to be one someday and ill do
anything and work my way up for years and years. If I could
be a clergy member someday that would be the most honorable
thing. Words can't even describe how amazing that would
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I didn't mean to make it sound like I was all about my ego. I'm so sorry if anyone took I that way. I feel really bad now. I'm tryin to do thing that bring out my potential and do all that I can for Father. I meditate and do so many RTRS and it still doesn't feel like Enough. I am so sorry that I offended anyone by wanting to be a clergy member someday because that wasn't my intention at all. I just really want to be able to talk to Father and have a response and live life with no regrets. I'm sory again if I offended anyone and thank you Aldrick for that motivational speech. It makes me feel like I can keep going and fitting when most days I feel like giving up. Ill see if I can find your YouTube videos and I'm so sorry again if I made it seem like I'm all abou my ego
On Fri, 3/31/17, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, March 31, 2017, 12:13 PM

  If someone asks how do I become Clergy? They
do not need to be Clergy. For they are asking the wrong

   The right response is, How do I
do more for Satan? How do I work to bring about something
for Satan.

   To everyone here, I made a
youtube Channel, because Brothers and Sisters asked me too.
I simply made content that they asked for. Very few of my
videos are actually very good, as most are just messing
around and trying different things and not being completely
serious. I now have over a thousand subscribers.

   If anyone has any Ideas. Would
like to collaborate with me and make some videos, lets go
for it.

   If everyone put their heads
together, imagine what we could accomplish.

   I tell you what, YOU can keep the
title Clergy and sit and do nothing. I have been called High
Priest in real life by others. It is NOTHING. It is a
pointless title. The only thing it represents is being at
the very top working with Satan and others that are also
there. But believe me that is not all rainbow and sunshine,
it is like your life now, but 100xs harder. YAY!

   I just want to work for SATAN and
I would love not just to work with the Clergy. But to work
with other Brothers and Sisters in Satan. There is SO MUCH
WE CAN DO. Leave the Title seekers to their Ego alone some
where, with nothing. Let us all come together and watch as
Satans Kingdom expands. I see the worth in each and everyone
of you. I would never want to say, oh look at me I am better
then all of you now. I have over a Decade Experience, yet
there are many intelligent Disciples that have taught me

   I see myself as a Warrior. I want
to fight for all of you here. I stand against those who come
here to cause trouble. I work to Give you tools you need.
BUT I want to do SO MUCH MORE. I feel I have done nothing to
my true potential yet. All of you can bring the potential
out in me as I bring the potential out in you.

TOGETHER, we can do this. We can create a group that we
desire. Unlike those who have come, who have tried to attain
leadership, to throw their ego on us. To hamper us down, to
change things as they see fit. Let us leave only those we
FULLY TRUST in the Clergy Position. A JOB for but a few. As
for the rest of us, let us do our part. What can we not do,
that we would need a title to accomplish? I cannot think of
one thing.

   Please do not turn this into a
worthless thread, talking about Clergy and blah blah blah.
Use it as a chance to connect with others. To say hey! Why
do you need to be called Clergy? Let us look each other in
the eyes squarely and all ask the question. What can we do
for Satan, not what Satan can do for us. For he has already
done so much.

   Hail Father Satan

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url],
wrote :

How does someone
be chosen by the Gods to become an HP. it's my goal to
be one someday and ill do anything and work my way up for
years and years. If I could be a clergy member someday that
would be the most honorable thing. Words can't even
describe how amazing that would be
All me, I also said the same; that maybe hard work will get you there. You are wrong though, when you say you don't think Satan makes the decision. 
Yes, the HPs decide but don't think that they don't clear it with Satan first before making it official or that Satan doesn't have His say. Of course He does! Satan is a real Being and those who work most closely with Him, who see and speak to Him are of course going to take His wishes into account. 
Perhaps you don't really believe Satan is a real being and think of Him as a 'force' to say that?
Zola, I'd change 'believe' to 'know' - some people are astrally blind and deaf, so they just say 'I think + their belief', instead of refraining themselves from expressing opinions they are not sure of.


---In [email protected], <zolaluckystar@... wrote :

All me, I also said the same; that maybe hard work will get you there. You are wrong though, when you say you don't think Satan makes the decision. 
Yes, the HPs decide but don't think that they don't clear it with Satan first before making it official or that Satan doesn't have His say. Of course He does! Satan is a real Being and those who work most closely with Him, who see and speak to Him are of course going to take His wishes into account. 
Perhaps you don't really believe Satan is a real being and think of Him as a 'force' to say that?
A perfect example of this would be High PriesT Hooded Cobra. I joined around the same time as him and have seen his evolution. Its beautiful . Same goes for Shannon
On Sun, 4/2/17, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, April 2, 2017, 11:19 AM

All me, I also said the
same; that maybe hard work will get you there. You are wrong

though, when you say you don't think Satan makes the

Yes, the HPs
decide but don't think that they don't clear it with
Satan first before making it official or that Satan
doesn't have His say. Of course He does! Satan is a real
Being and those who work most closely with Him, who see and
speak to Him are of course going to take His wishes into

Perhaps you don't really believe Satan is
a real being and think of Him as a 'force' to say
Wow, reading this just slightly pissed me off. Because ive been a dedicated SS since i was in 8th grade and now im out of high school and about to be 20 years old so ive probably been here longer than some people. I know Satan is real and i know our gods are real.

It just didnt seem practical to me for Satan to go to one of the hps and say make "?##\" a high priest now, whats wrong with that?

That doesnt mean that i think Satans a force or whatever. I know hes a real being.

I just personally think when the other hps see someone doing really good in the groups and sees that theyre advancing then the hps may come together and talk about making this person a hp. Didnt maxine say something like this, that her and the other hps decide?

Only they really know, im not here to argue i was just saying i just dont think its Satan who personally decides. But i could be wrong.
Lets just forget it though, im not too interested in the subject anyway i was just saying.
On Sun, 4/2/17, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, April 2, 2017, 11:19 AM

All me, I also said the
same; that maybe hard work will get you there. You are wrong
though, when you say you don't think Satan makes the

Yes, the HPs
decide but don't think that they don't clear it with
Satan first before making it official or that Satan
doesn't have His say. Of course He does! Satan is a real
Being and those who work most closely with Him, who see and
speak to Him are of course going to take His wishes into

Perhaps you don't really believe Satan is
a real being and think of Him as a 'force' to say

 Well Boo Hoo Get pissed off. 
 You really think, You are going to just ask to be made Clergy and it is going to happen. 
  They pick those who do work. So you are not focused on, what work you can do for Satan. You just think because you have been here a while, that you deserve a title?

All me,
No, sorry I'm not going to 'just forget it'. I don't understand why this should piss you off. It isn't about who has been here longer. its about who does the work. And the thing is, there are many of us who 'do the work', and we still might not qualify to be Clergy. I don't pretend to know how it goes. I don't know why you would bring up HP HC. He has his own path to tread and he advances or not, and this is his individual path. Be glad for him as he advances. I'm sure he has been through his own trials and tribulations on the road. He has earned his position.
The HP's may see someone as potential Clergy but I reiterate: It is Satan who has the final decision. Now, this may not seem 'practical' to you but I am of the firm belief that Father has the last say.
Of course He does. He is our Leader.
He is a real person, a real Being. And it is HIS Clergy. Of COURSE He would have the final say. This is only logical. Not something to be 'pissed off' at.
You see, Clergy are SS who spend all of their spare time working for Satan. it isn't about the 'title'. The title is secondary. the real thing is to bust your ass for Satan. And also you are doing it out of wanting your Gentile race to be uplifted. THIS is The Cause. This is what is really important in the end. Not a Title.
Hope this helps sort it out for you. 
LOL look at yourself aldric before you ever get on anyone else.

For one. When did i ever say i want to be high priest? Show me when i said that please.

Exactly because i never did. Its not my intention to become a high priest, and i never said it was.

When did i ever say anything you said i said for that matter? Youre seriously slipping here and coming at the wrong person with the wrong shit.

Please show me exactly where i said i think im going to ask to become a high priest and get granted because i asked? When did i ever say anything you said i did?

Bring me this and see it for yourself and then come at me with your statements.

Otherwise youre just throwing bizarre statements around showing your fetish for attacking others in the group which is mostly all you do damnplanetsaturn.who was Banned from the groups before.

I never said i want to be a hp all i said is i dont think Satan goes to maxine and says make so and so a high priest. What the fuck is wrong with me thinking that because thats all i said.

Youre just assuming shit. Yes ive been here for several years but i know that doesnt mean i get to become a high priest and i never said it does.

What happened was someone said how does one become high priest. And someone else said Satan chooses personally and i said i think its the high priests who chose and that its attained by working hard for Satan and working hard for the clergy.

All the shit youre saying is irrelevant. Like i said i dont want to become an hp.

I said i lightly got pissed because i have some newer person in the groups telling me im new pretty much when im not which wasnt even needed to say.

I see that you just like to attack others and talk shit on the web. Just like any other net banger does lmao.

Seriously, you should focus on just helping people not talking shit. And ill bet youll just throw some more shit talking my way but in reality who are you to be doing this? I dont give a fuck about any of your opinions or statements. People have told me youve done weird things and ive seen some of the shit myself so im really not concerned about any of your bizarre ass statements. Someone worthy in my eyes could put me down. Not someones whos not. Lol. No more replies from me on this subject. Im out.
On Mon, 4/3/17, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: High Priestesses/Priests?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, April 3, 2017, 7:36 PM


 Well Boo Hoo Get
pissed off. 
really think, You are going to just ask to be made Clergy
and it is going to happen. 
  They pick those who do work. So
you are not focused on, what work you can do for Satan. You
just think because you have been here a while, that you
deserve a title?

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  Would you like some cheese with that wine?
   Yes, yes the same old story. I have done horrible, Horrible things to people. I am a terrible person. The same thing, every time I call someone out on their bullshit. 
   Okay, You know what I admit it. I am a terrible person. You wanna know something? Just a little secret, between you and me. I don't care......
   The Truth is you are just another egotistical little child. Peddling their garbage. Then when you get called out, you act like a butt hurt baby about it. 
    You name ALL ME, is very revealing. But let me tell you something else. The truth is I don't attack people, I just press their buttons. Because in doing this, It reveals the real person. There have been many here, that have responded back to me and shocked me. They have earned my respect and I stopped. 
   Let us say I am in your situation. What would I say? OH yes Aldrick, I can see how you would think that. I just want to work hard and become a strong worker for Satan. I Apologize if I sounded egotistical, my reasoning was that, If I can become Clergy, I will have really made Satan Proud. Or perhaps a different route, Aldrick, You are under the impression that I wanted to become Clergy. This actually is not so, You must have misunderstood something. This, was my reasoning. 
  Do you see how the above is Mature and devoid of ego. Now lets take a look at you. 
  Aldrick! I have heard from many sources that YOU are a Horrible person! Oh look I can feel your energy! Oh did we mention he was banned once! For Aiding Infiltrators because they were his friends!! This is unforgiveable!  We know secretly that you are a jew. You have hurt people in untold ways, that we shall not disclose. 
   The Next paragraph is how you and the last 50 or so egotistical children have sounded. Do you think after hearing this over and over and over and over, I REALLY give a shit anymore? Did you really think THIS is the thing that is going to hurt me? 
  You are sooo funny all me. I love people like you. You are such cute little children. Trying to figure out how to be Use their Will for the first time. So you come off like an overly self important goof ball. Learn how to stay in the game a little while, take a few hits. You have already defeated yourself in the first round. 
   Come now, let us see what else you have. Surely you can do better, then copy catting the last 50 people. Anything Original? 

all me,
You said: "Wow, reading this just slightly pissed me off. Because ive been a dedicated SS since i was in 8th grade and now im out of high school and about to be 20 years old so ive probably been here longer than some people."
The inference to be drawn from that sounded like you were indeed, feeling slightly pissed off and passed over as you have been here for a long time. When I read that, the feeling of that came through to me as well, probably to other SS who like myself, refrained from commenting on it.
Aldrick chose to point this out. He didn't try to say it in a PC manner, no. However, even so I don't see why you should react with such venom. Aldrick spends a lot of his time trying to help other Members and working for Satan. HP HC referred to him and this history you are bringing up in a past post (regarding that Teloc mess where she and her partner were trying to call HP HC a Communist among other things) as a time in Aldrick's life that he worked his way through honorably to return to JOS and become "one of the greatest Satanists." 
So please...don't be petty.

Yeah, Ald, TELL US where, OH WHERE did all_me typed that. It’s not that he even IMPLIED that he, because having been here for so long, deserves to become a Clergy Member, did he?   Oh wait, he did imply JUST THAT:   “Because ive been a dedicated SS since i was in 8th grade and now im out of high school and about to be 20 years old so ive probably been here longer than some people”   All_me, you may consider Ald, or others here stupid OR being unable to see what you didn’t type, YET CONVEYED, alas it does NOT make us so.   “It just didnt seem practical to me for Satan to go to one of the hps and say make "?##\" a high priest now, whats wrong with that?”   What’s wrong with making you a Clergy member? Your infantile justification. Your ‘muh entitlement’ – another kid who wants to have the title and think it’s cool. Fkin pathetic.   There are people who would DESERVE the title, imnsho, BUT, as with everything in Spiritual Satanism, there is MORE to it than having a title.     This massage is your futile attempt to weasel out of it.  Typical trolling. Either you’re seriously a troll, or just a moron who is / wants to be? blind.

You're out? Hehe, doubt that.
  HS! 88!

---In [email protected], <allfortheclergy@... wrote :

LOL look at yourself aldric before you ever get on anyone else.

For one. When did i ever say i want to be high priest? Show me when i said that please.

Exactly because i never did. Its not my intention to become a high priest, and i never said it was.

When did i ever say anything you said i said for that matter? Youre seriously slipping here and coming at the wrong person with the wrong shit.

Please show me exactly where i said i think im going to ask to become a high priest and get granted because i asked? When did i ever say anything you said i did?

Bring me this and see it for yourself and then come at me with your statements.

Otherwise youre just throwing bizarre statements around showing your fetish for attacking others in the group which is mostly all you do damnplanetsaturn.who was Banned from the groups before.

I never said i want to be a hp all i said is i dont think Satan goes to maxine and says make so and so a high priest. What the fuck is wrong with me thinking that because thats all i said.

Youre just assuming shit. Yes ive been here for several years but i know that doesnt mean i get to become a high priest and i never said it does.

What happened was someone said how does one become high priest. And someone else said Satan chooses personally and i said i think its the high priests who chose and that its attained by working hard for Satan and working hard for the clergy.

All the shit youre saying is irrelevant. Like i said i dont want to become an hp.

I said i lightly got pissed because i have some newer person in the groups telling me im new pretty much when im not which wasnt even needed to say.

I see that you just like to attack others and talk shit on the web. Just like any other net banger does lmao.

Seriously, you should focus on just helping people not talking shit. And ill bet youll just throw some more shit talking my way but in reality who are you to be doing this? I dont give a fuck about any of your opinions or statements. People have told me youve done weird things and ive seen some of the shit myself so im really not concerned about any of your bizarre ass statements. Someone worthy in my eyes could put me down. Not someones whos not. Lol. No more replies from me on this subject. Im out.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
