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New member
Apr 30, 2024
Pur și simplu renunț, nu am puterea să continui o salvare pentru mine este o viață nouă
Mi-am trădat rasa și strămoșii pentru niște zei care pretind că îmi dau lucruri dacă fac diverse ritualuri și meditez, dar nu o fac.
a fi dedicat nu este o afacere bună și, în plus, dacă zeii nu oferă atunci nici eu.
viitorul este anticipat Voi avea acces la mințile a sute sau mii de oameni, adolescenți, copii și oameni, din cauza muzicii pe care o creez mulți mă vor idolatriza.
Dacă ar fi totul real, aș face reclamă și aș suna cât mai mulți oameni pe drum, dar nimic nu este adevărat.
Am momente de crize nervoase, tristete etc pe care le controlez
mâinile și picioarele mele lucrează pentru a avea bani
niciun zeu nu coboară din cer și îți dă acei bani pentru a supraviețui.
Trebuie să rup aceste lanțuri pentru a fi cu adevărat liber.
acești zei rămân în zona lor și îi binecuvântăm. pentru bătăliile pe care le câștigăm, cred că le dăm viață și le dăm energie
and besides, you have a problem with racism white race, black race (man it's just an opinion)
"The race of the gods are the white ones
I find it quite disturbing” about black people
and if these gods exist, show me the proof and I invite them into my life to live as I live, I really want to see how life puts these gods down.
I just give up, I don't have the strength to continue a rescue for me is a new life
I betrayed my race and ancestors for some gods who claim to give me things if I do various rituals and meditate, but I don't.
being dedicated is not a good deal and besides, if the gods don't provide then neither do I.
the future is anticipated I will have access to the minds of hundreds or thousands of people, teenagers, children and people, because of the music I create many will idolize me.
If it was all real, I would advertise and call as many people as possible on the road, but nothing is true.
I have moments of nervous breakdowns, sadness, etc. that I control
my hands and feet work to have money
no god comes down from the sky and gives you that money to survive.
I must break these chains to be truly free.
these gods stay in their area and we bless them. for the battles we win, I think we give them life and energy

I hate to break it to you, but the Gods never claimed that they will give you money if you do rituals and meditate. You made this up in your own head, nobody said that to you. The fantasy that you will be rich and that you will have people idolize you was all in your head, nobody really said any of that will happen. Nobody really told you any of that. If you read the posts here and in the JoS site, it really refutes your fantasy. If you disagree with what I said, show me a post where someone says that if you do RTRs and meditations the Gods will make you rich. There is no such post because nobody said any of that.

I mean, did you even read the replies people gave you? They clearly told you that you use your powers to bring yourself money, not the Gods, and not once, many times in many posts. And besides that, making money isn't the primary thing in Spiritual Satanism, it's spiritual transformation. As I said, the Gods are mostly here to guide us spiritually. You said before that you were interested in SS just for money when you joined, which is the wrong reason. Satanism isn't for materialistic people, obviously, and Satan doesn't like these types of people.
I hate to break it to you, but the Gods never claimed that they will give you money if you do rituals and meditate. You made this up in your own head, nobody said that to you. The fantasy that you will be rich and that you will have people idolize you was all in your head, nobody really said any of that will happen. Nobody really told you any of that. If you read the posts here and in the JoS site, it really refutes your fantasy. If you disagree with what I said, show me a post where someone says that if you do RTRs and meditations the Gods will make you rich. There is no such post because nobody said any of that.

I mean, did you even read the replies people gave you? They clearly told you that you use your powers to bring yourself money, not the Gods, and not once, many times in many posts. And besides that, making money isn't the primary thing in Spiritual Satanism, it's spiritual transformation. As I said, the Gods are mostly here to guide us spiritually. You said before that you were interested in SS just for money when you joined, which is the wrong reason. Satanism isn't for materialistic people, obviously, and Satan doesn't like these types of people.
I would agree here except for the part "Satanism isn't for materialistic people, obviously, and Satan doesn't like these types of people." I don't believe this is true and maybe you had actually worded your message incorrectly.

The material realm is part of our spiritual advancement and the Gods certainly guide in this, as they do in all affairs of life. Although perhaps immature at face value, a desire for money is still valid, and many new people come here with "simple" desires which then evolve over time. However, as you say, the Gods cannot do the work for us, but they can strongly guide us.

If someone does a ritual to a God and asks for help with material advancement, the energy of the God or their word's can transform our soul to aid our ability to manifest this.
Gods like Baalzebul certainly do control power in this world and can bless or remove it from someone, but this is carried out through mechanisms in our dimension, not just materialized out of thin air.
Urăsc să ți-o spun, dar zeii nu au susținut niciodată că îți vor da bani dacă faci ritualuri și meditezi. Ai inventat asta în capul tău, nimeni nu ți-a spus asta. Fantezia că vei fi bogat și că vei avea oameni să te idolatrească era totul în capul tău, nimeni nu a spus cu adevărat că se va întâmpla așa ceva. Nimeni nu ți-a spus cu adevărat nimic din toate astea. Dacă citiți postările de aici și de pe site-ul JoS, chiar vă respinge fantezia. Dacă nu ești de acord cu ce am spus, arată-mi o postare în care cineva spune că dacă faci RTR-uri și meditații zeii te vor îmbogăți. Nu există o astfel de postare pentru că nimeni nu a spus nimic din asta.

Adică, ai citit măcar răspunsurile pe care le-au dat oamenii? Ți-au spus clar că îți folosești puterile pentru a-ți aduce bani, nu zeilor și nu o dată, de multe ori în multe postări. Și în afară de asta, a câștiga bani nu este lucrul principal în satanismul spiritual, este transformarea spirituală. După cum am spus, zeii sunt în mare parte aici pentru a ne ghida spiritual. Ai spus mai înainte că te-a interesat SS doar pentru bani când te-ai alăturat, care este motivul greșit. Satanismul nu este pentru oamenii materialişti, evident, iar lui Satana nu îi plac aceste tipuri de oameni.
Citez: Promit să-L recunosc și să-L onorez în toate lucrurile fără reținere, dorind în schimb diversele Sale asistențe pentru a-mi îndeplini eforturile.
Așa scrie în ritualul de inițiere
Yes of course we live in a peaceful time when it is enough to clean your room and meditate for Santa to give you a present, and not in the midst of the Kali Yuga when everything can become so bad that even any thriller-antiutopia will seem like a children's bedtime story.

If you had been paying attention, you would have read on the Demons page that some have swarthy skin, and not only that.
no god has answered me so far and i have a burning desire to meet them but they don't want to show me or help me i don't understand why my power is limited and i really need their help
The only god I saw was in the dream I had about high priestess Maxine a week ago, the snake like face shape was huge and it was looking at me and I was running all over the place.
but he protects me before he reaches his goal.
I dreamed several times during these 4 years.
once he told me it was all in my head and I needed to change my thinking

How do you know they are not helping you, exactly? Maybe they were guiding you, but because nothing immediately happened you assumed nothing happened. Also, if your astral senses are not open, then it is normal to have limited perceptions of them. In the past I had gone through stressful situations and I had seen an increase in visual signs (like numbers) to reflect their support, but not a lucid dream of them.

Further, there are ethical problems with your assumptions, like that we are just giving them energy and in return we unknowingly get nothing. The Gods would not do this because it would damage our relationship with them or create confusion.

Before you do anything hasty, it is best for you to remain calm and also ask them these questions through their sigils. Ask them why there is difficulty in interacting with them and let them tell you, rather than assuming they are withholding something or just taking your energy, or other destructive ideas.

They are very patient with us and sometimes we need to remember this and return this to them.
Aș fi de acord aici, cu excepția părții „Satanismul nu este pentru oameni materialiști, evident, și Satanei nu-i plasează aceste tipuri de oameni”. Nu cred că acest lucru este adevărat și poate că ați formulat mesajul incorect.

Tărâmul material face parte din progresul nostru spiritual și zeii ne ghidează cu siguranță în acest sens, așa cum fac în toate treburile vieții. Deși poate imatură la valoarea nominală, dorința de bani este încă valabilă și mulți oameni noi vin aici cu dorințe „simple” care apoi evoluează în timp. Totuși, așa cum spuneți, zeii nu pot face treaba pentru noi, dar nu pot ghida cu putere.

Dacă cineva face un ritual unui Dumnezeu și cere ajutor pentru progresul material, energia lui Dumnezeu sau cuvântul lui ne poate transforma sufletul pentru a ne ajuta capacitatea de a manifesta acest lucru.
Zei precum Baalzebul cu siguranță controlează puterea în lume și o pot binecuvânta sau înlătura de la cineva, dar aceasta se realizează prin mecanismul din dimensiunea noastră, nu doar materializate din aer.

De unde știi că nu te ajută, exact? Poate că te îndrumau, dar pentru că nimic nu s-a întâmplat imediat, ai presupus că nu s-a întâmplat nimic. De asemenea, dacă simțurile tale astrale nu sunt deschise, atunci este normal să ai percepții limitate asupra lor. În trecut, trecusem prin situații stresante și văzusem o creștere a semnelor vizuale (cum ar fi numerele) pentru a reflecta sprijinul lor, dar nu un vis lucid al acestora.

În plus, există probleme etice cu presupunerile tale, cum ar fi că le dăm energie și, în schimb, nu primim nimic, fără să știm. Zeii nu ar face acest lucru pentru că ar deteriora relația noastră cu ei sau ar crea confuzie.

Înainte de a face ceva grăbit, cel mai bine este să rămâneți calm și, de asemenea, să le puneți aceste întrebări prin sigiliile lor. Întrebați-i de ce există dificultăți în a interacționa cu ei și lăsați-i să vă spună, mai degrabă decât să presupună că rețin ceva sau pur și simplu vă iau energia sau alte idei distructive.

Sunt foarte răbdători cu noi și uneori trebuie să ne amintim acest lucru și să le returnăm asta.
Am făcut toate aceste lucruri la care zeii sunt martori. dar nu a fost un succes
daca zeii nu imi pot aduce profitul colosal in aceste jocuri inseamna ca aceste jocuri sunt mai puternice decat zeii, imi pare rau daca te deranjeaza.
dar cred că mă voi întoarce la vechea religie.
va multumesc mult pentru raspunsuri, nu va mai deranjez
Yes of course we live in a peaceful time when it is enough to clean your room and meditate for Santa to give you a present, and not in the midst of the Kali Yuga when everything can become so bad that even any thriller-antiutopia will seem like a children's bedtime story.

If you had been paying attention, you would have read on the Demons page that some have swarthy skin, and not only that.
I don't understand what you meant but I appreciate your message bro
Yes of course we live in a peaceful time when it is enough to clean your room and meditate for Santa to give you a present, and not in the midst of the Kali Yuga when everything can become so bad that even any thriller-antiutopia will seem like a children's bedtime story.

If you had been paying attention, you would have read on the Demons page that some have swarthy skin, and not only that.
Man, I go through 10+ hours of meditation rituals and attacking enemies on the weekend.
over time, you don't know what I went through to open my mind.
imagine that you dream what happens every day.
and when what I dreamed happened, the impact was so strong that it made me very dizzy.
I have mastered this condition.
I don't want to be part of the attacks from worse demons, I understand
but i saw death.on.drugs
I experienced trauma in my family, I saw how my brothers cut each other and many scandals
but all these passed away and were destroyed.
I lived in poverty and I still do
I was about to go crazy, but I got over it.
have you ever been hungry and had nothing to eat?
those were hard times. for me I rose from the bottom and I will reach the highest level even if you think I'm a spoiled child who doesn't know his head.
and all this time I meditated, I asked the demons to help me, even if sometimes I got angry with them.
but I stood up on my own and broke countless barriers.
you have been protected and the gods love you
be blessed brother you and all the brothers and sisters in the J.O.S. community
and tell those brown gods that I'm very angry and angry with them, tell that to all the gods and hell
and tell them that eventually their mighty rock warrior (me) will fall and no longer be able to wreak utter havoc on the Jews and spiritual enemies.
Am făcut toate aceste lucruri la care zeii sunt martori. dar nu a fost un succes
daca zeii nu imi pot aduce profitul colosal in aceste jocuri inseamna ca aceste jocuri sunt mai puternice decat zeii, imi pare rau daca te deranjeaza.
dar cred că mă voi întoarce la vechea religie.
va multumesc mult pentru raspunsuri, nu va mai deranjez

I don't think you are a "spoiled child", but rather confused about the relationship our Gods have with us. They cannot just drop a bag of gold onto our head, but they can help accelerate your progress in achieving wealth on your own.

It takes a long time to make larger karmic changes so the fact that these negative events happened to you or others can still be an unfortunate reality for the time being, as this is the consequence of prior lack of development.

You spent 10 hours in your meditative work, but how much spiritual or other effort did you put specifically into wealth creation? If you are making mistakes that prevent you from earning money, what can the Gods do about this? They help you change, which then opens the door for money to be obtained, but all of this takes time.

I think you believe the Gods are simply withholding something from you, but that is not true.
Pur și simplu...
Continue to develop your music and strive for it as your highest ideals. Your music will elevate you, work for your music 24\7 with full dedication and sincerity as if it were your spouse, and tie spiritual practices to your music according to your strengths and interests, I don't know if you are a woman or a man. Not every Satanist is your friend, ignore the nonsense, just work, create, make music. Black or white, what's the difference, the main thing is creativity - sincere, persistent, beautiful....

Продолжайте развивать свою музыку и стремитесь к ней как к высшим идеалам. Ваша музыка вознесет вас, работайте для музыки 24\7 с полной отдачей и искренностью, как если бы это был ваш супруг или супруга, и привязывайте к своей музыке духовную практику по вашим силам и интересам, я не знаю кто вы женщина или мужчина. Не каждый сатанист вам друг, не обращайте внимание на глупости, просто работайте, творите, создавайте музыку. Черный или белый, какая разница, главное творчество - искреннее, настойчивое, прекрасное...
I quote: I promise to acknowledge and honor Him in all things without restraint, desiring in return His various assistances to accomplish my endeavours.
That's what it says in the initiation ritual
That doesn't mean money or instant material things. The meaning of the above you quoted is his assistance in your spiritual transformation. Have you read the JoS site, or only the dedication page? Because other parts of JoS say Satan's and the Gods' help is mostly for our spiritual transformation, they doesn't give us instant money, and they never promise to do so. Not even the dedication page says that Satan will satisfy your material desires fully. So I'm not even sure where you got that from, to interpret it this way it means you have to ignore the rest of the JoS sit.

I think you did the dedication for the wrong reason, if you did it expecting Satan to give you money. It's been explained many times that you should not do the dedication for selfish purposes and if you are not sure Satan or the Gods are real and you have doubts about them.

and tell those brown gods that I'm very angry and angry with them, tell that to all the gods and hell
Let me see if I got it right: You joined Satanism for the wrong reason, you expected the Gods to do something that they won't and you got disappointed. Sorry, but this is not anyone else's fault here.

I repeat: Nobody, nobody ever said Gods will give you money. They don't like people who are only interested in Satanism for money and nothing else. Most Satanists in the past were looking to use the Gods for their material desires and the JoS came as a reaction and a refutation of that.

I have done all these things to which the gods are witnesses. but it was not a success
if the gods can't bring me the colossal profit in these games it means that these games are more powerful than the gods, I'm sorry if it bothers you.
but I think I will go back to the old religion.
thank you very much for the answers, I will not bother you anymore

Gambling is stupid. The Gods don't like stupidity, so they will not help you with that. People have told you this many times. I mean, it's been also said that the only sin in Satanism is stupidity. As the saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Let me clarify to you what Satanism is about: It's about transforming your soul with the help of the Gods. Not instant money, not instant material things. Of course, as we grow spiritually we can use our powers to attract wealth too, but 1)this is not the main thing and 2) it doesn't happen instantly and 3)the Gods don't do that for us, but we do it for ourselves.
but i saw death.on.drugs
I experienced trauma in my family, I saw how my brothers cut each other and many scandals
but all these passed away and were destroyed.
I lived in poverty and I still do
I was about to go crazy, but I got over it.
have you ever been hungry and had nothing to eat?
those were hard times. for me I rose from the bottom and I will reach the highest level even if you think I'm a spoiled child who doesn't know his head.
Look, I sympathize with your condition, but just because you have experienced these bad things doesn't mean you can expect instant fixes. You obviously had bad karma in your life, but with patience it may get better.

People who had bad lives and join Satanism expecting to get fixed instantly are the ones that get disappointed. Don't take this personally, but this isn't how it works.

Those who get the most benefit are the ones who join when their life is running smoothly and take the time to meditate and advance their souls, so when shit happens in months or years after that they will be better able to handle that. You may not like it, but that's how it works.
but I think I'll go back to the old religion.
Why, I thought you said your "old religion" didn't give you money? Or do you only view Satanism as a cash cow and don't take it seriously, but not Christianity? You see, if you take Christianity seriously so as to convert to it even if it doesn't give you money but not Satanism, it says a lot about you and proves all what I said above.
Why, I thought you said your "old religion" didn't give you money? Or do you only view Satanism as a cash cow and don't take it seriously, but not Christianity? You see, if you take Christianity seriously so as to convert to it even if it doesn't give you money but not Satanism, it says a lot about you and proves all what I said above.
Christianity is my native religion, it is the religion of my family, my nation and my people.
in Christianity I don't have to give my life to the gods, I just have to give love to my loved ones to give to do good in Christianity when you are poor and endure hardships it is said that God loves you and looks after you.
As a Satanist I feel a great power, I feel that I have the right to everything as long as I know that the gods and Satan are with me, I feel that I can do anything, and when I fail in my work the disappointment is greater if you understand me.
Christianity is my native religion, it is the religion of my family, my nation and my people.
in Christianity I don't have to give my life to the gods, I just have to give love to my loved ones to give to do good in Christianity when you are poor and endure hardships it is said that God loves you and looks after you.
As a Satanist I feel a great power, I feel that I have the right to everything as long as I know that the gods and Satan are with me, I feel that I can do anything, and when I fail in my work the disappointment is greater if you understand me.
At this point, you have claimed to be a person who meditates for 10 hours and a self-professed warrior of the Gods of 4 years, yet have seen no signs of the Gods. You say you opened your mind and can dream reality, yet also you say your spells had failed you.

Either you are exaggerating many things and panicking, or you are doing this on purpose. You seem to have some serious confusion about Satanism if you believe Christianity will give anything. It seems like you believe you are entitled to anything without the appropriate work, then when this fails you blame the Gods for your problems.

As far as I understand, you had gambled your money away and now are blaming the Gods for this, claiming the gambling game is stronger than the God. This is ridiculous. If I stub my toe because I wasn't looking where I was going, should I claim that Satan is weaker than the object I ran into?

At the end of the day we cannot stop you if you wish to run away and do whatever. Myself and others had spent some time trying to alleviate your concerns, but it doesn't seem to change much. However, stop attacking the Gods for your mistakes. We understand you are upset, but this is not right and we don't want to host this or other pro-Christian sentiments.
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De ce, am crezut că ai spus că „vechea ta religie” nu ți-a dat bani? Sau consideri satanismul doar ca pe o vacă de bani și nu îl iei în serios, dar nu creștinismul? Vezi tu, dacă iei creștinismul în serios pentru a te converti la el chiar dacă nu îți da bani, dar nu satanism, spune despre multe tine și dovedește tot ce am spus mai sus.

At this point, you have claimed to be a person who meditates for 10 hours and a self-professed warrior of the Gods of 4 years, yet have seen no signs of the Gods. You say you opened your mind and can dream reality, yet also you say your spells had failed you.

Either you are exaggerating many things and panicking, or you are doing this on purpose. You seem to have some serious confusion about Satanism if you believe Christianity will give anything. It seems like you believe you are entitled to anything without the appropriate work, then when this fails you blame the Gods for your problems.

As far as I understand, you had gambled your money away and now are blaming the Gods for this, claiming the gambling game is stronger than the God. This is ridiculous. If I stub my toe because I wasn't looking where I was going, should I claim that Satan is weaker than the object I ran into?

At the end of the day we cannot stop you if you wish to run away and do whatever. Myself and others had spent some time trying to alleviate your concerns, but it doesn't seem to change much. However, stop attacking the Gods for your mistakes. We understand you are upset, but this is not right and we don't want to host this or other pro-Christian sentiments.
an hour ago I worked on the protective aura, I haven't done it for three days
I want you to recommend a powerful ritual to destroy enemies please.
I will lock myself in the temple" for a while
acum o ora am lucrat la aura protectoare, nu am mai facut-o de trei zile
Vreau să recomanzi un ritual puternic pentru a distruge inamicii, te rog.
Mă voi închide în templu” pentru o vreme
Voi începe meditația RAUM de 108 ori, aceasta poate dura ceva timp, apoi voi începe atacul împotriva dușmanilor și a evreilor pentru a-mi face atacul cât mai puternic posibil.
an hour ago I worked on the protective aura, I haven't done it for three days
I want you to recommend a powerful ritual to destroy enemies please.
I will lock myself in the temple" for a while
Protective aura should be done every day... This just rises the concern that you are not as skilled as you say.

But if you want to remove negative karma related to gambling, or other issues for that matter, the mantra I posted earlier is a viable option. I suggest that you learn about witchcraft from the Joy of Satan website.
I don't think it's karma, and besides, the planets don't really affect my material life.
I believe that the enemies attacked me before I was born and brought me here in this present so that I could not develop spiritually, they knew my power from my previous life so they stopped my powers with the help of Christianity from the beginning of my birth , but over time I broke this seal. since I learned about satan.
I explained to you that I can dream what happens only during sleep and sometimes I can dream what happens after 3 weeks.
and sometimes I can hear the strong thoughts of people I know, who are near or far away from me, I can even feel their inner state, which sometimes makes me behave wrongly.
the inner strength within me is extremely great and powerful, but there are enemies to match.
The truth is that I have a lot to learn but for these linked chains I need the help of the gods, I will let them guide me and I will not stop their work for me

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
