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Hierarchy In Life And In Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Contrary to the beliefs of the modern era that all men "Are equal", and other lies, this has never been the case. Even the constitution of the United States is based on the declaration which affirms, that all people are CREATED equal.

Yes, everyone begins as a sperm cell, but that is just about where equality between people ends. And even in this level of existence, inequality is still present.

Equality was never meant to be a good or positive thing, and should be looked upon as unnatural, which it is. Forced equality is threatening to life and antithetical with the spirit of man. If the Gods wanted us to be all "equals", they would have made germs and not humans, and even in the case of germs, some germs evolve, excel, and become more effective or better capable of survival.

Human beings have ranging capabilities, and incapacities, and how we are supposed to work is to fill in for each other, in a hierarchical way. This is also why teamwork is necessary. Half a person's chart is how one relates to other humans, and the other half is how we relate to ourselves.

Hierarchy is the only form of justice in a world of unequal people, because inequality, if there is no hierarchy, can cause abuse of the higher to the lower. And since this is wrong, hierarchy is in place to ensure that when it is healthy, people get to live their share, and be able to advance.

Everyone understands the normal and physical examples of the above. For example, some of us are short, and others tall. The short person may have confidence, the tall person may not. And vice versa. We experience these inequalities everyday, and the enemy has taught to human beings to resent one another due to inequality, or because other people are better than them. People who are lower on some things are also frequently resented, which is the reverse of this.

To add to the program of misery, the enemy has brainwashed the mobs of the normies to go after people who try to excel in some way, and to be better. This creates a distance between people, and to add more icing on the cake, the enemy instructed humanity in rampant individualism, to the point where human beings, be it racially, or even in families, remain disconnected and extremely intolerant.

Moreso, the enemy has taught people to fight other people who are better, and to hate them and resent them, because the enemy has imposed a system where people cannot advance spiritually, mentally or materially, and therefore people feel totally trapped in their situation. One example here is that the financial world of today, does not allow many hard working and even smart people to raise financially. Therefore, hatred gets created between the rich and those less able to generate revenue. This also has a social dimension.

The situation worsens because many people do not understand the above and it comes to them as a shock. Everyone believes that they know better even when they do not, and even in the sight of better people who know better, their worthless ego comes kicking in, and telling them they know better.

For example, everyone has heard people who are always broke, give advice on how to be wealthy, or people who have had misfortune and negativity in all relationships with the opposite gender, give advice on how to have better relationships. Quite a few of these examples are so close minded that they do not want to advance. This behavior happens because indeed, these people are going to remain stuck in this way. If one had an open mind, they would be listening, accept their level in a hierarchy, and listen from those who are better, and learn. And their problems would be solved.

Likewise there is also a spiritual ladder of both understanding, power and capability. The answer on if people are spiritually strong is easy, can you make things happen in yourself, in positive and negative to others, and in your life? One must ask this without shame. If one cannot, or has sporadic manifestations, one simply needs to advance. Regardless, many people remain hardstuck in the idea that they are the best, when they are not.

Feeling like one is the "best" like a mental state of confidence, is not bad in itself, but when it is followed by closed ears, this is where problems begin. These problems expand on other people who are given wrong advice, and bleed over to the person giving the advice first and foremost, but they do not understand it.

Let's examine the hypothetical scenario one has a misfortune that lands them on the hospital, and they are in a severe situation that requires surgery. A person like this, when they were alright, they may have been saying, medicine sucks, medicine this, medicine that. And while they were alright, they had the ability to ignore the reality of that not all medicine sucks.

But now in their situation they need help and/or professional surgery. So, are they going to go with the belief of stupidity that they had before, and ignore let's say a surgeon with 95% success rate, over a dumbass that just talks a lot? One in their sane mind would not do this.

But it is all good to be trolled about things and be told pages and pages of idle information of no consequence, until one day you need to depend on it for your survival or something else. And this is where fake gurus have already disappeared and their knowledge is for nothing, like the broscientist example from above is totally irrelevant in a critical situation compared to an accredited professional.

Between the two there is a difference, one wants to merely save your life, he is a proven manifestor and worker of health, and the other person is in some sort of trial to prove themselves to being more than that they are, even if this implies bending and deception. The patient pays the price for this, as the broscientist knows his knowledge is for nothing and will be nowhere to answer in regards to giving wrong medication to a patient.

Likewise in the above, when it comes to spirituality that is bullshit information, and produces no effects, or there are people who cannot clearly verify and/or see astrally the effects [we all go through this stage, and it takes arduous effort to rise out of it], everyone one hears is fine and alright.

The flashier the statements, "It will raise your serpent this", "you will open your third eye instantly that", and "top secret information" that does not work. Even in these forums and everywhere else, this happens. Actual spiritual knowledge works like this: You do it, and it will definitely work and do what it is made to do. The only question is time and power.

Lastly, information shared here, pales compared to what one will be given if one is really loyal in their heart to the Gods, and does as they dictate. Many people think they themselves know better and that they are smarter, they read it somewhere, or this and that.

The reality is however the hierarchy goes all the way from totally noob Satanists to people who are accredited surgeons here, and beings beyond comprehension in their abilities such as the Gods and Satan. One coming into Satanism, may have to shed their skin of stupidity that they previously had, that they knew everything.

Arrogance can also manifest, and in some cases, rightfully so, after one advances, and looks at other people who are still on a very low level. This happens most of the time in new meditators, as when one advances too far, they understand that knowledge goes far more deeply than that.

This arrogance can be blinding, and one must always remember, that the Gods are infinitely higher, and that they on the other hand, and they still tend to the lower creatures and students of the early classes, even if this means to show once every so often to help them with something.

They cannot boost a student in classes [unless maybe one is a genius, which can happen], one can only study what is in front of them, and as their intellect grows, so will one's capacity to handle new knowledge. The same goes for one's character, loyalty, and the Gods observe this also. The main key remains however one's practice and effort.

We must always be thankful for the Gods and that they stand above us, and that we are not like the enemy who is a clump of communistic hive mind made up of brutal aliens and reptilians that have appointed some evil jews in the middle, and an infinite mass of serfs that do not understand anything spiritual and are no better than cattle. Most people of the enemy know nothing and this is because, if they knew anything, they would have already rebelled in the sight of what the enemy prepares for them.

This is why the enemy calls their own "Sheep". Sheep know nothing, and are nothing, they are only there for milking and not learning. As an insult, many of our own, that do not conform, they call "Black Sheep", but the reality is, Satanists are only wolves.

One willingly moves away from the mass of sheep slaves of the enemy and wants to do better than that, because this is how nature goes. This should be common behavior in an age where sheep being slaughtered and enslaved is a how society is, but not many people have this spirit in them. Some of those who do, will find Satanism. So I am only explaining how things better work in our side of the isle, on this game of life called growth and advancement.

Our Gods work with hierarchy and this is the greatest blessing, because one can always seek help from someone who can instruct them, based on one's own effort and willingness to learn, to solve every problem, in just about any field. This creates freedom. "Equality" creates enslavement, and in the face of life's problems, destroys people. It is no wonder that people who really believe into this mess, never advance, and become one more of the slaves and "sheep" as the enemy wanted them to be. And the destiny of sheep is only to be slaughtered, which effectively happens to many of them in a daily basis.

This is us:


That is the enemy:


Praised be the Gods for not allowing us to be milked and enslaved like these exploited people are.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Contrary to the beliefs of the modern era that all men "Are equal", and other lies, this has never been the case. Even the constitution of the United States, says that all people are CREATED equal.
The Declaration of Independence says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Not the constitution, as far as I know.

But you are correct in that it refers to all people. In that era, "men" often referred to mankind, not just males.
At some point, I was suffering the same problem. Both arrogance and inferiority complex.

I have now learnt that there's always a higher mountain over the mountain you are climbing on. Arrogance is like turning downwards towards the hill and laughing or flaunting at the imaginary people climbing. While inferiority complex is like cowering at the might of those who are higher. Both wastes time. In the end, I think, we should all focus on climbing, admiring the higher while helping the lower(if they need ).
Sometimes I'm afraid to recognize what I can do that most members cannot, that I can understand what a lot struggle to and apparently I'm afraid to actually embrace this as truth. I know I have these abilities, I share what I can know all the time so damn often on this forum to so many people even playing it out like a broken record, repeating things I've said a hundred times with entire walls of text filled to the brim with knowledge I've obtained with my own abilities that I've proven and seen to work and understand as real truth with backup of evidence and knowledge, and I do this pretty much every single day and I sacrifice so many hours into it because I legit want to help people know what they may struggle to know but what I can very easily and I don't want to keep this selfishly.

I enjoy being an instrument to their own personal advancements and aiding them on this path and am pleased when it actually helps them because it works and I know when it does and will, I honest to the gods feel proud like a father when I see members actually overcome their problems and obstacles and actually utilize what I share that helps them and this pride can and has brought me to tears because I love seeing others here grow and advance from places where I know I was stuck and struggling myself when I was new. I recognize it in reality and in humility but this sermon made me realize that this entire time I've been afraid to see myself as anyone who is advanced and higher in these legit capabilities and potentials than others here.

I get praise and recognition from many members here that I've helped, I can't deny this it's literally physically there on the forum itself in their posts, so many say they admire what I share and my knowledge that helps them understand things and helps them advance, they evidently recognize my potential apparently and tell me that I'm 'amazing' or am some 'guru' to spirituality, but what they don't know is that each and every time they do this and I read their posts of such, I feel awful about it because I'm afraid of seeing myself as someone above them, I keep coddling humility in that I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or make them feel worthless because I can do things so easily that they can't yet, I keep wanting others to know and believe that they have potential to do all of this themselves because I know for an absolute 100% fact that they can, will and more.

I still don't know what to do about this because I still feel reluctance even in posting this in recognition to it's very existence as an apparent hangup that I didn't know I had. I think it's just the lack of true realization of the hierarchy system itself or maybe because I had an ego problem in the past or even maybe just a few members tearing me down for trusting in my ability that has helped me and others many times, making me think I'm just delusional or that it's all just some gimmick. Possibly also too much negative control of overextending love and care, whites are naturally empathetic like this, it is our natural inclination in our soul that we tend to coddle, understand and don't want to hurt people emotionally, and I think I let this get to me too much but the way people's minds have been made to work because of the enemy is simply what is stated in this sermon. They're inducted to believe that they should feel bad about those who are more advanced in areas or more powerful or skilled in certain things than them and they get stuck in this illusionary and false belief that for some reason they can't do this themselves and I don't want to make members feel like this.

I know control and discipline must be recognized, this has nothing to do with superiority or ego, I clearly don't want to be seen or thought of or worshiped as some 'powerful guru', I've even warned members in the past about holding to my words too strongly or clinging to me as the 'answering machine who can make no mistake' because this simply is not the case, I always tell members to trust their own gut feelings and intuition just like I trust and utilize mine. If this whole thing was about being better than everyone and tearing them down for it or looking upon people in inferiority as pathetic weaklings undeserving of a higher calling, then I wouldn't even be on this forum sharing what I know and learn. I'd be utilizing it for my own selfish reasons to rise above everyone else here because this is in truth a very powerful and incredibly helpful ability that gives an immense and amazing advantage to spiritual advancement like you wouldn't believe, I have and get every single answer I need on how to advance, what steps to take, how to apply it, how to utilize it, the only issue is time and distraction.

The ability to know the unknown and to decipher truths from it that work is not something to be taken for granted, anybody who has an ability in some area that can be utilized to their advantage in advancement and helping others, they should not take for granted either.

If working with elements is your strength and helps you then let it assist you in advancement and understanding, if you can commune with spirits see and hear them then you can do all of this with demons as well and have a great potential in enabling them to teach and guide you, if you have good intuition and gut-feelings for truth then utilize that to figure out what your next steps to advancement should be, if you can attain knowledge from the astral and decipher truth from it use it, if you are very skilled with astrology and how planets work use that to your advantage to time magic, workings and the directing of energies and desires and means to helping free, cleanse and advance your soul, if you can perform astral projection then you have direct access to the very astral plane itself same with lucid dreaming and soul-splitting/remote viewing.

There are many, many things members here can do in their own unique abilities that they are naturally good at that can help immensely in many ways their own advancement as well as teaching and guiding others who are not yet able to do what you can do, teach them your own understandings of it and help them to grasp it if they feel it is also their strength and something they can thrive in and want to utilize, develop your own abilities and from there you can help others to develop it as well. Feed, empower and NUTURE your strengths and allow them to enable you the advancements and means to find even more strengths, know and understand what you are positively good at, what you can grasp better than others, what you like and enjoy and let that strength grow and blossom forth to enable it for your spiritual advancement.

We build each other up, not tear each other down. Do not burden yourself with the envy of others, the gods are able to do everything a million times fold, do you get angry or resentful of them for being where they are? If someone is truly good at something, do not be afraid to ask them how and in what ways you can develop in such areas yourself in ways that can help you in meaningfulness. If someone understands something more than you do, don't be hateful or loathing that you do not, ask them and they can help you understand, and remember your gut feeling to trust what is truth because like I said, people here praise my words but I can and have made mistakes, some hurtful even and I have had to correct them and even clarify outdated knowledge with better understanding in time.

If you keep looking to people who are better at things in resentment of yourself and in loathing of your own potential and feeling bad that you can't yet do what they do, then you're confining yourself in looking upon a finish line without taking the steps needed to actually reach it. You end up focusing so heavily on what you're not yet and are unable to do yet by staring at that road others are driving on that you can't even see the road in front of you that actually takes you there in the first place. I can be dehydrated as all hell and stare at a glass of ice cold water, I can envy that water for being what I need and want and just keep on staring at it on the table, but if I keep focusing on what that water can do for me and constantly just staring with resentment at it for it's ability to rehydrate me for what it is instead of taking the actual steps towards attaining it by actually first realizing I can pick up the glass and drink it, then I only grow more and more dehydrated and eventually wither away and perish.

People must realize that a higher state, a higher ability, a potential, a realization, it's just a goal. The goal itself doesn't help you attain it, it's just a goal, an end point, a finish line, the steps you take towards it are what actually gets you there. Don't poison yourself with depression, envy and disappointment over the goal just because you're not there yet, that finish line is there in the first place, it exists, it's real, it's not going anywhere no matter what and it's waiting for you and it's confused as to why you're just staring at it with a scowl instead of walking towards it.

A bit silly of a comparison and a bit of humour integrated but the general point I'm trying to get across remains the same. Those members who express awe about my spiritual understandings and how I have such abilities to know this, would anyone believe me if I told them 3 years ago I could not do any of this? I didn't know jack shit about spirituality, I didn't even know what intuition was but as I cleaned my soul and freed myself of blockages, veils and bindings, as I saw clarity, signs and guidance from the gods in telling me what was happening when I started to suddenly automatically 'know' things in telling me what it was, I had a better understanding of it, hell it was the intuition itself even that helped me know what it was which is rather funny to me. From there I began to develop it as a strength and figuring out how to use it, I still am to this day learning more about how to utilize it effectively and more clearly because no it is not perfect and the more I keep going the more truths become clear to me and the more knowledge comes to me. It is no lie that I hadn't a clue how to do this or what it was 3 years ago, I didn't even know I could do it.

So develop yourself in what you know and works, what helps, hold to Satan, hold to truth, trust your gut-feeling/your intuition, work on cleaning and freeing your soul and chakras and from there you will find out what you can do. Understand and know yourself and let it help and guide your advancements. Satan and the gods are also always there to help guide you, they are very much available in helping you know and understand your potentials and abilities so long as you are willing to make the efforts towards personal advancement.

Thank you Cobra for this sermon. It made me realize I have a hangup to work out.
Hierarchy, compared with class/caste, seems to be more individual; the latter is more larger groups of people and according to the jew it is more for control. In NS society, class/caste might still exist (I am not certain) but one could move between them depending on their works and meditations, and actions, etc. With the jew control, it seems unlikely to be able to change class/caste, but with hierarchy, one can be promoted - and of course demoted.

Someone gave the example before, which I have used since, about becoming Monarch. Anyone can be Monarch; they have the potential to be Monarch - but would they put in the work required to achieve such a goal, title, height? Of course, personalities and personal abilities/calling in life/vocation/wanting all plays into it, but with meditations and workings, these abilities/callings in life/vocations/wantings can be changed or removed or others can be added - plus there are also personal interests, both in the sense of what people are into (stories, games, activities...), but also their desires for personal gain - their interests to achieve and be better than others. One could be promoted if they are suitable, of course. Similarly, to what was said recently that those who enjoy harming and torturing others, I think the "promotion" to Godhood/Magnum Opus might not be or would not be permitted if one is not suitable. Surely one would be more suitable, or suitable properly, by the time they were about to begin the Magnum Opus, though.

Not everyone can be Monarch. Too many cooks spoil the broth, plus who would one reign over if everyone is Monarch? So if every single Gentile in a village of 100 people were to be a Monarch, that would require each of those to have thousands or millions of underlings (100 times 1000 = 100 000; 100 times 1 000 000 = 100 000 000) so by the time that happened, each of those villagers would be ruler of their own country or continent; then, if each of those millions and billions were to be Monarch, there would be many, many more people being born who would then become Monarch (so to speak), and so on and so forth. We can't all be Leader, Führer/Anti-christ, Monarch, etc., not because we're not "allowed", but because it just wouldn't happen - but we all have the potential to be; we could be if we worked towards it properly, and if we desired to be. Like Satan says, He has/accepts Managers of Times/Ages to manage things themselves. I don't know what percentage of this is the Managers' own interests and selfish things, but they wouldn't be Manager for very long if they weren't in accordance with Satan, NS and SS, of course.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is us:


That is the enemy:


Praised be the Gods for not allowing us to be milked and enslaved like these exploited people are.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Someone could make memes out of those pictures - the sheep being led could be the jew being led to/under the usual arched steel "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign with the building in the picture being you-know-what, or NPCs/"Without" people being led to the microchip, to being greyified or to the slaughter with a relevant building in the distance; and the wolves would be either Nazis watching on or reptillians watching on, and each of these would be in any combination of the sheep and wolves.
Thanks for the input. It was essential for you to point this out and for me to be very specific, especially in a time where the foundational History of the United States is being besieged by communists and many other 5th collumnists.

I forgot to mention [thought it was self evident, not sure if people in the US could ever not know it, maybe some do not] that the Constitution arose out of the Declaration of Independence, and was written with this reality in mind. The relationship between the two documents is shoulder to hand. Declaration is the shoulder, and Constitution is the palm of the hand.

Yes, men also meant all people back in the day. Today, using specific words, is like a jewish minefield due to too much enemy indoctrination which has turned the mind of many into collapse. This should be self evident also.

However, with communism of words, censorship, and other forms of neuroticism in modern America, I have to take specifics to an overreaching manner.

People nowadays flip over things like that. There are whole Uni courses on how to hold people accountable like jews because they said "people" instead of "men and women" and other forms of rabbinical drivel, or saying "Mankind", which makes schizoid jewish feminists try to evoke the issue that "Why not womankind" and other forms of stupidity.

Jews are the type of species to beat their own women with the belt all day long, and shave their heads, meanwhile, they tell the goyim their real problems are some sort of word or something in a University course that the goy said.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Contrary to the beliefs of the modern era that all men "Are equal", and other lies, this has never been the case. Even the constitution of the United States, says that all people are CREATED equal.
The Declaration of Independence says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Not the constitution, as far as I know.

But you are correct in that it refers to all people. In that era, "men" often referred to mankind, not just males.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Thank you Cobra for this sermon. It made me realize I have a hangup to work out.

I say this as a little humor: "I don't wanna be treated like a guru, but here are like 10 paragraphs of me flaunting myself over it", Bruh.

Know beyond any reasonable doubt any members who are longterm members and help others are appreciated by the Gods. This includes everyone. I could write many names but everyone can see the post counts, replies, and how much help some SS have given.

You don't have to overestimate or underestimate yourself, that is all there is to this. This can be rather difficult but it is a helpful thing for everyone.

Some people tend to underestimate themselves very much, that is also a big issue, but meditation fixes that too over time as the mind heals and grows.

You are very correct on the "not taken for granted" part. Unfortunately, this is only a realization that occurs to many people as time goes and they themselves encounter challenges, which is when this is really understood.
Username said:
At some point, I was suffering the same problem. Both arrogance and inferiority complex.

I have now learnt that there's always a higher mountain over the mountain you are climbing on. Arrogance is like turning downwards towards the hill and laughing or flaunting at the imaginary people climbing. While inferiority complex is like cowering at the might of those who are higher. Both wastes time. In the end, I think, we should all focus on climbing, admiring the higher while helping the lower(if they need ).

A lot of wisdom in this comment, this is basically how this is.
Username said:
At some point, I was suffering the same problem. Both arrogance and inferiority complex.

I have now learnt that there's always a higher mountain over the mountain you are climbing on.
"The eternal struggle"! Onwards and upwards! A flower knows about the "eternal" struggle in pushing up through the soil to the air and to the sunlight - or trees, which grow bigger and stronger. We can shine brightly and blossom in beauty. Onwards and upwards we go.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks for the input. It was essential for you to point this out and for me to be very specific, especially in a time where the foundational History of the United States is being besieged by communists and many other 5th collumnists.

I forgot to mention [thought it was self evident, not sure if people in the US could ever not know it, maybe some do not] that the Constitution arose out of the Declaration of Independence, and was written with this reality in mind. The relationship between the two documents is shoulder to hand. Declaration is the shoulder, and Constitution is the palm of the hand.

Yes, men also meant all people back in the day. Today, using specific words, is like a jewish minefield due to too much enemy indoctrination which has turned the mind of many into collapse. This should be self evident also.

However, with communism of words, censorship, and other forms of neuroticism in modern America, I have to take specifics to an overreaching manner.

People nowadays flip over things like that. There are whole Uni courses on how to hold people accountable like jews because they said "people" instead of "men and women" and other forms of rabbinical drivel, or saying "Mankind", which makes schizoid jewish feminists try to evoke the issue that "Why not womankind" and other forms of stupidity.

Jews are the type of species to beat their own women with the belt all day long, and shave their heads, meanwhile, they tell the goyim their real problems are some sort of word or something in a University course that the goy said.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Contrary to the beliefs of the modern era that all men "Are equal", and other lies, this has never been the case. Even the constitution of the United States, says that all people are CREATED equal.
The Declaration of Independence says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Not the constitution, as far as I know.

But you are correct in that it refers to all people. In that era, "men" often referred to mankind, not just males.

I knew about what you were talking about and didn't give second thought to this cause I actually even visited Washington DC in 10th grade and saw a lot of this stuff and learned about it. Anyways maybe some people don't know about all this.

I have to wonder though obviously in no mainstream history is it going to talk about this.

I know our founders were Satanists. Did they not know about the Jewish problem that much or some other things as well? I would love to see someone clarify some things on this.

Me personally I think the founders here meant equal in the eyes of the law btw and not what we are thinking today and also equal in opportunity to rise up and advance more.

This is totally different than what people today think equality means.

This totally isn't a bad thing at all btw. If all people were equal in the eyes of the law you wouldn't have some people getting long sentences to even life over little things while others do horrible crimes and almost get away with it with probation or something cause they have money. The Jews would get hurt the most by people being equal in the eyes of the law.

Equal in opportunity would simply mean a fair chance for everyone to rise up through the ranks in spiritual advancement or material advancement. It would solve the problem of some people that are hard working like you said and smart not making much of themselves. Making things more fair. While maybe even doing something about the opposite somehow. People doing nothing but spouting off enemy stuff and having extreme amounts of money.

I dont think the ideas of Equality as spoken of by our founders had anything to do with what we are talking about today. If i am wrong here I still don't think it was anything subversive in any way.

We are trying to put context of what today something means onto something that happened in a totally different time period with a different culture and differnt events and ideas. Its probably nothing like what the meaning of things are today that they meant. I think they meant something good by this sort of like what I am saying that is what i gather.
Muito interessante!!
Vou ler e reler!!
Obrigada por postar textos que ajudam a humanidade a crescer e progredir cada vez mais!!
Salve Satan!!
Salve os Deuses Originais!!
This remind me of these words:

"Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself." -Adolf Hitler
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Thank you Cobra for this sermon. It made me realize I have a hangup to work out.

I say this as a little humor: "I don't wanna be treated like a guru, but here are like 10 paragraphs of me flaunting myself over it", Bruh.

That was me cringily being the stubborn mule I am to obstacles I see and trying to force myself through the apparent hangup of fear to recognize at least something of myself. Maybe I tried too hard but the humour is appreciated in light of it.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You are very correct on the "not taken for granted" part. Unfortunately, this is only a realization that occurs to many people as time goes and they themselves encounter challenges, which is when this is really understood.

I don't think a sole individual realizes right off the bat what they can do and just what their actual strengths are. But in time one definitely will. The challenges one will face are, well maybe I just get the bad end of the deal, but I'm just going to say there's a lot. But in my experience each time you figure them out and solve them you've gained more knowledge and understanding and know how to overcome similar challenges in the future easily and you're just that much more wiser for it. Even better when you know how to help others overcome the same things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hierarchy In Life And In Satanism
Praised be the Gods for not allowing us to be milked and enslaved like these exploited people are.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great Sermon
(message received)
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sometimes I'm afraid to recognize what I can do that most members cannot
I was reading through this post like "Hmm okay" until this point when I checked who wrote it. When I saw it was you I busted out laughing. Thanks for the chuckle.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I know our founders were Satanists. Did they not know about the Jewish problem that much or some other things as well? I would love to see someone clarify some things on this.

U.S Founding Fathers' Statements Concerning the Jews
There’s always the next bar to reach for in life, whether it’s your spiritual strength and abilities, or something physical like your career, or how much weight you can benchpress, this goes on and on. Never get too comfortable because if you are comfortable it means you are not advancing.

Unfortunately in these recent months I have found myself stuck in a plateau in every aspect, I stopped working with my chakras and doing real meditation, stopped doing physical things like exercise.

Hopefully with a good kick on the ass from myself and the members I will rise out of this rut and seriously change myself for the better.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Username said:
At some point, I was suffering the same problem. Both arrogance and inferiority complex.

I have now learnt that there's always a higher mountain over the mountain you are climbing on. Arrogance is like turning downwards towards the hill and laughing or flaunting at the imaginary people climbing. While inferiority complex is like cowering at the might of those who are higher. Both wastes time. In the end, I think, we should all focus on climbing, admiring the higher while helping the lower(if they need ).

A lot of wisdom in this comment, this is basically how this is.

Its a great honor to be quoted by a Reverend HP.
FancyMancy said:
Username said:
At some point, I was suffering the same problem. Both arrogance and inferiority complex.

I have now learnt that there's always a higher mountain over the mountain you are climbing on.
"The eternal struggle"! Onwards and upwards! A flower knows about the "eternal" struggle in pushing up through the soil to the air and to the sunlight - or trees, which grow bigger and stronger. We can shine brightly and blossom in beauty. Onwards and upwards we go.

Shael said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sometimes I'm afraid to recognize what I can do that most members cannot
I was reading through this post like "Hmm okay" until this point when I checked who wrote it. When I saw it was you I busted out laughing. Thanks for the chuckle.

Alright, here we go I guess.

So you legit just made it very clear that you're easily influenced by your perception and emotional opinions of someone the moment you associate to them and then can either disregard everything they say entirely or hold to it very strongly being unable to see past that. Because I assure you now you see nothing of value in my own words at all because now you know that they're mine. Am I right? You immediately screened everything as "bullshit" the second you saw my name.

Don't you think that's an issue if someone you hate is speaking truth?

Or if someone you love is speaking lies... ?

That your interpretation of information and truth is controlled by your emotions? I don't care if you disregard my post, by all means that's a thing of it's own, I'm just trying to help you see what can be an issue for you because it can affect your advancement. I'm just worried about you doing this with everything else because emotions are exuded from our own created conscious and you end up perceiving that instead from your imaginative functions of your psychic chakras, not what is the reality outside of it.

But of course you won't trust me and will call that bullshit as well. You block yourself from seeing. Maybe if someone else like Cobra or something tells you the same you'll trust them. Emotions can hide truth, this is why the enemy is so obsessed with influencing them on gentiles, we already know this. Obsession over love, acceptance and tolerance, and even anger, it has intoxicated humanity because all we see are the emotions we exude, not what is outside of them.

But by all means, and I honest to the gods say this without hostility or aggression, go ahead and think that this somehow doesn't apply to you because you're special or something and that for some reason being blinded by emotions doesn't include you under that factor. You likely don't believe for a second you're affected by your emotions like I say you are even though you literally just clarified it in your post here that this is the case. Maybe you can objectively recognize it but are you going to make effort to correct it?

That's up to you.

I'm blunt with my statements and this post here can be misinterpreted as upset, aggression or hostility, this is not the case, and does not mean I'm looking to start a fire here. I have instigated this because I see an issue and want to help, like always, it is my motivating factor on this forum for posting and this is a nice sermon with nice meanings, so the second this becomes an actual heated discussion or you just act out with hatred towards me in blind anger, I'm out.

If you don't want help, say so and I'll say nothing further to you. This seems to be the obvious outcome but I try anyway.
Shael said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sometimes I'm afraid to recognize what I can do that most members cannot
I was reading through this post like "Hmm okay" until this point when I checked who wrote it. When I saw it was you I busted out laughing. Thanks for the chuckle.
To be fair that comment coming from anyone is ridiculous. It's impossible to know what other members on here are truly capable of especially when it can be difficult to know ourselves.
This post comes to me very convenient as the other day my boss pulled some of us over at work to have a talk about how we were doing but to me I was told "you have to focus on yourself" which was actually true, the mentality of underperforming just because someone of a supposed equal or higher position is able to maintain their position without putting as much effort as you do is destructive and an offense to ones morals and values and can drag you into others damnation. It's important to be aware of that because one may not even realize until it's too late.

Focus on yourself, focus on your character and individuality and being who you are, it's good to look up to someone but strive to be the ideal figure you want to be and staying true to that. If you only focus on imitating every aspect of someone who intentionally or unintentionally assumes themselves to be a higher positions, that they may or may not deserve, you will end up dragged into their mess if they do fall. So value your own morals to save yourself problems in the long run. And regarding the Satanic path this should be emphasized greatly, especially with all the crap that's been going on, you have to be really strong here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is us:


That is the enemy:


Praised be the Gods for not allowing us to be milked and enslaved like these exploited people are.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Wolfies!!! <3

But are we having those sheep for lunch, Cobra?
Susi Campos said:
Muito interessante!!
Vou ler e reler!!
Obrigada por postar textos que ajudam a humanidade a crescer e progredir cada vez mais!!
Salve Satan!!
Salve os Deuses Originais!!

Eu sei que isso está fora do tópico, mas estou muito interessado na sua foto de perfil e gostaria de saber se você poderia me dar um link para a imagem completa.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
There’s always the next bar to reach for in life, whether it’s your spiritual strength and abilities, or something physical like your career, or how much weight you can benchpress, this goes on and on. Never get too comfortable because if you are comfortable it means you are not advancing.

Unfortunately in these recent months I have found myself stuck in a plateau in every aspect, I stopped working with my chakras and doing real meditation, stopped doing physical things like exercise.

Hopefully with a good kick on the ass from myself and the members I will rise out of this rut and seriously change myself for the better.


Been there before man. Just offering a friendly word of advice. No matter what, never blame yourself too harshly for what you perceive to be a failure. If you keep beating yourself down, it will sink your self-esteem and just make you feel worthless. It's better to look at those mistakes as learning experiences. Consistency was an issue with me, but dopamine detoxing was a HUGE help. Now I'm in a steady practice and confident I'll stay that way.

For me, I think there was also an issue of character. I don't think I was quite mature enough when I first found the path. I had to work through some baggage and grow up a little. I was actually contemplating this earlier and I think for some Satanists, they might need to work on their character first before they're in a good place to succeed on the Satanic path. After all, daily meditation does involve a fair amount of time and effort. Things like discipline, willpower, self-control. These can matter quite a bit.

A lifter, eh? I actually, like to pump the iron myself. Lifting is great for character development. It teaches you to be disciplined and boosts your confidence. I like how you can easily judge your progress. You learn self-strength and it fortifies your will. I actually have the habit so ingrained, it bothers me to be away from the gym too long. I know I'll lose my progress if I don't get a workout in. I think that's partly the key for me with meditation too. Be so habituated in it, it feels wrong if you don't do it.

Anyways, don't give up and keep working. If you need advice, we're here to help.
I have an inferiority complex too ... I mean I don't even have those basic qualities. I look at those who are not Satanists and are much better than me in certain respects.
I can't say I didn't work for Satan's agenda. I worked and I will still work.

I wonder if I will remain so inferior ... even if I advance spiritually, I don't want to remain in everyone's shadow ...
My mother is a wonderful being and I didn't even inherit some of her qualities. I was more of a burden to her, even though she didn't tell me that and she still loves me.

I know that such thoughts are a waste of time and energy and I try to get over them.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Shael said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sometimes I'm afraid to recognize what I can do that most members cannot
I was reading through this post like "Hmm okay" until this point when I checked who wrote it. When I saw it was you I busted out laughing. Thanks for the chuckle.

Alright, here we go I guess.

So you legit just made it very clear that you're easily influenced by your perception and emotional opinions of someone the moment you associate to them and then can either disregard everything they say entirely or hold to it very strongly being unable to see past that. Because I assure you now you see nothing of value in my own words at all because now you know that they're mine. Am I right? You immediately screened everything as "bullshit" the second you saw my name.

Don't you think that's an issue if someone you hate is speaking truth?

Or if someone you love is speaking lies... ?

That your interpretation of information and truth is controlled by your emotions? I don't care if you disregard my post, by all means that's a thing of it's own, I'm just trying to help you see what can be an issue for you because it can affect your advancement. I'm just worried about you doing this with everything else because emotions are exuded from our own created conscious and you end up perceiving that instead from your imaginative functions of your psychic chakras, not what is the reality outside of it.

But of course you won't trust me and will call that bullshit as well. You block yourself from seeing. Maybe if someone else like Cobra or something tells you the same you'll trust them. Emotions can hide truth, this is why the enemy is so obsessed with influencing them on gentiles, we already know this. Obsession over love, acceptance and tolerance, and even anger, it has intoxicated humanity because all we see are the emotions we exude, not what is outside of them.

But by all means, and I honest to the gods say this without hostility or aggression, go ahead and think that this somehow doesn't apply to you because you're special or something and that for some reason being blinded by emotions doesn't include you under that factor. You likely don't believe for a second you're affected by your emotions like I say you are even though you literally just clarified it in your post here that this is the case. Maybe you can objectively recognize it but are you going to make effort to correct it?

That's up to you.

I'm blunt with my statements and this post here can be misinterpreted as upset, aggression or hostility, this is not the case, and does not mean I'm looking to start a fire here. I have instigated this because I see an issue and want to help, like always, it is my motivating factor on this forum for posting and this is a nice sermon with nice meanings, so the second this becomes an actual heated discussion or you just act out with hatred towards me in blind anger, I'm out.

If you don't want help, say so and I'll say nothing further to you. This seems to be the obvious outcome but I try anyway.

This can be broken down to consistency and discipline. This is where any result lies.
Knowledge is power but without practice/understanding there is no "real power".
What point would it make if I could attract a million dollars but still fail to do what I can to ensure we all gentiles make it ( atleast the ones dedicated).
Real power apart from the magical perspective comes from self introspection at every step.
Just so we realise this maynot be the only war/trouble we will face. With cities and economies being destroyed, for the mental satisfaction of it, we can treat this as training. We will most likely have to develop cities after they have been broken down, help people etc. If meditation gives us anything is the ability to grow.
When we grow as individuals we want to see others succeedd too, those who dedicate atleast.

Responsibility to the responsible has been broken down as meditating and growing but for the greater part of it , it makes us smarter than the average , all in their own respective fields, the one they naturally feel inclined to.
People like Nikola Tesla ( sorry a nikola fan boy xD) have shown us how limited they had but what they achieved. Now we have "so much" that we for most part take things for granted, this includes people amongst us. Ofcourse there is racial hate being forced upon by the enemy that has caused troubles various times in the past, but what we have to look at is the beauty of each race and what the greats of each race have achieved and know with the tons of knowledge we have, meditations, group rituals, we can make earth a beautiful safe haven for our future generations.
The ones in our past didnt have the amount of knowledge we have now , with mantras, meditations from various cultures brought together, for all of us to use and learn.

What we have here is an opportunity that none of our ancestors ever had.

Hail Satan
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail SS
Another well detailed post Priest. I agree with the hierarchy, but if you can elaborate on the ego

If I maybe so stubborn to try to take a stab at this ego problem and why it surfaces. At this stage of the war and has been for quite a few centuries our actions are deceitful. As in the dark ages pagans needed to go underground to stay out of the eye of the masses. Even today our goal is to infiltrate and try to turn the ship.

To the Jews and their lackeys espionage/subversion is just as easy as breathing to them. This is counter to the gentile soul, we rather be open on the ground we stand.

For a successful satanist today it means being able to slice out one's piece of life, even though the enemy is breathing down their neck. Yes, it may have been easier between WW2 and the 90's to express one's self. But that isn't quite the case today.

The ego arises from a supposed lack of understanding. How could a God know what it is like to live with the enemy? How could a God know how to perform subversion? I know that the Gods understand the situation, but for some it's hard to take their guidance.

In my mind it's like a General in the back, and his troops are being rained with artillery. Some of his troops break ranks and begin to retreat, the General stops his troops and forces them back to the front. With only the order to dig deeper fox holes.

At least this is my understanding.
Hi all,

A little thing I'd like to remind everyone including myself is that one of the favourite tricks of the enemy is making you think some things are impossible for you, for instance:

- I can't get out of debt. I know I am a satanist, I know I have some value, but somehow the bills keep adding up. I did the wealth rituals but lo and behold I'm still poor. How can you change that? First of all, believe you can better your finances. You can get a better job, you can have opportunities, you can follow new classes, anything to get you out of your current state

- I can't get a girlfriend even if I'm the last man on earth. Yeah, also with the covid situation this may seem a bit tricky. But, just be patient and think you can do it. It is hard also for the females. And just remember not everyone of them is looking for the next James Bond. Your parents could do it, hell everyone's parents on this forum could do it and have offsprings and I bet you 100$ they weren't anything special. They just believed there was someone for them as well.

- I can't lose weight. I tried all those advices, read all the books, but somehow I find myself always eating that blueberry ice-cream I like most or that delicious chocolate. Well, there are some people that did it. And without that stupid surgeries you see on TV. If they did it, sure you can too. You have to believe you can otherwise no one will believe it for you. Also you have to really really want it. I mean just think of how much better your life will be without that extra-weight to carry around all day long. You are already enduring more than most of us here are. So in a way you are already used to hard work. Why not reverse the process?

- I can't meditate. Well, here I think our brother Ghost has already answered this topic many times over. :lol:

- I don't have time for all this spiritual stuff. I want it, but I just don't. Really. Well, guess what most of us here don't either. But as little time as we have or we can scrap we still do the pesky RTR. Most of the time at least :lol:

- I'm too old to advance. It's nice I found satanism at all but it's a bit late for me. Well, know what? You aren't getting any younger, dude! And who knows, maybe in your next life you'll be slaving in a mine without being able to read. How about that?

And the list can go on and on and on... This maybe a bit offtopic, but the relationship with the hierarchy in life is as follows: the first person in the ladder that can either help us or block us is.....us. It is up to you to not listen to the enemy's lies and believe yes you can do it. And there's no better time for this, than well, now!

And remember: impossible = i'm possible :mrgreen:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Praised be the Gods for not allowing us to be milked and enslaved like these exploited people are.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I love this sermon. That explains a LOT why some of us SS tend to butt heads!
StraitShot47 said:
Another well detailed post Priest. I agree with the hierarchy, but if you can elaborate on the ego


Although this is a rather problematic subject, I think I have to write some information necessary for people to understand some things in regards to the so called "Ego" and therefore each one understands ourselves better. It has been requested before, I'll do it, but it has to happen in parts.
so will it be a spiritual gene caste system based on meritocracy like through your actions and skills you learn alongside spiritual practices to evolve your genes and blood to be a higher caste or class? :?: :?: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :cool: :cool:
Olivia said:
I have an inferiority complex too ... I mean I don't even have those basic qualities. I look at those who are not Satanists and are much better than me in certain respects.
I can't say I didn't work for Satan's agenda. I worked and I will still work.

I wonder if I will remain so inferior ... even if I advance spiritually, I don't want to remain in everyone's shadow ...
My mother is a wonderful being and I didn't even inherit some of her qualities. I was more of a burden to her, even though she didn't tell me that and she still loves me.

I know that such thoughts are a waste of time and energy and I try to get over them.

Hi Olivia, my 2 cents on this

I was more of a burden to her, even though she didn't tell me that and she still loves me.

All children are at some point a burden for their parents. Maybe you don't remember but I bet you had moments as a child when you drove your parents absolutely insane :lol: But this is just the way of life, you make your parents miserable at some point and annoy the hell out of them, but your children will do that to you don't you worry about that :D

My mother is a wonderful being and I didn't even inherit some of her qualities.

Nobody is supposed to be a clone of their parents. You have your qualities which can come from your parents, from your elders or hey they can be unique to you!

I have an inferiority complex too

Being a satanist means walking among the elites, you have as comrades the Gods' chosen. It would be weird if you, as well as I, wouldn't feel inferior to some of the people in here. But I think is best to replace this inferiority feeling with one of awe and just be glad you can learn from such people :cool:

even if I advance spiritually, I don't want to remain in everyone's shadow

I just don't think that is technically possible :lol: What western society teaches us from the beginning is that we are in competition with each other. While this is partially true, the first being you are in competition with is yourself. If you from today are better than the you from yesterday that is enough to progress. And by the law of statistics you would 100% surpass other people. So, other people will be in your shadow so to speak.

But this belief in itself is plain wrong, we are not here to see who is in who's shadow, we are here to get a better look at the God's shining :mrgreen: And be a part of that as well.

My mother is a wonderful being

All the more reason to believe she wouldn't have given birth to an inferior individual, don't you think?

I look at those who are not Satanists and are much better than me in certain respects.

Everyone is better than someone else at something. Believe it or not, not everything is related to being a satanist. You might be an awful cook or a great cook regardless of your religious beliefs. Or a poor/amazing driver. Some things are just not related. Stop making connections where there are none.

Also do not believe that if you are a satanist you are somehow above other mortals who are not. Everyone has their own path to tread upon.

I know that such thoughts are a waste of time and energy and I try to get over them.

Bad thoughts and bad situations are not encountered in life to get over them. This is as the wish from stupid people like hey have an easy day at the office. No, I do not want an easy day I want to grow stronger so that the hardest days seem easy to me because of how much I have grown. Such thoughts are for you to resolve and the issues to solve, not to get over them like hey pretend they did not happen at all.
StraitShot47 said:
Another well detailed post Priest. I agree with the hierarchy, but if you can elaborate on the ego

If I maybe so stubborn to try to take a stab at this ego problem and why it surfaces. At this stage of the war and has been for quite a few centuries our actions are deceitful. As in the dark ages pagans needed to go underground to stay out of the eye of the masses. Even today our goal is to infiltrate and try to turn the ship.

To the Jews and their lackeys espionage/subversion is just as easy as breathing to them. This is counter to the gentile soul, we rather be open on the ground we stand.

For a successful satanist today it means being able to slice out one's piece of life, even though the enemy is breathing down their neck. Yes, it may have been easier between WW2 and the 90's to express one's self. But that isn't quite the case today.

The ego arises from a supposed lack of understanding. How could a God know what it is like to live with the enemy? How could a God know how to perform subversion? I know that the Gods understand the situation, but for some it's hard to take their guidance.

In my mind it's like a General in the back, and his troops are being rained with artillery. Some of his troops break ranks and begin to retreat, the General stops his troops and forces them back to the front. With only the order to dig deeper fox holes.

At least this is my understanding.

This sir, is a brilliant post. Being on the field as you say, what kills me is this:

- during the day you're at work or meeting regular people and you get confronted with all these normies beliefs that you yourself have sorted out long ago. At first it is amazing they are so far from the truth, but in time it gets very hard and tiresome. You have to both keep your thoughts in check and also you struggle to keep your beliefs because it is only natural to question them when you see so many people think not just otherwise, but totally in opposition with yours

- at evening you get home and relax and read what your brothers have to say and think and you're in the zone again, the spiritual part of your life is real and alive once again

And this back and forth is fuuuuking insane I don't know if you guys feel this, but for me this is the hardest part. I mean in the actual war you try and shoot the damn enemy all day and all night. But today, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't if you know what I mean :roll:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Another well detailed post Priest. I agree with the hierarchy, but if you can elaborate on the ego


Although this is a rather problematic subject, I think I have to write some information necessary for people to understand some things in regards to the so called "Ego" and therefore each one understands ourselves better. It has been requested before, I'll do it, but it has to happen in parts.

So technically you are saying that the hierarchy has to do with the level of advancement? And another one i have to ask, when some of us SS are butting heads, how do we know which one is more advanced than the other?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Another well detailed post Priest. I agree with the hierarchy, but if you can elaborate on the ego


Although this is a rather problematic subject, I think I have to write some information necessary for people to understand some things in regards to the so called "Ego" and therefore each one understands ourselves better. It has been requested before, I'll do it, but it has to happen in parts.
Isn't the Ego literally ourselves? I think it's connected to the Solar chakra and to our Will. It's our personality (?), without it we are just empty and easily controllable, this is why the enemy wants us to not have it, in the new age they teach you that you need to remove it to advance spiritually which is bullshit.
Echoing the interest in this subject and “need” for it, thanks Cobra!
Azoun said:
To be fair that comment coming from anyone is ridiculous. It's impossible to know what other members on here are truly capable of especially when it can be difficult to know ourselves.
To give you some context, this guy specifically has shown on many accounts that he is mentally unstable and insane. He made himself believe that HPS Shannon was an enemy and openly tried to slander her here after harassing her continuously on her email.

I know the details of this whole situation, and this is why I wrote what I did. I wouldn't write something like this to someone if I didn't know for certain they are delusional and writing garbage on here to deceive themselves.

And I did actually bust out laughing. This wasnt some figure of speech to insult him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
