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Apr 30, 2024
Am văzut creștini care se bucură de succesele lor în fața mea și mulțumesc lui Iehova fals și murdar.
Satana, Dumnezeul meu, unde ești și de ce nu-mi dai puterea pe care ai promis-o
You have to meditate and earn that power yourself. Father Satan and the Gods give means for everyone to learn. They don't give you powers on a silver platter.
I've seen Christians gloating about their successes in front of me and thanking the false and filthy Jehovah.

Satan, my God, where are you and why don't you give me the power you promised

Satan didn't "promise" to you anything, and he doesn't control your lives. Satanists don't see Satan as an all-powerful being who controls people's lives and gives them money if they are good boys, that's the Christian view. Satan is our guide who helps us develop spiritually and unlock our own powers.

You are acting like a Christian. People have explained to you many times that in Satanism you use your own powers like in magick to get money. You don't cause Satan to give you money by doing RTR's, that's not how it works. Only do RTRs because you want to remove jewish influence, not because you want to cause Satan to do something other than that.

If you are poor and have trouble attracting money, this has nothing to do with Satan. You are likely to have bad astrological placements in your chart and karma from your past lives like poverty vows or ingrained beliefs that money is bad and you need to do extra workings to remove them.
Satan didn't "promise" to you anything, and he doesn't control your lives. Satanists don't see Satan as an all-powerful being who controls people's lives and gives them money if they are good boys, that's the Christian view. Satan is our guide who helps us develop spiritually and unlock our own powers.

You are acting like a Christian. People have explained to you many times that in Satanism you use your own powers like in magick to get money. You don't cause Satan to give you money by doing RTR's, that's not how it works. Only do RTRs because you want to remove jewish influence, not because you want to cause Satan to do something other than that.

If you are poor and have trouble attracting money, this has nothing to do with Satan. You are likely to have bad astrological placements in your chart and karma from your past lives like poverty vows or ingrained beliefs that money is bad and you need to do extra workings to remove them.
Added to what you said; I think making money you need to produce something, or you get a job, do a business and also you can go to school, Learn a skill that can yield you money.I discovered
that Satan only helps those who are "Discipline" Hardworking and consistent....
Having money is one thing, maintaining the money is another thing: which is managing the money that comes our way.... We shouldn't always based our efforts on Magic to do miracle for us, Magic is good but we need to play our part to be competent.
Thank you for your reply my brothers, I really appreciate it, but I invite you to see how I live.
I dedicated myself when I was 18 years old, I'm 21 years old, at 14 I tried to contact the demons also through this site.
I used strong substances to kill any Jewish roots I had
from extezy to lsd to kill any fear or trauma imposed by the Jews I have seals tattooed on my skin I have been in this war since I was a child I entered to escape poverty years have passed but nothing has changed
Thank you for your reply my brothers, I really appreciate it, but I invite you to see how I live.
I dedicated myself when I was 18 years old, I'm 21 years old, at 14 I tried to contact the demons also through this site.
I used strong substances to kill any Jewish roots I had
from extezy to lsd to kill any fear or trauma imposed by the Jews I have seals tattooed on my skin I have been in this war since I was a child I entered to escape poverty years have passed but nothing has changed
For an effective and permanent solution, you need to apply spiritual solutions. Using drugs and taking tattoos does nothing to this end, but actually increases the workload, if anything.
Pentru o soluție eficientă și permanentă, trebuie să aplici soluții spirituale. Folosirea drogurilor și a tatuajelor nu face nimic în acest scop, dar de fapt crește volumul de muncă, dacă este ceva.
mulțumesc pentru răspuns totul în viața mea merge bine vrăjile mele sunt puternice sănătatea mea este absolută
zeii îmi dau mai mult decât am nevoie.
dar trebuie să distrug un adversar care mi-a distrus mult timp și bani și multă chintesență de-a lungul timpului.
Ca să fiu sincer cu tine, acest adversar este :jocuri de noroc și pentru a-l distruge, am nevoie de o victorie colosală pentru a-mi recupera energia și banii. Voi face tot posibilul, indiferent de consecințe, pentru a anihila acest adversar
mulțumesc pentru răspunsul totul în viața mea merge bine vrăjile mele sunt puternice sănătatea mea este absolută
zeii îmi dau mai mult decât am nevoie.
dar trebuie să distrugă un adversar care mi-a distrus mult timp și bani și multă chintesență de-a lungul timpului.
Ca să fiu sincer cu tine, acest adversar este :jocuri de noroc și pentru al distruge, am nevoie de o victorie colosală pentru a-mi recupera energia și banii. Voi face tot posibilul, indiferent de consecințe, pentru a anihila acest adversar
Promit că nu mă voi plânge din nou de chestia asta
Voi ataca în stilul meu și voi crea atacuri noi Voi juca în cele mai potrivite ore și zile Voi amplifica mantrele și în final voi avea succes, apoi mă voi hrăni cu energia lor și nu ei cu a mea.they will know bankruptcy after the colossal profit I will make because the power is in our hands brother in the hands of this community and of the gods
mulțumesc pentru răspuns totul în viața mea merge bine vrăjile mele sunt puternice sănătatea mea este absolută
zeii îmi dau mai mult decât am nevoie.
dar trebuie să distrug un adversar care mi-a distrus mult timp și bani și multă chintesență de-a lungul timpului.
Ca să fiu sincer cu tine, acest adversar este :jocuri de noroc și pentru a-l distruge, am nevoie de o victorie colosală pentru a-mi recupera energia și banii. Voi face tot posibilul, indiferent de consecințe, pentru a anihila acest adversar
If it is as you say, you should have no problems working the mantra "Munka" to destroy this addiction.
Dacă este așa cum spuneți, nu ar trebui să aveți probleme în a lucra cu mantra „Munka” pentru a distruge această dependență.
I can break this addiction right this second, I'm trained with them but I need revenge I can't let my enemies get away that easily

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
