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Help me pls

Dahaarkan said:
I'm pretty sure any issues between serious dedicated satanists can be resolved with an honest conversation between them. And neither binding nor Beelzebub's intervention is required so long as people are mature enough to have a serious conversation. If the issue is really that bad you could come to an agreement on some form of compensation. If people are not at all accepting to have a conversation then sure, start taking steps to fix the problem in other ways.

One of the reasons I'm not very active here is how vicious and bitter you are to each other. And then people talk of family and unity. What a fucking joke.

Someone is wrong or has a different idea and the responses must have one or two snarky remarks to piss the other guy off. How exactly does that add to the debate or conversation. All it does is derail it into a "no u" fight. Not to mention how unwelcoming and hostile this makes us look. I've been feeling that less questions pop up I wonder why...maybe it's because new people come here and see when someone is corrected they get flamed off the face of the earth.

There is a rumour going around that there's actually a curse affecting members here, especially those who are more vocal in wanting to provide correct information for everyone like me, Aldrick, HP Hooded Cobra, and others.
My bro dedicated a long time ago but I don't consider him a SS. We get into fights all the time. After one fight, he was still mad at me. Destroying my stuff and trying to make my life miserable. I did the affirmation from the "Fighting Back" webpage on JoS. He got what was coming to him. I almost felt bad but I didn't. I do everything for him and then some but he forgets about all the good. Remember that when you go out of your way for someone...
Stormblood said:
There is a rumour going around that there's actually a curse affecting members here, especially those who are more vocal in wanting to provide correct information for everyone like me, Aldrick, HP Hooded Cobra, and others.
That's not a rumor. Maxine stated we were all cursed. You shouldn't have any problems if you do the deflecting meditations. THEY they they even attack our pets. Maxine posted a meditation to protect our beloved animals. The lengths they go to attack even our pets shows how important they are for us...

Also on a side note. I believe Maxine has a curse on anyone who tells lies of her whether you are defending her or not. Be EXTREMELY careful and know EXACTLY what you are talking about before speaking of her. I am worried of even posting this in itself....... I don't blame her though. She is enemy number one of the world for them and the amount of slander is huge. Anyone who trolls the JoS or any of the HPs is inviting curses like those of King Tut. Don't fuck around. Try not to troll too hard. I've witnessed someone who trolled the yahoo groups years ago and they nearly died and needed surgery from a rare 1 in a million disease.
Dahaarkan said:
I'm pretty sure any issues between serious dedicated satanists can be resolved with an honest conversation between them.
^ This ^

Whenever one of us disagrees with another, we ought to take a deep breath, count to 10, and recite Dahaarkan's sentence before posting a response. :)
Stormblood said:
Binding someone to prevent them from harming you only does what the affirmation states. It doesn't stop them from advancing, it doesn't stop them from doing everything else that do not direcly damage the binder.

For Aldrick, let me explain this to you in an hypotethical fashion. Tweedle is more powerful than Pocahontas and decides to bind her because she's heavily damaging him through underhanded ways, which is the only way she can do that as everything else would bounce off his protection and return to her amplified. Then Pocahontas is bound. If she was bound, she couldn't tell anyone things that damage Tweedle. She cannot think, speak or against him. She wouldn't even realise being bound until her awareness and power have grown beyond Tweedle's level. Then, of course, she could either remove the binding herself or ask Beelzebub for this and "revenge". But would Beelzebub give her revenge and undo her binding? Only if she's right and Tweedle is wrong.

Now let's take another hypothesis. Tweedle is less powerful than Pocahontas and decides to bind her because she's heavily damaging him. He tries to bind her and fails, because she's more powerful than him and she can't affect him. Of course, she may go to Beelzebub or any other God/Goddess that administers justice. But would Beelzebub help him punish Pocahontas? Only if he's in the right, otherwise he'll face the consequences of being wrong or be laughed off, if the matter is actually of no importance.

So this is part of what Nick explained earlier that anyone with a half a mind can understand since in the end witchcraft is a clash of energies in this cases. The binder's energy against the person you want to bind. This happens for all magick that is done against the other person's will, not just binding and curses.

This lot to explain to you that I haven't tried to bind anything here because there is no reason to bind anyone over conversations, arguments or whatever happens on a forum.

We seek to develop self-reliance. So we only go to the Gods for guidance and advice, and when we can't do things on our own. Everyone here is entitled to ask the help of the Gods, however know that by doing so you might realise you're not in the right or that the matter is more complex than what you believe and think. Self-defence is allowed in a Satanic community, as it's our right to defend ourselves not to turn the other cheek and withstand abuse.

I have nothing more to say on this matter.

I love how you think if you just say something therefore it is. Really need to check the ego. Let ME who has been here for 12 years tell you. If your binding Satanists youre a fucking moron. Yes you should move on as opening your mouth continues to make things look bad for you. Im not mad at you just to clarify. I have jews trying to bind me all the time, whats a couple Satanists with their heads up their ass I guess.
Stormblood said:
Binding someone to prevent them from harming you only does what the affirmation states. It doesn't stop them from advancing, it doesn't stop them from doing everything else that do not direcly damage the binder.

For Aldrick, let me explain this to you in an hypotethical fashion. Tweedle is more powerful than Pocahontas and decides to bind her because she's heavily damaging him through underhanded ways, which is the only way she can do that as everything else would bounce off his protection and return to her amplified. Then Pocahontas is bound. If she was bound, she couldn't tell anyone things that damage Tweedle. She cannot think, speak or against him. She wouldn't even realise being bound until her awareness and power have grown beyond Tweedle's level. Then, of course, she could either remove the binding herself or ask Beelzebub for this and "revenge". But would Beelzebub give her revenge and undo her binding? Only if she's right and Tweedle is wrong.

Now let's take another hypothesis. Tweedle is less powerful than Pocahontas and decides to bind her because she's heavily damaging him. He tries to bind her and fails, because she's more powerful than him and she can't affect him. Of course, she may go to Beelzebub or any other God/Goddess that administers justice. But would Beelzebub help him punish Pocahontas? Only if he's in the right, otherwise he'll face the consequences of being wrong or be laughed off, if the matter is actually of no importance.

So this is part of what Nick explained earlier that anyone with a half a mind can understand since in the end witchcraft is a clash of energies in this cases. The binder's energy against the person you want to bind. This happens for all magick that is done against the other person's will, not just binding and curses.

This lot to explain to you that I haven't tried to bind anything here because there is no reason to bind anyone over conversations, arguments or whatever happens on a forum.

We seek to develop self-reliance. So we only go to the Gods for guidance and advice, and when we can't do things on our own. Everyone here is entitled to ask the help of the Gods, however know that by doing so you might realise you're not in the right or that the matter is more complex than what you believe and think. Self-defence is allowed in a Satanic community, as it's our right to defend ourselves not to turn the other cheek and withstand abuse.

I have nothing more to say on this matter.

Its this way because tampax pad says so. At least now I understand Your name. Whatever he says is automatically right because hes full of himself.

Also Ive been doing Surya since it first came out. One of my Affirmations is My Aura is constantly deflecting and repelling any and all negative energy, Curses, BINDINGS and Destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it right back to the Sender. I also do the prayer asking for a demon to help me. So when you TRY to bind me you actually bind yourself. But thats ok right? Im sure its good for you. Also if you think revenge is getting back at people on an online forum, youre more of a child then I thought.
When people say, "The jew bound the Gods and Goddesses", in raping Earth's Beings from Ancient Knowledge, did you stop to think that a tick could not bind, break down, tie up a powerful Godly Being? So when you (try to) bind another SS who pisses you off, whom you want to fuck off, is that you getting your Cat-o-Nine Tails out to whip them into submission, cutting them, and slicing their skin up, or is it you putting up blockages to free yourself from their vampirism? When we dedicate or Souls to Satan, do Satan and our Guardian Daemons/Daemonesses not also protect our loved ones? So when your stupid christian family member whom you love keeps pissing you off with dirty kike shit, do you not bind them so that they cannot affect you anymore?

Beelzebub is to settle disputes. Why not be proactive and stop someone being annoying against you yourself? Are there not any mediators in Satanism, or is it that we must beseech Lord Beelzebub to tell this, that, or the other SS to go sit on the Naughty Step? I think Beelzebub has ever-so-slightly more important concerns. If at first a request for them to leave you alone doesn't work, after you might have discussed it with crying and bitch slapping; then a telling them to go away doesn't work; and a demand of telling them to fuck off doesn't work, because they continue to suck energy out of you, then...what? Don't smite them...or don't put blockages up between you and them; instead, ask Beelzebub to smack their arse for you.

If we are all a family here, then why can a Brother or Sister not tell their Sibling to put the sugar and caffeine down for a week? Because that Sibling will go all muh feelz, or because we aren't to stand on our own two feet, but be a Whipping Boy? If we punish those of our Siblings too harshly, then Mum or Dad should correct us.

If not a binding spell, then

  • a banishing spell
  • put up some white (reflective) light between youse
  • use an extra AoP or layer of it
  • vibrate Sananda 10 times from New to Full Waxing Moon

First raise your energies with RAUM and a breathing exercise, and add SATANANA and AUM and Sexual Orgasm Energy to your working, if you want.

As for Black Magick - that is for justice. If someone wrongs you...what then? It doesn't have to be a curse or a death ritual or harm. Look at Alpha males in packs. They show their strength and ability, and don't let the Little Boys piss about. If you have pets, and particular breeds of Dogs, then you have to be the Alpha. It's not cruelty, it is prowess and showing who rules the roost, where the others (pets or ones in the pack) respect.

If you elect to harm another SS maliciously and/or for no valid, just reason, then you're a fucktard. If any SSs kept on being an unwanted vampire, then push them away, if/because they're ignorant little shits.

You should note that it's easier to behave like a whatever online than it is in-person, for a lot of people. If tapping angrily, bashing your keyboard with your dick makes you feel big and hard, then...whatever. Most people need to have the last word, and I think I have proved that... I continue to prove it by not giving them, not allowing them, the last word; they continue to reply to me, which proves that they must have it. The Brain/Mind is a stubborn son of a something, so this will be ignored by most, who will continue on crying for their own false and bitch reasons - and I realise 'reverse psychology' is amazing, but you won't realise that, so I know that it is going to work against you now. /sarcasm

Let me ask one question here - why? What's the point in trying one-upmanship? What do you think you will achieve? Is it the same as hacking someone's WoW account and stealing their items, which makes you feel big and hard, knowing that it will upset them and that they can't avenge themselves...all the while ignoring that it's all a big waste of time, money, and resources? What achievement or multiplier do you think is gained by trying to troll the last Sword of Algeron*? I don't expect any answers to that question will satisfy me, so instead, why reply? Why not "be the bigger man" and shut up? Because "muh feelz"? I don't need to prove that any further, but I don't mind doing so...

Bind; banish; reflect; deflect; replace; save face, instead of whingeing and crying like bitches all the time. I'll ask one last rhetorical question - why haven't you learnt yet? Why have you chosen not to learn yet? Why be ignorant? Before anyone gets pedantic and anal - it's the same question asked in 3 different but similar ways, so turn your OCDs off.

If** you become a God or Goddess one day - rather, long before that day - and you look back to all of the bitch-tits crying fests you had, you will want not the Earth to open up and swallow you whole, but because you'd be on your way to being a powerful being you'd want a black hole to manifest before you and spaghettify you and squash you into the singularity. How embarrassing. Where is your dignity?

*If anyone can figure out what the fudge I was too subtle there in meaning, then I would be massively surprised, and I'll give you 50 Internetz; if, however, no-one can explain it to me, then another point is proved - and that point is that you didn't think about it; you didn't use your brain. Hey, just like RtFM!, I have UYB!. I'm amazing. Are you, or are you just a whingeing, bitch-titsy crybaby? "Bitch-titsy." That's funny (if I do say so myself), but you're too upset, so you won't laugh.

**Why did I use the word "if" there, and not "when"? Hmmm...
Stormblood said:
Dahaarkan said:
I'm pretty sure any issues between serious dedicated satanists can be resolved with an honest conversation between them. And neither binding nor Beelzebub's intervention is required so long as people are mature enough to have a serious conversation. If the issue is really that bad you could come to an agreement on some form of compensation. If people are not at all accepting to have a conversation then sure, start taking steps to fix the problem in other ways.

One of the reasons I'm not very active here is how vicious and bitter you are to each other. And then people talk of family and unity. What a fucking joke.

Someone is wrong or has a different idea and the responses must have one or two snarky remarks to piss the other guy off. How exactly does that add to the debate or conversation. All it does is derail it into a "no u" fight. Not to mention how unwelcoming and hostile this makes us look. I've been feeling that less questions pop up I wonder why...maybe it's because new people come here and see when someone is corrected they get flamed off the face of the earth.

There is a rumour going around that there's actually a curse affecting members here, especially those who are more vocal in wanting to provide correct information for everyone like me, Aldrick, HP Hooded Cobra, and others.

I've heard it said as well that it could very well simply be the enemy fucking with us, hitting us with negative energies to sow discontent and infighting. Disunity in the House of Satan is their best chance of victory; they themselves state this.

I have picked up on the hostility Dahaarkan is talking about and it genuinely bums me out. Accomplished Satanists getting shitty with each other, it feels...deflating, in a way. An odd word to use but I feel it best encapsulates this sinking feeling I get when people I regard highly go at each other in such a manner. Regardless, I know that if anyone can come out of a spat with productive results and genuine amends, it's Spiritual Satanists - even if there are flames to endure along the way.
FancyMancy said:
When people say, "The jew bound the Gods and Goddesses", in raping Earth's Beings from Ancient Knowledge, did you stop to think that a tick could not bind, break down, tie up a powerful Godly Being? So when you (try to) bind another SS who pisses you off, whom you want to fuck off, is that you getting your Cat-o-Nine Tails out to whip them into submission, cutting them, and slicing their skin up, or is it you putting up blockages to free yourself from their vampirism? When we dedicate or Souls to Satan, do Satan and our Guardian Daemons/Daemonesses not also protect our loved ones? So when your stupid christian family member whom you love keeps pissing you off with dirty kike shit, do you not bind them so that they cannot affect you anymore?

Beelzebub is to settle disputes. Why not be proactive and stop someone being annoying against you yourself? Are there not any mediators in Satanism, or is it that we must beseech Lord Beelzebub to tell this, that, or the other SS to go sit on the Naughty Step? I think Beelzebub has ever-so-slightly more important concerns. If at first a request for them to leave you alone doesn't work, after you might have discussed it with crying and bitch slapping; then a telling them to go away doesn't work; and a demand of telling them to fuck off doesn't work, because they continue to suck energy out of you, then...what? Don't smite them...or don't put blockages up between you and them; instead, ask Beelzebub to smack their arse for you.

If we are all a family here, then why can a Brother or Sister not tell their Sibling to put the sugar and caffeine down for a week? Because that Sibling will go all muh feelz, or because we aren't to stand on our own two feet, but be a Whipping Boy? If we punish those of our Siblings too harshly, then Mum or Dad should correct us.

If not a binding spell, then

  • a banishing spell
  • put up some white (reflective) light between youse
  • use an extra AoP or layer of it
  • vibrate Sananda 10 times from New to Full Waxing Moon

First raise your energies with RAUM and a breathing exercise, and add SATANANA and AUM and Sexual Orgasm Energy to your working, if you want.

As for Black Magick - that is for justice. If someone wrongs you...what then? It doesn't have to be a curse or a death ritual or harm. Look at Alpha males in packs. They show their strength and ability, and don't let the Little Boys piss about. If you have pets, and particular breeds of Dogs, then you have to be the Alpha. It's not cruelty, it is prowess and showing who rules the roost, where the others (pets or ones in the pack) respect.

If you elect to harm another SS maliciously and/or for no valid, just reason, then you're a fucktard. If any SSs kept on being an unwanted vampire, then push them away, if/because they're ignorant little shits.

You should note that it's easier to behave like a whatever online than it is in-person, for a lot of people. If tapping angrily, bashing your keyboard with your dick makes you feel big and hard, then...whatever. Most people need to have the last word, and I think I have proved that... I continue to prove it by not giving them, not allowing them, the last word; they continue to reply to me, which proves that they must have it. The Brain/Mind is a stubborn son of a something, so this will be ignored by most, who will continue on crying for their own false and bitch reasons - and I realise 'reverse psychology' is amazing, but you won't realise that, so I know that it is going to work against you now. /sarcasm

Let me ask one question here - why? What's the point in trying one-upmanship? What do you think you will achieve? Is it the same as hacking someone's WoW account and stealing their items, which makes you feel big and hard, knowing that it will upset them and that they can't avenge themselves...all the while ignoring that it's all a big waste of time, money, and resources? What achievement or multiplier do you think is gained by trying to troll the last Sword of Algeron*? I don't expect any answers to that question will satisfy me, so instead, why reply? Why not "be the bigger man" and shut up? Because "muh feelz"? I don't need to prove that any further, but I don't mind doing so...

Bind; banish; reflect; deflect; replace; save face, instead of whingeing and crying like bitches all the time. I'll ask one last rhetorical question - why haven't you learnt yet? Why have you chosen not to learn yet? Why be ignorant? Before anyone gets pedantic and anal - it's the same question asked in 3 different but similar ways, so turn your OCDs off.

If** you become a God or Goddess one day - rather, long before that day - and you look back to all of the bitch-tits crying fests you had, you will want not the Earth to open up and swallow you whole, but because you'd be on your way to being a powerful being you'd want a black hole to manifest before you and spaghettify you and squash you into the singularity. How embarrassing. Where is your dignity?

*If anyone can figure out what the fudge I was too subtle there in meaning, then I would be massively surprised, and I'll give you 50 Internetz; if, however, no-one can explain it to me, then another point is proved - and that point is that you didn't think about it; you didn't use your brain. Hey, just like RtFM!, I have UYB!. I'm amazing. Are you, or are you just a whingeing, bitch-titsy crybaby? "Bitch-titsy." That's funny (if I do say so myself), but you're too upset, so you won't laugh.

**Why did I use the word "if" there, and not "when"? Hmmm...

So basically your as retarded as he is, thanks for clarifying. Any other morons wanna out themselves here? But when you try to bind someone like me, Whos bigger and stronger sibling, your gonna get your ass beat anyway. What your both are really saying is your a couple of pussy boys who got meditation and thought they would exert power over others. See I dont need energy to harm you to win a fight online. Im just smarter and use my mind. Something the two of you girly boys should work on.
Aldrick Strickland said:
So basically your as retarded as he is, thanks for clarifying. Any other morons wanna out themselves here? But when you try to bind someone like me, Whos bigger and stronger sibling, your gonna get your ass beat anyway. What your both are really saying is your a couple of pussy boys who got meditation and thought they would exert power over others. See I dont need energy to harm you to win a fight online. Im just smarter and use my mind. Something the two of you girly boys should work on.
Your mum is the retard for not drowning you at birth.

Thanks for not using your brain, and proving me right. Keep going, or grow up.
These childish infightings are getting pretty boring *yawn*.
Dahaarkan said:
I'm pretty sure any issues between serious dedicated satanists can be resolved with an honest conversation between them. And neither binding nor Beelzebub's intervention is required so long as people are mature enough to have a serious conversation. If the issue is really that bad you could come to an agreement on some form of compensation. If people are not at all accepting to have a conversation then sure, start taking steps to fix the problem in other ways.

One of the reasons I'm not very active here is how vicious and bitter you are to each other. And then people talk of family and unity. What a fucking joke.

Someone is wrong or has a different idea and the responses must have one or two snarky remarks to piss the other guy off. How exactly does that add to the debate or conversation. All it does is derail it into a "no u" fight. Not to mention how unwelcoming and hostile this makes us look. I've been feeling that less questions pop up I wonder why...maybe it's because new people come here and see when someone is corrected they get flamed off the face of the earth.

Yeah, this. Exactly. Wise words. What I meant by asking the Gods for help, was in help resolving the issue, but I didn't clarify that as it seemed obvious to me. And this is only about any so-called SS who are too far gone and a hazard to others, threatening to expose them or whatever, I didn't mean the SS who are capable enough to work things out themselves. Just to clarify :)

Binding, and expecting the Gods to punish the other SS, is flat out retarded. I was actually in literal shock when one SS asked me in email if they should bind someone simply because of some posts, and then that same SS went and spilled some personal info in a post (I saw it before it was deleted by a mod). Ironic or what... the one who wanted to bind, stated personal info of the very person they wanted to bind.

I doubt all these arguments would happen between us in person. It's just with this being online and people not actually seeing the other person, seeing their body language... some people get offended here too easily and take things too personally.

Also what Aldrick mentioned, about how our AoP's deflect bindings back to the sender, we've been doing this AoP in various forms for years.

Some people's posts need to be corrected if it is actually wrong with misinfo, but other posts need to just be ignored. So instead of taking the time to write paragraphs trying to make yourself seem right and the other person to seem wrong, just do the RTR instead. :)
I delayed registering because of this reason. I was thinking wow there are a lot of angry people here, lol. I joined anyhow because this just happens anywhere you go in life. We just get the idea when there is a common higher goal or learning involved that people will rise above pettiness and be different somehow.
In addition I wonder if sometimes things get amplified when people are cleaning out there soul issues.

Dahaarkan said:
One of the reasons I'm not very active here is how vicious and bitter you are to each other. And then people talk of family and unity. What a fucking joke.

Someone is wrong or has a different idea and the responses must have one or two snarky remarks to piss the other guy off. How exactly does that add to the debate or conversation. All it does is derail it into a "no u" fight. Not to mention how unwelcoming and hostile this makes us look. I've been feeling that less questions pop up I wonder why...maybe it's because new people come here and see when someone is corrected they get flamed off the face of the earth.
Tala said:
I delayed registering because of this reason. I was thinking wow there are a lot of angry people here, lol. I joined anyhow because this just happens anywhere you go in life. We just get the idea when there is a common higher goal or learning involved that people will rise above pettiness and be different somehow.
In addition I wonder if sometimes things get amplified when people are cleaning out there soul issues.

Satan himself is not known to talk down to Satanists in such ways. I don't know who these people think they are. If you cannot teach and share your knowledge and experience in a constructive way, what you have to say will not be received well (I learned this the hard way). People will just be bothered and focused on the harsh words and insults than the useful information you're providing. So it kind of defeats the purpose which is to teach and elevate them.

Imagine if Hitler treated and addressed the german people as useless idiots. And his speeches had consisted of calling everyone retarded. He would have been rejected by the people and accomplished nothing in germany.

Never have I met with such hostility when dealing with the gods, who are in a position and right to call me a complete useless retard for the mistakes I've made. We need to start taking example from the gods namely how they treat the people bellow them, who are in need of their guidance and knowledge. Anger and hate is for the enemy. People seem to forget that.
Tala said:
In addition I wonder if sometimes things get amplified when people are cleaning out there soul issues.

I think this is quite likely, honestly. I've been using the "growth" comparison a lot lately but I feel it genuinely does apply, since pretty much all of us are coming from backgrounds absolutely riddled with Jewish lies and corruption, designed to inflict harm and make us confused. Then combine that with the fact that the enemy is relentlessly attacking our efforts due to the threat posed to them, it starts to make sense.
Dahaarkan said:
One of the reasons I'm not very active here is how vicious and bitter you are to each other. And then people talk of family and unity. What a fucking joke.

Someone is wrong or has a different idea and the responses must have one or two snarky remarks to piss the other guy off. How exactly does that add to the debate or conversation. All it does is derail it into a "no u" fight. Not to mention how unwelcoming and hostile this makes us look. I've been feeling that less questions pop up I wonder why...maybe it's because new people come here and see when someone is corrected they get flamed off the face of the earth.
I was thinking, when we see all this infighting, the natural emotional response is a desire to leave the forums. But isn't that exactly the wrong response? When we see infighting among others, shouldn't that motivate us to post more often, just to set a better example? This is not just some social website, these are THE forums. If others are acting vicious and bitter, we just need to have more sane posts to make those a minority. :)

Who knows, maybe enough good behavior in posts will rub off on the more impulsive Satanists and help improve their interaction skills! :D
FancyMancy said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
So basically your as retarded as he is, thanks for clarifying. Any other morons wanna out themselves here? But when you try to bind someone like me, Whos bigger and stronger sibling, your gonna get your ass beat anyway. What your both are really saying is your a couple of pussy boys who got meditation and thought they would exert power over others. See I dont need energy to harm you to win a fight online. Im just smarter and use my mind. Something the two of you girly boys should work on.
Your mum is the retard for not drowning you at birth.

Thanks for not using your brain, and proving me right. Keep going, or grow up.

Im curious do you actually think your convincing people? Youre calling me retarded for calling you out on attacking My Satanic family. If the two of you had a reputation its all but gone now. Well you never did fancy. You actually think we trusted you? The satanist that came out of no where to post memes and then inevitably starts showing their hook nose. An obvious name changer. We just laughed at your Humor and played along.

But please keep opening your big mouthes. Because this is so funny to watch you bury yourself. Id hand you a shovel but you dont need it. There is an energy at play at here and your slip up was part of it. Then You fight like hell to cover it up. Then next the little pawn accounts come in. Next you will start saying how bad I am, nevermind the matter at hand.

Now youre wishing I was dead all for calling you out. Which means either youre a jewish piece of shit. Which is probably the case as I felt that from day one. Or youre both just part of Generation Snowflake where Words on a screen are just too hard to handle. Should I talk sweeter? Make you feel more secure.

After all only the most cry baby manginas would start attacking their family with energy over An online discussion.

So what are you a jew or a mangina? Im curious. Either way Please keep this going as Its Hilarious to watch your pathetic attempts at trying to squirm and justify how binding our family and whipping people into place is acceptable because I said so.

By the way thats called Dominance. Trying to Dominate others. This Behavior is only exhibited by those who feel dominated and not in control. See if you were half a man you wouldnt resort to energy, you would just assertively state something to someone, like im doing to you now. I dont need to bind you.

Nor do I need to threaten you or wish you dead. Come tell me just how stupid do you have to be to need to bind someone to win the argument? Simple deflection doesnt work with me, you should know that. Come actually start making a little sense and maybe we will start taking you seriously. Drowning on in what one Satanic friend described as the most lunatic narrissitic rant he ever witnessed, will not convince us all to start throwing curses at each other.

Your turn.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I was thinking, when we see all this infighting, the natural emotional response is a desire to leave the forums. But isn't that exactly the wrong response? When we see infighting among others, shouldn't that motivate us to post more often, just to set a better example? This is not just some social website, these are THE forums. If others are acting vicious and bitter, we just need to have more sane posts to make those a minority. :)

Who knows, maybe enough good behavior in posts will rub off on the more impulsive Satanists and help improve their interaction skills! :D

Well said, that's the way we should look at it.

The reason I rarely post is because this forum is full of egotistic individuals, who cause more harm than good, so why would I waste my time and energy trying to help or share my knowledge with individuals blinded by their ego?

People seem to forget that one's ego could cause more harm to oneself than the enemy.

Also the paranoia about X or Y individual is a jew is getting really boring, people blaming the enemy for the tiniest things will never realize that it's them who are causing harm.

If you're cleaning your aura and building a strong AoP twice a day, then I seriously doubt the enemy could touch you.

The sadest thing is that we're Satanist, and this is supposed to mean that we're the best of the best, but all this misdirected hatred makes us look like scum. Even normal people have more compassion towards each other, let alone we all are Satanists and brothers.

People sometimes complain that we're not growing so much. Well, maybe it's because you're scaring new-comers away.

The JoS, just like any group, has a reputation, and ours is not looking that good lately.

I remember several years ago when I finally decided to participate in the yahoo groups, I immediately was called a jew for defending immigrants going to Europe, at that time I still didn't know what harm was that causing. But nobody even bothered the explain why immigration was bad, instead they call you a jew. Yeah good job, they pretend to be on on the jews' tactics but seem to miss that their intentions were to scare newbies all along.

I really hope SS could finally start acting like SS, we'll grow very rapidly then.

May Satan unite us all.
Necessary or not i will put a simple reminder:

Do not underestimate the importance of void meditation, ability to control your thoughts, emotions and any form of energies is a very basic and necessary step if you really are serious about reaching godhead.
How can you possibly make a beneficial conscious decision if you let your unnecessary felling, emotion etc. decide for you ?
How can you concentrate on moving the mountain with your mind if you let silly thoughts distract you ?

As Coraxo mentioned with powerful enough AoP and clean aura you're basically untouchable, if you reach that level, why should you bother with cursing and binding, if they can't touch you ?

Cursing and binding, are the "last resort" type solution for problems, it all depends on the circumstances.

Being divided because of our personal felling is the last thing we need while WE ARE STILL AT WAR.

We are the only one's right now who can abolish an alien tyranny in earth, if not us, then who ?
I sincerely understand people don’t like arguments.

At the same time, it’s important to distinguish between “arguments” and a simple correction of inaccuracies. They’re not the same thing. In fact, the LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE guy is really the one who causes conflict.

I’m dead serious. This meme is the epitome of what SJWs do all the time. It doesn’t really matter what Britney did, under no circumstances are you allowed to point out her rotten behavior and character. The SJW will jump in and tell you to “shut up” and “stop being childish” and “don’t be bothered”.

If you respond to the SJW after they tell you to shut up, they become extremely aggressive and will attempt to undermine you in any way possible, and in the foulest way possible. Then they rally others in the same way. What are you supposed to do then? Keep quiet and let the SJW set the agenda? I personally don’t think so, especially not in the light of the kind of transgressions advocated in this thread (now by at least three people!!!), for one. Keeping quiet in the face of foul character will corrupt our medium for communication and suppress free speech.

Please try and see if you can’t recognize this pattern. It’s an old tactic called the agent provocateur. Don’t let discontent towards arguments turn into discontent towards the truth. They’re not the same. If you do, you might just become the agent provocateur yourself and morph into this guy:

Donovandal said:
Necessary or not i will put a simple reminder:

Do not underestimate the importance of void meditation, ability to control your thoughts, emotions and any form of energies is a very basic and necessary step if you really are serious about reaching godhead.
How can you possibly make a beneficial conscious decision if you let your unnecessary felling, emotion etc. decide for you ?
How can you concentrate on moving the mountain with your mind if you let silly thoughts distract you ?

As Coraxo mentioned with powerful enough AoP and clean aura you're basically untouchable, if you reach that level, why should you bother with cursing and binding, if they can't touch you ?

Cursing and binding, are the "last resort" type solution for problems, it all depends on the circumstances.

Being divided because of our personal felling is the last thing we need while WE ARE STILL AT WAR.

We are the only one's right now who can abolish an alien tyranny in earth, if not us, then who ?

Yes this is all True But I wouldnt interject if they were not telling people its okay to curse each other. Others may Believe them. If this makes me egotostical, I dont remember caring to live to someone elses standards.
Coraxo said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I was thinking, when we see all this infighting, the natural emotional response is a desire to leave the forums. But isn't that exactly the wrong response? When we see infighting among others, shouldn't that motivate us to post more often, just to set a better example? This is not just some social website, these are THE forums. If others are acting vicious and bitter, we just need to have more sane posts to make those a minority. :)

Who knows, maybe enough good behavior in posts will rub off on the more impulsive Satanists and help improve their interaction skills! :D

Well said, that's the way we should look at it.

The reason I rarely post is because this forum is full of egotistic individuals, who cause more harm than good, so why would I waste my time and energy trying to help or share my knowledge with individuals blinded by their ego?

People seem to forget that one's ego could cause more harm to oneself than the enemy.

Also the paranoia about X or Y individual is a jew is getting really boring, people blaming the enemy for the tiniest things will never realize that it's them who are causing harm.

If you're cleaning your aura and building a strong AoP twice a day, then I seriously doubt the enemy could touch you.

The sadest thing is that we're Satanist, and this is supposed to mean that we're the best of the best, but all this misdirected hatred makes us look like scum. Even normal people have more compassion towards each other, let alone we all are Satanists and brothers.

People sometimes complain that we're not growing so much. Well, maybe it's because you're scaring new-comers away.

The JoS, just like any group, has a reputation, and ours is not looking that good lately.

I remember several years ago when I finally decided to participate in the yahoo groups, I immediately was called a jew for defending immigrants going to Europe, at that time I still didn't know what harm was that causing. But nobody even bothered the explain why immigration was bad, instead they call you a jew. Yeah good job, they pretend to be on on the jews' tactics but seem to miss that their intentions were to scare newbies all along.

I really hope SS could finally start acting like SS, we'll grow very rapidly then.

May Satan unite us all.

Also as for something boring you. I dont recall trying to entertain you. This is a serious offense and will be shown for what it is, wether or not that tickles your fancy. Or in this case your fancy mancy. I really could care less. If you dont think calling this out is important you just become part of the problem. It would be differnt If we were arguing over hair color or something trivial. So in other words keep your whiny cry baby opinions to yourself as they are not needed here.

What is needed is for others to know this is NOT Acceptable. Which I believe is pretty well done now. As they can only come back with insults and nothing of merit. So my work is done. I leave you to find a more entertaining topic for yourselves.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Read again and see who (you) called whom (me) a retard first. If you've read any of my posts, then you should know I only retaliate after others use ad hominem attacks against me first. If that doesn't make sense, or it does but you are choosing to ignore it, then let me say it this way - use your brain.

Why is convincing people important to you? I share things how I see and understand them (call that an attack if it makes you feel better), as do everyone, yet you decide that I am retarded and that I am trying to convince people. I said something that another member said, yet you have stopped attacking them, have you? Why? You ignored my questions, and asked yours. Why? Ignorance is bliss, is it? Two more things 1) I'm not going to bother reading the remainder of your reply because you're ignorant and:

  • because you don't, and
  • so

use your brain, and 2) I know you won't answer all...or any...of my questions - including ones which I have repeated, answering them as many times as I asked them. You're not here for discussion; you're here for trolling and arguing, shitting all over the forum. You ignore advice to take it to email instead of shitting all over here, yet you stay shitting all over here, instead. Maybe you're trying to be a comedian.

Whatever you are or aren't, and are or aren't trying to do, at least do do two things - use your brain, and enjoy.

Donovandal said:
Necessary or not i will put a simple reminder:

Do not underestimate the importance of void meditation, ability to control your thoughts, emotions and any form of energies is a very basic and necessary step if you really are serious about reaching godhead.
How can you possibly make a beneficial conscious decision if you let your unnecessary felling, emotion etc. decide for you ?
How can you concentrate on moving the mountain with your mind if you let silly thoughts distract you ?
I have experience with people who are overly-emotional, hence why I decided to start a thread about it. I don't claim it has all of the answers, but people who have read and replied in it have said they understand why I made the thread, so it helps at least some.

Sarcastically, I love it that people choose to be ignorant. Sincerely, you can't say anything without someone choosing to be offended and choosing to cry.

If you walk on eggshells around particular individuals, then taken too far that is like them having power and control in situations where you can't say anything lest they cry because they choose to be offended by a particular set of words, instead of fixing their overly-emotional state, and that causes people to not want to be around them for very long. Then that makes them worse, bitter, and very lonely or other bad things. People should get over their emotions, be in control of them, and stop thinking with their emotions and instead they should think with their brains.
FancyMancy said:
Read again and see who (you) called whom (me) a retard first. If you've read any of my posts, then you should know I only retaliate after others use ad hominem attacks against me first. If that doesn't make sense, or it does but you are choosing to ignore it, then let me say it this way - use your brain.
Regardless of how Aldrick was acting, when is it ever acceptable to wish that another Satanist was DEAD instead of doing RTRs?
FancyMancy said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Your mum is the retard for not drowning you at birth.
From my view of this squabble, you both should apologize to each other for many rotten remarks. If someone uses an ad hominem attack against you, you should accuse them of that, NOT reply with your own ad hominem attack.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Also as for something boring you. I dont recall trying to entertain you. This is a serious offense and will be shown for what it is, wether or not that tickles your fancy. Or in this case your fancy mancy. I really could care less. If you dont think calling this out is important you just become part of the problem. It would be differnt If we were arguing over hair color or something trivial. So in other words keep your whiny cry baby opinions to yourself as they are not needed here.

What is needed is for others to know this is NOT Acceptable. Which I believe is pretty well done now. As they can only come back with insults and nothing of merit. So my work is done. I leave you to find a more entertaining topic for yourselves.

As always, the paranoia kicks in you and you start fighting and insulting everyone as if they were directing their words to you.

My words were general and not directed to anyone specifically. Believe it or not, I don't give one damn about you.

Put your ego aside for a moment and look in a mirror and you'll see that you're a part of the problem.

Now either take my advice or show me your silence, as I don't feel like putting more fuel in this already big fire.
Nick Vabzircnila said:
I sincerely understand people don’t like arguments.

At the same time, it’s important to distinguish between “arguments” and a simple correction of inaccuracies. They’re not the same thing. In fact, the LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE guy is really the one who causes conflict.

I’m dead serious. This meme is the epitome of what SJWs do all the time. It doesn’t really matter what Britney did, under no circumstances are you allowed to point out her rotten behavior and character. The SJW will jump in and tell you to “shut up” and “stop being childish” and “don’t be bothered”.

If you respond to the SJW after they tell you to shut up, they become extremely aggressive and will attempt to undermine you in any way possible, and in the foulest way possible. Then they rally others in the same way. What are you supposed to do then? Keep quiet and let the SJW set the agenda? I personally don’t think so, especially not in the light of the kind of transgressions advocated in this thread (now by at least three people!!!), for one. Keeping quiet in the face of foul character will corrupt our medium for communication and suppress free speech.

Please try and see if you can’t recognize this pattern. It’s an old tactic called the agent provocateur. Don’t let discontent towards arguments turn into discontent towards the truth. They’re not the same. If you do, you might just become the agent provocateur yourself and morph into this guy:


Fully agreed. When SJW's think they are right about something, they are angry, harsh and hateful to people they believe are in the wrong. Illogical too.

Which is why I believe some people need to calm down and stop behaving like them. And start being compassionate and understanding with others who need their guidance. Because unlike SJW's, knowledgeable SS actually have valid and enlightening things to say, so the anger and hate is not required in their arguments, discussions or corrections.

As for "transgressions advocated"...I'm talking about *how* that information is presented. And how a piece of advice/information presented in certain ways can create a negative outcome. Where the information is rejected because of unnecessary, inflammatory elements added to the statement. It is in fact SJW's who have a habit of filling their arguments with insults and verbal abuse.

You will note that on my first post here I advocated against binding other SS or pestering Beelzebub with issues that can be easily resolved such as a disagreement on the forums. So we're not in disagreement on that matter. Just in how corrections should be worded. And in my opinion, insults are not required to correct someone who has the wrong idea.
Aldrick Strickland said:

Mate no one is devaluing what you've done here. Stormblood's point of view on binding was wrong and in need of correction. No one here should question whether or not you should have stepped in to correct that bit of misinformation.

I'm talking about whether or not it was necessary to call him stupid and retarded and all that. Yes, it should be obvious and yes, he should know that by now. Still, the necessity to use such terms referring to a valuable SS is debatable. Because *those terms* are what invited the following argument that is still dragging on.

I will make the argument that if you had not chosen those particular words for your statements this thread would have been closed a while ago. You claim to be a veteran SS with loads of experience. So you know perfectly well that most new and inexperienced SS are emotionally unstable, spiritually inept and still growing mentally. Trying to elevate/educate them with harsh statements does not help them at all. You end up pulling at their emotional strings and driving them away.

This does not really apply to this case, by the way. Stormblood is not a noob and he's not going to leave or be demotivated by words on a computer screen. He's much better than that I'm sure.

But others might. And I don't think psycho drill instructor is the best example to give to people. Maybe you have the sight to understand who this can and cannot affect in negative ways. But do those who take example from you see that, or simply dish out the same level of communication on just about anyone?

Then this becomes destructive and drives people away.

I don't have the authority to tell you how to express yourself nor would I want to. Just giving you my point of view. You can exercise your right to freedom of speech in whatever way you like. And you can be harsh with people if you so choose. Enjoy the dragged, tiring and useless back and forth arguments that behavior invites.

Or maybe I have the wrong idea idk
FancyMancy said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Read again and see who (you) called whom (me) a retard first. If you've read any of my posts, then you should know I only retaliate after others use ad hominem attacks against me first. If that doesn't make sense, or it does but you are choosing to ignore it, then let me say it this way - use your brain.

Why is convincing people important to you? I share things how I see and understand them (call that an attack if it makes you feel better), as do everyone, yet you decide that I am retarded and that I am trying to convince people. I said something that another member said, yet you have stopped attacking them, have you? Why? You ignored my questions, and asked yours. Why? Ignorance is bliss, is it? Two more things 1) I'm not going to bother reading the remainder of your reply because you're ignorant and:

  • because you don't, and
  • so

use your brain, and 2) I know you won't answer all...or any...of my questions - including ones which I have repeated, answering them as many times as I asked them. You're not here for discussion; you're here for trolling and arguing, shitting all over the forum. You ignore advice to take it to email instead of shitting all over here, yet you stay shitting all over here, instead. Maybe you're trying to be a comedian.

Whatever you are or aren't, and are or aren't trying to do, at least do do two things - use your brain, and enjoy.

Donovandal said:
Necessary or not i will put a simple reminder:

Do not underestimate the importance of void meditation, ability to control your thoughts, emotions and any form of energies is a very basic and necessary step if you really are serious about reaching godhead.
How can you possibly make a beneficial conscious decision if you let your unnecessary felling, emotion etc. decide for you ?
How can you concentrate on moving the mountain with your mind if you let silly thoughts distract you ?
I have experience with people who are overly-emotional, hence why I decided to start a thread about it. I don't claim it has all of the answers, but people who have read and replied in it have said they understand why I made the thread, so it helps at least some.

Sarcastically, I love it that people choose to be ignorant. Sincerely, you can't say anything without someone choosing to be offended and choosing to cry.

If you walk on eggshells around particular individuals, then taken too far that is like them having power and control in situations where you can't say anything lest they cry because they choose to be offended by a particular set of wordcs, instead of fixing their overly-emotional state, and that causes people to not want to be around them for very long. Then that makes them worse, bitter, and very lonely or other bad things. People should get over their emotions, be in control of them, and stop thinking with their emotions and instead they should think with their brains.

Because you agreed that binding was okay. Now stop playing the victim.
Coraxo said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Also as for something boring you. I dont recall trying to entertain you. This is a serious offense and will be shown for what it is, wether or not that tickles your fancy. Or in this case your fancy mancy. I really could care less. If you dont think calling this out is important you just become part of the problem. It would be differnt If we were arguing over hair color or something trivial. So in other words keep your whiny cry baby opinions to yourself as they are not needed here.

What is needed is for others to know this is NOT Acceptable. Which I believe is pretty well done now. As they can only come back with insults and nothing of merit. So my work is done. I leave you to find a more entertaining topic for yourselves.

As always, the paranoia kicks in you and you start fighting and insulting everyone as if they were directing their words to you.

My words were general and not directed to anyone specifically. Believe it or not, I don't give one damn about you.

Put your ego aside for a moment and look in a mirror and you'll see that you're a part of the problem.

Now either take my advice or show me your silence, as I don't feel like putting more fuel in this already big fire.

If you take what people say and not what they really mean you are a fool. You are playing a passive aggressive game. You came in with dismissive remarks, Then when you get called out on it, you say oh it wasnt against you. When it was but not said directly.

Lets look at why you said it. What do you get from it? Oh yes to come in and act like youre better then everyone. Oh great egoless one, How can we be like you?!

Then when questioned you play innocent. Another revealing remark is show me your silence. A remark that could mean nothing but Dominance. So in other words this is Beta Male Tactics at its finest. See ive had a few girlfriends, So I know how to deal with Little Bitchy Girly boys like you.

Why dont you be a good sport and grab daddy a beer.
FancyMancy said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Read again and see who (you) called whom (me) a retard first. If you've read any of my posts, then you should know I only retaliate after others use ad hominem attacks against me first. If that doesn't make sense, or it does but you are choosing to ignore it, then let me say it this way - use your brain.

Why is convincing people important to you? I share things how I see and understand them (call that an attack if it makes you feel better), as do everyone, yet you decide that I am retarded and that I am trying to convince people. I said something that another member said, yet you have stopped attacking them, have you? Why? You ignored my questions, and asked yours. Why? Ignorance is bliss, is it? Two more things 1) I'm not going to bother reading the remainder of your reply because you're ignorant and:

  • because you don't, and
  • so

use your brain, and 2) I know you won't answer all...or any...of my questions - including ones which I have repeated, answering them as many times as I asked them. You're not here for discussion; you're here for trolling and arguing, shitting all over the forum. You ignore advice to take it to email instead of shitting all over here, yet you stay shitting all over here, instead. Maybe you're trying to be a comedian.

Whatever you are or aren't, and are or aren't trying to do, at least do do two things - use your brain, and enjoy.

Donovandal said:
Necessary or not i will put a simple reminder:

Do not underestimate the importance of void meditation, ability to control your thoughts, emotions and any form of energies is a very basic and necessary step if you really are serious about reaching godhead.
How can you possibly make a beneficial conscious decision if you let your unnecessary felling, emotion etc. decide for you ?
How can you concentrate on moving the mountain with your mind if you let silly thoughts distract you ?
I have experience with people who are overly-emotional, hence why I decided to start a thread about it. I don't claim it has all of the answers, but people who have read and replied in it have said they understand why I made the thread, so it helps at least some.

Sarcastically, I love it that people choose to be ignorant. Sincerely, you can't say anything without someone choosing to be offended and choosing to cry.

If you walk on eggshells around particular individuals, then taken too far that is like them having power and control in situations where you can't say anything lest they cry because they choose to be offended by a particular set of words, instead of fixing their overly-emotional state, and that causes people to not want to be around them for very long. Then that makes them worse, bitter, and very lonely or other bad things. People should get over their emotions, be in control of them, and stop thinking with their emotions and instead they should think with their brains.

Lay off the crack pipe. All truth is not subjective. It is VERY important to correct telling people to attack each other and having Beelzebub to come after them. The reason im calling you a jew is because you talk like one. You literally wished I was dead, then call me over emotional lol.

Apologize together? Im sorry that storm blood and fancy mancy are acting like infiltrators and trying to push pure jewish garbage.

Im not going to kiss and make up to everyone no nothing online that apparently tries to attack my Family when they dont get their way. Besides this isnt a fight its a funeral. As we watch them bury themselves and put it to rest.

All im doing is Laughing as they go down. You attack our Family, or promote it and you will suffer the consequences.
One thing to notice that another source of arguments is that everyone wants to convince someone else that their opinions are correct, as Fancy Mancy pointed out. I realised that has been the case with me as well and that, whether one is right or not, should not push their truth/knowledge/whatever upon other. You tell once, then let it go. Who is well-equipped to understand, will be aware of what you're saying but there is absolutely no need to push it, regardless of how much you care that people learn. Lydia, Coraxo, Fancy Mancy and others helped me learned this by pointing it out in the first place. Whether one is right or not in the end, trying to push something always leads to conflict. Moreover, if you're passionate in expressing yourself, people end up thinking you're bullying them or someone else and focus on the appearances (communication style) instead of going deeper and focusing on the message that is delivered. For the sake of arguing and proving one is right and the other is wrong, some people put words in the mouth of other people and those who don't twist other people's words are found answering to defend their words, etc. This evidently doesn't work and the result is what we see and has been depicted by other members. Then there are also people that, just because someone disagrees with them, they go on a rampage and don't even read the first line of the other people's posts, assuming they are automatically stating the opposite of what they believe in.

Now, this is a community with thousands of people. I realise that arguments and heated discussion happen and are always going to happen because you can't get along with along with everyone. We all have different personalities: some may have similar personalities, other completely opposing ones. What's important is that in the end everyone keeps doing what they came here to do: partaking in the war efforts and advancing themselves. Just because there is some infighting, it doesn't mean that when it matters the most we are not going to be united under the same banner. For example, there is the common trope of the vitriolic best buds: two buddies that are always at odds with each other in daily but when it comes to protect the other buddy's life or the pride of the community they're part of, they're going to be on the same side. In our case, it's not just about any community. Our community is primarily our race but even more than that at this point in history it's the entire human species that we're fighting for.

This is not a pep talk. This is just to highlight other causes of arguments and to show that, regardless of those, we still are working for the same goals. So unity is still intact regardless of the people we like or dislike, agree or disagree, etc.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Coraxo said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Also as for something boring you. I dont recall trying to entertain you. This is a serious offense and will be shown for what it is, wether or not that tickles your fancy. Or in this case your fancy mancy. I really could care less. If you dont think calling this out is important you just become part of the problem. It would be differnt If we were arguing over hair color or something trivial. So in other words keep your whiny cry baby opinions to yourself as they are not needed here.

What is needed is for others to know this is NOT Acceptable. Which I believe is pretty well done now. As they can only come back with insults and nothing of merit. So my work is done. I leave you to find a more entertaining topic for yourselves.

As always, the paranoia kicks in you and you start fighting and insulting everyone as if they were directing their words to you.

My words were general and not directed to anyone specifically. Believe it or not, I don't give one damn about you.

Put your ego aside for a moment and look in a mirror and you'll see that you're a part of the problem.

Now either take my advice or show me your silence, as I don't feel like putting more fuel in this already big fire.

If you take what people say and not what they really mean you are a fool. You are playing a passive aggressive game. You came in with dismissive remarks, Then when you get called out on it, you say oh it wasnt against you. When it was but not said directly.

Lets look at why you said it. What do you get from it? Oh yes to come in and act like youre better then everyone. Oh great egoless one, How can we be like you?!

Then when questioned you play innocent. Another revealing remark is show me your silence. A remark that could mean nothing but Dominance. So in other words this is Beta Male Tactics at its finest. See ive had a few girlfriends, So I know how to deal with Little Bitchy Girly boys like you.

Why dont you be a good sport and grab daddy a beer.

Good job, you just proved my point.

Keep insulting all SS here, we'll see where that will get you.
This has gone on too far already. Obviously any Satanist with a rational mind, a pair of brains and a view on the bigger picture here(that we are all in this together, part of the same Satanic vortex once we are dedicated by blood and soul to the cause..) should KNOW beyond any doubt that binding or cursing another Blood dedicated Satanist is inviting untold wrath and sufferance to themselves.

This is stated on the JoS yet people choose to ignore this. Go to Beelzebub and he will handle these matters, before things escalate.

I would seriously love for an HP or HPS to interject on this matter which seems obvious, with reading the above arguments or what the JoS has to say on this. People might the mistake of following the useful idiot path
Stormblood said:
As for Aldrick, he can keep believing as well whatever he wants. In the end, we know exactly what his level of reading comprehension is, as we can see in the topic Allocentrism and other topics where he argues with people who think it differently. Meaning that every word is wasted on him, as he doesn't actually read any of what anyone else is writing, and instead he keeps rampaging and assuming, coherently with his mental patterns.


I haven't even participated in the original argument and he insulted me several times. I wonder what would be his reaction if I actually were being passive aggressive like he thinks.

Aldrick is truly the SS version of SJW, he even projects his insecurities at other people too. I bet he was called a beta male so much in his life, why would he even mention it otherwise? Is his masculinity so fragile that he felt threatened by me trying to calm everyone down?

This kid is truly remarkable (not a compliment).
Dahaarkan said:
Mate no one is devaluing what you've done here. Stormblood's point of view on binding was wrong and in need of correction.

Of this, you're never going to convince me, as I firmly believe that only applies to people who're morally elevated enough to understand what they're doing and so to never purposefully and heavily harm another SS. Unfortunately, I believe we're far from living in Wonderland and when the first occasion comes (for me or everyone else) I believe everyone will behave proportionately, without following rigid dogmas that are nowhere on the JoS website. But I'm done to push it on you guys. Believe what you will.

As for Aldrick, he can keep believing as well whatever he wants. In the end, we know exactly what his level of reading comprehension is, as we can see in the topic Allocentrism and other topics where he argues with people who think it differently. Meaning that every word is wasted on him, as he doesn't actually read any of what anyone else is writing, and instead he keeps rampaging and assuming, coherently with his mental patterns.
Stormblood said:
One thing to notice that another source of arguments is that everyone wants to convince someone else that their opinions are correct, as Fancy Mancy pointed out. I realised that has been the case with me as well and that, whether one is right or not, should not push their truth/knowledge/whatever upon other. You tell once, then let it go. Who is well-equipped to understand, will be aware of what you're saying but there is absolutely no need to push it, regardless of how much you care that people learn. Lydia, Coraxo, Fancy Mancy and others helped me learned this by pointing it out in the first place. Whether one is right or not in the end, trying to push something always leads to conflict. Moreover, if you're passionate in expressing yourself, people end up thinking you're bullying them or someone else and focus on the appearances (communication style) instead of going deeper and focusing on the message that is delivered. For the sake of arguing and proving one is right and the other is wrong, some people put words in the mouth of other people and those who don't twist other people's words are found answering to defend their words, etc. This evidently doesn't work and the result is what we see and has been depicted by other members. Then there are also people that, just because someone disagrees with them, they go on a rampage and don't even read the first line of the other people's posts, assuming they are automatically stating the opposite of what they believe in.

Now, this is a community with thousands of people. I realise that arguments and heated discussion happen and are always going to happen because you can't get along with along with everyone. We all have different personalities: some may have similar personalities, other completely opposing ones. What's important is that in the end everyone keeps doing what they came here to do: partaking in the war efforts and advancing themselves. Just because there is some infighting, it doesn't mean that when it matters the most we are not going to be united under the same banner. For example, there is the common trope of the vitriolic best buds: two buddies that are always at odds with each other in daily but when it comes to protect the other buddy's life or the pride of the community they're part of, they're going to be on the same side. In our case, it's not just about any community. Our community is primarily our race but even more than that at this point in history it's the entire human species that we're fighting for.

This is not a pep talk. This is just to highlight other causes of arguments and to show that, regardless of those, we still are working for the same goals. So unity is still intact regardless of the people we like or dislike, agree or disagree, etc.

In this matter its not about convincing. No one is stupid enough to take this idiotic advice. Thank Satan for that. The only other people posting now are the little Beta Males that want a shot at me because they think it might make their balls drop.

I am not here to argue hair color. I am here as a Aryan Man standing up for my family. I say to you and others who commit treason by attacking each other. Fuck you. We would probably would have your head already a thousand years ago. But then again they knew better and youre just ignorant.

When It was just me you were attacking or some ideas about mantras I let the topic go. But you do NOT attack my family and think im going to be quiet. As for little mommas boys that want to tell me to do so just because they wanted to look like the hero and then jump head first into the drama, all you are going to do is embarass yourselves.

There is no way for you to feasibly squirm out of this. Other then to apologize for making such a comment.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Stormblood said:
One thing to notice that another source of arguments is that everyone wants to convince someone else that their opinions are correct, as Fancy Mancy pointed out. I realised that has been the case with me as well and that, whether one is right or not, should not push their truth/knowledge/whatever upon other. You tell once, then let it go. Who is well-equipped to understand, will be aware of what you're saying but there is absolutely no need to push it, regardless of how much you care that people learn. Lydia, Coraxo, Fancy Mancy and others helped me learned this by pointing it out in the first place. Whether one is right or not in the end, trying to push something always leads to conflict. Moreover, if you're passionate in expressing yourself, people end up thinking you're bullying them or someone else and focus on the appearances (communication style) instead of going deeper and focusing on the message that is delivered. For the sake of arguing and proving one is right and the other is wrong, some people put words in the mouth of other people and those who don't twist other people's words are found answering to defend their words, etc. This evidently doesn't work and the result is what we see and has been depicted by other members. Then there are also people that, just because someone disagrees with them, they go on a rampage and don't even read the first line of the other people's posts, assuming they are automatically stating the opposite of what they believe in.

Now, this is a community with thousands of people. I realise that arguments and heated discussion happen and are always going to happen because you can't get along with along with everyone. We all have different personalities: some may have similar personalities, other completely opposing ones. What's important is that in the end everyone keeps doing what they came here to do: partaking in the war efforts and advancing themselves. Just because there is some infighting, it doesn't mean that when it matters the most we are not going to be united under the same banner. For example, there is the common trope of the vitriolic best buds: two buddies that are always at odds with each other in daily but when it comes to protect the other buddy's life or the pride of the community they're part of, they're going to be on the same side. In our case, it's not just about any community. Our community is primarily our race but even more than that at this point in history it's the entire human species that we're fighting for.

This is not a pep talk. This is just to highlight other causes of arguments and to show that, regardless of those, we still are working for the same goals. So unity is still intact regardless of the people we like or dislike, agree or disagree, etc.

In this matter its not about convincing. No one is stupid enough to take this idiotic advice. Thank Satan for that. The only other people posting now are the little Beta Males that want a shot at me because they think it might make their balls drop.

I am not here to argue hair color. I am here as a Aryan Man standing up for my family. I say to you and others who commit treason by attacking each other. Fuck you. We would probably would have your head already a thousand years ago. But then again they knew better and youre just ignorant.

When It was just me you were attacking or some ideas about mantras I let the topic go. But you do NOT attack my family and think im going to be quiet. As for little mommas boys that want to tell me to do so just because they wanted to look like the hero and then jump head first into the drama, all you are going to do is embarass yourselves.

There is no way for you to feasibly squirm out of this. Other then to apologize for making such a comment.

Careful not to fall into the traps you set yourself.
Braun666 said:
This has gone on too far already. Obviously any Satanist with a rational mind, a pair of brains and a view on the bigger picture here(that we are all in this together, part of the same Satanic vortex once we are dedicated by blood and soul to the cause..) should KNOW beyond any doubt that binding or cursing another Blood dedicated Satanist is inviting untold wrath and sufferance to themselves.

This is stated on the JoS yet people choose to ignore this. Go to Beelzebub and he will handle these matters, before things escalate.

I would seriously love for an HP or HPS to interject on this matter which seems obvious, with reading the above arguments or what the JoS has to say on this. People might the mistake of following the useful idiot path

How right you are Braun. See ive gone to Beelzebub already. I would never attack. Beezelbub takes care of business quickly. Has stopped many attacks on me. Hes also my Personal Guardian so theres that.

I am far from worried about that. I don't think it was coincidence they flew off the handle and let it slip. I believe embarassing someone who cares so much about a rep, is a fine non aggressive punishment for the crime.

Public shaming, instead of keeping it behind closed doors. It will only make him stronger in the end. I cherish when I get shown for being to full of myself as I learn. Teloc and Red tail could have learned that sooner before they got it the hard way.

Me as well. Oh yes I learned back in 2012 not to take myself so seriously. Best Lesson ever. Im just laughing the whole time because its so funny watching their pathetic attempts to justify themselves.

Its just a Male Game to me. I love watching arrogant people just fumble all over themselves. Like that one jew that got mad at me when I said half jews cant dedicate. Then burnt themselves out as we poked it with a stick. Sometimes I honestly wonder why they keep trying. Yet another post comes out and I laugh somemore.

If I was in your shoes, A little advice, stop talking. it Will make you stop looking bad and let it die away. Then in a year no one will care or remember.

Males who have not proved themselves yet, Biting at the chomp to show the world they are the Hero. Its better then Netflix. I know im not a hero hehe. But ive been around the block a few times. Im just a Guy doing my best in the world. Sometimes I fail and other times I do good.

I dont have the patience to pretend to be perfect. But if someone is going to say a bunch of shit then act all hotty about it. I see it as my duty to torture this person with their own illogic. If they would just walk away the fun would end. But they never seem to see that.

They never seem to get no one is going to take them as serious as they take themselves. No one cares. No one dedicates their life to thinking about them and how great they are. How they must be right etc.

This is why I do not care what people think. I don't care if people here like me. Or if they think im High Priest Ballsdick, overlord of 12 legions of Hell. HooRah!!!

People listen to what I say because I make sense. Im simplistic, common sense and to the point. Most of the time anyway. (Let me stress that point) For those who like it, yay I hope it helped. For those who do not or get all offended at my very existence or being alive. Your funny, but Dont think im going to play nice and kiss someones ass who says my mother should have drowned me. Im sorry.. do.. Do I have Im a Kiketard Written on me somewhere?

Squirms around looking for it. Oh! So I did! Gets rid of that. There we go, I can see how that was confusing now. Didnt see that sticky note there. That one was MY Bad.

No im not going to love this bafoon. Im not going to curse him though. Especially not storm blood as I feel pretty certain he is legit SS. Beelzebub would have my ass. I would be like taxodermy when it was over. I am not that stupid. I dont know what the mental prognosis for these two are. I mean maybe I need to talk nicer. Its very impolite to bully retarded people. But yeah no im not that stupid.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Read again and see who (you) called whom (me) a retard first. If you've read any of my posts, then you should know I only retaliate after others use ad hominem attacks against me first. If that doesn't make sense, or it does but you are choosing to ignore it, then let me say it this way - use your brain.
Regardless of how Aldrick was acting, when is it ever acceptable to wish that another Satanist was DEAD instead of doing RTRs?
FancyMancy said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Your mum is the retard for not drowning you at birth.
From my view of this squabble, you both should apologize to each other for many rotten remarks. If someone uses an ad hominem attack against you, you should accuse them of that, NOT reply with your own ad hominem attack.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Read again and see who (you) called whom (me) a retard first. If you've read any of my posts, then you should know I only retaliate after others use ad hominem attacks against me first. If that doesn't make sense, or it does but you are choosing to ignore it, then let me say it this way - use your brain.
Regardless of how Aldrick was acting, when is it ever acceptable to wish that another Satanist was DEAD instead of doing RTRs?
FancyMancy said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Your mum is the retard for not drowning you at birth.
From my view of this squabble, you both should apologize to each other for many rotten remarks. If someone uses an ad hominem attack against you, you should accuse them of that, NOT reply with your own ad hominem attack.
I never said anything about wishing any SS dead.

Aldrick Strickland said:
FancyMancy said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Read again and see who (you) called whom (me) a retard first. If you've read any of my posts, then you should know I only retaliate after others use ad hominem attacks against me first. If that doesn't make sense, or it does but you are choosing to ignore it, then let me say it this way - use your brain.

Why is convincing people important to you? I share things how I see and understand them (call that an attack if it makes you feel better), as do everyone, yet you decide that I am retarded and that I am trying to convince people. I said something that another member said, yet you have stopped attacking them, have you? Why? You ignored my questions, and asked yours. Why? Ignorance is bliss, is it? Two more things 1) I'm not going to bother reading the remainder of your reply because you're ignorant and:

  • because you don't, and
  • so

use your brain, and 2) I know you won't answer all...or any...of my questions - including ones which I have repeated, answering them as many times as I asked them. You're not here for discussion; you're here for trolling and arguing, shitting all over the forum. You ignore advice to take it to email instead of shitting all over here, yet you stay shitting all over here, instead. Maybe you're trying to be a comedian.

Whatever you are or aren't, and are or aren't trying to do, at least do do two things - use your brain, and enjoy.

Donovandal said:
Necessary or not i will put a simple reminder:

Do not underestimate the importance of void meditation, ability to control your thoughts, emotions and any form of energies is a very basic and necessary step if you really are serious about reaching godhead.
How can you possibly make a beneficial conscious decision if you let your unnecessary felling, emotion etc. decide for you ?
How can you concentrate on moving the mountain with your mind if you let silly thoughts distract you ?
I have experience with people who are overly-emotional, hence why I decided to start a thread about it. I don't claim it has all of the answers, but people who have read and replied in it have said they understand why I made the thread, so it helps at least some.

Sarcastically, I love it that people choose to be ignorant. Sincerely, you can't say anything without someone choosing to be offended and choosing to cry.

If you walk on eggshells around particular individuals, then taken too far that is like them having power and control in situations where you can't say anything lest they cry because they choose to be offended by a particular set of wordcs, instead of fixing their overly-emotional state, and that causes people to not want to be around them for very long. Then that makes them worse, bitter, and very lonely or other bad things. People should get over their emotions, be in control of them, and stop thinking with their emotions and instead they should think with their brains.

Because you agreed that binding was okay. Now stop playing the victim.
Try realising "the jew bound the Gods", and then realise "binding another SS from being a vampire against you". I won't expect you, or no-one in particular, to understand.

What victim playing? I said to shut up crying, and take the crying to email instead of shitting all over the forum. You're so clever, and thanks for being ignorant and not answering my questions. Point: proven. Skillz: gained. Level: advanced. I'd say the game is a good one, but it's as rehashed as the jew's "reboot" franchises . yawn

When you're ready to grow up and take the shit off the forum, let me know. shouts whisper loudly I know you won't!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
