Modern Politics 101: Millions of Gentile men and women blindly serving and dying for elite and jewish aspirations since 1914.
For this edition, we have Tsar LARPer Putin and jewish infilatror Zelenski sending hundereds of thousands of Slavs to their deaths for either money or imperial aspirations. However I do have sympathy for the Ukrainians as they are defending their land, even if it's being sold to Blackrock without their knowledge, if they knew what they were really fighting for, they'd join the Russians. It's D-Day regret all over again.
What i find very confusing about most humans is how willingly they obey and follow whatever they're told to do by higher authorities, even go to useless wars and mass murder each other without a second thought. This sort of behaviour is completely alien to me. The Milgram experiment done by the jew Milgram proved that most people are obedient lemmings who will kill other people if told do by authority figures. The Covid experiment was more proof of this slave behaviour. They basically found out that most humans will do anything if told to, provided basic insentives were given, even if the insentives were false or not worth it.
This is exactly why Earth is a shithole, most can't think for themselves and don't have an internal will, so they are guided by the immoral psychopathic minority who actually have the will and intelligence to lead themselves and others. Earth is a low-level place not because of the jews or the current elites(although they definetly make it worse), but mainly because the masses are retarded weaklings.
Back in 1914, men had far more testosterone on average, food and drinks were far less poisoned, and racial conciousness was strong in Whites. Despite all this, Whites(and Asians in WW2) still killed each other in the tens of millions simply because they were ordered to. Obedience to l'empereur trumped racial brotherhood. Most people prefer to cuck their will to authority cause it's easy. This isn't really a race issue though as all races/groups have this problem. This goes back far, even before the jews showed up.
The devolution has been going on for a long time. The issue isn't authority itself, but the people willingly alowing and following corrupt authority. Most men today have far less testosterone than 100 years ago, and if the ones from a century ago couldn't just say no to the warmongers and tyrants, the ones today basically have no hope. It was mainly women protesting against wars and it still is today, which is just pathetic, not for the women, but the men, because being an obedient cuck and dying in a useless war is the "manly" thing to do. 99% of the wars today don't benefit anyone other than the elites and the jews. Even being drafted isn't a good excuse. It's better to be jailed or even executed, dying for what you believe in like a true warrior would rather than obeying like a drone and fighting for a pointless war. Honour is basically gone too nowadays or what's left of it has been corrupted. It isn't honourable to follow false leaders. Alexander's men made him stop his conquests into India cause they had a will of their own and they had enough, and they let him know they had enough.
The so-called Hyphasis Mutiny was a conflict between Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) and his army following their victory at the river Hydaspes in 326 BCE. Alexander voiced plans for further conquests...
Most men back then were REAL warriors. They followed a leader to war because they wanted to. This kind of warriorhood is gone in today's world. I think the invention of guns had something to do with it. Guns allowed any weakling to kill seasoned warriors like they were nothing. This is when warriors were officially replaced by "soldiers". The age of the Knights and the Samurai was over, and honour died with them.
I say all this even though I'm no warrior myself and I hope no one here is ever tested through a draft, cause it's not a good position to end up in. However, try to be your own inner warrior rather than try to prove yourself in some war, it's almost never worth it. The war within was always the most important one anyway. Do learn from the warriors of the past on how to develop your own inner will.
I do see humanity splitting into the advanced and the pods, most are devolving to podhood and death, others are ascending to Godhood and life, including those who may not be SS yet as they may be learning and adhering to other SS values like having a will, thinking for yourself and so on without knowing so.
Develop a will of your own, or you'll end up following someone else's.